Name: Per.______ Date: ______ Mapping Your River Basin You

Name:______________________________________________________________ Per.___________ Date: ___________
Mapping Your River Basin
You have been recruited by the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources to create a
new educational brochure for our local river basin. You and your partner will need to do some research on our river
basin to help you create the new educational brochure for the NCDENR. After you completed the research required, you
will then work with your partner to create a brochure. You may use the NCDENR brochures already created, or you can
find other resources to supplement your project, however, you must list all sources used on your brochure. You may
type or write your research, however both research pieces need to be attached to your rubric.
Part 1: Research(Complete First):
Name of Person completing this part: __________________________________________________________
Physical Characteristics of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin
1.) What are the two rivers that our basin is named after?
2.) What are three major tributaries in this river basin?
3.) Where does the river basin empty? Is this an estuary?
4.) Describe the flow of water through our river basin
5.) Describe the ecological address of our river basin.
6.) List any major lakes that are a part of our river basin.
7.) What are five of the native animal species in our river basin.
Name of person completing this part: __________________________________________________________
Human Impact of your River Basin
1.) What actions, by humans, affect water quality? How do these actions affect our river basin?
2.) What is the topography of our river basin?
3.) Based on the topographic profile, where would land pollution flow into our river basin?
4.) Where do people in our river basin get their drinking water?
5.) How do contaminated soils affect the drinking water in our river basin.
6.) Is urban development a problem in our river basin?
7.) Name 5 sources of point source and non-point source pollution in our river basin.
8.) What are 3 ways that citizens are making a difference in our river basin.
Name:______________________________________________________________ Per.___________ Date: ___________
Part 2: Making the Brochure (Rubric)
When you are creating this brochure, be sure to include all of the components outlined below. You will loose points for
missing items. You will also loose points for sloppy or incomplete work, so be sure to use your class time wisely.
Completed Name:
Group Portion of project:
1.) Name of River basin (5 points)
2.) Basin Profile (5 points)
3.) Brochure has color (5 points)
4.) Space is maximized (5 points)
5.) neat, professional and easy to read (10 points)
6.) Bibliography (10 points)
7.) Project turned in on time (10 points)
(Due Friday, September 27th)
Individual portion of project:
Map of river basin which includes: (Completed by:
1.) Main Rivers (4 points) *
2.) Main tributaries (7 points)*
3.) Main Lakes and reservoirs (4 points)*
4.) County Borders and names (8 points)*
5.) Location of our school (1 point)*
6.) Flow of water drawn on map (2 point)*
7.) Ecological address (9 points)
8.) Native species in river basin ( 5 points)
9.) Research was completed (10 points)
Human impact on River Basin: (Completed by:
1.) Topographic Map of river basin showing points
of pollution contamination (5 points)
2.) Flow of water drawn onto topographic map (3
3.) List of 5 sources pollutants (both point source
and non-point source) found in River Basin (5
4.) Explain how these pollutants affect our drinking
water (5 points)
5.) List of 5 human actions that affect water quality
(5 points)
6.) Location of drinking water (2 points)
7.) List 5 ways urban development affects our river
basin (5 points)
8.) List 3 ways citizens are making a difference in
the river basin (10 points)
9.) Research was completed (10 points)
Final Grade (group grade + individual grade)
100 points possible