Specification: Contract Specific Requirements CONTRACT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS For Marine Work CH10W 1. WORKS - GENERAL PROVISIONS LIMITATIONS ON PROGRAMMING AND SEQUENCE OF WORK The jetty shall be closed to the general public at all times during the Contract, except from Saturday 18 th December 2010 to Sunday 16th January 2011 inclusive. The Contractor shall stage the works so that the jetty is safe for use by the general public during this holiday period. 2. CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL The Contractor’s personnel shall meet the following minimum requirements: EXPERIENCE REQUIRED TIME REQUIRED ON SITE Contractor’s Representative 5 years of on-site work of a similar magnitude and complexity. The CR will not be required to be based permanently on site when works are in progress but shall be on site when critical activities are being undertaken. Site Supervisor 3 years of on-site work of a similar magnitude and complexity. 3 years of on-site work of a similar magnitude and complexity. During customary working hours. TITLE Quality Management Representative QUALIFICATIONS Demonstrated understanding of the principles and practices of Quality Management or have completed a course in Quality Management The QMR will not be required to be based permanently on site when works are in progress but shall be on site when critical activities are being undertaken. The Contractor’s Representative may be the Quality Management Representative. Other positions shall be filled by separate individuals. 3. CONTRACTOR'S COMPOUND AND SUPERINTENDENT'S REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall obtain a written agreement with the landholder and local council to establish a compound or any area used for the storage of plant or materials. Copies of these agreements shall be submitted to the Superintendent prior to establishment of the compound. A written release shall be obtained from the landholder and local council after de-establishment. To prevent access by the public, temporary fencing shall be erected around the Contractor’s compound and all other areas utilised by the Contractor including stockpiles of materials. Within the Contractor’s site office the Contractor shall provide a desk and chair for the use by the Superintendent's staff. 4. UTILITY SERVICES The Contractor shall remove all services attached to the jetty in conjunction with the works. The Principal will reinstate the services upon completion of the restoration, except for the poly pipe supplying water to the shower on the swimming enclosure platform which shall be reinstated by the Contractor. DPTI XXCxxx Revision 0 Page 1 Specification: Contract Specific Requirements 5. COUNCIL LIAISON The contact person is: Mr Richard Pym General Manager, Infrastructure and Environmental Services District Council of The Copper Coast Ph: (08) 8821 1600 Mobile: 0417 999 197 Fax: (08) 8821 2736 Email: rpym@coppercoast.sa.gov.au CH20 1. PROVISION FOR TRAFFIC GENERAL Unless specified otherwise, provision for existing traffic and pedestrian movements (including access to properties and local roads) affected by the Contractor’s activities shall be maintained at all times. 2. ROAD SAFETY AUDITOR Endorsement of the Traffic Management Plan by a Road Safety Auditor (Clause 120.2.1) is not required. CH30W 1. SURVEY SETTING OUT The Contractor shall set out the following works: (a) Setting out of pile locations prior to driving. (b) Setting out and levels of abutment sill prior to placing concrete. (c) Setting out and levels of deck prior to placing of decking timber. (d) Setting out and levels of Seawall prior to placement of timber walers. G20 1. QUALITY SPECIFIC PROCEDURES The Contractor's Procedures shall at a minimum address procedures listed in Clause 2 "Quality Requirements" of the following Parts: Part 415W Driven Piles Part 435 Protective Treatment of Structural Steelwork DPTI XXCxxx Revision 0 Page 2 Specification: Contract Specific Requirements CH50W ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Copy and paste in the PEMP if applicable. 1. GENERAL Enquiries in regard to the legislative requirements of the Environment Protection Act (1993) should be directed to: Mr Peter Pfennig Office of Environment Protection Authority Telephone: (08) 8204 2065. 2. NOISE The use of loud-hailers will not be permitted. 3. CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL If on shore piling is being undertaken and any susceptible structures are nearby ie heritage listed buildings, select from the following additional clauses, as applicable to the project: 3.1. Vibration Impacts to Heritage Structures Heritage-listed items are located at [insert locations of heritage items or attach a schedule]. Heritage-listed items shall be considered ‘sensitive structures’ for the purposes of determining upper vibration limits for damage to structures. DPTI will undertake pre-construction dilapidation surveys of [insert structures] and will arrange follow-up surveys post-construction, if necessary, to ascertain whether the structures have sustained any damage as a result of construction activities. 