bottjer cv - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts

January 1, 2009
New York, New York; October 3, 1951
Marital Status:
Wife: Dr. Sarah W. Bottjer
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Southern California
B. S. (Geology), Haverford College, 1973
M. A. (Geology), State University of New York at
Binghamton, 1976
Ph. D. (Geology; Zoology minor), Indiana University,
Bloomington, 1978
National Research Council Post-Doctoral
Research Associate with U.S. Geological Survey at
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural
History, Washington, D.C., 1978-1979
Research Associate, Los Angeles County Museum of
Natural History, 1979Assistant Professor, Department of Geological
Sciences, University of Southern California, 1979-1985
Associate Professor, Department of Geological
Sciences, University of Southern California, 1985-1991
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of
Southern Califomia, 1991Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of
Southern California, 2003 –
Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, University of
Southern California, 2006Co-Director (with Luis Chiappe), Natural History Museum of
Los Angeles County (NHMLAC) – USC Center for Chinese
Fossil Discoveries, 2008-
Visiting Scientist, Field Museum of Natural
History, Chicago, May, 1986
Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of the Evolution and
Origin of Life (CSEOL), UCLA, 2000
Honors and
President, The Paleontological Society, 2004-2006
UCLA CSEOL Distinguished Scientist Award, 2002
Centennial Fellow, The Paleontological Society, 2007 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of
Science, 1999 Fellow, Geological Society of America, 1986 Listed in Who's Who in America, 1997Guest Professor, University of Zurich, 1993
Paleontological Society Distinguished Lecturer, 1992-93.
Honorable Mention from the Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists for publication of one of
the four best papers in the 1980 Journal of Paleontology
Prize for Best Student Paper Presented at 1977 Annual
Meeting of North Central Section of the Geological Society
of America
Indiana University Graduate School Fellow, 1977-1978
Recent Research Seminars
For 1992-2010: Caltech (3), UCLA (6), Scripps Institute of Oceanography, UC Berkeley,
UC Davis, Louisiana State University, University of Texas at Austin, University of
Cincinnati, Northwestern University, Bryn Mawr College, University of Pennsylvania,
University of Kansas, University of Ottawa, ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology), University of Birmingham (U.K.), Cambridge University (U.K.), University
of Auckland (New Zealand), University of Tokyo (2), Kyushu University (Japan), Natural
History Museum of Los Angeles County, Occidental College, Cal State Fullerton, Cal
State Long Beach.
Ph.D. Advisees
1) Charles E. Savrda (1986), currently Professor and Chair, Auburn University.
2) Mary L. Droser (1987), currently Professor and Chair, UC Riverside.
3) Reese Barrick (1993), currently Director, Sternberg Museum at Fort Hays
State University, Kansas..
4) Jennifer Schubert (1993), Assistant Professor, University of Miami (Florida)
(1993-95), currently practicing law in Seattle, Washington.
5) Kate Whidden (1994), currently Senior Research Scientist, U.S. Geological
Survey, Denver.
6) Kathleen Campbell (1995), currently Associate Professor, University of
Auckland, New Zealand.
7) Carol M. Tang (1996), currently Senior Science Educator and Research
Associate, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.
8) Adam Woods (1998), currently Associate Professor, California State
University, Fullerton.
9) James W. Hagadorn (1998), currently Assistant Professor, Amherst College.
10) Stephen A. Schellenberg (2000), currently Associate Professor, San Diego
State University.
11) Nicole M. Fraser (2002), currently mother of two, Washington, D.C.
12) Stephen Q. Dornbos (2003), currently Associate Professor, University of
13) Sara B. Pruss (2004), currently Assistant Professor, Smith College.
14) Margaret L. Fraiser (2005), currently Assistant Professor, University of
15) Gerald Grellet-Tinner (2005), currently Assistant Professor, South Dakota
School of Mines & Technology.
16) Nicole Bonuso (2005), currently Assistant Professor, California State
University, Fullerton.
17) Matthew Clapham (2006), currently Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz.
18) Pedro Marenco (2007), currently Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College.
19) Katherine Marenco (2008), currently post-doctoral fellow, Bryn Mawr College.
20) Catherine Powers, currently Assistant Professor, Glendale Community
Professional Activities:
Co-Leader (with Adam Woods) of Field Trip “Anatomy of an Anachronistic Carbonate
Platform: The Lower Triassic of the Southwestern United States and its Relationship to
the Recovery from the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction”, for GSA Annual Cordilleran
Section Meeting, Anaheim, CA, May 25-26, 2010.
Member of Academic Committee for first International Geobiology Conference, June 36, 2010, Wuhan (Hubei), China
Past-President, The Paleontological Society, 2006-08.
Member of Editorial Board of Frontiers of Earth Science in China, published by
Springer, 2007-.
Member of Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Consortium (Echinoderm Evolution), 200607.
President, The Paleontological Society, 2004-06.
President-Elect, The Paleontological Society, 2002-04.
Co-organizer (with Peter Ward) of 2006 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
(Philadelphia) Topical Session entitled “Mass Extinctions: New Approaches Analyzing
Process Links Between Land and Sea” (10/24/06).
Organizer of "Future Research Directions in Paleontology" workshop, sponsored by
NSF and The Paleontological Society, held at the Smithsonian Institution on April 8-9,
Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, 2000-.
Co-editor (with R.K. Bambach and H.-D. Sues) of Columbia University Press "Critical
Moments and Perspectives in Paleobiology and Earth History" book series, 1990- (15
volumes published to date).
Member, Marine Group Advisory Board of the Paleobiology Data Base (PBDB), 2003-.
Co-organizer (with Peter Allison) of 2005 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
(Salt Lake City) Topical Session entitled “Taphonomy: Process and Bias through Time”
Co-organizer (with J.W. Schopf) of 2003 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
(Seattle) Topical Session entitled “The Hunt for Precambrian Life: An Integrated
Approach” (11/04/03).
Member, Officer Nominating Committee, Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM),
President, Pacific Section SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), 2001-2002.
Member of Organizing Committee for 2001 North American Paleontology Convention
(NAPC 2001), held at UC Berkeley June 26 - July 1, 2001.
Co-organizer (with R. Twitchett) of Symposium on “The Beginning of the Mesozoic” at
2001 North American Paleontology Convention (NAPC 2001), held at UC Berkeley
June 27, 2001.
Member of Editorial Board of Geology, published by Geological Society of America,
Member of National Science Foundation funding panel on "Earth Systems History",
Co-organizer (with J.W. Hagadorn and F. Pflüger) of a GSA Sedimentary Geology
Division Theme Session held at the 1997 Annual GSA Meeting in Salt Lake City
(10/21/97), entitled "Unexplored microbial worlds: Evidence from occurrences of unique
microbial sedimentary structures".
Co-leader (with Carol M. Tang) of GSA Field Trip "Triassic and Jurassic
Macroinvertebrate Faunas of Utah: Field Relationships and Paleobiologic Significance",
held after 1997 Annual GSA Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Co-organizer (with Warren Allmon) of the Paleontological Society Annual Symposium
on "Evolutionary Paleoecology", held at the Annual GSA Meeting in Denver, October,
Member of organizing committee planning a National Science Foundation funding
initiative, "Geobiology of Critical Intervals (GOCI)", 1996-97.
Invited Delegate to "Paleontology in the 21st Century" planning conference, supported
by the National Science Foundation, held at the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt,
Germany on September 3-9, 1997.
Member of Paleontological Society Medals Committee, 1995-97.
Member of Paleontological Society Officer Nominations Committee, 1997-98.
Editor of SEPM Journal PALAIOS, 1989-1996.
Organizer of the Paleontological Society Annual Symposium on "The Permian-Triassic
Mass Extinction: Causes and Consequences", held at the Annual GSA Meeting in
Boston, October, 1993.
Co-leader for the Pacific Section SEPM 1993 Fall Field Trip, held October 9-11, 1993.
Organizer of the Project Pangea Symposium on "Pangean Mass Extinctions", held at
the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists in Calgary,
August, 1993.
Co-organizer of NAPC V symposium on "Environmental patterns in the origins and
fates of major groups", held in July, 1992 in Chicago.
Co-organizer of "Paleoecology Workshop", sponsored by the Paleontological Society,
held in October, 1991 in San Diego.
Editorial board member of Historical Biology, published by Harwood Academic
Publishers, 1988-1993.
Associate editor of Cretaceous Research, published by Academic Press, 1988-1990.
Member of governing council of SEPM, 1989-1996 (by being editor of PALAIOS).
Editorial board member of Geology, published by the Geological Society of America,
1984- 1989.
Substitute member for "Committee on the Solid-Earth Sciences: A Critical
Assessment", organized by the National Research Council and chaired by Peter Wyllie,
Field trip co-leader for 1988 Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological
Society of America held in Las Vegas, "Trends in Extent and Depth of Early Paleozoic
Bioturbation in the Great Basin (California, Nevada and Utah)", March 27-28, 1988.
Member of SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Research Committee (19861987), Developing Countries Library Committee (1985-1988), Publications Committee
(1988-1989), Midyear Site Selection Committee (1989), and Publications Policy
Committee (1989).
Field trip co-leader for 1987 National AAPG-SEPM convention held in Los Angeles,
"New Concepts in the Use of Biogenic Sedimentary Structures for Paleoenvironmental
Interpretation of Southern California Mesozoic and Cenozoic Strata", June 6, 1987.
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Technical Program ViceChairman for 1987 National AAPG-SEPM convention in Los Angeles, June 7-10, 1987.
President of Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Trace Fossils
Research Group, 1986-1987.
Vice-President of Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Trace Fossils
Research Group, 1984-1986.
Co-organizer (with C. S. Hickman and P. D. Ward) for the Paleontological Society 1985
Short Course on Mollusks, held at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of
America in Orlando, Florida, October 28-31, 1985.
Organizer and co-convenor for the 1984 Pacific Coast Section of the Paleontological
Society Annual Symposium held with the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society
of America Annual Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, "Paleontology and Paleoecology of
Active Continental Margins", May 31, 1984.
Representative of the Paleontological Society to the Geological Society of America
Joint Technical Program Committee, which selects the program for the Annual
Meetings of the GSA, 1982-1984.
Chairman, Pacific Coast Section, the Paleontological Society, 1983-1984.
Member of the governing council of the Paleontological Society, 1983- 1984 (by being
Chairman of the Pacific Coast Section).
Vice-Chairman, Pacific Coast Section, the Paleontological Society, 1982-1983.
Field trip co-leader for Pacific Sections of Society of Economic Paleontologists and
Mineralogists, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and Society of
Exploration Geophysicists 1982 Annual Meeting in Anaheim, "Late Cretaceous
Depositional Environments and Paleogeography, Santa Ana Mountains, Southem
California", April 1417, 1982.
Co-convenor of Friends of the Bivalves Business Meetings at Geological Society of
America AnnualMeetings, 1981-97.
National Science Foundation NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science Program,
panel for selection of fellows, Denver, Colorado, December 9- 11, 1982.
Field trip co-leader for Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and
Mineralogists, Fall Field Trip on "Simi Hills Cretaceous Turbidites, Southern California",
October 10, 1981.
Research Funding
"Interdisciplinary analysis of Precambrian animal fossils from SW China", NASA, April
1, 2002 to March 31, 2007, $1,666,112 grant as co-Principal Investigator with E.H.
Davidson and J. Eiler (Caltech), J.y. Chen (Nanjing Institute of Geology and
Palaeontology, China), and C.W. Li (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan).
“Collaborative Research (USC and University of Maryland): Investigating Early Triassic
ocean chemistry, stratigraphy, and paleobiology during the protracted biotic recovery
from the Permo-Triassic mass extinction”, NSF, February 1, 2005 to February 28, 2008,
$150,001.00 grant as co-Principal Investigator with F.A. Corsetti and A.J. Kaufman
(University of Maryland).
“SGER: Development and provision of critical Triassic marine faunal data to the
Paleobiology Database: A unique opportunity within a limited time frame”, NSF, May 1,
2004 to April 30, 2005, $26,000.00 grant as Principal Investigator.
“The beginning of the Mesozoic: Seventy million years of environmental and ecological
crisis?”, USC Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Major Support for Current
Faculty Grant
, July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003, $22,000 grant as Principal
“Study of the oldest animal fossils with computer tomography”, NASA JPL DRDF,
October 1, 2002 to September 30, 2003, $50,000 grant as co-PI with A. Tsapin (NASA
"The Cambrian marine substrate revolution: Evidence from southwestern China",
National Geographic Society, August 1, 2000 to July 30, 20001, $9,000 grant as
Principal Investigator.
"Lateral heterogeneity of bioturbation structures in reservoir sandstones", American
Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund, July 1, 1997 to August 31, 2000, $49,790
grant as co-Principal Investigator with M. L. Droser.
"Geochemical and faunal analysis of deep-ocean ostracodes during two transient
climate extrema of the Paleogene: A test of benthic foram delta-O-18-based climate
reconstructions using ostracode Mg:Ca ratios", Ocean Drilling Project, September, 1997
to September, 1999, $22,000 as student fellowship.
"Evolutionary paleoecology of North American Jurassic marine invertebrate
paleocommunities", National Geographic Society, August 1, 1994 to July 31, 1995,
$11,520 grant as Principal Investigator.
"Evaluation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic cold seep faunas along the northeast Pacific
convergent margin", American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund, June 1,
1991 to August 31, 1993, $40,000 grant as Principal Investigator.
"The beginning of the Mesozoic: Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental analysis of
the Lower Triassic Virgin Limestones (Nevada and Utah)". National Science
Foundation, July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1993, $90,000.00 grant as Principal Investigator.
""Paleoecology of ancient cold seep biotas from the Pacific Northwest". The National
Geographic Society, July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991, $9,300.00 grant as Principal
Cooperative research - Bioturbation fabric study on Mowry Cores". Chevron Oil Field
Research Company, March 1, 1990 to April 30, 1990, for travel and living expenses, as
Co-Principal Investigator with M. L. Droser.
"Recovery of marine biotas from mass extinctions: evidence from Early Triassic fossil
faunas in Nevada and Utah". University of Southern California Faculty Research and
Innovation Fund, July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1990, $4,200.00 grant as Principal
"The paleoenvironmental history of higher taxa of post-Paleozoic macroinvertebrates".
American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund, September 1, 1988 to August
30, 1990, $20,000 grant as Co-Principal Investigator with D. Jablonski.
"Microplate tectonic development of southem Califomia". National Science Foundation,
January 1, 1989 to June 30, 1991, $90,000 grant as Co-Principal Investigator with S. P.
