Assessment Reports by Non-Academic and Non

2013 Co-Curricular Assessment REPORT Template
Assessment Reports by Co-Curricular Units:
Due June 28, 2013
As part of our ongoing accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), all co-curricular units at
YSU participate in assessment processes and practices. This process is facilitated by the YSU Office of
Assessment (OOA). Assessment is an ongoing activity and is not limited to YSU’s self-study processes
for the Higher Learning Commission.
When is the report due? The deadline for all co-curricular units’ assessment reports is Friday, June 28,
2013. Note the earlier deadline.
Where do I send the report? Your report should be submitted through our new online reporting form
at Please complete this short form first.
Upon completion of this a unique link will be sent to you. This link allows users to save and return to
the plan form.
What is the content of Assessment Reports? An assessment report includes assessment activities for
the previous academic/fiscal year with a summary of tangible results and very clear evidence of how
assessment data are being used to improve each unit’s activities. It is necessary to explain how student
learning outcomes relate to YSU’s 2020
Strategic Plan. Each unit can define the focus
for its report(s), based upon in-depth
knowledge of the unit.
What is crucial to include in these reports?
Assessment reports should not be a description
of unit activities but should focus on data and
explanations of how data are used. It is very
appropriate and important for the assessment
report to include data that document strengths
and challenges of the unit, as well as realistic
action steps for continuous improvement.
However, it is the vitality of the unit’s
assessment processes, not results, which the
Office of Assessment will evaluate in its
review. If applicable, reports should also
report on the status of action steps resulting
from previous years’ assessment processes.
A Robust Assessment Process
Do I have to complete an assessment plan and an
assessment report? NO! Your unit may choose to complete either an assessment plan or an
assessment report. Do not complete both. If a unit wishes to realign or redesign assessment activities
in their unit, they may choose to submit an assessment plan (in lieu of a report) using the plan
Please submit reports at by Friday, June 28, 2013
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2013 Co-Curricular Assessment REPORT Template
template found on our website. Note: you cannot complete a plan two years in a row—if your unit
completed a plan last year, then your unit is not eligible to complete a plan this year.
What’s new this year?
 Earlier Deadline: Based on the feedback from multiple co-curricular units, the decision was
made to move the deadline back, align it with annual reports, and give more time before the
fall semester. The new deadline for submission is Friday, June 28, 2013.
 Fewer Questions: We are continuing to assess our process and look for ways to reduce your
reporting burden.
 New Name: Non-Academic units will now be identified by a new name, Co-Curricular Units.
The Office of Assessment and the Assessment Council updated the name to more accurately
reflect the units reporting and the important impact of these units on student learning.
 Renewed Focus on Student Learning: With the refinement of the HLC criteria a renewed focus
will be placed on student learning outcomes for units, not faculty and staff learning. Reports
may still include projects involving faculty and staff learning but should focus on how their
development affects student learning.
 Reporting Roster Update: Examination of the new HLC criteria by the OOA and the Assessment
Council prompted an audit of the roster of co-curricular units that report on student learning
assessment. Units who do not have a primary mission to serve student learning will no longer
be asked to report to the OOA, but will continue to participate in continuous improvement
activities. A list of the units being asked to report this year can be found at
 New Higher Learning Commission Criteria: the HLC’s “New Criteria for Accreditation” was
released in February of 2012 and became effective on January 1, 2013. The New Criteria places
much more focus on student learning and on infusing the use of assessment for continuous
improvement into all that an institution does. To help support this increased focus, and to build
familiarity with the New Criteria across campus, the OOA has indicated how each question on
the plan relates to New Criteria. The New Criteria can be found on the HLC website at:
Online Reporting Process: Last summer the Office of Assessment moved to an online reporting
process. This allowed the office to streamline the reporting process and will allow for more
powerful analysis of plans and reports. A walkthrough of the form will be provided at the
workshops, or you may contact our office for assistance. If you are experiencing extreme
difficulties with this system we will allow email submissions.
What is the difference between assessment reports and annual reports? The key difference between
annual reports and assessment reports is that assessment reports do not include all activities from the
past year. Instead, each report will focus on one key project or area. Also, it should draw explicit
connections to student learning as defined by The New Criteria for Accreditation from the Higher
Learning Commission. In addition, the assessment reports must indicate how data are used to improve
student learning on a continuous basis.
How will the reports be reviewed? A team from the YSU Assessment Council will review the reports
and provide feedback based on a rubric (a set of evaluative criteria). To ensure that our focus in on the
Please submit reports at by Friday, June 28, 2013
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2013 Co-Curricular Assessment REPORT Template
vitality of unit self-appraisal and continuous improvement (and not the form itself), note that questions
on the rubric are weighted differently. You can view the rubric and question values on the OOA
For accreditation purposes the OOA maintains a record of all plans and reports. Assessment plans and
reports will be posted on the OOA Word Press site or other secure site to provide units a wider
distribution of their results and recommendations. The OOA also seeks to provide information back the
campus community in useful ways; for example, the OOA “Use of Data” Chart informs units how other
units are collecting and using student learning data for improvement purposes.
