CURRICULUM VITAE NAME AKIMENKO, Marie-Andrée, Professor Member of School of Graduate Studies and Research DEGREES Doctorat ès Science, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France 1989 Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France 1981 Maîtrise de Génétique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France 1980 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2009Professor, Department of Biology, University of Ottawa 2005Professor (Cross-Appointment), Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa. 2005-2008 Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa 1997-2008 Senior Scientist, Chronic Disease Program (Hormones, Growth and Development), Ottawa Health Research Institute 1997-2005 Associate Professor (Cross-Appointment), Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa. 1998-2005 Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa 1992-2008 Active Scientific Staff, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, The Ottawa Hospital 1992-1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa 1992-1997 Cross-Appointment, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, University of Ottawa 1991-1992 1987-1991 Chargée de Recherche, Institut Pasteur, France Assistante de recherche, Institut Pasteur, France HONOURS 1996 Marcus Singer Medal Award, from the Marcus Singer Society for Regeneration and Development, London, UK SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (past 7 years only) Memberships on committees, grant panels, editorial boards, etc. 2012 member, NSERC Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) grant panel for Genes, Cells and Molecules Evaluation Committee 1501. 2011 Member, organization of the 50th meeting of the Canadian Society of Zoologists, U. of Ottawa, 16-20 May 2011. 2009 Panel Chair, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program 2008 Panel member, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program. 2008 member, « Fonds de Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies, Québec » (FQRNT) grant panel; committee 507- Physiologie 2006 Guest Editor for a special issue on Limb and Fin Regeneration in The Scientific World Journal, Embryology & Development 2005-2007 Co-Chair, 2nd year medical student Endocrine Block, Univ of Ottawa 2003-pres Member, Editorial Board of Developmental Dynamics Page 1 Marie-Andrée Akimenko March 2013 Scholarly and professional activities (last 7 years) continued Last 7 years Member theses committees: PhD theses: 2 as an external and 7 as an internal examiner. Examiner on 15 M.Sc. theses and on 14 comprehensive exams for PhD students of the Biology, CMM and Biochemistry Depts. Invited Lectures and presentations at international and national meetings (last 7 years only) 1. 12th international conference on limb development and regeneration, Mont-Tremblant, QC, Canada, June 3 – 7, 2012. 2. Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, May 2010. Host : Dr. B. Robert. 3. Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore, May 2010. Host: Dr. V. Korzh. 4. Invited speaker to the Symposium on Zebrafish as Models for Postembryonic Development as part of the Canadian Society of Zoologists annual meeting in Halifax in May 2008. 5. Centre de Recherches de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, Université Laval in May, 2008. Host: Dr. Pierre Savard. 6. Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), Ottawa, Education Rounds of the Genetics Department, January 8, 2008. Host : Drs. C. Armour and M. Carter. 7. Center for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomics, CAREG, University of Ottawa, October 18, 2007. Host: Dr. S. Perry. 8. Clarkson University, NY, USA. October 12, 2007. Host: K. Wallace. 9. Invited speaker to the 34th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-9 May, 2007. 