Small Group Curriculum

* denotes sample available
1. Life Rules: 6 Sessions
Andy Stanley
“Life Rules” is a 6 part series that Stanley gave to his congregation on the
six life rules that God has given to every person that if followed will help enhance
and or mend relationships that we are all involved in. The great thing about
Andy Stanley’s presentation is that he does not present the message as a mad
furious preacher pounding the pulpit, but as a compassionate and relevant
speaker who encourages the listener to use their own freedom of choice to
decide how they live. But he does warn that failure to follow the rules that God
has placed before us can cause hurt, broken relationships, and anguish. The
sessions consist of topics that deal with forgiveness, acceptance, serving,
encouragement and service. Applicable and non threatening.
2. The Connecting Church: Beyond Small Group to Authentic Community
Book only
Randy Frazee
The development of meaningful relationships, where every member carries
a significant sense of belonging, is central to what it means to be the church.
So why do many Christians feel disappointed and disillusioned with their
efforts to experience authentic community? Despite the best efforts of pastors,
small group leaders, and faithful lay persons, church too often is a place of
loneliness rather than connection. First Century Christians knew what it meant
to live in vital community with one another. Read this book and find out what it
would take to reclaim that kind of love, joy, support and dynamic spiritual growth.
Relationship 3. Homes of Honor – Parenting Series: 8 Sessions*
VHS/ Leader Guide
Dr. Gary Smalley
Parents can better learn how to raise their children when they can discuss the
strengths and weaknesses with other parents. Topics include:
Discovering what “type” of parent you are
Discovering your child’s personality type
Overcoming the major destroyer of families
Providing loving support to your child
Developing a close-knit family
Ten powerful ways to motivate your children
Using the “SALT” Principle to encourage communication
4. IMarriage – Transforming your Expectations: 6 sessions*
DVD/ Web site outline
Andy Stanley
“Until expectations do us part” – standing at the altar we all had a picture of what
our marriage would look like. The problem is this picture of marriage ends up
as expectations that we unload on our spouse. The weight of these expectations
will rob your marriage of love and joy. As a spouse you never feel like you
measure up and you never feel like you are good enough. So what do you do
with your expectations? You can’t deny them because most expectations started
out as God-given desires. In this DVD Andy Stanley explains that you must learn
to transform your expectation and look to God if you are to experience marriage
as it was designed.
Keeping My “I” On You
Putting Your “I” Out
It Takes Three
5. The Life You’ve Always Wanted –Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People*
6 Sessions
DVD/Leaders Guide
John Ortberg
In this 6 session curriculum, award winning author John Ortberg teaches
participants the skills essential to “running a marathon” in the Christian life.
John Ortberg takes Jesus’ call to abundant living seriously, joyfully, and
realistically. He believes human transformation is genuinely possible, and
he describes the process in sane and practical ways. If you are tired of status
quo –if you suspect there’s more to Christianity than what you’ve experiencedJohn invites you and your group to join him on a road to tranformation
and spiritual vigor that anyone can take. As in a marathon, the secret lies not
in trying harder, but in training consistently. The spiritual disciplines are
exercises that strengthen your endurance race on the road of growth. You’ll see
the signposts – joy, peace, kindness, and all the hall marks of a faith that is
vital, real and growing.
6. Faith Under Fire with Lee Strobel – Faith and Facts*
4 Sessions
DVD/ Participants Guide
Lee Strobel & Garry Poole
Small group curriculum on today’s hot issues. Does the Christian faith stand up
to scrutiny – tough scrutiny? How credible is the Bible and how seriously
should you take it? Based on Lee Strobel’s provocative national TV program
of the same name, Faith Under Fire features fascinating debates and riveting
interviews with Christians, atheists, Muslims, and proponents of other faiths
as they tackle today’s hottest spiritual topics. Four sessions include:
Is the Bible bogus? Is heaven real? Hell: Fact or fiction? Does science point
to a creator? Each session includes two video segments in which leading
Christian and non-Christian voices engage in forceful but fair debate and
address pointed questions in one-on-one interviews. You and your small
group will consider what you’ve heard and discuss challenging questions.
7. Gripped By The Greatness of God
8 Sessions
DVD/Participants Guide/ Book
James MacDonald
Moody Publishers
How do we understand a power and a love that has no limits? Using selected
passages from Isaiah, author James MacDonald seeks to reveal the sovereignty,
holiness, grace and glory of God. Awed by His greatness, as participants come
to recognize each of the matchless attributes that characterize God, they will also
be led, naturally, to a renewed heart of worship. When was the last time you
were really and truly gripped by God’s greatness? Most Christians recall
heartfelt resolutions around a fire at bible camp as children, and perhaps a
revival meeting or two. But what causes the fervor of those experiences to
translate into a consistent life pattern? Pastor James MacDonald believes that
the better we understand God, the better we understand ourselves, and the less
likely we are to favor our own will over God’s. James and his wife share
candidly from their personal experiences which puts theology into shoe leather.
