ROYAL BOROUGH OF KINGSTON UPON THAMES JOB DESCRIPTION Directorate: Community Services Division: Housing Resources Section: Homelessness Assessment Service Job Title: Housing Officer (Young Persons Homelessness) Grade: G Post No: RELATIONSHIPS 1. Responsible To: Senior Assessments Officer 2. Supervisory Responsibility: None 3. Important Internal Relationships: Head of Housing, Divisional Manager (Housing Resources), Resources Management Team, Legal Services, Children Services, Young People Services and Family Teams, Community Mental Health Teams and all other managers and staff within Community Services and the Council. 4. Important External Relationships: Service Users, Benefits Agency, Health Authorities, Probation Service, Solicitors, Landlords and other Local Authorities. MAIN PURPOSE OF JOB To interview homeless and potentially homeless 16 and 17 year old clients and assess the Authority’s duties towards them in accordance with legislation and the Council’s policies. To provide advice and assistance, according to the circumstances of each case, in order to prevent homelessness whenever this can be achieved. Prepared By: Updated By: G. Beuschel Jason Carey Date: 29.11.06 Allocs/Jobdes/Hsg Off Homelessness/1 Agreed by: ROYAL BOROUGH OF KINGSTON UPON THAMES JOB DESCRIPTION MAIN ACTIVITIES 1. Departmental Management 1. To contribute to the overall development of the Homelessness Assessment Service as a member of the Assessment Team. 2. Strategic Planning 1. To contribute to the preparation of a draft annual Team-Plan for the Homelessness Assessment Service. 2. To assist in collating and maintaining statistical records for submission to Managers, Members and external agencies such as the Government Office for London and The Audit Commission. 3. Operational Service 1. To be responsible to the Homelessness Manager and the Senior Assessments Officer for the implementation of the following legislation: The Housing Act 1996, Part VII The Habitual Residence Test with regard to eligibility for assistance under the above Act The Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 The Housing Act 1988 The Protection from Eviction Act 1977 The Matrimonial Homes Act 1983 The Family Law Act 1996 The Rent Act 1977 2. To interview homeless applicants, with particular regard to 16 and 17 year old applicants, to determine homelessness, priority-need intentional homelessness, local connection and eligibility for assistance under homelessness legislation, many of whom may be vulnerable and/or distressed and aggressive. 3. To assist applicants to complete application forms and to carry out home and hospital visits as appropriate. 4. To assess homelessness applications from asylum seekers and other potentially ineligible persons and make appropriate referrals under the National Assistance Act 1948, the Children Act 1989 and the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996. 5. To arrange for interpreters and conduct interviews with their assistance as and when necessary. 6. To make enquiries into applicants’ housing circumstances and the validity of applications, and, where appropriate, agree the provision of accommodation in accordance with the requirements of the Housing Act 1996. Allocs/Jobdes/Hsg Off Homelessness/2 7. To reach a decision and notify the applicant where they are ineligible, do not have a local connection or priority need. 8. To refer fraudulent applications to the Senior Assessment Officer and undertake further enquiries where appropriate. 9. To identify applicants who may be considered to be intentionally homeless and make recommendations to that effect to the Senior Assessments Officer or the Homelessness Manager. 10. To identify cases where applicants have no local connection and make appropriate referrals under the Housing Act 1996, Sct. 198. 11. To notify applicants of decisions taken in respect of their application in accordance with the requirements of the Housing Act 1996, Part VII. 12. To liaise with the Admissions Team with respect to the provision of temporary accommodation, in accordance with Council policies and the Council’s obligations under the Housing Act 1996, Part VII, Scts. 188 and 193. 13. To assess whether the Council has a duty to remove and/or store an applicant’s property and in appropriate cases to liaise with the Admissions Team, who will make the necessary arrangements. 14. To provide advice and assistance to unintentionally homeless households regarding the Council’s temporary accommodation duties and procedures, and Council policies and procedures concerning the Common Housing Register and the Choice Based Letting scheme. 15. To explore all possibilities for preventing homelessness, directing applicants to suitable alternative accommodation and/or making referrals to the Housing Advice Service and other advice/support agencies as appropriate. 16. To submit applications and other relevant information to the Admissions and Allocations Teams, and ensure that they are up-dated with regards to any change of circumstances affecting the applicant’s temporary accommodation or longer term housing circumstances, liaising with the applicant where necessary. 17. To make recommendations to the Admissions Team, based on medical or other information, concerning the suitability of various forms of temporary accommodation for individual homeless households. 18. To deal with refusals of temporary or permanent accommodation and liaise with the relevant Section as appropriate. 19. To maintain an awareness of arrears problems arising with respect to individual households within temporary accommodation. To liaise with, and where appropriate, make referrals to relevant staff within the Finance Section and Temporary Accommodation Unit for detailed advice and assistance in respect of the provision of benefits advice and/or the recovery of possession. Allocs/Jobdes/Hsg Off Homelessness/3 20. To obtain all appropriate medical and other information concerning an applicants’ housing needs, providing information, making referrals and liaising closely with Social Services Teams, the Council’s Medical Adviser, health practitioners, Probation Services, legal representatives and other relevant agencies where necessary. 21. To refer applicants to the Community Mental Health, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Children Services, Young Persons Services and Families Teams for assessment as appropriate, and liaise closely with the relevant teams to monitor the ongoing needs of the household. 