SET Portfolio - RMIT University

SET Portfolio
Research Publications 2005
SET Portfolio Office
Aerospace, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Applied Sciences
Civil & Chemical Engineering
Computer Science & Information Technology
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Health Sciences
Mathematical & Geospatial Sciences
Medical Sciences
SET Portfolio Office
Book Chapters
Butler, M. and Chester, A. 2005, 'Spheres of influence: MOOs identity and learning
communities', in E-Learning in the University: Some Constructivist Perspectives, RMIT
University Press, Melbourne, pp.38-55, ISBN: 1-921166-02-9.
Gray, K., Wahr, F., Allan, G. and Radloff, A. 2005, 'E-learning and program quality: Seeing the
connection', in E-learning in the University: Some Constructivist Perspectives, RMIT University
Press, Melbourne, pp. 56-70, ISBN: 1-921166-02-9.
Pannan, L., van der Craats, C. and McGovern, J. 2005, 'Sustainable large scale on-line
development', in E-learning in the University: Some Constructionist Perspectives, RMIT
University Press, Melbourne, pp. 71-83, ISBN: 1-921166-02-9.
Radloff, A. 2005, 'Decentralised approaches to education development: Supporting quality
teaching and learning from within a faculty', in Education Development in Leadership in Higher
Education: Developing an Effective Institutional Strategy, RoutledgeFalmer, Abingdon, UK, pp.
72-87, ISBN: 0-415-33524.
Journal Articles
Homan, P. 2005, 'A survey of the vertebrate fauna of the Black Range, near Stawell', in Victorian
Naturalist, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, Melbourne, vol. 122, pp. 94-102, ISSN: 0042-5184
Conference Publications
Chang, R., Gray, K., Polus, B. and Radloff, A. 2005, 'Scholarly teaching practice: Ethics issues
and responses in research into teaching in tertiary education', Proceedings of the 2005 Annual
International Conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of
Australasia, A. Brew and C. Asmar (ed.), Higher Education Research and Development Society
of Australasia, Milperra, NSW (2005 Annual International Conference of the Higher Education
Research and Development Society of Australasia).
McGovern, J. and Armstrong, L. 2005, 'Assessing the value of E-learning initiatives', The Next
Wave of Collaboration, S. Whiteside (ed.), Educause Australasia, Auckland (Educause
Australasia 2005).
McGovern, J. and Gray, K. 2005, 'Directions for organisation and management of university
learning: Implications from a qualitative survey of student e-learning', Proceedings of the 22nd
ASCILITE Conference, H. Goss (ed.), Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
(ASCILITE 2005).
Wahr, F., McAspurn, E., Hadgraft, R. and Gray, K. 2005, 'Great idea! But how do we do it?
Mobilising internal networks to get innovative projects off the ground', Proceedings of the Good
Practice in Practice, D. Spennemann and L. Burr (ed.), Charles Sturt University, Wagga (Good
Practice in Practice - Student Experience Conference).
Aerospace, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Book Chapters
Akbarzadeh, A., Andrews, J. and Golding, P. 2005, 'Solar pond technologies: A review and future
directions', in Advances in Solar Energy, Earthscan, UK, pp. 233-294, ISBN: 1-84407-244-4.
Jakovljevic, B., Kangsanant, T. and Subic, A. 2005, 'A framework for the integration of a
trajectory pre-shaping technique into an advanced machine tool system', in Intelligent Production
Machines and Systems, Elsevier, London, pp. 509-514, ISBN: 10-0080447309.
Subic, A. 2005, 'A lifecycle approach to sustainable design of sports equipment', in The Impact of
Technology on Sport, Australasian Sports Technology Alliance, Melbourne, pp. 12-19, ISBN: 0646-45025-5.
Journal Articles
Abu-Hijleh, B. 2005, 'Fin placement for optimal forced convection heat transfer from a cylinder
in cross-flow', in International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Emerald
Group Publishing, Bradford, UK, vol. 15, pp. 277-295, ISSN: 0961-5539.
Andrews, J. and Akbarzadeh, A. 2005, 'Enhancing the thermal efficiency of solar ponds by
extracting heat from the gradient layer', in Solar Energy, Elsevier, UK, vol. 78, pp. 704-716,
ISSN: 0038-092X.
Bintoro, J., Akbarzadeh, A. and Mochizuki, M. 2005, 'A closed-loop electronics cooling by
implementing single phase impinging jet and mini channels heat exchanger', in Applied Thermal
Engineering, Elsevier, Oxford, vol. 25, pp. 2740-2753, ISSN: 1359-4311.
Boyle, J., Maeder, A., Bell, J., John, S. and Scott, R. 2005, 'Medical device research', in Expert
Review of Medical Devices, Future Drugs, London, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 41-45, ISSN: 1743-4440.
Cao, J., John, S. and Molyneaux, T. 2005, 'Piezoelectric-based vibration control optimization in
non-linear wood and composite structures', in Smart Structures of Integrated Systems, SPIE,
USA, vol. 5764, pp. 378-389, ISSN: 0277-786X.
Chen, L., Tu, J., Zhou, Y., Virahsawmy, H. and McGillivray, I. 2005, 'Computation of flow
behind three side-by-side cylinders of unequal/equal spacing', in ANZIAM Journal, Australian
Mathematical Society, Australia, vol. 46, pp. 672-689, ISSN: 1446-8735.
Herrmann, P. and Bil, C. 2005, 'Simulation and flight test of a temperature sensing stabilisation
system', in Aeronautical Journal, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, vol. 109, pp. 167-175,
ISSN: 0001-9240.
Herszberg, I., Li, H., Dharmawan, F., Mouritz, A., Nguyen, M. and Bayandor, J. 2005, 'Damage
assessment and monitoring of composite ship joints', in Journal of Composite Structures,
Elsevier, UK, vol. 67, pp. 205-216, ISSN: 0263-8223.
Katpradit, T., Wongratanaphisan, T., Terdtoon, P., Kamonpet, P., Polchai, A. and Akbarzadeh, A.
2005, 'Correlation to predict heat transfer characteristics of a closed end oscillating heat pipe at
critical state', in Applied Thermal Engineering, Pergamon-Elsevier Science, Oxford, vol. 25, pp.
2138-2151, ISSN: 1359-4311.
Kesavan, A., Deivasigamani, M., John, S. and Herszberg, I. 2005, 'Damage criticality assessment
in complex geometric structures using static stream response-based signal processing techniques
', in Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, SPIE, USA, vol. 5764, pp. 542-552, ISSN: 0277786X.
Khantsis, S. and Bourmistrova, A. 2005, 'UAV controller design using evolutionary algorithms',
in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Heidelberg, vol. 3809, pp. 1025-1030, ISSN:
Ng, E., Johnson, P. and Watkins, S. 2005, 'An analytical study on heat transfer performance of
radiators with non-uniform airflow distribution', in Journal of Automobile Engineering,
Professional Engineering Publishing, London, vol. 219, pp. 1451-1467, ISSN: 0954-4070.
Nguyen, M., Elder, D., Bayandor, J., Thomson, R. and Scott, M. 2005, 'A review of explicit finite
element software for composite impact analysis', in Journal of Composite Materials, Sage
Science Press, UK, vol. 39, pp. 375-386, ISSN: 0021-9983.
Peebles, C., Bil, C. and Drack, L. 2005, 'Intelligent data storage and retrieval for design
optimsation - An overview', in Acta Polytechnica, Czech Technical University Publishing House,
Prague, vol. 45, pp. 39-54, ISSN: 1210-2709.
Tian, Z., Tu, J. and Yeoh, G. 2005, 'Numerical simulation and validation of dilute gas-particle
flow over a backward-facing step', in Aerosol Science and Technology, Taylor and Francis,
Philadelphia, vol. 39, pp. 319-332, ISSN: 0278-6826.
Tu, J., Yeoh, G., Park, G. and Kim, M. 2005, 'On population balance approach for subcooled
boiling flow prediction', in Journal of Heat Transfer, American Society of Mechanical
Engineering, New York, vol. 127, pp. 253-264, ISSN: 0022-1481.
Vino, G., Watkins, S., Mousley, P., Watmuff, J. and Mavuri, S. 2005, 'Flow structures in the
near-wake of the Ahmed model', in Journal of Fluids and Structures, Elsevier, Amsterdam, vol.
20, pp. 673-695, ISSN: 0889-9746.
Williams, P. 2005, 'Spacecraft rendezvous on small relative inclination orbits using tethers', in
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, USA,
vol. 42, pp. 1047-1060, ISSN: 0022-4650.
Williams, P. 2005, 'Aircraft trajectory planning for terrain following incorporating actuator
constraints', in Journal of Aircraft, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston,
USA, vol. 42, pp. 1358-1361, ISSN: 0021-8669.
Williams, P. 2005, 'Optimal orbital transfer with electrodynamic tether', in Journal of Guidance,
Control and Dynamics, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, USA, vol.
28, pp. 369-372, ISSN: 0731-5090.
Williams, P., Blanksby, C., Trivailo, P. and Fujii, H. 2005, 'In-plane payload capture using
tethers', in Acta Astronautica, Elsevier, UK, vol. 57, pp. 772-787, ISSN: 0094-5765.
Williams, P. and Trivailo, P. 2005, 'Optimal parameter estimation of dynamical systems using
direct transcription methods', in Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Taylor and
Francis, UK, vol. 13, pp. 377-409, ISSN: 1741-5985.
Yeoh, G. and Tu, J. 2005, 'Thermal-hydrodynamic modelling of bubbly flows with heat and mass
transfer', in AIChE Journal, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, vol. 51, pp. 8-27, ISSN: 0001-1541.
Yeoh, G. and Tu, J. 2005, 'A unified model considering force balances for departing vapour
bubbles and population balance in subcooled boiling flow', in Nuclear Engineering and Design,
Elsevier, Switzerland, vol. 235, pp. 1251-1265, ISSN: 0029-5493.
Conference Publications
Abanteriba, S. 2005, 'Analysis of the lubrication condition of a crosshead pin bearing of a large
diesel engine', Proceedings of the 2005 American Society of Mechanical Engineering Fluids
Engineering Division Summer Conference, S. Michaelides (ed.), American Society of Mechanical
Engineering, New York (2005 American Society of Mechanical Engineering Fluids Engineering
Division Summer Conference).
Abbas, N., Kumar, D. and McLachlan, N. 2005, 'The psychological and physiological effects of
light and colour on space users', Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology 27th Annual Conference, Y. T. Zhang (ed.), IEEE, Shanghai (27th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society).
Abbas, N., Kumar, D. and McLachlan, N. 2005, 'Measuring the emotional and physiological
effects of light and colour on space users', Proceedings of Second International Conference on
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, J. Filipe (ed.), ITP Setubal, Barcelona (Second
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics).
Adams, R., McLachlan, N., Tomas, J. and Bil, C. 2005, 'Design improvement of components and
structures', Proceedings of the ANSA & mu ETA International Congress 2005, K. Scholari (ed.),
BETA CAE Systems, Kassandra, Greece (ANSA & mu ETA International Conference).
Alam, F., Subic, A. and Watkins, S. 2005, 'An experimental study of spin effects on tennis ball
aerodynamic properties', Proceedings of the Impact of Technology on Sport, A. Subic and S.
Ujihashi (ed.), Australasian Sports Technology Alliance, Melbourne (Asia Pacific Congress on
Sports Technology).
Alam, F., Subic, A. and Watkins, S. 2005, 'Measurement of aerodynamic drag forces on a rugby
ball and Australian rules football', Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports
Technology, A. Subic and S. Ujihashi (ed.), Australasian Sports Technology Alliance, Melbourne
(Asia Pacific Congress on Sports Technology).
Alam, F., Watkins, S. and Subic, A. 2005, 'Aerodynamic efficiency and thermal comfort of
bicycle helmets', Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
2005, D. K. Das et al. (ed.), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka (Sixth
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2005).
Alam, F., Watkins, S. and Zimmer, G. 2005, 'Flow measurements in the A-pillar regions of a
series of idealised passenger cars', Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Mechanical Engineering 2005, D. K. Das et al. (ed.), Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology, Dhaka (Sixth International Conference on Mechanical Engineering).
Alam, F., We, P., Watkins, S. and Subic, A. 2005, 'Drag measurements of a rugby ball using EFD
and CFD', Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2005,
D. K. Das et al. (ed.), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka (Sixth
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2005).
Andrews, J., Doddathimmaiah, A., Ali, S. and Akbarzadeh, A. 2005, 'Solar hydrogen systems for
remote area power supply from triple bottom line perspective', Proceedings of 2005 Solar World
Congress - Bringing Water to the World, D. Y. Goswami et al. (ed.), American Solar Energy
Society, Orlando, Florida (2005 Solar World Congress).
Atyeo, S., Sinha, A. and Young, K. 2005, 'Pre-mission analysis for helicopter emergency medical
services operations', Proceedings of the 31st European Rotorcraft Forum, G. Pagnano (ed.),
Agusta, Florence (31st European Rotorcraft Forum).
Atyeo, S., Sinha, A. and Young, K. 2005, 'A decision support system for pre-mission planning in
helicopter emergency medical service operations', Proceedings of the 11th Australian
International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers and Royal
Aeronautical Society, Australia (11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Atyeo, S., Sinha, A. and Young, K. 2005, 'Pre-mission analysis of helicopter emergency medical
service operations: Project update', Proceedings of the 61st AHS International Annual Forum and
Technology Display, C. Cesnik (ed.), Mira Publishing, St. Louis (61st AHS International Annual
Forum and Technology Display).
Bayandor, J., Thomson, R., Callus, P. and Scott, M. 2005, 'Impact performance substantiation of
a novel aerospace composite replacement primary structure', Proceedings of the 11th Australian
International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers, Australia and Royal
Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Bobbermien, B., Wickramanayake, V., Bil, C. and Ang, D. 2005, 'Design aspects of a wing in
ground effect vehicle', Proceedings of the 11th Australian International Aerospace Congress, M.
Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers and Royal Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian
International Aerospace Congress).
Bourmistrova, A., Storey, I. and Subic, A. 2005, 'Multiobjective optimisation of active and semiactive suspension systems with application of evolutionary algorithm', Proceedings of the
International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, A. Zerger and R. M. Argent (ed.),
Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne (International
Congress on Modelling and Simulation).
Bunting, A. and Healey, G. 2005, 'Australia's mandatory renewable energy target: Driver of
institutional change?', Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress 2005, M. Imbabi et
al. (ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam (World Renewable Energy Congress 2005).
Cao, J., John, S. and Molyneaux, T. 2005, 'Computer modelling and simulation of passive
piezoelectric vibration shunt control', Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on
Modelling Simulation and Visualization Methods, H. Arabnia (ed.), CSREA Press, Irvine, CA
(2005 International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Visualization Methods).
Carn, C. and Trivailo, P. 2005, 'Inverse determination of aerodynamic loading from structural
response data using neural networks', Proceedings of the Inverse Problems, Design and
Optimization Symposium, M. J. Colaco et al. (ed.), e-Papers Publishing House, Rio de Janeiro
(Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium).
Chang, P., Harris, E., Kootsookos, A., Cox, B. and Mouritz, A. 2005, 'Improved elevated
temperature properties of z-pinned composite lap joints', Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian
Congress on Applied Mechanics, M. Xie et al. (ed.), Institute of Materials Engineering
Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics).
Charlesworth, S., Kusumo, R., Sinha, A. and Atyeo, S. 2005, 'Helicopter emergency medical
service crew capability evaluation: Issues and challenges', Proceedings of the 61st AHS
International Annual Forum and Technology Display, C. Cesnik (ed.), Mira Publishing, St Louis
(61st AHS International Annual Forum and Technology Display).
Charlesworth, S., Kusumo, R., Sinha, A. and Atyeo, S. 2005, 'Crew capability evaluation for
helicopter emergency medical service operations', Proceedings of the 31st European Rotorcraft
Forum, G. Pagnano (ed.), Agusta, Florence (31st European Rotorcraft Forum).
Ciesielski, V., Innes, A., John, S. and Mamutil, J. 2005, 'Understanding evolved genetic programs
for a real world object detection problem', Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference of
Genetic Programming 2005, M. Keijzer et al. (ed.), Springer, Heidelberg (Eighth European
Conference of Genetic Programming 2005).
Deivasigamani, M., Kesavan, A., John, S. and Herszberg, I. 2005, 'Damage assessment in
composite structures using optimized neural networks', Proceedings of the 11th Australian
International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers and Royal
Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Dilla, E., Tu, J. and Yeoh, G. 2005, 'Numerical prediction of ledinegg-type instability in a
channel flow using modified subcooled boiling models in RELAP/Mod3.2 code', Proceedings of
the 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, H. Lemonnier
(ed.), French Atomic Energy Commission, France (11th International Topical Meeting on
Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics).
Ikeda, T. and Bil, C. 2005, 'Aerodynamic optimisation of a blended wing body configuration',
Proceedings of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers Annual Conference 2005, M.
Konishi (ed.), Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Okayama (Society of Instrument and
Control Engineers Annual Conference).
Ikeda, T. and Bil, C. 2005, 'Aerodynamic analysis of a blended wing aircraft configuration',
Proceedings of the 11th Australian International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution
of Engineers and Royal Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian International
Aerospace Congress).
Illie, K. and Subic, A. 2005, 'Intelligent design of rotor profiles for efficient performance of twinscrew superchargers', Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Engineering Design,
A. Samuel and W. Lewis (ed.), Institution of Engineers, Melbourne (15th International
Conference on Engineering Design).
Jakovljevic, B., Subic, A., Yu, X., Feng, Y. and Shen, H. 2005, 'Design review of intelligent
mechatronic systems for automated weed control', Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on Mechatronics, K. M. Rahman et al. (ed.), International Islamic University of
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (Second International Conference on Mechatronics).
John, S. and Pook, E. 2005, 'The use of smart systems in teaching mechanical engineering
science', Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference of Frontiers in Education: Computer
Science and Computer Engineering, H. Arabnia (ed.), CSREA Press, Irvine, CA (2005
International Conference of Frontiers in Education).
Jonnalagadda, S., Sinha, A., Hoffmann, P. and Schrage, D. 2005, 'Mission systems identification
for the upgrade design analysis of anti-submarine maritime helicopters', Proceedings of the 31st
European Rotorcraft Forum, G. Pagnano (ed.), Agusta, Florence (31st European Rotorcraft
Jonnalagadda, S., Sinha, A., Hoffmann, P. and Schrage, D. 2005, 'Modelling upgrade design
analysis of maritime helicopters for anti-submarine missions: Mission payload design',
Proceedings of the 31st European Rotorcraft Forum, G. Pagnano (ed.), Agusta, Florence (31st
European Rotorcraft Forum).
Jonnalagadda, S., Sinha, A., Hoffmann, P. and Schrage, D. 2005, 'Modelling upgrade design
analysis of maritime helicopters for anti-submarine missions: Mission systems identification',
Proceedings of 11th Australian International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of
Engineers and Royal Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian International Aerospace
Jonnalagadda, S., Sinha, A., Hoffmann, P. and Schrage, D. 2005, 'Simulation of modelling
upgrade design analysis of maritime helicopters for anti-submarine missions', Proceedings of the
61st AHS International Annual Forum and Technology Display, C. Cesnik (ed.), Mira Publishing,
St Louis (61st AHS International Annual Forum and Technological Display).
Kesavan, A., Deivasigamani, M., John, S. and Herszberg, I. 2005, 'Detection of delaminations in
t-joint composite structures using optimized neural networks', Proceedings of the 2005
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, H. Arabnia and R. Joshua (ed.), CSREA
Press, Irvine, CA (2005 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence).
Khan, A., Bil, C. and Marion, K. 2005, 'Theory and application of artificial neural networks for
the real time prediction of ship motion', Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, R. Khosla et al. (ed.),
Springer, Melbourne (Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent
Information and Engineering Systems).
Khan, A., Bil, C. and Marion, K. 2005, 'Real-time prediction of ship motion using artificial neural
networks', Proceedings of the Third Massachusetts Institute of Technology Conference on
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, K. J. Bathe (ed.), Elsevier, Oxford (Third
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid
Khan, A., Bil, C. and Marion, K. 2005, 'Ship motion prediction for launch and recovery of air
vehicles', Proceedings of the OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE Conference, J. Czika (ed.), IEEE/Marine
Technology Society, Washington, DC (OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE Conference).
Khan, A., Bil, C. and Marion, K. 2005, 'Real time prediction of ship motion using singular value
decomposition trained artificial neural networks', Proceedings of the 11th Australian
International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers and Royal
Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Khantsis, S. and Bourmistrova, A. 2005, 'Stochastic design of a non-linear controller for
autonomous UAV recovery', Proceedings of MODSIM 2005 International Congress on
Modelling and Simulation, A. Zerger and R. M. Argent (ed.), Modelling and Simulation Society
of Australia and New Zealand, Canberra (MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling
and Simulation).
Khreish, J., Atyeo, S. and Sinha, A. 2005, 'A systems approach to the conceptual design of a
vertical take-off unmanned combat aerial vehicle', Proceedings of 11th Australian International
Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers and Royal Aeronautical Society,
Australia (11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Khreish, J. and Sinha, A. 2005, 'A systems approach to interoperability issues of unmanned aerial
vehicles: Envisioned project plan', Proceedings of the 31st European Rotorcraft Forum, G.
Pagnano (ed.), Agusta, Florence (31st European Rotorcraft Forum).
Khreish, J., Sinha, A. and Atyeo, S. 2005, 'Conceptual design of 'ORCA' vertical take-off
unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV)', Proceedings of the 20th Bristol International UAV
Systems Conference, B. Frampton (ed.), University of Bristol, Bristol (20th Bristol International
UAV Systems Conference).
Khreish, J., Sinha, A. and Atyeo, S. 2005, 'A systems approach to the conceptual design of a
vertical take-off unmanned combat aerial vehicle (VT-UCAV)', Proceedings of the 61st AHS
International Annual Forum and Technology Display, C. Cesnik (ed.), Mira Publishing, St Louis
(61st AHS International Annual Forum and Technology Display).
