ACADEMIA DE ŞTIINŢE A MOLDOVEI INSTITUTUL DE GENETICĂ , FIZIOLOGIE ŞI PROTECŢIE A PLANTELOR Str. Pădurii 20, Chişinău, MD-2002, Republica Moldova tel: (373-22)770447, fax (373-22) 556180 ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF MOLDOVA INSTITUTE OF GENETICS, PHYSIOLOGY AND PLANT PROTECTION 20, Padurii St., Chisinau, MD-2002, Republic of Moldova tel: (373-22)770447, fax (373- 22) 556180 E-mail: Contact person Basic idea Call ID Call title Project title Call deadline Type of actions HORIZON 2020 PROJECT PROPOSAL SUMMARY Associate professor Maria GONCEARIUC Head of the Laboratory of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Institute of Genetics, Plant Physiology and Plant Protection Academy of Sciences of Moldova E-mail: Phone/Fax:+373 22 77 04 47; + 373 22 660 394, +373 791 60 411 To use the knowledge for creation and evaluation of the new varieties of medicinal & aromatic plants , seed production for biomass production that is necessary for food industry in spices and essential oils production 1: ISIB-2-2014/2015 or 2: SFS2 2014/2015 1: Closing the research and innovation divide: the crucial role of innovation support services and knowledge exchange or 2: Sustainable crop production The creation of new varieties of medicinal and aromatic plants with different harvest periods, high quality of bio mass, that is ensured by the composition and concentration of the active principles that are contained in plants. 1: 26th June 2014 Research and innovation actions, cultivation (implementation) of farms BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION A sustainable agriculture is indispensable to the use at the culture of high-performance varieties that ensures the good quality of biomass. A sustainable food production is indispensable to the production of spices, flavoring and coloring agents as well as natural preservatives that can be produced from medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP). For this reason the cultivation and processing of highperformance varieties of MAP has an incontestable role. Also, in this case we can utilize the efficient use of arable land in Europe. Our perennial research showed that qualitative and quantitative composition of active principles, in first of all, essential oils varies from variety to variety, from genotype to genotype are influenced inclusive by the use in the field and climatic conditions. For example, the essential oil separated from different genotypes of Ocimum basilicum contains from 30 to 52 components that depend on the genotype. In dependence of the concentration of the major component these genotypes can be classified into different chemotypes. Genotypes of another species - Origanum vulgare differ so much on the content of chemical composition of essential oils that some of these can be used as spices and also as a preservative, and others - as a phytotherapeutic product with sedative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, carminative, digestive, and diuretic action. All of these represent one of the challenges which guarantees and stimulate the increase of the quantity and assortment of natural products used in food, pharmaceutical industry, perfumery, cosmetics. We have rich experience in creation and evaluation of genotypes, varieties of MAP. We created and homologated over 30 varieties and hybrids of MAP and have a variety patent on MAP varieties in the Republic of Moldova. Our varieties can be cultivated in firms, specialized households and also in farms in relatively small areas in different countries of South-Eastern and Central Europe. This is an opportunity to increase the potential of biomass production and improve its quality. The cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants necessary for food, pharmaceutical industry, perfumery, cosmetics will exclude their uncontrolled collection from the spontaneous flora, thus preserve the plant gene pool. The wastes from biomass processing of MAP are excellent organic fertilizers for the growth of cereals, maize etc. The object of research - implementation for spices production could be the varieties of Anethum graveolens L., Coriandrum sativum L., Origanum vulgare L., Salvia officinalis L., Pimpinella anisum L. etc., in order to produce the colorants for food - Calendula officinalis L. and production of natural preservatives for food - Origanum vulgare L., Salvia officinalis L. For essential oils production could be use: Lavandula angustifolia Mill varieties., Salvia sclarea L., Salvia officinalis L., Anethum graveolens L., Pimpinella anisum L., Origanum vulgare L. (genotypes, chemotypes) Hyssopus officinalis L. (genotypes, chemotypes). EXPECTED OUTPUTS AND IMPACT The method of guaranteed high productions; improvement of the quality of biomass to exclude the collection of these species from the wild flora; New varieties, genotypes of MAP with high productivity, harvesting period - early, medium and late, high content of active principles; Increase the growth potential of MAP biomass with superior quality; Increase the quantity and assortment of natural products used in food, pharmaceutical industry, perfumery, cosmetics. Production of organic biomass by replacing the chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers from MAP waste. We offer the idea, our experience and hope to collaborate as partners on a project that consists in research, implementation of MAP in South-Eastern and Central Europe. Our involvement in a partnership, provided by Horizon 2020 should extend the area of beneficial impact on the EU countries and EU associated countries. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş Z., Gille E., Spac A., Botnarenco P. Differences in essential oil content and chemical composition of new Ocimum basilicum L. genotypes in relation to some quantitative characters. Journal of Medical Plants Research. 2012, 6(8), pp. 1447-1454, ISSN 1996-0875 DOI: 10.5897/JMPR11.409 Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş Z. Diversity of the essential oil content and chemical composition of Hyssopus officinalis L. genotypes Oltenia Journal For Studies in Natural Sciences 29(1) p.71-77, 2013 ISSN 1454-6914 B+ Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z., Kulcitki, V., Gonceariuc, N., Romanciuc, G., Sîrbu, T. Essential oil content and composition of Salvia officinalis L. genotypes cultivated in Moldova. Oltenia Journal For Studies in Natural Sciences, 2012,28/1, pp.7-13, Craiova, România ISSN 1454-6914 B+ Gonceariuc, M., Gille, E., Cotelea, L.; Ghita, G.; Spac, A. Heterosis effect in Salvia sclarea L. (Clary Sage) perspective hybrids. Proceedings 6th Conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of 6th CMAPSEEC, Antalya, Turkey, 2010, p.363-372. ISSN 1233-4345 Gonceariuc, M. Cercetări de genetică şi ameliorare la Salvia sclarea L. (Genetic and improvement researches to Salvia sclarea L.) Akademos, 3 (30), p.77-84 2013 ISSN 1857-0461 Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z. Performand new varieties of Salvia sclarea L. wits different period of vegetation carried out in Moldova Republic. Oltenia Journal For Studies in Natural Sciences, 26, 1/2010, pp.9-13, Craiova, România. Pub. House Tip. SITECH. P-ISSN: 1454-6914 Mascovteva S., Gonceariuc, M.. The expression of heterosis in the perspective F1 polycross hybrids of the Lavandula angustifolia Mill. 7th CMAPSEEC, Serbia, Proceedings, 2012, p.374380, ISBN 978-86-83-141-15-9 Plant varieties PATENTS, Republic of Moldova: Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z. BREVET pentru soi de (plant variety PATENT) MD 84 2011.07.31 ŞERLAI (Salvia sclarea ), soi NATALY-CLARY Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z. BREVET pentru soi de plantă (plant variety PATENT) MD 123. 2013.03.31 JALEŞ (Salvia officinalis L., ssp. major Gams.), soi MIRACOL Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z. BREVET pentru soi de plantă(plant variety PATENT) MD 85 2011. 04.30 ŞERLAI (Salvia sclarea ), soi DACIA 99 Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z. Jacota, A. BREVET pentru soi de plantă (plant variety PATENT) MD 83 2011.07.31, ŞERLAI (Salvia sclarea), soi VICTOR Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z. BREVET pentru soi de plantă (plant variety PATENT) MD 87 2011. 05.31 GĂLBENELE (Calendula officinalis L.),soi DIANA Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z., Jacota A ., Florea, V. BREVET pentru soi de plantă (plant variety PATENT) MD 86 2011.05.31 GĂLBENELE (Calendula officinalis L.), soi NATALY Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z., Jacota A. BREVET pentru soi de plantă (plant variety PATENT) MD 78 2010.10.31, MĂRAR (Anethum graveolens), soi AMBASADOR Nr. Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z. BREVET pentru soi de plantă (plant variety PATENT) MD 73 201007-31 LEVĂNŢICĂ (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) Moldoveanca-4 Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z. BREVET pentru soi de plantă (plant variety PATENT) MD74 201007-31 LEVĂNŢICĂ (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) Vis magic-10 Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z. BREVET pentru soi de plantă (plant variety PATENT) MD 75 201007-31 LEVĂNŢICĂ (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) Alba-7 Gonceariuc, M., Balmuş, Z., Cotelea L., Botnarenco, P., Maşcovţeva S., Butnaraş, V. BREVET pentru soi de plantă (plant variety PATENT) MD 133 2013.10.31 CORIANDRU (Coriandrum sativum L.) soi Aromat. IGPPP – A BRIEF INTRODUCTION IGPPP (INSTITUTE OF GENETICS, PHYSIOLOGY AND PLANT PROTECTION) is part of the ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF MOLDOVA The state-of-art instrumentation enables an interdisciplinary research in the subjects of life: The major source of funding is the state budget, specifically the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovations: Genetics and breeding, Plant Physiology and Plant Protection. The research is carried out in 15 institutional research projects, three international projects and technology transfer projects. Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Laboratory has a staff of 15 people: 2 PhD, including a professor, five doctors, and five scientists with doctorates, 3 of which now perfected PhD thesis, two researcher and a laboratory assistant. The researchers from above mentioned, are working in the field for creating and evaluating new genotypes of aromatic and medicinal plants, elaborating varieties and hybrids adapted to growing conditions in Moldova, efficient not only for productivity but also for the quality of raw material, essential oils etc due to high concentration of active principles and unique correlation of the components. In this laboratory is maintained, completed and studied a collection of medicinal and aromatic plants. Also, we created and homologated 32 varieties of aromatic and medicinal plants, 14 of which are patented. Annually all varieties and hybrids are reproduced. The laboratory performs scientific service, supply the producers with raw material, essential oils, concret with seeds and planting material, through suitable contracts. We are willing to collaborate and participate in a consortium formation. If our topic sounds interesting for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.