Supplementary material B.B. Bressendorff & S.Toft: Dome-shaped functional response induced by nutrient imbalance of the prey Materials and methods The wolf spider Pardosa amentata has an annual life cycle in Denmark, with reproduction in early spring (May) and hibernating in the subadult instar. For the experiment with adult females (see below) they were collected as subadults in April and raised in the laboratory to the adult stage. For the experiment with subadults, the animals were collected in September. Experimental procedures Experiment with adult females: In the laboratory the spiders were fed fruit flies raised on dogfoodenriched medium (1) until their maturation moult. They were then kept at 10 °C until all the spiders had moulted. Before the experiment started they were fed fruit flies for two days and starved for one day, so that all individuals were in the same life-history stage and nutritional condition. For the experiments, fruit flies of two nutritional compositions were used (2): highprotein flies raised on a medium of 40% Drosophila medium and 60% casein; high-lipid flies raised on a medium of 80% Drosophila medium and 20% sucrose. The lipid-rich flies contained a lipid:protein ratio of 0.89, while the protein-rich flies contained a lipid:protein ratio of 0.10 (3). By using the same prey raised on different media instead of two different prey types we avoided a potentially confounding factor. The experiment was run at a fixed temperature of 21 °C and 14 h light/10 h dark photoperiod. The spiders were weighed and placed individually in 14 cm petri-dishes with moist filter paper. The animals were divided randomly in two groups that received different pretreatments, lipid-rich flies or protein-rich flies, ad libitum. This intended to create nutritional imbalance in two opposite directions. After four days of pre-treatment the spiders were starved for one day before the functional response part of the experiment. The animals from each of the pre-treatment groups were divided in eight sub-groups. These were split between four prey densities (2, 5, 10 or 15 flies per petri-dish) and two treatments (lipid-rich flies, protein-rich flies) with 6 replicates for each combination. The functional response part of the experiment was repeated during seven days with daily prey replacement: the number of flies eaten was recorded, non-eaten flies and prey remnants were removed, and new flies were added. Samples of the lipidrich and protein-rich flies used as food were also collected each day. For logistical reasons the experiment was completed in two blocks, separated by one week, with 3 replicates of all combinations in each block. Sample flies and food remnants from each day were dried in a vacuum oven at 60 °C for at least 24 hours and weighed on a Sartorius balance (precision 0.001 mg). This allowed calculation of the daily individual food consumption of the spiders. Experiment with subadults: This experiment was run as the adult experiment with a few minor differences. After collection the spiders were kept at 10 °C until the pre-treatments started, i.e. without any standardization. Due to the subadult spiders’ smaller size, the prey densities were 1, 3, 5, and 8 flies per petri dish per day. The experiment was also completed in two blocks, separated by a month, and run in a basement room with near-constant temperature of 20 °C and a 12h light/12h dark photoperiod. Prey remnants were not collected, so only the number of prey killed was analyzed. Statistical analysis: The data from each experimental series were first analyzed with a repeated measures ANOVA, using the number of flies killed or biomass of flies eaten as the dependent variable, and days as the repeated factor. Prey density, pre-treatment fly type, functional response fly type, and block were factors, and spider body mass was entered as covariate; all possible interaction terms of the three first-mentioned factors were also included in the initial models. Subsequently, the results for each day were analyzed by 3-way ANCOVA with prey density, pretreatment fly type and functional response fly type as factors and spider body mass as covariate. A significant prey-density*fly-type interaction (shown by asterisks after day # in each panel of Fig. 1) will here indicate a possible dome-shaped response. Similar 3-way ANCOVAs were also made on the results for the two highest prey densities alone, since it is in this range that a difference between a simple type II and a dome-shaped type II response would be visible (significance indicated by asterisks in the space between data points for the two highest densities in each panel of Fig. 1). Finally, a comparison between fly type treatments at the highest prey density was made with the t-test (or a Welch t-test if variances were unequal) (significant differences shown by asterisks to the right of the curves in each panel of Fig. 1). Reduced models were obtained by backwards deletion of non-significant interaction terms. A total of 89 adults and 92 subadults were used in the two experiments, respectively. References 1. 1. Mayntz,D. & Toft, S. 2001 Nutrient composition of the prey’s diet affects growth and survivorship of a generalist predator. Oecologia 127, 207-213. 2. Mayntz, D., Raubenheimer, D., Salomon, M., Toft, S. & Simpson, S.J. 2005 Nutrient-specific foraging in invertebrate predators. Science 307, 111-113. 