"New evidence on the terminal Permian mass extinction". The National Geographic
Society, October 1, 1987 to September 30, 1988, $11,875 grant as Principal
"Development of a model for reconstruction of Phanerozoic oxygen-deficient marine
environments". National Science Foundation, January 1, 1986 to June 30, 1988,
$81,000 grant as Co-Principal Investigator with D. S. Gorsline.
"The paleoenvironmental history of macroinvertebrate assemblages in the postPaleozoic". American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund, September 1, 1985
to August 30, 1988, $52,396 grant as Co-Principal Investigator with D. Jablonski.
"Microplate tectonic development of southem Califomia". National Science Foundation,
March 1, 1986 to July 30, 1988, $90,000 grant as Co-Principal Investigator with S. P.
"New evidence on the early history of marine metazoan life". The National Geographic
Society, August 1, 1985 to July 31, 1986, $11,000 grant as Principal Investigator.
"Analysis of active margin macroinvertebrate biotas: Late Cretaceous marine
paleocommunities of southem Califomia". National Science Foundation, January 1,
1983 to June 30, 1985, $69,800 grant as Principal Investigator.
"Comparative analysis of North American and European Late Cretaceous chalks".
University of Southem Califomia Faculty Research and Innovation Fund, June 1, 1983
to May 31, 1984, $4,000 grant as Principal Investigator.
"Paleoecology and depositional environments of Upper Cretaceous active continental
margin marine deposits, southem California". American Chemical Society, Petroleum
Research Fund, September 1, 1980 to August 30, 1983, $10,000 grant as Principal
"Distribution and ecology of molluscs and biogenic structures in a southern Califomia
Borderland anoxic basin: refinement of a tool for paleoenvironmental analysis". Union
Oil Company, July 15, 1981 to July 15, 1982, $3,500 gift, as Principal Investigator.
“Paleoecology of a clade in crisis: Onshore-offshore trends of bryozoans during the
Early Permian through the Late Jurassic”. The Petroleum Research Fund, January 1,
2006-December 31, 2008, $60,000 grant as Principal Investigator, declined.
“Paleoecology of a clade in crisis: Bryozoan onshore-offshore trends during the Early
Permian through Late Jurassic”. National Science Foundation, January 1, 2006December 31, 2007, $148,116 grant as Principal Investigator, declined.
Educational Funding
“Future Research Directions in Paleontology Workshop”, National Science Foundation
to The Paleontological Society, July 1, 2005-June 30, 2007, $25,000 grant, as Principal
“Support of Student Participation in The Second International Palaeontological
Congress (IPC-2006; June 17-June 21, 2006)”, National Science Foundation to The
Paleontological Society, pending, $25,000 grant, as Principal Investigator.
"A new interdisciplinary course in USC general education, "Evolution", MDA 225".
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. June 1, 1995-May 30, 1996, $7,500 grant as coPrincipal Investigator with Richard Deonier and Edward Rhodes.
"Organizing ALBICORE: Milankovitch forcing of climate and oceans in the Greenhouse
State". National Science Foundation, July 1, 1992 to May 31, 1993, $15,250 grant as
co-Principal Investigator with A.G. Fischer.
"Partial support of travel expenses for foreign scientists to participate in the 1985
Paleontological Society Short Course on Mollusks". American Chemical Society,
Petroleum Research Fund, $2,550 grant, as Chairman of Organizing Group.
"College faculty conference on depositional systems". National Science Foundation,
April 15, 1980 to October 1, 1981, $48,791 grant as Project Director.
Peer-Reviewed Journal and Book Articles: Total = 140 from 1977 - Present
Kobluk, D.R., Bottjer, D.J. and Risk, M.J. 1977. Disorientation of Paleozoic
hemispherical corals and stromatoporoids. Canadian Journal of Earth
Science, v. 14, p. 2226-2231.
Bottjer, D.J., Roberts, C. and Hattin, D.E. 1978. Stratigraphic and ecologic significance
of Pycnodonte kansasense, a new Lower Turonian oyster from the
Greenhorn Limestone of Kansas. Journal of Paleontology, v. 52, p. 12081218.
Bottjer, D.J. and Carter, J.G. 1980. Functional and phylogenetic significance of
projecting periostracal structures in the Bivalvia (Mollusca). Joumal of
Paleontology, v. 54, p. 200-216.
Indiana University Paleontology Seminar (A.W. Archer, D.J. Bottjer, J.B. Droste, A.S.
Horowitz, S.M. Kelly, and R.H. Shaver). 1980. Stratigraphy, structure, and
zonation of a large Silurian reef at Delphi, Indiana. Arnerican Association of
Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 64, p. 115-131.
Bottjer, D.J. 1980. Branching morphology of the reef coral Acropora cervicornis in
different hydraulic regimes. Journal of Paleontology, v. 54, p. 1102-1107.
Bottjer, D.J. 1981. Structure of Upper Cretaceous chalk benthic communities,
southwestern Arkansas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, v. 34, p. 225-256.
Bottjer, D.J. 1981. Periostracurn of the gastropod Fusitriton orogenesis: natural
inhibitor of boring and encrusting organisms. Bulletin of Marine Science, v.
31, p. 916-921.
Nardin, T.R., Osborne, R.H., Bottjer, D.J. and Scheidemann, R.C. 1981. Holocene
sea-level curves for Santa Monica shelf, California Continental Borderland.
Science, v. 213, p. 331-333.
Ausich, W.I. and Bottjer, D.J. 1982. Tiering in suspension-feeding communities on soft
substrata throughout the Phanerozoic. Science, v. 216, p. 173-174.
Bottjer, D.J. 1982. Paleoecology of epizoans and borings on some Upper Cretaceous
chalk oysters from the Gulf Coast. Lethaia, v. 15, p. 75-84.
Jablonski, D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1983. Soft-bottom epifaunal suspension-feeding
assemblages in the Late Cretaceous: irnplications for the evolution of
benthic paleocommunities, p. 747-812. In Tevesz, M.J. and P.L. McCall,
(eds.), Biotic Interactions in Recent and Fossil Benthic Communities, Plenum
Publishing Corporation.
Jablonski, D.J., J.J. Sepkoski, Jr., D.J. Bottjer, and P.M. Sheehan. 1983. Onshoreoffshore patterns in the evolution of Phanerozoic shelf communities.
Science, v. 222, p. 1123-1125.
Bottjer, D.J. and M.H. Link. 1984. A synthesis of Late Cretaceous southern California
and northern Baja California paleogeography, p. 171-188. In Crouch, J. and
S. Bachman, (eds.), Tectonics and Sedimentation Along the California
Margin, Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and
Mineralogists, Los Angeles.
Savrda, C.E., D.J. Bottjer and D.S. Gorsline. 1984. Towards development of a
comprehensive oxygen-deficient marine biofacies model: evidence from
Santa Monica, San Pedro, and Santa Barbara Basins, California Continental
Borderland. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 68, p.
1179- 1192.
Arthur, M.A., W.E. Dean, D.J. Bottjer and P.A. Scholle. 1984. Rhythmic bedding in
Mesozoic-Cenozoic pelagic carbonate sequences: the primary and
diagenetic origin of Milankovitch-like cycles, p. 191-222. In Berger, A. et al.,
(eds.), Milankovitch and Climate, Reidel, Dordrecht.
Bottjer, D.J. 1985. Trace fossils and paleoenvironments of two Arkansas Upper
Cretaceous discontinuity surfaces. Journal of Paleontology, v. 59, p. 282298.
Savrda, C.E., D.J. Bottjer and D.S. Gorsline. 1985. An image-enhancing oil technique
for friable, diatomaceous rocks. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 55, p.
Fry, J.G., Bottjer, D.J. and Lund, S.P. 1985. Magnetostratigraphy of displaced Upper
Cretaceous strata in southem Califomia. Geology, v. 13, p. 648-651.
Bottjer, D.J. 1985. Bivalve paleoecology, p. 122-137. In Bottjer, D.J., Hickman, C.S.,
and Ward, P.D. (organizers), Broadhead, T.W. (ed.), Mollusks, Notes for a
Short Course. University of Tennessee Dept. of Geological Sciences Studies
in Geology 13.
Buck, S.P. and Bottjer, D.J. 1985. Late Cretaceous active margin continental slope
deposits, southern Califomia. Joumal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 55, p.
Ausich, W.I. and Bottjer, D.J. 1985. Phanerozoic tiering in suspension-feeding
communities on soft substrata: implications for diversity, p. 255-274. In
Valentine, J.W. (ed.), Phanerozoic Diversity Pattems: Profiles in
Macroevolution. Princeton University Press and Pacific Division, American
Association for the Advancement of Science.
Ausich, W.I. and Bottjer, D.J. 1985. Echinoderm role in the history of Phanerozoic
tiering in suspension-feeding comrnunities, p. 3-11. In Keegan, B. (ed.),
Proceedings of the Fifth Intemational Echinoderm Conference, Galway.
Balkema Press, Rotterdam.
Bottjer, D.J. 1986. Carnpanian-Maastnchtian chalks of southwestem Arkansas:
petrology, paleoenvironments and comparison with other North American
and European chalks. Cretaceous Research, v. 7, p. 161-196.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. A trace fossil model for reconstruction of paleobottom-water oxygenation and its cyclicity. Geology, v. 14, p. 3-6.
Research on Cretaceous Cycles (R.O.C.C.) Group (Arthur, M.A., Bottjer, D.J., Dean,
W.E., Fischer, A.G., Hattin, D.E., Kauffman, E.G., Pratt, L.M. and P.A.
Scholle). 1986. Rhythmic bedding in Upper Cretaceous pelagic carbonate
sequences: varying sedimentary response to climatic forcing. Geology, v. 14,
Morris, L.K., Lund, S.P. and Bottjer, D.J. 1986. Paleolatitude drift history of displaced
terranes in southem and Baja Califomia. Nature, v. 321, p. 844-847.
Droser, M.L. and Bottjer, D.J. 1986. A semiquantitative field classification of
ichnofabric. Joumal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 56, p. 558-559.
Bottjer, D.J. and W.I. Ausich. 1986. Phanerozoic development of tiering in soft
substrata suspension-feeding comrnunities. Paleobiology, v. 12, p. 400-420.
Scrivner, P.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Neogene avian and mammalian tracks from
Death Valley National Monurnent, Califomia: their context, classification and
preservation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 57, p.
Bottjer, D.J., M.A. Arthur, W.E. Dean, D.E. Hattin and C.E. Savrda. 1986. Rhythmic
bedding produced in Cretaceous pelagic carbonate environments: sensitive
recorders of climatic cycles. Paleoceanography, v. 1, p. 467-481.
Enzweiler, E.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. The Pleasants Sandstone Member (Williams
Formation, Santa Ana Mountains): a southem Califomia Upper Cretaceous
shelf sandstone, p. 119-129. In Abbott, P.L. (ed.), Cretaceous Stratigraphy,
Westem North America. Pacific Section, Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Los Angeles.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1987. The exaerobic zone: a new oxygen-deficient
marine biofacies. Nature, v. 327, p. 54-56.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Trends in depth and extent of bioturbation in
Cambrian carbonate marine environments, westem United States. Geology,
v. 16, p. 233-236.
Bottjer, D.J., M.L. Droser and D. Jablonski. 1988. Paleoenvironmental trends in the
history of trace fossils. Nature, v. 333, p. 252-255.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Limestone concretion growth documented by
trace fossil relations. Geology, v. 16, p. 908-911.
Jablonski, D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Onshore-offshore evolutionary pattems in postPaleozoic echinoderms: A preliminary qanalysis, p. 81-90. In Burke, R.D., et
al. (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th Intemational Echinoderm Conference,
Victoria, B.C., Balkema Press, Rotterdam.
Bottjer, D.J. and D. Jablonski. 1989. Paleoenvironmental pattems in the evolution of
post-Paleozoic benthic marine invertebrates. Palaios, v. 3, p. 540-560.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Ordovician increase in extent and depth of
bioturbation: Implications for understanding early Paleozoic ecospace
utilization. Geology, v. 17, p. 850-852.
Whidden, K.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Silicification of trace fossils in carbonates:
Evidence from the Permian Kaibab Formation, southwestem Utah, p. 121-
125. In Cooper, J. D. (ed.), Cavalcade of Carbonates, Pacific Section,
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Los Angeles.
Schubert, J.K. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Stromatolite beds from the Lower Triassic Virgin
Formation, Spring Mountains, Nevada, p. 121-125. In Cooper, J.D. (ed.),
Cavalcade of Carbonates, Pacific Section, Society of Econornic
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Bannon, J.L., D.J. Bottjer, S.P. Lund and L.R. Saul. 1989. Campanian/Maastrichtian
stage boundary in southem Califomia: resolution and implications for largescale depositional pattems. Geology, v. 17, p. 80-83.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Trace fossil model for reconstructing oxygenation
histories of ancient marine bottom-watess: application to Upper Cretaceous
Niobrara Formation, Colorado. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, v. 74, p. 49-74..
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Anatomy and implications of bioturbated beds in
"Black Shale" sequences: Examples from the Jurassic Posidonienschiefer
(Southern Germany). Palaios, v. 4, p. 330-342.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Ichnofabric of sandstones deposited in highenergy nearshore environments: Measurement and utilization. Palaios, v. 4,
p. 598-604.
Ausich, W.I. and D.J. Bottjer. 1990. Early diversification of major marine habitats:
Infauna and epifauna, p. 41-49. In Briggs, D.E.G. and Crowther, P.R. (eds.),
Palaeobiology: A Synthesis, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
Bottjer, D.J. and C.E. Savrda. 1990. Oxygen levels from biofacies and trace fossils, p.
408-410. In Briggs, D.E.G. and Crowther, P.R. (eds.), Palaeobiology: A
Synthesis, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
Jablonski, D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1990. The ecology of evolutionary innovation: The fossil
record, p. 253-288. In Nitecki, M.H. (ed.), Evolutionary Innovations,
University of Chicago Press.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1990. Depth and extent of early Paleozoic bioturbation:
Pattern and process, p. 153-165. In Miller, W.C. (ed.), Paleocommunity
Temporal Dynamics: Patterns and Processes of Long-Term Community
Development, Paleontological Society Special Publication, No. 5, University
of Tennessee Press, Knoxville.
Jablonski, D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1990. Onshore-offshore trends in marine invertebrate
evolution, p. 21-75. In Ross, R.M. and W.D. Allmon (eds.), Causes of
Evolution: A Paleontological Perspective, University of Chicago Press.
Jablonski, D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1990. The origin and diversification of major groups:
Environmental patterns and macroevolutionary lags, p. 17-57. In Taylor, P.D.
and G. P. Larwood (eds.), Major Evolutionary Radiations, Systematics
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Jablonski, D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1991. Environmental patterns in the origins of higher
taxa: The post-Paleozoic fossil record. Science, v. 252, p. 1831-1833.
