UNIVERSITY OF LATVIA History and Philosophy Faculty History of Philosophy Department Mara Kiope Summary of the Promotion Paper Possibility of the Truth Experience in Linguisticality Doctoral Thesis to Attain a Doctoral Degree in Philosophy Subdepartment: History of Philosophy Rīga, 2008 23 I. The Theme of the Promotion Paper The processes taking place in the world, European and Latvian philosophies determine the significance and urgency of the promotion paper theme in the context of contemporary history of philosophy investigations. An investigation devoted to a philosophical analysis of the truth has an especial significance for the development of Latvian society, and the sphere of education in accordance with the traditions of European culture and democracy, in particular. The status of the problem of truth in contemporary philosophy is laid bare by content analysis of definitions of the concept of truth available in some philosophical encyclopedias. The definitions mainly accentuate the connection of the scientifically substantiated concept of truth with cognition and knowledge. On the other hand, attention is drawn to the historicity of truth and factors of cultural history influencing its understanding. In the classification of the truth paradigms predominates the explication of the theories of correspondence and coherence. However, this promotion paper concentrates on the paradigmatic view of the ontology of truth or truth as the truth of being. Only ontological truth can be existentially significant because it embraces man's being-in-the-world in its relationship with Being. From this point of view the traditional concept of truth worked out by St Thomas Aquinas in an original system synthesizing the definitions of Plato, Aristotle and medieval authors comes to the fore. Seven centuries later M.Heidegger breathes new life into the problem of ontologism of truth asking about the ontological foundation for the coherence of intellect and thing determined in the traditional truth concept. Hans-Georg Gadamer who revives the continuity of hermeneutical tradition in Western culture develops further Heidegger's initiatives in the original philosophical hermeneutics. The reasons the theme was chosen are as follows: in the first place, it is the process of development of contemporary philosophy and its subsection, history of philosophy. In this particular case it refers to the expansion of the problem of truth as the fundamental problem in the philosophy of the XX century, mainly in connection with the investigations of philosophical problems of language; ever more persistent integration of discoveries of medieval philosophy into contemporary problem investigations and finally, strengthening the synthesis of the theoretical solution of problems with history of philosophy approach in European research centres. Secondly, the choice of the theme is to be regarded as an answer to the situation of philosophy in Latvia when it is possible to freely investigate the so-called Western philosophy themes including those of the history of philosophy that were subjected to ideologically motivated censorship in not so very distant past. In this respect of importance is the philosophical analytics of St Thomas Aquinas offering an original investigative view on the scholastic 24 _______________________________________________________________________ language of being and gratifying material in mastering the medieval period of history of philosophy: it is necessary for Latvian philosophy to precisely master and have a good command of the heritage of medieval philosophy both on the level of scientific research and in the process of studying philosophy. Thirdly, the investigation results of the promotion paper can be used in perfecting the Latvian value orientation system of education, truth being the most important value of human existence although its solution as a value problem is theoretically difficult, as is evidenced by the efforts of the XX century philosophy. Thus, the investigation of the latest achievements in the solution of the great and eternal problem of truth in this promotion paper acquires an exceptional urgency in the context of contemporary social life in Latvia. Obviously, the restoration of sense interpretation in conformity with the highest European principles and values is possible in our society, as shown by M.Heidegger, reviving life with the help of truth. It means that society feels a necessity for forming such a practice of discourse of truth in public space that is based on philosophically stable theoretical bases. Thus, the promotion paper stimulates the appearance of an interdisciplinary approach to the investigation of the problem of truth forming a theoretical basis on a philosophical level for social, political sciences and humanities as well as drawing the attention of scientists of other branches and intellectuals of other spheres to the solution of the problem of truth as value. Thus, for instance, the Pacific Lutheran University professor G. Ķēniņš-Kings points out that the value orientation of Latvia's new economic leaders is pragmatic, not truth-directed. What they value most are their personal achievements and those of their organization. However, "it should be taken into consideration that they are useful to the chief executives in different circumstances. Such leaders in Latvia can serve different bosses and many powers". 1 That is why the solution of the problem of truth in the promotion paper is a contribution to practical solutions of value-oriented education2 and hence a better perspective of social life. The subjective aspect determining the choice of the theme is the author's as a philosopher's calling that manifested itself as a claim of conscience to elucidate by intellectual means the theoretical status of the problem of TRUTH in present day philosophy. In this context the most appropriate appears the view of truth as Ķeniņš Kings G. American Experience to Enterprise Leadership. Selection for Business-like Discussions. - Apgāds Biznesa Partneri, R., 2002, p. 234. 