Mercy Catholic Medical Center Surgery Residency Program Surgery Resident Evaluation Form (PGY I) Resident: Rotation: GENERAL SURGERY AND SURGICAL ONCOLOGY Name of Evaluator: Rotation Evaluation Dates: Please evaluate the above resident on the basis of performance during this specific rotation. Rank each resident on a 1-5 scale with 5 being the highest. In general, a “1” would be unsatisfactory, the average resident is a “3”. If there is inadequate information, please check “not applicable”. General: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Evaluation (1-5): Not Applicable: Initiative, self-motivated. Dependability, can be counted on to complete tasks. Interacts well with patient and staff. Self-confident but will seek help from others. Teaching of medical students. Please place check in appropriate box: Knowledgeable COGNITIVE KNOWLEDGE: Demonstrates understanding of the basic science foundation of the specialty Knowledgeable and Able To Teach Learning But Incomplete Absent or Inadequate A) Physiology, fluid and electrolytes. B) Pathology as it relates to general surgery. C) Anatomy of the abdomen, chest, neck, vascular tree. D) Pharmacology of antibiotics, antihypertensives, diuretics, analgesics, etc. Please place check in appropriate box: Knowledgeable, CLINICAL PERFORMANCE: Confident, and Effective Knowledgeable, But Not Independent Learning But Below Expectations Unsatisfactory Knowledgeable, But Not Independent Learning But Below Expectations Unsatisfactory E) Able to perform a comprehensive history and physical exam. F) Provides adequate pre- and postoperative care with good documentation. G) Appropriately diagnose medical and surgical conditions. H) Provide appropriate care for urgent and emergent medical and surgical conditions. Please place check in appropriate box: Knowledgeable, OPERATIVE ABILITIES: Confident, and Effective I) Understands the function of surgical instruments. J) Able to tie knots effectively. K) Sutures a complex wound. L) Uses scalpel, forceps, and scissors effectively. M) Understands the use of electrocautery. Please place check in appropriate box: Based on the experience in this rotation do you think the resident would be able to: Yes, Independently Yes, With Direction Yes With Much Assistance N) Recognize appendicitis and perform a simple appendectomy for suppurative appendicitis. O) Diagnose and treat an uncomplicated reducible hernia. P) Perform a breast biopsy or remove lipoma. Q) Perform bedside procedures (ie: IV Insertion, ABG, NG Insertion) R) Discuss nature of medical condition and prognosis with family. S) Diagnose acute abdomen and prepare for the OR. T) Drain a subcutaneous abscess or perirectal abscess. Please place check in appropriate box: Overall Evaluation (Compare with the last 10 resident at this level on this rotation): Top 20% Middle 60% Lower 20% Comments (Required): Do you think this resident should be advanced to the next clinical year? Yes No Needs more evaluation Signed: Date: Please return the completed form to Program Director, MCMC General Surgery Residency Program, 1500 Lansdowne Avenue, Darby, PA, 19023. Thank you for your assistance. No