10. Invited speaker to the EMBO Conference on Regeneration, September 10-15, 2006, Ascona, Switzerland. 11. Institute for Toxicology and Genetics, Karlsruhe, Germany. September 2006. Host: Dr. Uwe Strähle. 12. Invited speaker to the 74e Congrès de l’Association canadienne française pour l’avancement des sciences (ACFAS), Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 16, 2006. PUBLICATIONS Papers in refereed Journals 1. Jackson, R., Braubach, O.R., Bilkey, J., Zhang, J., Akimenko, M.-A, Fine, A., Croll, R.P. and Jonz, M.G. Expression of sall4 in taste buds of zebrafish. Developmental Neurobiology (2013) Feb 28. doi: 10.1002/dneu.22079. 2. Zhang, J., Jeradi, S., Strähle, U. and Akimenko, M.-A. Laser ablation of the sonic hedgehog-expressing cells during fin regeneration affects ray branching morphogenesis. Developmental Biology (2012) 365, 424-433. 3. Rolland-Lagan, A.-G., Paquette, M., Tweedle, V. and Akimenko, M.-A. Morphogen-based simulation model of ray growth and joint patterning during fin development and regeneration. Development (2012) 139, 1188-1197. Page 2 Marie-Andrée Akimenko March 2013 Papers in refereed Journals cont’d. 4. Huang L, Szymanska K, Jensen VL, Janecke AR, Innes AM, Davis EE, Frosk P, Li C, Willer JR, Chodirker BN, Greenberg CR, McLeod DR, Bernier FP, Chudley AE, Müller T, Shboul M, Logan CV, Loucks CM, Beaulieu CL, Bowie RV, Bell SM, Adkins J, Zuniga FI, Ross KD, Wang J, Ban MR, Becker C, Nürnberg P, Douglas S, Craft CM, Akimenko MA, Hegele RA, Ober C, Utermann G, Bolz HJ, Bulman DE, Katsanis N, Blacque OE, Doherty D, Parboosingh JS, Leroux MR, Johnson CA, Boycott KM. TMEM237 is mutated in individuals with a Joubert syndrome related disorder and expands the role of the TMEM family at the ciliary transition zone. American Journal of Human Genetics (2011) 89, 713730. 5. Khatib, A.-M., Lahlil, R., Scamuffa, N., Akimenko, M.-A., Ernest, S., Lomri, A., Lalou, C., Seidah, N.G., Villoutreix, B.O., Calvo, F. and Siegfried, G. Zebrafish ProVEGF-C expression, proteolytic processing and inhibitory effect of unprocessed ProVEGF-C during fin regeneration. PLoS One (2010) 5(7):e11438. 6. Zhang, J., Wagh, P., Guay, D., Sanchez-Pulido, L., Padhi, B.K., Korzh, V., Andrade, M. & Akimenko, M.-A. Loss of actinotrichia and the fin-to-limb transition. Nature (2010) 466, 234-237. 7. Smith, A., Zhang, J., Guay, D., Quint, E., Johnson, A. & Akimenko, M.-A. Gene expression analysis on sections of zebrafish regenerating fins reveals limitations in the whole-mount in situ hybridization method. Developmental Dynamics (2008) 237, 417-425. 8. Murciano, C., Pérez-Claros, J., Smith, A., Avaron, F., Fernández, T.D., Durán, I., RuizSánchez, J., García, F., Becerra, J., Akimenko, M.-A., Marí-Beffa, M. Position dependence of hemiray morphogenesis during tail fin regeneration in Danio Rerio. Developmental Biology (2007) 312, 272-283. 9. Smith, A, Avaron, F., Guay, D., Padhi, B.K. and Akimenko, M.-A. Inhibition of BMP signaling during zebrafish fin regeneration disrupts fin growth and scleroblast differentiation and function. Developmental Biology (2006) 299, 438-454. 10. Avaron, F., Hoffman, L., Guay, D. and Akimenko, M.-A. Characterization of two new zebrafish members of the hedgehog family: atypical expression of the zebrafish Indian hedgehog gene in skeletal elements of both endochondral and dermal origins. Developmental Dynamics (2006) 235; 478-489. 11. Padhi, B.K., Akimenko, M.-A. and Ekker, M. Independent expansion of the keratin gene family in teleostean fish and mammals: An insight from phylogenetic analysis and radiation hybrid mapping of keratin genes in zebrafish. Gene, (2006) 368, 37-45. 12. Padhi, B.K., Joly, L., Tellis, P., Smith, A., Purushotama, N., Chevrette, M., Ekker, M. and Akimenko, M.-A. A screen for genes differentially expressed during regeneration of the zebrafish caudal fin. Developmental Dynamics, (2004) 231, 527-541. 13. Sire, J.