1 2 The author of the promotion paper has approbated the investigation results in lectures to pedagogues and in publications. See: "Religious Experience in Latvia Today: Value Contextualization" // HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. LATVIA. The European Connection Baltic Intellectuals and the History of Western Philosophy and Theology. - University of Latvia, 2 (48)/ 2006, pp. 104-12 and: "Educational System and Christian Values" // Christian Values and Modernity Challenge. Europe and Latvia. Edited by Maija Kūle - FSI, 2005, pp.101-119. ______________________________________________________________25 experience that grows out of phenomenology and immediately reveals truth as the status of man's existential truth. In its turn, the concept of the POSSIBILITY of experience characterizes transcendental philosophy, i.e., philosophy that investigates the preconditions of the possibility of experience, the way they are given in man's consciousness - this approach, one could say, is the symbol of contemporary philosophy. It permeates also the XX century hermeneutics that grows out of phenomenology and where the problems of truth are worked out in the CONTEXT OF LINGUISTICALITY. It means that linguisticality is a structure of language ontology being-in-the-world or a characteristic of language as a world in between intellect and things. The Aim and the Task of the Investigation The aim is to reveal the philosophic-theoretical position of the problem of truth in the philosophy of the XX and XXI centuries taking into account the hermeneutical character of truth and viewing the problem of truth in the context of hermeneutical tradition as the main tradition of European culture. To ensure the implementation of the aim of the promotion paper the following tasks are assigned: • Basing on the XX century hermeneutical philosophy to discover the methodological structure to be used in investigating the genesis of the hermeneutics of truth in the medieval scholastic philosophy, especially that of St Thomas Aquinas; • Making use of the hermeneutical approach investigating the genesis of the traditional concept of truth in the philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas revealing the possibility of the truth experience in linguisticality in the scholastic philosophy; • The analytic of the solution process of the problem of truth as a value problem in the philosophy of the XX century laying bare the theoretical difficulties on account of which the problem of truth as a value problem could not be solved (and is not solved as yet) within the framework of axiology and how it is solved as a value problem in M.Heidegger's beingtruth conceptualization; • The analytic of the perception of linguisticality in H -G. Gadamer's hermeneutics presenting the linguistic process of understanding as the medium of truth possibility; • Marking the perspective for the solution of the problem of truth in the context of linguistic experience in the theoretical investigations of the XXI century philosophers. 26 ______________________________________________________________ Scholarly achievements in the investigation of the theme: The theme of the promotion paper is originally formulated; related, but not analogous investigations are available in the treatises in contemporary history of philosophy. A. In modern philosophy in the world and elsewhere in Europe. In the first place, philosophical investigations connected with the theme of the promotion paper are investigations of medieval philosophy, especially as regards the context of followers of Thomism. One should especially accentuate the innovative investigations of the authors of the Netherlands school L.J. Elders and J.A. Aertsen3 essentially supplementing the medieval investigative facilities with transcendentality including truth as the analytic of transcendentality. Neo-Thomist authors' investigations are substantially helpful in understanding medieval thinking, as, for instance, Maritain's treatise on scholastics and art as well as the prominent Latvian philosopher S.Ladusāns' S.J. investigations of many-sided gnoseology that are of help in understanding the structure of intellectuality formed by St Thomas Aquinas, especially as regards the so-called inner senses.4 The author of the promotion paper has made use of the investigations of the authors who worked in the middle of the XX century doing extensive research in separate problems of the philosophy of Thomism, as, for instance, K.Fabro, F. Coplestone, R.GarrigouLagrange, A. Pegis and others. The author of the promotion paper has taken into account the work of Neo-Thomists of analytical tradition: A.Kenny's detailed research into intellectual processes, E.Stump's analytics on the interconnection of the biblical exegesis and philosophy in Aquinas' system and R. McInnerney's work Ethica Thomistica that stimulated the US student interest in Thomism5 and the fundamental research work of the same author into the problem of analogatus in Aquinas's philosophy 6. In the fifties of the XX century B. Lonergan, SJ made a remarkable contribution to bringing philosophical thinking nearer to St Thomas Aquinas's understanding of language philosophy while investigating 3 Elders L.J. The Metaphysics of Being of St Thomas Aquinas in a Historical Perspective -E.J. Brill, Leiden, N.Y., Köln, 1993 and Aersten J.A. Medieval Philosophy and the Transcendentals. The Case of Thomas Aquinas - E.J.Brill, Leiden, N.Y., Köln, 1996 4 S. Ladusāns elaborates on the theme already in 1938 in Rome at the defence of his dissertation at the Gregor Pontifical University. Thus, it must be noted that the promotion paper opens up a new perspective in investigating philosophical Letonics because S.Ladusāns' world level achievements in philosophy cannot be appraised without understanding the problems of innermost feelings that are an integral part of his conception of "cognitive phenomenology" (in terms of Prof. Maija Kūle). 5 Lisska A. J. Aquinas s Theory of Natural Law. An Analytic Reconstruction - Clarendon Press, Oxford, [1996]. p. 50. 6 McInnerney R.M. The Logic of Analogy On Interpretation of Analogy. - The Hague, Mārtiņus Nijhoff, 1961. 