Art and Design - Monmouth University Library

Monmouth University
Faculty Publications
200 6
Compiled by the
Monmouth University Library
April 2007
Table of Contents
Accounting and Business Law…………………….2
Art and Design……………………………….…….2
Chemistry, Medical Technology and Physics……..4
Criminal Justice……………………………………5
Educational Leadership and Special Education…....5
Foreign Language Studies…………………………7
History and Anthropology…………………………7
Management and Marketing………………………10
Nursing and Health Studies………………………13
Political Science…………………………………..15
Psychological Counseling………………………...15
Social Work…………………………………….…17
Software Engineering………………...……….…..19
Bibliography compiled by Linda Silverstein, Systems Librarian, Monmouth University Library in
collaboration with Nicasia Ortiz, Monmouth University Student.
Accounting and Business Law
Yihong He
He, Y., & Kamath, R. (2006). Bankruptcy prediction of small firms in individual industries: An
empirical study of retail industry. Academy of Accounting Studies Journal, 10(2), 97110.
Art and Design
Anthony Inciong
Conference Proceedings
Inciong, A. (2006). Locating Resonance. In H. Schwartz (Ed.), Proceedings of the
Association Typographique Internationale, Available at
Jing Zhou
Zhou, J. (2006). Meditation. In B. Robinson (Ed.), The Distillery Magazine, XII(2), 16.
Zhou, J. (2006). Transience. In B. Robinson (Ed.), The Distillery Magazine, XII(2),
Zhou, J. (2006). Artless-Art {Ch’an Mind}. In P. Schranz (Ed.), Photo Techniques, JanFeb, 26.
Zhou, J. (2006). Wholeness. In K. Zimet (Ed.), The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, 15(4), 18.
Zhou, J. (2006). Eternity. In K. Zimet (Ed.), The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, 15(4), 19.
Zhou, J. (2006). Myth. In B. Treu (Ed.), Steam Ticket, 9, cover.
Zhou, J. (2006). Dream. In J.D. Vaughn (Ed.), Tar Wolf Review, A Journal of Poetry and
Art, 5, 18.
Zhou, J. (2006). Solitude. In J.D. Vaughn (Ed.), Tar Wolf Review, A Journal of Poetry
and Art, 5, 17.
Zhou, J. (2006). Flow. In J.D. Vaughn (Ed.), Tar Wolf Review, A Journal of Poetry and
Art, 5, cover.
Zhou, J. (2006). Internal. In S. Spong (Ed.), The William and Mary Review, 44, 57.
Dorothy Hutter
Hutter, D., Wayne, J., Sielski, J., Rizvi, A., & Georges, K. (2006). ERK regulation upon
contact inhibition in fibroblasts. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 286(1/2),
Michael Palladino
Palladino, M.A., Colavito, M.C. (Ed.) (2006). Gene therapy, San Francisco,
CA: Benjamin Cummings.
Conference Proceedings
Palladino, M.A., Pirlamarla, P.R., Hardy, M.P., Hales, D.B., Korah, H., and Hermo, L.
(2006). Expression of hypoxia-inducible-factor-1a in rat Leydig cells.
Biology of Reproduction, [Suppl.] 75:Abstr. 11, 73.
Palladino, M.A., Johnson, T.A., Chapman, J. (2006). Analysis of toll-like receptor
expression in he rat testis and epididymis following subcapsular delivery of
bacteria. ACM Abstracts, Abstr. E-047, 96.
Palladino, M.A., Johnson, T.A., Ojha, P., Chapman, J., Gupta, R. (2006). Abundant
expression of toll-like receptor family members in the rat testis and epididymis:
key regulators of innate immunity. Journal of Andrology, [Suppl.] 89, 74.
Chemistry, Medical Technology and Physics
Bradley J. Ingebrethsen
Ingebrethsen, B. J. (2006). Numerical simulation of the effects of dilution level, depth of
inhalation, and smoke composition on nicotine vapor deposition during smoking.
