
Summary of basic approaches
We propose to work taking like reference the notion of artistic field. This theoretical position
allows to sustain more dynamic and more complex approaches to the artistic formation. It
overcomes the autonomy of the art’s work and the artist to locate them in context and it
enlarges the relationships and projections that as much the artistic thing as the artistic
formation can have. From this perspective, the creation and the artistic formation are
understood as processes and experiences to which all can and should consent. A specific
experience that supports a particular thought that is bound to sound, visual and corporal
expressive materials. The artistic experience has cognitive effects and of creation (it
produces sense and new significances) and it is translated in diverse processes and
products (the art's work is alone one of them). To recognize the practice and the Arts
Education as constituent fundamental of the knowledge allows identifying ideas essential and
big lines of contemporary debate that constitute the mark for the development of reflections
and action proposals in the Conference.
Notion of Artistic Field
The notion of artistic field transform the question: ¿what is art? by this one: ¿What is
understood by the artistic thing? It implies to recognize the interaction of the institutions and
the diverse agents that regulate and generate speeches and activities around practices of
investigation, formation, creation, circulation, administration and appropriation. The artistic
objects make part of relationships dynamic institutional, concepts, valuations, classifications
and legitimations around the diverse positions that exist on the art and the artistic thing. To
understand this field supposes to displace the reflection from the artistic object to the artistic
Artistic practices and formation
The artistic thing is a group of practices, whose specific characteristic is being experiences
of aesthetic, corporal, emotional and sensitive knowledge. The artistic thing is an integral
experience and a form of thought bound to the experience.
The Arts Education invites the students to propose its own sensibility as object study, the
itinerary of its thought like a problematic land constituted by a system of relationships that
goes from its original biological condition to dense cultural contents that are absorbed along
the life as a second nature. At the boy's level or the adolescent the artistic experience is
constituted in expression possibility and of relationship with the environment involving
abilities and intelligence that imply to the body, the emotion, the perception, the imagination.
The artistic practice satisfies the natural expression desire and the human being's creation; it
provides a creative and ludic relationship with the existence; it mobilizes the divergent and
analogical thought; it favours the conversion and transmutation of the pain, the fear and other
emotions in creative possibility. In the artistic practice is developed the recognition to the
difference and the singularity when educating from the own and direct experience, beyond
abstractions and conceptual generalizations.
The artistic thought proceeds, from the cognitive possibilities that offers the emotion, from
the jumps and multiple connections that provides the imagination, from other temporary
rhythms, from the expression with the matters (plastic, sound, and, in general of all used
matter). This cognitive power that is attributed to the practices artistic today emerges as
crucial in the contexts technological and urban contemporaries bound to logical distant of the
lineal and bound to the fragmentary thing, and to a concept of the real thing made of
The artistic practices, and consequently the artistic training, beyond the aesthetic, civic and
of pleasure values, they are conceived as thought, as knowledge generators. The poetic
thought, mediated by a deep vital affection and for an elevation of the imagination and the
emotion to their cognitive possibilities. Starting from that intense experience they come
undone our perceptive habits, increases the astonishment, singular points of view open up
and new connections that end up enlarging the world.