27 his conception of inner word. 7 Academic interest in St Thomas's language of being has an impressive tradition, however, in the multifarious and very well worked out lists of Thomism bibliography and electronic catalogues there are no investigations viewing the genesis of the traditional concept of truth in connection with the problems of the language of being in Aquinas's works. Thus, the results of this investigation announce a new turn in the investigation of medieval philosophy. At present in the most important centres of medieval studies and Catholic universities in the USA, Canada and Europe a wide-ranging project aimed at translating into English all of the works by St Thomas Aquinas is under way. Thanks to the already existing extensive academic aids available publishing Thomas Aquinas's texts both in Latin and many modern languages the author had the possibility to make good use of the sources of Thomism philosophy. In this connection one cannot fail noticing the contribution of Russian intellectuals (S.Neretin, A. Apolonov, T. Borodai, V. Gaidenko). In neighbouring Lithuania philosophers in cooperation with American centres of Thomism organize international conferences and publish collections of works devoted to St Thomas's philosophy. Secondly, the author of the promotion paper has taken into account discoveries and achievements of contemporary philosophy in the sphere of hermeneutics examining an impressive range of secondary literature the authors of which analyze H.G. Gadamer's hermeneutics in relation to the problem of truth. Thirdly, the promotion paper embraces academic treatises viewing different aspects of the problem of truth. One should by all means mark the unsurpassable contribution of Italian authors, and especially the investigations of the teaching staff of the Lateran Pontifical University in truth (A.Livi's essays on the influence the change of understanding the concept sensus communis made on the truth theory in the XX century; the investigations of H. Seidl, R. Di Ceglie, J. Mura, D.Sacchi). It should be noted that the list of Italian philosophers investigating the problem of truth in this or that aspect is so impressive that one can speak of the tradition of truth philosophy in Italy. That is evidently a reflection both of the self-confidence of Italian philosophy remembering the humanism period of Renaissance and the special importance of Italian universities in the development of Catholic intellectualism. At the beginning of the XXI century the work of the authors who examine the possibilities of extending man's experience as a way of increasing the facilities of intellect openness (M. Eliade, J. Caputo, P. Berger and O.Blanchette) form the analytical basis for the philosophical 7 Lonergan B.J. Verbum Word and Idea in Aquinas. ( D.B. Burrell, CSC.) University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, [1967]. 28 ______________________________________________________________ solution of the problem of truth. New investigations of the processes of man's linguistic experiences are called to ensure intellectual openness towards perceiving and comprehending contemporary reality in philosophy. Howev er, it should be stressed that the investigations mentioned in the promotion paper are synthesized within a conception that guided by the totality of hermeneutical tradition links the philosophy of medieval Europe with the discoveries of the XX century philosophy. B. In the philosophy of Latvia. Characterizing the level of scholarly investigation of the theme in Latvia one cannot help expressing deep regret at the 50 Soviet occupation years during which time the intellectual life in Latvia was not given the possibility to honestly investigate the achievements of medieval culture, philosophy included. Medieval philosophy was afforded the status of exceptional unfavourability, its authors being the objects of a total struggle of atheism against "religious obscurantism" in those years. It was the time when the corresponding library reserves were destroyed, as, for instance, those of the Aglona Basilica and monastery and the LU Theology faculty. In its turn, "the iron curtain" was to blame for breaking the intellectual tradition of investigating the heritage of the medieval philosophy and theology the most outstanding representative of which in postwar Latvia was the Catholic bishop Pēteris Strods. The texts of Thomas Aquinas and other medieval authors were available (to those who studied them) in Latin and up to now there are no Latvian translations of Thomas Aquinas's works.8 However, investigation of medieval philosophy could restart with the establishment of the LU Philosophy department in 1966. The lecturer in medieval history of philosophy there was Prof. Laizāns; religion philosophy courses given by Prof. O. Vümte stimulated the students' interest in medieval philosophy themes. LU History of Philosophy section of the History and Philosophy Faculty graduates under the unfavourable conditions of the Soviet regime managed to establish a serious tradition of investigation of contemporary philosophy, phenomenology in particular, developing at the same time the academic tradition of history of philosophy (M.Kūle's research in H-G.Gadamer's philosophy 9; 8 It is possible that the first translation of Thomas Aquinas's text appeared at the beginning of the XXI century in the journal "Kentaurs XXI" as Quastiones Disputatae de Veritate (1256-1259). The fragment appeared wrongly entitled: Thomas Aquinas The Sum of Theology (Part 1) // Cultural anthropology journal KENTAURS XXI, No.37, August 2005, pp. 47-56. 9 See: Kūle M. "A Way in the Labyrinths of Understanding" - R. "Zinātne". 