-Y. and Akimenko, M.-A. Scale development in fish: a review, with description of sonic hedgehog (shh) expression in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). International Journal of Developmental Biology (2004) 48, 233-247. 14. Schoft, V.K., Beauvais, A.J., Lang, C., Gajewski, A., Prufert, K., Winkler, C., Akimenko, M.-A., Paulin-Levasseur, M. & Krohne, G. The lamina-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP2) isoforms , γ and ω of zebrafish: developmental expression and behavior during the cell cycle. J. Cell Science (2003) 116, 2505-2517. 15. Akimenko, M.-A., Mari-Beffa, M, Becerra, J. & Géraudie, J. Old questions, new tools, and some answers to the mystery of fin regeneration. Dev. Dyn. (2003) 226, 190-201. Review article in the special issue on Regeneration. Page 3 Marie-Andrée Akimenko 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Page 4 March 2013 Papers in refereed Journals cont’d. Quint, E., Smith, A., Avaron, F., Laforest, L., Miles, J., Gaffield, W., and Akimenko, M.A. Bone patterning is altered in the regenerating zebrafish caudal fin following ectopic expression of sonic hedgehog and bmp2b or exposure to cyclopamine. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (track II)(2002) 99, 8713-8718. Hoffman, L., Miles, J., Avaron, F., Laforest, L. & Akimenko, M.-A. Exogenous retinoic acid induces a stage-specific, transient and progressive extension of Sonic hedgehog expression across the pectoral fin bud of Zebrafish. International Journal of Developmental Biology (2002) 46, 949-956. Murciano, C., Fernandez, T.D., Duran, I., Maseda, D., Ruiz-Sanchez, J., Becerra, J., Akimenko, M.-A & Mari-Beffa, M. Ray-interray interactions during fin regeneration of Danio rerio. Developmental Biology (2002), 252, 214-224. Poleo, G., Brown, C.W. , Laforest, L. and Akimenko, M.-A. Cell proliferation and movement during early fin regeneration in zebrafish. Developmental Dynamics (2001) 221, 380-390. Boué-Grabot, E., Akimenko, M.-A. & Séguéla, P. Unique functional properties of a developmentally-regulated neuronal P2X ATP-gated channel from zebrafish. Journal of Neurochemistry (2000), 75, 1600-1607. Wang, J.M., Préfontaine, G.G., Lemieux, M.E., Pope, L., *Akimenko, M.-A. & *Haché,R.J.G. Developmental effects of ectopic expression of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA binding domain are alleviated by an amino acid substitution that interferes with homeodomain binding. Mol. Cell. Biol., (1999) 19, 7106-7122. (*corresponding authors) Martin, C.C., Laforest, L., Akimenko, M.-A. & Ekker, M. A role for DNA methylation in gastrulation and somite patterning. Developmental Biology, (1999) 206, 189-205. Monnot, M.-J., Babin, P.J., Poleo, G., André, M., Laforest, L., Ballagny, C. & Akimenko, M.-A. Epidermal expression of apolipoprotein E during fin and scale development and fin regeneration in zebrafish. Developmental Dynamics, (1999) 21, 207-215. Laforest, L., Brown, C., Poleo, G., Géraudie, J., Tada, M., Ekker, M & Akimenko, M.-A. Involvement of the Sonic Hedgehog, patched-1 and bmp2 genes in patterning of the zebrafish dermal fin rays. Development, (1998) 125, 4175-4184. Ekker, M., Akimenko, M.-A., Allende, M., Smith, R., Drouin, G., Langille, R. M., Weinberg, E. & Westerfield, M. Relationship among msx gene structure and function in zebrafish and other vertebrates. Molecular Biology and Evolution, (1997) 14, 1008-1022. Babin, P.J., Thisse, C., Durliat, M., André, M., Akimenko, M.-A. & Thisse, B. Both apolipoprotein E and A-I genes are present in non-mammalian vertebrates and are highly expressed during embryonic development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. (1997) 94, 86228627. Ellies, D. L., Langille, R. M., Martin, C., Akimenko, M.-A. & Ekker, M. Specific craniofacial dysmorphogenesis coincides with a loss of dlx gene expression in retinoic acid treated zebrafish embryos. Mechanisms of Development. (1997) 61, 23-36. Akimenko, M.