Name in Chinese:楊文光 Name in English:Yang, Wen K. Education: Tulane University Affiliation:Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei Title:Research Fellow, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica Tel:886-2-2652-3056, 886-2-2789-9052 Fax:886-2-2782-9142 My Personal Homepage: wkyang_c.html Fields of Specialty:Cancer Molecular Markers and Gene Therapy, Retroviruses and Gene Transfer, Immuno-Biochemistry of Dendritic Cells Research Description: 1. Cancer Gene/Cell Therapy: This laboratory has been actively engaged in gene therapy research for the past 5-6 years. The ongoing DOH grant, Cancer Gene Therapy: Retroviral Core and Preclinical Studies, in the NSC/DOH Frontier Gene Research Program, has the following specific aims: (1) to improve retroviral vector gene transfer technology for human cancer cells; (2) to investigate various combination gene therapy approaches and search for new therapeutic genes; (3) to elucidate specific patho-physiological aspects of human cancer diseases pertinent to the gene therapy approaches in translational research; (4) to initiate clinical trials by active collaboration with physician/surgeon scientists at medical centers. We are currently collaborating with a neurosurgeons/clinical team at Chang-gun Memorial Hospital to carry out a clinical trial of dendritic cell-based tumor vaccine adjuvant therapy in patients of glioblastoma multiforme, the most deadly human brain tumor. Preliminary results showed minimal side effects, specific immune lymphocyte infiltration at tumor site and apparent increase in patient survival. Translational research and clinical trials of similar therapeutic approaches will be extended to other difficult human malignant diseases such as pancreatic and lung cancer. 2. Individualized Cancer Markers for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Purposes: Every human cancer is a distinct disease entity and even patients of the same cancer entity usually present different patho-physiological alterations and require individual treatments. The most important problems are, therefore, how to distinguish the specific disease features and to establish proper treatment plan for individual cancer patients. In this regard, a working hypothesis has been conceived to search for molecular signatures of various human cancers and for molecular prognostic indicators that represent the disease conditions of individual patients. Proteomic approaches are currently being exploited to identify individual tumor regression antigens in various cancer cells we have collected from Chinese patients. 3. Human Endogenous Retrotransposable Genes in Response to Environmental Insults: The human chromosomal DNA is composed mostly of repetitive elements, some of which are endogenous retroviral or retro-transposable genes. Functional genomic studies of these gene elements are performed, especially in relation to environmental mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Selected Recent Publication: 1. Wei, S.J., Chao, Y., Shih, Y.L., Yang, D.M., Hung, Y.M. and Yang, W.K. Involvement of Fas (CD95/APO-1) and Fas ligand in apoptosis induced by ganciclovir treatment of tumor cells transduced with herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase. Gene Therapy 6: 420-431, 1999. 2. Chao,Y., Shih, Y.L., Cheng, H.L., Wei, S.J., Chi, K.H., Yeh, S.H., Lee, S.D. and Yang, W.K. Gene therapy with tumor vaccine increases the survival of hepatoma-bearing mice. Chinese Med. J. (Taipei) 62: 682-689, 1999. 3. Tano, K.I. and Yang, W.K. Distinction of multiple endogenous murine leukemia virus-related proviral genes in mouse genome by restriction endonuclease digestion of isolated nuclei. J. Genet. Mol. Biol. 11: 63-78, 2000. 4. Chen, W.S., Wei, S.J., Hsiao, M., Liu, J.M., Lin, J.K. and Yang, W.K. Tumor invasiveness and liver metastasis of colon cancer cells correlate with cyclooxygenase-2 expression and susceptibility to selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor etodolac. Intern. J. Cancer 91: 894-899, 2001. 5. Yang, W.K., Wang, T.H., Hoy, P.R., ChÕang, L.Y., Yang, D.M., Myer, F.E., Wei, S.J., Henry, D.D. and Savin, T.J. Reproductive, genetic and oncogenic complications in transgenic mice developed by micro-injection of recombinant DNA constructs that contain mouse chromosomal retroviral long-terminal-repeat elements. J. Genet. Mol. Biol. 12: 12-27, 2001. 6. Chen, W.S., Lin, J.H., Wei, S.J., Liu, J.M., Hong C.Y. and Yang W.K. Colon cancer cells with high invasive potential are susceptible to induction of apoptosis by a selective COX-2 inhibitor. Cancer Science 94(3): 253-258, 2003. 7. Janckila, A.J., Yang, W.K., Lin, R.J., Tseng, C.J., Chang, H.Y., Chang, J.M. and Yam, L.T. Flow cytoenzymology of intracellular tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 51: 1131-7, 2003. 8. Deng, W.P., Yang, W.K., Lai, W.F., Liu, R.S., Hwang J.J., Yang, D.M., Fu, Y.K. and Wang, H.E. Noninvasive in vivo imaging with radio-abeled FIAU for monitoring cancer gene therapy using herpes virus type 1 thymidine kinase and ganciclovir. Europ. J. Nuclear Medicine Molec. Imaging 31:99-109, 2004. 9. Juang, S.H., Wei, S.J., Hsu, C.Y., Liu, K.J., Hung, Y.M., Yang, D.M., Chen, W.S. and Yang, W.K. Interferon-bƒÒinduces mitochondrial disruption and subsequent caspase-mediated apoptosis in human advanced stage colon cancer cell lines. J. Interferon and Cytokine Re Res. 24: 231-243, 2004. 10.Hung, S.C., Yang, D.M., Chang, C.F., Lin, R.J., Wang, J.S., Ho, L.L, and Yang, W.K. Immortalization without neoplastic transformation of human mesenchymal stem cells by transduction with HPV16 E6/E7 genes. Internat. J. Cancer 110: 313-319 (fast track publication) 2004.