1989.For latest investigations consult the book by the same author Phenomenology and Culture FSI, Rīga, 2002. _____________________________________________________________ 29 A. Rubenis' systematic treatises on medieval philosophy10; S. Krūmiņa-Koņkova's research into Aquinas's philosophy11 and her editorial work in publishing a book devoted to Aquinas's philosophy 12; R. Bičevskis' treatises on the problem of truth in M.Heidegger's works13). Of great importance is the possibility of using the contribution of Latvian philosophers to translating into Latvian texts of contemporary philosophy (R. Kūlis' contribution to translating M. Heidegger's texts; I Šuvajevs's achievement in translating H-G Gadamer's fundamental work). The Contribution the Fulfillment of the Theme Makes to the Innovation of History of Philosophy within the Context of Contemporary Philosophy Meditating on the future of the problems of history of philosophy at the beginning of the XXI century there appears more and more distinctly the transition from understanding history of philosophy as "a box of tools" to the view of its intrinsic value 14. Contemporary philosophy comes to realize more and more clearly the temporal extension as an undivided field of investigation. However, to be able to work in it successfully it is necessary to have good spiritual-humanitarian equipment. The author of the paper sees it in the XX century hermeneutical approaches that are used in the promotion paper to investigate medieval philosophy and the XX century philosophy in their dialogue on the problem of truth accentuating at the same time the advantages the temporal distancing affords. THE METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND DATA PROCESSING are those of hermeneutics - the method of interpretation of texts that takes into account the temporal distancing as an advantage; demanding discovery of new sense arising from the dialogical character of the communicative situation. The basis of the analytic of the problems is the phenomenological method of description supplemented by examining the problems under investigation as perceived by 10 14 Rubenis A. Ethics Forming of Christian Anthropology and Ethics. - Zvaigzne ABC; Rubenis A. Ethics Medieval Education, Anthropology and Ethics. Abelard. Thomas Aquinas. Duns Scotus. William of Ockham. - Zvaigzne ABC; Rubenis A. Ethics Anthropology and Ethics of Western Church Fathers. Augustine. Boethius. Spirituality of Monks - Zvaigzne ABC, [2007]. 11 Krūmiņa S. Evil and Man's Free Will - R. "Zinātne", 1992. 12 Saint Thomas Aquinas - R., LZA FSI, 1993.(12) 1 Bičevskis R. Truth and Factuality: M. Heidegger's Early Philosophical 13 Investigations. Promotion paper. Rīga. LU, 2004. The Future for Philosophy. Brian Leiter - Clarendon Press, Oxford, [2004].(14) 30 ______________________________________________________________________ philosophy of subsequent times. In diagnosing to what degree the theme has been scientifically investigated the data processing methods used were completely available only in foreign libraries, as, for instance, the electronic academic information catalogues and bibliographical indices. Thus, the innovation in the subsection of history of philosophy is to be linked with the use of hermeneutics in investigating history of philosophy. Elaboration of language ontology in the XX century allows discerning the tradition of the language of being that was worked out in St Thomas Aquinas's integrally anthropological philosophy. The being of language and the language of being are reflexively interdependent forming a shared field of philosophical experience in which the temporal distancing, according to the standpoints of hermeneutics, is viewed as an advantage. Against this background the innovative contribution of the promotion paper comes to the fore in the following solutions: • The use of the hermeneutical "communication-text-interpretation" structure to reveal the hermeneutical orientation of medieval culture and philosophy as the context of the genesis of the traditional concept of truth; • The substantiation of one truth theory in the scholastic philosophy showing its connection with the solution of the problem of happiness or felicitas in the discussion of Parisian Averroests and St Thomas Aquinas; • The interpretation of Aquinas's cognition theory as the theoretical basis for the traditional concept of truth revealing linguisticality, connected with language ontology, in the process of the inner word; • Revealing the relationships between the so-called subjective and objective truths in the interdependence of individual cognition and transcendentality making use of an original concept of a mirror of being; • Disclosure of hermeneuticality of truth in the XX century philosophy showing the attempts at the solution of truth as value in the perception of value philosophy of scholasticism in German value philosophy, beginning with Kant, then in Neo-Kantianism and analyzing truth as a value problem exposition in Nietzsche's philosophy and in Freud's psychopathology analytic of everyday life with reference to the use of linguisticality in contemporary psycho-therapeutic practice; • Interpretation of the ontological solution of truth worked out in Martin Heidegger's philosophy in connection with the hermeneutical circle as the concept of the principle of the humanities; • The analytic of the conceptualization of the possibility of truth experience in linguisticality in H-G Gadamer's hermeneutics; • The analytic of metaphysically one and many-sided truth in the perspective of the XXI century philosophy. ______________________________________________________________ 31 These innovations in the subsection of History of Philosophy are brought to light in the promotion paper in the corresponding structure that proceeds as a process of thinking leading to the revelation of the philosophical status of the problem of truth in the present situation of history of philosophy. Or, as they would have said in medieval times, the investigation in its execution, in actus exercitus matches the denominative, or actus significants. 