Inhalation Toxicology, 18(14), 1071-1076.
William Schreiber
Encyclopedia Entry
Schreiber, W.L. (2006). Perfumes. In Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical
Technology (5th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Available at .
Chad Dell
Dell, C. (2006). The revenge of hatpin Mary: Women, professional wrestling and fan
culture in the 1950s. New York: Peter Lang.
Donald Lombardi
Lombardi, D.N., Schermerhorn, J.R. (2006). Health Care Management. New York, N.Y.:
John Wiley & Sons.
Juyan Zhang
Zhang, J. (2006). Symbolic interactionism in public diplomacy. Public Relations Review,
32(1), 26-32.
Criminal Justice
Marie Mele
Mele, M. (2006). Victim/offender contact and repeat domestic violence victimization.
Journal of Crime and Justice, 29(2), 51-68.
Peter Liu
Book Chapter
Liu, P. (2006). Introduction. In C.Wei (Ed.). Classical Criminal Cases in the United
States (pp. 1-7). Bejing, China: China Legal Publishing House.
Educational Leadership and Special Education
Sylvia S. Martin
Martin, S. S. & Hurley, M. (2006). Problem-based learning: An environmental solution to
science literacy in at-risk youth. International Journal of Learning, 12(3), 277282.
Martin, S. S. (2006). Special education, technology, and teacher education. ForeSITE,
1(1), Available online at .
Conference Proceedings
Martin, S.S., & Crawford, C.M. (2006). The integration of assistive and adaptive
technologies into the learning environment: Enhancing preservice and inservice
teacher education through the professional development of faculty. In C.M.
Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and
Teacher Education International (pp. 4199-4204).
Martin, S.S. (2006). Technological knowledge: Restructuring a teacher preparation
program to support the education of children and youth with disabilities. In C.M.
Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and
Teacher Education International (pp. 4195-4198).
Tina Paone
Paone, T., Cates, J., & Packman, J. (2006). Effective parent consultation in play therapy.
The International Journal for Play Therapy, 15(1), 87-100.
Paone, T., Kongrith, K., Chaffin, A., Aberasturi, S., & Maddux, C. (2006) Writing for
publication in education journals. Computers in the Schools, 24,(1/2).
G, Oty Agabajoh-Laoye
Book Chapter
Agabajoh-Laoye, G.O. (2006). Lifting the yoke of tradition: African market women
diaspora. In K. Konadu-Agyemang, B.K. Takyi, & J.A. Arthur (Eds.), The New
African Diaspora in North America: Trends, Community Building and
Adaptation. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Kristin Bluemel
Encyclopedia Entry
Bluemel, K. (2006). Inez Holden. In F. Hammill, A. Sponenberg, & E. Miskimmin
(Eds.), Encyclopedia of British Women’s Writing, 1900-1950. (pp.112-113). New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bluemel, K. (2006). Betty Miller. In F. Hammill, A. Sponenberg, & E. Miskimmin
(Eds.), Encyclopedia of British Women’s Writing, 1900-1950. (pp. 164-165). New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Heide Estes
Book Chapter
Estes, H. (2006). Colonization and conversion in Cynewulf’s Elene. In C. E. Karkov &
N. Howe (Eds.), Conversion and Colonization in Anglo-Saxon England (pp. 133151). Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
Foreign Language Studies
Pricilla Gac-Artigas
Gac-Artigas, P. (2006). Hoja de Ruta: Cultura y Civilizacion de Latinoamerica,
2nd edition. Fair Haven, New Jersey: Academic Press ENE.
Book Edited
Gac-Artigas, P. (Ed.). (2006). Reflexiones, Ensayos Sobre Escritoras Hispanoamericanas
Contemporaneas, Madrid, Spain: S & S Editores.
History and Anthropology
Julius Adekunle
Book Chapter
Adekunle, J.O. (2006). Yoruba factor in Nigerian politics. In T. Falola and A. Genova
(Eds.), Yoruba Identity and Power Politics (pp. 273-296). Rochester, NY:
University of Rochester Press.
