OCR Nationals

Sample Schemes of Work and
Lesson Plans
Principal Learning in Information Technology
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Unit G089 Skills for innovation
© OCR 2008
Sample Scheme of Work: OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Unit G089: Skills for innovation
Sample Lesson Plan: OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Unit G089: Skills for innovation
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OCR Diploma Information Technology: G089
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Unit G089: Skills for innovation
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Identifying how data is
presented graphically and the
use of mathematical and
statistical techniques
Select and apply a range of relevant numerical and graphical techniques to analyse and present businessrelated information to solve business problems
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Teacher led group discussion on the use of
graphical and statistical techniques
Using given examples the group are to
summarise how graphical and statistical
techniques have been used
Homework: collect examples of statistical
information being used
= Innovative teaching idea
OCR Diploma Information Technology: G089
These are examples that could be used to
show how data can be used and presented
Candidates need to be able to understand
that information can be presented in a
variety of ways for clarity and for analysis.
For this candidates need to see, completed
examples, of organisations/business that
use mathematical, statistical and graphical
techniques. Many of the statistics used will
summarise data and allow the user to see
trends and patterns.
= ICT opportunity
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Unit G089: Skills for innovation
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Using spreadsheet software to
carry graphical, statistical and
mathematical techniques
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Teacher led group activity identifying
different types of statistical functions that
can be used
Identifying examples functions and methods
showing information by using graphical
techniques using spreadsheet software
Applying examples of mathematical and
statistical techniques to solve business
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1033&CTT=6&Origin= RC010919231033
Examples of where and how mathematical
and statistical techniques can be used and
how using a spreadsheet can help when
applying these techniques
This is a practical opportunity to apply a
range of techniques to examples of data.
These examples could relate to actual
business data. For the effective application
of this it will require candidates having an
understanding of functions within
spreadsheet software. The range of
numerical and graphical techniques may be
linked to AC1.1 and 1.2 in that candidates
have identified in their plan what techniques
they will investigate. Examples could include
using percentages and averages, estimation
to more complex techniques.
Group task from given examples eg
summarising the possible costs of
introducing a new technological solution
Examples will be provided by the centre
Candidates are now asked to apply these
techniques to solve business problems.
These examples could come in the form of
case studies using examples found in G087
Exploring organisations. An example could
be to calculate the cost of introducing new
Carry out these techniques to
demonstrate costs and
benefits to an organisation
= Innovative teaching idea
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3.1 Select and apply a range of relevant numerical and graphical techniques to analyse and present
business-related information to solve business problems
= ICT opportunity
OCR Diploma Information Technology G089
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Information Technology
Unit G089: Skills for innovation
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
3.1 Select and apply a range of relevant numerical and graphical techniques to analyse and present
business-related information to solve business problems
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
technology with the long terms increases in
revenue resulting from the expenditure.
= Innovative teaching idea
OCR Diploma Information Technology: G089
= ICT opportunity
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Sample GCSE Lesson Plan
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in
Information Technology Unit G089: Skills for
Demonstrate Mathematical Competence
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school
and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind, this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach. It
is subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Identify what are numerical and graphical techniques
Objective 2
Be able to describe examples of techniques and the advantage of using them
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
This forms the first of three lessons that related to AC 3. However, candidates should build upon
what they have devised in their action plan including the numerical and graphical techniques they
will be investigating.
10 minutes
Define examples of statistical, mathematical and graphical use.
Providing examples eg
25 minutes
20 minutes
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Candidates work in groups to identify the variety of different mathematical and
graphical information being used throughout the documents eg a table
summarising data on criminal convictions
Working in groups candidates produce a report or presentation identifying the
advantages of using such techniques rather than alternative methods.
Candidates note any additional techniques that they may apply to the data eg a
particular graphical technique or function.
OCR Diploma Information Technology G089
Sample GCSE Lesson Plan
5 minutes
Demonstrate techniques that are more easily delivered using spreadsheet
software to present the data graphically and calculate sets of data.
Collect examples of statistical information being used eg usage in a local sports
OCR Diploma Information Technology G089
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