Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form Institutional Biosafety Committee Use Only Date Received BSL Protocol Number Approved? Yes No Date IBC Chair Signature The USC Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is the institutional review body responsible for oversight of all research activities that involve microbiological agents and/or toxins as required and outlined in the National Institutes of Health Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (NIH Guidelines) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories. ALL RESEARCHERS who work with one or more of the materials listed under “Materials Used” MUST complete and submit this form to the IBC for approval via email to If you have any questions, contact Environmental Health and Safety at (323) 442-2200. GENERAL INFORMATION Application Status: Title of Project: Principal Investigator: Department: New Application Three Year Renewal Degree: Academic Title: Mailing Address: Telephone: Co-Investigator(s): Lab Supervisor/Manager: Funding Agency: Project Funded? Y N List Research Location(s) – building/room(s): UPC: HSC: Other USC site(s) including leased space: Mail code: Fax: Tel: Tel: Email: Email: Email: Proposed Start Date: Did this facility grant approval for this study? (if Non-USC Facility (list each below): yes, attach a copy of IBC approval letter or equivalent to this protocol) Y Y Y N N N Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Pending Pending Pending Not Required Not Required Not Required Page 1 of 15 MATERIALS USED Yes No Select all materials this project will use or produce: Recombinant DNA, gene transfer, host vector systems Creation of transgenic or other genetically modified plants or animals Animals inoculated with or exposed to hazardous materials Human subjects Radiation Infectious agents (Bacteria, Virus, Yeast, Fungus, Parasitic Agents) Human/Non-Human Primate material including established human cell lines CDC Select Agents DEA Chemical Precursors Known Carcinogens/Toxins/Mutagens If “Yes,” complete this addendum: I I II III IV V VI VII VII VII PERSONNEL / TRAINING A. Describe the Principal Investigator(s)’s qualifications and training that are relevant to the procedures this project will employ. Specify years of experience. If the Principal Investigator does not have relevant qualifications or experience, explain how the required expertise and training will be provided. New USC Faculty must attach a curriculum vitae or NIH biosketch to this form. B. List ALL personnel working under this protocol. All such employees, including the Principal Investigator, are required to receive formal training in the safe use and handling of potentially hazardous materials prior to commencement of this project. The IBC may require that training be provided by someone other than the Principal Investigator. (List additional personnel together in last row; When personnel change, submit Modification Form.) Name ID # Degree Job title Procedures Training Years of performed Completed? experience (from Project IBC use Desc. below) PI: # years # # years # # years # # years # # years # # years # # Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 only # Page 2 of 15 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a detailed summary of the project in lay language, including the overall experimental design: To enable the IBC to evaluate the risks associated with this project, please specify any experimental procedures associated with this project that may expose lab workers to hazardous agents (identified above) and explain the procedures that personnel will use to reduce the risk. Describe any risk-reducing devices (e.g., engineered sharps protective devices) that this project will employ. List procedures and devices below. Cross reference each procedure with personnel in Section B. 1. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH All employees who have occupational exposure to potentially hazardous materials must be aware of their risk of exposure to the specific materials as well as control measures that reduce or eliminate the exposure risk. Document discussion of this information. Have all employees who work with human material been offered the Hepatitis B vaccine? Are other test/vaccines required for this protocol? Y Y N N If yes, identify each: Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 3 of 15 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Date of last laboratory inspection (IBC use only): Biosafety cabinet type(s): Location(s): Certification date(s): Fume hood used? Y Location(s): Certification date(s): N N/A List all engineered sharps employed (e.g., needles, cutting tools, etc). An ‘engineered sharp’ has a physical attribute built into the device that effectively reduces risk of an exposure incident (e.g., hinged needle shields, retractable needles, needleless IV connectors, etc.). Use of engineered sharps is required, unless the IBC granted prior authorization. Manufacturer(s) and Model(s): If engineered sharps cannot be used, explain why: Personal Protective Equipment worn while handling agents: Disposable gloves Eye protection Dust mask Lab Coat/ Overalls Full face shield Fitted respirator Shoe covers Head cover Other: Disinfectant(s) used: Contact time: Concentration: (Bleach solutions must be made daily) TRANSPORTATION / SHIPPING Containers used to transport materials between locations must meet applicable Department of Transportation requirements and be properly labeled, sealed, leak-proof, and puncture resistant. Check ALL that apply: Materials will not be transported outside of the laboratory where used. Materials will be hand carried on campus from: to: Materials will be transported by vehicle from: List all individuals who will transport materials in a vehicle: to: Materials will be transported to campus from the following off site location(s): List all individuals who will transport materials from off-site: Materials will be shipped off campus (using Fed-Ex, etc.). Attach copies of current Shipper Training Certifications for persons who initiate shipments (contact EH&S at (323) 442-2200 for training). Contact Contracts and Grants Dept. if a Material Transfer Agreement Form is needed. Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 4 of 15 SECURITY Describe how you will secure and limit access to laboratories where hazardous materials are used or stored: Physical Security: Card key access Keys issued by PI Lock doors when unoccupied Use Equipment Locks Other: No unauthorized personnel allowed Internal Security Procedures: Escort all Guests and Visitors Escort Housekeeping and Maintenance personnel Other: WASTE DISPOSAL My lab will produce (check appropriate boxes): Biological Waste consisting of: Sharps waste Solid waste Liquid waste Pathological waste Infected animal carcasses Carcinogenic/Toxic Waste consisting of: Solid waste Excess and expired carcinogenic chemicals or toxins Carcinogenic animal carcasses Chemical remains and contaminated bedding Other: EMERGENCY PROCEDURES In case of an exposure incident, my lab personnel are instructed to obtain treatment at the following location: Health Sciences Campus: Ambulatory Health Care Center (Health Care Consultation II) University Park Campus: Faculty/Staff Clinic (Student Health Services) After Hours/Weekends: Good Samaritan Hospital 1225 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles 90017 Other: Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 5 of 15 INVESTIGATOR’S ASSURANCE 1. I confirm that all persons involved with this project (including my collaborators) have been adequately trained in good microbiological techniques, have received instruction on any specific hazards associated with the project and worksite, and are aware of any specific safety equipment, practices and behaviors required while conducting project procedures and using these facilities. The IBC may review my records documenting this instruction. 2. I will immediately report to the Biosafety Officer any accident, injury, spill of biohazardous material, equipment or facility failure (i.e., ventilation failure), and /or any breakdown in procedure that could result in potential exposure of laboratory personnel, staff or the public to biohazardous or toxic material. 3. I confirm that any proposed changes to my work that would result in an increased level of biohazard will be reported to the IBC before the change is implemented. 4. I confirm that no work that requires IBC approval will be initiated or modified until approval is received. 5. I will notify the IBC of all personnel changes or additions, including students and volunteers, through use of the Protocol Modification Form. 6. I will provide refresher safety training that includes hazards specific to this project at least annually for all personnel who work with or work near any hazards associated with this protocol. The IBC may review my records documenting this instruction. 7. I have read and understand my responsibilities as Principal Investigator outlined in Section IV-B-4 of the NIH Guidelines, and agree to comply with these responsibilities. 8. I certify that the information provided within this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that, should I use the project described in this application as a basis for a funding proposal (either intramural or extramural), I am responsible for ensuring that the description of procedures in the funding proposal is identical in principle to that contained in this application. 9. I confirm that all persons involved with this protocol will comply with all environmental laws and regulations and that this project does not significantly impact the environment. Investigator’s Signature: Date: Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 6 of 15 ADDENDUM I. Quick Reference to the NIH Guidelines for use of rDNA. Yes No Does the protocol involve transfer of a drug resistance trait to an organism that does not acquire it normally? (check “No” for standard drug resistance, e.g., ampicillin into E. coli) Does rDNA contain gene coding for the synthesis of molecules toxic to vertebrates? Will rDNA be used in human gene transfer experiments? Are any human or animal pathogens used either as a host organism or as a vector? Will any DNA from Risk Group 2, 3, or 4 agents or restricted organisms be cloned into non-pathogenic prokaryotic or lower eukaryotic host vector systems? Does any rDNA or RNA manipulation involve the use of defective animal or plant viruses in the presence of a helper virus in tissue culture systems or in animals? Does any rDNA or RNA manipulation involve the use of infectious animal or plant viruses in tissue culture systems or in animals? Do any rDNA molecules contain greater than one-half of any eukaryotic viral genome? Does any rDNA manipulation involve whole animals or plants? Will this protocol involve any large-scale experiments (i.e., more than 10 liters of culture)? NATURE OF INSERT List Genus/Species or common name of the source organism of the insert DNA. List gene names, biological markers, sequences, promotors, etc., and describe the function/activity of the DNA or its product. Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 7 of 15 Which of the following host-vector systems will be used for this research? (Check box(es) and provide further details as requested.) VECTOR: Bacterial plasmids Name plasmids: Retrovirus: Vector backbone: Murine Name strain: Agrobacterium spp. Name species: Other: Is the host range Baculovirus Adeno-associated virus amphotropic or ecotropic? Lentivirus: Name HIV genes present or attach map: Adenovirus Name strain: Describe wild type deletions: Name envelope packaging system(s): Vaccinia virus Other: Host range: If a virus-derived vector system that is engineered to be replication-incompetent will be used, please explain below how this has been achieved using details, maps, references, etc. Also, describe how you will assure that your vector material is free from contamination by replicationcompetent virus (RCV). For all virus-derived