SHARING THE VISION throughout the Wessex Synod Issue 108 January (a) 2016 AREA GATHERINGS The January Area Gatherings start next week! As you may know, we will be looking at some of the practical issues that our congregations have to deal with, under the title: “Responsible Elders” Some of the topics we will be looking at are: Property maintenance – especially the new legislation Health & Safety Having/creating a local church constitution Financial Matters (including M&M) Risk management These will be useful meetings for Elders and others involved in property maintenance and financial management. We will also be introducing a Checklist and Handbook which we hope will help you with practical matters. PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR ELDERS AND OTHER INTERESTED PEOPLE TO COME The meetings are as follows – anyone who cannot make the date for their own area gathering is very welcome to attend one of the others. South West Wednesday 13th 6.30 for 7pm Parkstone URC South East Tuesday 19th 6.30 for 7pm Buckland URC, Portsmouth North East Wednesday 20th 6.30 for 7pm Woking URC North West Thursday 21st 6.30 for 7pm St Andrew’s URC, Reading Commercial Road Parkstone Dorset BH14 0JW 174 Kingston Road Buckland Portsmouth PO2 7LP White Rose Lane Woking GU22 7HA London Road Reading RG1 5BD Directions and parking details can be found on the Synod website by clicking here Please let Deborah at the Synod Office know if you plan on attending (, so we have an indication of numbers for setting up and refreshment purposes. 1 Government Response to the Synods letter regarding the Refugee Crisis You may remember that at our November Synod we passed a Resolution asking Her Majesty’s Government to take further action to help refugees fleeing war zones. The details of the Resolution can be found in the Synod Papers (on page 14). We have now received a response from the Government and the Leader of the Opposition (to whom we also wrote). These replies are on the Synod website along with the resolution and can be found by clicking here 2016 Meetings of Synod March Synod will be on Saturday 19th at The United Church Winchester November Synod will be on Saturday 19th November at High Cross Church, Camberley LOCAL CHURCH NEWS AND EVENTS St Andrew’s United Reformed Church Walton on Thames is delighted to be hosting a Bibles and Threads exhibition on Saturday 30th January from 10am to 4.30pm. Rare historic bibles and some very special modern embroidery by Eva Lotta-Hansson and Bella Lane will be on display in their new Gateway. All welcome and admission is free! The United Church, Winchester Space in the City series of lunch-time talks: Epiphany 2016 – What we need to know about Syria but are too ashamed to ask Three lunchtime talks 12.30 – 1.15 (including time for questions): 20th January – Professor Simon Keyes – Fellow in Reconciliation at St.Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace; 27th January – The Rev’d Stephen Griffith – formerly of Diocese of Jerusalem and later the Archbishop of Canterbury’s chaplain and representative, to speak about the current situation for Christians and other minorities in Syria; 3rd February – Ray Hassan – he holds an overview for Christian Aid’s programmes across the Middle East and will cover the current situation and humanitarian implications in Syria and how Christian Aid is addressing those issues. Refreshments available. Website: Avenue St Andrew's 30th anniversary In 2015 we celebrated the 29th anniversary of Avenue and St Andrew's churches becoming one congregation. Those of you who are good at maths will have worked out that 2016 will see the 30 th anniversary, which we intend to celebrate with even greater joy. Plans to mark the weekend are already underway with the invitation of the Revd Tony Spring to preside at the communion service on Sunday 2nd October, which he has accepted. Now we need your help. If you are in touch with former members and friends of Avenue St Andrew's going back over the past 30 years, we should be very grateful if you would invite them to this service (and let us know who it is you're inviting!). We would also be very grateful for the loan of photos of the original events and/or recollections from those who were there. If you can help in any of these ways, please contact Sarah Hall on or 02380 768004. Thank you! 2 EVENTS The designated email to use to book places on Training Events is: Safeguarding Training Saturday 6 February 2016 at Shanklin URC Isle of Wight Saturday 16 April 2016 at Guildford URC Saturday 14 May 2016 at Hythe URC, SO45 6BR. A full days training (10am – 4pm) for all individuals working with children and young people, and important for Ministers and Elders of the Church. For further information or to book your place on one of these Safeguarding Training days please contact, Ruth Heine email: or tel: 023 8067 4513 or book via the synod website. Lay Presidency at the Sacraments: communion and baptism on Saturday 27 February 2016 at Collinwood road URC, Oxford. 10am – 2.30pm. Led by Peter Hurter. To book your place please contact Ruth Heine , email: or phone: 023 8067 4513. Lay Preachers’ Gathering on Saturday 16 April 2016 at London Street URC, Basingstoke. 10.30am – 3.45pm. Theme: Refreshing your Preaching, led by Revd Paul Burden, Programme Leader for Mission and Ministry, Sarum Ministry Programmes, and College of Preachers. Red Cross First Aid Courses We encourage all children’s and youth leaders to keep their first aid skills up-to-date. The first aid courses are free of charge and open to all in the congregation (over the age of 16 years). Maximum 15 participants. If your church would like to host a Red Cross first aid course, please get in touch with Ruth Heine, email: or phone: 023 8067 4513. Further information about the first aid courses can be found on the new synod website. Go to Our Work / Children’s and Youth work / Leaders and Workers. Dates of upcoming First Aid courses can be found on the website in the calendar. Go to Calendar and search by category. To book your place, please use the booking contact for the date of your choice. Elders’ Development days in 2016 For serving Elders, non-serving Elders and anyone who might be interested in becoming an Elder. There will be a set of three Elders’ Development days in the New Year at Fareham United Reformed Church, 10am – 2pm. Saturday 23 January 2016 - Calling and Functions Saturday 13 February 2016 - Pastoral Care and Mission Saturday 5 March 2016 - Prayer, Spirituality and Worship The development days will be repeated at The Beacon Church, Poole in the summer. Bookings to Ruth Heine at the address above. Please note that the information is posted on the synod website Creating a Culture of Invitation: a day with Michael Harvey. Saturday 6th February 10.00am – 4.00pm at Trinity United Church Ringwood. Details are on the Synod Website. 