8. Christ Up Close and Personal
13 Sessions
DVD/ Participants Guide
Josh McDowell
Featuring noted apologist and author Josh McDowell, Christ Up Close and
personal uses DVD’s and interactive group work to give participants a
clear understanding of the purpose of the Holy Spirit and His Word.
9. Tough Questions Series: 7 books – 6 sessions ea. *
Leaders guide
Gary Poole and Judson Poling
Creates opportunities for your group to examine the major
questions about and objections to the Christian faith. They
are designed to help you lead spirited dialogue that shows
the Christian faith can stand up to any kind of scrutiny, and
inspire faith and trust in the claims of Christ.
How Does Anyone Know God Exists?
Is Jesus the Only Way?
How Reliable is the Bible?
How Could God Allow Suffering and Evil?
Don’t All Religions Lead to God?
Do Science and the Bible Conflict?
Why Become a Christian?
10. Pursuing Spiritual Transformation: 6 books – 7 sessions ea.
Leaders Guide
John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson and Judson Poling
Series focuses on five important “G’s” of growing faith: grace,
growth, groups, gifts and giving.
Explore life giving practices, experiences, and relationships
God can use to bring spiritual transformation from the inside out.
Fully Devoted: Living each day in Jesus’ name
Grace: An invitation to a way of life
Growth: Training versus trying
Groups: The life-giving power of community
Gifts: The joy of serving God
Giving: Unlocking the Heart of good stewardship
Growth 11. InterAction Series: 6 sessions each topic/ ordered individually
Leaders Notes
Bill Hybels
More than a Bible study, InterActions help participants to engage
the scriptures as a means to develop into more fully devoted
followers of Jesus. This series is crafted to not only help
participants grow closer to God but to build deeper relationships
among group members by fostering honest communication,
effective problem solving and deeper friendships.
Authenticity: Being honest with God and others
Character: Reclaiming six endangered qualities
Commitment: Developing deeper devotion to Christ
Community: Building relationships within God’s family
Essential Christianity: Practical steps for spiritual growth*
Evangelism: Becoming stronger salt and brighter light
Freedom: Breaking the chains that bind you
Fruit of the Spirit: Living the supernatural life
Getting a Grip: Finding balance in your daily life*
Jesus: Seeing Him more clearly
Lessons on Love: Following Christ’s example
Marriage: Building real intimacy
Overcoming: Applying God’s power where you need it most*
Parenthood: Rising to the challenge of a lifetime
Prayer: Opening your heart to God
Psalms: Deepening your relationship with God
The Real You: Discovering your identity in Christ
Serving Lessons: Putting God and others first*
Transformation: Letting God change you from the inside out
Transparency: Discovering the rewards of truth-telling
12. New Community Series: 6 sessons per book
Leaders notes
Bill Hybels and John Ortberg
Guides groups through life changing topics from a biblical
perspective. Includes Bible study, discussion questions
and community building exercises.
Exodus: Journey toward God
Parables: Imagine life God’s way
Sermon on the Mount: Connect with God
Sermon on the Mount: Connect with others
Acts: Build community
Romans: Find freedom
Philippians: Run the race
Colossians: Discover the new you
James: Live wisely
1 Peter: Stand strong
1 John: Love each other*
Revelation: Experience God’s power
13. Doing Life Together: 6 books/ 6 sessions each
Leaders notes/ DVD available
Brett and Dee Eastman, Todd and Denise Wendorff,
Karen Lee-Thorp
Zondervan/ Purpose Driven Group Resource
This innovative small group series, winner of the Silver Medallion award, combines
insightful study questions with Closed Captioned DVD teaching from well known
Bible teachers. Doing Life Together is based on the five biblical purposes that form
the bedrock of Saddleback Church and provides small group member with basic
training on how to live healthy and balanced lives.
Beginning Life Together: God’s purposes for you life*
Connecting with God’s Family: Fellowship
Growing to be Like Christ: Discipleship
Developing your Shape to Serve Others: Ministry
Sharing your Life Mission Every Day: Evangelism
Surrendering your Life for God’s Pleasure: Worship
14. Jesus the One and Only: 11 sessions
Leader Guide/ VHS available
Beth Moore
In Jesus the One and Only, Beth Moore introduces you to an intimate Savior as you get
a close-up and personal portrait of the life of Jesus the Messiah. This is far more than
just a work on the life of Christ. As He has done in the past, God uses Beth’s words to
woo you into a romance with the One and Only. You come to know Christ personally,
watching and listening as He breaks up a funeral by raising the dead, confronts
conniving religious leaders of His day, teaches on a Galilean hillside, or walks on the
waves and calms the storm.