32 _____________________________________________________________ II. The Structure of the Promotion Paper and Conclusions The architectonics of the promotion paper is modeled making use of a four-stage arrangement that ensures a full-scale theme explication showing the interconnection of the sub-themes in the totality of the investigation representation. References to the literature used are included in the text of the promotion paper, just like the most necessary explanations to facilitate the understanding of the text. A special section of "Notes" is provided after the text of the promotion paper with the aim of giving additional information pertaining to cultural anthropology and history of philosophy, the entries being marked in the text by Roman figures as distinct from the Arab figures for the footnotes. The investigative development of the promotion paper theme is integrated in two parts conceptually substantiated in the facticity of the history of philosophy. Part I "The Origins of the Transcendental Philosophy of Truth in the Scholastic and Especially St Thomas Aquinas's Philosophy" is devoted to the investigation of the problem of truth in Aquinas's philosophy presenting it as transcendental philosophy, the characteristic feature of it being the possibility of investigating man's intellectual structure and experience simultaneously searching ways of growth for the openness of man's mind. The first chapter of Part I of the promotion paper reveals the genesis of the traditional concept of truth in the context of medieval philosophy. Medieval culture can be characterized as a hermeneutically orientated culture, its source being the Word/word parallelism that grows out of the communication event between God and man initiating an active exegetic or hermeneutical practice. The promotion paper author substantiates the hermeneutical character of medieval culture and philosophy by using the hermeneutical structure "communicationtext-interpretation" given in H-G Gadamer's work Text and Interpretation. It may be concluded that while looking for the solution of the problem of searching the conditions for a truthful interpretation of the biblical text in medieval philosophy there is formed a ramified system of hermeneutical rationality in whose framework new judgements are formed and their relationships elucidated. Such a ceaseless perfection of the conceptual network stimulates the development of medieval philosophical inquiry. Development of biblical hermeneutics in connection with the university teaching tasks calls forth the cultural prosperity of the thirteenth century (regarded as mysterious) and the emergence of scholasticism as school science that consists in reading and interpretation of texts forming commentaries on authorized sources. However, to reveal the theme of the promotion paper it had to be asked if one could speak of language ontology in medieval philosophy. That is why a supplementary investigation into speculative etymology of the word turning 33 towards the cognition of the word of God problem in the philosophical works of Dionysius Areopagite marks the appearance of linguisticality in the medieval Word/word culture. Linguisticality to characterize language ontology is used on the basis of H-G Gadamer's conclusions in the work Truth and Method. Linguisticality, just like language, can be characterized as the mediator of hermeneutical experience and can be viewed as the basic structure in understanding the existence of language. Thus, referring the understanding of linguisticality based in Gadamer's hermeneutics to Aquinas's philosophy one can maintain that the traditional concept of truth defines the principle of linguistic intellect and of adequacy of the thing reflected in the word. It can be said that the principle of adequacy is a hermeneutical principle, envisaging the possibility of intellect to increasingly open to Being. However, no matter how large the size of the hermeneutical circle of Being in the grasp of intellect becomes, the demand for adequacy remains valid.15 Thomas Aquinas in his philosophy transfers the search for the criteria of security of the truthfulness of Revelation interpretation from investigating the hermeneutical facilities of text interpretation to the problem of the critique of the abilities of the mind of man as the user of the facilities. The existential motivation of man's growth in the truth of Being and its understanding is disguised in communication where the special importance of the concept of communication arises from the medieval Christ centred view of the world - God cherishes His mysterious desire to freely share (communicatio) feelings of love with other beings. That is why Thomas Aquinas's approach to the problem of the borders of intellect and abilities differs from the solutions offered by Arab and Jewish thinkers. The second chapter of Part I of the promotion paper examines the possibility of reaching truth in man's intellect pointing out the essential to medieval thinking dominance of the one truth theory. Thomas Aquinas constitutes truth as the concept of being, thus engaging in the heated discussions of the period on the problem of how man's intellect can be the source of the one truth. Aquinas conceptualizes being as unitary being; including man's being; solving man as mind and body unity, the whole of the universe as intelligible substance unity and unity of cognition problem. The existence of linguisticality in Aquinas's metaphysics is identified by the fulfillment of the wonder of language in the inner word that allows interpreting scholastic solutions as the possibility of the truth experience in linguisticality. Man's concern for morality guarantees the certainty of truth 15 One cannot help noticing here a principal philosophical problem - man cannot grasp the whole Being at once, although he does grasp being, or, as scholastics used to say, the first thing man grasps is being. M.Heidegger solves the problem of gradualness in grasping Being that is a characteristic feature of man's intellectuality by introducing the hermeneutical circle. 