Khurana, M., Atyeo, S. and Sinha, A. 2005, 'Conceptual design process of an unmanned combat
aerial vehicle for air force operations', Proceedings of 11th Australian International Aerospace
Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers and Royal Aeronautical Society, Melbourne
(11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Khurana, M., Sinha, A. and Atyeo, S. 2005, 'Conceptual design process of an unmanned combat
aerial vehicle (UCAV) for Air Force operations', Proceedings of 20th Bristol International
Systems UAV Conference, B. Frampton (ed.), University of Bristol, Bristol (20th Bristol
International Systems UAV Conference).
Kumar, S., Kumar, D. and McLachlan, N. 2005, 'Biometrics identification based on visual hand
movements using wavelet transform', Proceedings of Second International Conference on
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, J. Filipe (ed.), ITP Setabul, Barcelona (Second
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics).
Lee, E., Forsyth, G. and Bil, C. 2005, 'Method to compare autocorrelation analysis results
obtained using SmartHUMS Unit', Proceedings of the 11th Australian International Aerospace
Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers and Royal Aeronautical Society, Melbourne
(11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Levinski, O., Hill, B. and Watmuff, J. 2005, 'Experimental and computational investigation of
generic buffet configuration', Proceedings of the 11th Australian International Aerospace
Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers and Royal Aeronatical Society, Melbourne
(11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Li, H., Herszberg, I. and Mouritz, A. 2005, 'Strain distributions due to disbonds in composite ship
joints', Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, M. Xie et al.
(ed.), Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth Australasian Congress on
Applied Mechanics).
Li, H., Herszberg, I. and Mouritz, A. 2005, 'Detection of structural damage by statistical
examination of strain distribution', Proceedings of the 11th Australian International Aerospace
Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institute of Engineers and Royal Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th
Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Loxton, B. and Watkins, S. 2005, 'An investigation of the flow quality through the prop',
Proceedings of the 11th Australian International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Royal
Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Markowicz, A., Subic, A. and Bourmistrova, A. 2005, 'Shape optimization of damping liners on
vibrating panels', Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Advances and Applications for Management and Decision Making, A. Zerger and R. M. Argent
(ed.), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Canberra (International
Congress on Modelling and Simulation).
Mathers, N. and Thompson, L. 2005, 'Using inflatable antennas for portable satellite-based
personal communications systems', Proceedings of the 56th International Astronautical
Congress, J. Onoda (ed.), International Astronautical Federation, Japan (56th International
Astronautical Congress).
Mavuri, S., Watkins, S. and Watmuff, J. 2005, 'A novel mirror-image technique for wheel and
ground simulation in automotive wind-tunnels', Proceedings of the 2005 ASME Fluids
Engineering Division Summer Conference, S. Michaelides (ed.), American Society of Mechanical
Engineering, New York (2005 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference).
McLachlan, N., Tsangalis, C. and Trivailo, P. 2005, 'Virtual design processes for weapon
systems', Proceedings of the 11th Australian International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.),
Institution of Engineers Australia and Royal Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian
International Aerospace Congress).
Niumsawatt, P. and Abanteriba, S. 2005, 'Implementation and development of a stochastic
turbulence model based on RANS formulation for the prediction of aeroacoustic noise',
Proceedings of the 2005 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, S. Michaelidis
(ed.), American Society of Mechanical Engineering, New York (2005 ASME Fluids Engineering
Division Summer Conference).
Nusyirwan, I. and Bil, C. 2005, 'Software design to solve real time optimisation of proportional
navigation guidance using genetic algorithms', Proceedings of the First Malaysian Software
Engineering Conference, A. Talib et al. (ed.), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang (First Malaysian
Software Engineering Conference).
Nusyirwan, I. and Bil, C. 2005, 'Stochastic trajectory optimisation for aircraft in air combat',
Proceedings of the SimTect 2005 Simulation Conference and Exhibition, P. Swadling (ed.),
Simulation Industry Association of Australia, Sydney (SimTect 2005 Simulation Conference and
Orifici, A., Thomson, R., Gunnion, A., Degenhardt, R., Abramovich, H. and Bayandor, J. 2005,
'Benchmark finite element simulations of postbuckling composite stiffened panels', Proceedings
of the 11th Australian International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers,
Australia and Royal Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian International Aerospace
Pagliarella, R. and Watkins, S. 2005, 'A preliminary study in the Ahmed body far wake: Bridging
the gap to FGITS', Proceedings of 2005 EAEC European Automotive Congress, C. Duboka (ed.),
Yugoslav Society of Automotive Engineers, Belgrade (2005 EAEC European Automotive
Rajneesh, J., Alam, F. and Watkins, S. 2005, 'Vibration of automobile side view mirror due to
aerodynamic inputs', Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mechanical
Engineering 2005, D. K. Das et al. (ed.), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Dhaka (Sixth International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2005).
Rathore, A. and Sinha, A. 2005, 'A systems approach to model the conceptual design process of
vertical take off unmanned aircraft vehicle (VTUAV)', Proceedings of 61st AHS International
Annual Forum and Technology Display, C. Cesnik (ed.), Mira Publishing, St Louis (61st AHS
International Annual Forum and Technology Display).
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Grochola, G., Snook, I. and Russo, S. 2005, 'Application of the constrained fluid lambdaintegration path to the calculation of high temperature Au(110) surface free energies', in Journal
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Gunaratne, L. and Shanks, R. 2005, 'Multiple melting behaviour of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-cohydroxyvalerate) using step-scan DSC', in European Polymer Journal, Elsevier, Oxford, vol. 41,
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Han, X., Shanks, R. and Pavel, D. 2005, 'The synthesis and thermal properties of
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Henry, D., Lukey, C., Evans, E. and Yarovsky, I. 2005, 'Theoretical study of adhesion between
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Henry, D., Yiapanis, G., Evans, E. and Yarovsky, I. 2005, 'Adhesion between graphite and
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Houshyar, S., Shanks, R. and Hodzic, A. 2005, 'The effect of fiber concentration on mechanical
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Houshyar, S., Shanks, R. and Hodzic, A. 2005, 'Influence of different woven geometry in
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Houshyar, S., Shanks, R. and Hodzic, A. 2005, 'Tensile creep behaviour of polypropylene fibre
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Conference Publications
Beale, D., Porter, N. and Roddick, F. 2005, 'Atrazine detection by flow injection
chemiluminescence analysis', ERE Environmental Research Event 2005 Proceedings, N. Khanna
et al (ed.), RMIT University, Melbourne (ERE Environmental Research Event 2005).
Boag, A., McCulloch, D., Jamieson, D., Hearne, S., Hughes, A., Ryan, C., Pedrina, L. and Rout,
B. 2005, 'Analysis of intermetallic phases in aerospace aluminium alloys using a nuclear
microprobe and phase correlation mapping', Proceedings of the 16th National Congress 2005
Australian Institute of Physics - Physics for the Nation, M. Colla (ed.), Australian Institute of
Physics, Canberra (16th AIP National Congress).
Budi, B., Legge, S., Treutlein, H. and Yarovsky, I. 2005, 'Protein response to electric field stress',
Proceedings of the 16th National Congress 2005 Australian Institute of Physics - Physics for the
Nation, M. Colla (ed.), Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra (16th AIP National Congress).
Burgmann, F., Xiao, X., Lim, S., McCulloch, D., Ryves, L., Oates, T., Ha, P., McKenzie, D. and
Bilek, M. 2005, 'Plasma engineering of multilayered carbon coatings', Proceedings of the 16th
National Congress 2005 Australian Institute of Physics - Physics for the Nation, M. Colla (ed.),
Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra (16th AIP National Congress).
Cerezo, F., Preston, C. and Shanks, R. 2005, 'Structural, mechanical and dielectric properties of
poly(ethylene-co-methyl acrylate-co-acrylic acid) graphite oxide nanocomposites', Modern
Science of Advanced Materials, A. Hodzic (ed.), James Cook University, Townsville (First
International Conference in Engineering of Materials).
Gunaratne, L., Shanks, R., Han, X. and Amarasinghe, G. 2005, 'Crystallisation and melting
behaviour of poly(3-hydroxybuyrate)', Modern Science of Advanced Materials, A. Hodzic (ed.),
James Cook University, Townsville (First International Conference in Engineering of Materials).
Han, X. and Shanks, R. 2005, 'Preparation and thermal behaviour of polymer liquid crystal
composite', Modern Science of Advanced Materials, A. Hodzic (ed.), James Cook University,
Townsville (First International Conference in Engineering of Materials).
Holland, A., Kandasamy, S., Fardin, E., Mitchell, A. and McCulloch, D. 2005, 'Formation of lead
lanthanum zirconate titanate films by post deposition annealing', Proceedings of the Conference
on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, A. D. Rakic and Y. T. Yeow
(ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and
Houshyar, S., Shanks, R. and Hodzic, A. 2005, 'Mechanical properties of polypropylene fibrematrix composites', Modern Science of Advanced Materials, A. Hodzic (ed.), James Cook
University, Townsville (First International Conference in Engineering of Materials).
Lenne, T., Bryant, G. and Koster, K. 2005, 'Quantitative study on the effects of sugars on
membrane phase transitions - Preliminary investigations', Proceedings of the 16th National
Congress 2005 Australian Institute of Physics - Physics for the Nation, M. Colla (ed.), Australian
Institute of Physics, Canberra (16th AIP National Congress).
Merchant, A. and McGregor, K. 2005, 'Using student authored questions to encourage deeper
learning in Physics', Proceedings of the 16th National Congress 2005 Australian Institute of
Physics - Physics for the Nation, M. Colla (ed.), Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra (16th
AIP National Congress).
Merchant, A. and McGregor, K. 2005, 'Reflections on using student-authored questions to
encourage learning in Physics', Proceedings of the Blended Learning in Science Teaching and
Learning Symposium, I. Johnston (ed.), UniServe Science, Sydney (Blended Learning in Science
Teaching and Learning Symposium).
Montoya, M., Simon, D., Holland, A. and Shanks, R. 2005, 'Cure rate and dry etch patterning of
thermoset polymers', Micro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems
II, J.-C. Ciao et al. (ed.), SPIE, USA (Proceedings of SPIE).
Mullett, M., Tardio, J. and Bhargava, S. 2005, 'Removal of elemental mercury from industrial
effluents', Proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference Chemeca
2005, Smart Solutions - Doing More with Less, M. Hardin (ed.), Institution of Engineers,
Brisbane (33rd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference).
O'Bree, T., Bryant, G. and Dekker, A. 2005, 'Preliminary VSP measurements of Gippsland Lakes
waters in two planes of polarisation for interpretation of remote sensing images', Proceedings of
the 16th national Congress 2005 Australian Institute of Physics - Physics for the Nation, M. Colla
(ed.), Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra (16th AIP National Congress).
Ouajai, S., Shanks, R., Hodzic, A. and Houshyar, S. 2005, 'Thermagravimetric analysis of natural
cellulose fibres', Modern Science of Advanced Materials, A. Hodzic (ed.), James Cook
University, Townsville (First International Conference in Engineering of Materials).
Shanks, R. 2005, 'Thermo mechanical investigation of advanced materials and pressure sensitive
adhesives', Modern Science of Advanced Materials, A. Hodzic (ed.), James Cook University,
Townsville (First International Conference in Engineering of Materials).
Tardio, J., Bhargava, S., Mullett, M. and Forster, P. 2005, 'Removal of odorous compounds from
alumina refinery condensates', Proceedings of the Seventh International Alumina Quality
Workshop, A. McKinnon (ed.), Alumina Quality Workshop, Perth (Seventh International
Alumina Quality Workshop).
Taylor, M., Davis, K., Gan, B., McKenzie, D., Bilek, M., McCulloch, D., Latella, B., Wilksch,
P., Van Den Brink, R. and McPherson, M. 2005, 'Synthesis and characterisation of titanium
vanadium nitride thin', Proceedings of the 16th National Congress 2005 Australian Institute of
Physics - Physics for the Nation, M. Colla (ed.), Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra (16th
AIP National Congress).
Todorova, N., Spencer, M. and Yarovsky, I. 2005, 'Dynamic properties of the sulfur contaminated
Fe(110) surface', Proceedings of the 16th National Congress 2005 Australian Institute of Physics
- Physics for the Nation, M. Colla (ed.), Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra (16th AIP
National Congress).
Wong, S., Shanks, R. and Hodzic, A. 2005, 'Hyperbranched polyesters as toughness modifiers in
poly(L-lactic acid)-natural fibre composites', Modern Science of Advanced Materials, A. Hodzic
(ed.), James Cook University, Townsville (First International Conference in Engineering of
Civil & Chemical Engineering
Journal Articles
Buchanan, W., Roddick, F. and Porter, N. 2005, 'Formation of hazardous by-products resulting
from the irradiation of natural organic matter: Comparison between UV and VUV irradiation', in
Chemosphere, Elsevier, UK, vol. 1, pp. 1-12, ISSN: 0045-6535.
Buchanan, W., Roddick, F., Porter, N. and Drikas, M. 2005, 'Fractionation of UV and VUV
pretreated natural organic matter from drinking water', in Environmental Science and Technology,
American Chemical Society, Washington, vol. 39, pp. 4647-4654, ISSN: 0013-936X.
Burry, J., Felicetti, P., Tang, J., Burry, M. and Xie, Y. 2005, 'Dynamical structural modeling: A
collaborative design exploration', in International Journal of Architectural Computing, MultiScience Publishing, Essex, UK, vol. 3, pp. 27-42, ISSN: 1478-0771.
Cao, J., John, S. and Molyneaux, T. 2005, 'Piezoelectric-based vibration control optimization in
non-linear wood and composite structures', in Smart Structures of Integrated Systems, SPIE,
USA, vol. 5764, pp. 378-389, ISSN: 0277-786X.
Chaudhary, D. and Jollands, M. 2005, 'An investigation into surface energetics of rice hull ash
particles using Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC)', in Journal of Material Science, Springer
Science, New York, vol. 40, pp. 4347-4353, ISSN: 0022-2461.
Chaudhary, D. and Jollands, M. 2005, 'Tensile and impact performance of polypropylene
microcomposite system: Effect of novel silica ash filler', in Polymers and Polymer Composites,
Rapra Technology, Shrewsbury, UK, vol. 13, pp. 627-635, ISSN: 0967-3911.
Chaudhary, D., Prasad, R., Gupta, R. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Clay intercalation and influence
on crystallinity of EVA-based clay nanocomposites', in Thermochimica Acta, Elsevier Science,
Amsterdam, vol. 433, pp. 187-195, ISSN: 0040-6031.
Chaudhary, D., Prasad, R., Gupta, R. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Morphological influence on
mechanical characterization of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer-clay nanocomposites', in
Polymer Engineering and Science, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, vol. 45, pp. 889-897, ISSN: 00323888.
Chryss, A., Bhattacharya, S. and Pullum, L. 2005, 'Rheology of shear thickening suspensions and
the effects of wall slip in torsional flow', in Rheologica Acta, Springer, New York, vol. 45, pp.
124-131, ISSN: 0035-4511.
Das, R., Jones, R. and Xie, Y. 2005, 'Design of structures for optimal static strength using ESO',
in Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier, Oxford, vol. 12, pp. 61-80, ISSN: 1350-6307.
Gato, S., Jayasuriya, N., Hadgraft, R. and Roberts, P. 2005, 'A simple time series approach to
modelling urban water demand', in Australian Journal of Water Resources, Institution of
Engineers Australia, Sydney, vol. 8, pp. 153-164, ISSN: 1324-1583.
Giusberti, L., Fantin, M. and Buckeridge, J. 2005, 'Ovulaster protodecimae N. Sp. (Echinoidea,
Spatangoida) and associated epifauna (Cirripedia, Verrucidae) from the Danian of Northeastern
Italy', in Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, University of Milan, Milan, vol. 111, pp.
455-465, ISSN: 0035-6883.
Goldsmith, M., Rogers, P., Cabral, N., Ghiggino, K. and Roddick, F. 2005, 'Riboflavin triplet
quenchers inhibit lightstruck flavor formation in beer', in Journal of the American Society of
Brewing Chemists, American Society of Brewing Chemists, St Paul, USA, vol. 63, pp. 177-184,
ISSN: 0361-0470.
Gupta, R., Pasanovic-Zujo, V. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Shear and extensional rheology of
EVA/layered silicate-nanocomposites', in Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Elsevier
Science, Amsterdam, vol. 128, pp. 116-125, ISSN: 0377-0257.
Gupta, R., Prasad, R. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Estimation of extensional properties of
polyethylene melts from melt strength measurements', in Journal of Polymer Engineering, Freund
Publishing House, London, vol. 25, pp. 261-275, ISSN: 0334-6447.
Hadinata, C., Gabriel, C., Rullmann, M., Kao, N. and Laun, M. 2005, 'Correlation between the
gel time and quiescent/quasi-quiescent crystallization onset time of poly(butene-1) as determined
from rheological methods', in Rheologica Acta, Springer, On-line, vol. 10, pp. 1-9, ISSN: 14351528.
Hadinata, C., Gabriel, C., Rullmann, M. and Laun, M. 2005, 'Comparison of shear-induced
crystallization behavior of PB-1 samples with different molecular weight distribution', in Journal
of Rheology, American Institute of Physics, Melville, USA, vol. 49, no.1, pp. 327-349, ISSN:
Kairn, T., Daivis, P., Ivanov, I. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Molecular-dynamics simulation of
model polymer nanocomposite rheology and comparison with experiment', in Journal of
Chemical Physics, American Institute of Physics, Melville, USA, vol. 123, no.194905, pp. 1-7,
ISSN: 0021-9606.
Khan, A., Shepherd, J. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Numerical modelling of the effect of operating
parameters in the plastic blown film process', in ANZIAM Journal, Australian Mathematics
Publishers, Canberra, vol. 46, pp. C1239-C1253, ISSN: 1446-1811.
Li, W., Li, Q., Grant, S. and Xie, Y. 2005, 'An evolutionary shape optimization for elastic contact
problems subject to multiple load cases', in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, Elsevier, Oxford, vol. 194, pp. 3394-3415, ISSN: 0045-7825.
Lokuge, W., Sanjayan, J. and Setunge, S. 2005, 'Stress-strain model for laterally confined
concrete', in Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE-American Society of Civil
Engineers, Reston, VA, vol. 17, pp. 607-616, ISSN: 0899-1561.
McCausland, M., Thompson, P. and Blackburn, S. 2005, 'Ecophysiological influence of light and
mixing on Anabaena circinalis (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria)', in European Journal of Phycology,
Taylor and Francis, Abingdon, UK, vol. 40, pp. 9-20, ISSN: 0967-0262.
Prasad, R., Gupta, R., Cser, F. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Extensibility of EVA based
nanocomposites', in Journal of Polymer Engineering, Freund Publishing House, London, vol. 25,
pp. 305-330, ISSN: 0334-6447.
Raha, S., Kao, N. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Effect of polypropylene on the rheology of cocontinuous PS/SEBS blends', in Polymer Engineering and Science, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ,
vol. 45, pp. 1432-1444, ISSN: 0032-3888.
Rahman, S., Molyneaux, T. and Patnaikuni, I. 2005, 'Ultra high performance concrete: Recent
applications and research', in Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, Institution of Engineers
Australia, Sydney, vol. 2, pp. 13-20, ISSN: 1448-8353.
Ren, G., Smith, J., Tang, J. and Xie, Y. 2005, 'Underground excavation shape optimization using
an evolutionary procedure', in Computers and Geotechnics, Elsevier Science, Oxford, vol. 32, pp.
122-132, ISSN: 0266-352X.
Shaw, M., Millard, S., Molyneaux, T., Taylor, M. and Bungey, J. 2005, 'Location of steel
reinforcement in concrete using ground penetrating radar and neural networks', in NDT&E
International, Elsevier Science, Oxford, vol. 38, pp. 203-212, ISSN: 0963-8695.
Smith, J. 2005, 'Textures recording transient porosity in synkinematic quartz veins, south coast,
New South Wales, Australia', in Journal of Structural Geology, Pergamon-Elsevier Science,
Oxford, vol. 27, pp. 357-370, ISSN: 0191-8141.
Swinbourne, D., Yan, S. and Salim, S. 2005, 'The solubility of gold in metallurgical slags', in
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, Maney Publishing, UK, vol. 114, pp. 23-29,
ISSN: 0371-9553.
Tung, J., Gupta, R., Simon, G., Edwards, G. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Rheological and
mechanical comparative study of in situ polymerized and melt-blended nylon 6 nanocomposites',
in Polymer, Elsevier Science, Oxford, vol. 46, pp. 10405-10418, ISSN: 0032-3861.
Xie, Y., Felicetti, P., Tang, J. and Burry, M. 2005, 'Form finding for complex structures using
evolutionary structural optimization method', in Design Studies, Elsevier Science, Oxford, vol.
26, pp. 55-72, ISSN: 0142-694X.
Yang, X., Xie, Y. and Grant, S. 2005, 'Evolutionary methods for topology optimisation of
continuous structures with design dependent loads', in Computers and Structures, PergamonElsevier Science, Oxford, vol. 83, pp. 956-963, ISSN: 0045-7949.
Conference Publications
Bains, H., Gravina, R. and Setunge, S. 2005, 'Long term deflections in simply supported RC
beams and one-way slabs using a block element approach', Advances in Applied Mechanics, Y.
M. Xie et al. (ed.), Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth
Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (ACAM 2005)).
Bajaj, A., Mendis, P. and Patnaikuni, I. 2005, 'Effect of lateral reinforcement of biaxially loaded
high-strength concrete columns', Developments in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, A. J.
Deeks and H. Hao (ed.), A. A. Balkema, The Netherlands (18th Australasian Conference on the
Mechanics of Structures and Materials).
Beale, D., Porter, N. and Roddick, F. 2005, 'Atrazine detection by flow injection
chemiluminescence analysis', ERE Environmental Research Event 2005 Proceedings, N. Khanna
et al. (ed.), RMIT University, Melbourne (ERE Environmental Research Event 2005).
Boyd, T. and Brumley, J. 2005, 'Advancing the trade of groundwater entitlements in Australia',
Water Resources Management III, M. de Conceicao Cunha and C. A. Brebbia (ed.), WIT Press,
Boston (Third International Conference on Water Resources Management).