15. I Really Want to Change… So, Help Me God: 10 sessions*
James MacDonald
Moody Publishers
If you’re really serious about becoming more like Christ, this series is for you! Offering
a biblical, no-nonsense approach, MacDonald presents a 3-part model that will help you
tap into God’s transforming power. Discover how to target areas of your life in need of
change, say no to sin and yes to God, and more.
16 . Colossians 2:7 Series (Revised): 10 sessions/ 3 books * deep/ demanding
In order to grow strong, a tree needs to burrow deep into the life-giving earth. When a
tree takes root, burrowing deep into the soil, it’s not long before the action is mirrored
above ground. New branches shoot out. Green, healthy leaves appear. Even the trunk
grows sturdier, more storm-resistant. Because of the roots, the tree becomes firm and
fruitful. And so it is with you. The deeper you root your life in Christ, the stronger you’ll
Growing Strong in God’s Family: This first series is designed to build
a strong foundation for your Christian life through enriching Bible study, scripture
memory, and group interaction.
Deepening your Roots in God’s Family: You’ll first learn how to make Christ the
Lord of your life. Then you’ll discover how easy it is to branch out by reviewing
your spiritual life and sharing it with others.
Bearing Fruit in God’s Family: By walking you through a simple, yet effective approach
to explaining the Gospel to your friends and neighbors, this third book in the 2:7 Series
will help you become a fruitful member of God’s family. At the same time you’ll learn to
naturally reflect Christ’s character in your everyday life.
17. Crown Financial Ministries Biblical Financial Study: 10-11 sessions
Contact Terry Hudson for information regarding special training required.
18. Experiencing God – Knowing and Doing His Will: 12 Sessions*
Workbook * deep/ demanding
Henry Blackaby
Lifeway Press
“Knowing God does not come through a program, study or method. Knowing God
comes through a relationship with a Person. This is an intimate love relationshoip
with God. Through this relationship, God reveals Himself, His purposes, and His
ways; and He invites you to join Him where He is already at work.” This is the central
thesis of Experiencing God. The authors’ emphasis on revelation through personal
relationship makes faith sound like a true adventure – leading believers to engage
with people and circumstances they might otherwise have avoided. Experiencing God
adds to this effect, proceeding step by step through the various ways a believer’s
relationship with God is deepened. Although there’s a strong tension between the
self-help tone of this book and its hard-line argument that faith is purely a response
to God’s initiative, many readers will nevertheless find great encouragement in
hearing a still, small voice among a vast number of everyday experiences.
Relationship 19. HomeBuilders Couples and Parenting Series: 20 books to choose*
Leaders guide
The HomeBuilders Couples series helps you build a Godly marriage and develop
lifelong friendships. The HomeBuilders Parenting Series takes the struggle out
of parenting and provides the answers you need to build a strong family. Join one
of the fastest growing small group studies in the country and take the principles of
God’s Word home to your family, church, and community!
Studies in the HomeBuilders Small Group Series
Defending the Military Marriage
Servicemen and women get top-notch training to complete their mission--defending life and
liberty. But sometimes they find that they're ill equipped to complete the lifelong mission
spelled out in their wedding vows--especially while facing the unique challenges, pressures,
and transitions of military life.
Pre-Marriage Series:
Preparing for Marriage
This study includes six fun, practical sessions and five special projects that will prepare
couples for loving, lasting marriages firmly established in Jesus Christ.
Couples Series:
Keeping Your Covenant
Everything you need to lead this small-group study is included in this booklet. You'll find the
four sessions to be thought-provoking and refreshing, and they will even fit into the
schedule of today's busiest couples.
Building Teamwork in Your Marriage
Understand your differences are gifts from God. Learn to enjoy each other more and make
your marriage more fun, healthy, and fascinating.
Building Your Marriage
A great place to start for those who are new to HomeBuilders or want to go deeper into the
principles taught at FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember marriage conference.
Building Your Mate's Self-Esteem
Part of God's plan for marriage is for you to help your mate become all that God intended.
While that may sound like a big job, all it takes is letting your mate know that you accept
them and are committed to meeting their needs.
Growing Together in Christ
You will learn how Jesus provides the strongest possible foundation for your marriage. And,
as you grow together in Christ, you'll find true fulfillment in your marriage--and in God's
purpose for your lives.