vector systems, also complete Addendum V—even if you consider the formation of an RCV to be a very remote possibility. HOST Indicate the host(s) used to propagate vector plasmid that will generate recombinant virus: E. coli K12 Name derivative or strain: Other bacteria Give genus/species/strain: Laboratory animals Name species: Tissue culture: Cell designation: (Check all that apply) Human Established cell line Primary cell culture Transformed cell line Non human primate Other: Other host: Will you attempt to express a foreign gene? If so, what protein(s) will be produced? No Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Yes Page 8 of 15 ADDENDUM II. IACUC Protocol Number: Approval Date: Also complete the Animal Holding Room Door Sign on page 11. (Questions? Contact Animal Resources at (323) 442-1692.) Species of animal (include invertebrates and vertebrates): Field caught? Yes No (Use of animals that are potential reservoirs of zoonotic diseases) Transgenic or other genetically modified animals? Yes No A. Infectious agents or vectors used in live animals? If yes, identify: Yes No B. Hazardous chemicals/toxins in animals? If yes, identify: Yes No If question A. or B. above was answered “Yes,” complete questions below. Maximum infectious/hazardous dose per animal: Maximum infectious units per dose: Method of Delivery: Animal anesthetized during injections of agent: Animal restrainers used for injecting hazardous materials: Yes Yes No No Agent excreted/shed? Yes No If yes, explain the measures your lab will take to prevent accidental exposure to employees, students, visitors and other animals: Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 9 of 15 University of Southern California Environmental Health & Safety (323) 442-2200 ANIMAL HANDLER PRECAUTIONS Building: Room number: Date: IACUC PROTOCOL: Radiation Safety Permit #: IBC # (biologicals): IBC # (chemicals): The animals in this program are part of an approved experiment involving biohazardous organisms, radioactive materials and/or chemical toxins. Precautions checked below apply to this experiment. Principal Investigator: Phone: Emergency contact person: Phone: Identified hazard(s): The researcher or his/her technicians are responsible for the feeding and care of these animals. Individual cages are labeled with appropriate warning labels. The following items must be assumed to be contaminated with hazardous materials and must be handled only by the researcher or his/her technicians: Cage Water bottle Bedding Animal carcasses Equipment (specify): . Environmental Health and Safety MUST dispose of animal carcasses; call EH&S at 323-442-2200. ALL contaminated waste must be disposed of through EH&S at 323-442-2200. Filter top cages MUST be opened in a biological safety cabinet. The following personal protective equipment MUST be worn/used in this room: Lab coat/Coveralls Head cover Eye protection Shoe covers Surgical mask Gloves (double) Respirator (list make/model/type filter): Other: . Hands MUST be thoroughly washed upon leaving the room. Current Medical Surveillance Clearance is required for entry. Other: . Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 10 of 15 ADDENDUM III. IRB protocol number: If you have questions, contact: Approval date: HSC IRB (323) 223-2340 UPC IRB (213) 821-5272 Briefly describe any research involving human subjects: Will rDNA be used in human gene transfer experiments? Will rDNA be used in human subjects? Yes Yes No No Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 11 of 15 ADDENDUM IV. Radiation Safety permit number: For questions contact Environmental Health and Safety at (323) 442-2200. Indicate whether the following will be used. Radioactive material(s)? Identify: Yes Radiation producing device(s)? Identify: X-ray producing device(s)? Identify: No Yes Yes No No Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 12 of 15 ADDENDUM V. List ALL potentially infectious agents used in this project. Agent (e.g., E.coli) Risk Biosafety Group Level 1-4* (BSL 1-4) Aerosol Producing Procedures Building Room # Room Function * Contact Environmental Health and Safety immediately at (323) 442-2200 if you plan to work with agents in NIH Risk Group 3 or 4. Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 13 of 15 ADDENDUM VI. Human/Non Human Primate Material Used Material Name/Description Source Primary Material Whole blood/serum Blood component Unfixed tissue Established cell lines Cells OPIM (Other Potentially Infectious Materials) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Types of manipulations: Centrifugation Blending/Mixing Sonification Other: Dissection Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Pipetting Page 14 of 15 ADDENDUM VII. Known Carcinogen/Toxin/Mutagen (Include Floor Plan) CDC Select Agent (Include Floor Plan) DEA Chemical Precursor (No Floor Plan needed) Complete one page for each substance. Agent Name: BSL (if appropriate): Source Laboratory or Site: Source Address: Source Email: Source Phone: Total amount purchased: Location stored: Location used: Initial concentration: Final (usage) concentration: Expected Frequency of Use (e.g., daily, 1x/month) Expected Duration per Use (e.g., <1 hour, 2-4 hrs): Dilution procedures: Describe the safe handling and disposal procedures that will be used for this agent. Describe the air-handling system for the location(s) where the work will be performed (e.g., passthough or recirculated, type of filters, method for handling safety cabinet and fume hood exhaust). If working with a known carcinogen/toxin/mutagen or CDC Select Agent, attach a sketch/floor plan (not blueprints) for laboratory(ies) where work will be performed. Show location of entry points, fume hoods, biosafety cabinets, incubators, freezers, autoclaves and other equipment specified in the BMBL, NIH Guidelines, 29 CFR 1910, or other reference document as recommended for work with these agents. Mark air supply and exhaust vent locations. Institutional Biosafety Committee Protocol Submission Form – 8/16/2005 Page 15 of 15