Cao, J., John, S. and Molyneaux, T. 2005, 'Computer modelling and simulation of passive
piezoelectric vibration shunt control', Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on
Modelling Simulation and Visualization Methods, H. Arabnia (ed.), CSREA Press, Irvine, CA
(2005 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods).
Chaudhary, D., Gupta, R., Bhattacharya, S. and Kamal, M. 2005, 'Morphological dependence of
the mechanical properties of HDPE-EVA-clay blend nanocomposites', PPS21 Conference
Proceedings, H.-J. Radusch (ed.), Druck-Zuck Halle (Saale), Halle, Germany (21st Annual
Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-21)).
Chaudhary, D., Prasad, R., Gupta, R. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Influence of morphology on the
mechanical properties of ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA)-clay nanocomposites', PPS21 Conference
Proceedings, H.-J. Radusch (ed.), Druck-Zuck Halle (Saale), Halle, Germany (21st Annual
Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-21)).
DeSouza, M. and Jayasuriya, N. 2005, 'Movement of natural organic matter from catchment to
the reservoir via surface runoff', Proceedings of the OZ Watershed Conference, J. Iorizzo et al.
(ed.), Australian Water Association, Willoughby, NSW (Ozwater Watershed: The Turning Point
for Water).
Goricanec, J., Hadgraft, R., Brumley, J. and Oxley, D. 2005, 'Problematic project work in a first
year course - Sustainability for civil/infrastructure and environmental engineers', Proceedings of
the Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, D. Radcliffe and J.
Humphries (ed.), University of Queensland, Brisbane (Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on
Engineering Education).
Gravina, R. and Smith, S. 2005, 'Flexural behaviour of indeterminate concrete beams reinforced
with FRP bars', Composites in Construction (CCC2005), P. Hamelin et al. (ed.), University of
Lyon, France (Third International Conference on Composites in Construction).
Gupta, R., Tillekeratne, M., Prasad, R., Jollands, M., Parthasarathy, R. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005,
'Ethylene-vinyl acetate co-polymer (EVA) nanocomposites for barrier film applications',
Conference Proceedings of Chemeca 2005, M. Hardin (ed.), Institution of Engineers Australia,
Brisbane (Chemeca 2005).
Hadgraft, R. 2005, 'Integrating engineering education - Key attributes of a problem-based
learning environment', Proceedings of the Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering
Education, D. Radcliffe and J. Humphries (ed.), University of Queensland, Brisbane (Fourth
ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education).
Ho, X. and Waters, M. 2005, 'Quantitative water supply sustainability in Ho Chi Minh City',
Proceedings of the 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, R. Vertessy and R. Knee
(ed.), Engineers Australia, Canberra (Water Capital).
Holzer, D., Tang, J., Xie, Y. and Burry, M. 2005, 'Design using evolutionary optimisation and
associative geometry', CAAD Futures 2005, B. Martens and A. Brown (ed.), Springer, The
Netherlands (CAAD Futures 2005).
Huang, X. and Xie, Y. 2005, 'Topology optimization of structures with nonlinear materials',
Collaboration and Harmonization in Creative Systems, T. Hara (ed.), Taylor & Francis, London
(Third International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference).
Jarrar, A., Jayasuriya, N., Othman, M., Almasri, M., Jayyousi, A., Kaluarachchi, J. and McKee,
M. 2005, 'A decision-support-system for integrated water and land management in agriculturedominated watersheds: A conceptual study to Faria watershed, Palestine', Proceedings of the
2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, R. Walton (ed.), American Society of
Civil Engineers, Alaska (Impacts of Global Climate Change).
Jarrar, A., Jayasuriya, N., Othman, M. and Jayyousi, A. 2005, 'Integrated natural resources
management framework in semi-arid regions', Proceedings of XXXI IAHR Congress, B.-H. Jun et
al. (ed.), IAHR, Korea (XXXI IAHR Congress, Water Engineering for the Future: Choices and
Jayasuriya, N., Zhang, J., Setunge, S. and Funiss, J. 2005, 'Improved stormwater management by
pervious pavements', Proceedings of the 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, R.
Vertessy and R. Knee (ed.), Engineers Australia, Canberra (Water Capital).
Jollands, M., Ward, L., Hadgraft, R. and Grundy, I. 2005, 'Student engagement in project-based
courses in first year chemical engineering at RMIT University.', Proceedings Fourth ASEE/AaeE
Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, D. Radcliffe and J. Humphries (ed.), University of
Queensland, Brisbane (Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education).
Khalil, R., Chryss, A., Jollands, M. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Rheology and morphology of rice
hull ash-filled PP', PPS21 Conference Proceedings, H.-J. Radusch (ed.), Druck-Zuck Halle
(Saale), Halle, Germany (21st Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-21)).
Khan, A. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Numerical modelling of scale up for polyolefin blown film
processes', PPS-21 Conference Proceedings, H.-J. Radusch (ed.), Druck-Zuck Halle (Saale),
Halle, Germany (21st Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-21)).
Koay, Y., Xie, Y. and Setunge, S. 2005, 'Using EPDM rubber joiners for minimizing tripping
hazard due to slab misalignment of concrete footpaths', Advances in Applied Mechanics, Y. M.
Xie et al. (ed.), Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth Australasian
Congress on Applied Mechanics).
Koay, Y., Xie, Y. and Setunge, S. 2005, 'Comparison of various types of shear connectors for
minimizing tripping hazard', Concrete 2005 Issues, Opportunities and Innovations, F. A.
Phaedonos et al. (ed.), Concrete Institute of Australia, Melbourne (22nd Biennial Conference of
Concrete Institute of Australia).
Lee, M., Solarska, S., Roddick, F. and Harris, J. 2005, 'Application of white rot fungi for the
biodegradation of natural organic matter', ERE 2005 Environmental Research Event, N. Khanna
et al. (ed.), RMIT University, Melbourne (ERE Environmental Research Event).
Majumder, K., Khan, A., Bhattacharya, S. and Hobbs, G. 2005, 'Melt rheology and processing
variables on the film properties in blown film extrusion', PPS-21 Conference Proceedings, H.-J.
Radusch (ed.), Druck-Zuck, Halle, Germany (21st Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing
Society (PPS-21)).
Nezamian, A. and Setunge, S. 2005, 'A case study of applications of FRP composites in
strengthening of the concrete headstock of a bridge structure', FRP Composites in Civil
Engineering CICE 2004, R. Seracino (ed.), A. A. Balkema, London (Second International
Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering).
Nezamian, A. and Setunge, S. 2005, 'A review on shear strength of reinforced concrete beams
after initiation of shear cracks', Advances in Applied Mechanics, Y. M. Xie et al. (ed.), Institute of
Materials Engineering Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth Australasian Congress on Applied
Nezamian, A., Setunge, S. and Chandler, L. 2005, 'A comparison of external post tensioning and
use of FRP composites in strengthening of the reinforced concrete headstock of Tenthill Creek
bridge in Queensland', Developments in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, A. J. Deeks and
H. Hao (ed.), A. A. Balkema, London (18th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of
Structures and Materials).
Nezamian, A., Setunge, S. and Molyneaux, T. 2005, 'A framework for predicting the residual
load carrying capacity of concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments', Construction
Materials, N. Banthia et al. (ed.), University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Third International
Conference on Construction Materials).
Nha, C., Hung, L. and Xie, Y. 2005, 'Application of evolutionary optimization methods to design
of space trusses', Advances in Applied Mechanics, Y. M. Xie et al. (ed.), Institute of Materials
Engineering Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics).
Oxley, D., De Silva, S. and Xie, Y. 2005, 'Prefabricated modular housing systems for improving
the sustainability of residential construction', Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Environmental
Postgraduate Conference, N. Khanna et al. (ed.), RMIT University, Melbourne (Annual
Environmental Research Event).
Pathegama Gamage, N., Setunge, S., Jollands, M. and Freischmidt, G. 2005, 'Mechanical
properties of hardwood particleboards as affected by processing parameters', Construction
Materials, N. Banthia et al. (ed.), University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Third International
Conference on Construction Materials).
Pathegama Gamage, N., Setunge, S. and Yeoh, B. 2005, 'Particleboard production using
hardwood saw-mill residues', Australian Structural Engineering Conference 2005, M. Stewart et
al. (ed.), Tour Hosts, Sydney (Australian Structural Engineering Conference).
Peng, D., Jones, R. and Xie, Y. 2005, 'The biological algorithm for solving shape optimization
problems with fracture strength and fatigue life constrains', Advances in Applied Mechanics, Y.
M. Xie et al. (ed.), Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth
Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics).
Perera, H. and Setunge, S. 2005, 'Mathematical modelling of autogeneous shrinkage of highstrength concrete', Developments in Mechanical of Structures and Materials, A. J. Deeks and H.
Hao (ed.), A. A. Balkema, London (18th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures
and Materials).
Prasad, R., Gupta, R., Cser, F. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Light scattering of EVA
nanocomposites undergoing extensional deformation', PPS21 Conference Proceedings, H.-J.
Radusch (ed.), Druck-Zuck Halle (Saale), Halle Germany (21st Annual Meeting of the Polymer
Processing Society (PPS-21)).
Rahman, S., Molyneaux, T. and Patnaikuni, I. 2005, 'Development of modified reactive powder
concrete with compressive strength of 110-120 MPa', Collaboration and Harmonization in
Creative Systems, T. Hara (ed.), Taylor & Francis, London (Third International Structural
Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-03)).
Rahman, S., Patnaikuni, I. and De Silva, S. 2005, 'Thermal performance of the metricon ecohome
during preoccupation period', Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Environmental Postgrad
Conference, N. Khanna et al. (ed.), RMIT University, Melbourne (Annual Environmental
Research Event).
Rajapakse, A., Bhattacharya, S. and Parthasarathy, R. 2005, 'Effect of impeller type on drop size
in a stirred liquid-liquid reactor', Conference Proceedings of Chemeca 2005, M. Hardin (ed.),
Institute of Engineers Australia, Brisbane (Chemeca 2005).
Reddy, M., Gupta, R., Bhattacharya, S. and Parthasarathy, R. 2005, 'Effect of clay on the
degradability of polyethylene nanocomposites', Conference Proceedings of Chemeca 2005, M.
Hardin (ed.), Institution of Engineers Australia, Brisbane (Chemeca 2005).
Saito, H., Kita, E. and Xie, Y. 2005, 'Three-dimensional structural optimization using cellular
automata', Advances in Applied Mechanics, Y. M. Xie et al. (ed.), Institute of Materials
Engineering Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics).
Setunge, S. and Kumar, A. 2005, 'Decision support tools for the re-life of buildings - An
exploratory case study', Australian Institute of Project Management National Conference, P.
Love and D. Baccarini (ed.), AIPM, Melbourne (Project Yourself into the Future).
Shugg, A., Ingram, T. and Brumley, J. 2005, 'Protection works on the carbonated mineral water
springs of Central Victoria, Australia', Where Waters Meet, I. Acworth et al. (ed.), New Zealand
Hydrological Society, Wellington, NZ (Where Waters Meet).
Siddique, U., Goldsworthy, H. and Gravina, R. 2005, 'Support settlement of reinforced concrete
one-way slabs with class L mesh reinforcement', Advance in Applied Mechanics, Y. M. Xie et al.
(ed.), Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth Australasian Congress on
Applied Mechanics (ACAM 2005)).
Siddique, U., Goldsworthy, H. and Gravina, R. 2005, 'Ductility of 500 MPa class L mesh and
possible support settlement effects', Developments in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, A.
J. Deeks and H. Hao (ed.), A. A. Balkema, The Netherlands (Proceedings of the 18th Conference
on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials).
Siddique, U., Goldsworthy, H. and Gravina, R. 2005, 'Behaviour of one-way continuous
reinforced concrete slabs constructed with grade 500 class L steel under support settlement',
Concrete 05 Issues, Opportunities and Innovations, F. Andrews-Phaedonos et al. (ed.), Concrete
Institute of Australia, Melbourne (22nd Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of
Smith, S. and Gravina, R. 2005, 'Critical debonding length in FRP flexurally strengthened RC
members', Bond Behaviour of FRP in Structures, J. F. Chen and J. Teng (ed.), International
Institute of FRP in Construction, Hong Kong (International Symposium on Bond Behaviour of
FRP in Structures (BBFS 2005)).
Smith, S. and Gravina, R. 2005, 'Prediction of debonding failure in FRP flexurally strengthened
RC members using a local deformation model', FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, R.
Seracino (ed.), A. A. Balkema, The Netherlands (Second International Conference on FRP
Composites in Civil Engineering).
Smith, S. and Gravina, R. 2005, 'Flexural behaviour of fibre reinforced polymer strengthened RC
beams using a local deformation model', Developments in Mechanics of Structures and Materials,
A. J. Deeks and H. Hao (ed.), A. A. Balkema, The Netherlands (18th Australasian Conference on
the Mechanics of Structures and Materials).
Soh, Y., Roddick, F. and Van Leeuwen, J. 2005, 'The potential effects of climate change and
ozone depletion on Australian water quality, quantity and treatability', ERE Environmental
Research Event 2005 Proceedings, N. Khanna et al. (ed.), RMIT University, Hobart (ERE
Environmental Research Event 2005).
Swinbourne, D. 2005, 'Solubility of precious metals in slags', Proceedings of European
Metallurgical Conference 2005, GDMB (ed.), GDMB Medienverlag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
(European Metallurgical Conference 2005).
Wahr, F., McAspurn, E., Hadgraft, R. and Gray, K. 2005, 'Great idea! But how do we do it?
Mobilising internal networks to get innovative projects off the ground', Proceedings of the Good
Practice in Practice, D. Spennemann and L. Burr (ed.), Charles Sturt University, Wagga (Good
Practice in Practice - Student Experience Conference).
Wang, Y., Xie, Y. and Tran, D. 2005, 'A study on microstructures of homogenization for
topology structural optimization', Advances in Applied Mechanics, Y. M. Xie et al. (ed.), Institute
of Materials Engineering Australasia, Melbourne (Fourth Australasian Congress on Applied
Computer Science & Information Technology
Book Chapters
Jayatilleke, G., Padgham, L. and Winikoff, M. 2005, 'Component agent framework for nonexperts (CAFNE) toolkit', in Software Agent-Based Applications, Platforms and Development
Kits, Birkhauser, Switzerland, pp. 169-195, ISBN: 3-7643-7347-4.
Padgham, L. and Winikoff, M. 2005, 'Prometheus: A practical agent oriented methodology', in
Agent Oriented Methodologies, Idea Group, Hershey, PA, pp. 107-135, ISBN: 1-59140-581-5.
Pannan, L., van der Craats, C. and McGovern, J. 2005, 'Sustainable large scale on-line
development', in E-learning in the University: Some Constructionist Perspectives, RMIT
University Press, Melbourne, pp. 71-83, ISBN: 1-921166-02-9.
Winikoff, M. 2005, 'JACK intelligent agents™: An industrial strength platform', in Multi-Agent
Programming - Languages, Platforms and Applications, Springer, USA, pp. 175-193, ISBN: 0387-24568-5.
Zhang, W., Jarzabek, S., Zhang, H., Loughran, N. and Rashid, A. 2005, 'Software evolution with
XVCL', in Software Evolution with UML and XML, Idea Group, London, pp. 152-189, ISBN: 159140-462-2.
Journal Articles
Broberg, J., Tari, Z. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'Task assignment based on prioritising traffic
flows', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Germany, vol. 3544, pp. 415-430, ISSN:
Chattaraj, A. and Parida, L. 2005, 'An inexact-suffix-tree-based algorithm for detecting extensible
patterns', in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, vol. 335, pp. 3-14,
ISSN: 0304-3975.
Dayalan, S., Bevinakoppa, S. and Schroder, H. 2005, 'Homology based structure extractor for
protein structure prediction’, in International Journal of Lateral Computing, World Federation on
Lateral Computing, India, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 56-61, ISSN: 0973-280X.
Jayatilleke, G., Padgham, L. and Winikoff, M. 2005, 'A model driven component based
development framework for agents', in International Journal of Computer Systems Science and
Engineering, CRL Publishing, UK, vol. 20, pp. 273-282, ISSN: 0267-6192.
Lai, K., Tari, Z. and Bertok, P. 2005, 'Supporting user mobility through cache relocation', in
Mobile Information Systems, IOS Press, Netherlands, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 275-307, ISSN: 1574017X.
Lutovac, T. and Harland, J. 2005, 'Issues in the analysis of proof-search strategies in sequential
presentations of logics', in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier,
Netherlands, vol. 125, pp. 115-147, ISSN: 1571-0661.
Morris, E. 2005, 'Object oriented learning objects', in Australasian Journal of Educational
Technology, Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE),
Australia, vol. 21, pp. 40-59, ISSN: 1449-3098.
Padgham, L. and Lambrix, P. 2005, 'Formalisations of capabilities for BDI-agents', in
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Springer, New York, vol. 10, pp. 249-271, ISSN:
Padgham, L., Winikoff, M. and Poutakidis, D. 2005, 'Adding debugging support to the
Prometheus methodology', in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Pergamon, UK,
vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 173-190, ISSN: 0952-1976.
Pehcevski, J., Thom, J. and Vercoustre, A. 2005, 'Hybrid XML retrieval: Combining information
retrieval and a native XML database', in Information Retrieval, Springer, Dordrecht, vol. 8, pp.
571-600, ISSN: 1386-4564.
Phinjaroenphan, P., Bevinakoppa, S. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'A method for estimating the
execution time of a parallel task on a grid node', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,
Germany, vol. 3470, pp. 226-236, ISSN: 0302-9743.
Phinjaroenphan, P., Bevinakoppa, S. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'A heuristic algorithm for
mapping parallel applications on computational grids', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer, Germany, vol. 3470, pp. 1086-1096, ISSN: 0302-9743.
Tari, Z., Broberg, J., Zomaya, A. and Baldoni, R. 2005, 'A least flow-time first load sharing
approach for distributed server farm', in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Academic Press, San Diego, vol. 65, pp. 832-842, ISSN: 0743-7315.
Tari, Z., Malhotra, M., Tari, A. and McKinlay, M. 2005, 'Towards the right communication
protocol for web services', in International Journal for Web Services Research, Idea Group
Publishing, USA, vol. 2, pp. 19-42, ISSN: 1545-7362.
Vo, B. and Foo, N. 2005, 'Reasoning about action: An argumentation-theoretic approach', in
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, AI Access Foundation, USA, vol. 24, pp. 465-518,
ISSN: 1076-9757.
Williams, H. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Searchable words on the web', in International Journal of
Digital Libraries, Springer, Berlin, vol. 5, pp. 99-105, ISSN: 1432-5012.
Wu, J., Srikanthan, T. and Schroder, H. 2005, 'Efficient reconfigurable techniques for VLSI
arrays with 6-port switches', in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
Systems, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, vol. 13, pp. 976-979, ISSN: 1063-8210.
Zhang, H. and Jarzabek, S. 2005, 'A Bayesian network approach to rational architectural design',
in International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, World Scientific
Publishing, Singapore, vol. 15, pp. 695-717, ISSN: 0218-1940.
Zhang, Y., Vines, P. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Chinese OOV translation and post-translation query
expansion in Chinese-English cross-language information retrieval', in ACM Transactions on
Asian Language Information Retrieval, Association for Computing Machinery, USA, vol. 4, pp.
57-77, ISSN: 1530-0226.
Conference Publications
Anyouzoa, A., Perich, F., Mbala-Hikolo, A., D'Hondt, T. and Abrams, M. 2005, 'On the stability
of adjustment processes with persistent randomness', Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent
Technology, A. Skowron et al. (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (IEEE/WIC/ACM Joint
International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI-05) and Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT2005)).
Arora, N. and Pannan, L. 2005, 'Combining available standards and tools to build a compliance
oriented website management system', Proceedings of the 11th Australasian World Wide Web
Conference, A. Treloar and A. Ellis (ed.), Southern Cross University, Lismore (The 11th
Australasian World Wide Web Conference).
Asian, J., Williams, H. and Tahaghoghi, S. 2005, 'Stemming Indonesian’, Proceedings of the 28th
Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), V. Estivill-Castro (ed.), ACS, Sydney
(28th Australasian Computer Science Conference).
Askitis, N. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Cache-conscious collision resolution in string hash tables’,
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on String Processing & Information
Retrieval, M. Consens and G. Navarro (ed.), Springer, Germany (12th International Conference
on String Processing & Information Retrieval).
Barrow, R., Frampton, K., Hamilton, M. and Crossman, B. 2005, 'A study of the in-practice
application of a commercial software architecture’, Proceedings of the 2005 Australian Software
Engineering Conference, J. D. Cantarella (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (2005 Australian
Software Engineering Conference).
Bernstein, Y. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Redundant documents and search effectiveness’, Proceedings
of the 14th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, A.
Chowdhury et al. (ed.), ACM Press, USA (ACM-CIKM International Conference on Information
& Knowledge Management).
Broberg, J., Tari, Z. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'Task assignment based on prioritising traffic
flows’, Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS'04), T. Higashino (ed.), Springer, Germany
(International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS'04)).
Bruno, V., Tam, A. and Thom, J. 2005, 'Characteristics of web applications that affect usability:
A review’, Proceedings of 19th Conference of the Computer Human Interaction Special Interest
Group (CHISIG), T. Bentley and S. Balbo (ed.), CHISIG, Australia (19th Conference of the
Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group).
Chadwick, C., Howell, S. and Mwinyiwiwa, B. 2005, 'A case study describing the creation and
implementation of a capacity building program for mixed mode delivery of academic programs in
developing countries’, Proceedings of Conference on Towards Sustainable and Scalable
Educational Innovations Informed by the Learning Sciences, C.-K. Looi et al. (ed.), IOS
Press, Amsterdam (Conference on Towards Sustainable and Scalable Educational Innovations
Informed by the Learning Sciences).
Chatterjee, D., Tari, Z. and Zomaya, A. 2005, 'A task-based adaptive-TTL approach for web
server load balancing’, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Symposium on Computers and
Communications, D. C. Martin (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (10th IEEE Symposium on
Computers and Communications).
Chou, P. and Zhang, X. 2005, 'Multiway iceberg cubing on trees’, Web Information Systems
Engineering, A. Ngu et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (Sixth International Conference on Web
Information Systems Engineering (WISE'05)).
