1.2 INSTRUMENT BOOKING FORM FOR TEM, FESEM, LVSEM MICROSCOPY INSTRUMENT BOOKING PROCEDURE Please read the information below before completing the application form. The form must be submitted in TWO(2) copies. 1. Maximum Number of Samples* a. TEM – 2 samples per booking b. FESEM – 3 samples per booking c. SEM – 4 samples per booking *Note: Since we allow only limited numbers of samples per booking session, please choose the most important samples to be analyzed. 2. Booking a. b. c. d. e. f. Complete the application form including valid research vote number (if available**) The application form is valid only for ONE type of microscopy analysis. Use another form for other type of microscopy analysis. Submit the completed application form to the administration office. Each booking will be notified/updated weekly via email on the next working Monday based on the received date. Intended new booking of the same instrument for the same applicant is only available AFTER the current analysis is being completed. Additional samples are not allowed for every analysis session. **Note: If valid research vote number is not available, kindly attach official letter requesting for the analysis from your respective head of department. 3. Sample condition and preparation a. b. c. 4. Samples for FESEM and SEM analyses are to be prepared by IIS staffs and should be sent to respective laboratory ONE(1) day before the analysis. As for TEM analysis, students will prepare the samples themselves after they have been duly trained by the IIS staffs. IIS has the right to cancel any analysis if the sample is suspected to have high risks on the safety of the operator or can cause damage to the instrument during the analysis. All inquiries regarding sample preparation and the microscopy instrument to be used should be forwarded to the Science Officer Inācharge (Mr. Mohamed Mohd. Salleh) or staff on duty: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sugeng Triwahyono, Mr. Faizal or Mr. Nazri. General Rules a. b. c. d. All information provided should be true. Users need to attend the related training when deemed necessary. Users should obey all rules and regulations regarding safety and laboratory requirements at IIS. Users should inform the IIS administration office if there are any changes in their research vot number or if their research project is expired. UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA IBNU SINA INSTITUTE FOR FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE STUDIES MICROSCOPY INSTRUMENT BOOKING FORM NAME: _________________________STUDENT I.D.NO_____________________ DEPARTMENT/ FACULTY:__________________________________________ _ EMAIL: _________________________PHONE NO: ________________________ RESEARCH VOT TITLE: _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ VOT NUMBER: _________________ EXPIRY DATE: __________________ BALANCE OF V29000: RM ___________________ (Please provide a copy of Financial Statement) I hereby agree to transfer RM_________ from VOT NO:__________ to IIS VOT NO: 260900/69252 for the measurement/characterization service supplied IIS.RESEARCH PROJECT LEADER NAME, SIGNATURE AND STAMP: -------------------------------------MICROSCOPY EQUIPMENT TO BE USED 1) SEM a. Type of sample(s):_____________________________________________ b. No of sample(s):_____________ c. Is coating required? YES NO 2) FESEM & EDX Analysis a. Type of sample(s):_____________________________________________ b. No of sample(s):_____________ c. Is coating required? YES NO d. EDX analysis: Elemental Analysis Mapping Analysis 3) TEM Analysis a. Type of sample(s): ____________________________________________ b. No of sample(s): ______________________ c. Sample Preparation: Powder Type Wafer Type d. Professional analysis? YES NO ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY: APPLICATION FORM RECEIVED DATE: APPLICATION STATUS: APPROVED REJECTED IIS LABORATORY MANAGEMENT CHAIRMAN SIGNATURE: _______________ DATE: ______________