APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Gulf Coast School of Blood Bank Technology 1400 La Concha Lane, Houston, TX 77054-1802 Program Director: Clare Wong; Medical Director: Beth Hartwell, MD Date: ______________ Applicant name Certification type Certification number Address Citizen of United States? Date of birth Telephone (work) Place of birth Telephone (home) Social security # (last 4 numbers) Telephone (cell) __Yes, __No If No, specify __________ E-mail address Have you applied to other SBB programs currently or previously? __No __If Yes, which program(s)? ______________________ Have you taken the SBB registry exam previously? __No __If Yes, when? _______________________________ Mentor’s name & credentials Mentor’s telephone Mentor’s e-mail Undergraduate CLS/MT Program Others / Graduate School College City/state Date (from-to) Year completed Degree conferred Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center 1400 La Concha Lane, Houston, TX 77054 Page 1 of 6 TD1518.03 v5 Revised 7/7/14 Blood Bank/Transfusion Medicine Work Experience: How many years of full-time transfusion service experience do you have? _________ years. (*If part-time, add up all times and prorate into years.) Start with your most current position. Current facility: Address: Started (month/year): Full or part time? Shift (day/evening/night): Title and duties: Supervisor’s name: Facility: Address: Date (month/year): Full or part time? Shift (day/evening/night): Title and duties: Supervisor’s name: Reason for leaving? Facility: Address: Date (month/year): Full or part time? Shift (day/evening/night): Title and duties: Supervisor’s name: Reason for leaving? Professional References: List three persons from whom you will request a professional reference. Include the full name, facility, telephone, and job title. 1. 2. 3. Signature of Applicant: _________________________________ Date: _________________________ Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center 1400 La Concha Lane, Houston, TX 77054 Page 2 of 6 TD1518.03 v5 Revised 7/7/14 Gulf Coast School of Blood Bank Technology SBB Applicant Practical Experience Applicant__________________ To be completed by the applicant and supervisor Please list the approximate number of procedures performed by the Applicant within the past year. *If you are not currently routinely performing these procedures, indicate the last year in which you have performed them. If you have never performed the procedure, enter a “0” in the column. # Procedures recently performed by applicant PROCEDURE 1 2 3 Type and Screen Crossmatch Resolution of ABO discrepancies 4 5 7 8 9 10 Rh phenotyping and other antigen typing Basic antibody identification (serum with 1-2 antibodies) Complex antibody identification (used procedures involving adsorption, ficin, DTT, EGA, neutralization, etc) Enzyme (e.g. ficin) panel Antibody titration Elution procedures Adsorption procedures (cold or warm) 11 12 13 14 15 16 Blood bank chemicals (e.g. DTT, EGA) Fetal bleed screen Investigation of adverse effects of transfusion Donor blood collections Donor blood testing (infectious disease testing) Component preparation (Whole Blood to components) 17 18 19 20 21 HLA and molecular testing Other molecular testing IRL (Immunohematology Reference Laboratory) Quality Assurance activities (worked in a QA department?) Hematopoietic progenitor cell processing Other experience (example: research, teaching (bench? formal?) 6 *Last performed 22 Membership in professional organizations 23 Workload of current facility Estimated number of transfusions per month Estimate number of donor blood units collected/month (if applicable) Applicant Signature & Date _________________________________________ Supervisor Signature & Date ________________________________________ Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center 1400 La Concha Lane, Houston, TX 77054 Page 3 of 6 TD1518.03 v5 Revised 7/7/14 Gulf Coast School of Blood Bank Technology Memorandum of Understanding - SBB Clinical Rotation The applicant’s current facility must complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). If the applicant’s facility will not be providing all clinical rotations, then additional MOUs must be obtained from the facilities that have agreed to provide the clinical experience. (Name) _____________________________, student/applicant of Gulf Coast School of Blood Bank Technology’s distance SBB program requires a facility affiliation for the purpose of clinical rotation. Please return to the student applicant Or email to Or FAX (713-791-6610) Facility: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________________ Facility accredited/licensed by? (Circle all that apply) AABB CAP TJC FDA CLIA Check the rotation that will be provided 1 Rotation Transfusion service – routine T/S, T/C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Transfusion service management & Transfusion Committee Serologic evaluation of HDFN (FMH, KB stain, etc) Antibody identification - routine Antibody identification – advanced (e.g. Reference Lab) Rare donors, freezing and deglycerolization Donor recruitment Donor blood collection 9 10 11 12 13 14 Donor mobile blood drive Hospital services/distribution Blood