22. To advise applicants about the advice and support available to them when moving into or between forms of Council accommodation, and make referrals of vulnerable households to the Resettlement Team and other support agencies. 23. To attend Child Protection Conferences, Case Conferences, Professional Meetings, the Accommodation Panel and all other meetings and panels as appropriate, and contribute to the decision making process at these meetings. 24. To regularly review applications in circumstances where the Council accepted a temporary duty towards an asylum seeker household. 25. To assist the Senior Assessments Officer and the Homelessness Manager in reviewing applications and to notify applicants of the outcome of the review. 26. To provide detailed written records of all interviews and contacts with clients and maintain client files to ensure that all appropriate information relevant to the assessment of applications is available to Housing Services colleagues and managers, Legal Services and other Council departments. 27. To maintain and regularly update casework monitoring sheets and maintain regular contact with applicants until the Council’s duty under homelessness legislation has been discharged. 28. To ensure the provision of appropriate information concerning applications to applicants and their representatives, consulting where necessary with the Senior Assessment Officer. 29. To prepare cases and present information to the Reviewing Officer, where applicants have requested review of a decision under the Housing Act 1996, Part VII. 30. To liaise with Legal Services with respect to the preparation of evidence where decisions made under the Housing Act Part VII or statements made by applicants are being challenged in court. 31. Where appropriate, to appear as a witness in court hearings concerning decisions made under Housing Act 1996 Part VII. 32. To assist in the preparation of case statements where the Council is in dispute with another Local Authority concerning referrals under Housing Act, Sct. 198. 33. To assist the Senior Assessment Officer in responding to complaints and enquiries from applicants, Members and MPs, and to respond to correspondence with outside agencies. Allocs/Jobdes/Hsg Off Homelessness/4 34. 4. To work towards meeting all performance targets relating to the assessment of homelessness applications set by the Council and relevant external housing agencies. Housing Contracts 1. None 5. Financial Management 1. To submit expenditure requests to the Homelessness Manager in line with budget management procedures. 6. Staff Management 1. To participate in the staff appraisal system, individual casework management sessions and team/section meetings. 2. To assist in the training of new staff. 7. Other duties 1. To attend necessary internal/external training courses and seminars in order to maintain an up-date knowledge of legislation, policies, practices and procedures. 2. To ensure customer care and equality of opportunity in all aspects of service provision. 3. To comply with the Council’s Health and Safety Policies and encourage best practice within the Homelessness Assessment Service. 4. To work effectively with Members and implement Housing Services’ ‘Strategic Objectives’. 5. To participate in the emergency duty rota for Reception cover. 8. General 1. To carry out any other duties commensurate with the grade of the post. 9. Additional duties for progression to S02 grade 1. To provide guidance to less experienced members of staff. 2. To undertake appropriate duties and responsibilities of the Senior Assessments Officer in his/her absence or during busy periods. 3. To undertake tasks of a complex nature and carry out his/her duties with minimal supervision. Allocs/Jobdes/Hsg Off Homelessness/5 ROYAL BOROUGH OF KINGSTON UPON THAMES an equal opportunities employer PERSON SPECIFICATION DIRECTORATE: Community Services (Housing Services) SECTION: Homelessness Assessments Service DIRECTORATE: Housing Resources GRADE: G JOB TITLE: Housing Officer (Young Persons Homelessness) POST NO: 1. EXPERIENCE What experience is necessary to carry out the job effectively? a) 2. 3. At least one year’s experience of carrying out homelessness assessments under the Housing Act 1996, Part VII. EDUCATION/KNOWLEDGE What are the standards that must be met? a) Detailed knowledge of the Housing Act 1996, Part VII, the Code of Guidance and all related legislation. b) Knowledge of the law and issues affecting landlords and tenants in the private housing sector, particularly with regards to the prevention of homelessness c) Awareness of the housing and support needs of homeless households entering temporary accommodation. d) Basic knowledge of welfare and housing benefits. SKILLS What level and type of skills are necessary? Ability to: (a) Work effectively and efficiently within a busy team. (b) Provide a service on the basis of equal opportunities and customer care. (c) Communicate effectively with colleagues, Councillors, the public and a wide range of professionals both verbally and in writing (d) Interview and advise clients, including those who may at times be distressed or aggressive. (e) Liaise with landlords, solicitors and other external agencies to achieve successful outcomes. (f) Manage a personal caseload to ensure that performance targets and priority objectives are consistently met. (g) Record information accurately and maintain case files to a high standard. (h) Understand and assimilate complex information and apply it effectively to individual circumstances. Allocs/Jobdes/Hsg Off Homelessness/6 (I) Additional criteria for progression to SO2. Ability to: undertake complex tasks and carry out their duties with minimal supervision; provide guidance to less experienced members of staff; deputise for the Senior Assessments Officer. It is likely that the postholder would require a minimum of 2 years direct experience of homelessness casework before being able to fully undertake the additional responsibilities of the SO2 profile. 4. PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES AND HEALTH Are there any particular physical demands to be met which will be relevant in considering candidates (a) Ability to travel to and from properties throughout the borough and to conduct Home Visits. Completed by: Jason Carey Allocs/Jobdes/Hsg Off Homelessness/7 Date: 29/11/2006