Bottjer, D.J. and M.L. Droser. 1991. Ichnofabric and basin analysis. Palaios, v. 6, p.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1991. Trace fossils and ichnofabric in Leg 119 cores.
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 119, p.
Ausich, W.I., and D.J. Bottjer. 1991. History of tiering among suspension feeders in
the benthic marine ecosystem. Journal of Geological Education, v. 39, p.
Lund, S.P. and D.J. Bottjer. 1991. Paleomagnetic evidence for microplate tectonic
development of southern and Baja California, p. 231-248. In Dauphin, J.P.
and B.R.T. Simoneit (eds.), The Gulf and Peninsular Province of the
Californias, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 47.
Lund, S.P. , D.J. Bottjer, K.J. Whidden, J.E. Powers and M.C. Steele. 1991.
Paleomagnetic evidence for displacements and accretion in southern
California, p. 99-106. In Abbott, P.L. and J.A. May (eds.), Eocene Geologic
History, San Diego Region, Pacific Section SEPM, Book 68.
Bottjer, D.J., S.P. Lund, J.E. Powers, M.C. Steele and R.L. Squires. 1991.
Magnetostratigraphy of Paleogene strata in San Diego and the Simi Valley,
southern California, p. 115-124. In Abbott, P.L. and J.A. May (eds.), Eocene
Geologic History, San Diego Region, Pacific Section SEPM, Book 68.
Savrda, C.E., D.J. Bottjer and A. Seilacher. 1991. Redox-related benthic events, p.
524-541. In Einsele, G., Ricken, W. and Seilacher, A. (eds.), Cycles and
Events in Stratigraphy, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1991. Oxygen-related biofacies in marine strata: An
overview and update. In Tyson, R.V. and T.H. Pearson (eds.), Modern and
Ancient Continental Shelf Anoxia, Geological Society of London Special
Publication No. 58.
Britt, S.L., Bottjer, D.J., Fischer, A.G., Flocks, J.G. and D.S. Gorsline. 1992. Xradiography of horizontal core slabs: A method for greater retrieval of
sediment core data. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 62, p. 718-721.
Schubert, J.K., Bottjer, D.J. and M.J. Simms. 1992. Paleobiology of the oldest known
articulate crinoid. Lethaia, v. 25, p. 97-110.
Schubert, J.K. and Bottjer, D.J. 1992. Early Triassic stromatolites as post-extinction
disaster forms. Geology, v. 20, p. 883-886.
Bottjer, D.J. and Droser, M.L. 1992. Paleoenvironmental patterns of biogenic
sedimentary structures, p. 130-144. In Maples, C.G. and R.R. West (eds.),
Trace Fossils, Short Courses in Paleontology, No. 5, Paleontological
Society, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Bottjer, D.J. and Savrda, C.E. 1993. Oxygen-related mudrock biofacies, p. 92- 102. In
Wright, V.P. (ed.), Sedimentology Review/1, Blackwell Scientific
Droser, M.L. and Bottjer, D.J. 1993. Trends and patterns of Phanerozoic ichnofabrics.
Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 21, p. 205-225.
Campbell, K.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 1993. Fossil cold seeps. National Geographic
Research and Exploration, v. 9, p. 326-343.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1993. Trace fossil assemblages in fine-grained strata of
the Cretaceous Western Interior, p. 621-639. In Caldwell, W.G.E. and
Kauffman, E.G. (eds.), Evolution of the Western Interior Basin, Geological
Association of Canada, Special Paper 39.
Campbell, K.A.C. Carlson and D.J. Bottjer. 1993. Fossil cold seep limestones and
associated chemosymbiotic macroinvertebrate faunas, Jurassic-Cretaceous
Great Valley Group, California, p. 37-50. In Graham, S.A. and D.R. Lowe
(eds.), Advances in the Sedimentary Geology of the Great Valley Group,
Sacramento Valley, California, Pacific Section SEPM Book No. 73.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. Ichnofossils and ichnofabrics in rhythmicallybedded pelagic/hemi-pelagic carbonates: Recognition and evaluation of
benthic redox and scour cycles, p. 195-210. In de Boer, P.L. and Smith, D.G.
(eds.), Orbital Forcing and Cyclic Sequences, International Association of
Sedimentologists Special Publication No. 19.
Bottjer, D.J. and M.L. Droser. 1994. The history of Phanerozoic bioturbation, p. 155176. In Donovan, S.K. (ed.), The Palaeobiology of Trace Fossils, John Wiley
and Sons.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. New approaches to ichnofabric and trace fossil
analyses: Examples from Mesozoic and Cenozoic outcrops of coastal
California, p. 55-64. In McGill, S.F. and T.M. Ross (eds.), Geological
Investigations of an Active Margin, San Bernardino County Museum
Bottjer, D.J., K.A. Campbell, J.K. Schubert and M.L. Droser. 1995. Palaeoecological
models, non-uniformitarianism, and tracking the changing ecology of the
past. In Bosence, D. and Allison, P. (eds.), Marine Palaeoenvironmental
Analysis from Fossils, Geological Society of London Special Publication No.
83, p. 7-26.
Fischer, A.G. and D.J. Bottjer. 1995. Oxygen-depleted waters: A lost biotope and its
role in ammonite and bivalve evolution. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und
Palaontologie Abhandlungen, 195, p. 133-146.
Schubert, J.K. and D.J. Bottjer. 1995. Aftermath of the Permian-Triassic mass
extinction event: Paleoecology of Lower Triassic carbonates in the western
U.S. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 116, p. 1-39.
Campbell, K.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 1995. Brachiopods and chemosymbiotic bivalves in
Phanerozoic hydrothermal vent and cold seep environments. Geology, v. 23,
p. 321-324.
Campbell, K.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 1995. Peregrinella: an Early Cretaceous cold-seeprestricted brachiopod. Paleobiology, v. 21, p. 461-478.
Bottjer, D.J., Schubert, J.K. and M.L. Droser. 1996. Comparative evolutionary
palaeoecology: Assessing the changing ecology of the past. In Hart, M. (ed.),
Biotic Recovery from Mass Extinction Events, Geological Society of London
Special Publication No. 102, p. 1-13.
Tang, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 1996. Long-term faunal stasis without evolutionary
coordination: Jurassic benthic marine paleocommunities, Western Interior,
United States. Geology, v. 24, p. 815-818.
Droser, M.L., Bottjer, D.J. and P.M. Sheehan. 1997. Evaluating the ecological
architecture of major events in the Phanerozoic history of marine
invertebrate life. Geology, v. 25, p. 167-170.
Hagadorn, J.W. and D.J. Bottjer. 1997. Wrinkle structures: Microbially mediated
sedimentary structures common in subtidal siliciclastic settings at the
Proterozoic-Phanerozoic transition. Geology, v. 25, p. 1047-1050.
Tang, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 1997. Triassic and Jurassic macroinverttebrate
faunas of Utah: Field relationships and paleobiologic singificances. BYU
Geology Studies, v. 42, p. 1-5.
Tang, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 1997. Low-diversity faunas of the Middle Jurassic
Carmel Formation and their paleobiological significance. BYU Geology
Studies, v. 42, p. 10-14.
Bottjer, D.J. and J.K. Schubert. 1997. Paleoecology of Lower Triassic marine
carbonates in the southwestern USA. BYU Geology Studies, v. 42, p. 15-
Whidden, K.J., Lund, S.P., Bottjer, D.J., Champion, D. and D.G. Howell. 1998.
Paleomagnetic evidence that the central block of Salinia (California) is
not a far-traveled terrane. Tectonics, v. 17, p. 329-343.
Bottjer, D.J. 1998. Phanerozoic non-actualistic paleoecology. Geobios, v. 30,
p. 885-893.
Hagadorn, J.W. and D.J. Bottjer. 1999. Restriction of a late Neoproterozoic biotope:
suspect-microbial structures and trace fossils at the Vendian-Cambrian
transition. Palaios, v. 14, p. 73-85.
Woods, A.D., Bottjer, D.J, Mutti, M. and J. Morrison. 1999. Lower Triassic large
sea-floor carbonate cements: Their origin and a mechanism for the
prolonged biotic recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction.
Geology, v. 27, p. 645-648.
Moffat, H.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 1999. Echinoid concentration beds: two examples
from the stratigraphic spectrum. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, v. 149, p. 329-348.
Droser, M.L., Bottjer, D.J., Sheehan, P.J. and G.R. McGhee, Jr. 2000.
Decoupling of taxonomic and ecologic severity of Phanerozoic mass
extinctions. Geology, v. 28, p. 675-678.
Bottjer, D.J., Hagadorn, J.W. and S.Q. Dornbos. 2000. The Cambrian
substrate revolution. GSA Today, v. 10, no. 9, p. 1-7.
Tang, C.M., Bottjer, D.J. and M.J. Simms. 2000. Stalked crinoids from a
Jurassic tidal deposit in western North America. Lethaia, v. 33, p. 4654,
Dornbos, S.Q. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. Evolutionary paleoecology of the earliest
echinoderms: Helicoplacoids and the Cambrian substrate revolution.
Geology, v. 28, p. 839-842.
Tang, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. Paleoecology and biostratigraphic resolution:
Review of Jurassic biostratigraphic issues in the U.S. western interior.
GeoResearch Forum, v. 6, p. 407-414.
Hagadorn, J.W., Schellenberg, S.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. Paleoecology of a
large Early Cambrian bioturbator. Lethaia, v. 33, p. 142-156.
Woods, A.D. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. Distribution of ammonoids in the Lower
Triassic Union Wash Formation (eastern California): Evidence for
paleoceanographic conditions during the recovery from the endPermian mass extinction. Palaios, v. 15, p. 533-543.
Fursich, F.T., Bottjer, D.J., Flynn, J., Jellinek, T., Piller, W. and Mosbrugger, V.
2000. Paleobiology and taphonomy. In Lane, R.H., Steininger, F.F.,
Kaesler, R.L., Ziegler, W. and Lipps, J. (eds.), Fossils and the Future:
Paleontology in the 21st Century, Senckenberg-Buch Nr. 74, p. 173177.
Rodland, D.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Biotic recovery from the end-Permian
mass extinction: Behavior of the inarticulate brachiopod Lingula as a
disaster taxon. Palaios, v. 16, p. 95-101.
Bottjer, D.J., Droser, M.L., Sheehan, P.M. and McGhee, G.R., Jr. 2001. The
ecological architecture of major events in the Phanerozoic history of
marine life. In: Allmon, W.D. and Bottjer, D.J. (eds.), Evolutionary
Paleoecology: The Ecological Context of Macroevolutionary Change.
New York, Columbia University Press, p. 35-61.
Allmon, W.D. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Evolutionary paleoecology: The maturation of a
discipline. In: Allmon, W.D. and Bottjer, D.J. (eds.), Evolutionary
Paleoecology: The Ecological Context of Macroevolutionary Change. New
York, Columbia University Press, p. 1-8.
Bottjer, D.J. 2001. Biotic recovery from mass extinctions. In: Briggs, D.E.G. and
Crowther, P.R. (eds.). Palaeobiology II, Blackwells, p. 202-206.
Ausich, W.I. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Epifaunal and infaunal interactions. In: Briggs,
D.E.G. and Crowther, P.R. (eds.). Palaeobiology II, Blackwells, p. 384-386.
Dornbos, S.W. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Taphonomy and environmental
distribution of helicoplacoid echinoderms. Palaios, v. 16, p. 197-204.
Chen, J.y., Oliveri, P., Gao, F., Dornbos, S.Q., Li, C.w., Bottjer, D.J. and
Davidson, E.H. 2002. Precambrian animal life: Probable developmental and
adult cnidarian forms from southwest China. Developmental Biology, v. 248,
p. 182-196.
Bottjer, D.J., Etter, W., Hagadorn, J.W. and C.M. Tang. 2002. Fossil-Lagerstätten:
Jewells of the fossil record. In: Bottjer, D.J., Etter, W., Hagadorn, J.W. and
Tang, C.M. (eds.), Exceptional Fossil Preservation: A Unique View on the
Evolution of Marine Life. New York, Columbia University Press, p. 1-10.
Bottjer, D.J. 2002. Enigmatic Ediacaran fossils: Ancestors or Aliens? In: Bottjer, D.J.,
Etter, W., Hagadorn, J.W. and Tang, C.M. (eds.), Exceptional Fossil
Preservation: A Unique View on the Evolution of Marine Life. New York,
Columbia University Press, p. 11-33.
Bottjer, D.J. 2002. Berlin-Ichthyosaur: Preserving some of the Earth's largest marine
vertebrates. In: Bottjer, D.J., Etter, W., Hagadorn, J.W. and Tang, C.M.
(eds.). Exceptional Fossil Preservation: A Unique View on the Evolution of
Marine Life. New York, Columbia University Press, p. 243-250.
Bottjer, D.J. 2002. Smoky Hill Chalk: Spectacular Cretaceous marine fauna. In:
Bottjer, D.J., Etter, W., Hagadorn, J.W. and Tang C.M. (eds.). Exceptional
Fossil Preservation: A Unique View on the History of Marine Life. New York,
Columbia University Press, p. 353-364.
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 2002. Noonday tubes: Observations
reinterpretations based on better preservation from a new locality. In:
Corsetti, F.A. (ed.). Proterozoic-Cambrian of the Great Basin and Beyond.
Fullerton, CA, The Pacific Section SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology),
Book 93, p. 31-41.
Chen, J.-Y., Bottjer, D.J., Oliveri, P., Dornbos, S.Q., Gao, F., Ruffins, S., Chi,
H., Li, C.-W. and Davidson, E.H. 2004. Small bilaterian fossils from 40
to 55 million years before the Cambrian. Science, v. 305, p. 218-222.
Pruss, S.B, Fraiser, M.L. and Bottjer, D.J. 2004. Proliferation of Early Triassic
wrinkle structures: Implications for environmental stress following the
end-Permian mass extinction. Geology, v. 32, p. 461-464.
Fraser, N.M., Bottjer, D.J. and Fischer, A.G. 2004. Dissecting “Lithiotis”
bivalves: Implications for the Early Jurassic reef eclipse. Palaios, v.
19, p. 51-67.
McGhee, G.R., Jr., Sheehan, P.M., Bottjer, D.J. and Droser, M.L. 2004.
Ecological ranking of Phanerozoic biodiversity crises: Ecological and
taxonomic severities are decoupled. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 211, p. 289-297.