Improving Communication in Your Marriage
You will recognize and understand the barriers to good communication; learn ways to make
your relationship a priority; discover practical steps for resolving conflict; and increase
spiritual intimacy as you seek God together.
Making Your Remarriage Last
Build a strong foundation for your remarriage relationship! You'll discover grace and healing
are found in God's Word, as well as positive principles for building a strong, healthy lasting
marriage relationship.
Mastering Money in Your Marriage
It's no secret that money can cause conflict in marriage. Now you can learn how to work on
money issues and strengthen your marriage at the same time!
Overcoming Stress in Your Marriage
In today's fast-paced society, people are so busy. If you aren't careful, stress and time
pressure can put a strain on your marriage. This study is packed with "right-where-you-live"
insights and practical help to diffuse stress.
Resolving Conflict in Your Marriage
The difference between any two couples is not whether there is conflict, but what they do
with conflict when it surfaces. Learn to transform conflicts into opportunities to energize
your marriage and increase your love for your mate.
Protecting Your First Responder Marriage
Having a strong, healthy marriage isn't always easy. For police officers, firefighters, and
emergency medical personnel, it can be grueling. FamilyLife understands the rigorous
demands that are placed on first responder marriages, and has addressed them in this foursession small group study.
Parenting Series:
Building Character in Your Children
Do you want the tools to be the moms and dads that God intended? This dynamic,
interactive bible study can help you do just that! Gain confidence and a clear plan for being
a faithbuilder in the lives of your children through coming together with other parents and
sharing the struggles and successes of parenting.
Establishing Effective Discipline For Your Children
Discipline is a biblically mandated responsibility as we train our children. Learn what to look
for as your child goes through each developmental stage, and how to discipline well in each
Helping Your Children Know God
This study was written so that moms and dads will grow in their own understanding of our
great God, and will be challenged and equipped to pass that understanding on to a new
Guiding Your Teenagers
Designed to help parents of teens (or preteens) proactively deal with the hottest issues you
will face with your teens. Share the struggles and successes with other parents!
Improving Your Parenting
This dynamic, interactive Bible study gives parents the tools to be the moms and dads God
intended. Learn how to improve communication with your child, be a good disciplinarian,
and build character in your child.
Raising Children Of Faith
As Christian parents, we want our children to enjoy a strong, satisfying, life-transforming
faith. But beyond modeling a strong faith, many of us still wonder, "What specific things can
we do to be even more purposeful in growing our kids' faith?"
20. Purpose Driven Life: 40 sessions *
Rick Warren
This book will help you understand why you are alive and God’s amazing plan for you
both here and now, and for eternity. Rick Warren will guide you through a personal 40day spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life’s most important question:
What on earth am I here for? Knowing God’s purpose for creating you will reduce
stress, focus your energy, simplify your decisions, give meaning to your life, and, most
important, prepare you for eternity.
21. Walking With God Series: 6 book choices/ 12 sessions ea.*
Leaders Guide
Series 1:
Friendship With God – Developing intimacy with God*
The Incomparable Jesus- Experiencing the Power of Christ*
“Follow Me!” – Walking with Jesus in everyday life*
Series 2:
Discovering Your Church- Becoming part of a God’s new community*
Building Your Church- Using your gifts, time and resources*
Impacting Your World- Becoming a person of influence*
22. Breaking Free- Making Liberty in Christ Reality in LIfe: 11 sessions*
VHS/ Leader guide DVD/Leader Guide
Beth Moore
LifeWay Church Resources
Leads you through a study of the Scriptures to discover the transforming
power of Christian freedom. Based on Isaiah 61:1-4, this in-depth study
draws parallels between the captive Israelites and today’s believers.
Beth Moore uses Scripture to point out the benefits of our relationship
with God and shows you how to remove obstacles that hinder that relationship.
As you identify spiritual strongholds in your life, you will progress on a journey
toward greater freedom in Christ.
Relationships 23. Making Room for Life
Book / Small group questions follow each chapter
Randy Frazee – author
Frazee address God’s call on the church to facilitate a movement toward authentic
biblical community. The 21st Century church is not in buildings, programs, great
sermons and worship services, and not even small groups as we have know them.
The church’s relevance and growth will depend on our ability to authentically connect
people to the experience of doing life deeply together. We must see our private
spaces – our homes- as centers for simple hospitality. In this book you will consider:
The Problem: Squeezing Living Out of Life
The Solution: Restructuring our Relationships and Tim
The Obstacles: Overcoming Bad Habits and Myths about Raising Children
The How-To’s: Practica Steps to Making Room for Life
This study will particularly challenge young families who are just developing their
lifestyle to look at doing “life” differently – making choices that impact their children
and neighbors for eternity.