Ciesielski, V., Innes, A., John, S. and Mamutil, J. 2005, 'Understanding evolved genetic programs
for a real world object detection problem', Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference of
Genetic Programming 2005, M. Keijzer et al. (ed.), Springer, Heidelberg (Eighth European
Conference of Genetic Programming 2005).
Citro, S., McGovern, J. and Ryan, C. 2005, 'An efficient consistency management algorithm for
real-time mobile collaboration’, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Quality
Software (QSIC2005), K.-Y. Cai et al. (ed.), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA
(Fifth International Conference on Quality Software).
De Raadt, M., Hamilton, M., Lister, R., Tutty, J., Baker, B., Cutts, Q., Hamer, J., Petre,
M., Simon, S., Box, L., Fincher, S., Haden, P., Robins, A., Sutton, K. and Tolhurst, D. 2005,
'Approaches to learning in computer programming students, and its effect on success’,
Proceedings of the 2005 Annual International Conference of the Higher Education Research and
Development Society of Australasia, A. Brew and C. Asmar (ed.), Higher Education Research and
Development Society of Australasia, Sydney (Annual International Conference of the Higher
Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA)).
De Silva, L. and Padgham, L. 2005, 'Planning on demand in BDI systems', Proceedings of the
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, J. Blythe (ed.), USC
Information Sciences Institute, USA (International Conference on Automated Planning and
Scheduling (ICAPS)).
Dimopoulos, P., Zeephongsekul, P. and Tari, Z. 2005, 'Reducing the user perceived delay of
interactive TCP connections using a dynamic priority approach', Proceedings of the 14th
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, S. Thuel et al. (ed.),
IEEE, USA (14th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks).
Elgedawy, I., Tari, Z. and Thom, J. 2005, 'A high level functional matching for semantic web
services’, Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2005), B. Benatallah et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin
(International Conference on Service Oriented Computing).
Fengling, H., Yu, X. and Hu, J. 2005, 'A new way of generating grid-scroll chaos and its
application to biometric encryption’, IEEE IECON 2005, L. Franquelo et al. (ed.), IEEE, USA
(31st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society).
Fengling, H., Hu, J., Yu, X. and Wang, Y. 2005, 'A new fingerprint image encryption approach
based on two-dimensional chaotic attractors', Proceedings of the International Conference on
Intelligent Computing, D. S. Huang et al. (ed.), IEEE, China (International Conference on
Intelligent Computing).
Frampton, K., Carroll, J. and Thom, J. 2005, 'What capabilities do IT architects say they need?',
Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the United Kingdom Academy of Information
Systems (UKAIS 2005), D. Wainwright (ed.), Northumbria University Press, Newcastle upon
Tyne, England (10th Annual Conference of the UK Academy for Information Systems).
Gardner, H., Johnson, C., Leach, G. and Vuylsteker, P. 2005, 'eScience curricula at two
Australian universities’, Proceedings of the Seventh Australasian Computing Education
Conference, A. Young and D. Tolhurst (ed.), Australian Computer Society, Darlinghurst, NSW
(Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference).
Han, P., Zhang, X., Peng, Z. and Norton, R. 2005, 'Predicting intrinsically unstructured proteins
based on amino acid composition’, Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Data Mining
Conference, S. J. Simoff et al. (ed.), University of Technology Sydney, Sydney (Fourth
Australasian Data Mining Conference).
Han, F., Yu, X. and Hu, J. 2005, 'A new way of generating grid-scroll chaos and its application to
biometric authentication', Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial
Electronics Society, L. Franquelo et al. (ed.), IEEE, Carolina (31st Annual Conference of IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society).
Harris, M. and Beiers, H. 2005, 'Barriers to the reuse of learning objects', Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2005: World Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, P.
Kommers and G. Richards (ed.), Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education,
Norfolk, Virginia (ED-MEDIA 2005: World Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia and
Ho Mok Cheong, D. and Winikoff, M. 2005, 'Hermes: Implementing goal-oriented interactions',
Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi
Agent Systems - Third International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS
2005), R. H. Bordini et al. (ed.), ACM, New York (Fourth International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS05)).
Ho Mok Cheong, D. and Winikoff, M. 2005, 'Hermes: Designing goal-oriented interactions',
Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi
Agent Systems - Sixth International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE),
J. P. Muller and F. Zambonelli (ed.), ACM, New York (Fourth International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS05)).
Hu, J. 2005, 'H-infinity design for a sonar-platform', Proceedings of IEEE TECON05, R. Harris
(ed.), Swinburne Press, Melbourne (IEEE Region 10 International Conference).
Hu, J. and Raymond, C. 2005, 'A statistics based design of MAC protocols with distributed
collision resolution for ad hoc networks’, Proceedings of 2005 International S Conference on
Wireless Networks, Communications and Mobile Computing, S. Baqai and Z. A. Uzmi (ed.),
IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks,
Communications, and Mobile Computing).
Hu, J. and Tsoi, W. 2005, 'Developing a distributed agent-based computer network security
infrastructure', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 - 2005 IEEE Region 10, R. Harris (ed.),
Swinburne Press, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 - 2005 IEEE Region 10).
Hu, J., Xie, L. and Lin, J. 2005, 'Robust congestion control for high speed data networks with
uncertain time-variant delays: An LMI control approach', Proceedings of the 30th Conference on
Local Computer Networks, H. Hassanein and M. Waldvogel (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (30th
Conference on Local Computer Networks).
Lai, K., Phan, T. and Tari, Z. 2005, 'Efficient SOAP binding for mobile web services’, Local
Computer Networks (LCN), H. Hassanein and M. Waldvogel (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA
(30th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks).
Lai, K., Tari, Z. and Bertok, P. 2005, 'Improving data accessibility for mobile clients through
cooperative hoarding’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering
(ICDE), M. Toyama (ed.), IEEE, USA (International Conference on Data Engineering).
Lai, K., Tari, Z. and Bertok, P. 2005, 'Supporting disconnection operations through cooperative
hoarding’, Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Y. Yang and S.
Thuel (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (14th International Conference on Computer Communications
and Networks).
Lam, B. and Ciesielski, V. 2005, 'Applying genetic programming to learn spatial differences
between textures using a translation invariant representation’, 2005 IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation Proceedings, vol. 3, D. Corne et al. (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation).
Lester, N., Moffat, A., Webber, W. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Space-limited ranked query evaluation
using adaptive pruning’, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Web Information
Systems Engineering, A. H. H. Ngu (ed.), Springer, USA (Sixth International Conference on Web
Information Systems Engineering).
Lester, N., Moffat, A. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Fast on-line index construction by geometric
partitioning’, Proceedings of the ACM-CIKM International Conference on Information &
Knowledge Management, A. Chowdhury et al. (ed.), ACM Press, New York (ACM-CIKM
International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management).
Li, X. 2005, 'Efficient differential evolution using speciation for multimodal function
optimization’, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2005), H. Beyer et al. (ed.),
ACM Press, USA (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2005).
Li, X. and Ciesielski, V. 2005, 'An analysis of explicit loops in genetic programming’, 2005 IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation Proceedings, vol. 3, D. Corne et al. (ed.), IEEE,
Piscataway, NJ (Congress on Evolutionary Computation).
Lutovac, T. and Harland, J. 2005, 'A redundancy analysis of sequent proofs', Automated
Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, B. Beckert (ed.), Springer, Berlin (14th
International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods
(Tableaux '05)).
Mbala-Hikolo, A. and Anyouzoa, A. 2005, 'A multi-agent system to support users in distance
learning', Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multi Agent Systems, L. Johnson et al. (ed.), ACM, New York (Fourth International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS05)).
Mbala-Hikolo, A., Padgham, L. and Winikoff, M. 2005, 'Design options for subscription
managers', Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multi Agent Systems - Seventh International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems
(AOIS), B. Henderson-Sellers and M. Winikoff (ed.), ACM, New York (Fourth International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS05)).
McGovern, J. and Armstrong, L. 2005, 'Assessing the value of E-learning initiatives', The Next
Wave of Collaboration, S. Whiteside (ed.), Educause Australasia, Auckland (Educause
Australasia 2005).
McGovern, J. and Gray, K. 2005, 'Directions for organisation and management of university
learning: Implications from a qualitative survey of student e-learning', Proceedings of the 22nd
ASCILITE Conference, H. Goss (ed.), Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
(ASCILITE 2005).
McIntosh, P., Hamilton, M. and Van Schyndel, R. 2005, 'X3D-UML: Enabling advanced UML
visualisation through X3D', Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on 3D Web
Technology (Web3D 2005), S. N. Spencer (ed.), ACM, New York (Tenth International
Conference on 3D Web Technology).
Meng, S., Turpin, A., Lazarescu, M. and Ivins, J. 2005, 'Classifying visual field loss in glaucoma
through baseline matching of stable sequences’, Proceedings of 2005 International Conference
on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, M. Smith (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2005 International
Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics).
Metzler, D., Bernstein, Y., Croft, B., Moffat, A. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Similarity measures for
tracking information flow’, Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management, A. Chowdhury et al. (ed.), ACM Press, New York
(14th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management).
More, G., Yuille, J., Padgham, L., Sahani, A. and Burry, M. 2005, 'The space and sound of
intelligent information environments’, Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the ComputerHuman Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) Australia on Computer Human-Interaction,
A. Donaldson (ed.), CHISIG, Australia (Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human
Interaction Special Interest Group).
Nanduri, D. and Ciesielski, V. 2005, 'Comparison of the effectiveness of decimation and
automatically defined functions', Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information And Engineering Systems, R. Khosla et al. (ed.),
Springer, Berlin (Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information
and Engineering Systems).
Nwesri, A., Tahaghoghi, S. and Scholer, F. 2005, 'Stemming Arabic conjunctions and
prepositions’, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on String Processing and
Information Retrieval (SPIRE'2005), M. P. Consens and G. Navarro (ed.), Springer, Berlin
(Twelfth International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval).
Oumanski, G. and Bertok, P. 2005, 'Wide area service discovery and adaptation for mobile clients
in networks with ad-hoc behaviour’, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on
Information Technology and Applications, X. He et al. (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (Third
International Conference on Information Technology and Applications).
Padgham, L., Thangarajah, J. and Winikoff, M. 2005, 'Tool support for agent development using
the Prometheus methodology', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Quality
Software (QSIC 2005), K. Y. Cai et al. (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (Fifth International
Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2005)).
Parrott, D., Li, X. and Ciesielski, V. 2005, 'Multi-objective techniques in genetic programming
for evolving classifier systems’, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, vol. 3, D. Corne et al. (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Pearce, C., Bertok, P. and Van Schyndel, R. 2005, 'Protecting consumer data in composite web
services’, Security and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing, R. Sasaki et al. (ed.),
Springer, New York (IFIP TC11 20th International Information Security Conference).
Pehcevski, J., Thom, J., Tahaghoghi, S. and Vercoustre, A. 2005, 'Hybrid XML retrieval
revisited', Advances in XML Information Retrieval, N. Fuhr et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (Third
International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX 2004)).
Pehcevski, J., Thom, J. and Vercoustre, A. 2005, 'Users and assessors in the context of INEX:
Are relevance dimensions relevant?', Proceedings of the INEX 2005 Workshop on Element
Retrieval Methodology, A. Trotman et al. (ed.), University of Otago, Dunedin (INEX 2005
Workshop on Element Retrieval Methodology).
Perepletchikov, M. and Padgham, L. 2005, 'Systematic incremental development of agent
systems using Prometheus', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Quality
Software (QSIC 2005), K. Y. Cai et al. (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (Fifth International
Conference On Quality Software).
Perepletchikov, M. and Padgham, L. 2005, 'Use case and actor driven requirements analysis: An
evaluation of changes to Prometheus’, Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV, M. Pechouchek
et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (Fourth International Central and Eastern European Conference on
Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS 2005)).
Perepletchikov, M., Ryan, C. and Frampton, K. 2005, 'Comparing the impact of service-oriented
and object-oriented paradigms on the structural properties of software', On the Move to
Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: OTM Workshops, R. Meersman et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin
(Second International Workshop on Modelling Inter-Organizational Systems (MIOS)).
Perepletchikov, M., Ryan, C. and Tari, Z. 2005, 'The impact of software development strategies
on project and structural software attributes in SOA', On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems
2005: OTM Workshops, R. Meersman et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (Second International
Workshop on Modeling Inter-Organizational Systems (MIOS)).
Phillips, D. and Hu, J. 2005, 'Modelling of SACK TCP and application to the HTTP file transfer
environment', Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Local Computer Networks, H. Hassanein
and M. Waldvogel (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (30th Conference on Local Computer
Phinjaroenphan, P., Bevinakoppa, S. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'An efficient method to
estimate the execution times of parallel tasks on a computational grid', Proceedings of the Second
World Congress on Lateral Computing 2005, S. Kumar (ed.), WCLC, Bangalore (Second World
Congress on Lateral Computing 2005).
Phinjaroenphan, P., Bevinakoppa, S. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'An algorithm to predict the
reliability of a grid node', Proceedings of the 11th International Society of Science and Applied
Technologies Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, H. Pham and S. Yamada (ed.),
International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, USA (11th International Society of
Science and Applied Technologies Conference).
Phung, T., Winikoff, M. and Padgham, L. 2005, 'Learning within the BDR framework: An
empirical analysis', Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part 3,
R. Khosla et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Based and
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES 2005)).
Puglisi, S., Smyth, W. and Turpin, A. 2005, 'A taxonomy of suffix array construction algorithms',
Proceedings of the Prague Stringology Conference, J. Holub and M. Simanek (ed.), Prague
Stringology Club, Prague (Prague Stringology Conference).
Puglisi, S., Smyth, W. and Turpin, A. 2005, 'Some restrictions on periodicity in strings',
Proceedings of the 16th Australian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA), J. Ryan et
al. (ed.), University of Ballarat, Ballarat (16th Australian Workshop on Combinatorial
Rossi, P. and Ryan, C. 2005, 'An empirical evaluation of dynamic local adaptation for distributed
mobile applications’, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: CoopIS, DOA,
ODBASE, R. Meersman et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (2005 International Symposium on
Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA 2005)).
Russel, A. and Bevinakoppa, S. 2005, 'Predicting the performance of data transfer in a grid
environment', Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems (ICEIS), C. Chen et al. (ed.), INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of
Information, Control and Communication, Portugal (Seventh International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems).
Ryan, C. and Gonsalves, A. 2005, 'The effect of context and application type on mobile usability:
An empirical study’, Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC
2005), V. Estivill-Castro (ed.), Australian Computer Society, Bedford Park, SA (Australasian
Computer Science Conference).
Ryan, C. and Rossi, P. 2005, 'Software, performance and resource utilisation metrics for contextaware mobile applications’, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Software Metrics
Symposium, S. Morasca (ed.), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA (11th IEEE
International Software Metrics Symposium).
Sahani, A., Mathieson, I. and Padgham, L. 2005, 'Agent support for a grid-based high energy
physics application', Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence, M. Ali and F. Esposito (ed.),
Springer, Berlin (18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IES/AIE 2005)).
Sakib, K. and Tari, Z. 2005, 'Energy balancing in the self-configuring sensor networks’,
Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), M. Palaniswami and
R. Buyya (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor
Networks and Information Processing).
Saleem, M. and Bevinakoppa, S. 2005, 'Job scheduling in computational grid using genetic
algorithms’, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems (ICEIS), C. Chen et al. (ed.), INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of
Information, Control and Communication, Portugal (Seventh International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)).
Sanderson, M. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Information retrieval system evaluation: Effort, sensitivity,
and reliability', Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on Research &
Development in Information Retrieval, G. Marchionini et al. (ed.), ACM Press, New York (ACM
SIGIR International Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval).
Somerville, P. and Uitdenbogerd, A. 2005, 'Classification of music based on musical instrument
timbre’, Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Data Mining Conference, S. J. Simoff et al.
(ed.), University of Technology Sydney, Sydney (Fourth Australasian Data Mining Conference).
Sun, J., Zhang, H., Li, Y. and Wang, H. 2005, 'Formal semantics and verification for feature
modeling’, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex
Computer Systems, C. Ghezzi and Y. Fu (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (10th IEEE International
Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems).
Sundaram, S., Bertok, P. and Burton, B. 2005, 'Secure group communication with distributed
generation of private keys for ad-hoc networks’, Proceedings of the IFIP TC11 20th International
Information Security Conference: Security and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing, R.
Sasaki et al. (ed.), Springer, New York (IFIP TC11 20th International Information Security
Suyoto, I. and Uitdenbogerd, A. 2005, 'Effectiveness of note duration information for music
retrieval’, Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA) 2005, L. Zhou et al. (ed.),
Springer, Berlin (10th International Conference DASFAA 2005).
Tahaghoghi, S., Williams, H., Thom, J. and Volkmer, T. 2005, 'Video cut detection using frame
windows’, Proceedings of the 28th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2005), V.
Estivill-Castro (ed.), ACS, Sydney (28th Australasian Computer Science Conference).
Uitdenbogerd, A. 2005, 'Readability of French as a foreign language and its uses’, Australasian
Document Computing Symposium, J. Kay et al. (ed.), University of Sydney, Sydney (Australasian
Document Computing Symposium).
Van Schyndel, R. 2005, 'A preliminary design for a privacy-friendly free P2P media file
distribution system', Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part 3,
R. Khosla et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Based and
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES 2005)).
Von Billerbeck, B. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Document expansion versus query expansion for ad-hoc
retrieval’, Proceedings of the Tenth Australasian Document Computing Symposium, J. Kay et al.
(ed.), University of Sydney, Sydney (Australasian Document Computing Symposium).
Wang, H., Li, Y., Sun, J. and Zhang, H. 2005, 'Verify feature models using Protégé-OWL',
Proceedings of the 14th International World Wide Web Conference, A. Ellis and T. Hagino (ed.),
ACM Press, USA (14th International World Wide Web Conference).
Wang, H., Li, Y., Sun, J., Zhang, H. and Pan, J. 2005, 'A semantic web approach to feature
modelling and verification’, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Web
Enabled Software Engineering, E. Wallace (ed.), National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Maryland (International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering).
Wang, Y., Hu, J. and Fengling, H. 2005, 'An enhanced gradient-based algorithm for the
estimation of fingerprint orientation fields’, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Intelligent Computing, D. S. Huang et al. (ed.), IEEE, China (International Conference on
Intelligent Computing).
Wang, Y., Hu, J. and Schroder, H. 2005, 'A gradient-based weighted averaging method for
estimation of fingerprint orientation fields’, DICTA2005, B. C. Lovell et al. (ed.), IEEE,
Piscataway, NJ (International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and
Winikoff, M. 2005, 'Towards making agent UML practical: A textual notation and a tool',
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2005), K. Y. Cai et
al. (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (Fifth International Conference on Quality Software).
Winikoff, M. 2005, 'An AgentSpeak meta-interpreter and its applications', Proceedings of the
Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems - Third
International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS 2005), R. H. Bordini et
al. (ed.), ACM, New York (Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS05)).
Winikoff, M. and Khallour, J. 2005, 'Towards goal-oriented design of agent systems',
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2005), K. Y. Cai et
al. (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (Fifth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC
Winikoff, M., Liu, W. and Harland, J. 2005, 'Enhancing commitment machines', Declarative
Agent Languages and Technologies II, J. Leite et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (Second International
Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT 2004)).
Yapriady, B. and Uitdenbogerd, A. 2005, 'Combining demographic data with collaborative
filtering for automatic music recommendation', Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and
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Conference on Information and Engineering Systems).
Yu, J., Thom, J. and Tam, A. 2005, 'Evaluating ontology criteria for requirements in a geographic
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al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of
Zambetta, F. and Abbattista, F. 2005, 'The design and implementation of SAMIR', KnowledgeBased Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part 2, R. Khosla et al. (ed.), Springer,
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Zhao, Y. and Zobel, J. 2005, 'Effective and scalable authorship attribution using function words',
Information Retrieval Technology, G. Lee et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (Asian Information
Retrieval Symposium (AIRS 2005)).
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Book Chapters
Baghai-Wadji, A. and Li, E. 2005, 'Factorization of potential and field distributions without
utilizing the addition theorem', in Computational Methods in Large Scale Simulation, World
Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 1-60, ISBN: 981-256-363-3.
Chiou, A. and Yu, X. 2005, 'P-Expert: Implementation and deployment of large scale fuzzy
expert advisory system', in Classification & Clustering for Knowledge Discovery, Springer, New
York, pp. 159-173, ISBN: 3540-26073.
Chiou, A. and Yu, X. 2005, 'Thematic fuzzy prediction of weed dispersal using spatial dataset', in
Computational Intelligence for Modelling & Prediction, Springer, New York, pp. 147-162,
ISBN: 3540-26071-4.
Jakovljevic, B., Kangsanant, T. and Subic, A. 2005, 'A framework for the integration of a
trajectory pre-shaping technique into an advanced machine tool system', in Intelligent Production
Machines and Systems, Elsevier, London, pp. 509-514, ISBN: 10-0080447309.
Journal Articles
Al-Dabbagh, M. and Kapuduwage, S. 2005, 'Using instantaneous values for estimating fault
locations on series compensated transmission lines', in Electric Power Systems Research,
Elsevier, Switzerland, vol. 76, pp. 25-32, ISSN: 0378-7796.
Atov, I., Tran, H. and Harris, R. 2005, 'OPQR-G: Algorithm for efficient QoS partition and
routing in multiservice IP networks', in Computer Communications, Elsevier, Amsterdam, vol.
28, pp. 583-589, ISSN: 0140-3664.
Bui, L., Mitchell, A., Ghorbani, K. and Tan-Huat, C. 2005, 'Wide-band photonically phased array
antenna using vector sum phase shifting approach', in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation, IEEE, New Jersey, vol. 53, pp. 3589-3596, ISSN: 0018-926X.
Bui, L., Mitchell, A., Ghorbani, K. and Tan-Huat, C. 2005, 'Wide-band RF photonic second order
vector sum phase-shifter', in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE
Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, New Jersey, vol. 15, pp. 309-311, ISSN: 1051-8207.
Che, L., Qui, B. and Wu, H. 2005, 'Improvement of LRU cache for the detection and control of
long-lived high bandwidth flows', in Computer Communications, Elsevier, Amsterdam, vol. 29,
pp. 103-113, ISSN: 0140-3664.