Dornbos, S.Q., Bottjer, D.J. and Chen, J.-Y. 2004. Evidence for seafloor
microbial mats and associated metazoan life styles in Lower Cambrian
phosphorites of southwest China. Lethaia, v. 37, p. 127-137.
Fraiser, M.L. and Bottjer, D.J. 2004. The non-actualistic Early Triassic
gastropod fauna: A case study of the Lower Triassic Sinbad Limestone
Member. Palaios, v. 19, p. 259-275.
Pruss, S.B. and Bottjer, D.J. 2004. Early Triassic microbial reefs of the western
United States: A description and model for their deposition in the
aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 211, p. 127-137.
Pruss, S.B. and Bottjer, D.J. 2004. Early Triassic trace fossils of the western
United States and their implications for prolonged environmental stress
from the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaios, v. 19, p. 551-564.
Boyer, D.L., Bottjer, D.J. and Droser, M.L. 2004. Ecological signature of Lower
Triassic shell beds of the western United States. Palaios, v. 19, p. 372-380.
Bottjer, D.J. 2004. The beginning of the Mesozoic: 70 million years of
environmental stress and extinction, p. 99 -118. In: Taylor, P.D. (ed.).
Extinctions in the History of Life. Cambridge University Press, 191 p.
Bottjer, D.J. 2005. Geobiology and the fossil record: eukaryotes, microbes, and
their interactions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, v. 219, p. 5-21.
Dornbos, S.Q., Bottjer, D.J. and Chen, J.Y. 2005. Paleoecology of benthic
metazoans in the Early Cambrian Maotianshan Shale biota and the
Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale biota: evidence for the Cambrian
substrate revolution. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, v. 220, p. 47-67.
Dornbos, S.Q., Bottjer, D.J., Chen, J.-Y., Oliveri, P., Gao, F. and Li, C.-W.
2005. Precambrian animal life: Taphonomy of phosphatized metazoan
embryos from southwest China. Lethaia, v. 38, p. 101-109.
Pruss, S.B., Corsetti, F.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 2005. The unusual sedimentary
rock record of the Early Triassic: A case study from the southwestern
United States. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,
v. 222, p. 33-52.
Chen, J.-y., Huang, D.-y., and Bottjer, D.J. 2005. An Early Cambrian
problematic fossil: Vetustovermis and its possible affinities.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, v. 272, p. 2003-2007.
Bottjer, D.J. 2005. The early evolution of animals. Scientific American, v. 293,
p. 42-47.
Fraiser, M.L, Twiitchett, R.J., and D.J. Bottjer. 2005. Unique microgastropod biofacies
in the Early Triassic: Indicator of long-term biotic stress and the pattern of
biotic recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction. Comptes Rendus
PALEVOL, Academie des Sciences - Paris, v. 4, p. 475-484.
Pruss, S.B. and D.J. Bottjer. 2005. The reorganization of reef communities following
the end-Permian mass extinction. Comptes Rendus PALEVOL, Academie
des Sciences - Paris, v. 4, p. 485-500.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2005. Restructuring in benthic level-bottom shallow
marine communities due to prolonged environmental stress following the
end-Permian mass extinction. Comptes Rendus PALEVOL, Academie des
Sciences - Paris, v. 4, p. 515-523.
Grellet-Tinner, G., Chiappe, L., Norell, M., and D. Bottjer. 2006. Dinosaur eggs and
nesting behaviors: A paleobiological investigation. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 232, p. 294-321.
Bonuso, N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. A quantitative study of benthic faunal patterns
within the Pennsylvanian and early Permian. Palaios, v. 21, p. 316-324.
Pruss, S.B., Bottjer, D.J., Corsetti, F.A. and A. Baud. 2006. A global marine
sedimentary response to the end-Permian mass extinction: Examples from
southern Turkey and the western United States. Earth-Science Reviews, v.
78, p. 193-206.
Chen, J.Y., Bottjer, D.J., Davidson, E.H., Dornbos, S.Q., Gao, X., Yang, Y.-H., Li,
C.W., Li, G., Wang, X.-Q., Xian, D.-C., Wu, S.H., Hwu, Y.-K. and Tafforeau,
P. 2006. Phosphatized polar lobe-forming embryos from the Precambrian of
southwest China. Science, v. 312, p. 1644-1646.
Dornbos, S.Q., D.J. Bottjer, J.-Y. Chen, F. Gao, P. Oliveri and C.-W. Li. 2006.
Environmental controls on the taphonomy of phosphatized animals and
animal embryos from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, southwest
China. Palaios, v. 21, p. 3-14.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. Fossil preservation during the aftermath of the
end-Permian mass extinction: Taphonomic processes and palaeoecological
signals, p. 299-311. In: Over, J., Morrow, J. and Wignall, P. (eds.),
Understanding Late Devonian and Permian-Triassic Biotic and Climatic
Events: Towards an Integrated Approach. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 344 p.
Pruss, S.B., Corsetti, F.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. Environmental trends of Early
Triassic biofacies: Implications for understanding the aftermath of the endPermian mass extinction, p. 313-332. In: Over, J., Morrow, J. and Wignall, P.
(eds.), Understanding Late Devonian and Permian-Triassic Biotic and
Climatic Events: Towards an Integrated Approach. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
344 p.
Bailey, J.V., Corsetti, F.A., Bottjer, D.J. and K.N. Marenco. 2006. Microbiallymediated environmental influences on metazoan colonization of matground
ecosystems: Evidence from the Lower Cambrian Harkless Formation.
Palaios, v. 21, p. 215-226.
Bottjer, D.J. and M.E. Clapham. 2006. Evolutionary paleoecology of Ediacaran
Benthic marine animals, p. 91-114. In: Xiao, S. and Kaufman, A.J. (eds.),
Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology. Springer, Dordrecht, The
Netherlands, 300 p.
Clapham, M.E., Bottjer, D.J., Powers, C.M., Bonuso, N., Fraiser, M.L., Marenco, P.J.,
Dornbos, S.Q. and S.B. Pruss. 2006. Assessing the ecological dominance of
Phanerozoic marine invertebrates. Palaios, v. 21, p. 431-441.
Bottjer, D.J., Davidson, E.H., Peterson, K.J. and R.A. Cameron. 2006.
Paleogenomics of echinoderms. Science, v. 314, p. 956-960.
Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Consortium (including D.J. Bottjer). 2006. The
genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Science, v. 314,
p. 941-952.
Pruss, S.B., Payne, J.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. Placunopsis bioherms: The first
metazoan buildups following the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaios, v.
22, p. 17-23.
Chen, J.-Y., Schopf, J.W., Bottjer, D.J., Zhang, C.-Y., Kudryavtsev, A.B., Tripathi,
A.B., Wang, X.-Q., Yang, Y.-H., Gao, X. and Y. Yang. 2007. Raman spectra
of a Lower Cambrian ctenophore embryo from southwestern Shaanxi,
China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 104, p. 62896292.
Yin, H., Feng, Q., Baud, A., Xie, S., Benton, M.J., Lai, X. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. The
prelude of the end-Permian mass extinction predates a postulated bolide
impact. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch), v. 96, p.
Clapham, M.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. Permian marine paleoecology and its
implications for large-scale decoupling of brachiopod and bivalve abundance
and diversity during the Lopingian (Late Permian). Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 249, p. 283-301.
Clapham, M.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. Prolonged Permian-Triassic ecological crisis
recorded by molluscan dominance in Late Permian offshore assemblages.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 104, p. 12971-12975.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. When bivalves took over the world.
Paleobiology, v. 33, p. 397-413.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. Elevated atmospheric CO2 and the delayed biotic
recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 252, p. 164-175.
Woods, A.D., Bottjer, D.J. and Corsetti, F.A. 2007. Calcium carbonate seafloor
precipitates from the outer shelf to slope facies of the Lower Triassic
(Smithian-Spathian) Union Wash Formation, California, USA: Sedimentology
and palaeobiologic significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, v. 252, p. 281-290.
Bottjer, D.J. and J.W. Hagadorn. 2007. Mat growth features, p. 53-71. In:
Schieber, J., et al. (eds.), Atlas of Microbial Mat Features Preserved
within the Silicilastic Rock Record. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 311 p.
Marenco, K.N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. Ecosystem engineering in the fossil record:
Early examples from the Cambrian period, p. 163-184. In: Cuddington, K.,
Byers, J., Wilson, W.G. and Hastings, A. (eds.), Ecosystem Engineers:
Plants to Protists. Academic Press, Amsterdam, 405 p.
Powers, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. Bryozon paleoecology indicaes mid-Phanerozoic
extinctions were the product of long-term environmental stress. Geology, v.
35, p. 995-998.
Bonuso, N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2008. A test of biogeographical, environmental, and
ecological effect on Middle and Late Triassic brachiopod and bivalve
abundance patterns. Palaios, v. 23, p. 43-54.
Marenco, K.N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2008. The importance of Planolites in the Cambrian
substrate revolution. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,
v. 258, p. 189-199.
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A., Hammond, D.E., Kaufman, A.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 2008.
Oxidation of pyrite during extraction of carbonate associated sulfate.
Chemical Geology, v. 247, p. 124-132.
Marenco, P.J., Corsett, F.A., Kaufman, A.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 2008. Environmental and
diagenetic variations in carbonate associated sulfate: An investigation of
CAS in the Lower Triassic of the western U.S.A. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta, v. 72, p. 1570-1582.
Alroy, J., Aberhan, M., Bottjer, D.J., Foote, M., Fürsich, F.T., Harries, P.J., Hendy,
A.J.W., Holland, S.M., Ivany, L.C., Kiessling, W., Kosnik, M.A., Marshall,
C.R., McGowan, A.J., Miller, A.I., Olszewski, T.D., Patzkowsky, M.E., Peters,
S.E., Vilier, L., Wagner, P.J., Bonuso, N., Borkow, P.S., Brenneis, B.,
Clapham, M.E, Fall, L.M., Ferguson, C.A., Hanson, V.L., Krug, A.Z., Layou,
K.M., Leckey, E.H., Nürnberg, S., Powers, C.M., Sessa, J.A., Simpson, C.,
Tomasovych, A., Visaggi, C.C. 2008. Phanerozoic trends in the global
diversity of marine invertebrates. Science, v. 321, p. 97-100.
Bottjer, D.J., Clapham, M.E., Fraiser, M.L. and C.M. Powers. 2008. Understanding
mechanisms for the end-Permian mass extinction and the protracted Early
Triassic aftermath and recovery. GSA Today, v. 18, p. 4-10.
Powers, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 2009. The effects of mid-Phanerozoic environmental
stress on bryozoan diversity, paleoecology, and paleogeography. Global
and Planetary Change, v. 65, p. 146-154.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2009. Opportunistic behaviour of invertebrate marine
tracemakers during the Early Triassic aftermath of the end-Permian mass
extinction. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 56, p. 841-857.
Clapham, M.E., Shen, S.Z. and D.J. Bottjer. 2009. The double mass extinction
revisited: reassessing the severity, selectivity, and causes of the endGuadalupian biotic crisis (Late Permian). Paleobioogy, v. 35, p. 32-50.
Chen, J.-Y., Bottjer, D.J., Davidson, E.H., Li, G., Gao, F., Cameron, R.A., Hadfield,
M.G., Xian, D.-C., Tafforeau, P., Jia, Q.-J., Sugiyama, H. and R. Tang. 2009.
Phase contrast synchrotron X-ray microtomography of Ediacaran
(Doushantuo) metazoan microfossils: Phylogenetic diversity and
Evolutionary implications. Precambrian Research, v. 173, p. 191-200.
Mata, S.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 2009. The paleoenvironmental distribution of Phanerozoic
wrinkle structures. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 96, p. 181-195.
Powers, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 2009. Behavior of lophophorates during the endPermian mass extinction and recovery. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, V.
36, p. 413-419.
Mata, S.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 2009. Development of Lower Triassic wrinkle structures:
Implications for the search for life on other planets. Astrobiology, v. 9, p.
Chen, J.-Y., Bottjer, D.J., Li, G., Hadfield, M.G., Gao, F., Cameron, A.R., Zhang, C.Y., Xian, D.-C., Tafforeau, P., Liao, X., and Yin, Z.-J. 2009. Complex
embryos displaying bilaterian characters from Precambrian Doushantuo
phosphate deposits, Weng’an, Guizhou, China. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, v. 106, p. 19056-19060.
Guidebooks and Convention Proceedings
Bottjer, D.J. 1981. Trace fossils from an Upper Cretaceous deep-sea fan, p. 59-62. In
Link, M. H., Squires, R.L. and Colburn, I.P. (eds.), Simi Hills Cretaceous
Turbidites (Volume and Guidebook). Pacific Section, Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
Bottjer, D.J., I.P. Colburn and J.D. Cooper (eds.). 1982. Late Cretaceous Depositional
Environments and Paleogeography, Santa Ana Mountains, Southern
California (Volume and Guidebook). Pacific Section, Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 129 p.
Bottjer, D.J., I.P. Colburn and J.D. Cooper. 1982. Introduction, p. 3-9. In Bottjer, D.J.,
Colburn, I.P. and Cooper, J.D. (eds.), Late Cretaceous Depositional
Environments and Paleogeography, Santa Ana Mountains, Southern
California (Volume and Guidebook). Pacific Section, Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
Saul, L.R. and D.J. Bottjer. 1982. Late Cretaceous megafossil locality map, northern
Santa Ana Mountains, California, p. 77-79. In Bottjer, D.J. Colburn, I.P. and
Cooper, J.D. (eds.), Late Cretaceous Depositional Environments and
Paleogeography, Santa Ana Mountains, Southern California (Volume and
Guidebook). Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and
Link, M. H. and D. J. Bottjer. 1982. Turbidites and slope facies association, Upper
Cretaceous Holz Shale member of the Ladd Formation, p. 91-95. In Bottjer,
D.J., Colburn, I.P. and Cooper, J.P. (eds.), Late Cretaceous Depositional
Environments and Paleogeography, Santa Ana Mountains, Southern
California (Volume and Guidebook). Pacific Section, Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
Bottjer, D.J., S.P. Buck and E.J. Enzweiler. 1982. Trace fossils from Upper
Cretaceous strata in Silverado Canyon, Santa Ana Mountains, California, p.
81-88. In Bottjer, D.J., Colburn, I.P. and Cooper, J.D. (eds.), Late
Cretaceous Depositional Environments and Paleogeography, Santa Ana
Mountains, Southem California (Volume and Guidebook). Pacific Section,
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
Bottjer, D.J. 1982. Morphology and function of projecting periostracal structures in the
Gastropoda (Mollusca), p. 51-56. In Proceedings, Third North Arnerican
Paleontological Convention, v. 1.