Salt & Light 8 Sessions*
Participant book/DVD/ Journal
Jerry Sheveland – author
Harvest Publications
Acts chapters 8-15 describe how the Lord led his people to step out of safe and
familiar places to bring his love and truth into other people’s worlds. The early
church – persecuted and scattered from Jerusalem throughout the Roman Empirebrought the good news of Christ’s power and presence with them. They became
the “salt & light” Jesus talked about in his Sermon on the Mount. This 8 lesson
study will help us obey Jesus’ call to display his love and truth in every setting
we enter. We’ll learn important spiritual lessons from the experiences of the
early church such as: Sharing Christ’s heart for the world, seizing our “Antioch
moment”, joining his spiritual battle, setting our sails into the wind of the Spirit, and
opening doors of faith.
Includes DVD segments for group discussions.
Evangelism 25.
Go Fish
Study Guide/ DVD/ 6 Sessions
Andy Stanley
Fishing stories…. We’ve all heard them. “It was this big.” People love to tell stories
of their fishing adventures. When it comes to faith, however, most people clam up.
Why is it we can’t talk about what God has done in our lives as naturally as we can spin
a fishing tale? In this six-part DVD, Andy Stanley explores the motivation behind
sharing your faith and how it can become a natural part of your life.
The six sessions include:
We Were All Fish Once
Fishing Buddies
Why Fish?
Muddy Water
Fish Guts
The One That Got Away
The Best Question Ever
Study Guide/DVD/ 6 Sessions
Andy Stanley
You are about to be introduced to a single question that will revolutionize the way
you make decisions. Andy Stanley poses this question as a filter through which to
evaluate every decision in every area of your life. The DVD includes the following
The Best Question Ever
Time Bandits
Musical Chairs
A Little Help from Our Friends
Living on the Edge
The Best Decision Ever
Defining Moments
Study Guide/ DVD/ 8 Sessions
Andy Stanley
Face the truth…. Life is full of defining moments. Like landmarks on a road map,
these moments mark key points along your life’s journey. A defining moment
happens when you come face-to-face with a truth that invites you to change the
way you live. It demands that you make a decision. And regardless of the choice
you make, you will never be the same. Andy Stanley examines several such moments
as depicted in the lives of people from Scripture – the kinds of moments many of us
will experience in our lifetimes. And if you’re willing to look at truth honestly, these
moments can change your life forever.
New Christians
Survival Kit: 5 Keys to Effective Spiritual Growth
Study Guide /Book/ 6 Sessions
Ralph Neighbour – author
LifeWay Church Resources
This study helps new and growing Christians understand and deal with conflicts
between old and new patterns of thoughts and habits. It also helps believers develop
a regular pattern of quiet time, prayer, Bible study, and Scripture memorization.
Living God’s Word – Practical Lessons for Applying Scripture to Llife
Study Guide/ 6 Sessions
Waylon B. Moore- author
LifeWay Church Resources
This study demonstrates how to move from a Bible verse to life change. Living God’s
Word helps you cross the bridge from devotional to motivational study. Mr. Moore
explains very simply some methods to use in studying the Bible. More importantly, he
communicates why we do so – to know God, not to gain head knowledge. Then, he
provides the opportunity to apply the methods. Great for both beginners and those
that have studied the Bible for years!
Fire & Reign
Study Guide/DVD 8 Sessions
Jerry sheveland
From the opening words of the Book of Acts, Luke underscores that the risen Christ
is still at work fulfilling his mission in the world. Jesus did not turn his mission over
to his disciples and slip off the scene with a cloud-covered exit. He is expanding h is
reign in and through his followers by the power of his Spirit. You may be asking:
What will it take for our church to impact our world with loving unity and bold faith?
It is the same question being asked by these believers in Acts. The hundred and twenty
who gathered in Jerusalem had very little idea of what the days ahead would bring and
this first New Testament church shared the same uncertainties we face today. Just how
do you follow a Lord who is no longer bodily present? More importantly, how does a
fellowship of believers characterized by strong personalities and human frailties
follow Christ together?
The answer is found in the power of God’s Spirit at work in the lives of believing people
willing to boldly persevere for the glory of God. This study explores nine themes from
the early chapter of Acts that are central to becoming a spiritually-empowered church.