Fechete, A., Ippolito, S., Wlodarski, W., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Holland, A. and Wisistsoraat, A.
2005, 'Layered InOx/Si3N4/36YX LiTaO3 surface acoustic wave based hydrogen sensor', in
East-West Journal of Mathematics, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, vol. 32, pp. 465-470, ISSN:
Fu, Y., Ghantasala, M., Harvey, E. and Qin, L. 2005, 'Design and fabrication of a hybrid
actuator', in Smart Materials & Structures, IOP Publishing, Bristol, vol. 14, pp. 488-495, ISSN:
Gawthrop, P. and Wang, L. 2005, 'Data compression for estimation of the physical parameters of
stable and unstable linear systems', in Automatica, Elsevier, UK, vol. 41, pp. 1313-1321, ISSN:
Han, F., Lu, J., Yu, X., Chen, G. and Feng, Y. 2005, 'Generating multi-scroll chaotic attractors
via a linear second-order hysteresis system', in Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive
Systems, Waltam Press, USA, vol. 12, pp. 95-110, ISSN: 1201-3390.
Hing, K., Waterhouse, R., Lee, A. and Pavlickovski, D. 2005, 'Dual-resonance spiral-like shorted
patch antenna', in Electronics Letters, IEEE, Stevenage, UK, vol. 41, pp. 577-578, ISSN: 00135194.
Ho, C., Ling, B., Reiss, J. and Yu, X. 2005, 'Occurrence of elliptical fractal patterns in multi-bit
bandpass sigma delta modulators', in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, World
Scientific, USA, vol. 15, pp. 3377-3380, ISSN: 3377-3380.
Hore, E., Qui, B. and Wu, H. 2005, 'Noise estimation in spherical coordinates for color image
restoration', in Optical Engineering, SPIE, USA, vol. 44, pp. 21-29, ISSN: 0091-3286.
Ippolito, S., Kandasamy, S., Kalantar-Zadeh, K. and Wlodarski, W. 2005, 'Hydrogen sensing
characteristics of WO3 thin film conductometric sensors activated by Pt and Au catalysts', in
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Elsevier, Switzerland, vol. 108, pp. 154-158, ISSN: 09254005.
Ippolito, S., Kandasamy, S., Kalantar-Zadeh, K. and Wlodarski, W. 2005, 'Layered SAW
hydrogen sensor with modified tungsten trioxide selective layer', in Sensors and Actuators B:
Chemical, Elsevier, Switzerland, vol. 108, pp. 553-557, ISSN: 0925-4005.
Ippolito, S., Kandasamy, S., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Wlodarski, W., Galatsis, K., Kiriakidis,
G., Katsarakis, N. and Suchea, M. 2005, 'Highly sensitive layered ZnO/LiNbO3 SAW device
with InOx selective layer for NO2 and H2 gas sensing', in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
Elsevier, Switzerland, vol. 111, pp. 207-212, ISSN: 0925-4005.
Jusak, J. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Mixed-norm constant modulus algorithm for channel equalization
of wireless communication systems', in WSEAS Transactions on Communications, WSEAS,
Athens, vol. 4, pp. 27-29, ISSN: 1109-2742.
Kalafatis, A., Wang, L. and Cluett, W. 2005, 'Identification of time-varying pH processes using
sinusoidal signals', in Automatica, Elsevier, UK, vol. 41, pp. 685-691, ISSN: 0005-1098.
Kalafatis, A., Wang, L. and Cluett, W. 2005, 'Linearizing feedforward–feedback control of pH
processes based on the Wiener model', in Journal of Process Control, Elsevier, UK, vol. 15, pp.
103-112, ISSN: 0959-1524.
Kan, H., Waterhouse, R. and Pavlickovski, D. 2005, 'Small perforated shorted patch antenna', in
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Wiley Periodicals, West Sussex, vol. 45, pp. 319321, ISSN: 0895-2477.
Kandasamy, S., Pachoud, D., Holland, A., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Rosengarten, G. and Wlodarski,
W. 2005, 'Thermoelectric properties of antimony telluride thin films deposited using RF
magnetron sputtering', in East-West Journal of Mathematics, Chiang Mai University, Thailand,
vol. 32, pp. 459-464, ISSN: 0125-2526.
Kandasamy, S., Trinchi, A., Wlodarski, W., Comini, E. and Sberveglieri, G. 2005, 'Hydrogen and
hydrocarbon gas sensing performance of Pt/WO3/SiC MROSiC devices', in Sensors and
Actuators B: Chemical, Elsevier, Switzerland, vol. 111, pp. 111-116, ISSN: 0925-4005.
Kumar, S. and Kumar, D. 2005, 'Visual hand gestures classification using wavelet transform and
moment based features ', in International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information,
CSA Illumina, Singapore, vol. 3, pp. 79-101, ISSN: 0219-6913.
Lau, Y. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Chaos shift keying spread spectrum with multicarrier modulation
for secure digital communications', in WSEAS Transactions on Communications, WSEAS,
Athens, vol. 4, pp. 24-26, ISSN: 1109-2742.
Lech, M. and Mitchell, A. 2005, 'An optimization algorithm for the design of holey fibres', in
GESTS International Transaction on Computer Science and Engineering, Sunjin Publishing,
Seoul, vol. 12, pp. 51-62, ISSN: 1738-6438.
Li, L., Wlodarski, W., Akolekar, D. and Bhargava, S. 2005, 'Oscillatory response of Pt-based CO
sensors', in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Elsevier, Switzerland, vol. 108, pp. 501-507,
ISSN: 0925-4005.
Li, L., Wlodarski, W. and Ippolito, S. 2005, 'Platinum resistive film CO sensor without selective
layer', in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Elsevier, Switzerland, vol. 111, pp. 130-134, ISSN:
Ma, D., Wu, H. and Qui, B. 2005, 'A robust structure-adaptive hybrid vector filter for color image
restoration', in IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, IEEE, USA, vol. 14, pp. 1990-2001,
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Ma, Z., Feng, D. and Wu, H. 2005, 'A neighbourhood evaluated adaptive vector filter for
suppression of impulse noise in color images', in Real-Time Imaging, Elsevier, UK, vol. 11, pp.
403-416, ISSN: 1077-2014.
Mutzenich, S., Rosengarten, G. and Mitchell, A. 2005, 'Application of optical trapping to beam
manipulation in optofluidics', in Optics Express, Optical Society of America, USA, vol. 13, pp.
7265-7275, ISSN: 1094-4087.
Mutzenich, S., Vinay, T., Sood, D. and Rosengarten, G. 2005, 'Design parameter characterisation
and experimental validation of hydrostatic actuation suitable for MEMS', in Sensors and
Actuators A: Physical, Elsevier, Switzerland, vol. 127, pp. 147-154, ISSN: 0924-4247.
Perentos, N., Kostovski, G. and Mitchell, A. 2005, 'Polymer long-period raised rib waveguide
gratings using nano-imprint lithography', in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, New
Jersey, vol. 17, pp. 2595-2597, ISSN: 0733-8724.
Perentos, N., Mitchell, A. and Holland, A. 2005, 'Ion beam etching of high resolution structures
in Ta2O5 for grating-assisted directional coupler applications', in Applied Surface Science,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, vol. 252, pp. 1006-1012, ISSN: 0169-4332.
Phan, H., Lech, M. and Nguyen, T. 2005, 'Improved particle swarm optimization method for
registration of 3D range images', in GESTS International Transaction on Computer Science and
Engineering, Sunjin Publishing, Seoul, vol. 3, pp. 89-103, ISSN: 1738-6438.
Powell, D., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Ippolito, S. and Wlodarski, W. 2005, 'Comparison of
conductometric gas sensitivity of surface acoustic wave modes in layered structures', in Sensor
Letters, American Scientific Publisher, USA, vol. 3, pp. 66-70, ISSN: 1546-198X.
Radcliffe, P. 2005, 'Linux: A clear winner for hardware I/O', in Linux Gazette, Linux Gazette,
vol. 112, ISSN:.
Rosengarten, G., Harvie, D. and Cooper-White, J. 2005, 'Using computational fluid dynamics to
study the effect of contact angle on microdroplet deformation', in Australian and New Zealand
Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, Australian Mathematical Society, Australia, vol.
46E, pp. 304-310, ISSN: 1445-8735.
Rowe, W. and Waterhouse, R. 2005, 'Edge-fed patch antennas with reduced spurious radiation', in
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, vol. 53, pp. 1785-1790,
ISSN: 0018-926X.
Sambandam, S., Bethala, B., Sood, D. and Bhansali, S. 2005, 'Evaluation of silicon nitride as a
diffusion barrier for Gd-Si-Ge films on silicon', in Surface and Coatings Technology, Elsevier,
Switzerland, vol. 200, pp. 1335-1340, ISSN: 0257-8972.
Tari, Z., Malhotra, M., Tari, A. and McKinlay, M. 2005, 'Towards the right communication
protocol for web services', in International Journal for Web Services Research, Idea Group
Publishing, USA, vol. 2, pp. 19-42, ISSN: 1545-7362.
Thompson, A., Hussain, Z. and O'Shea, P. 2005, 'A single bit-narrow-band bandpass digital
filter', in Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Institution of Engineers,
Sydney, vol. 2, pp. 31-40, ISSN: 1448-837X.
Trinchi, A., Wlodarski, W., Faglia, G., Ponzoni, A., Comini, E. and Sberveglieri, G. 2005, 'High
temperature hydrocarbon sensing with Pt-thin Ga2O3-SiC diodes', in Materials Science Forum,
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, vol. 483-485, pp. 1033-1036, ISSN: 0255-5476.
Trinchi, A., Wlodarski, W., Li, Y., Faglia, G. and Sberveglieri, G. 2005, 'Pt/Ga2O3/SiC MRISiC
devices: A study of the hydrogen response', in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, IOP
Publishing, Bristol, vol. 38, pp. 754-763, ISSN: 0022-3727.
Varis, K. and Baghai-Wadji, A. 2005, 'A 2D pseudo-spectral approach of photonic crystal slabs',
in Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Applied Computational
Electromagnetics Society, USA, vol. 20, pp. 107-118, ISSN: 1054-4887.
Venkatachalaiah, S., Suryasaputra, R. and Harris, R. 2005, 'Improvement of handoff in wireless
networks using mobility prediction and multicasting techniques', in WSEAS Transactions on
Communication, WSEAS, Salzburg, vol. 4, pp. 104-111, ISSN: 1109 -2742.
Wang, J., Ghantasala, M., Sood, D. and Evans, P. 2005, 'Study of influence of underlayer on the
properties of magnetron sputtered samarium cobalt thin films', in Thin Solid Films, Elsevier,
Netherlands, vol. 489, pp. 192-199, ISSN: 0040-6090.
Wong, C. 2005, 'Design of a high performance valve based line amplifier', in AudioXpress, Audio
Amateur, USA, vol. 36, pp. 20-23, ISSN: 1548-6028.
Yang, F., Wan, S., Chang, Y. and Wu, H. 2005, 'A novel objective no-reference metric for digital
video quality assessment', in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, USA, vol. 12, pp. 685-688,
ISSN: 1070-9908.
Yang, F., Wang, L. and Wang, Q. 2005, 'Decoupling control design via linear matrix inequalities',
in Control Theory and Applications, IEEE, UK, vol. 152, pp. 357-362, ISSN: 1350-2379.
Yu, S., Yu, X., Man, Z. and Shirinzadeh, B. 2005, 'Continuous finite-time control for robotic
manipulators with terminal sliding mode', in Automatica, Elsevier, USA, vol. 41, pp. 1957-1964,
ISSN: 005-1098.
Conference Publications
Abbas, N., Kumar, D. and McLachlan, N. 2005, 'The psychological and physiological effects of
light and colour on space users', Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology 27th Annual Conference, Y. T. Zhang (ed.), IEEE, Shanghai (27th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society).
Abbas, N., Kumar, D. and McLachlan, N. 2005, 'Measuring the emotional and physiological
effects of light and colour on space users', Proceedings of Second International Conference on
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, J. Filipe (ed.), ITP Setubal, Barcelona (Second
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics).
Al-Qahtani, F. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'A space-time block-coded PCC-OFDM scheme for flat
fading wireless channels', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris
(ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Annaiyan, U., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Fang, J. and Cosic, I. 2005, 'Development of a conductive
photoresist with a mixture of SU-8 and HCL doped polyaniline', Proceedings of the IEEE Tencon
Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10
Atashbar, M., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Ippolito, S. and Wlodarski, W. 2005, 'Palladium nanowire
hydrogen sensor based on a SAW transducer', Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Sensors 2005
Conference, A. Shakel (ed.), IEEE, California (Fourth IEEE Sensors Conference).
Athanasiadis, T., Lin, K. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Transmission of compressed multimedia data
over wireless channels using space-time OFDM with adaptive beamforming', Proceedings of the
TENCON 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (TENCON 2005
IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Athanasiadis, T., Lin, K. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Space-time OFDM with adaptive beamforming
for wireless multimedia applications', Proceedings of the Third International Conference on
Information Technology and Application, X. He et al. (ed.), IEEE, Sydney (Third International
Conference on Information Technology and Application).
Beckett, P. 2005, 'Low-power circuits using dynamic threshold devices', Proceedings of the Great
Lakes Symposium on VLSI, J. Lach et al. (ed.), ACM Press, Illinois (15th ACM Great Lakes
Symposium on VLSI).
Beckett, P. 2005, 'Low-power spatial computing using dynamic threshold devices', Proceedings
of the ISCAS, R. Ishii and L. Trajkoviae (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (ISCAS 2005).
Beckett, P. 2005, 'Why area might reduce power in nanoscale CMOS', Proceedings of the ISCAS
Conference, R. Ishii and L. Trajkoviae (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (ISCAS 2005).
Beckett, P. 2005, 'A nanowire array for reconfigurable computing', Proceedings of the Tencon
2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region
10 Conference).
Belski, I. 2005, 'Improving the skills of engineers in systematic thinking', Proceedings of the
Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, D. Radcliffe and J.
Humphries (ed.), University of Queensland, Brisbane (Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on
Engineering Education).
Brown, R. 2005, 'Using distributed circuits to model power capacitor behavior', Proceedings of
the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005
IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Bui, L., Mitchell, A. and Ghorbani, K. 2005, 'Multiple channel vector sum phase shifter using
acousto-optic WDM', Proceedings of the IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave
Photonics, J. K. Rhee (ed.), IEEE, Seoul (IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave
Bui, L., Mitchell, A., Ghorbani, K. and Chio, T. 2005, 'Electronically tunable vector sum phase
shifter using acousto-optic polarisation coupler', Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference
on Optical Fibre Technology, P. Farrell (ed.), ACOFT 2005, Sydney (30th Australian Conference
on Optical Fibre Technology).
Burton, P. 2005, 'Quasi interactive video production as a teaching, marketing and retention tool',
Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and
Exposition, P. Owe (ed.), American Society for Engineering Education, Portland (American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition).
Chiou, A. and Yu, X. 2005, 'Prediction of weed dispersal dynamics: Determining multiple
concurrent fuzzy consequences using priority stacks on blackboard model', Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, IEEE (ed.), IEEE, Perth (IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Informatics).
Cosic, I., Fang, J., Pirogova, E. and Rudolph, H. 2005, 'Biorhythms - periodicity in living
systems', Proceedings of the Third IASTED International Conference on Biomedical
Engineering, M. H. Hamza (ed.), ACTA Press, Anaheim, CA (Third IASTED International
Conference on Biomedical Engineering).
Cvetkovic, D. and Cosic, I. 2005, 'Design and development of automated system for localised
ELF magnetic field stimulation of the human brain', Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, J. J. Andrade-Cetto and J.-L.
Ferrier (ed.), INSTICC Press, Portugal (Second International Conference on Informatics in
Control, Automation and Robotics).
D'Costa, H. and Cosic, I. 2005, 'Statistical analysis of the human EEG during RF exposure from
mobile phones: An alternative method to analysis of the EEG in frequency bands', Proceedings of
the First International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification - Control,
Automation and Robotics, D. K. Kumar and H. Gamboa (ed.), INSTICC Press, Barcelona (First
International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification).
Dodd, R., Broadfoot, R., Yu, X. and Chiou, A. 2005, 'Development of smart supervisory control
system in a sugar mill crystallisation stage', Proceedings of I*PROMS Virtual International
Conference, D. T. Pham et al. (ed.), Elsevier, Oxford (First I*PROMS Virtual International
Domachuck, P., Cronin-Golomb, M., Eggleton, B., Mutzenich, S., Rosengarten, G. and Mitchell,
A. 2005, 'Application of optical trapping to micro-photonics', Proceedings of the 30th Australian
Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, P. Farrell (ed.), ACOFT 2005, Seoul (30th Australian
Conference on Optical Fibre Technology).
Eum, S., Murphy, J. and Harris, R. 2005, 'A failure analysis of the tomogravity and EM methods',
Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne
(Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Eum, S., Murphy, J. and Harris, R. 2005, 'A fast accurate LP approach for traffic matrix
estimation', Proceedings of the 19th International Teletraffic Congress on Performance
Challenges for Efficient Next Generation Networks, X. L. Liang et al. (ed.), BUPT Press, Beijing
(19th International Teletraffic Congress).
Fang, J., Tan, S., Ahmed, B., Berlian, D. and Cosic, I. 2005, 'A PDA based ambulatory human
skin resistance measuring system', Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on
Telehealth, P. Jennett and R. M. Rangayyan (ed.), ACTA Press, Calgary (IASTED International
Conference on Telehealth).
Fardin, E., Holland, A. and Ghorbani, K. 2005, 'A varactor tuned branch-line hybrid coupler',
2005 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Technical Program Committee (ed.), IEEE, Suzhou,
China (APMC 2005).
Fardin, E., Holland, A. and Ghorbani, K. 2005, 'Low cost interdigital varactors for tunable
microwave applications', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 - IEEE Region 10 Conference, R.
Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Fechete, A., Ippolito, S., Wlodarski, W., Kalantar-Zadeh, K. and Holland, A. 2005, 'Surface
acoustic wave based ozone sensor with a InOx/Si3N4/36°YX LiTaO3 structure', Proceedings of
the SPIE Conference, S. F. Al-Sarawi (ed.), SPIE, Sydney (International Symposium on Smart
Materials, Nano and Micro Smart Systems).
Fechete, A., Wlodarski, W., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Holland, A. and Wisistsoraat, A. 2005, 'Ozone
sensors based on layered SAW devices with InOx/SiNx/36°YX LiTaO3 structure', Proceedings
of the Tencon 2005-IEEE Region 10, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE
Region 10 Conference).
Fengling, H., Hu, J., Yu, X. and Wang, Y. 2005, 'A new fingerprint image encryption approach
based on two-dimensional chaotic attractors', Proceedings of the International Conference on
Intelligent Computing, D. S. Huang et al. (ed.), IEEE, China (International Conference on
Intelligent Computing).
Fengling, H., Yu, X. and Hu, J. 2005, 'A new way of generating grid-scroll chaos and its
application to biometric encryption ', IEEE IECON 2005, L. Franquelo et al. (ed.), IEEE, USA
(31st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society).
Fernando, S. and Chaffey, J. 2005, 'Maximising microcantilever response: An analytical approach
using mathematical models', Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, S. F. Al-Sarawi (ed.), SPIE,
Sydney (Smart Structures, Devices, and Systems II).
Gawthrop, P., Wang, L. and Chen, W. 2005, 'Continuous time LQ predictive pole-placement
control', IFAC World Congress Proceedings, P. Zitek (ed.), Elsevier, Prague (IFAC World
Giang, T. and Wang, J. 2005, 'A hybrid admission control scheme for wireless networks',
Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne
(Tencon 2005 IEEE Regional 10 Conference).
Gregory, M. 2005, 'Integrating project management and system analysis', Proceedings of the
Project Management Australia Conference 2005, D. Baccarini (ed.), Eventcorp, Brisbane (Project
Management Australia Conference 2005).
Han, F., Yu, X. and Hu, J. 2005, 'A new way of generating grid-scroll chaos and its application to
biometric authentication', Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial
Electronics Society, L. Franquelo et al. (ed.), IEEE, Carolina (31st Annual Conference of IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society).
Hing, K., Waterhouse, R., Lee, A. and Pavlickovski, D. 2005, 'Variations of the shorted patch
antenna', Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International
Symposium, O. Kilic (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
International Symposium).
Hing, K., Waterhouse, R., Lee, A. and Pavlickovski, D. 2005, 'Investigation of small dualfrequency spiral-like printed antenna for mobile communication', Proceedings of the IEEE 2005
Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications Digest,
L. Zhang (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (IEEE 2005 Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC
Technologies for Wireless Communications).
Holland, A., Balkunje, V., Mitchell, A., Austin, M. and Raghunathan, M. 2005, 'Fabrication of
raised and inverted SU8 polymer waveguides', Proceedings of SPIE (vol. 5644), H. Ming et al.
(ed.), SPIE, Beijing (Optoelectronic Devices and Integration).
Holland, A., Balkunje, V., Mitchell, A., Austin, M., Raghunathan, M. and Kostovski, G. 2005,
'Effects of design geometry on SU8 polymer waveguides', Proceedings of SPIE, S. F. Al-Sarawi
(ed.), SPIE, Sydney (Smart Structures, Devices, and Systems II).
Holland, A., Kandasamy, S., Fardin, E., Mitchell, A. and McCulloch, D. 2005, 'Formation of lead
lanthanum zirconate titanate films by post deposition annealing', Proceedings of the Conference
on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, A. D. Rakic and Y. T. Yeow
(ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (Conference on Optoeletronic and Microelectronic Materials and
Holland, A., Reeves, G. and Leech, P. 2005, 'C, Si and Sn implantation of CVD diamond as a
means of enhancing subsequent etch rate', Proceedings of the Conference on Optoelectronic and
Microelectronic Materials and Devices, S. N. Basu et al. (ed.), ACOFT 2005, Sydney (2005
MRS Spring Meeting).
Holland, A., Reeves, G., Matthews, G. and Leech, P. 2005, 'Finite element modelling of
misalignment in interconnect vias', Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Optoelectronic and
Microelectronic Materials and Devices, A. D. Rakic and Y. T. Yeow (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ
(COMMAD 04).
Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Frequency estimation of mono-and multicomponent FM signal using the Tdistributions', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.),
IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Performance of the time-delay digital tanlock loop as PM demodulator in
gaussian noise', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.),
IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Jakovljevic, B., Subic, A., Yu, X., Feng, Y. and Shen, H. 2005, 'Design review of intelligent
mechatronic systems for automated weed control', Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on Mechatronics, K. M. Rahman et al. (ed.), International Islamic University of
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (Second International Conference on Mechatronics).
Jemma, J., Hawley, J., Kumar, D., Singh, V. and Cosic, I. 2005, 'Endurance training of trained
athletes: An electromyogram study', Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference of
the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Y. T. Zhang and C. Roux (ed.), IEEE,
Shanghai (27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society).
Jennings, A. and Channa, D. 2005, 'Annealing sensor networks', Proceedings of the Ninth
International Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems Conference, R.
Khosla et al. (ed.), Springer, Berlin (Ninth International Knowledge-Based Intelligent
Information and Engineering Systems Conference).
Jusak, J., Athanasiadis, T. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'A blind equalization algorithm for wireless
multimedia communication', Proceedings of the 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on
Communications, S. Nordholm (ed.), IEEE, Perth (2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on
Jusak, J. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Performance of sinusoidally-distributed dithering for signed-error
constant modulus algorithm', Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information
Technology and Applications, X. He et al. (ed.), IEEE, Sydney (Third International Conference
on Information Technology and Applications).
Jusak, J., Luehdorff, H. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Blind adaptive multiuser detection for DS-CDMA
utilizing a sinusoidally-distributed DSE-CMA', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10
Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Powell, D. and Wlodarski, W. 2005, 'Optimum sensitive area of surface
acoustic wave resonator chemical and bio-sensors', Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2005
Conference, A. Shakel (ed.), IEEE, California (Fourth IEEE Conference on Sensors).
Kandasamy, S., Pachoud, D., Powell, D., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Holland, A. and Wlodarski, W.
2005, 'Optimization of film thickness for thermoelectric micro-Peltier', Proceedings of SPIE, S. F.
Al-Sarawi (ed.), SPIE, Sydney (International Symposium on Smart Materials, Nano and Micro
Smart Systems).
Kandasamy, S., Trinchi, A., Comini, E., Pandolfi, L., Wlodarski, W. and Sberveglieri, G. 2005,
'Mixed oxide Pt/(Ti-W-O)/SiC based MROSiC device for hydrocarbon gas sensing', Proceedings
of the Fourth IEEE Sensors 2005 Conference, A. Shakel (ed.), IEEE, California (Fourth IEEE
Conference on Sensors).
Karla, D., Holland, A., Rosengarten, G. and Kalantar-Zadeh, K. 2005, 'Fabrication of an
integrated microfluidic and surface acoustic wave device for fluid analysis', Proceedings of SPIE
Conference, S. F. Al-Sarawi (ed.), SPIE, Sydney (International Symposium on Smart Materials,
Nano and Micro Smart Systems).
Kist, A. 2005, 'A flow blocking model for IP overflow traffic routing, blocking probability, flow
based networking, overflow routing, SAPOR', Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference
on Communications, C. H. Yim (ed.), IEEE, Perth (11th Asia-Pacific Conference on
Kist, A. and Lloyd-Smith, B. 2005, 'A simple IP flow blocking model keywords routing, blocking
probability, flow based ', Proceedings of the 19th International Teletraffic Congress on
Performance Challenges for Efficient Next Generation Networks, X. L. Liang et al. (ed.), BUPT
Press, Beijing (19th International Teletraffic Congress).
Kostovski, G., Perentos, A., Pachoud, D., Bui, L., Mitchell, A., Holland, A. and Austin, M. 2005,
'Fabrication of single-mode polymer rib waveguides by soft-imprinting', Proceedings of the 30th
Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, P. Farrell (ed.), ACOFT 2005, Sydney (30th
Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology).
Kumar, D., Singh, V., Cosic, I., Giudice, S. and Hawley, J. 2005, 'Strategies to identify changes
in SEMG due to muscle fatigue during cycling', Proceedings of the 27th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Y. T. Zhang and C. Roux
(ed.), IEEE, Shanghai (27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society).
Kumar, S., Kumar, D. and Alemu, M. 2005, 'Applicability of facial EMG in HCI and voiceless
communication', Proceedings of Second International Conference on Informatics in Control,
Automation and Robotics, J. Filipe (ed.), ITP Setubal, Barcelona (Second International
Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics).
Kumar, S., Kumar, D. and McLachlan, N. 2005, 'Biometrics identification based on visual hand
movements using wavelet transform', Proceedings of Second International Conference on
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, J. Filipe (ed.), ITP Setabul, Barcelona (Second
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics).
Kumar, S., Kumar, D. and Melaku, A. 2005, 'Sub auditory communication and facial EMG',
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and
Robotics, J. Filipe (ed.), ITP Setubal, Barcelona (Second International Conference on Informatics
in Control, Automation and Robotics).
Lau, Y. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'A new approach in chaos shift keying for secure communication',
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Technology and Applications,
X. He et al. (ed.), IEEE, Sydney (Third International Conference on Information Technology and
Lau, Y., Jusak, J. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Blind adaptive multiuser detection for chaos CDMA
communication', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.),
IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Lau, Y., Lin, K. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Space-time encoded secure chaos communications with
transmit beamforming', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris
(ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Lin, K. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Adaptive receiver beamforming for diversity coded OFDM
systems: Maximum SNR design', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference,
R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Lin, K., Mahmoud, S. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Adaptive modulation with space-time block coding
for MIMO-OFDM systems', Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information
Technology and Applications, X. He et al. (ed.), IEEE, Sydney (Third International Conference
on Information Technology and Applications).
Lin, K., Mahmoud, S. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Space-time block coded OFDM with adaptive
modulation and transmitter beamforming', Proceedings of the GLOBECOM’05 - IEEE Global
Telecommunications Conference, S. Watkins (ed.), IEEE, St. Louis (GLOBECOM 2005 - IEEE
Global Telecommunications Conference).
Ling, B., Reiss, J. and Yu, X. 2005, 'Nonlinear behaviors of bandpass sigma delta modulators
with stable system matrices', Proceedings of the International Conference of Acoustics, Speech
and Signal, A. P. Petropulu (ed.), IEEE, Philadelphia (International Conference of Acoustics,
Speech and Signal).
Loh, K., Ghista, D. and Rudolph, H. 2005, 'Determination of pulmonary gases (O2 & CO2)
metabolic-rates and lung diffusion coefficients based on the inspired and expired air compositions
and venous blood and gas concentration', Proceedings of the 27th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, C. Roux and T.G. Zhuang
(ed.), IEEE, Shanghai (27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society).
Loh, K., Ng, D., Ghista, D. and Rudolph, H. 2005, 'Quantitation of renal function based on twocompartmental modelling of renal pelvis ', Proceedings of the 27th Annual IEEE International
Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, T. Tamura and H. L. Galiana
(ed.), IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai (27th Annual IEEE
International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society).
Ma, Z. and Wu, H. 2005, 'Classification based adaptive vector filter for colour image restoration',
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
K. E. Barner and J. C. Pesquet (ed.), IEEE, Philadelphia (IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing).
Mahmoud, S., Fang, J., Cosic, I. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Effects of extremely low frequency
electromagnetic fields on electrocardiogram: Analysis with quadratic time-frequency
distributions', Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering
in Medicine and Biology Society, Y. T. Zhang (ed.), IEEE, Shanghai (27th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society).
Mahmoud, S., Lin, K. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Performance of adaptive transmit diversity with
orthogonal space-time block coding in microcell and macrocell channel environments',
Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne
(Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Mathers, N. and Thompson, L. 2005, 'Using inflatable antennas for portable satellite-based
personal communications systems', Proceedings of the 56th International Astronautical
Congress, J. Onoda (ed.), International Astronautical Federation, Japan (56th International
Astronautical Congress).
Matta, S., Rudolph, H. and Kumar, D. 2005, 'Haptic eyes: Mapping visual information to haptic
displays', Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing,
S. Li et al. (ed.), SPIE, Bellingham, WA (Visual Communications and Image Processing).
Matta, S., Rudolph, H. and Kumar, D. 2005, 'Auditory eyes: Representing visual information in
sound and tactile cues ', Proceedings of the 13th European Signal Processing Conference 2005,
B. Sankur (ed.), EURASIP, Antalia, Turkey (13th European Signal Processing Conference 2005).
Matthews, G., Ippolito, S., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Wlodarski, W. and Holland, A. 2005, 'Finite
element modelling of flexural plate devices', Proceedings of the Conference on Optoelectronic
and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, A. D. Raki and Y. T. Yeow (ed.), IEEE, Brisbane
(2004 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices).
McCooey, C. and Kumar, D. 2005, 'Characterising evoked potential signals using wavelet
transform singularity detection', Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, J. Filipe (ed.), ITP Setubal, Barcelona (Second
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics).
McCooey, C., Kumar, D. and Cosic, I. 2005, 'Decomposition of evoked potentials using peak
detection and the discrete wavelet transform', Proceedings of the 27th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Y. T. Zhang and C. Roux
(ed.), IEEE, Shanghai (27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society).
Mei, L. and Wu, H. 2005, 'Visual assessment for the quantization error in wavelet based
monochrome videos', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris
(ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Mei, L., Wu, H. and Tan, D. 2005, 'A new DWT/MC/DPCM video compression framework
based on EBCOT', Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, H. Shum and A. G. Tescher (ed.), SPIE,
Beijing (Visual Communication and Image Processing).
Montoya, M., Simon, D., Holland, A. and Shanks, R. 2005, 'Cure rate and dry etch patterning of
thermoset polymers', Micro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems
II, J.-C. Ciao et al. (ed.), SPIE, USA (Proceedings of SPIE).
Neville, K., Jusak, J., Hussain, Z. and Lech, M. 2005, 'Performance of a text-independent remote
speaker recognition algorithm over communication channels with blind equalisation',
Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne
(Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Nguyen, D., Wang, J., Andrew, L. and Chan, S. 2005, 'Maxnet: An efficient max-min fair
allocation scheme', Proceedings of the 19th International Teletraffic Congress - Performance
Challenges for Efficient Next Generation Networks, X. Liang et al. (ed.), Beijing University,
Beijing (19th International Teletraffic Congress).
Nguyen, G., Visagathilagar, Y. and Mitchell, A. 2005, 'RF-photonic link using a resonantlyenhanced Mach-Zehnder optical modulator', Proceedings of the IEEE International Topical
Meeting on Microwave Photonics, J. K. Rhee (ed.), IEEE, Seoul (IEEE International Topical
Meeting on Microwave Photonics).
Pachoud, D., Mitchell, A. and Rosengarten, G. 2005, 'Microfluidic device with integrated
temperature control unit for hydrogel actuation', Proceedings of SPIE, D. V. Nicolau (ed.), SPIE,
Sydney (Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering II).
Phu, M., Tischer, P. and Wu, H. 2005, 'Explicit local segmentation based impulsive noise
reduction for color images', Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal
Processing and Communication Systems, K. N. Ngan and W. C. Siu (ed.), IEEE, Hong Kong
(2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems).
Phu, M., Tischer, P. and Wu, H. 2005, 'Colour image restoration using explicit local
segmentation', Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Based
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, J. G. Carbonell and J. Siekmann (ed.), Springer,
Berlin (Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and
Engineering Systems).
Radcliffe, P. 2005, 'Software engineering: A career path in transformation', Proceedings of the
Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, D. Radcliffe and J.
Humphries (ed.), University of Queensland, Brisbane (Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on
Engineering Education).
Radcliffe, P. 2005, 'Solving the education-research tension', Proceedings of the Fourth
ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, D. Radcliffe and J. Humphries (ed.),
University of Queensland, Brisbane (Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering
Rudolph, H. and Brown, A. 2005, 'Industry short course development in biomedical engineering:
Challenges and opportunities for Universities', Proceedings of the Third IASTED International
Conference on Biomedical Engineering, M. H. Hamza (ed.), ACTA Press, Innsbruck (Third
IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering).
Rudolph, H., Venkatachalaiah, S. and Ferguson, R. 2005, 'Drop and drag: Graphical user
interface programming to create interest in first year', Proceedings of the Fourth ASEE/AaeE
Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, D. Radcliffe and J. Humphries (ed.), University of
Queensland, Brisbane (Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education).
Sadik, A. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Adaptive LMS ternary filtering', Proceedings of the Tencon
2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region
10 Conference).
Sadik, A., Hussain, Z. and O'Shea, P. 2005, 'Efficient structure for single-bit digital comb filters
and resonators', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.),
IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Sadik, A., Hussain, Z. and O'Shea, P. 2005, 'Structures for single-bit digital comb filtering',
Proceedings of the 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, S. Nordholm (ed.), IEEE,
Perth (2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications).
Sadik, A., Hussain, Z. and O'Shea, P. 2005, 'A single-bit digital DC-blocker using ternary
filtering', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE,
Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference ).
Sadek, A., Trinchi, A., Wlodarski, W., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Galatsis, K., Baker, C. and Kaner, R.
2005, 'A room temperature polyaniline nanofibre hydrogen gas sensor', Proceedings of the Fourth
IEEE Sensors 2005 Conference, A. Shakel (ed.), IEEE, California (Fourth IEEE Sensors
Sadek, A., Wlodarski, W., Kalantar-Zadeh, K. and Choopun, S. 2005, 'ZnO nanobelt based
conductometric H2 and NO2 gas sensors', Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Sensors Conference,
A. Shakel (ed.), IEEE, California (Fourth IEEE Sensors Conference).
Sadek, A., Wlodarski, W., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Powell, D., Hughes, W. and Wang, Z. 2005, 'H2
and NO2 gas sensors with ZnO nanobelt layer on 36° LiTaO3 and 64° LiNbO3 SAW
transducers', Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Sensors Conference, A. Shakel (ed.), IEEE,
California (Fourth IEEE Sensors Conference).
Sauren, M., McKenzie, R. and Cosic, I. 2005, 'Determining the influence of population variation
on compliance with radiofrequency exposure limits: Proposed study', Proceedings of the 27th
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Y. T.
Zhang (ed.), IEEE, Shanghai (27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society).
Shang, L. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'A frequency-selective mobile radio channel with hyperbolically
distributed scatterers', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris
(ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Shang, L. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Spectral analysis of delta and sigma-delta modulators using
linear FM input signals', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris
(ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Shang, L., Mahmoud, S. and Hussain, Z. 2005, 'Level-crossing rate and average duration of fades
for mobile radio channel with hyperbolically distributed scatterers', Proceedings of the 2005
IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, S. Nordholm (ed.), IEEE, Perth (2005 AsiaPacific Conference on Communications).
Shankar, S. and Chaffey, J. 2005, 'Development of a MEMS device to monitor glaucoma',
Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, S. F. Al-Sarawi (ed.), SPIE, Sydney (Smart Structures,
Devices, and Systems II).
Sivan, V., Ippolito, S., Kandasamy, S., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Wlodarski, W. and Holland, A. 2005,
'Investigation of layered SAW sensors based on a WO3/ZNO/64° YX LiNbO3 structure with
gold catalytic layer', Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, S. F. Al-Sarawi (ed.), SPIE, Sydney
(International Symposium on Smart Materials, Nano and Micro Smart Systems).
So, Y., Wang, J. and Jones, D. 2005, 'SHIP mobility management hybrid SIP_HIP scheme',
Proceedings of the Sixth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial
Intelligence, Networking & Parallel/Distributed Computing, B. Werner (ed.), IEEE, Los
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Sufi, F., Fang, J., Cosic, I. and Ferguson, R. 2005, 'Client side decompression technique provides
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the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Y. T. Zhang (ed.), IEEE, Shanghai (27th
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society).
Sukuabol, S., Sood, D. and Rosengarten, G. 2005, 'Geometric optimisation of SU-8 piezoresistive
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Suryanarayanan, P. and Kumar, D. 2005, 'Stress and heart rate variability', Proceedings of Second
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, J. Filipe (ed.), ITP
Setubal, Barcelona (Second International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and
Suryanarayanan, P., Kumar, D. and Burton, P. 2005, 'Validity of polygraphs', Proceedings of the
27th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Annual Conference, Y. T. Zhang (ed.), IEEE,
Shanghai (27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
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Suryasaputra, R., Kist, A. and Harris, R. 2005, 'Verification of MPLS traffic engineering
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(ed.), IEEE, Kuala Lumpur (13th IEEE International Conference on Networks).
Suryasaputra, R., Kist, A. and Harris, R. 2005, 'OptiFlow - A capacity management tool',
Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne
(Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Tan, C. and Wu, H. 2005, 'Vision model based perceptual post filtering of JPEG2000 coded
colour images', Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, H.-T. Shum and A. G. Tescher (ed.), SPIE,
Beijing (Visual Communication and Image Processing).
Tan, C. and Wu, H. 2005, 'Common and separate parameterization of vision model based
perceptual post filtering for digital colour images', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region
10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Turker, E. and Harvey, A. 2005, 'Magnetic bearing controller tuning and client/server
technology', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, R. Harris (ed.), IEEE,
Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference).
Venkatachalaiah, S., Suryasaputra, R. and Harris, R. 2005, 'An algorithm for join/prune
mechanisms for improving handoff using mobility prediction in wireless networks', Proceedings
of the IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications and IEEE International
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on Communications and IEEE International Conference on Networks).
Vojisavljevic, V., Pirogova, E. and Cosic, I. 2005, 'Investigation of the mechanisms of
electromagnetic field interaction with proteins', Proceedings of the 27th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Y. T. Zhang (ed.), IEEE,
Shanghai (27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society).
Wang, L., Gawthrop, P. and Young, P. 2005, 'Continuous time system identification of nonparametric models with constraints', Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, P. Zitek
(ed.), Elsevier, Prague (16th IFAC World Congress).
Wang, L. and Young, P. 2005, 'Model predictive control using non-minimal state space models',
Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, P. Zitek (ed.), Elsevier, Prague (16th IFAC
World Congress).
White, C., Martin, R., Wu, D., Tan, C., Tan, D., Wu, H. and Cai, J. 2005, 'Subjective image
quality assessment at the threshold level', Proceedings of the Tencon 2005 IEEE Region 10
Conference, H. Barlow (ed.), IEEE, Melbourne (Tencon 2005 IEEE Region Ten Conference).
Wisistsoraat, A., Tuantranont, T., Comini, E., Sberveglieri, G. and Wlodarski, W. 2005, 'Gas
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Wu, D., Tan, D., Baird, M., DeCampo, J., Wu, H. and White, C. 2005, 'Perceptually lossless
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Wu, D., Tan, D., Griffiths, T. and Wu, H. 2005, 'Perceptual coding of digital monochrome
ultrasound images', Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, H.-T. Shum and A. G. Tescher (ed.),
SPIE, Beijing (Visual Communication and Image Processing).
Wu, D., Tan, D. and Wu, H. 2005, 'An improved visual pruning algorithm for perceptually
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Yu, X., Chiou, A. and Dodd, R. 2005, 'A novel decision support framework for industrial
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Health Sciences
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Mosby, Sydney, ISBN: 0-7295-3682-3.
Book Chapters
Butler, M. and Chester, A. 2005, 'Spheres of influence: MOOs identity and learning
communities', in E-Learning in the University: Some Constructivist Perspectives, RMIT
University Press, Melbourne, pp. 38-55, ISBN: 1-921166-02-9.
O'Brien, K., Lines, R. and Xue, C. 2005, 'Approaches in developing an integrative and evidencebased curriculum in Chinese herbal medicine', in Modern Practice: Annals of Traditional Chinese
Medicine, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 211-234, ISBN: 981-256-018-1.
Wilson, P. and Butson, M. 2005, 'Deficits underlying developmental coordination disorder', in Le
Trouble De L'Acquisition De La Coordination, Solal Editeurs, Marseille, pp. 117-146, ISBN: 2914513-70-4.
Journal Articles
Bavin, E., Wilson, P., Maruff, P. and Sleeman, F. 2005, 'Spatio-visual memory of children with
specific language impairment: Evidence for generalized processing problems', in International
Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, Taylor and Francis, UK, vol. 40, pp. 319332, ISSN: 1368-2822.
Braun, L. 2005, 'Hawthorn: Crataegus monagyna', in Journal of Complementary Medicine,
Optimal Health Communications, Sydney, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 69-72, ISSN: 1446-8263.
Braun, L. 2005, 'Fenugreek: Trigonella foenum-graecum', in Journal of Complementary
Medicine, Optimal Health Communications, Sydney, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 77-80, ISSN: 1446-8263.
Braun, L. 2005, 'Calendula: Calendula officinalis', in Journal of Complementary Medicine,
Optimal Health Communications, Sydney, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 78-80, ISSN: 1446-8263.
Braun, L. 2005, 'Aloe Vera: Aloe barbadensis', in Journal of Complementary Medicine, Optimal
Health Communications, Sydney, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 64-67, ISSN: 1446-8263.
Braun, L. 2005, 'Psyllium: Plantago spp', in Journal of Complementary Medicine, Optimal Health
Communications, Sydney, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 68-70, ISSN: 1446-8263.
Braun, L. 2005, 'Olive Leaf extract: Olea europaea', in Journal of Complementary Medicine,
Optimal Health Communications, Sydney, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 69-73, ISSN: 1446-8263.
Centofanti, A., Smith, D. and Altieri, T. 2005, 'Post-traumatic stress disorder as a reaction to the
experiences of psychosis and its sequelae', in Clinical Psychologist, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon,
UK, vol. 9, pp. 15-24, ISSN: 1328-4207.
Che, Y., Ellis, A. and Li, C. 2005, 'Enhanced responsiveness to nitric oxide, nitroxyl anions, and
nitrergic transmitter by 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2'-furyl)-1-benzyl indazole in the rat anococcygeus
muscle', in Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, Academic Press, USA, vol. 13, pp. 118-124,
ISSN: 1089-8603.
Cohen, M., Penman, S., Pirotta, M. and Da Costa, C. 2005, 'The integration of complementary
therapies in Australian general practice: Results of a national survey', in Journal of Alternative
and Complementary Medicine, Mary Ann Liebert Publishers, USA, vol. 11, pp. 995-1004, ISSN:
Courtney, R. 2005, 'Breathing therapies', in Journal of Complementary Medicine, Optimal Health
Communications, Sydney, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 81-85, ISSN: 1446-8263.