Mustafa Aksakal
Aksakal, M. (2006). Enver Paşa'nın Emrivakisi mi, Zorunluluk mu? Osmanlı'nın
I.Dünya Savaşı'na Giriş Kararı (Enver Pasha's Fait Accompli, or Necessity? The
Ottoman decision for war in 1914). Toplumsal Tarih (Social History), (153), 6669.
Christopher DeRosa
DeRosa, C. (2006). Political indoctrination in the U.S. Army from World War II to the
Vietnam War. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Brian Greenberg
Encyclopedia Entries
Greenberg, B. (2006). “Dennis Rivera,” “Moe Foner,” and “Service employees
international union”. In Encyclopedia of Labor and Working-Class History.
Philadelphia, PA: Routledge.
William Mitchell
Mitchell, W.P. (2006). Voices from the global margin: confronting poverty and inventing
new lives in the Andes. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Katherine J. Parkin
Parkin, K. J. (2006). Food is love: Food advertising and gender roles in modern
America. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Kenneth R. Stunkel
Stunkel, K.R. (2006). Vital standard and life economy: The economic thought of
Lewis Mumford. Journal of Economic Issues, 40(1), 113-133.
Ravindra N. Sharma
Book Edited
Sharma, R. N. (2006). The impact of technology on Asian, African, and Middle Eastern
library collections. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Book Reviews
Sharma, R. N. (2006). Sikh Identity. [Review of the book Sikh Identity: An Exploration
of Groups Among Sikhs]. Choice, 43(7), 1244.
Sharma, R. N. (2006). Encyclopedia of India. [Review of the book Encyclopedia of
India]. Choice, 43(11/12), 1972-1973.
Sharma, R. N. (2006). Historical Dictionary of India. [Review of the book Historical
Dictionary of India]. Choice, 44(4), 628.
Sharma, R. N. (2006). A Brief History of India. [Review of the book A Brief History of
India]. American Reference Books Annual, 37, entry 92.
Sharma, R. N. (2006). Libraries Beyond Their Institutions. [Review of the book Libraries
Beyond Their Institutions: Partnerships That Work]. American Reference Books
Annual, 37, entry 645.
Sharma, R. N. (2006). Managing Budgets and Finances. [Review of the book Managing
Budgets and Finances: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians and Information
Professionals]. American Reference Books Annual, 37, entry 639.
Sharma, R. N. (2006). E-Journals. [Review of the book E-Journals: A How-To-Do-It
Manual for Building Managing, and Supporting Electronic Journal Collections].
American Reference Books Annual, 37, entry 641.
Sharma, R. N. (2006). India. [Review of the book India]. American Reference Books
Annual, 36, entry 401.
Management and Marketing
Gwendolyn Alexis
Alexis, G.Y., Nass, L., Paul, D.P., Crocker, M.C. (2006). Coming to America: Guidelines
and suggestions for a European medical device company wishing to enter the US
market. Journal of Medical Marketing, 6(3), 172-187.
Conference Proceedings
Alexis, G.Y. (2006, November). Sovereign no more: Global bullying, its benefits and
burdens. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Global
Business, Newport Beach, CA.
Alexis, G.Y. (2006, September). Making offshore labor practices In-House business:
The Sarbanes-Oxley incentive for activist corporate boards. Paper presented at
the Third Conference on International Corporate Responsibility, Hong Kong,
Alexis, G.Y. (2006, July). From rights to responsibilities: Justice principles and
corresponding communitarian values. Paper presented at the 18th Annual
Meeting on Socio-Economics, SASE, Trier, Germany.
Alexis, G.Y. (2006, August). No hiding place: Transnational posses and global
accountability. Paper presented at the Annual American Sociological
Association Conference, Quebec, Canada.