-A. & Ekker, M. Anterior duplication of the Sonic Hedgehog expression pattern in the pectoral fin buds of zebrafish treated with retinoic acid. Developmental Biology (1995) 170, 243-247. Akimenko, M.-A., Johnson, S.L., Westerfield, M. & Ekker, M. Differential induction of four msx homeobox genes during fin development and regneration in zebrafish. Development (1995) 121, 347-357. Marie-Andrée Akimenko 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. March 2013 Papers in refereed Journals cont’d. Akimenko, M.-A., Ekker, M., Wegner, J., Lin, W. & Westerfield, M. Combinatorial expression of three zebrafish genes related to distal-less: part of a homeobox gene code for the head. J. Neuroscience (1994) 14, 3475-3486. Ekker, M., Wegner, J., Akimenko, M.-A. & Westerfield, M. Coordinate embryonic expression of three zebrafish engrailed genes. Development (1992) 116, 1001-1012. Ekker, M., Akimenko, M.-A., Bremiller, R. & Westerfield, M. Regional expression of three homeobox transcripts in the inner ear of zebrafish embryos. Neuron (1992) 9, 27-35. Ekker, M. & Akimenko, M.-A., Embryologie et Génétique du danio rério. Médecine/Sciences, (1991), 7, 553-560. Akimenko, M.-A., Mariamé, B. & Rougeon, F. Rearrangement of the immunoglobulin kappa light chain genes in a b4 rabbit and a Basilea rabbit. Res. Immunol. (1989) 140, 739-756. Akimenko, M.-A., Ekker, M., Doyen, N., Biben, C. & Rougeon, F. Determinant differences between the rabbit and mouse immunoglobulin kappa enhancers impair the activity of the rabbit enhancer in mouse myeloma cells. Nucleic Acids Res. (1989) 17, 4745-4755. Mariamé, B., Akimenko, M.-A. & Rougeon, F. Intergenic and interallelic conversion events could induce differential evolution of the two rabbit immunoglobulin k light chain genes. Nucleic Acids Res. (1987) 15, 6171-6179. Goodhardt, M., Cavelier, P., Akimenko, M.-A., Lutfalla, G., Babinet, C. & Rougeon, F. Rearrangement and expression of rabbit immunoglobulin k light chain gene in transgenic mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1987) 84, 4229-4233. Akimenko, M.-A., Mariamé, B. & Rougeon, F. Evolution of the immunoglobulin k light chain locus in the rabbit: evidence for differential gene conversion events. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1986) 83, 5180-5183. Akimenko, M.-A., Heidmann, O. & Rougeon, F. Complex allotypes of the rabbit immunoglobulin k light chains are encoded by structural alleles. Nucleic Acids Res. (1984) 12, 4691-4701. Robert, B., Daubas, P., Akimenko, M.-A., Cohen, A., Garner, I., Guénet, J-.L & Buckingham, M. A single locus in the mouse encodes both myosin light chains 1 and 3, a second locus corresponds to a related pseudogene. Cell (1984) 39, 129-140. Papers submitted 1. McMillan, S.C., Xu, T., Zhang, J., Teh, C., Korzh, V., Trudeau, V.L. & Akimenko, M.-A. Regeneration of breeding tubercles on the pectoral fins of zebrafish requires androgens and two waves of re-vascularization. Submitted to Development (MS ID#: DEVELOP/2013/095992) 2. Beaulieu, C.L., Huang, L., Innes, A.M., Akimenko, M.-A., Puffenberger, E.G., Schwartz, C., Jerry, P., Ober, C., Hegele, R.A., McLeod, D.R., Schwartzentruber, J., FORGE Canada Consortium, Majewski, J., Bulman, D.E., Parboosingh, J.S. and Boycott, K.M. Intellectual Disability Associated with a Homozygous Missense Mutation in THOC6. Submitted to Orphanet Journal of Rare Disease (MS ID : 2794662169180919) Papers in preparation 1. Rolland-Lagan, A.-G., Lefebvre V.D and Akimenko, M.-A. Quantitative framework for the analysis of fin ray patterns. Page 5 Marie-Andrée Akimenko March 2013 Chapters in Books 1. Ekker, M. and Akimenko, M.-A. Genetic Tools. In Zebrafish, a volume of Fish Physiology. (2010) edited by Perry, S.F., Ekker, M., Farrell, A.P. and Brauner, C.J. Elsevier Inc. 2. Smith, A. and Akimenko, M.