Parenting is Heart Work *
Book/ Video 8 Sessions
Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN
 Available and recommended through Pastor Rick Darling and the
Awana program at Bethel
Offering a refreshing way to look at parenting, Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne
Miller share the results of their study of 750 times the word “heart” is used in
the Bible. Giving practical application, relevant illustrations, and many useful
suggestions, Parenting is Heart Work will help you understand what the heart
is and how you can mold and direct the heart of your child. This deeper work
impacts the will as well as a child’s belief system. This book helps you connect
with your child in practical ways and offers specific strategies to adjust how
children respond to life. Tools are discussed to help a parent soften even the
hardest heart in a child.
31. Making Marriage Work
Workbook/Leaders Guide/ DVD 6 Sessions
Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott
A four-part video series on overcoming the struggles, conflicts, and misconceptions about marriage. Twenty couples share their deepest struggles, conflicts
and misconceptions about marriage. It includes Biblical and practical tips to
cultivate a healthy and happy marriage. Zig Ziglar says “Les and Leslie can make
the difference between having winning relationships versus disagreeable ones.”
32. The Truth Project
DVD 12 Sessions
Presented by Dr. Del Tackett
Focus on the Family
A DVD based small group study designed to equip believers with a comprehensive
biblical worldview. Practically and personally, participants will be reintroduced to
the truth claims of God. Twelve one-hour lessons discuss in detail God’s design
for living out the Christian worldview in daily life. Most importantly, it addresses
the need to marry our actions to our core beliefs. What this curriculum does is
nothing short of transformational.
33. Andy Stanley DVD’s go to “Current Series” –
“Resources”-“Go” – “For Churches” – “Small Group Curriculum”
Bethel has samples of the following:
Faith, Hope and Luck*
Judgement Call*
Take it to the Limit*
You’ve Got Style*
34. Fireproof Your Marriage*
DVD 6 Sessions/ Leader’s Guide and Participant’s Guide
Jennifer Dion
This resource is changing marriages across the U.S. Fireproof Your Marriage will
challenge you to love better, to love first and to love for a lifetime! This six session
study integrates movie clips from FIREPROOF, along with key scriptures, questions
and devotionals, including concepts from The Love Dare book. Included in the 6
sessions are: he said/She Said, He First Loved Us, Love for a Lifetime, Breaking Free,
Forgiveness, and A Better Way of Loving.
Relationships 35. Life’s Healing Choices*
DVD 8 Sessions/ Leader’s Guide and Participants Guide
Rick Warren and John Baker
This is a new 8 week campaign to help your people find freedom from hurts,
hang-ups and habits. John Baker is the founder of Celebrate Recovery. Be
transformed in this 8 week spiritual growth experience based upon the Beatitudes.
This is a Biblical journey of spiritual renewal and recovery for every person in the
Relationships 36. 40 Days of Love*
Leaders guide and Participant guide
Rick Warren
Unearth the core of Jesus’ ministry in how we show love to the people God has placed
in our lives here on earth. How can we communicate more like Jesus? How do we
love our creator, our neighbors and ourselves? Embark on this truly new journey to
discover a love that is patient, kind, forgiving, unselfish, and always speaks the truth,
all during this 6 week journey into the very heart of the matter.
What is your #1 goal in Life? Your answer will reveal your dominate life value. God
tells us that our dominant life value is to be love. Love God with all your heart and
love your neighbor as yourself. The more we learn to love authentically, the more
we become like Jesus.
37. Framing Your Worldview*
DVD/ Leader’s Guide and Participants’ Guide
Rick Warren and Chuck Colson
Everything you think about is shaped by your worldview. It determines your view on
God, yourself and other people. It determines how you think about relationships,
your time, and your money. In this study, Rick Warren and Chuck Colson examine
worldviews as they relate to the most important questions of our day. They explore
such key issues as truth, tolerance, terrorism, reconciliation, and the purpose of life.
World view 38. No Plan B*
DVD 4 Sessions/ Discussion guide
Todd Phillips
Bluefish TV
Todd Phillips is a master story teller and Bible teacher extraordinaire. He uses those
gifts to deliver practical, user friendly lessons that are easy to listen to and hard to
ignore. How can I help a world in need? War, poverty, despair… the world’s problems
seem overwhelming. Where do we even start? Does God have a role for each of us?
In these 4 sessions, Todd Phillips travels to Rwanda and the Republic of Congo to
explore how he will make a difference to people looking for hope and help. From the
villages and refugee camps of the region, Todd uses Biblical teaching to reveal the
important role God has for each of us ot rescue the world.
39. A Saviour is Born*
DVD 4 Sessions / Discussion Guide
Peter Briscoe
Bluefish TV
The birth of Jesus in a lowly manger in Bethlehem. A Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
It is one of the most familiar stories in human history. How can we prepare our hearts
to celebrate the birth of the Saviour in our frantic, consumer-driven society? In each
of these four sessions, you will experience cinematic short films that capture events
surrounding the birth of Jesus. Then Peter Briscoe will open up scripture to bring us
back to the roots and heart of our faith in Christ.