How do I know what you are looking for in the report?
 For definitions, hints, and tips on filling out the plan please see the “Assessment Plan Tips and
Hints” document on the OOA website at
 In addition, a link to the rubric that will be used to review/evaluate/score this plan is provided
in the panel labeled Co-Curricular Templates. Note that some questions in the template are
weighted more heavily than others; you can view the rubric for the questions’ weight, or value.
 A workshop series will be conducted by the Office of Assessment in May 2013 and will provide
examples of exemplary plans as well as critical elements to attend to in completing the
template. If you cannot attend the workshops, the materials will be on the assessment website.
Assessment process image credit, page one:
Please submit reports at by Friday, June 28, 2013
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2013 Co-Curricular Assessment REPORT Template
Annual Assessment Report
Due June 28, 2013
Instructions: Complete the report of your department’s assessment activities for the 2012-2013
academic/fiscal year. All supplemental documents and material needed to help you create this report
are located in the “Templates and Directions” Section of the Assessment website. Please save
electronic or paper copies of relevant assessment materials in your own office for at least 10 years.
NOTE: While you may save this Word form to draft your report, you will submit your answers through
the online link located at the bottom of the page.
Name of Department or Unit:
Name of Person Preparing This
Email Address:
Campus Phone:
Direct Supervisor:
Extension and Email of Supervisor:
Division Vice President:
Date Submitted:
Plan or report submitted in 2012?
Number of attachments to this report:
Student Learning Outcome Focus:
1. State at least one student learning outcome (SLO) that is relevant for your unit. Note: you may
use the same SLO used in a past year (but evaluating new data) or you may use a new SLO.
(Related to HLC Criterion 4, Core Component 4.B., Sub-component 11)
2. How does this learning outcome fit in with the YSU 2020 Strategic Plan? (C1, CC1A, SC2&3;
CC4E, SC1)
Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning Outcome Data:
3. How did you measure the student learning outcome (include only one or two method/s and a
short data summary)? (C4, CC4B, SC2). Note that an exemplary answer includes at least one
direct measure.
Hereafter these references will be abbreviated, i.e., Related to HLC Criterion 4, Core Component 4.B, Sub-component 1 will
read C4, CC4B, SC1.
Please submit reports at by Friday, June 28, 2013
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2013 Co-Curricular Assessment REPORT Template
For questions 4-6, please provide an evaluation of the 2012-2013 data you collected related to your
unit’s student learning outcome. (C4, CC4B, SC3)
4. Based on the data, what is one key strength of student learning?
5. Based on the data, what is one important challenge of student learning?
6. What action step has been identified based on this evaluation of the data? What is the status of
this action step? Note: Data may not indicate the need for change; this is fine. In this case, just
explain your unit’s conclusion resulting from the data.
Relation to New Higher Learning Commission Criteria:
7. Please provide an example of how your unit could provide evidence, through learning
outcomes assessment, for the following HLC criterion statement (with a focus on the bolded
Subcomponent 2):
HLC Criterion Five. Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness
The institution’s resources, structures, and processes are sufficient to fulfill its mission,
improve the quality of its educational offerings, and respond to future challenges and
opportunities. The institution plans for the future.
Core Component 5.C. The institution engages in systematic and integrated planning.
Sub-component 2. The institution links its processes for assessment of
student learning, evaluation of operations, planning, and budgeting.
Use of Data:
8. Feedback loop. As part of a healthy assessment process, assessment activities and highlights
should be shared with, and feedback and recommendations solicited from, both internal
stakeholders (such as unit staff) as well as external stakeholders (such as students, other
staff/faculty, and the wider community). How and when were both internal and external
stakeholders involved in the assessment process this past year? (e.g., data sharing and
recommendation gathering) (C4, CC4B, SC4)
9. In the past several years (e.g., 2008-2012) you have analyzed data and identified action steps
for learning outcomes. Considering action steps from previous years, what has been an impact
on student learning as a result of (one of) those action steps? (Only one example is needed).
(C4, CC4B, SC3)
10. If feedback was given, how did your unit utilize that feedback from the Office of Assessment
regarding last year’s assessment report?
Please submit reports at by Friday, June 28, 2013
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2013 Co-Curricular Assessment REPORT Template
11. Executive Summary (Summarize key ideas; please limit to one paragraph).
12. Optional: Is there anything else you would like to share regarding your assessment report
and/or is there any particular area on which you would like assistance or feedback?
Please submit reports at by Friday, June 28, 2013
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