Bottjer, D.J. and W.I. Ausich. 1982. Tiering and sampling requirements in
paleocommunity reconstruction p. 57-59. In Proceedings, Third North
American Paleontological Convention, v. 1.
Bottjer, D.J. (ed.). 1987. New concepts in the Use of Biogenic Sedimentary Structures
for Paleoenvironmental Interpretation (Volume and Guidebook). Pacific
Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Book 52, 66
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1987. Trace fossils as indicators of bottom-water redox
conditions in ancient marine environments, p. 3-16. In Bottjer, D.J. (ed.),
New Concepts in the Use of Biogenic Sedimentary Structures for
Paleoenvironmental Interpretation (Volume and Guidebook). Pacific Section,
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Book 52.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1987. Development of ichnofabric indices for strata
deposited in high-energy nearshore terngenous clastic environments, p. 2933. In Bottjer, D.J. (ed.), New Concepts in the Use of Biogenic Sedimentary
Structures for Paleoenvironmental Interpretation (Volume and Guidebook).
Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists,
Book 52.
Bottjer, D.J., M.L. Droser and D. Jablonski. 1987. Bathymetric trends in the history of
trace fossils, p. 57-65. In Bottjer, D.J. (ed.), New Concepts in the Use of
Biogenic Sedimentary Structures for Paleoenvironmental Interpretation
(Volume and Guidebook). Pacific Section, Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Trends in extent and depth of early Paleozoic
bioturbation in the Great Basin (California, Nevada and Utah), p. 123-135. In
Weide, D.L. and Faber, M.L. (eds.), This Extended Land, Geological
Journeys in the Southern Basin and Range. Geological Society of America,
Cordilleran Section, Field Trip Guidebook.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. A practical field guide for evaluating early
Paleozoic ichnofabric, p. 73-86. In Taylor, M.E. (ed.), Cambrian and Early
Ordovician Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Basin and Range Province,
Western United States, 28th International Geological Congress Field Trip
Guidebook T125, American Geophysical Union.
Pipkin, B.W., Gorsline, D.S., Bottjer, D.J. and Dickey, T.D. 1981. Elements of
Oceanography Study Guide, Star Publishing Co., 61 p.
Bottjer, D.J., Hickman, C.S. and P.D. Ward, Organizers, T.W. Broadhead (ed.). 1985.
Mollusks, Notes for a Short Course. Univ. of Tennessee Dept. of Geological
Sciences Studies in Geology 13, 305 p.
Allmon, W.D. and D.J. Bottjer (eds.). 2001. Evolutionary Paleoecology: The
Ecological Context of Macroevolutionary Change. New York, Columbia
University Press, 335 p.
Bottjer, D.J., W. Etter, J.W. Hagadorn and C.M. Tang (eds.). 2002. Exceptional Fossil
Preservation: A Unique View on the Evolution of Marine Life. New York,
Columbia University Press. 403 p..
Edited Journal Issues
Fischer, A.G. and Bottjer, D.J. (eds.). 1991. Orbital Forcing and Sedimentary
Sequences. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 61, 212 p.
Bottjer, D.J. (ed.). 1995. Tenth Anniversary Theme Issue. Palaios, v. 10, p. 491-618.
Hagadorn, J.W., Pflüger, F. and D.J. Bottjer (eds.). 1999. Unexplored Microbial
Worlds. Palaios, v. 14, no. 1, p, 1-93.
Bottjer, D.J. and J.-C. Gall (eds.). 2005. The Triassic Recovery, the Dawn of the
Modern Biota. Comptes Rendus PALEVOL, Academie des Sciences - Paris, v.
4, issue 6-7, p. 385-584.
Bottjer, D.J., Correge, T., Kershaw, P. and F. Surlyk (eds.). 2006. Exploring Life and
Environments Through Time: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Palaeo-3.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 232, issues 2-4, p. 97453.
Schopf, J.W. and D.J. Bottjer (eds.). 2009. World Summit on Ancient Microscopic
Fossils. Precmbrian Research, v. 173, p. 1-222.
Letters and Comments
Jablonski, D., J.J. Sepkoski, Jr., D.J. Bottjer, and P.M. Sheehan. 1984. Biological
Diversity, reply to P.F. Brussard. Science, v. 224, p. 1294.
Bottjer, D.J. and Ausich, W.I. Comment on Miller, M.F. and Byers, C.W., 1984.
Geology, v. 12, p. 40-43. Geology, v. 13, p. 83-85.
Bottjer, D.J., J.W. Hagadorn, and S.Q. Dornbos. 2000. The Cambrian substrate
revolution, reply to J.A. Fagerstrom. GSA Today, v. 10, no. 12, p. 27.
Book Reviews
Bottjer, D.J. 1983. Anoxic strata, Review of Nature and Origin of Cretaceous CarbonRich Facies, Schlanger, S. O. and Cita, M. B., (eds.), 1982. Science, v. 220,
p. 1371-1372.
Fischer, A.G. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Pattern and Process in Paleontology and
Stratigraphy, Review of Sedimentary and Evolutionary Cycles, Bayer, U. and
Seilacher, A., (eds.), 1985. Paleobiology, v. 12, p. 229-232.
Bottjer, D.J. 1987. Review of Sedimentary Environments and Facies, Reading, H. G.,
(ed.), 1986. Palaios, v. 1, p. 517-518.
Bottjer, D.J. 1999. Review of Fossil Art, Seilacher, A., 1997. Palaeontographica
Electronica, v. 2.
Bottjer, D.J. 2005. Review of Catastrophes and Lesser Calamities: The
Causes of Mass Extinctions, Tony Hallam, 2004, Oxford
University Press. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 2005, v. 80,
p. 236-237.
Bottjer, D.J. 2006. Review of: Evolving Form and Function: Fossils and Development
(D.E.G. Briggs, ed.). The Palaeontological Association Newsletter, no. 62, p.
Bottjer, D.J. 2008. Review of: Fossil Ecosysems of North America: A Guide to the
Sites and Their Extraordinary Biotas, Nudds, J.R., and Selden, P.A.,
University of Chicago Press. Palaeontologia Electronica, v. 11, 11.3.4R.
Bottjer, D.J. 1989. Innovation in paleontology. Palaios, v. 4, p. 105.
Bottjer, D.J. 1995. Evolutionary paleoecology: Diverse approaches. Palaios, v. 10, p.
Bottjer, D.J. 1995. Invertebrate paleontology. Geotimes, v. 40, p. 24-25.
Bottjer, D.J. 1995. Our unique perspective. Palaios, v. 10, p. 491-492.
Bottjer, D.J. 1997. Invertebrate paleontology. Geotimes, v. 42, p. 42-43.
Hagadorn, J.W., Pflüger, F. and D.J. Bottjer. 1999. Unexplored microbial worlds.
Palaios, v. 14, p.1-2.
Bottjer, D.J. Correge, T., Kershaw, P. and F. Surlyk. 2006. Exploring life and
environments through time: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Palaeo-3.
Palaeogeograhy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 232, p. 97-98.
Bottjer, D.J. and J.-C. Gall. 2005. The Triassic recovery, the dawn of the modern biota.
Comptes Rendus PALEVOL, Academie des Sciences - Paris, v. 4, p. 385393.
Schopf, J.W. and D.J. Bottjer. 2009. Preface: World summit on ancient microscopic
fossils. Precambrian Research, v. 173, p. 1-3.
Abstracts, Total = 242 from 1977-present
Bottjer, D.J. 1977. The functional significance of well-developed periosatracum in
bivalves and gastropods. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 9, p. 244.
Bottjer, D.J. 1977. Omission surface and condensed sequence phosphate nodules at
contact of Marlbrook and Saratoga Formations (Upper Cretaceous),
southwest Arkansas. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 9, p. 577.
Roberts, C., Bottjer, D.J. and Hattin, D.E. 1977. Growth and substrate colonization of
a new species of Upper Cretaceous pycnodontid oyster. Geol. Soc. America
Abstr. with Prog., v. 9, p. 647-648.
Indiana University Paleontology Seminar (A.W. Archer, D.J. Bottjer, J.B. Droste, A.S.
Horowitz, S.M. Kelly, D.L. Krisher, and R.H. Shaver). 1978. Stratigraphic,
structure, and faunal zonation of the Silurian reef at Delphi, Indiana. Geol.
Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 10, p. 25-257.
Bottjer, D.J. 1978. Comparison of two chalk bivalve faunas (Upper Cretaceous,
southwestern Arkansas). Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 10, p. 370.
Bottjer, D.J. 1979. Ichnology and depositional environments of Upper Cretaceous
chalks, southwestern Arkansas. American Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Bull., v.
63, p. 422.
Bottjer, D.J. 1979. Paleoecologic analysis of hard substrate faunas, Upper Cretaceous
Gulf Coast middle shelf pelagic carbonates. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with
Prog., v. 11, p. 392.
Bottjer, D.J. and W.A. Bryant. 1980. Paleoenvironmental analysis of disconformity and
condensed bed at contact of Austin and Taylor Groups (Upper Cretaceous),
eastcentral and northeastern Texas. American Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Bull.,
v. 64, p. 679.
Bottjer, D.J. 1980. The Arcola Limestone and the absence of extensive hardgrounds
in North American Upper Cretaceous chalks. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with
Prog., v. 12, p.390.
Ausich, W.I. and D.J. Bottjer. 1980. Tiering of soft substrata suspension-feeding
communities through the Phanerozoic. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog.,
v. 12, p. 380.
Liddicoat, J.C., J.E. Hazel, E.M. Brouwers, W.A. Bryant and D.J. Bottjer. 1981.
Magnetostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous deposits in the northwestern
Mississippi Embayment. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 13, p. 240241.
Bottjer, D.J. 1981. Paleoecological irnplications of antifouling adaptations in shelled
marine molluscs. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 13, p. 413-414.
Bottjer, D.J., G.H. Blake, J.V. Browning, P.J. Scrivner and D.A. Goodman. 1982.
Analysis of Middle Miocene nearshore paleocommunities, central Santa
Monica Mountains, southern California. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with
Prog., v. 14, p. 15 1.
Scrivner, P.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 1982. Vertebrate tracks and trackways from the Copper
Canyon Formation (Late Miocene), Death Valley National Monument. Geol.
Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 24, p. 232.
Bottjer, D.J., 1982. Morphology and function of projecting periostracal structures in the
Gastropoda (Mollusca). Jour. Paleontology, v. 56, supplement to No. 2, p. 4,
(abstract for Third North American Paleontological Convention - Montreal).
Bottjer, D.J. and W.I. Ausich. 1982. Tiering and sampling requirements in
paleocommunity reconstruction. Jour. Paleontology, v. 56, supplement to No.
2, p. 4, (abstract for Third North American Paleontological Convention
Ausich, W.I. and D.J. Bottjer. 1982. Tiering in marine benthic communities:
Phanerozoic history and consequences. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with
Prog., v. 14, No. 5.
Savrda, C.E., D.J. Bottjer and D.S. Gorsline. 1982. Refinement of euxinic basin
biofacies models: biogenic sedimentary structures and macrofauna from
Santa Monica Basin, California Continental Borderland. Geol. Soc. America
Abstr. with Prog., v. 14, p. 608.
Bottjer, D.J. 1982. Late Cretaceous active margin (southern California) benthic
macroinvertebrate faunas: variation from nearshore to deep-manne
environments. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog.., v. 14, p. 448.
Arthur, M.A., W.E. Dean, D.J. Bottjer and P.A. Scholle. 1982. Milankovitch-like cycles
in Cretaceous pelagic carbonate sequences. Proceedings of International
Symposium on Milankovitch and Climate: Understanding the Response to
Orbital Forcing. (Symposium held at Lamont-Doherty Geological
Observatory, Palisades, New York).
Savrda, C.E., D.J. Bottjer and D.S. Gorsline. 1983. Euxinic biofacies in anoxic basins:
San Pedro and Santa Barbara Basins, Califomia Continental Borderland.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, p. 54.
Bottjer, D.J. and W.I. Ausich. 1983. Causes for tiering in suspension-feeding
communities on soft substrata throughout the Phanerozoic. Abstracts, First
International Congress on Paleoecology, Lyon, France, p. 19.
Bottjer, D.J. 1983. Trace fossils from active margin deep-sea fans: Upper Cretaceous
of southern California. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 15, p. 532.
Bottjer, D.J. and R.G. Douglas. 1984. Comparative taphonomy of molluscs and
foraminifera in paleoenvironmental inte~pretation of west coast active margin
strata Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 16, p. 126.
Bottjer, D.J. and M.H. Link. 1984. A synthesis of Late Cretaceous southern California
and northern Baja California paleogeography. Abstracts for the 1984 Annual
Meeting of the Pacific Sections of the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, and
Society of Exploration Geophysicists, p. 45-46.
Buck, S.P. and D.J. Bottjer. 1984. Paleoenvironmental analysis of Late Cretaceous
active margin continental slope deposits, southern California. American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, p. 458.
Buck, S.P. and D.J. Bottjer. 1984. Diagenetic carbonate concretions from Late
Cretaceous active margin slope deposits, southern California: origin and
utility in paleoenvironmental reconstructoin. American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, p. 458.
Browning, J.V.B. and D.J. Bottjer. 1984. Brackish-water paleocommunities from
southern California Late Cretaceous active margin environments. Geol. Soc.
America Abstr. with Prog., v. 6, p. 273.
Savrda, C.E., D.J. Bottjer and D.S. Gorsline. 1984. Comparative analysis of
macroscopic approaches to the study of biogenic structures in diatomaceous
sediments. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear
Meeting Abstract Volume, p. 42.
Ausich, W.I. and Bottjer, D.J. 1984. Echinoderm role in the history of Phanerozoic
tiering in suspension-feeding communities, Abstracts, Fifth International
Echinoderm Conference, p. 4.
Fry, J.G., D.J. Bottjer and S.P. Lund. 1984. Magnetostratigraphy and tectonics of the
Upper Cretaceous Ladd and Williams Fms. (Santa Ana Mts.) S. California.
Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 16, p. 513-514.
Bottjer, D.J., P.M. Sheehan, M.F. Miller, C.W. Byers and D.O. Hicks. 1984.
Thalassinoides in the Paleozoic. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 16,
p. 45 1.
Kaplan, L.J., J.G.. Fry, J. Bannon, S.P. Lund and D.J. Bottjer. 1984. New evidence for
the complex microplate-tectonic development of southern California. EOS,
Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 65, p. 868.
Bottjer, D.J. and D. Jablonski. 1985. Onshore-offshore evolutionary patterns in benthic
macroinvertebrates: implications for paleoenvironmental reconstruction.