Ding, H., Hashem, M., Wiehler, W., Lau, W., Martin, J., Reid, J. and Triggle, C. 2005,
'Endothelial dysfunction in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic apoE-deficient mouse', in British
Journal of Pharmacology, Nature Publishing Group, UK, vol. 146, pp. 1110-1118, ISSN: 00071188.
Dowling, N., Smith, D. and Thomas, T. 2005, 'Electronic gaming machines: Are they the 'crackcocaine' of gambling?', in Addiction, Society for the Study of Addiction, London, vol. 100, pp.
33-45, ISSN: 1360-0443.
Ebrall, P. 2005, 'Best of Books for 2005 - with critical self-reflection', in Chiropractic Journal of
Australia, Chiropractors Association of Australia, Sydney, vol. 35, pp. 147-160, ISSN: 10360913.
Ebrall, P. and Molyneux, T. 2005, 'Thirty years of chiropractic education at RMIT University:
The establishment period 1975 to 1978', in Chiropractic Journal of Australia, Chiropractors
Association of Australia, Sydney, vol. 35, pp. 29-38, ISSN: 1036-0913.
Ebrall, P. and Molyneux, T. 2005, 'Thirty years of chiropractic education at RMIT University:
The consolidation period 1979 to 1999', in Chiropractic Journal of Australia, Chiropractors
Association of Australia, Sydney, vol. 35, pp. 71-84, ISSN: 1036-0913.
Francis, A. 2005, 'Antidepressant action of St John's Wort, Hypericum perforatum', in
Phytomedicine, Elsevier, Jena, Germany, vol. 12, pp. 167-172, ISSN: 0944-7113.
Gerner, B. and Wilson, P. 2005, 'Relationship between friendship factors and adolescent girls
body image concern, body dissatisfaction and restrained eating', in International Journal of
Eating Disorders, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, vol. 37, pp. 313-320, ISSN: 0276-3478.
Hempenstall, K. 2005, 'Who is to blame?', in Direct Instruction News, Association for Direct
Instruction, Eugene, Oregon, vol. 5, pp. 16-31, ISSN: 1540-0026.
Hempenstall, K. 2005, 'Aiding parents to teach reading at home: The RMIT clinic approach', in
Direct Instruction News, Association for Direct Instruction, Eugene, Oregon, vol. 5, pp. 11-26,
ISSN: 1540-0026.
Hempenstall, K. 2005, 'How might a stage model of reading development be helpful in the
classroom?', in Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, Learning Difficulties Australia,
Melbourne, vol. 10, pp. 121-138, ISSN: 1324-8928.
Hempenstall, K. 2005, 'The whole language - Phonics controversy: An historical perspective', in
Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, Learning Difficulties Australia, Melbourne, vol. 10,
pp. 105-119, ISSN: 1324-8928.
Herrera, M. and Little, E. 2005, 'Behaviour problems across home and kindergarten in an
Australian Sample', in Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology,
University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, vol. 5, pp. 77-90, ISSN: 1446-5442.
Huby, G. and Rees, G. 2005, 'The effectiveness of quality improvement tools: Joint working in
integrated community teams', in International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, vol. 17, pp. 53-58, ISSN: 1353-4505.
Hughes, C. and Thomas, T. 2005, 'Individualism and collectivism: A framework for examining
career programs through a cultural lens', in Australian Journal of Career Development,
Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne, vol. 14, pp. 41-49, ISSN: 1038-4162.
Inbakaran, R. and Jackson, M. 2005, 'Marketing regional tourism: How to target and address
community attitudes to tourism?', in Journal of Vacation Marketing, Sage Publications, London,
vol. 11, pp. 323-339, ISSN: 1356-7667.
Inbakaran, R. and Jackson, M. 2005, 'Understanding resort visitors through segmentation', in
Tourism and Hospitality Research, Henry Stewart Publications, London, vol. 6, pp. 53-71, ISSN:
Inbakaran, R., Jackson, M. and Truong, T. 2005, 'Do cultural and national differences distinguish
resort clientele? A case study of Australian domestic and overseas resort tourists', in Journal of
Applied Economics and Management, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India, vol. 2, pp. 89-110,
ISSN: 0972-8937.
Infantion, J. and Little, E. 2005, 'Students perceptions of classroom behaviour problems', in
Educational Psychology, Taylor & Francis, UK, vol. 25, pp. 491-508, ISSN: 0144-3410.
Johnstone, M. and Kanitsaki, O. 2005, 'Processes for disciplining nurses for unprofessional
conduct of a serious nature: A critique', in Journal of Advanced Nursing, Blackwell Publishing,
UK, vol. 50, pp. 363-371, ISSN: 0309-2402.
Konczak, C. and Ames, R. 2005, 'Relief of internal snapping hip syndrone in a marathon runner
after chiropractic treatment', in Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Mosby
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, vol. 28, pp. e1-e7, ISSN: 0161-4754.
Lebeuf-Yde, C., Pedersen, E., Bryner, P., Cosman, D., Hayek, R., Meeker, W., Shaik,
J., Terrazas, O., Tucker, J. and Walsh, M. 2005, 'Self-reported nonmusculoskeletal responses to
chiropractic intervention: A multination survey', in Journal of Manipulative and Physiological
Therapeutics, Mosley Inc, Baltimore, vol. 28, pp. 294-302, ISSN: 0161-4754.
Lee, Y., Han, O., Park, C., Yang, C., Jeon, T., Yoo, W., Kim, S. and Kim, H. 2005, 'Proinflammatory cytokine gene expression and nitric oxide regulation of aqueous extracted Astragali
radix in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells', in Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Elsevier, Clare,
Ireland, vol. 100, pp. 289-294, ISSN: 0378-8741.
Little, E. 2005, 'Secondary school teachers perceptions of students', in Eductional Psychology,
Taylor & Francis, UK, vol. 25, pp. 369-377, ISSN: 0144-3410.
Little, E. and Francis, A. 2005, 'Teaching introductory psychology through flexible delivery: A
case study', in Psychology Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Academy Psychology
Network, York, UK, vol. 5, pp. 37-41, ISSN: 1475-7257.
Long, S. 2005, 'Systeme unbewusster Vereinbarungen: Schatten durch die Zeit', in Freie
Assoziation, Psychosozial-Verlag, Germany, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 47-62, ISSN: 1434-7849.
Martin, P., Todd, J. and Reece, J. 2005, 'Effects of noise and a stressor on head pain', in
Headache, Blackwell Publishing, USA, vol. 45, pp. 1353-1364, ISSN: 0017-8748.
Milgrom, J., Negri, L., Martin, P., Glemmil, A. and McNeil, M. 2005, 'A randomized controlled
trial of psychological interventions for postnatal depression', in British Journal of Clinical
Psychology, British Psychological Society, Leicester, UK, vol. 44, pp. 529-542, ISSN: 01446657.
Milgrom, J., Ericksen, J., Negri, L. and Glemmil, A. 2005, 'Screening for postnatal depression in
routine primary care: Properties of the EPDS in an Australian sample', in Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Melbourne, vol. 39, pp. 833-839,
ISSN: 0004-8674.
Newton, J. 2005, 'I've never thought of that before: Organisational role analysis and systems
development', in Socio-Analysis, RMIT University, Melbourne, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 47-62, ISSN:
Niblo, D. and Jackson, M. 2005, 'The organisation of security in hotels', in Training and
Development Journal, Institute of Vocational Studies, Shimla, India, vol. 2&3, no. 1, pp. 1-9,
ISSN: 0017-9081.
Polimeni, M., Richdale, A. and Francis, A. 2005, 'A survey of sleep problems in autism,
Asperger's disorder and typically developing children', in Journal of Intellectual Disability
Research, Blackwell Publishing, UK, vol. 49, pp. 260-268, ISSN: 0964-2633.
Richdale, A. and Wiggs, L. 2005, 'Behavioral approaches to the treatment of sleep problems in
children with developmental disorders: What is the state of the art?', in International Journal of
Behavioral and Consultation Therapy, Joseph Cautilli, USA, vol. 1, pp. 165-190, ISSN: 15557855.
Thomas, T. and Witenberg, R. 2005, 'Racial tolerance of young Australians: Implications for
education', in International Journal of the Humanities, Common Ground Publishing, Melbourne,
vol. 1, pp. 1281-1289, ISSN: 1447-9508.
Vindigni, D., Walker, B., Jamison, J., Da Costa, C., Parkinson, L. and Blunden, S. 2005, 'Low
back pain risk factors in a large rural Australian Aboriginal community. An opportunity for
managing co-morbidities?', in Chiropractic and Osteopathy, BioMed Central, United Kingdom,
vol. 13, no. 21, pp. 1-12, ISSN: 1746-1340.
Weiskop, S., Richdale, A. and Matthews, J. 2005, 'Behavioural treatment to reduce sleep
problems in children with autism or fragile X syndrome', in Developmental Medicine and Child
Neurology, MacKeith Press, UK, vol. 47, pp. 94-104, ISSN: 0012-1622.
Wilson, P. 2005, 'Approaches to assessment and treatment of children with DCD: An evaluative
review', in Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Blackwell Publishing, UK, vol. 46, pp.
806-823, ISSN: 0021-9630.
Xue, C., Clifton, L., Karagiannis, J., Li, C., Yang, A., Zhang, L. and Story, D. 2005, 'Public
attitudes towards Chinese medicine in Melbourne, Australia', in Journal of Complementary and
Integrative Medicine, Berkeley Electronic Press, Berkeley, CA, vol. 2, no. 1(8), pp. 1-11, ISSN:
Conference Publications
Belanti, M. and Jackson, M. 2005, 'Evaluating demographic and behavioural predictors of a
successful return to work outcome following a work-related injury', Theory and Practice in
Contemporary Australian Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, M. Jackson and G. Murphy (ed.),
Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Melbourne (AACBT 2005:
Integration, Innovation, Inspiration).
Chang, R., Gray, K., Polus, B. and Radloff, A. 2005, 'Scholarly teaching practice: Ethics issues
and responses in research into teaching in tertiary education', Proceedings of the 2005 Annual
International Conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of
Australasia, A. Brew and C. Asmar (ed.), Higher Education Research and Development Society
of Australasia, Milperra, NSW (2005 Annual International Conference of the Higher Education
Research and Development Society of Australasia).
Heaney, C. and Thomas, T. 2005, 'Activity restriction due to fear of falling: An independent
predictor of depression and decreased quality of life among older adults', Past Reflections, Future
Directions, M. Katsikitis (ed.), The Australian Psychological Society, Melbourne (40th Annual
Conference of the Australian Psychological Society).
Inbakaran, R., Jackson, M., Gao, H. and Zhang, J. 2005, 'Understanding the travel perspectives of
a border tourism region: A cluster analysis of potential travellers in Shandong, China', Border
Tourism and Community Development, J. Bao et al. (ed.), Zhongshan (Sun-Yat-Sen) University,
China (Border Tourism and Community Development: An International Conference).
Inbakaran, R., Jackson, M. and Troung, T. 2005, 'National differences between domestic and
international tourists visiting Australia: A comparative study on resort hotel tourists', Tourism:
Vehicle for Development, B. Mohamed (ed.), University Sains Malaysia, Penang (International
Conference on Tourism Development).
Jackson, M. and Inbakaran, R. 2005, 'Understanding community attitudes towards tourism
development in terms of rural accessibility/remoteness', Sharing Tourism Knowledge, P.
Tremblay and A. Boyle (ed.), Charles Darwin University, Darwin (Council for Australian
University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference).
Jackson, M., Inbakaran, R., Gao, H. and Zhang, J. 2005, 'A hidden influence of border tourism: A
psychographic segmentation study of potential outbound tourists', Border Tourism and
Community Development, J. Bao et al. (ed.), Zhongshan (Sun-Yat-Sen) University, China (Border
Tourism and Community Development: An International Conference).
Jackson, M. and Lococco, D. 2005, 'Evaluating community level screens for problem gamblers:
A comparative study', Theory and Practice in Contemporary Australian Cognitive and Behaviour
Therapy, M. Jackson and G. Murphy (ed.), Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour
Therapy, Melbourne (AACBT 2005: Integration, Innovation, Inspiration).
Martin, J., McKay, E. and Thomas, T. 2005, 'Recovery from mental illness: Lifestyle and
employment options', Harvesting Hope: Across the Lifespan, Contemporary Themes in Mental
Health Services, Gold Coast Conference Proceedings 2004, K. Kellehear et al. (ed.), The Mental
Health Services Conference, Balmain, NSW (The Mental Health Services Conference of
Australia and New Zealand).
Summers, D. and Thomas, T. 2005, 'Coming to Australia: The adjustment of international
students in universities', Past Reflections, Future Directions, M. Katsikitis (ed.), The Australian
Psychological Society, Melbourne (40th Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological
Zhang, J., Inbakaran, R. and Jackson, M. 2005, 'Understanding community attitudes toward
tourism and host-guest interaction in Urab-rural border regions', Border Tourism and Community
Development, J. Bao et al. (ed.), Zhongshan (Sun-Yat-Sen) University, China (Border Tourism
and Community Development: An International Conference).
Mathematical & Geospatial Sciences
Book Chapters
Arrowsmith, C., Chhetri, P. and Zanon, D. 2005, 'Monitoring visitor patterns of use in natural
tourist destinations', in Taking Tourism to the Limits: Issues, Concepts and Managerial
Perspectives, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 33-52, ISBN: 08-08-044644-2.
Cartwright, W. 2005, 'Linking geographical facts with cartographic artifacts', in
Cybercartography: Theory and Practice, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 331-338, ISBN: 0-444-516299.
Eberhard, A., Nyblom, M. and Rajalingam, S. 2005, 'Second order subdifferentials constructed
using integral convolutions smoothing', in Generalized Convexity, Generalized Monotonicity and
Applications, Springer, New York, pp. 229-261, ISBN: 0-387-23638-4.
Eberhard, A. and Pearce, C. 2005, 'A comparison of two approaches to second-order
subdifferentiability concepts with application to optimality conditions', in Optimization and
Control with Applications, Springer, New York, pp. 35-100, ISBN: 0-387-24254-6.
Schreider, S. and Jakeman, A. 2005, 'The disaggregation of monthly streamflow for ungauged
sub-catchments of a gauged irrigated catchment in Northern Thailand', in Forests Water and
People in the Humid Tropics: Past Present and Future Hydrological Research for Integrated
Land and Water Management, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 742-755, ISBN:
Wenczel, R. and Eberhard, A. 2005, 'Slice convergence of sums of convex functions in Banach
spaces and saddle point convergence', in Continuous Optimization, Current Trends and Modern
Applications Series: Applied Optimization, Springer, New York, pp. 321-341, ISBN: 0-38726769-7.
Journal Articles
Arrowsmith, C., Counihan, A. and McGreevy, D. 2005, 'Development of a multi-scaled virtual
field trip for the teaching and learning of geospatial science', in International Journal of
Education and Development using ICT, Open Journal Systems, Australia, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 1-15,
ISSN: 1814-0556.
Bedford, A. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'On a dual queueing system with preemptive priority
service discipline', in European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, Netherlands, vol. 161,
pp. 224-239, ISSN: 0377-2217.
Broberg, J., Tari, Z. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'Task assignment based on prioritising traffic
flows', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Germany, vol. 3544, pp. 415-430, ISSN:
Cartwright, W. 2005, 'Considering different approaches to communicating information about
geography', in International Journal of Science and Research, International Research
Association, Glen Waverley, Vic, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 53-58, ISSN: 1832-1011.
Chiera, C., Connell, H. and Shepherd, J. 2005, 'Perturbation methods applied to the helical flow
of a Casson fluid', in International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Technical
University Press, Zielona Gora, Poland, vol. 10, pp. 39-51, ISSN: 1734-4492.
Cohen, M., Penman, S., Pirotta, M. and Da Costa, C. 2005, 'The integration of complementary
therapies in Australian general practice: Results of a national survey', in Journal of Alternative
and Complementary Medicine, Mary Ann Liebert Publishers, USA, vol. 11, pp. 995-1004, ISSN:
Ervin, V. and Shepherd, J. 2005, 'Numerical approximation of the Newtonian film blowing
problem', in Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier, Oxford, vol. 49, pp. 16871707, ISSN: 0898-1221.
Fan, S., Zhang, K. and Wu, F. 2005, 'Ambiguity resolution in GPS-based, low-cost attitude
determination', in Journal of Global Positioning Systems, International Association of Chinese
Professionals in Global Positioning Systems, Sydney, vol. 4, pp. 207-214, ISSN: 1446-3156.
Galati, J. 2005, 'On the non-existence of semiregular relative difference sets in groups with all
Sylow subgroups cyclic', in Designs Codes and Cryptography, Springer, Dordrecht, vol. 36, pp.
29-31, ISSN: 0925-1022.
Galati, J. and LeBel, A. 2005, 'Relative difference sets in semidirect products with an
amalgamated subgroup', in Journal of Combinatorial Designs, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, vol. 13,
pp. 211-221, ISSN: 1063-8539.
Handmer, J., Abrahams, J., Betts, R. and Dawson, M. 2005, 'Towards a consistent approach to
disaster loss assessment across Australia', in Australian Journal of Emergency Management,
Emergency Management Australia, Australia, vol. 20, pp. 10-18, ISSN: 1324-1540.
Handmer, J. and Tibbits, A. 2005, 'Is staying at home the safest option during bushfires?
Historical evidence for an Australian approach', in Environmental Hazards, Elsevier, UK, vol. 6,
pp. 81-91, ISSN: 1747-7891.
Hu, Y., Zhang, K., Liu, G., Deakin, R. and Wu, F. 2005, 'An investigation of medium to long
term crustal deformation using regional GPS permanent tracking station networks', in
International Journal of Science and Research, IJSR Publication, Melbourne, vol. 1, no. 1, pp.
43-52, ISSN: 1832-1011.
Khan, A., Shepherd, J. and Bhattacharya, S. 2005, 'Numerical modelling of the effect of operating
parameters in the plastic blown film process', in ANZIAM Journal, Australian Mathematics
Publishers, Canberra, vol. 46, pp. C1239-C1253, ISSN: 1446-1811.
Lamble, P. and Fraser, D. 2005, 'GIS in groundwater and soil salinity modelling', in Water,
Australian Water Association, Artarmon, NSW, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 32-35, ISSN: 0310-0367.
Li, Y., Zhang, K. and Grenfell, R. 2005, 'Improved Knight method based on narrowed search
space for instantaneous GPS attitude determination', in Navigation, Institute of Navigation, USA,
vol. 25, pp. 111-119, ISSN: 0028-1522.
Liu, W., Chen, Y. and Horadam, K. 2005, 'Relative difference sets fixed by inversion (ii) character theoretical approach', in Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, Elsevier, USA, vol. 111,
pp. 175-189, ISSN: 0097-3165.
Lombardo, N. 2005, 'Effect of an inhomogeneous interphase on the thermal expansion coefficient
of a particulate composite', in Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier, Oxford, vol. 65, pp.
2118-2128, ISSN: 0266-3538.
Lowell, K., Richards, G., Woodgate, P., Jones, S. and Buxton, L. 2005, 'Fuzzy reliability
assessment of multi-period land-cover change maps', in Photogrammetric Engineering and
Remote Sensing, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, USA, vol. 71, pp.
939-946, ISSN: 0099-1112.
Luo, Y. and Eberhard, A. 2005, 'Comparison principles for viscosity solutions of elliptic
equations via fuzzy sum rule', in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Elsevier,
San Diego, vol. 307, pp. 736-752, ISSN: 0022-247X.
Ma, D., Wu, H. and Qui, B. 2005, 'A robust structure-adaptive hybrid vector filter for color image
restoration', in IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, IEEE, USA, vol. 14, pp. 1990-2001,
ISSN: 1057-7149.
Mainwaring, D., Jakubov, T. and Calvitto, L. 2005, 'Potential energy distributions within and on
single-walled and double-walled carbon nanotubes', in Journal of Nanoparticle Research,
Springer, Netherlands, vol. 7, pp. 59-73, ISSN: 1388-0764.
Mukhopadhyay, N. and De Silva, B. 2005, 'Two stage estimation of mean in a negative binomial
distribution with applications to Mexican Bean Beetle data', in Sequential Analysis, Taylor &
Francis, USA, vol. 24, pp. 99-137, ISSN: 0747-4946.
Nyblom, M. 2005, 'On the spectrum of real numbers revisited', in Fibonacci Quarterly, Fibonacci
Association, USA, vol. 29, pp. 299-301, ISSN: 0015-0517.
Nyblom, M. 2005, 'Pick's theorem and greatest common divisors', in Mathematical Spectrum,
Applied Probability Trust, United Kingdom, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 9-11, ISSN: 0025-5653.
Nyblom, M. 2005, 'More nested square roots of 2', in American Mathematical Monthly,
Mathematical Association of America, USA, vol. 112, pp. 822-825, ISSN: 0002-9890.
Phinjaroenphan, P., Bevinakoppa, S. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'A method for estimating the
execution time of a parallel task on a grid node', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,
Germany, vol. 3470, pp. 226-236, ISSN: 0302-9743.
Phinjaroenphan, P., Bevinakoppa, S. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'A heuristic algorithm for
mapping parallel applications on computational grids', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer, Germany, vol. 3470, pp. 1086-1096, ISSN: 0302-9743.
Pottler, K., Lupfert, E., Johnston, G. and Shortis, M. 2005, 'Photogrammetry: A powerful tool for
geometric analysis of solar concentrators and their components', in Journal of Solar Energy
Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fairfield, NJ, vol. 127, pp. 94-101, ISSN:
Rao, A. 2005, 'Shift-equivalence and cocyclic self-dual codes', in Journal of Combinatorial
Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Charles Babbage Research Centre, Winnipeg,
Canada, vol. 54, pp. 175-185, ISSN: 0835-3026.
Shepherd, J. and Bennett, J. 2005, 'Interior layer structure in the Newtonian blown film', in
ANZIAM Journal, Australian Mathematical Society, Australia, vol. 46, pp. 839-853, ISSN: 14461811.
