Spanish as an Additional Language Grade 5 – Level I The program is flexible to allow for different teaching styles as well as different levels of competency among the students. Listening and Speaking 1. Respond by actions to commands with classroom activities. 2. Comprehend and follow directions involved with, and participate in conversations related to: parts of the body, shapes, colors, numbers (100’s), clothing and family (tío, tía, primos, etc.), furniture, community helpers and place of work, toys and games, foods, weather and seasons, classroom objects, animals (zoo, farm and pets), occupations, holidays, travel expressions used to travel by car, bus and train, shopping, stores, personal grooming (me baño, me lavo, me visto, etc.), telling time, and transportation. 3. Retell a simple story, answer basic comprehension questions related to the story. 4. Listen to a play, story, and poem. 5. Use of dictionary to find meaning of words. 6. Express opinions by using: “me gusta” or “no me gusta”. 7. Role playing. 8. Speak in complete sentences. 9. Use listed vocabulary in written and spoken communication. 10. Pronounce new words correctly. Reading 1. Read vocabulary words and Spanish sentences that have been learned orally. These are often associated with pictures. 2. Read short stories. 3. Learn to extract major ideas. 4. Establish proper sequence of a story; develop creative endings. 5. Discuss the content of a story. 6. Read aloud with intonation. Writing 1. Write most of the vocabulary that can be produced orally. 2. Write sentences based on the oral content. 3. 4. 5. 6. Learn to use correctly Spanish syllable sounds (que, qui). Learn to use correctly Spanish consonants (ñ, ll, rr). Encourage creative writing: articles, cartoon stripes. Write sentences and paragraphs based on oral context. Grammar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Apply grammar concepts to written and spoken language. Subject-verb, articles-noun, noun-adjective agreement. Identify and recognize meaning of antonyms and synonyms. Use of most common verbs in present tense. Use of questions and exclamation marks at the beginning and end of a sentence. 6. Proper use of some stem-changing verbs. 7. Construct declarative, exclamatory, interrogative and imperative sentences. 8. Demonstrate knowledge of word order agreement. Cultural Awareness 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand differences among cultures. Learn to adapt to the new environment. Identify Spanish-speaking countries on a world map. Identify main geographical features of Peru on a map. Technology 1. Use technology as a tool for learning and communicating. Spanish as an Additional Language Grade 5 – Level II Listening and Speaking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Retell a story, summarize plot. Discuss different articles form a newspaper, magazine, etc. Use of Spanish/English dictionary to find meaning of words. State questions and answers. Present projects and oral reports. Use rich vocabulary while speaking. Express ideas and respond to questions using correct grammatical word order. 8. Use a wide variety of grammar structures while speaking. 9. Apply idiomatic expressions in the language. Reading 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Read short stories, plays, selected articles from newspapers/magazines. Learn to extract major ideas from a story. Read and understand story. Discuss the content of a story. Read aloud fluently with proper intonation. Answer questions about reading. Give personal opinion about what is read and can draw conclusions. Explore topics using different perspectives. Make connections to the authors, books and perspectives. Writing 1. Write summaries, current events of daily situations, literary analysis and short paragraphs. 2. Write about feelings and opinions. 3. Use strong verbs, interesting language and dialogue, with guidance. 4. Use description and detail with guidance. 5. Use tools (eg. dictionaries, word lists and spell checkers to edit with guidance.) Grammar 1. Apply grammar concepts to written and spoken language. 2. Apply correct gender and number agreement when using nouns, pronouns and adjectives. 3. Identify and recognize meaning of antonyms and synonyms. 4. Use articles and pronouns (possessive, personal, demonstrative) correctly. 5. Comprehend, produce orally and write the present tense of common regular AR, ER and IR verbs. 6. Comprehend, produce orally and write the past tense of common regular AR, ER and IR verbs. 7. Comprehend, produce orally and write the future tense of common regular AR, ER and IR verbs. 8. Comprehend, produce orally and write the present tense of common irregular AR, ER and IR verbs. 9. Comprehend, produce orally and write the past tense of common irregular AR, ER and IR verbs 10. Comprehend, produce orally and write the future tense of common irregular AR, ER and IR verbs 11. Learn basic rules to use verbs SER and ESTAR verbs in the present and past tense. Cultural Awareness 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand differences among cultures. Recognize, identify and locate the three main geographical regions in Peru. Identify and locate the Peruvian “Departamentos” Review the main geographical aspects of the Peruvian territory (main rivers, lakes, mountains), boundaries', political division, main cities, etc.). Technology 1. Use technology as a tool for learning and communication. 2. Research.