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear Meeting
Abstract Volume II, p. 13-14.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1985. The infaunal biological benthic boundary layer
(BBBL): early Phanerozoic history from the Great Basin, western North
America. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear
Meeting Abstract Volume II, p. 26.
Savrda, C.E., D.J. Bottjer and D.S. Gorsline. 1985. An ichnological model for the
reconstruction of paleobottom-water oxygenation and its cyclicity. Society of
Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear Meeting Abstract
Volume II, p. 80.
Bottjer, D.J. and D. Jablonski. 1985. Onshore-offshore trends in benthic faunal
change: driven by clade origination. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v.
17, p. 529.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1985. Biogenic sedimentary structures as indicators of
paleobottom-water redox conditions. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v.
17, p. 707.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1985. Early Phanerozoic development of infaunal
metazoans: trace fossil evidence from the Great Basin. Geol. Soc. America
Abstr. with Prog., v. 17, p. 567.
Ausich, W.I. and D.J. Bottjer. 1985. Proliferation of tiering during the Ordovician: a
causal history. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 17, p. 516.
Newton, C.R. and D.J. Bottjer. 1985. Evolutionary paleobiogeography of active-margin
biotas. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 17, p. 677.
Enzweiler, E.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Pleasants Sandstone Member, Williams
Formation, Santa Ana Mountains: a southem Califomia Upper Cretaceous
shelf sandstone. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v.
70, p. 468.
Loch, J.D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Paleoecology of an unusually well-preserved West
Coast Upper Cretaceous fossil deposit: Point Loma Formation, Carlsbad,
California. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 70, p.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Trace fossils in diatomaceous strata of Miocene
Monterey Formation: their character and implications. American Association
of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 70, p. 478.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. A semi-quantitative field classification of
ichnofabric. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 18, p. 102.
Bottjer, D.J. and D. Jablonski. 1986. Onshore-offshore trends in the evolution of
benthic macroinvertebrates: role of mass extinction. Fourth North American
Paleontological Convention, Abstracts, p. A5.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Metazoan radiation into the infaunal habitat:
evidence from the Cambrian record of bioturbation. Fourth North American
Paleontological Convention, Abstracts, p. A13.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Evaluating paleo-bottom-water oxygenation: a
response to and control of the production of accumulating organic matter.
Fourth North American Paleontological Convention, Abstract, p. A40.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Trace fossil diversity, size and tiering
relationships as indicators of paleo-oxygen concentrations in ancient marine
environments. Twelth Intemational Sedimentological Congress, Abstracts, p.
Bottjer, D.J., M.L. Droser and D. Jablonski. 1986. Onshore-offshore trends in the
evolution of benthic macroinvertebrates. Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear Meeting Abstract volume, p. 14.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Large calcareous body fossils in "oxygendeficient'' strata: in situ or transported? Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear Meeting Abstract Volurne, p. 9899.
Bottjer, D.J., M.L. Droser and D. Jablonski. 1986. Bathymetric trends in the history of
trace fossils: integration with the ichnofacies concept. Geol. Soc. America
Abstr. with Prog., v. 18, p. 548.
Bannon, J.L., D.J. Bottjer and S.P. Lund. 1986. Magnetostratigraphy of Peninsular
Ranges terrane Upper Cretaceous strata: Maastrichtian reversal in Point
Loma Formation, San Diego. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 18, p.
Jablonski, D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1986. Onshore-offshore evolutionary pattems:
discordance across hierarchical levels. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog.,
v. 18, p. 644.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1987. Limitations of ichnofossil approach for evaluating
paleo-bottom-water redox conditions. American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, p. 610.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1987. Trends in the extent and depth of Ordovician
infauna. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, p.
Lund, S.P., D.J. Bottjer, E. Ambos and T.L. Henyey. 1987. Complex terrane
development, accretion, and subsequent structural disruption along the
North American/Pacific plate margin in southern and Baja Califomia.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, XIX General Assembly,
Abstracts, v. 1, p. 112.
Bottjer, D.J., D. Jablonski and M.L. Droser. 1987. Bathymetric trends in the history of
benthic macroinvertebrates and trace fossils: towards a new paleoecological
approach to paleoenvironmental analysis. Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear Meeting Abstract Volume IV, p. 9.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1987. Anatomy and implications of bioturbated intervals
in the Jurassic Posidonienscheifer (southern Germany). Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear Meeting Abstract Volume IV, p.
Bottjer, D.J. 1987. Phanerozoic benthic marine paleocommunities: do trends indicate
community evolution? Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 7, p. 12A.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1987. Early Phanerozoic step-wise increase in
bioturbation. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 19, p. 647-648.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1987. Trace fossils as sensitive indicators of syngenetic
concretionary limestone growth history. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog.,
v. 19, p. 830.
Ambos, E.L., S.P. Lund, F. Theyer, D.J. Bottjer and T.L. Henyey. 1988. Reevaluation
of California Continental Borderland evolution: recent evidence form
stratigraphic, geophysical and paleomagnetic studies. American Association
of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 72, p. 373.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Recognition of paleo-oxygenation fluctuations in
California Neogene basins. American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Bulletin, v. 72, p. 394.
Droser, M.L., D.J. Bottjer and D. Jablonski. 1988. Environmental patterns in the origins
of deep-water corals: a preliminary analysis of the fossil record. Fifth
International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria, Abstracts, p. 12.
Ausich, W.I. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Impact of mass extinctions on tiering structure in
benthic ecosystems. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
Midyear Meeting, v. 5, p. 3.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Depth and extent of early Phanerozoic
bioturbation: pattern and process. Society of Economic Paleontologists and
Mineralogists Midyear Meeting Abstract, Volume V, p. 16.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Oxygen-related biofacies in marine strata: an
overview. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear
Meeting Abstract, Volume 5, p. 47-48.
Bottjer, D.J., M.L. Droser and C.-Y. Wang. 1988. Fine-scale resolution of mass
extinction events: trace fossil evidence from the Permian-Triassic boundary
in South China. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 20, p. A106.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Bioturbation trends in nearshore high-energy
sandstones through the Phanerozoic. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog.,
v. 20, p. A256.
Jablonski, D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. On the origin of orders: post-Paleozoic ecological
patterns. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 20, p. A104.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1988. Origin of exaerobic biofacies in ancient
epicontinental sea settings. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 20, p.
Schubert, J.K. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Stromatolite beds from the lower Triassic Virgin
Formation, Spring Mountains, Nevada. American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, p. 551..
Whidden, K.J. and D.J. Bottjer, 1989. Silicification of trace fossils in carbonates:
evidence from the Permian Kaibab Formation, southwestern Utah. American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, p. 554.
Whidden, K.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Petrographic analysis of preferentially silicified
trace fossils in the Permian Kaibab Formation, southwestern Utah. Geol.
Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 21, p. 158.
Jablonski, D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Origin and radiation of post-Paleozoic marine
invertebrates: Ecological patterns and microevolutionary lags. Abstracts,
28th International Geological Congress, Washington, D.C., v. 2, p. 108. 1 8
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Paleoenvironmental patterns in extent and depth
of bioturbation from Lower Paleozoic strata of Nevada, Utah, and California,
USA. Abstracts, 28th International Geological Congress, Washington, D.C.,
v. 1, p. 417-418.
Fischer, A.G., Bottjer, D.J. and M. Ripepe. 1989. Orbital forcing of Cretaceous redox
cycles of Tethyan-Atlantic region. Abstracts, 28th Intemational Geological
Congress, v. 1, p. 488.
Whidden, K.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. A model for early diagenetic silicification of trace
and body fossils. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 21, p. A19.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Ichnofabric measurements from cores: Examples
from ODP Leg 119. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 21, p. A174.
Schubert, J.K. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. The beginning of the Mesozoic: Paleoecology of
Lower Triassic carbonates, southwestern Utah and southern Nevada. Geol.
Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 21, p. A31.
Loch, J.D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1989. Substrate-controlled size variation in fossil
populations: Bivalves from the Upper Cretaceous Point Loma Formation
(Carlsbad, California). Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 21, p. A114.
Savrda, C.E., D.J. Bottjer and K. Ozalas. 1990. Ichno-sedimentological record of
short-term climate controlled redox events and cycles in organic-rich strata.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, p. 755-756.
Bottjer, D.J. and M.L. Droser. 1990. Ichnofabric and basis analysis. Thirteenth
International Sedimentological Congress, Abstracts, p. 56-57.
Savrda, C.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1990. Trace-fossil record of redox cyclicity in the
Niobrara Formation. Cretaceous Resources, Events and Rhythms, SEPM
Research Conference (August 20-24, 1990), Program and Abstracts, p. 6061.
Droser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1990. Differential environmental history in the
development of the metazoan infaunal habitat. Geol. Soc. America Abstr.
with Prog., v. 22, p. A128.
Campbell, K.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 1990. Evaluation of potential fossil cold seep
chemosymbiotic faunas along the northeast Pacific convergent margin. Geol.
Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 22, p. A304-A305.
Schubert, J.K. and D.J. Bottjer. 1990. Paleoecology of the oldest known articulate
crinoid. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 22, p. A357.
Bottjer, D.J. and M.L. Droser. 1990. Modeling ichnofabric distribution in sedimentary
basins. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 22, p. A318.
Powers, J.E., K. Whidden, S.P. Lund, D.J. Bottjer and C. Steele. 1990. Paleomagnetic
evidence for the continued allochtoneity of the Peninsular Ranges
Terrane (southern California) during most of Paleogene time. EOS, v. 71, p.
Campbell, K.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 1991. Enigmatic limestones and associated fossil
faunas in the Great Valley sequence (Jurassic-Cretaceous) of California
Geol. Soc.America Abstr. with Prog., v. 23, p. A10.
Lund, S.P., Bottjer, D.J., Whidden, K.J. and Powers, J. 1991. Paleomagnetic
evidence for the timing of accretion of the Peninsular Ranges Terrane in
southern California. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 23, p. A74
Whidden, K.J., Lund, S.P., Bottjer, D.J., Champion, D.and Howell, D. 1991.
Paleomagnetic evidence from Upper Cretaceous strata for autochthoneity of
the central block of Salinia. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 23, p.
Bottjer, D.J. and Droser, M.L. 1991. Ichnofabric and siliclastic depositional systems:
Integration for sequence stratigraphic analysis. American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, p. 545.
Campbell, K.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 1991. From black shales to seeps: Recognizing
habitats of chemosymbiotic bivalvs from the fossil record. American
Malacological Union and Western Society of Malacologists Joint Annual
Meeting, Program and Abstracts, p. 29.
Campbell, K.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 1991. Mesozoic/Cenozoic subduction and cold seeps
along the northeast Pacific convergent margin. SEPM Theme Meeting,
Abstracts, p. 5.
Lund, S.P., Bottjer, D.J. and Whidden, K.J. 1991. Paleomagnetic evidence for tectonic
slivering and lateral transport of terranes within the southern California
arc/trench complex. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 23, p. A22.
Britt, S. and Bottjer, D.J. 1991. Preservation styles of fish in Miocene Monterey
Formation diatomites. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 23, p. A346.
Schubert, J.K. and Bottjer, D.J. 1991. Early Triassic stromatolites as post-mass
extinction disaster forms. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 23, p.
Campbell, K.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 1992. Petrology of a Jurassic cold seep carbonate
mound, Great Valley Group, northern California. Geol. Soc. America Abstr.
with Prog., v. 24, p. A103.
Whidden, K.J., Bottjer, D.J. and Lund, S.P. 1992. Shallow-water limestones within the
Paleogene forearc basin of California: Unique paleogeographic indicators.
Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 24, p. A140.
Schubert, J.K. and Bottjer, D.J. 1992. Paleoecology of an Early Triassic carbonate
epeiric seaway. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 24, p. A312.
Bottjer, D.J., Schubert, J.K. and Droser, M.L. 1993. Bioturbation and the
PermianTriassic mass extinction. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. 31.
Bottjer, D.J., Schubert, J.K. and M.L. Droser. 1993. Bioturbation and the PermianTriassic mass extinction. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 25, p.
Schubert, J.K. and D.J. Bottjer. 1993. Recovery from the end-Permian mass
extinction event: Paleoecology of Lower Triassic marine invertebrate
assemblages in the Great Basin. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v.
25, p. A156.
Whidden, K.J. Bottjer, D.J. and S.P. Lund. 1993. Active margin carbonates as
indicators of tectonism: Evidence from Paleogene limestones in the western
Transverse Ranges, California. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 25,
p. A63.
Campbell, K.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 1993. Fossil cold seep biotic patterns, western North
America. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 25, p. A389.
Tang, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 1993. Lateral variability in the extent of bioturbation
recorded in nearshore sandstones: Application of the ichnofabric index
method. Geol. Soc. America Abstr.with Prog., v. 25, p. A269.
Hagadorn, J.W. and D.J. Bottjer. 1993. Paleobiologic data collection: Outcrop-scale
variability in Turritelline gastropod populations from the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 25, p. A55-56.
Whidden, K.J., S.P. Lund and D.J. Bottjer. 1993. Paleomagnetic evidence for largescale block rotations north of the Santa Ynez Fault: An extension of the
Western-Transverse-Ranges domain of ~90 degree rotations in Southern
California. Eos, v. 74, p. 208.
Hagadorn, J.W., Pridgen, C.W. and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. Taphrhelminthopsis: Trace
fossils of large soft-bodied early metazoans from the Lower Cambrian Poleta
Formation, White-Inyo Mountains, California. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with
Prog., v. 26, p. 56.
Whidden, K.J., S.P. Lund and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. Extension of the Western
Transverse Ranges zone of Cenozoic block rotations north of the Santa
Ynez Fault. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 78, p.
Whidden, K.J., D.J. Bottjer and S.P. Lund. 1994. Paleogeographic implications of
shallow water limestones in the southern San Rafael Mountains, California.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 78, p. 676-677.
Hagadorn, J.W. and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. Large early metazoan trace fossils from the
Lower Cambrian Poleta Formation, White-Inyo Mountains, California.
PaleoBios, v. 16, p. 7.
Tang, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. Characterization of reservoir sandstones:
Application of the ichnofabric index method. American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program, v. 3, p.269.
Tang, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. Paleoecology of a Middle Jurassic shallow-water
encrinite (Carmel Formation, southern Utah): Implications for the retreat of
stalked crinoids to the deep-sea. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v.
26, p. A428.
Campbell, K.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. Brachiopods and chemosymbiotic bivalves in
Phanerozoic cold seeps and hydrothermal vents. Geol. Soc. America Abstr.
with Prog., v. 26, p. A53.