Vindigni, D., Walker, B., Jamison, J., Da Costa, C., Parkinson, L. and Blunden, S. 2005, 'Low
back pain risk factors in a large rural Australian Aboriginal community. An opportunity for
managing co-morbidities?', in Chiropractic and Osteopathy, BioMed Central, United Kingdom,
vol. 13, no. 21, pp. 1-12, ISSN: 1746-1340.
Wang, Z., Wu, Y., Zhang, K. and Meng, Y. 2005, 'Triple-frequency method for high-order
ionospheric refractive error modelling in GPS modernization', in Journal of Global Positioning
Systems, International Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Positioning Systems,
Sydney, vol. 4, pp. 291-295, ISSN: 1446-3156.
Zhang, K., Hu, Y., Liu, G., Wu, F. and Deakin, R. 2005, 'Deformation monitoring and analysis
using Victorian regional CORS data', in Journal of Global Positioning Systems, International
Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Positioning Systems, Sydney, vol. 4, pp. 129-138,
ISSN: 1446-3156.
Zhang, J., Zhang, K., Grenfell, R., Li, Y. and Deakin, R. 2005, 'Real-time Doppler/Doppler rate
derivation for dynamic applications', in Journal of Global Positioning Systems, International
Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Positioning Systems, Sydney, vol. 4, pp. 95-105,
ISSN: 1446-3156.
Conference Publications
Abdollahian, M. and Foroughi, R. 2005, 'Regression analysis of ozone data', Proceedings of the
Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, H. Selvaraj
and P. Srimani (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (Sixth International Conference on Information
Abdollahian, M. and Foroughi, R. 2005, 'Optimal statistical model for forecasting ozone',
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Technology, H. Selvaraj and P.
Srimani (ed.), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA (Sixth International Conference on Information
Alizadeh Shabani, A. and McArthur, L. 2005, 'Identifying habitat suitability of the white-throated
treecreeper (Cormobates leucophaeus) using habitat metrics', Proceedings of the Spatial Sciences
Institute Biennial Conference SSC2005 - Spatial Intelligence, Innovation and Praxis, C. Bellman
et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute, Melbourne (SSI Biennial Conference).
Alizadeh Shabani, A., McArthur, L. and Abdollahian, M. 2005, 'Modelling habitat suitability for
the white-throated treecreeper (Cormobates leucophaeus): A GIS approach', Proceedings of the
International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Advances and Applications for
Management and Decision Making, R. Argent and A. Zerger (ed.), Modelling and Simulation
Society, Canberra (International Congress on Modelling and Simulation).
Andersson, J. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'Shaping variables in service level agreements at
application level', Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis
and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, G. Riley et al. (ed.), IEEE
Computer Society, USA (13th IEEE International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and
Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems).
Basic, F., Handmer, J. and Cartwright, W. 2005, 'An evaluation of the flood warning information
system', Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Advances and
Applications for Management and Decision Making, A. Zerger and R. Argent (ed.), Modelling
and Simulation Society, Canberra (International Congress on Modelling and Simulation).
Bellman, C., Shortis, M., Robson, S., Johnston, G. and Johnson, G. 2005, 'Comparisons of
accuracy, precision and stability of zoom and fixed lenses used in conjunction with digital SLR
cameras', Proceedings of the Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial Conference (SSC2005), C.
Bellman et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute, Melbourne (SSI Biennial Conference).
Broberg, J., Tari, Z. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'Task assignment based on prioritising traffic
flows ', Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS'04), T. Higashino (ed.), Springer, Germany
(International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS'04)).
Cartwright, W. 2005, 'Developing a virtual map shop as an interface for accessing geographical
information', Proceedings of the Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial Conference (SSC2005), C.
Bellman et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute, Melbourne (SSI Biennial Conference).
Cartwright, W. 2005, 'Exploring the use of a virtual map shop as an interface for accessing
geographical information', Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Geographic
Hypermedia: Concept and Systems, E. Stefanakis et al. (ed.), Harokopio University, Athens (First
International Workshop on Geographic Hypermedia).
Cartwright, W., Pettit, C., Nelson, A. and Berry, M. 2005, 'Towards an understanding of how the
geographical dirtiness (complexity) of a virtual environment changes user perceptions of a space',
Proceedings of the International Congress of Modelling and Simulation - Advances and
Applications for Management and Decision Making, A. Zerger and R. Argent (ed.), Modelling
and Simulation Society, Canberra (International Congress of Modelling and Simulation).
Chua, J. and Rao, A. 2005, 'An image-guided heuristic for planning an exhaustive enumeration',
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, M. Ishikawa
et al. (ed.), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (Fourth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent
Da Silva Ramos, C. and Cartwright, W. 2005, 'Atlases from paper to digital medium',
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Geographic Hypermedia: Concepts and
Systems, E. Stefanakis et al. (ed.), Harokopio University, Athens (First International Workshop of
Geographic Hypermedia).
Darragh, B. and Bellman, C. 2005, 'Communicating spatial uncertainty using geospatial
reasoning', Proceedings of the Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial Conference (SSC2005), C.
Bellman et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute, Melbourne (SSI Biennial Conference).
Dimopoulos, P., Zeephongsekul, P. and Tari, Z. 2005, 'Reducing the user perceived delay of
interactive TCP connections using a dynamic priority approach', Proceedings of the 14th
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, S. Thuel et al. (ed.),
IEEE, USA (14th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks).
Dixon, P., Schreider, S. and Wittwer, G. 2005, 'Encapsulation of water allocation into a general
equilibrium model', Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Advances and Applications for Management and Decision Making, A. Zerger and R. Argent (ed.),
Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne (International
Congress on Modelling and Simulation).
Feuerherdt, C., Cartwright, W. and Black, M. 2005, 'Using mobile augmented reality to evaluate
landscape (or land use) scenarios', Proceedings of the Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial
Conference (SSC2005), C. Bellman et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute, Melbourne (SSI
Biennial Conference).
Germanchis, T., Cartwright, W. and Pettit, C. 2005, 'Improving human spatial cognition of built
environments using computer gaming technology', Proceedings of the Spatial Sciences Institute
Biennial Conference (SSC2005), C. Bellman et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute, Melbourne
(SSI Biennial Conference).
Griffith, M., Codner, G., Schreider, S. and Weinmann, E. 2005, 'Simulating irrigation water
management under hydroclimatic uncertainty', Proceedings of the International Congress on
Modelling and Simulation - Advances and Applications for Management and Decision Making,
A. Zerger and R. Argent (ed.), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand,
Melbourne (International Congress on Modelling and Simulation).
Hill, R. 2005, 'Linear programming and l1-norm minimization problems with convolution
constraints', Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European
Control Conference (ECC'05), E. Camacho and R. Tempo (ed.), IEEE, USA (44th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference).
Horadam, K. 2005, 'A generalised Hadamard transform', Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE
International Symposium on Information Theory, A. Grant (ed.), IEEE, USA (IEEE International
Symposium on Information Theory).
Jollands, M., Ward, L., Hadgraft, R. and Grundy, I. 2005, 'Student engagement in project-based
courses in first year chemical engineering at RMIT University.', Proceedings Fourth ASEE/AaeE
Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, D. Radcliffe and J. Humphries (ed.), University of
Queensland, Brisbane (Fourth ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education).
Khan, A., Bil, C. and Marion, K. 2005, 'Real-time prediction of ship motion using artificial neural
networks', Proceedings of the Third Massachusetts Institute of Technology Conference on
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, K. J. Bathe (ed.), Elsevier, Oxford (Third MIT
Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics).
Khan, A., Bil, C. and Marion, K. 2005, 'Theory and application of artificial neural networks for
the real time prediction of ship motion', Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, R. Khosla et al. (ed.),
Springer, Melbourne (Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent
Information and Engineering Systems).
Khan, A., Bil, C. and Marion, K. 2005, 'Real time prediction of ship motion using singular value
decomposition training artificial neural networks', Proceedings of the 11th Australian
International Aerospace Congress, M. Scott (ed.), Institution of Engineers and Royal
Aeronautical Society, Melbourne (11th Australian International Aerospace Congress).
Khan, A., Bil, C. and Marion, K. 2005, 'Ship motion prediction for launch and recovery of air
vehicles', Proceedings of the OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE Conference, J. Czika (ed.), IEEE/Marine
Technology Society, Washington, DC (OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE Conference).
Lally, K. 2005, 'Algebraic lower bounds on the free distance of convolutioal codes', Proceedings
of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, A. Grant (ed.), IEEE, USA
(2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory).
Lerm, R., Black, M. and Cartwright, W. 2005, 'The use of cartographic representations to support
decision making related to broadhectare land development', Proceeding of the Spatial Sciences
Institute Biennial Conference (SSC2005), C. Bellman et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute,
Melbourne (SSI Biennial Conference).
Lombardo, N. and Ding, Y. 2005, 'Effect of inhomogeneous interphase on the bulk modulus of a
composite containing spherical inclusions', Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Congress on
Applied Mechanics, Y. M. Xie et al. (ed.), Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia,
Melbourne (Fourth Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics).
Luo, H. and Horadam, K. 2005, 'Simulation and measurement of large-scale complex networks',
Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, J. Ryan et al.
(ed.), University of Ballarat, Ballarat (16th Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial
McNicol, S., Boztas, S. and Rao, A. 2005, 'Traitor tracing against powerful attacks', Proceedings
of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, A. Grant (ed.), IEEE, USA
(IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory).
Mirkarimi, H. and Arrowsmith, C. 2005, 'A history of protected area management towards
landscape ecological planning', Proceedings of the Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial Conference
(SSC2005), C. Bellman et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute, Melbourne (SSI Biennial
Mitchell, D. 2005, 'Towards sustainable land management - What role for surveyors?',
Proceedings of the SSC 2005 Spatial Institute Biennial Conference - Intelligence, Innovation and
Praxis, C. Bellman et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute, Melbourne (SSI Biennial Conference).
Mohammadzadeh, M., Arrowsmith, C. and Pettit, C. 2005, 'Sustainable design modelling in
coastal protected areas', Proceedings of the Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial Conference
(SSC2005), C. Bellman et al. (ed.), Spatial Sciences Institute, Melbourne (SSI Biennial
Phinjaroenphan, P., Bevinakoppa, S. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'An efficient method to
estimate the execution times of parallel tasks on a computational grid', Proceedings of the Second
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Phinjaroenphan, P., Bevinakoppa, S. and Zeephongsekul, P. 2005, 'An algorithm to predict the
reliability of a grid node', Proceedings of the 11th International Society of Science and Applied
Technologies Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, H. Pham and S. Yamada (ed.),
International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, USA (11th International Society of
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Rao, A. and Pinnawala Ralalage, N. 2005, 'New linear codes over Zps via the trace map',
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Schreider, S. 2005, 'Economising water allocation', Proceedings of the International Conference
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Senbergs, Z., Cartwright, W., Black, M. and Greenspan, B. 2005, 'Geographical storytelling',
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Sharma, T., Bil, C. and Eberhard, A. 2005, 'Optimal flight trajectories for terrain collision
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Sharma, T., Bil, C. and Eberhard, A. 2005, 'Software development for prevention of three
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Siderov, K., Ainsworth, N., Lowell, K. and Bellman, C. 2005, 'Modelling the recent invasion of a
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Sundaram, S., Bertok, P. and Burton, B. 2005, 'Secure group communication with distributed
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Wealands, K., Miller, S., Benda, P. and Cartwright, W. 2005, 'From user input to preliminary
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Whiten, B., Marion, K. and Suri, R. 2005, 'The relationship of electricity spot prices to input
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Wu, F., Zhang, K., Fan, S. and Yasuda, A. 2005, 'An investigation of GPS augmentation using
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Wu, F., Zhang, K. and Yasuda, A. 2005, 'GPS signal acquisition and tracking using software GPS
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Xia, J. and Arrowsmith, C. 2005, 'Managing scale issues in spatio-temporal movement of tourists
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Xia, J., Basic, F. and Arrowsmith, C. 2005, 'Techniques for tracking movement of tourists',
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Medical Sciences
Book Chapters
Green, R. and Hughes, V. 2005, 'The antiglobulin test', in Modern Blood Banking and
Transfusion Practices, F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, pp. 93-107, ISBN: 0-8036-1248-6.
Harmening, D., Steffey, N., Prihoda, L. and Green, R. 2005, 'Autoimmune hemolytic anemias', in
Modern Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices, F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, pp. 396430 ISBN: 0-8036-1248-6.
Zierath, J., Hawley, J. and Dyck, D. 2005, 'Energy turnover and substrate utilization', in
Molecular and Cellular Exercise Physiology, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois, ISBN:
Journal Articles
Ahokas, J., Donohue, D., Rix, C. and Wright, P. 2005, 'Distance learning in toxicology:
Australia's RMIT program', in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, vol.
207, pp. 738-745, ISSN: 0041-008X.
Andrews, K., Pannirselvam, M., Jenkins, A., Triggle, C., Hill, M. and Anderson, T. 2005, 'The
vascular endothelium in diabetes: A practical target for drug treatment?', in Expert Opinion on
Therapeutic Targets, Ashley Publications, London, vol. 9, pp. 101-117, ISSN: 1472-8222.
Askew, C., Green, S., Walker, P., Kerr, G., Green, A., Williams, A. and Febbraio, M. 2005,
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arterial disease', in Journal of Vascular Surgery, Mosby Inc., USA, vol. 41, pp. 802-807, ISSN:
Bishara, N., Triggle, C. and Hill, M. 2005, 'Cytochrome P450 products and arachiodonic acidinduced, non-store-operated, Ca2+ entry in cultured bovine endothelial cells', in Endothelium Journal of Endothelial Research, Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia, vol. 12, pp. 153-161, ISSN:
Che, Y., Ellis, A. and Li, C. 2005, 'Enhanced responsiveness to nitric oxide, nitroxyl anions, and
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muscle', in Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, Academic Press, USA, vol. 13, pp. 118-124,
ISSN: 1089-8603.
Dashti, M., Geso, M. and Williams, J. 2005, 'The effects of anaesthesia on cortical stimulation in
rats: A functional MRI study', in Australasian Physical and Engineering Science in Medicine,
Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine, Australia, vol. 28, pp. 2125, ISSN: 0158-9938.
Ding, H., Hashem, M., Wiehler, W., Lau, W., Martin, J., Reid, J. and Triggle, C. 2005,
'Endothelial dysfunction in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic apoE-deficient mouse', in British
Journal of Pharmacology, Nature Publishing Group, UK, vol. 146, pp. 1110-1118, ISSN: 00071188.
Ding, H., Howarth, A., Pannirselvam, M., Anderson, T., Severson, D., Wiehler, W., Triggle, C.
and Tuana, B. 2005, 'Endothelial dysfunction in Type 2 diabetes correlates with deregulated
expression of the tail-anchored membrane protein SLMAP', in American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology, American Physiological Society, Bethesda, MD, vol. 289, pp.
H206-H211, ISSN: 0363-6135.
Ding, H. and Triggle, C. 2005, 'Endothelial cell dysfunction and the vascular complications
associated with type 2 diabetes: Assessing the health of the endothelium', in Vascular Health and
Risk Management, Dove Medical Press, New Zealand, vol. 1, pp. 55-71, ISSN: 1176 - 6344.
Dusting, G. and Triggle, C. 2005, 'Are we over oxidized? Oxidative stress, cardio-vascular
disease, and the future of intervention studies with antioxidants', in Vascular Health and Risk
Management, Dove Medical Press, New Zealand, vol. 1, pp. 93-100, ISSN: 1176 - 6344.
Dybing, E., MacGregor, J., Malmfors, T., Chipman, K. and Wright, P. 2005, 'Past challenges
faced: An overview of current educational activities of IUTOX', in Toxicology and Applied
Pharmacology, Academic Press, USA, vol. 207, pp. 712-715, ISSN: 0041 - 008X.
El-Osta, Y., Hillier, A. and Dobos, M. 2005, 'Construction of a combined physical and genetic
map of the chromosome of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356 and characterization of the
rRNA operons', in Microbiology, Society for General Microbiology, Reading, UK, vol. 151, pp.
875-892, ISSN: 1350-0872.
Febbraio, M. and Pedersen, B. 2005, 'Contraction induced myokine production and release: Is
skeletal muscle an endocrine organ?', in Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, vol. 33, pp. 114-119, ISSN: 0091-6331.
Halls, M., Bathgate, R., Roche, P. and Summers, R. 2005, 'Signaling pathways of the LGR7 and
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New York Academy of Sciences, New York, vol. 1041, pp. 292-295, ISSN: 0077-8923.
Harford, A., O'Halloran, K. and Wright, P. 2005, 'The effects of in vitro pesticide exposures on
the phagocytic function of four native Australian freshwater fish', in Aquatic Toxicology, Elsevier
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Hiscock, N., Fischer, C., Sacchetti, M., van Hall, G., Febbraio, M. and Pedersen, B. 2005,
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Kantzides, A. and Badoer, E. 2005, 'nNOS-containing neurons in the hypothalamus and medulla
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Kantzides, A., Owens, N., De Matteo, R. and Badoer, E. 2005, 'Right atrial stretch activates
neurons in autonomic RPAI regions hat project to the rostral ventrolateral medulla in the rat', in
Neuroscience, Pergamon-Elsevier Science, Oxford, vol. 133, pp. 775-786, ISSN: 0306-4522.
King, S., Johnson, J., Haasch, M., Ryan, D., Ahokas, J. and Burns, K. 2005, 'Summary results
from a pilot study conducted around an oil production platform on the Northwest Shelf of
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Kinsman, T., Gore, C., Hahn, A., Hopkins, W., Hawley, J., Mckenna, M., Clark, S., Aughey,
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Kinsman, T., Townsend, N., Gore, C., Hahn, A., Clarke, S., Aughey, R., McKenna, M., Hawley,
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Circulatory Physiology, American Physiological Society, Bethesda, MD, vol. 289, pp. H1326H1334, ISSN: 0363-6135.
Lancaster, G. and Febbraio, M. 2005, 'Exosome-dependent trafficking of HSP70', in Journal of
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Pannirselvam, M., Wiehler, W., Anderson, T. and Triggle, C. 2005, 'Enhanced vascular reactivity
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syscllxygenase products', in British Journal of Pharmacology, Nature Publishing Group, UK, vol.
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Pedersen, B. and Febbraio, M. 2005, 'Muscle-derived interleukin-6: A possible link between
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Association, USA, vol. 76, pp. 496-500, ISSN: 0095-6562.
Salmon, J., Timperio, A., Telford, A., Carver, A. and Crawford, D. 2005, 'Association of family
environment with children's television viewing and with low level of physical activity', in Obesity
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ISSN: 1930-7381.
Salmon, J., Ball, K., Crawford, D., Booth, M., Telford, A., Hume, C., Jolley, D. and Worsley, A.
2005, 'Reducing sedentary behaviour and increasing physical activity among 10-year-old
children: Overview and process evaluation of the 'Switch-Play' intervention', in Health Promotion
International, Oxford University Press, UK, vol. 20, pp. 7-17, ISSN: 0957-4824.
Skiba, B., Ford, R. and Pang, E. 2005, 'Construction of a cDNA library of Lathyrus sativus
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expressed sequence tags (ESTs)', in Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, Elsevier,
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Skiba, B., Neill, B. and Piva, T. 2005, 'Gene expression profiles of TNF-alpha, TACE, furin, IL-1
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Southgate, R., Bruce, C., Carey, A., Steinberg, G., Walder, K., Monks, R., Watt, M., Hawley,
J., Birnbaum, M. and Febbraio, M. 2005, 'PGC-1 alpha gene expression is down-regulated by
Akt-mediated phosphorylation and nuclear exclusion of FoxO1 in insulin-stimulated skeletal
muscle', in FASEB Journal, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology,
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Starkie, L., Hargreaves, M., Rolland, J. and Febbraio, M. 2005, 'Heat stress, cytokines, and the
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Telford, A., Salmon, J., Timperio, A. and Crawford, D. 2005, 'Examining physical activity among
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Exercise Science, Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, vol. 17, pp. 266-280, ISSN: 0899-8493.
Timperio, A., Salmon, J., Telford, A. and Crawford, D. 2005, 'Perceptions of local
neighbourhood environments and their relationship to childhood overweight and obesity', in
International Journal of Obesity, Nature Publishing Group, London, vol. 29, pp. 170-175, ISSN:
Townsend, N., Gore, C., Hahn, A., Aughey, R., Clarke, S., Kinsman, T., McKenna, M., Hawley,
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exercise ventilation after live high, train low', in European Journal of Applied Physiology,
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Triggle, C., Howarth, A., Cheng, Z. and Ding, H. 2005, 'Twenty-five years since the discovery of
endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF): Does a dysfunctional endothelium contribute to the
development of type 2 diabetes?', in Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology,
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Tu, L., Chen, Y., Wright, P., Rix, C., Bolton-Grob, R. and Ahokas, J. 2005, 'Characterization of
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UK, vol. 35, pp. 989-1002, ISSN: 0049-8254.
Watt, M., Carey, A., Wolske-Petersen, E., Kraemer, F., Pedersen, B. and Febbraio, M. 2005,
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mellitus: influence of IL-6', in Diabetologia, Springer, New York, vol. 48, pp. 105-112, ISSN:
Watt, M., Holmes, A., Pinnamaneni, S., Garnham, A., Steinberg, G., Kemp, B. and Febbraio, M.
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Wyatt, R., Hodges, L., Kalafatis, N., Wright, P., Wynne, P. and Macrides, T. 2005,
'Phytochemical analysis and biological screening of leaf and twig extracts from Kunzea
ericoides', in Phytochemical Research, John Wiley, UK, vol. 19, pp. 963-970, ISSN: 0951-418X.
Conference Publications
Jemma, J., Hawley, J., Kumar, D., Singh, V. and Cosic, I. 2005, 'Endurance training of trained
athletes: An electromyogram study', Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference of
the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Y. T. Zhang and C. Roux (ed.), IEEE,
Shanghai (27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society).
Kumar, D., Singh, V., Cosic, I., Giudice, S. and Hawley, J. 2005, 'Strategies to identify changes
in SEMG due to muscle fatigue during cycling', Proceedings of the 27th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Y. T. Zhang and C. Roux
(ed.), IEEE, Shanghai (27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society).