Alexis, G.Y. (2006, July). From pro-forma to pro-active: Foreign sweatshops and
parent company liability under alien tort claims court. Paper presented at the
Business and Economics Society International Conference, Florence, Italy.
Nahid Aslanbeigui
Aslanbeigui, N., Oakes, G. (2006). Joan Robinson’s “Secret Document”: A passage from
the autobiography of an analytical economist. Journal of the History of Economic
Thought, 28(4), 413-426.
Joe Mosca
Mosca, J., Paul, D., & Skiba, M. (2006). Technology increases students’ attention.
Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 3(8), 7-13.
Conference Proceedings
Mosca, J., Paul, D., & Skiba, M. (2006). Technology increases students’ attention.
In R. Clute (Ed.), Association for Global Business College teaching and
Roy Nersesian
Nersesian, R. (2006). Energy for the 21st century: A comprehensive guide to conventional
and alternative sources. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
Guy Oakes
Oakes, G., & Aslanbeigui, N. (2006). Joan Robinson’s “Secret Document”: A passage
from the autobiography of an analytical economist. Journal of the History of
Economic Thought, 28(4), 413-426.
David Paul
Paul, D. P., Alexis, G.Y., Nass, L., Crocker, M.C. (2006). Coming to America:
Guidelines and suggestions for a European medical device company wishing to
enter the US market. Journal of Medical Marketing, 6(3), 172-187.
Paul, D., Mosca, J., & Skiba, M. (2006). Technology increases students’ attention.
Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 3(8), 7-13.
Conference Proceedings
Paul, D., Skiba, M., & Mosca, J. (2006). Technology increases students’ attention.
In R. Clute (Ed.), Association for Global Business College teaching and
Eugene Simko
Simko, E.S., & Paparella, M.S. (2006). Current Topics in Technology. Boston, MA:
Thompson Course Technology.
Michaeline Skiba
Skiba, M. (2006). Strategies for identifying and minimizing medication errors in health
care settings. The Health Care Manager, 25(1), 70-77.
Skiba, M., Mosca, J., & Paul, D. (2006). Technology increases students’ attention.
Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 3(8), 7-13.
Conference Proceedings
Skiba, M. (2006, October). Living in integrity: Thoughts from business executives about
technology, globalism, & politics in the workplace. Paper presented at the Sixth
Global Conference on Business and Economics, Cambridge, MA.
Skiba, M., Paul, D., & Mosca, J. (2006, January). Technology increases students’
attention. Paper presented at the Association for Global Business College
teaching and Learning Conference, Orlando, FL.
Skiba, M., Marshall, K.P. (2006, March). The value of progress: New market realities for
specialty pharmacy products. Paper presented at the Annual Business and Health
Administration Association (BHAA) Conference, Chicago, IL.
Charles Willow
Willow, C. C. (2006). Intelligent facility layout for information network system
infrastructure. International Journal of Taiwan Academy Business Management
Review, 2(2), 48-66.
Book Chapter
Willow, C.C. (2006). Mail server management with intelligent agents. In V. Sugumaran
(Ed.), Application of agents and intelligent information technologies (pp. 313335). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publication.
Conference Proceedings
Willow, C.C. (2006). A conceptual framework for agent-based information resource
management. In E. Sha, S. Han, C. Xu, M.H. Kim, L.T. Yang, and B. Xiao
(Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science IFIP International Conference on
Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing, 40956, (pp. 171-182).
Lynn Bodner
Bodner, L. B. (2006). Seville’s real Alcazar: Are all 17 planar crystallographic groups
represented here? Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science
Conference Proceedings, 175-180.
Nursing and Health Studies
Laura Jannone
Book Chapter
Jannone, L., Krivda, B., & Selekman, J. (2006). Pediculosis Infestation. In J. Selekman
(Ed.), School nursing: A comprehensive text (pp. 603-612). Philadelphia: F.A.
Janet Mahoney
Mahoney, J. (2006). Do you feel like you belong? An online versus face-to-face pilot
study. Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science, 14(1), 16-26.