Hagadorn, J.W. and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. Colonization of Early Phanerozoic protoPacific deepsea environments. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 26,
p. A486.
Anderson, B.G., M.L. Droser and D.J. Bottjer. 1994. Variation in the distribution of
two-component Ophiomorpha-dominated ichnofabrics within sequences and
systems tracts. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 26, p. A431.
Droser, M.L., Bottjer, D.J. and Sheehan, P.M. 1995. Ecological arachitecture of major
events in marine invertebrate life. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog.,
v. 27, p. A167-168.
Tang, C.M. and Bottjer, D.J. 1995. Faunal variability of marine benthic invertebrate
paleocommunities in the western interior Jurassic seaway. Geol. Soc.
America Abstr. with Prog., v. 27, p. A167-A168.
Moffat, H.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 1995. Echinoid beds in the stratigraphic and fossil
record. Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Prog., v. 27, p. A368.
Schellenberg, S.A., Hagadorn, J.W. and Bottjer, D.J. 1995. The Early Cambrian trace
fossil Taphrhelminthopsis (Poleta Fmk., White Mtns., CA): Behavioral
and phylogenetic inferences on an early soft-bodied metazoan. Geol. Soc.
America Abstr. with Prog., v. 27, p. A270.
Woods, A.D. and Bottjer, D.J. 1995. Evidence of widespread anoxia along the
western margin of North America during the Early Triassic: Implications for
the delayed Mesozoic radiation. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, v. 27, p. A370.
Hagadorn, J.W. and Bottjer, D.J. 1995. Early Paleozoic deep-sea faunas of the Great
Basin, U.S.A. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 27,
p. A270.
Woods, A.D. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Anoxia along the western margin of North
America during the Early Triassic. American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Annual Convention Program, v. 5, p. A153.
Anderson, B.G., Droser, M.L. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Characterization of ichnofabrics
with lowstand valley-fill systems tracts: Outcrop examples from the Upper
Cretaceous Sego Sandstone, Western Interior, U.S.A. American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Program, v. 5, p.
Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Uniformitarianism and paleoecology: Across the great divide.
Sixth North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts of Papers,
Paleontological Society Special Publication No. 8, p. 40.
Fraser, N. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Pseudocolonial behavior of bivalves in Mesozoic
carbonate buildups: Switching guilds. Sixth North American Paleontological
Convention, Abstracts of Papers, Paleontological Society Special
Publication, No. 8, p. 129.
Hagadorn, J.W. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Microbial mats, metazoans, and grazing at the
Proterozoic-Phanerozoic transition. Sixth North American Paleontological
Convention, Abstracts of Papers, Paleontological Society Special Pulication
No. 8, p. 155.
Schellenberg, S.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Phylogenetic analyses within the subclass
Nautiloidea and comparison to existing evolutionary scenarios. Sixth North
American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts of Papers, Paleontological
Society Special Publication, No. 8, p. 343.
Tang, C.M. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Uncoordinated faunal stasis in Jurassic marine
benthic invertebrate paleocommunities, western interior, U.S.A. Sixth North
American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts of Papers, Paleontological
Society Special Publication No. 8, p. 382.
Droser, M.L., Bottjer, D.J. and Sheehan, P.M. 1996. Evaluating the ecological
architecture of major events in the history of marine invertebrates.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, p. A178.
Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Uniformitarianism and defining the playing field of evolutionary
paleoecology. Geological Society of American Abstracts with Programs, v.
28, p. A178.
Hagadorn, J.W. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Wrinkle-marks: Evidence for extensive
development of microbial mats in subtidal siliciclastic settings at the
Proterozoic-Phanerozoic transition. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, v. 28, p. A406.
Moffat, H.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Echinoid concentration beds: Two extreme
examples from the stratigraphic spectrum. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, p. A363.
Woods, A.D., Bottjer, D.J. and Fischer, A.G. 1996. Enigmatic seafloor precipitates:
Implications for Early Triassic oceanic chemistry. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, p. A35.
Fraser, N.M. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Incorporation of heterotrophic agregations to
expand reef models: Large epifaunal bivalves of Mesozoic carbonate
buildups. Geological Society of America Abstracts with programs, v. 28, p.
Tang, C.M. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Faunal stasis in the fossil record: Temporal,
ecological, and environmentally-dependent controls. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with programs, v. 28, p. A177.
Whittlesey, K.E. and Bottjer, D.J. 1996. Taphonomy of barnacles from the Pliocene of
California. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, p.
Woods, A.D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1997. Cyclostratigraphy of a Lower Triassic outer shelf
sequence: Nested cycles with frequenceis ranging from decadal to millenial
and possibly Milankovitch. Offician Program - 1997 American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, p. A126.
Droser, M.L., Bottjer, D.J., McGhee, G.R. and P.M. Sheehan. 1997. Decoupling
of ecologic and taxonomic significance of the end-Ordovician and endDevonian extinctions. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 29, p. A-31.
Bottjer, D.J., Droser, M.L. and P.M. Sheehan. 1997. Decoupling of mass
extinction taxonomic and ecologic significance: Selective extinction of
taxa with high ecological value. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, v. 29, p. A-32.
Woods, A.D., Bottjer, D.J. and A.G. Fischer. 1997. Lower Triassic calcium
carbonate seafloor precipitates: Is the Permian the key to the Triassic?
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, p. A-42.
Hagadorn, J.W. and D.J. Bottjer. 1997. Microbial carpeting of ancient siliciclastic
seafloors: Aid to preservation of early metazoan biosedimentary
structures. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 29,
p. A-193.
Whittlesey, K.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1997. Paleoecology of barnacle buildups in the
Miocene Pancho Rico Formation, Salinas Valley, California. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, p. A-101.
Woods, A.D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1998. The Lower Triassic Union Wash Formation:
High resolution cyclostratigraphy offers insight into Pangean Climatic
Oscillations. 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs, v. 1, p. 710.
Whittlesey, K.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 1998. Pancho Rico Formation, Salinas Valley,
CA: Integrative stratigrahic and paleoecologic methods. Pacific Sections
AAPG-SEPM Annual Meeting, Ventura, CA.
Tang, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 1998. Coordinated stasis and biostratigraphic
resolution: An example from benthic marine faunas of the Jurassic U.S.
Western Interior seaway. Abstracts and Program of the Fifth International
Symposium on the Jurassic System, International Union of Geological
Sciences. August, 1998, Vancouver, Canada.
Bottjer, D.J. and M.L. Droser. 1998. Tracking mass extinction recoveries with
shell beds: The Lower Triassic of the western United States. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, p. A-312.
Dornbos, S.Q. and D.J. Bottjer. 1998. Helicoplacoid echinoderms:
Paleoecology of suspension feeders in the Cambrian fauna. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, p. A-234.
Woods, A.D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1998. Early Triassic anoxia, seafloor calcium
carbonate precipitates, and ammonoid beds from eastern Panthalassia:
Implications for understanding the prolonged end-Permian mass
extinction biotic recovery. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 30, p. A-310.
Rodland, D.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1998. Lingulide brachiopods in the aftermath of the
end-Permian mass extinction: Ecological opportunists or environmental
specialists? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.
30, p. A-311.
Woods, A.D., Mutti, M. and D.J. Bottjer. 1998. Extensive inorganic calcium
carbonate precipitation during the Triassic reflects unique global oceanic
chemistry coupled with anoxia. Eos, Transactions of the American
Geophysical Union, v. 79.
Woods, A.D., Mutti, M. and Bottjer, D.J. 1999. Extensive growth of inorganic
carbonate cements during the Triassic is linked to local anoxia and
shifting global oceanic conditions. 1999 Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Petrologists Abstracts with Programs, v. 2.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 1999. Microgastropods as opportunists during the
biotic recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, p. A-472.
Bottjer, D.J. and J.W. Hagadorn. 1999. The Cambrian substrate revolution and
evolutionary paleoecology of the mollusca. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, p. A-335.
Dornbos, S.Q. and D.J. Bottjer. 1999. Taphonomy and environmental distribution
of helicoplacoid echinoderms. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, v. 31, p. A-420.
Woods, A.D. and D.J. Bottjer. 1999. Ammonoids of the Lower Triassic Union
Formation: Their sedimentologic and paleoenvironmental significance.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, p. A-104.
Rodland, D.L, D.J. Bottjer and A.D. Woods. 1999. Temporal and spatial variability
of biotic recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, p. A-472.
Bottjer, D.J. 2000. Early metazoans and building the ecological barrel. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, p. A-300-301.
Dornbos, S.Q. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. Radular grazing traces in the Lower
Cambrian of China: Implications for the Cambrian substrate revolution.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, p. A-301.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. The U-shaped trace fossil Arenicolites:
Burrow of an opportunist during the biotic recovery from the end-Permian
mass extinction. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
v. 32, p. A-368.
Woods, A.D. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. Mass extinction recoveries and environmental
conditions: Evidence from the Early Triassic Union Wash Formation.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, p. A-369.
Pruss, S. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. Early Triassic onshore-offshore biofabric trends:
Implications for the end-Permian mass extinction and biotic recovery.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, p. A-369.
Huynh, T.T. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. Paleoecology of the Middle Triassic Favret
Formation, central Nevada: Implications for the initial marine Mesozoic
radiation in western North America. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, p. A-369.
Woods, K.N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2000. Determining the origin of enigmatic
sedimentary structures in the Neoproterozoic Noonday Dolomite, Death
Valley, CA: A paleoenvironmental, petrographic, and geochemical
investigation. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.
32, p. A-375.
Bottjer, D.J. 2001. Prospecting for life on Mars: Using the 500-600 million-year-old
Earth record of microbial siliciclastic structures as an analogue. In
Eleventh Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Abstract #3383. LPI
Contribution No. 1088, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Bottjer, D.J. 2001. The beginning of the Mesozoic: Pangean breakup with 60
million years of environmental stress and biotic crisis. PaleoBios, v. 21,
supplement to no. 2, p. 33.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Early Triassic proliferation of
microgastropods: An unusual global phenomenon. PaleoBios, v. 21,
supplement to no. 2, p. 53.
Fraser, N.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. The beginning of Mesozoic bivalve reefs:
Early Jurassic “Lithiotis” facies bioherms. PaleoBios, v. 21, supplement to
no. 2, p. 54.
Dornbos, S.Q. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Paleoecology of benthic metazoans in the
Early Cambrian Chengjiang fauna: Evidence for the Cambrian substrate
revolution. PaleoBios, v. 21, supplement to no. 2, p. 46.
Hankins, K.G. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Marine paleoecological changes across the
Triassic-Jurassic extinction boundary, New York Canyon, west-central
Nevada. . PaleoBios, v. 21, supplement to no. 2, p. 61.
Huynh, T.T. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Comparative Paleobiology of two different
Middle Triassic marine environments from western Pangea (USA).
PaleoBios, v. 21, supplement to no. 2, p. 70.
Corsetti, F.A., D.J. Bottjer and S.Q. Dornbos. 2001. The Cambrian diagenetic
revolution. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33,
p. A-255.
Huynh, T.T. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Paleoecology of Middle Triassic flat clams.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. A-306.
Bottjer, D.J., S.Q. Dornbos and J.W. Hagadorn. 2001. Microbial mats and
siliciclastic substrates: interplay with evolving metazoans. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. A-399.
Dornbos, S.Q., D.J. Bottjer and J.y. Chen. 2001. Evidence for abundant seafloor
microbial mats and associated meatzoan lifestyles in the Lower Cambrian
Zhnogyicun Posphorites of China. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. A-430.
Pruss, S. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Geobiology of mass extinction recovery interval
anachronistic facies: microbial reefs in the Early Triassic. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. A-142.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. When bivalves took over the world.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. A-306.
Fraser, N.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Dissecting the “Lithiotis” facies: implications
for the Early Jurassic reef eclipse. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. A-378.
Hankins, K.G. and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Paleoecology of the biotic recovery from the
end-Triassic mass extinction, Lower Jurassic Sunrise Formation, New
York Canyon, west-central Nevada. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. A-142.
Marenco, P., F.A. Corsetti and D.J. Bottjer. 2001. Enigmatic “tube-like” structures
in the Noonday Dolomite: constraints of possible hypotheses. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. A-436.
Bottjer, D.J. 2002. The beginning of the Mesozoic: Pangean breakup with 70
million years of environmental stress. Pacific Sections Annual Meeting,
Anchorage Alaska, Abstract Volume, p. 63.
Bottjer, D.J., Dornbos, S.Q., Corsetti, F.A. and J.W. Hagadorn. 2002.
Microbial mats and siliciclastic substrates: implications for
understanding life on Earth and the search for life on Mars.
Abstract. 16th International Sedimentological Congress, Rand
Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa, p. 36.
Pruss, S.B. and D.J. Bottjer. 2002. Microbial reefs in the Early Triassic. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 66.
Dornbos, S.Q. and D.J. Bottjer. 2002. A taphonomic test of the biogenicity of
putative phosphatized sponge embryos from the Neoproterozoic
Doushantuo Formation, southwest China. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 170.
Bottjer, D.J. and S.Q. Dornbos. 2002. Sod busters along the old Cambrian trail.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 171.
McGhee, G.R., Jr., Sheehan, P.M., Bottjer, D.J. and M.L. Droser. 2002.
Decoupling of ecological and taxonomic severities of Phanerozoic
biodiversity crises. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 34, p. 464.
Marenco, P.L., Corsetti, F.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 2002. Chemostratigrahy of the
Union Wash Formation: Implications for the Early Triassic recovery from
the Permian-Triassic mass extinction. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 508.
Boyer, D.L., Bottjer, D.J. and M.L. Droser. 2002. Lower Triassic shell beds of the
western United States. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 34, p. 538.
Bottjer, D.J. 2002. The beginning of the Mesozoic: Integrating 70 million years of
environmental stress and extinction. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 540.
Bonuso, N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2002. Late Triassic bivalve-brachiopod interactions.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 540.
Dornbos, S.Q. and D.J. Bottjer. 2003. Environmental controls on taphonomy of
Neoproterozoic Doushantuo phosphatized animal embryos. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 107.
Bottjer, D.J., Dornbos, S.Q., Oliveri, P., Gao, F., Davidson, E.H., Li, C.-w., and J.y. Chen. 2003. Discovering animal fossils in the Neoproterozoic
Doushantuo Formation of southwest China. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 383.
Pruss, S.B. and D.J. Bottjer. 2003. The prolonged end-Permian mass extinction
recovery: Anachronistic facies and anomalous environmental conditions.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 386.
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A., Bottjer, D.J. and Kaufman, A.J. 2003. Killer oceans
of the Early Triassic. . Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 35, p. 386.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2003. Paleoecology of bivalves during their initial
rise to dominance. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 35, p. 417.