component preparation, labeling and storage Transmissible diseases testing Donor apheresis Therapeutic apheresis 15 16 17 18 19 HLA/molecular testing Hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC) processing Quality management (e.g. audit, cGMP, SOP, error management) Quality control (e.g. daily QC, equipment, reagent) Supervisory rotation (e.g. Laboratory operation, education) Would you and/or your staff be willing to listen and evaluate the student for oral presentations? Would you and/or your staff be willing to discuss policies and procedures with the student? Would you be able to allow the student the use of equipment and/or reagents? Would your facility require the student to pay for the instruction/reagents provided? *If yes, list the items and the amount that you would expect the student to pay. Completed by:_______________________________________ yes yes yes yes* no no no no Date _______________________ Title:_______________________________________________ Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center 1400 La Concha Lane, Houston, TX 77054 Page 4 of 6 TD1518.03 v5 Revised 7/7/14 Gulf Coast School of Blood Bank Technology Professional Reference Applicant: ______________________ To be completed by the Evaluator The above named individual has applied for a position in the Specialist in Blood Bank Technology Program and has listed you as a reference. Please evaluate the applicant on the characteristics listed below according to your personal knowledge of the individual: Scale: 5 = Outstanding; 4 = Very good; 3 = Satisfactory; 2 = Needs improvement; 1 = Unsatisfactory 0 = Unknown or no opinion ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Responsibility: Dependability: Organization: Flexibility: Response to stress: Initiative: Attitude: Maturity: Self-confidence: Decision-making: Leadership: Application of knowledge: Interaction with peers: Interaction with supervisors: Verbal communication: Written communication: Continuing education: Accountable for one's own actions Prompt; completes assignments in a timely fashion Arranges by systematic planning to complete tasks efficiently Capable of adapting to changing situations Maintains composure and ability to function in stressful situations Motivated to pursue actions independently Positive approach to work and co-workers Demonstrates common sense, tact, and empathy for patient care Assured of one's own abilities and skills Ability to analyze a problem and formulate a solution Has the capability to direct the activities of others Ability to apply academic theory to practice Ability to get along with peers and co-workers Ability to get along with supervisors and instructors Contributes knowledge and opinion in an articulate manner Expresses self clearly in writing Eager to continue learning to improve skills/knowledge Additional information pertinent to evaluation of the applicant (attach additional page if desired): How long have you known the applicant? ________years Relationship to the applicant: ____ Advisor ____ Instructor ____ Supervisor ____ Other:_________________ Evaluator (print) ____________________________________ (Signature)____________________________________ Present Title _______________________________________ Institution __________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip _______________________________________ Telephone / e-mail___________________________________ Place this completed form in an envelope, seal it, sign your name across the back flap, and return it to the applicant or email the completed form to Clare Wong,, or Fax to 713-791-6610 Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center 1400 La Concha Lane, Houston, TX 77054 Page 5 of 6 TD1518.03 v5 Revised 7/7/14 Gulf Coast School of Blood Bank Technology Application Checklist Applicant: __________________ To be completed by the applicant and returned with the application packet. Check if Present Check if In Progress ______ ______ 1. This Application Checklist ______ ______ ______ ______ 2. 3. Application for Admission form - completed and signed Copy of ASCP or NCA certification (or ID card) ______ ______ ______ ______ 4. 5. SBB Applicant Practical Experience form Blood bank continuing education for the past two years (listed on one page) ______ ______ 6. Memo of Understanding for clinical rotations ______ ______ 7. Written essay of goals and expectations from SBB education (limited to one single-spaced typed page) ______ ______ ______ ______ 8. 9. Official transcripts (or copy) of undergraduate studies Three Professional References, one of which from your current supervisor ______ ______ ______ ______ 10. Copy of permanent residency visa (if applicable) 11.* Official evaluation of academic transcripts by an accredited agency in the US listing course names, hours earned, and US equivalent grades. Item * Required for applicants who received high school and/or college education outside of the United States. Please send application to: Clare Wong Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center 1400 La Concha Lane Houston, TX 77054-1802 Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center 1400 La Concha Lane, Houston, TX 77054 Page 6 of 6 TD1518.03 v5 Revised 7/7/14