-A. Fin repair and regeneration. In Fins into Limbs: Evolution, Development, and Transformations. (2007) Editor Hall, B.K., The University of Chicago Press. 3. Avaron, F. and Akimenko, M.-A. Sonic hedgehog signaling in the developing and regenerating fins of zebrafish. In: The role of Shh and Gli signaling during development. Howie, S. and Fisher, C. eds., Landes, Bioscience (2005). 4. Géraudie, J., Akimenko, M.-A. & Smith, M. The Dermoskeleton: Fins, Scales and Teeth. In: Cellular and Molecular Basis of Regeneration: from Invertebrates to Humans; Ferretti, P & Géraudie, J. eds, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., (1998). pp167-185. 5. Westerfield, M., Akimenko, M.-A., Ekker, M. & Pueschel, A. Eyes, ears and homeobox genes in zebrafish embryos. In: Bernfield, M. (ed.), Molecular Basis of Morphogenesis, 51st Annual Symposium of the Society for Developmental Biology, John Wiley & Sons, Wiley-Liss Division, New York, NY. (1993), pp 67-75. 6. Akimenko, M.-A., Ekker, M. & Westerfield, M., Characterization of three zebrafish genes related to Hox-7. In: Developmental Patterning of the Vertebrate Limb; NATO ASI Series, Hinchliffe, J.R., Hurle, J. and Summerbell, D. eds., Plenum Press, (1991), pp 61-63. Abstracts (last 7 years only) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page 6 Akimenko, M.-A. invited speaker at the 12th international conference on limb development and regeneration, Mont-Tremblant, QC, Canada, June 3 – 7, 2012. (oral) Rolland-Lagan, A.-G., Paquette, M, Tweedle, V. and Akimenko, M.-A. Simulation model of bony ray growth and segmentation during fin development and regeneration suggests an integrated mechanism for the control of fin size and shape. 12th International Conference on limb development and regeneration. Mont-Tremblant, Qc, Canada, June 3-7, 2012. (poster) Zhang, J, Jeradi, S., Strähle, U. & Akimenko, M.-A. Laser ablation of the sonic hedgehog-aexpressing cells during fin regeneration affects ray branching patterning. Conférences Jacques Monod: Emergence and evolution of developmental patterns. Roscoff (Brittany), France, April 25-29, 2012. (poster) Rolland-Lagan, A.-G., Paquette, M, Tweedle, V. and Akimenko, M.-A. Simulation model of bony ray growth and segmentation during fin development and regeneration suggests an integrated mechanism for the control of fin size and shape. Conférences Jacques Monod: Emergence and evolution of developmental patterns. Roscoff (Brittany), France, April 25-29, 2012. (oral). McMillan, S., Xu, T., Zhang, J., Trudeau, V. and Akimenko, M.-A. Formation of Sexually Dimorphic Breeding Tubercle Clusters During Development and Regeneration of the Zebrafish Pectoral Fins. The 6th Canadian Developmental Biology Conference, Banff, March 8-11, 2012. (oral at the zebrafish workshop; poster at the CDBC, received the prize for the best poster). Marie-Andrée Akimenko March 2013 Abstracts continued 6. Zhang, J, Jeradi, S., Strähle, U. & Akimenko, M.-A. Role of the sonic hedgehog-expressing cells in ray branching morphogenesis during caudal fin regeneration in zebrafish. The “2nd Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology Workshop” Tavira, Portugal, 26-28 April, 2011. (oral) 7. Rolland-Lagan, A.-G. & Akimenko, M.-A. Morphogen-based model of ray growth and segment formation during fin development and regeneration. The 50th Canadian Society of Zoologists meeting. Ottawa, 16-20 May, 2011. (oral) 8. Tweedle, V., Lefebvre, V., Akimenko, M.-A & Rolland-Lagan, A.-G. Model of segment formation and ray branching in zebrafish caudal fins. The 50th Canadian Society of Zoologists meeting. Ottawa, 16-20 May, 2011. (poster) 9. Zhang, J., Wagh, P., Padhi, B.K., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. & Akimenko, M.