4. SCREENING AND CONTAINMENT The Contractor shall provide an Screening and Containment Plan which satisfies all of the requirements detailed in the following paragraphs at a minimum. Screening and containment shall provide protection during the works and also to contain solid debris and waste. Screening and containment for the fabrication and mechanical cleaning phase shall provide the following: (a) Containment of all fabrication and cleaning debris. (b) Resistance to penetration by high velocity particles produced by mechanical cleaning tools, or hot particles produced during the fabrication stage. (c) Resistance to ignition by hot particles. (d) Protection from wind, sun and rain where practicable. (e) Ease of collection and removal of solid debris without damage to screening or containment. Screening and containment during the pressure washing phase shall provide the following: (a) Containment of solid cleaning debris larger than 1.5mm. (b) Protection from wind and sun where relevant. (c) Filtering of wash water to retain solid particles larger than 1.5mm. (d) Screening materials shall be resistant to tearing or other damage during the intended period of use. (e) Screening materials shall be resistant to UV degradation for the intended period of use. (f) Ease of collection and removal of solid retained debris without damage to containment. (g) Uninterrupted passage of filtered wash water without excessive ponding. DPTI XXCxxx Revision 0 Page 3 Specification: Contract Specific Requirements Screening and containment during the coating phase shall provide the following: (a) Containment of coating and tape droppings. (b) Protection from wind, sun and rain where practicable. Screening and containment shall not interfere with emergency access. W10 1. PILE REMOVAL 1.1 Timber Piles DEMOLITION Piles designated by the Principal for demolition shall be detached from the structure by applying a horizontal saw cut as close as practicable to the underside of the crosshead and removal of any other pile fixture. Timber fender piles shall be removed by applying a horizontal saw cut as close as practicable to the sea bed level. 1.2 Concrete Piles Unless specified otherwise on the Drawings and/or Detail Schedule, the piles shall be cut off at seabed level or removed completely without damaging other structural members. Cut off piles shall be left in a safe condition. If the concrete piles are to be sleeved with a new steel pile, the concrete pile shall be cut off at water level or as directed by the Superintendent. W20 1. PILING SLEEVING/CAPPING EXISTING PILE Delete as required 1.1 Sleeving Concrete Piles Where shown on the Drawings, the Contractor shall cut off the existing concrete pile and sleeve it with a new 305 mm x 305 mm x 12 mm pile. The pile shall be installed in accordance with Part 4 "Pile Driving", except that it shall be driven to 1 m penetration below sea bed level. Excessive marine growths shall be removed from the concrete pile prior to driving. After completion of the pile driving, the gap between the concrete pile and the steel pile shall be filled with a high-workability neat cement slurry so as to displace all water. A concrete plug shall be placed inside the steel tube to the level of the top of the pile and air voids removed by vibration. The pile shall be sealed in accordance with Clause 300.4.9. Concrete shall be Grade N32 and comply with AS 1379 "The Specification and Manufacture of Concrete". 1.2 Capping Timber Piles Where specified, existing timber piles shall have all cracks at the top of the pile filled with epoxy resin in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions. A cap consisting of galvanised steel sheet shall be placed on the piles with the edges folded down a minimum of 75 mm. The cap shall be fastened by means of a 50 mm wide galvanised steel strip placed tightly around the pile circumference. 2. UNDERWATER NOISE Include the following clauses if an assessment against the DPTI Underwater Piling Noise Guidelines 2010 shows that there is a risk of impacting cetaceans/ pinnipeds: DPTI XXCxxx Revision 0 Page 4 Specification: Contract Specific Requirements 2.1 Underwater Noise From Piling A diagram showing the Observation Zone and Shut Down Zone is provided in Appendix X. If pile driving is to be undertaken during the migratory period for cetaceans and pinnipeds using South Australian coastal waters (1st May to 31st October) the Contractor shall: (a)Advise the Superintendent a minimum of 48 hours prior to commencing pile driving activities; (b)At all times 30 minutes prior to and during pile driving, ensure observations are undertaken by a spotter to determine if cetaceans/ pinnipeds are present within the 3km ‘Observation Zone’; (c)Implement measures to minimise the noise generated by pile driving, eg by utilising vibro-piling (or other lownoise piling methods)instead of impact piling, where feasible; (d)Provide a spotter to undertake pre-start visual observations for cetaceans and pinnipeds for at least 30 minutes prior to commencement of pile driving activities and for the duration of pile driving activities. The spotter shall: Monitor and observe