34 ______________________________________________________________ and opens up the possibility of functioning for the natural light of mind - lumen animae nostrae. Thus, contrary to the habitual view of the sensual as the causality of cognition in Thomas's philosophy, it must be admitted that in Aquinas s view cognition has two sources - external senses and the internal origin in the light of intellect. It can be regarded that actually Aquinas solves the problem of truth experiencing by describing the cognition of truth as an exercise of actualizing the light of intellect, consequently an activity that can be repeated and so it acquires the status of experience. The juxtaposition of the truth gained by intellect and the eternal truth the supposition of which is expressed by the concept of transcendentality is presented in the third chapter of Part I. The problem of analogatus worked out by Aquinas has up to now been regarded to be a problem of cognition, not linguisticality. Investigations of the language of being have not been placed, as one can judge from bibliography, in the context of linguisticality as a subject of contemporary philosophy the way it is done in this promotion paper. On the basis of linguisticality the solution of the truth problem achieved by scholastic philosophy can be treated as the fullness of truth experience in linguisticality that is guarded by reflection of the linguistic truth achieved by intellect in transcendentality as a linguistic mode of thinking Being. In this respect the activity of man's mind is parallel to the functioning of analogatus in the language of being. "Looking" into the truth like into the mirror of eternity or infinity transcendentality - with the help of the linguistically acquired inner word of truth that is included into the proposition and thus into communication, it is possible for the mind to juxtapose the temporal truth with infinite truth and to open up surpassing one's self. Linguisticality offers the intellect admittance to the highest reality against which the individually achieved truth is measured. Further on West-European philosophy does not deny truth as the solution of the traditional philosophical problem. Philosophy respects the fact that man always evaluates reality and that is why reality and values are indivisible and demand the world of values to be included in philosophy. Such a demand in Modern time philosophy intensifies the problem of conceptualization of truth as value against the natural science world of seemingly indestructible objective facts. Part II of the paper "The Path of Linguistic Solution of the Problem of the Truth Experience in the XX Century Philosophy" is devoted to showing that the truth problem shift to linguisticality has taken place in the paradigm of contemporary philosophy and linguisticality forms the context of the solution of the problem of the possibility of the truth experience. 35 The first chapter of Part II reveals how H-G Gadamer develops hermeneutics as a philosophy of understanding and explicating, and practical usage, the way it used to be in the medieval tradition, disclosing the specifics of the truth problem in the humanities. Strictly speaking, the truth of the humanities must be acquired in repeatable experience although the treatment of experience itself differs from the understanding of experimentally repeatable experience in natural sciences. That is why the classical study solution of the philosophical problem is connected with bringing to light the hermeneutic character of being and truth in the XX century philosophy that at the same time reveals linguisticality as the possibility of the truth experience. The XX century hermeneutic philosophy in solving the problem of truth tends to integrate the tradition of value philosophy. Despite "language forgetfulness" in Kant's critique the axiological studies arising from it were a stop to the philosophy of the end of the XIX century searching methods for the humanities. Heidegger in his fundamental ontology finds a completely new way of solving the problem of truth as value that would correspond to the ideal of truth of the humanities. H.Rickert stressed that next to Seinsprobleme there is Wertprobleme and the essence of truth is value. The revelation of the specific philosophical importance of linguisticality, as underscored by H-G Gadamer, stimulates the dissolution of the illusion of the security of truth in self-confidence in the works of F. Nietzsche and S. Freud, whose achievements in the sphere of language philosophy are noted in the promotion paper. The second chapter of Part II examines the connection of the problem of truth with linguisticality in M. Heidegger's philosophy of thinking inquiry that solves the problem of truth as value by ontologizing it. In M. Heidegger's solution the truth's temporal openness in being-in-the-world is maintained by the concept of being sunk in historicity. Thus the understanding of historicity that would imply man's mental transition to some historical situation, let us say, in the form of empathy, is cancelled in principle. Something that is true can take place transcending the frames of the subject's self-confidence, thus it is trans-subjective. The decisive coherence of intellect and the thing as the basis for truth, in Heidegger's view, is an alethic or open behaviour or attitude of being-in-the world. M. Heidegger accentuates that the truth of utterance is made possible by the openness of behaviour as an intrinsic possibility of truth that is based on freedom - "the essence of truth is freedom". Thus, Heidegger solves the problem of truth as value in fundamental ontology eluding the limitations of axiology. In Heidegger's creative work the transsubjectivity of truth is revealed in connection with experience as an "exercise" in hearing truth because an uttering contains openness of the existent that is retained in the utterance. Thus, what is uttered becomes fixed the world and it can always be "taken" anew and uttered 36 ______________________________________________________________ thanks to language. Thus, the possibility in language of repeating the acquisition of understanding being allows speaking about the possibility of the truth experience in linguisticality: The problem of truth in the XX century philosophy after Heidegger's fundamental ontology solution has turned into the problem of the possibility of the truth experience in linguisticality. One can say that linguisticality is a way of revelation of man's historical existence. Historical events and historical senses have structures of their own with which they break into the continuity of lifetime, that is why linguisticality in principle is a sphere of possibilities that assembles all the tenses in the present and that is why there is always a possibility of other being, Anderssein. Thereby, the conceptualization of