Patricia R. Reineke
Reineke, P.R., Hayman, L.L. (2006). Promoting cardiovascular health in children and
adolescents. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 21(4), 269-275.
Sharon Stark
Stark, S. (2006). HIV after age 55. Nursing Clinics of North America, 41(3), 469-479.
Stark, S. (2006). The effects of master’s degree education on role choices, role flexibility
and practice settings of clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners. Journal
of Nursing Education, 45(1), 7-15.
Conference Proceedings
Stark, S. (2006, October). Why house calls? Another venue for nurse practitioner
expertise. Paper presented at the Annual National Gerontological Nurses
Association Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Stark, S. (2006, July). HIV among the elderly: Screening, education and support.
Paper presented at the 17th International Nursing Research Congress Conference,
Montreal, Canada.
Stark, S. (2006, April). Thyroid disorders among the elderly. Paper presented at the
Nurse Practitioner Associates for Continuing Education (NPACE) Annual
Conference, Orlando, FL.
Stark, S., & Troiano, M. (2006, June). STDs across the lifespan. Paper presented at the
American Annual Conference of Nurse Practitioners, Grapevine, TX.
Mary Ann Troiano
Conference Proceedings
Troiano, M., & Stark, S. (2006 June). STDs across the lifespan. Paper presented at the
American Annual Conference of Nurse Practitioners, Grapevine, TX.
Political Science
Louis Nappen
Book Chapter
Nappen, L.P. (2006). Most famous blades that never existed. In J. Kertzman (Ed.),
Knives 2007 (pp. 6-10). Iola, WI: Krause Publications.
Evan Nappen
Book Chapter
Nappen, E.F. (2006). Schooled in the ways of the willow bow smith. In J. Kertzman
(Ed.), Knives 2007 (pp. 42-46). Iola, WI: Krause Publications.
Psychological Counseling
George M. Kapalka
Kapalka, G. M. (2006). Willy Wonka, Charlie and company: Dahl’s portrayal of children.
PsycCritiques, 51(10).
Kapalka, G. M. (2006). How can we help teachers of young children utilize strategies that
encourage emotional, social and cognitive growth? PsycCritiques, 51(25).
Kapalka, G. M. (2006). Clinical child psychiatry: The search for the ultimate textbook
continues. PsycCritiques, 51(35).
Kapalka, G. M. (2006). Can music soothe the savage student? PsycCritiques, 51(43).
Kapalka, G. M. (2006). The definitive ADHD reference: Updated and expanded.
PsycCritiques, 51(50).
Conference Proceedings
Kapalka, G. M. , Keith, H., Madia, K., & Seiden, T. (2006, May). Relationship between
locus of control and attitudes toward gambling. In G. M. Kapalka. (Ed.),
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the New Jersey Counseling Association,
(pp. 67-80). Available at
Kapalka, G. M. , Clark, J., Morales-Marvel, I. S., & Vercoski, D. (2006, May).
Differences between undergraduate male and female students’ perception of
academic stress. In G. M. Kapalka. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference
of the New Jersey Counseling Association, (pp. 45-59). Available at
Kapalka, G. M. , Buskirk, J., Faigin, A., & White, S. (2006, May). Relationship between
body image and sexual attitudes in undergraduate college women. In G. M.
Kapalka. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the New Jersey
Counseling Association, (pp. 32-44). Available at
Kapalka, G. M. , Boud, C. S., Caruso, J. M., & Wessel, A. (2006, May). Relationship
between general self-efficacy and academic performance in community college
students. In G. M. Kapalka. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the
New Jersey Counseling Association, (pp. 15-30). Available at
Kapalka, G. M. , Amodeo, D., & Goulart, M. (2006, May). Relationship between
depression, compassion fatigue, and burnout in graduate nursing students. In G.