3 TRIO resource packs available to loan from the Synod Office. TRIO is a financial stewardship programme for churches which has proven success in a wide variety of demographic settings in encouraging generosity in giving. A TRIO campaign encourages people to consider their financial giving to the church. ...The Responsibility Is Ours There are two copies of the TRIO pack available to loan from the Synod Office. Please contact Ruth Heine, Development Team Administrator, email: Tel: 023 8067 4513. RURAL MINISTRY RESEARCH CONFERENCE – An Effective Christian Presence? This conference invited rural practitioners to speak about various aspect of rural mission or ministry. It is hope to publish a collection of essays from a Methodist/URC background around the concept of rural mission and an Effective Christian Presence. Details of this course on 20-21 July can be found on the Synod Website by clicking here SAMARITANS PURSE Whenever disaster strikes Samaritan’s Purse is ready to respond at a moment’s notice. Previously this has been internationally but earlier this year that experience enabled us, working with both local authorities and more importantly church volunteers, to help those affected by flooding on the Somerset levels, and we have now set up a UK Disaster Response Team. Natural disasters can hit with little or no warning. In a matter of minutes, the unforgiving power of wind and storm can destroy homes and rob people of their most treasured belongings, turning lives upside down. The team, made up of trained Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Responders and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Rapid Response Chaplains together with local church members can show God's compassion through practical support and care. We aim to serve the most vulnerable victims, typically the elderly, those with low or no income or no insurance. Sometimes the best help we can give is to take time to talk and listen as they tell of their nightmare experience - being a light in the midst of their darkness. We are now seeking churches to partner with us to create a locality-based ability to respond wherever disaster or need occurs. Our team brings trained assessors, together with tools and equipment, but its local church volunteers that can provide a volunteer workforce, showing practical love and care, the ability to connect with victims and be there for them in the long term. Could your church be part of this exciting project, helping your neighbours and your community if a local disaster happens? The local church plays a vital role in disaster responses as we equip others to serve their neighbours. We call a church that partners with the Samaritan's Purse and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Disaster Assistance Response Programme a Lighthouse Church. To become a Lighthouse Church we are looking for the following support: To be our eyes and ears locally to inform us of situations that may be relevant in the context of a potential Disaster Response. To support us with office accommodation and facilities for an initial base of operations during the assessment phase prior to any deployment. To help us in communicating to the congregation and other local churches so that we can gather volunteer support for a deployment. To walk with us during a deployment with volunteer support, local information and guidance in the context of the local situation. To follow through after a deployment with any who need spiritual support, especially for those who have made a profession of faith. To pray with us during any deployments, even if they do not directly affect the area. We would really appreciate if you could communicate this new initiative to your church leadership, whether by forwarding this communication to them, or speaking to them directly. If 4 you or your church leadership would like to know more information or have any queries please email BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION is holding a one day Sharing Hope In Crisis seminar on Saturday February 13th at Gosport Bury Road United Reformed Church starting at 09:30 – 17:00 with registration from 09:00. This seminar is to help prepare churches for local crisis ministry, or to enhance your existing gifts in your field of ministry, we invite you to attend this invaluable training opportunity. Learn about the RRT ministry Develop personal and professional skills to enhance your service to others Biblical view of suffering Effects of trauma and the process of grief How to provide emotional and spiritual care What to say and what not to say when people grieve... Visit the Rapid Response Team ministry at and enter your details to register. THE PRAYER CALENDAR has been part of Sharing the Vision since it began. It will continue to be so and there is now an additional paragraph before the list of churches designated for each week. These requests will appear in the first issue each month, alongside the Prayer Calendar. This is an opportunity for churches to request particular prayers for situations in the life of their congregation. It will not only apply to the churches listed for that particular week but to any who wish to be remembered for prayer for any reason. That reason does not need to a celebration or special event, although these will be welcome for we all like to give thanks, but rather for anything that you feel needs wider prayerful consideration. Please send all requests to Carol Rogers by the 1st day of each month. Her email address is (please note the double’n’). Please note that the list of churches each month is for the following month to enable magazine editors to include the names. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING CHURCHES IN FEBRUARY Week Beginning February: 7th Cumnor; Westborough, Guildford; th 14 Lychett Minster; Church of the Holy Family, Blackbird Leys, Oxford; 21st Marsh Gibbon; Blandford Forum; St Peter’s Guildford; 28th St Francis, Banbury; Normandy; Lymington PLEASE SEND ITEMS FOR THE NEXT EDITION TO THE EDITOR, CAROL ROGERS ( by 20TH JANUARY 2016 5