40. Paul the Apostle*
DVD 4 Sessions/ Discussion Guide
David Nasser
Bluefish TV
Filmed in Rome, this 4 part video driven Bible study for small group is on the culture
and life of the apostle Paul. Has anything changed in 2000 years? Americans live
in a culture that places high emphasis on entertainment, achievement and self. When
we stop and study Scripture, the culture we live in faces the same problems as the
early church. David Nasser uses the life of Paul to highlight how followers of Christ
can stand up to cultural “norms” and stand firm in Christ.
41. Facing the Unknown*
DVD 4 Sessions/Discussion Guide
Mark Batterson
Bluefish TV
Many people feel that their life leads them from one path to the next with no certainty.
Is this the right job? Is her or she “the one”? Is not the time to have kids?
Am I even on the right path?
In these 4 sessions, viewers will experience cinematic short videos that show
Abraham living in the 21st century. What might he think and feel with the incredible
steps of faith God asked him to take? After each short video, Mark Batterson will
teach on the Biblical principles from Abraham’s story that apply to us today.
42. Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival*
Paperback book
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Moody Publishers
Seeking Him is a 12 week interactive study on personal revival. Get ready to
experience the freedom and joy of an honest and humble heart, true repentance,
God’s amazing grace, genuine holiness, a clear conscience, radical forgiveness,
sexual purity, and walking in the Spirit. Each week includes 5 days of individual
study, questions for group discussion, testimonies of changed lives, and exercises.
43. Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate
Hardcover book
Jerry Bridges
As Christians, we believe that all sins are considered equal in God’s eyes. Yet while
evangelicals continue to decry the Big Ones – such as abortion, adultery, and violencewe often overlook more deceptive sins.
It seems we have created a sliding scale where gossip, jealousy, and selfishness
comfortably exist within the church. In short, some sins have simply become
acceptable. Acclaimed author Jerry Bridges believes that just as culture has lost the
concept of sin, the church faces the same danger. Jerry writes not from a sense of
achievement, but from the trenches of his own personal battles. Drawing from
scriptural truth, he sheds light on subtle behavior that can derail our spiritual growth.
He offers a message of hope in the mercy of the gospel and the transforming grace
of God as the means to overcoming our subtle sins.
44. Financial Peace University *
DVD 13 Sessions/ Participants Guide
Dave Ramsey
Each of the 13 lessons deals with a different topic that will change the way you think
about personal finance. Dave teaches about how to save money, live on a budget,
communicate about money, eliminated debt, find bargains, and experience the joy of
For full details about this study and cost see Terry Hudson or Mary Beneham.
45. The Five Love Languages of Teenagers
Audio CD/ Book
Gary Chapman
Moody Publishers
The Five Love Languages of Teenagers contains very practical guidance on how to
express the teen’s primary love language, how to teach them appropriate responsibility,
and how to properly handle both parental and teen anger. It is a tangible resource
for stemming the tide of violence, immorality, and despair engulfing many teens
46. Lord Where Are You When Bad Things Happen?
Book Study
Kay Arthur
Chaos, Tragedy, Brokenness… Where is God? You never dreamed it would
Happen to you. You cry for help… but God doesn’t seem to hear. Why? How could
a God who is all-powerful, all-wise, and all-loving allow these things? Kay Arthur
will guide you to the answers through the book of Habakkuk, helping you know God,
understand Him, and love Him more fully. This daily study will minister to you and help
you walk by faith.
47. The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith*
Hardcover book
Timothy Keller
Dutton Adult
Newsweek called the renowned minister Timothy Keller “a C.S. Lewis for the 21st
century”. In The Prodigal God Timothy uses one of the best-known Christian parables
to reveal an unexpected message of hope and salvation. Keller uncovers the essential
message of Jesus. This book will challenge both the devout and skeptics to see
Christianity in a whole new way.
48. Parenting Your Adult Child: How You Can Help Them Achieve Their
Full Potential
Paperback book
Gary Chapman and Rose Campbell
Northfield Publishing
Parenting doesn’t end at 18. Has your adult child made lifestyle choices you don’t
agree with? Has becoming an in-law made you consider becoming an out-law?
Many parents today describe the frustration encountered between them and their
adult children. Very few resources are available to help parents better communicate
with a child who is no longer a child. This book will help you deal with such issues as:
Helping your child find success, dealing with anger, religious choices, and more.