the locations and movement of cetaceans/ pinnipeds in the vicinity of the works in accordance with this part; Upon observing a cetacean/ pinniped within the designated ‘Observation zone’, make a determination as to whether the cetacean/ pinniped is likely to enter the ‘Shut Down Zone’, based on current direction and movement. If so, piling must cease as soon as practicable Notify the Site Supervisor immediately when a cetacean/ pinniped is sighted and is within the designated ‘Observation and/or Shut Down Zone’; Document sightings in a daily register, including date, time, approximate numbers of cetaceans/ pinnipeds and calves, location, directional movement, zone, stop work notification and timing of notification to the Site Supervisor. This register is to be provided to the Superintendent upon request and at the end of the pile driving. (e)Notify the Superintendent when cetaceans/ pinnipeds come within the designated ‘Shut Down Zone’ of the works; (f) Ensure that no pile driving activity is undertaken if a cetacean/ pinniped is present in the ‘Shut Down Zone’. 2.2 Spotter The Contractor shall engage a spotter, through the City of Victor Harbor’s Whale Centre. The contact at the Victor Harbor Council is: Mr Mark Przibilla Tourism Marketing & Events Co-ordinator City of Victor Harbor Phone: 08 8551 0750 Mobile: 0417 809 194 Email: mprzibilla@victor.sa.gov.au The duties of the whale spotter shall take precedence over any other activities. 3. SCREENING AND CONTAINMENT The Contractor shall provide an Screening and Containment Plan which satisfies all of the requirements detailed in the following paragraphs at a minimum. Screening and containment shall provide protection during the works and also to contain solid debris and waste. Screening and containment for the fabrication and mechanical cleaning phase shall provide the following: (f) Containment of all fabrication and cleaning debris. (g) Resistance to penetration by high velocity particles produced by mechanical cleaning tools, or hot particles produced during the fabrication stage. (h) Resistance to ignition by hot particles. (i) Protection from wind, sun and rain where practicable. DPTI XXCxxx Revision 0 Page 5 Specification: Contract Specific Requirements (j) Ease of collection and removal of solid debris without damage to screening or containment. Screening and containment during the pressure washing phase shall provide the following: (h) Containment of solid cleaning debris larger than 1.5mm. (i) Protection from wind and sun where relevant. (j) Filtering of wash water to retain solid particles larger than 1.5mm. (k) Screening materials shall be resistant to tearing or other damage during the intended period of use. (l) Screening materials shall be resistant to UV degradation for the intended period of use. (m) Ease of collection and removal of solid retained debris without damage to containment. (n) Uninterrupted passage of filtered wash water without excessive ponding. Screening and containment during the coating phase shall provide the following: (a) Containment of coating and tape droppings. (b) Protection from wind, sun and rain where practicable. Screening and containment shall not interfere with emergency access. S35 1. PROTECTIVE TREATMENT GENERAL The coating system used for this project shall be selected from those detailed in the following table: MANUFACTURER 2. COATING SYSTEM External Minimum dry film thickness Jotun Jotazone 750 µm International Interzone-954 750 µm Wattyl TCP Compound 750 µm Ameron Amercoat CC703/2 750 µm COLOUR The colour shall be black. DPTI XXCxxx Revision 0 Page 6 Specification: Contract Specific Requirements 3. EXTENT OF TREATMENT Fendering Steelwork The coating shall be applied to all steel work down to +0.3 m AHD except areas to be encased in concrete. Bearings The primer coat shall be applied to all steel work except the stainless steel sliding surfaces. Ground Anchors The coating shall be applied to all surfaces of all 250 UC 89 anchors. Threaded rods, nuts and washers to be hot-dip galvanised in accordance with the Drawings. W30 1. TIMBER WORK NON STANDARD TIMBER WORK Not applicable to this Contract. W50 SUNDRIES ALUMINIUM GRIDMESH Unless specified on the Drawings, aluminium gridmesh shall be installed by attaching it to decking in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. BOLLARDS Unless specified on the Drawings, bollards shall be installed by attaching them to the decking with two M20 bolts. Where multiple bollards are to be installed, they shall be evenly spaced along the side of the jetty. GEOTEXTILE Unless specified on the Drawings, “Terrafix” geotextile Grade 900R shall be fixed to the inner face of the wall prior to the commencement of any backfilling. BACKFILL Unless specified on the Drawings, backfill material shall be either a sand or natural rubble and placed to the level shown on the Drawings. Unless specified on the Drawings construction of fill shall be carried out in layers of material between 150 mm and 200 mm loose thickness and compacted using 2 passes of a vibrating plate compactor (Wacker Model BPU 3345 or similar). DPTI XXCxxx Revision 0 Page 7