language solves the problem of the relationship between the potential infinity of world experiences and the finitude of man's understanding. The third chapter of Part II examines H-G Gadamer's approach to language as the life being self-parading model. According to Gadamer's solution, the confluence of theoretical reflection and life may be defined as a language mediated process of confluence of historically efficacious consciousness and life. The introduction of interpretational mediation in the philosophical thinking about being does not cancel the adequacy demand. Gadamer points out that historical cognition is retained as the present-day adjustment to the thing, commensurating with the thing or reality mensuratio ad rem. Thus, the thing remains as a measure of adequacy and at the same time a measure of interpretation of being that is revealed in dialogue at the moment of the merger of the sense horizons. In the discussion with J.Derrida on the possibilities of onto-hermeneutical inquiry Gadamer with the notion of textualization draws a demarcation line between sense and the senseless and also between the possibility of opening the truth of the existent through language mediation and what is too far from being included in the proposition. Word understanding in hermeneutics actually gives an answer to the problem of the process of enlightening openness in which the essences of things can demonstrate themselves the way they are and in which being-truth can reveal itself in its obviousness. Thus, in the XX century hermeneutics the evidence or obviousness of truth is an event in the process of understanding. Its dynamics is brought out by the characteristic of the truth experience as growth of being. Due to language ontology words themselves demonstrate such being-in-the-world thinking in which knowledge and good are indivisible. Thus, Gadamer reveals the truth as a constitutive element of good, even of "being good" because truth is openness and that is why the possibility of thinking that proceeds in words, through words coming to light and due to language ontology of themselves showing the direction from true to good. As happiness is connected with pleasure, 37 Dasein seeing it is included in cognition perceives truth as delight. Thus, the possibility of the truth experience in linguisticality in the final value-orientated culmination of life existence in hermeneutics appears as true and at the same time good and beautiful life existence new and new recurrence that is feasible due to linguisticity. In the conclusion of the promotion paper, in the fourth chapter of Part II the prospective horizon of the theme under investigation is marked by the analytic of the creative work of those contemporary philosophers who tend to increase the openness of the mind by offering to go through unexpected linguistic experiences, respecting at the same time the universal unity of being. It can just as well be called the problem of many-sidedness of truth. From the point of view of hermeneutics the question is about the being-truth process in the polyphonic world of most variegated sense interpretations respecting at the same time the existential and pre-given origin of tradition of the sense interpreter. Thus, the promotion paper is devoted to the investigation of the most essential value of human being - the truth, it gives competent references to the new situation in the investigation of medieval philosophy and brings to light some of the possibilities of further development of philosophical hermeneutics that are far from being exhausted, yet tends to a still greater degree to reveal the possibility of a dialogue of contemporary philosophy and the scholastic tradition in forming the truth discourse in Latvia. Conclusions 1. The conceptualization of the possibility of the truth experience in linguisticality corresponds to the theoretical situation of the truth problem in contemporary philosophy and clears new ways of philosophical comprehension of reality. In this context of importance is the reference of the possibility of the truth experience in linguisticality to scholastic philosophy that substantiates the existence of hermeneutical tradition as the tradition of linguistic understanding in medieval, and in St Thomas's philosophy in particular. Here truth as transcendentality that could be characterized as a specific thinking mode of existence must be juxtaposed to the truth gained in the cognition of intellect. In contrast to the habitual view of the sensual as the cause of cognition in Thomas's philosophy, it must be admitted that cognition has two sources - external senses and the innate light of intellect. Truth as transcendentality is not an innate word that would resemble the mirror image of the innate word fully exhausting the form of the thing. Due to the asymmetry of the finite truth and the transcendental truth the mind openness is constituted in the direction of infinity that the mind can 38 ______________________________________________________________ tend to fill with constantly renewed attempts at the truth. The medieval scholastic philosophy is inclined to link the finite with the infinite - God as truth and man's truth and this kind of contiguity is possible in Aquinas's philosophy basing on the solution of the problem of analogy that is a specific discerning thinking about the divine and human reality respecting the distance separating the two. However, although the problem of analogatus has been at the centre of a special subdivision of Thomism since the XIV century classical investigation period, analogy has not been viewed as a reality existing within the context of linguisticality and that was conducive to obscuration of the existence of the unity of language of being and the being language in Aquinas's philosophy. 