M. Kapalka. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the New Jersey
Counseling Association, (pp. 2-14). Available at
Edited Conference Proceedings
Kapalka, G.M. (Ed.). (2006, May). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the New
Jersey Counseling Association. Available at
Edited Journal Issue
Kapalka, G.M. (Ed.). (2006). New Jersey Journal of Professional Counseling,
Robyn Holmes
Holmes, R., Pellegrini, A.D., Schmidt, S.L. (2006). The effects of different recess timing
regimens on preschoolers’ classroom attention. Early Child Development and
Care, 176(7), 735-744.
Book Chapter
Holmes, R., Pellegrini, A.D. (2006). The role of recess in children’s cognitive
performance and school adjustment. In D.S. Singer, R.M. Golinkoff, and K.
Hirsh-Pasek (Eds.), Play = Learning: How Play Motivates and Enhances
Children's Cognitive and Social-Emotional Growth (pp. 36-53). New York, N.Y.:
Oxford University Press.
Social Work
Rosemary A. Barbera
Barbera, R. A. (2006). Understanding globalization through short-term international field
experiences. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 12(1), 287-302.
Conference Proceedings
Barbera, R. A., & Zúñiga, G. (2006, October). La fuerza de la memoria: Si estoy en tu
memoria, soy parte de la historia. Paper presented at the Congresso de Ética
Contemporánea y Memoria Histórica,Mexico City, Mexico.
Carolyn A. Bradley
Book Chapter
Bradley, C. A. (2006). Jack & Karen: A transgender story. In L. Messinger & D. F.
Morrow (Eds.), Case Studied on the Sexual Orientation & Gender Expression in
Social Work Practice (pp. 64-68). New York: Columbia University Press.
Conference Proceedings
Bradley, C.A., Mashi, T. (2006, November). Reducing research related anxiety among
social work students. Paper presented at the annual Baccalaureate Program
Directors (BPD) Conference, Austin, TX.
Bradley, C.A. (2006, November). Came to believe: Lesbians, spirituality & A.A. Paper
presented at the annual Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD) Conference,
Austin, TX.
Robin Mama
Book Chapter
Mama, R. (2006). Social work at the United Nations. In M. Cronin, R. Mama,
C. Mbugua, & E. Mouravieff-Apostol, Social work: making a world of difference
(pp. 209-224). Switzerland: International Federation of Social Workers.
Tina Maschi
Maschi, T., Hirschfield, P., White, H. R., Goldman-Traub, L., & Loeber, R. (2006).
Mental health and juvenile arrests: Criminality, criminization, or compassion.
Criminology, 44(3), 593-630.
Maschi, T. (2006). Unraveling the Link between Trauma and Male Delinquency: The
Cumulative Versus Differential Risk Perspectives. Social Work, 51(1), 59-70.
Maschi, T. (2006). Trauma and delinquent behavior among males: The moderating role
of social support. Stress, Trauma, and Crisis: An International Journal, 9(1), 4572.
Conference Proceedings
Mashi, T., Bradley, C.A. (2006, November). Reducing research related anxiety among
social work students. Paper presented at the annual Baccalaureate Program
Directors (BPD) Conference, Austin, TX.
Golam M. Mathbor
Mathbor, G. M. & Inaba, M. (2006). Cyclone preparedness program in coastal
Bangladesh: A social work perspective. Bulletin of Kyushu University, Japan,
1(June), 23-35.
Software Engineering
Robert Kelly
Conference Proceedings
Kelly, R., Landrigan, L., Milewski, A., & Wang, J. (2006). RFID-Based tag-along
displays for incident command system workflow management. In C. Lin (Ed.)
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
Kelly, R.M., Milewski, A., Wang, J., Landrigan, L. (2006). Migrating, tagalong displays
in the emergency management context. In CHI’06 International Conference.
Allen Milewski
Milewski, A. (2006). Interruption management and telephone call screening.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 20 (1), 19-33.
Book Chapter
Milewski, A. E., Aykin, N., & Honold Quaet-Faslem, P. (2006). Cultural ergonomics. In
G. Salvendy (Ed.), Handbook of Ergonomics, Third Edition (pp. 177-190). New
York: Wiley.