3. Jensen, K., Mayntz,D., Toft, S., Raubenheimer,D. & Simpson, S.J. 2011 Prey nutrient composition has different effects on Pardosa wolf spiders with dissimilar life histories. Oecologia (DOI 10.1007/s00442-010-1811-1) Table S1. Statistical analysis (repeated measures ANOVA – reduced models) of the number of flies killed or biomass of flies consumed by the wolf spider Pardosa amentata during functional response experiments run over 7 days. All models originally included the factors fly type, pretreatment fly type, prey density, and all their interactions, as well as block and spider mass. Pretreatment fly type was consistently non-significant. Analysis of each day’s results, see Table S2. A. Exp.: dep. var. Source F df P Adults: No. flies killed Spider mass 5.01 1,84 0.0278 Prey density 62.6 1,84 <0.0001 Days*fly type 2.0 Days*prey density B. C. Adults: consumption Subadults: No. flies killed 10.4 6,79 0.0145 6,79 <0.0001 Days*fly type*prey density 2.8 6,79 0.0172 Spider mass 4.4 1,83 0.0380 Prey density 61.9 Days*block 2.6 6,78 0.0251 Days*fly type 2.6 6,78 0.0238 Days*prey density 9.4 6,78 <0.0001 Days*fly type*prey density 2.8 6,78 0.0154 Prey density 15.0 1,89 0.0002 Days*fly type 4.7 6,84 0.0004 Days*prey density 11.0 1,83 <0.0001 6,84 <0.0001 Table S2. Statistical analyses of each day’s results from functional response experiments (overall analyses in Table S1). Full models included the factors pre-treatment fly type, experimental fly type, prey density and their interactions, and spider mass as covariate. Models were reduced by backwards deletion of non-significant interactions. Source Adult exp. P Exp fly-type*prey density (two highest densities) Exp. fly type (highest density only) Day 1 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,6967 0,0621 146,9009 4,4754 0,4062 0,8037 <,0001 0,0373 F1,41=0.70 P=0.41 t=0.41 P=0.69 Day 2 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,4808 1,4105 31,6015 3,6450 0,4900 0,2383 <,0001 0,0597 F1,41=0.74 P=0.39 t=0.16 P=0.87 Day 3 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass Exp fly type * Prey density 0,9485 1,2734 19,3743 2,4000 4,0643 0,3329 0,2624 <,0001 0,1251 0,0470 F1,41=6.11 P=0.0177 t=2.45 P=0.0270 Day 4 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass Pre-tr fly type * Exp fly type Exp fly type * Prey density 3,3799 4,2143 16,6037 2,3798 5,0528 8,2375 0,0696 0,0433 0,0001 0,1268 0,0273 0,0052 F1,41=4.61 P=0.0378 t=3.22 P=0.0045 Day 5 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass Exp fly type * Prey density 1,4728 3,5967 14,6270 1,4671 5,9558 0,2283 0,0614 0,0003 0,2292 0,0168 F1,41=1.97 P=0.17 t=2.73 P=0.0154 Day 6 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 2,4725 1,9221 8,4790 0,0688 0,1196 0,1693 0,0046 0,7937 F1,41=0.20 P=0.66 t=0.62 P=0.54 Day 7 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,1444 1,2558 13,8102 2,5518 0,7049 0,2656 0,0004 0,1139 F1,41=0.85 P=0.36 t=1.62 P=0.12 Day 1-7 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,8158 0,4144 60,5780 4,3556 0,3690 0,5215 <,0001 0,0399 F1,41=4.46 P=0.0407 t=2.18 P=0.0440 Day 1 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,8617 6,4476 125,0008 3,2476 0,3559 0,0130 <,0001 0,0751 F1,41=0.46 P=0.50 t=0.71 P=0.49 Day 2 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density 0,6200 6,0190 31,7061 0,4333 0,0162 <,0001 F1,41=0.66 P=0.42 t=0.79 P=0.44 No. flies killed (df=4,84) Adult exp. F1 Amounts eaten (df=4,84) Spider mass 0,0867 Day 3 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,4457 0,0000 16,4777 1,8664 0,5062 0,9951 0,0001 0,1755 F1,41=6.03 P=0.0184 t=1.84 P=0.084 Day 4 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass Pre-tr fly type * Prey density Exp fly type * Prey density Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass Exp fly type * Prey density 2,7788 0,4420 13,5228 2,3543 4,5104 7,6541 0,0993 0,5080 0,0004 0,1288 0,0367 0,0070 F1,41=4.44 P=0.0412 t=2.73 P=0.0127 1,0510 0,2674 13,0448 1,4241 4,9675 0,3083 0,6065 0,0005 0,2361 0,0285 F1,41=1.77 P=0.19 t=1.96 P=0.067 Day 5 Subadult experiment 3,0055 Day 6 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 1,9168 6,3557 9,2967 0,0450 0,1699 0,0136 0,0031 0,8326 F1,41=0.30 P=0.59 t=1.01 P=0.32 Day 7 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,0201 0,0013 13,2135 2,2666 0,8875 0,9710 0,0005 0,1359 F1,41=0.96 P=0.33 t=1.02 P=0.32 Day 1-7 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,4100 2,2775 61,1106 4,0986 0,5237 0,1350 <,0001 0,0461 F1,41=4.70 P=0.0360 t=0.95 P=0.35 Day 1 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,1041 0,6902 41,5253 0,1013 0,7477 0,4084 <,0001 0,7511 F1,42=1.02 P=0.32 t=0.94 P=0.36 Day 2 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,3860 3,6944 1,2708 2,1111 0,5360 0,0579 0,2627 0,1498 F1,42=3.63 P=0.064 t=2.61 P=0.0169 Day 3 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,0876 5,5958 0,0002 0,2738 0,7680 0,0202 0,9878 0,6021 F1,42=0.60 P=0.44 t=1.82 P=0.086 Day 4 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,0200 13,0048 0,0184 0,0012 0,8878 0,0005 0,8925 0,9720 F1,42=0.15 P=0.70 Welch t=2.55 P=0.0227 Day 5 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,3770 2,0804 0,0001 0,5862 0,5408 0,1528 0,9911 0,4460 F1,42=0.94 P=0.34 t=1,.50 P=0.15 Day 6 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,5508 0,1903 7,1029 0,0000 0,4600 0,6638 0,0092 0,9984 F1,42=0.87 P=0.36 t=0.30 P=0.77 No. flies killed (df=4,87) Day 7 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 2,1124 1,8706 4,3991 0,0406 0,1497 0,1749 0,0389 0,8408 F1,42=0.23 P=0.64 Welch t=1.29 P=0.22 Day 1-7 Pre-treatment fly type Experimental fly type Prey density Spider mass 0,1289 1,7235 14,1760 0,4072 0,7204 0,1927 0,0003 0,5251 F1,42=1.18 P=0.28 t=1.13 P=0.27