this document

Module No. 3
Data Collection Techniques, Instrument
Design, Sampling and Survey Design
The module starts by reviewing the different techniques of collecting both quantitative and
qualitative data, questionnaire design and essential principles and practicalities of sampling
including an appreciation of the different sampling designs. It will then focus more closely
on the aspects of collecting both primary and secondary data through interviewing, focus
group discussions, key informant interviews, observation, document review, measurement,
etc. The module will also focus on basic considerations in questionnaire design and design
of focus group guides, as well as the key informant interview guide and an observation
checklist. The different random sampling designs, namely; simple random samplings,
stratified sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, probability proportional to size
sampling, as well as multistage sampling designs will be reviewed with special emphasis on
the practicalities of different sampling designs. The paddy game will be used to
demonstrate the practicalities of multistage sampling designs while to the woods game will
be used to demonstrate the practical aspects of stratified sampling.
In terms of data collection, instrument design, sampling and survey design there are three
aims of the module
to equip participants with the skills of data collection, design of survey instruments, as
well as introducing the common methods of collecting quantitative and qualitative data
to equip participants with skills to select random samples using the different sampling
to provide participants with sufficient knowledge of these areas that they can train or
advise others on how to undertake the tasks
6 days
Districts Training Programme
Module 3 – Page 1
Module No. 3
S1 : The Data Collection Process
Synopsis: This session sets the scene for the rest of the module.
Learning Objectives: This is primarily a “setting the scene” session, but participants may
learn more about the methods used for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data.
o methods for collecting quantitative data
o methods for collecting qualitative data
S2 : Table Design
Synopsis: This session sets the scene for the questionnaire design session.
Learning Objectives: Participants will learn more about the basic considerations in
questionnaire design and fully understand what data should be collected in a survey and
how they should be collected in order to be able to design an appropriate questionnaire for
data collection.
o The table design process as part of the whole research process
o Your role in the process – undertaking tasks and giving support
o Typical table design activities and examples
Output: Dummy tables for a given set of objectives
S3 : Questionnaire Design
Synopsis: This session covers the basic considerations in questionnaire design and the
different forms of questioning and types of questions that can be asked, and what the
different types of data can be collected with these questions. The session will also
demonstrate the importance of table design in questionnaire design. During the session
participants will be given an assignment to decision questionnaires for a given set of
Learning Objectives: To fully understand what data should be collected in a survey and
design an appropriate questionnaire for data collection.
o Different types of questions
o Different data types – continuous, categorical, multiple responses etc.
o Problem questions
Output: well designed questionnaires
Districts Training Programme
Module 3 – Page 2
Module No. 3
S4 : Introduction to Sampling Techniques I
Synopsis: In this session we will review the concepts of censuses and sample surveys
discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each. We shall also discuss the common
concepts used in sampling. In addition we shall discuss the concept of random and non
random samples stating the advantages and disadvantages of each. Finally we shall discuss
how sampling fits in the research process
Learning Objectives: Participants will understand the merits and demerits of censuses
and surveys and distinguish between random and non random samples. They will also be
able to identify the possible sources of sampling frames for specific tasks highlighting the
advantages and disadvantages of each source. The participants will in addition construct a
sampling frame for a specific task.
Advantages and disadvantages of censuses and sample surveys
Sources of sampling frames including merits and demerits of each source
Random and non random samples
The place of sampling in the research process
Output: Sampling frame of the participants.
S5/6/8/9 : Introduction to Sampling Techniques II
Synopsis: In these three sessions participants will be introduced to the common random
sampling designs. For each sampling design we shall have both a theoretical and practical
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to select random samples using the various
random sampling designs. The participants will also be able to distinguish between the
various sampling designs and when to apply them
Simple random sampling
Stratified sampling
Systematic sampling
Cluster sampling
Multi-stage sampling
o Random samples selected using the various sampling designs
o Random sample selected using the paddy rice game
o Random sample selected using to the woods game
Districts Training Programme
Module 3 – Page 3
Module No. 3
S10/11 : Integrating Qualitative Research into Quantitative Research
Synopsis: A short discussion session on how to integrate qualitative research into
quantitative research
Learning Objectives: At the end of this session participants should have developed an
understanding of how to integrate qualitative research with quantitative research work.
They should also appreciate the need for integrating qualitative into quantitative
o Getting a sample and collecting data using Focus Group Discussions, Key Informant
Interview and Observation.
Output: participants will collect qualitative data using any of the qualitative methods
S12 : Wrap up
Synopsis: The session will discuss the whole process of sampling, instrument design and
data collection in the research process
Learning Objectives: participants should appreciate the whole process of sampling,
instrument design and data collection in the research process
Table design
Questionnaire design
Sampling techniques
Data collection methods,
Integrating qualitative into quantitative research
Districts Training Programme
Module 3 – Page 4