2. It is possible to define the theoretical status of the problem of truth in the philosophy of the XXI century in a philosophically historical investigation of the paradigm of ontological truth. In the XIII century within the framework of this paradigm St Thomas Aquinas worked out the traditional definition of truth in the scholastic philosophy whose re-interpretation forms solutions of the problem of truth in the process of further development of philosophy. The traditional concept of truth was formed within the hermeneutically orientated medieval culture at the basis of which is the event of communication of God with man that stimulates the development of hermeneutical or exegetical practice in the context of the Word/word parallelism culture that gradually gives rise to a ramified system of philosophical rationality that with a view to hermeneutics is called upon to explicate concepts and links among them. The traditional concept of truth in Aquinas's philosophy is within the context of investigations of the activity of intellect at the time of transition from investigating techniques of hermeneutics to the problem of the possibilities of the text interpreter's intellect that are open thanks to the possibility of mastering or docibilitas the truth. 3. The discovery of language ontology in the hermeneutics of the XX century after seven centuries of history of philosophy allows reviving the hermeneutical tradition of Western Europe in an undivided unity. Within the framework of this tradition it is possible to elucidate the philosophy of high scholasticism - the metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas's language of being as based on the being language. It is proved by the academic confidence permeating Aquinas's philosophical investigations in the possibility of cognition of reality by cognizing the words defining reality that comes to light with especial clarity in the problem of the cognition of the words of God borrowed from the philosophy of Dionysius Areopagite and developed further. 4. The incorporation of language problems into the XX century philosophy changed the context of the solution of the truth problem and truth can now ______________________________________________________________ 39 be investigated as a problem of hermeneutics respecting the status of truth as value. Shifting the truth problems from gnoseology to linguisticality in the XX century philosophy took place in two intellectual directions: hermeneutics and analytical tradition. However, the approaches of hermeneutical and analytical traditions to language problems in the context of the truth problem differ in the fact that hermeneutical philosophy in the solution of the truth inquiry integrates the tradition of value philosophy. In M.Heidegger's and H-G Gadamer's hermeneutics the problem of truth is actually solved as a value problem although outside axiological frames for the latter are too narrow for the expansion of the ontologism of truth. In this context Kant is the philosopher establishing the link between scholasticism and the German value philosophy. In Kant's philosophy value teaching is not singled out as an independent philosophical discipline with an apparatus of categories and an architectonics characteristic of contemporary axiological theories, but determining the noumenal world as the basis for the phenomenal world. 5. In M.Heidegger's philosophy the possibility of repeated grasping of the understanding of being in language enables one to speak about the possibility of the truth experience in linguisticality. In the fundamental ontology solution the truth as always being-in-the-world and opening with the passage of time is maintained with the concept of being sunk in historicity. The philosophical consequence of this standpoint is such that the understanding of historicity existing before Heidegger that presupposed man's mental transition to some historical situation, say, in the form of empathy, is cancelled. The true can happen and is happening transcending the subject's identical self-confidence framework, thus, the true is trans-subjective and the nearness of the unobtrusive strength of being-truth exists as language, implemented and permeated by being, the home of being. However, being-in-the-world with its alethic behaviour has to actualize the possibility offered by language. 6. In H-G Gadamer's hermeneutics the meeting of theoretical reflection and life may be defined as the language mediated process of historically efficacious consciousness meeting life. Working out a common language that assembles in the present all the tenses and reveals the shared and movable horizon of the whole unity of existence enables the implementation of truth. This process becomes the basis for the openness of being-truth that occurs ensuring matter-of-factness in the ontological discourse as following the thing and allowing it to reveal itself. Thus, experiencing truth in hermeneutics may be defined as an experience of the skill of grasping; it is the generation of the repeatability of understanding that is possible due to linguisticality. It means that linguisticality is the possibility of the truth 40 ______________________________________________________________ experience. The possibility of the truth experience in linguisticality in the final value-orientated life being intensification of hermeneutics appears as a recurring repeatability of true and at the same time good and beautiful being of life that is possible due to linguisticality. 7. Due to linguisticality the metaphysically one truth acquires an additional characteristic as many-sided truth, posing the question about juxtaposing the finite truth experienced by man thanks to liguisticality with truth transcending the framework of individuals that can be called transcendental truth. The problem of many-sidedness of truth in the philosophy of the XXI century marks the question about its potentialities to grasp in a unified world picture the reality of many and various cultures, ways of life, value orientations, social strata, ideas and so on. From the point of view of hermeneutics, taking into account the polyphony of being the question about the truth experience can be asked anew as a question about the possibility of many-sided truth experience in linguisticality. However, even so the requirement of the traditional concept of truth remains valid: intellect and the thing should be coherent, forming the basis of truth in the utterance and the many-sided truth is hierarchically value orientated.