Bonuso, N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2003. Two Late Triassic brachiopod biodiversity hot
spots. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p.
Oliveri, P., Gao, F., Dornbos, S.Q., Chen, J.-y., Li, C.-w., Bottjer, D.J. and E.H.
Davidson. 2003. Diversity of animal life in the Doushantuo Formation of
southwest China. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 35, p. 456.
Kimura, H., Bottjer, D.J., Chen, J.-y., Dornbos, S.Q., Gao, F., Oliveri, P., Davidson,
E.H. and J.M. Eiler. 2003. Marine chemistry of the terminal Proterozoic
Doushantuo Formation: Environmental significance for the phosphatized
embryos. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35,
p. 456.
Tsapin, A. and D.J. Bottjer. 2003. Study of the oldest animal fossils with computer
tomography. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.
35, p. 456.
Corsetti, F.A., Pruss, S.B., Marenco, P.J., Kaufman, A.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 2003.
Calcium carbonate seafloor fans from Neproterozic and Lower Triassic
strata, Death Valley region: A snowball’s chance? Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 471.
Pruss, S.B. and D.J. Bottjer. 2004. Lower Triassic microbialites and their
relationship to long-term environmental stress following the end-Permian
mass extinction. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
v. 36, p. 182.
Bailey, J., Corsetti, F.A., Bottjer, D. and K. Nicholson. 2004. Fossil assemblages
in Lower Cambrian microbial matground sediments and implications for
early benthic and infaunal ecologies. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 522.
Bottjer, D.J. 2004. The Early Triassic and the supercontinent cycle. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 334-335.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2004. Restructuring of Phanerozoic shallow marine
communities during the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 335.
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A., Baud, A., Bottjer, D.J. and A.J. Kaufman. 2004.
Sulfur isotope anomalies across Permo-Triassic boundary sections in
Turkey. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p.
Bonuso, N., Corsetti, F.A., Grellet-Tinner, G., Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. and D.J.
Bottjer. 2004. Can compressional algorithms help differentiate abiotic
structures from biotic structures? Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, v. 36, p. 361.
Alroy, J., Aberhan, M., Bottjer, D.J., Foote, M., Fursich, F., Ivany, L.C., Kiessling,
W., Marshall, C.R., Miller, A.I. and M.E. Patzkowsky. 2004. Improved
estimates of Phanerozoic marine diversity. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 456.
Nicholson, K.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 2004. Ecosystem engineers during
the Cambrian explosion: Trace fossil record from the Lower
Cambrian of eastern California. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 522.
Bottjer, D.J. 2005. Bioturbation and Early Triassic environmental
crises. PaleoBios, v. 25, p. 20.
Jamet, C.M. 2005. Permian-Triassic onshore-offshore trends of
bryozoans. PaleoBios, v. 25, p. 64.
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A., Bottjer, D.J., Baud, A., Kaufman, A.J.
2005. Sulfur isotope anomalies and the end Permain mass
extinction. PaleoBios, v. 25, p. 80.
Nicholson, K.A. and Bottjer, D.J. Lower Cambrian trace fossils of
eastern California: an early record of substrate engineering.
PaleoBios, v. 25, p. 90.
Clapham, H.E. and Bottjer, D.J. 2005. The beginnings of bivalve
ecological dominance: Preliminary evidence from the Late
Permain of South China. PaleoBios, v. 25, p. 30.
Fraiser, M.L. and Bottjer, D.J. 2005. Acid seas and mid-Phanerozoic
biocalcification crises. PaleoBios, v. 25, p. 45.
Pruss, S.B. and Bottjer, D.J., Corsetti, F. and Baud, A. 2005.
Unusual facies and substrate transitions following the endPermian mass extinction: A new perspective on Early
Triassic seafloors. PaleoBios, v. 25, p. 97.
Fraiser, M.L. and Bottjer, D.J. 2005. The Latest Permian-Triassic
biocalcification crisis. Albertiana, v. 33, p. 33-35.
Bottjer, D.J. 2005. Bioturbation and Early Triassic environmental
crises. Albertiana, v. 33, p. 22-23.
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A., Bottjer, D.J., Baud, A. and Kaufman,
A.J. 2005. Sulfur isotopic anomalies across the PermoTriassic boundary and through the Early Triassic.
Albertiana, v. 33, p. 57-58.
Jamet, C.M. and D.Bottjer. 2005. The paleoenvironmental distribution of bryozoan
clades and their morphology: Implications for the Permian-Triassic mass
extinction. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37,
p. 136.
Fraiser, M.L. and D. Bottjer. 2005. Elevated atmospheric CO2 and the PermianTriassic biotic crisis. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 37, p. 526.
Bottjer, D.J. 2005. Taphonomy, continued environmental stress or prolonged
mass extinction recovery processes: Mystery of the Earl Triassic marine
fossil record resolved. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 37, p. 116.
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A., Kaufman, A.J., and D.J. Bottjer. 2005. Sulfur
isotopic variability of CAS along an Early Triassic environmental transect.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 184.
Bonuso, N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2005. Battle of the benthos: Documenting the
transition from brachiopod to bivalve dominated faunas. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 186.
Clapham, M.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 2005. Small taxonomic and large ecological
effects of the end-Guadallupian extinction (Late Permian). Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 385.
Pruss, S.B., Payne, J. and D.J. Bottjer. 2005. The first metazoan build-ups
following the end-Permian mass extinction. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 385.
Nicholson, K.A. and D.J. Bottjer. 2005. Lower Cambrian trace fossils of eastern
California: Engineering an ecological revolution. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 486.
Bottjer, D.J. 2006. Early animal evolution and palaeoecology: Across the Great
Divide, p. 275. In: Yang, Q., Wang, Y. and Weldon, E.A. (eds.), Abstracts
of the Second International Palaeontological Congress, University of
Science and Techology of China Press, Hefei, China, 554 p.
Marenco, K.N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. Lower Cambrian trace fossils of eastern
California: Engineering an ecological revolution, p. 308. In: Yang, Q.,
Wang, Y., and Weldon, E.A. (eds.), Abstracts of the Second International
Palaeontological Congress, University of Science and Technology of
China Press, Hefei, China, 554 p.
Clapham, M.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. The rise of the modern evolutionary fauna;
Decoupled taxonomic and ecological response during the endGuadalupian extinction, p. 374. In: Yang, Q., Wang, Y. and Weldon, E.A.
(eds.), Abstracts of the Second International Palaeontological Congress,
University of Science and Technology of China Press, Hefei, China, 554
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. Permian-Triassic CO2: Acid seas and the
prolonged physiological and biocalcification crisis in shallow marine
environments, p. 404. In: Yang, Q., Wang, Y. and Weldon, E.A. (eds.),
Abstracts of the Second International Paleontological Congress,
University of Science and Technology of China Press, Hefei, China, 554
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A., Bottjer, D.J., Baud, A. and A.J. Kaufman. 2006.
Sulfur isotope anomalies and the biotic recovery from the end-Permain
mass extinction, p. 406. In: Yang, Q., Wang, Y. and Weldon, E.A. (eds.),
Abstracts of the Second International Paleontological Congress,
University of Science and Technology of China Press, Hefei, China, 554
Powers, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. Onshore-offshore distribution of Permian to
Jurassic bryozoans and the environmental signature of the Permian-
Triassic and Triassic-Jurassic mass extinctions. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 117.
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A., Bottjer, D. and A.J. Kaufman. 2006. Early Triassic
sulfur isotopes: Implications for linking land, sea and air following the endPermian mass extinction. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 38, p. 339.
Clapham, M.E. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. Decoupled diversity and ecology during the
end-Guadalupian extinction (Late Permian). Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 117.
Fraiser, M.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. A new role for elevated CO2 in the prolonged
Permian-Triassic biotic crisis. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, v. 38, p. 117.
Domke, K.L. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. Paleoecology of the earliest Cambrian
biomineralizing organisms in western North America. Geological Society
of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 304.
Bottjer, D.J. 2006. The Moenkopi Formation (southwestern United States) as a
model system for determining land-sea links during Early Triassic
environmental and biotic crises. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, v. 38, p. 339.
Marenco, K.N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2006. Quantifying horizontal bioturbation in Lower
Cambrian rocks using image analysis. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, p. 475.
Bottjer, D.J. 2007. Mesozoic oxygen drop: Evolution and extinction in the marine
realm. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p.
Greene, S.E., Bottjer, D.J. and J.-P. Zonneveld. 2007. Mesozoic return of
brachiopods: Brachiopod-dominated shell beds in the Middle Triassic.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 89.
Marenco, K.N. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. Quantitative analysis of bedding plane
bioturbation: New insights from the Upper Cambrian of Wisconsin. .
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 207.
Domke, K. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. Paleoecological context of early biomineralizers
– eastern California and western Nevada, USA. . Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 332.
Marenco, P.J., Corseti, F.A., Kaufman, A.J. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. Carbonate
associated sulfate, euxinia, the Siberian Traps and the end-Permian mass
extinction. . Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39,
p. 420.
Powers, C.M. and D.J. Bottjer. 2007. The mid-Phanerozoic bryozoan crisis:
Ecologic and evolutionary implictions of the end-Permian and end-Triassic
mass extinctions. . Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 39, p. 589.
Sheehan, P.M., Bottjer, D.J., Droser, M.L. and McGhee, G.R., Jr. 2007. With
mass extinctions ecology matters. . Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 609.
Domke, K.L., Loyd, S.J., Corsetti, F.A., Bottjer, D.J., Evans, C. and Lyons, T.W.
2008. Carbonate-associated sulfate from the Precambrian-Cambrian
transition in the western Great Basin, USA. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, p. 133.
Bottjer, D.J. 2008. Lifting the veil on the rise of animals during the Neoproterozoic
and Cambrian explosion of life. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, v. 40, p. 223.
Greene, S.E., Bottjer, D.J., Corsetti, F.A. and Zonneveld, J.P. 2008. Mass
extinction déjà vu: Seafloor aragonite fans near the Triassic-Jurassic
boundary. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40,
p. 222-223.
Martindale, R. and Bottjer, D.J. 2008. Paleoecological patterns of reef death and
possible causes for the carbonate collapse at the end-Triassic mass
extincton. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40,
p. 279.
Mata, S.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 2008. The environmental importance of biogenic
structure distribution across an Early Triassic mixed carbonate-siliciclastic
shelf: Implications for assessing the rate of recovery following the endPermian mass extinction and the nature of post-mass extinction
environmental disparity. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 40, p. 438.
Marenco, P.J., Corsetti, F.A., Richoz, S., Baud, A., Bottjer, D.J., Hammond, D.E.,
Berelson, W.M. and Kaufman, A.J. 2008. Sulfur and carbon geochemistry
and the end Permian mass extinction. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, p. 438.
Marenco, K.N. and Bottjer, D.J. 2008. Quantifying Early Cambrian bioturbation
along an onshore-offshore transect, Great Basin, USA. Geological Society
of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, p. 510.
Tackett, L.S., Bottjer, D.J., Sheehan, P.M. and Fastovsky, D.E. 2009. Biotic
response to a major extraterrestrial impact: Marine paleoecology of the
Norian Luning Formation, northwest Nevada. Cincinnati Museum Center
Scientific Contribution, Number 3, p. 89.
Ritterbush, K.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 2009. Characterizing paleoecological change
across the end-Triassic mass extinction: Survival and recovery during
global crisis. Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contribution, Number 3,
p. 91.
Martindale, R.C. and Bottjer, D.J. 2009. Paleoecology of Late Triassic reefs and
implications for the end-Triassic mass extinction. Cincinnati Museum
Center Scientific Contribution, Number 3, p. 334-335.
Mata, S.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 2009. Biogenic structures from the Lower Triassic of
the southwestern United States: An example of the importance of
depositional environment in examining the recovery from the end-Pemrian
mass extinction. Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contribution,
Number 3, p. 405-406.
Greene, S.E., Bottjer, D.J., Hagdorn, H. and Zonneveld, J.-P. 2009. The
Mesozoic return of Paleozoic faunal constituents: A decoupling of
taxonomic and ecological dominance during the recovery from the endPermian mass extinction. Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific
Contribution, Number 3, p. 407-408.
Domke, K.L, Bottjer, D.J., Loyd, S.J. and Lyons, T.W. 2009. Paleoecological and
geochemical setting for the evolution of the earliest biomineralizers in
western North America. Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contribution,
Number 3, p. 431.
Petryshyn, V.A., Bottjer, D.J., Chen, J.-Y., and Feng, G. 2009. Petrographic
analysis of new specimens of Vernanimalcula guizhouena (Doushantuo
Formation, south China). Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific
Contribution, Number 3, p. 432.
Bottjer, D.J. 2009. Trends and transitions in the early evolution of animals:
Towards a paleogenomic synthesis. Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific
Contribution, Number 3, p. 434.
Bottjer, D.J. 2009. Trends and transitions in early animal evolution: Towards a
palaeogenomic synthesis. International Conference on the Cambrian
explosion – Abstract volume, p. 20-21.
Domke, K., Bottjer, D.J., Loyd, S.J., Corsetti, F.A. and Lyons, T.W. 2009.
Providing a palaeoecological and geochemical context for Cloudina in
western North America. International Conference on the Cambrian
explosion – Abstract volume, p. 68.
Domke, K.L., Bottjer, D.J. and Corsetti, F.A. 2009. Who is that myserious
biomineralizer? The diagenetic masking of Cloudina’s paleoecology in the
White-Inyo region of California and Nevada, USA. Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, p. 31.
Martindale, R. and Bottjer, D.J. 2009. Similarities and differences between Late
Triassic and Modern reefs. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 41, p.160.
Tackett, L.S., Bottjer, D.J., Sheehan, P.M. and Fastovsky, D. 2009. Comparative
benthic paleoecology of two large bolide impact events, Chicxulub and
Manicouagan. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.
41, p. 240-241.
Mata, S.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 2009. Origin of Lower Triassic microbialites in mixed
carbonate-siliciclastic successions: Applied stratigrapy and the aftermath
of the end-Permian mass extinction. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, p. 359.
Bottjer, D.J. 2009. A series of biotic crises mark the mid-Phanerozoic transition
from Paleozoic to Modern marine faunas. Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, p. 418.
Greene, S.E., Bottjer, D.J., Corsetti, F.A., Berelson, W.M., Marenco, P.J. and
Zonneveld, J.-P. 2009. Do mass extinctions have diagenetic
consequences? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
v. 41, p. 420.
Ritterbush, K.A. and Bottjer, D.J. 2009. Selected by ocean acidification? Earliest
Jurassic bivalves of Nevada (USA). Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, p. 633.