TISSUES - that can be donated

TISSUES - that can be donated
The human body has many tissues that are viable and valuable to persons afflicted with such
illnesses as bone cancer, heart disease, burns and ailments that affect the eye.
Tissue is obtained from deceased or surgical donors who are tested for diseases such as AIDS and
hepatitis. All tissue is procured and processed in a sterile environment. Donated tissue can then be
processed into many forms that are either freeze-dried or frozen. The tissue can then be used in
orthopedic, neurologic, plastic, cardiovascular, and oral reconstructive surgery.
Corneas for transplantation, and whole eyes for research. The most common reason for a cornea
transplant is long-term complications from cataract surgery. The cornea becomes cloudy and
swollen, and is very painful.
The transplant cures these symptoms and gives the recipient great relief. d is made up
You have the option to be either a corneal donor only, or like most donors, a full eye donor. Even
when the eye is removed, in the vast majority of cases, there is no outward disfigurement of the
face, and the body is perfectly suited to viewing by family and friends
Bone grafts can obviate the need to amputate a limb. Excellent function for more than 10 years has
been reported. Bone can be frozen or freeze dried and stored for up to five years. However,
because of the demand for and size requirements of certain grafts, some patients may have to wait
several months for a transplant. Bone donation is done at the time of death. Removal of the bone is
done is a surgical manner and the outcome of the procedure does not affect the outcome or cost of
funeral services to the surviving ate the transfer family.
Skin is often considered the largest organ system of the human body. Skin is a remarkable durable
structure with an incredible ability to regenerate and heal itself.
The most common injury to the skin is burns. An estimated 130,000
individuals are hospitalized annually in the United States due to burn injuries. Other injuries to the
skin, which may require grafting, can be caused by trauma, abrasions, frostbite, infection, ulcers
and auto-immune diseases.
There is no substitute forthe human body in the teaching of human anatomy. Donated bodies
may also be used for teaching surgery and other specialty fields. Your consideration to donate
your body after death can enhance the quality of life for others and help support medical research
and educational endeavors.
Whole body donations go to medical schools for the teaching of anatomy. We recommend that
you pre-register with a medical school in your area. Each school has different policies and
procedures, which are explained in their registration packet. The school will make every effort to
accept the donation unless there are medical contraindications.
Acceptance or rejection of a donated body is a decision the medical school makes at the time of
Under the law, the institution has the right to reject any body donation for any reason.
Look below for a list of medical schools in your state, or call the Living Bank for more information
about donating your body to science.
Most medical schools have a great need for donated bodies. Unlike organ and tissue donation
there are no upper age limits for donating your body for anatomical study. The school will make
every effort to accept the donation unless there are medical contraindications. Listed below are
some of the reasons for rejection:
Autopsied body Embalming
Decomposition Obesity
Extreme emaciation
Death from a contagious or communicable disease Suicide or
Removal of organs and tissues (except for eyes)
Acceptance or rejection of a donated body is a decision the medical school makes at the time of
donation. Under the law, the institution has the right to reject a body donation for any reason.
The whole body Donations are accepted by " Dept. Of Anatomy, Grand medical College
Sir. J. J. Hospital, Byculla, Mumbai-400 008
Tel: +91-22-23735555/23739031