-A. The teleostspecific actinodin gene family: regulation and function during fin development. The 4th Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators, Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, January 29- February 2nd, 2011. (poster) 10. Jeradi, S., Zhang, J., Stainier, D., Strähle, U. & Akimenko, M.-A. Understanding the role of the shh-expressing cells during caudal fin regeneration in zebrafish. The 9th International conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 16-20, 2010. (poster) 11. Jeradi, S, Zhang, J. & Akimenko, M.-A. Understanding the role of the shh-expressing cells during caudal fin regeneration in zebrafish. The 5th Canadian Developmental Biology Conference, Mont-Tremblant, Québec. April 8-11, 2010. (poster) 12. Zhang, J., Wagh, P., Sanchez-Pulido, L, Padhi, B.K., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Akimenko, M.-A. Actinodin, a new fish-specific gene family essential for actinotrichia formation. Presented at the first “Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology Workshop” Tavira, Portugal, 27-29 April, 2009. (oral) 13. Akimenko, M.-A, Smith, A., Zhang, J. and Avaron, F. Roles of the hedgehog and bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathways during fin regeneration in zebrafish. Symposium on Zebrafish as Models for Postembryonic Development as part of the Canadian Society of Zoologists annual meeting May 2008, Halifax. (oral) 14. Zhang, J., Strähle, U. & Akimenko, M.-A. Role of hedgehog signaling in branching morphogenesis during fin regeneration in zebrafish. Selected for an oral presentation at the Canadian Zebrafish Workshop, February 27-28, 2008, Banff, Alberta. (oral) 15. Zhang, J., Wagh, P., Guay, D., Padhi, B., Andrade, M. & Akimenko, M.-A. Actinodin, a novel and fish-specific gene family encoding for structural components of the actinotrichia fibrils is required for fin fold formation in zebrafish embryos. The 4th Canadian Developmental Biology Conference, February 28- March 2, 2008, Banff, Alberta. (poster) 16. Akimenko, M.-A. Hedgehog and bone morphogenetic protein signaling during dermal bone regeneration of the zebrafish fin rays. The 34th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-9 May, 2007. (oral) 17. Akimenko, M.-A., Smith, A., Zhang, J. & Avaron, F. Multiple roles for hedgehog and bone morphogenetic protein signaling during fin regeneration in zebrafish. The 3rd EMBO Conference on Regeneration, September 10-15, 2006, Ascona, Switzerland. (oral) 18. Duran, I., Murciano, C., Akimenko, M.-A. & Mari-Beffa, M. Contralateral interactions between right and left hemiblastema and developing hemirays are altered in Danio rerio another long fin mutant fins. EMBO Conference series. The 3rd European Conference on Regeneration, Ascona, Switzerland, September 10-15, 2006. (poster) Page 7 Marie-Andrée Akimenko March 2013 Abstracts continued 19. Akimenko, M.-A. Un hedgehog peut en cacher un autre; rôle dans la régénération des rayons osseux des nageoires du danio. 74e Congrès de l’Association canadienne française pour l’avancement des sciences (ACFAS), Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 16, 2006. (oral) 20. Zhang, J., & Akimenko, M.-A. Role of hedgehog signaling in patterning ray branching during fin regeneration. The 7th International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 14-19, 2006. (poster) 21. Wagh, P., Padhi, B. & Akimenko, M.-A. Characterization of two novel zebrafish genes specifically involved in fin development. 3rd Canadian Developmental Biology Conference, Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, April 6-9, 2006. (poster) 22. Ray, B., Paulin-Levasseur, M. & Akimenko, M.-A. Functional analysis of lamina-associated proteins 2 (LAP2) during early development of zebrafish, danio rerio. 3rd Canadian Developmental Biology Conference, Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, April 6-9, 2006. (poster) SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________ DATE: March 20, 2013 Page 8