Freedom of Information Request Reference: 1415291 Date received: 25 June 2014 Date response provided: 16 July 2014 Information requested and answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How many of the council’s direct employees are: a. Male 385 (34.01%) b. Female 746 (66.08%) How many of the council’s departmental directors are: a. Male 2 (50%) b. Female 2 (50%) What is the average (median) gross salary of council employees who are: a. Male £26,521.55 b. Female £18,827.72 How many of the council’s employees on a salary over £75,000 are: a. Male 4 (66.67%) b. Female 2 (33.33%) How many of the council’s direct employees for which it holds relevant information describe themselves as: a. White British (including English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish subclassifications) 1022 (90.36%) b. Any other minority ethnic group 12 (1.06%) Note that 97 (8.58%) preferred not to specify their ethnicity. 6. How many of the council’s departmental directors are: Page 1 of 3 a. White British (including English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish subclassifications) 11 (100%) b. Any other minority ethnic group 0 (0.00%) 7. What is the average (median) gross salary of council employees who are: a. White British (including English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish subclassifications) £22,105.92 b. Any other minority ethnic group £19,523.99 8. How many of the council’s employees on a salary over £75,000 are: a. White British (including English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish subclassifications) 6 (100%) b. Any other minority ethnic group 0 (0.00%) 9. What proportion of council employees promoted in the last year were: a. White British (including English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish subclassifications) b. Any other minority ethnic group c. Female We are unable to provide an answer to this question as we do not use the classification “promotion” on our payroll system when an employee changes role. 10. What proportion of council employees to have their contract terminated as a result of disciplinary action in the last year were: a. White British (including English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish subclassifications) 1 b. Any other minority ethnic group Page 2 of 3 0 c. Female 0 11. What formal targets or strategies are in place within the Council to improve the representation of women and ethnic minorities in senior positions, and what progress has been made in the last year. Torbay Council does not have any formal targets or strategies in place to improve the representation of women or ethnic minorities in senior positions. However, of its top 5% earners, 58% are currently female. 12. What weight the Council gives to the equality and diversity policies and records of organisations bidding for grants or contracts to deliver services as part of the tendering process, and what monitoring takes place in this area, if any. When tendering for a contract we look at Equality and Diversity policies where it is relevant to the nature of the contract e.g. the provision of services to vulnerable adults/children. Where this is the case, as a minimum, we would ask whether organisations whether they have a policy, generally this would be a mandatory requirement. Where the minimum requirement to confirm they have a policy is insufficient for the nature of the contract we will ask organisations to provide a copy of their policy or describe their processes, which would then be assessed and scored. When an organisation is awarded a contract and it is a requirement of the contract that they have an Equality & Diversity Policy we would review the policy and monitor the organisation’s compliance as part of the ongoing contract management process. The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for the purpose of news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder. For more information on requesting to re-use information held by Torbay Council under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations, 2005 please visit Page 3 of 3