Conference Proceedings
Milewski, A. (2006, May). Incident command system workflow modeling and analysis:
A case study. Paper presented at the ISCRAM 2006 Conference, Newark, NJ.
Milewski, A, Tepfenhart, W., Wang, J., Stoute, M., & Rosca, D. (2006). Workflow
management tool support for incident command systems. In D. Liu (Ed.) IEEE
International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control, (pp. 703-709).
Milewski, A., Kelly, R., Landrigan, L., & Wang, J. (2006). RFID-Based tag-along
displays for incident command system workflow management. In C. Lin (Ed.)
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
Milewski, A., Wang, J., Kelly, R.M., Landrigan, L. (2006). Migrating, tagalong displays
in the emergency management context. In CHI’06 International Conference.
Maureen Paparella
Paparella, M.S., & Simko, E.S. (2006). Current Topics in Technology. Boston, MA:
Thompson Course Technology.
Daniela Rosca
Conference Proceedings
Rosca, D. (2006, May). Incident command system workflow modeling and analysis:
A case study. Paper presented at the ISCRAM 2006 Conference, Newark, NJ.
Rosca, D., Wang, J. (2006). Dynamic workflow modeling and verification.
In E. Dubois and K. Pohl (Eds.), Advanced Information Systems Engineering:
18th International Conference, CAISE 2006 I (pp. 303-318).
Rosca, D., Tepfenhart, W., Wang, J., Stoute, M., & Milewski, A. (2006). Workflow
management tool support for incident command systems. In D. Liu (Ed.) IEEE
International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control, (pp. 703-709).
Rosca, D., Tsai, A., Tepfenhart, W., Wang, J. (2006). EPC workflow model to WIFA
model conversion. In C. Lin (Ed.). IEEE International Conference on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics.
William Tepfenhart
Tepfenhart, W. (2006). TOPOFF 3 Comments and recommendations by members of New
Jersey universities consortium for homeland security research. Journal of
Emergency Management, 4(6), 41-51.
Conference Proceedings
Tepfenhart, W. (2006, May). Incident command system workflow modeling and analysis:
A case study. Paper presented at the ISCRAM 2006 Conference, Newark, NJ.
Tepfenhart, W., Wang, J., Stoute, M., Rosca, D., & Milewski, A. (2006). Workflow
management tool support for incident command systems. In D. Liu (Ed.) IEEE
International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control, (pp. 703-709).
Tepfenhart, W., Rosca, D., Tsai, A., Wang, J. (2006). EPC workflow model to WIFA
model conversion. In C. Lin (Ed.). IEEE International Conference on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics.
Jiacun Wang
Conference Proceedings
Wang, J. (2006, May). Incident command system workflow modeling and analysis:
A case study. Paper presented at the ISCRAM 2006 Conference, Newark, NJ.
Wang, J., Rosca, D. (2006). Dynamic workflow modeling and verification.
In E. Dubois and K. Pohl (Eds.), Advanced Information Systems Engineering:
18th International Conference, CAISE 2006 (pp. 303-318).
Wang, J., Stoute, M., Rosca, D. Tepfenhart, W., & Milewski, A. (2006). Workflow
management tool support for incident command systems. In D. Liu (Ed.) IEEE
International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control, (pp. 703-709).
Wang, J., Landrigan, L., Milewski, A., & Kelly, R. (2006). RFID-Based tag-along
displays for incident command system workflow management. In C. Lin (Ed.)
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
Wang, J., Tepfenhart, W., Rosca, D., Tsai, A., (2006). EPC workflow model to WIFA
model conversion. In C. Lin (Ed.). IEEE International Conference on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics.
Wang, J., Milewski, A., Kelly, R.M., Landrigan, L. (2006). Migrating, tagalong displays
in the emergency management context. In CHI’06 International Conference.