49. Boundaries with Kids
Hardcover book/ DVD/ Leaders Guide and Participants Guide
Dr. Henry Cloud
Here at last is the help you need for raising your kids to take responsibility for
their actions, attitudes, and emotions. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend take
you through the ins and outs of establishing boundaries and of instilling the kind
of character in your children that will help them lead balanced, productive and
fulfilling adult lives. Learn how to set limits and still be loving, bring control to an out
of control family, apply the ten laws of boundaries to parenting and define
legitimate boundaries for your family.
Other Suggestions:
Psalms (Intervarsity Press)
Knowing the God We Worship by David Jeremiah (Deep)
Prayer of Jabez
How to Walk the Walk you Talk by Joyce Meyers
Life Lessons by Max Lucado
LifeGuide Bible Studies from InterVarsity Press go to: * used and recommended by Pastor Lee
50. What If…..with Alan Danielson*
Four part DVD with Discussion guide
Four questions every small group should ask-What if our small group made
a difference in our lives?
What if we cared?
What if we were honest?
What if we failed?
What if we got off the couch?
51. Sacred Marriage*
DVD with discussion guide
Scores of books have been written that offer guidance for building the
marriage of your dreams. Yet, what if God’s primary intent for your
marriage isn’t to make you happy….but holy? And, what if your relationship
isn’t as much about you and your spouse as it is about you and God? In this
popular best selling book, Gary Thomas uncovers how your marriage can
become a doorway to a closer walk with God and each other.
52. The Prayer of Our Lord
Phillip Ryken
The beauty in the simplicity of theLord’s Prayer is that it touches all of life.
Though its words are few, it expresses our every need—from salvation to
daily bread—and our gratitude for God’s gracious provision for everything.
Ryken looks at the power and truth within each phrase of this familiar
petition, draws in other biblical passages, and reveals the practical pattern
for prayer that holds the promise of changing your life.
53. DVDs of Love and Respect Conference with Dr. E. Eggerichs *
5 disc box set with 6.6 hours
Excited yet burdened about male and female relationships, Dr. Emerson
Eggerichs and his wife Sarah launched the Love and Respect Conferences in
1999. Based on over three decades of counseling as well as scientific and
biblical research, this conference has given hope and new life to thousands
of marriages around the country.
Why we negatively react to each other
How a husband best motivates his wife
How a wife best motivates her husband
Practical application
The Ingredient that motivates us beyond our marriage
54. The Purple Book
Rice Brooks, Steve Murrell
The Purple Book helps you find the answers you need from the Bible while
helping you build a solid foundation as a Christian. This 12 part series
covers the essential truths of the Christian faith in a style that not only
educates you in the Scripture, but empowers you to learn and help others.
55. Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman
Beth Moore
6 S-DVDs, 1 Member book, 1 Leaders Guide, DVD promo video
Join Beth in a very personal examination of the Old Testament story of
Esther as she peels back the layers of history and shows how very
contemporary and applicable the story is to our lives today. If you’ve ever
felt inadequate, threatened, or pushed into situations that seemed
overpowering, this is the Bible study for you.
56. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
Jim Cymbala
What is Brooklyn Tabernacle’s secret to success? This book provides a oneword answer: prayer. In this powerful volume Pastor Cymbala will show you
how passionate, persistent prayer transforms individuals, revives churches
and revitalizes communities. Drawing on the teaching of scripture, his own
experience and the collected wisdom of the great revivalists, Pastor Cymbala
seeks to fan your passion for prayer into a flame. Take this opportunity to
learn how to listen to God’s voice and prayerfully depend upon God.
57. Angels
Billy Graham
This book will make you aware of the angelic powers who are real and who
associate with God himself, administering His works and plans in our lives.
Knowing that these unseen yet powerful benefactors are there to protect and
assist you is a source of great security and confidence. You are not alone in
your daily struggles; there is an army fighting with you to attain victory over
the forces of darkness.
58. Vintage Jesus *
DVD with 12 sessions and study guides
Features 12 30 minute teaching sessions by Mark Driscoll. This study of the
life of Jesus calls us all to examine the Truth about Him in a world that
desires to water down or even exclude some of the key points in scripture
relating to who Jesus was and how He changed history.
Is Jesus the Only God?
How Human Was Jesus?
How Did People Know Jesus Was Coming?
Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?
Why Did Jesus’ Mom Need to Be a Virgin?
What Did Jesus Accomplish on the Cross?
Where is Jesus Today?
Why Should We Worship Jesus?
What Makes Jesus Superior to Other Saviors?
What Difference Has Jesus Made in History?
What Will Jesus Do upon His Return?