The Music Man, Jr. COSTUMES BOYS & GIRLS—Black pants or skirts, white shirts, marching band hats with a plume! SALESWOMEN - Trench coats – tan/black/blue (to go over costumes) and a hat to cover up your hair…but remember that the hat shouldn’t cast a big shadow over your face. CONDUCTOR - Black blazer, white button down shirt, tie, and conductor’s hat HAROLD HILL - Trench coat, wig and hat (scene 1) Black pants, white button down shirt, black tie bright colored blazer (plaid would be GREAT! fact, a plaid suit would make Harold REALLY look the part!!) Marching band hat with plume, slip on black shoes MAYOR SHINN - Formal outfit – black pants, blazer, tie, vest, white button down shirt –a chain (for a watch) would be a nice touch. A pinstriped suit would be really fun, but black will do! A handkerchief tucked in the jacket pocket would be nice, too! Gold glasses (reading glasses) would make him look older. Mayor Shinn is the richest man in town…and should look it! OLIN, OLIVER, & JACEY - Black pants (or skirt w/black tights), white button down shirt, colorful bow, (JACEY—a plaid tie would be great!) Each of you should also have a black vest that you’ll put on later in the show…once you’re an ‘acapella trio’!!! Remember, Olin, Oliver and Jacey ‘hate’ each other at the beginning of the show and can look different, but by the end, they are good friends and should look almost exactly the same. MARCELLUS - Black pants, bright colored jacket, white button down shirt, tie, black shoes. Marcellus used to be in Harold’s line of business, so he should look like he used to dress like Harold, but more subdued now. TOMMY DJILAS & WINTHROP—should be dressed in a short sleeved button down shirt – (preferable Winthrop not white) and knickerbockers!!! Knickerbockers can be black or brown. Knickerbockers can be easily made – they should cover the knee with elastic and the leg. Slip on black or brown shoes MARIAN PAROO - Marian should wear a long black skirt – can be floor or ankle length, a white button down shirt and a ribbon for a bow around the neck. Shoes should have a 1-2 inch heel (just make sure you’re not taller than Harold!) but heels should have rubber soles so they don’t make too much noise on the stage. Tights or leggings underneath. Marian starts off the show very prim and uptight but relaxes over the course of the show. Perhaps in the beginning she can wear glasses with a tight bun in her hair and as the story progresses, she stops wearing the glasses and her hair relaxes… MRS. PAROO—A simple brown dress with a white apron. Hair up in a bun….could Mrs. Paroo be going grey??? Sensible black shoes. Maybe a plain colored shawl to wear during the ‘outdoor’ scenes. AMARYLLIS & GRACIE SHINN—Flower sack dresses (kind of like the costumes on the old tv show “little -and other young house on the prairie”….but prettier!) pastel colors. Black Mary Jane shoes, girls ruffled ankle socks, hair up in braids or pig tails, could be a pony tail if you think that looks better. Matching ribbons in your hair. WA TAN YE GIRLS—You can just add a poncho over your costume….perhaps a head band and a feather EULALIE & LADIES (MAUD, ETHEL, MRS. SQUIRES, ALMA)—EULALIE is married to the richest man in town, so she should look like it! She should have the most ornate hat. All the other LADIES should have hats too – feather, flowers. Have some fun! Remember, though, NOTHING should cover your face. (Helena, you talked about netting over your face,that’s fine for Eulalie, but make sure your face can seen and doesn’t cause any shadows) Eulalie and the ladies should wear short sleeved button down white shirts with a ribbon for a bow around the neck, ankle length skirts – bright colors, stripes, patterns…it’s all good, just make sure your clothes match your hat! Black rubber soled heel shoes (the shoes can have a slight heel, but you must be able to dance safely in them!!) Please see the next page for hat ideas. Get creative! Flowers, feathers, bows…it’s all good! ZANEETA SHINN—wears a flower sack dress, just like the younger girls, however, hers is a little bit more fitting around the waist, shin length. If you can’t come up with a dress, a button down white shirt and a free flowing skirt with a sash can work too. Pretty colors… Hair should be in a pony tail or a French braid. CONSTABLE NOBLE—Black or navy button down shirt, badge, appropriate cap, black pants and shoes. STAGE CREW—black pants, black shirts, and black footwear ALL ACTORS/SINGERS/DANCERS—Please make sure that you have on comfortable danceable footwear if you have any dance numbers in the show. EXAMPLES OF HATS