Curriculum Vitae - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters


JOSEPH A. DANE updated 09/10/15

Dept. of English

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, California 90089-0354

213-740-3750 (office)


1976-79 Columbia University Comparative Literature PhD (1979)

New York, New York

1975-76 Tulane University English MA (1976)

New Orleans, La.

1965-69 Bowdoin College English (major) BA (1969)

Brunswick, Maine Latin (minor)


1990-- Professor, English, Univ. of Southern California

1986-90 Associate Professor

1982-86 Assistant Professor

1981-82 Assistant Professor, English, Bowdoin College

1979-80 Assistant Professor, Modern Languages and Classics; Univ. of South Dakota

SERVICE (Univ. of So. Calif.): Undergraduate continuing student scholarship committee (2009-2011);

Non-resident Faculty Fellows Program (1988-93); Divisional Personnel Committee (1993-95);

Undergraduate studies (Comp. Lit., 1989-90); Graduate language qualifying exams, MA and PhD exams, dissertation committees (English, Classics, Comparative Literature, Linguistics, 1984--).

English: Library Liaison committee, 2008-09; Graduate studies (1986-90, 1992-95, 2000); Speakers' Series

(1993-95); Merit review (1988-90, 2001-03; 2010-11); Executive committee (1983-85, 1988-89); Search committees (1986-87, 1991, 1994); Undergraduate studies (1984, 1991, 2009); Undergraduate studies advisement


Referee/Reader: Huntington Library Press; Univ. of Georgia Press; Univ. of Michigan Press; Arizona St.

Univ. Press; Toronto Univ. Press; Studies in Bibliography; English Literary Renaissance; Studies in the Age of Chaucer; Papers of the Bibl. Soc. of America, Chaucer Review, National Endowment for the Humanities

Book Review Editor, editorial board: Huntington Library Quarterly (1997-2010)

Incunabula Short-Title Catalogue Contributor (1997-2004)

Rare Book School: summer 1990 (Columbia Univ.); summer 1996 (Univ. of Virginia); spring 1997

(Huntington Library)



General Education Teaching Award, 2014.

Phi Kappa Phi, Faculty Recognition Award (for Out of Sorts), 2012.

College Awards for Research ("The Letters of Henry Bradshaw and F. J. Furnivall") (1997; 1999);

Faculty Research and Innovation Fund ("The History of Textual Criticism in Relation to the

Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer") (1983)

National Endowment for the Humanities, research fellowship ("Studies in the History of Literary Parody")


Columbia University, Whiting fellowship (for dissertation) (1978-79)



Blind Impressions: Methods and Mythologies in Book History. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press


What is a Book?--The Study of Early Printed Books. Notre Dame: Notre Dame Univ. Press, 2011.

Out of Sorts: Typography and Print Culture. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.

The Long and the Short of It: A Guide to European Versification for Students of English Literature. Notre

Dame: Notre Dame Univ. Press, 2010.

Abstractions of Evidence in Early Book and Manuscript Studies. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009.

The Myth of Print Culture: Essays on Evidence, Textuality, and Bibliographical Method. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 2003.

Who is Buried in Chaucer's Tomb?--Studies in the Reception of Chaucer's Book. Medieval Texts and

Studies, 20. East Lansing: Michigan State Univ. Press, 1998.

The Critical Mythology of Irony. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1991.

Parody: Critical Concepts vs. Literary Practices, Aristophanes to Sterne. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma

Press, 1988.

Res/Verba: A Study in Medieval French Drama. Leiden: Brill, 1985.


Dogfish Memory: A Memoir. Woodstock, VT: Countryman Press, W. W. Norton, 2011.


"The Myth of the Cheap Quarto." (with Alexandra Gillespie). In Tudor Books and Readers, ed. by John

King. Cambridge Univ. Press 2009. Pp. 25-45.

"The Typographical Gothic: A Cautionary Note on the Title Page to Percy's Reliques of Ancient English

Poetry" (with Svetlana Djananova). Eighteenth-Century Life 29 (2005): 76-96.

"'Everlastinge to Posterytie': Chatterton's Spirited Youth" (with Margaret Russett). Modern Language

Quarterly 63 (2002): 141-65.

"The Calculus of Calculus: W. W. Greg and the Mathematics of Everyman Editions" (with Rosemary A.

Roberts). Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 117-28.

"Back at Chaucer's Tomb: Evidence from Two Early Copies of Chaucer's Workes" (with Alexandra

Gillespie). Studies in Bibliography 52 (1999): 89-96.

"Press-Variants in John Stow's Chaucer (1561) and the Text of Adam Scriveyn" (with Seth Lerer).

Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 11 (1999): 468-79.

"The Denigration of John Lydgate: Implications of Printing History" (with Irene Beesemyer). English

Studies 81 (2000): 117-26.

"An Unrecorded South German Incunable at the Huntington with a Note on the Type (97mm/M44)" (with

Thomas V. Lange). Huntington Library Quarterly 60 (1999): 470-74.

Bibliographical Note, to H. C. Schulz, The Ellesmere Manuscript of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. San

Marino: Huntington Library Press, 1966; rev. 1998. Pp. 57-64.

"Introduction: What is a Text?" (with Seth Lerer). Reading from the Margins: Textual Studies, Chaucer, and Medieval Literature, ed. Seth Lerer (HLQ 58). San Marino: Huntington Library Press, 1996. Pp. 1-10.

Articles and Notes:

"An Early Red-Printed Correction Sheet in the Huntington Library." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America (forthcoming, 2016).

" Bibliographical Note on George Wilkins, [Author] of the Pericles." Notes and Queries 57 (2010): 401-3.

"Toward a Description of Chaucer's Verse Forms." Studia Neophilologica 81 (2009): 45-52.

"Seized, Burnt, and Variant: Bibliographical Note on Nathaniel Bacon, An Historicall Discourse of the

Uniformity of the Government of England [1672]." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 102

(2008): 95-102.

"Herman R. Mead's Incunabula in the Huntington Library and the Notion of 'Typographical Value'."

Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand 28 (2004): 24-40.

"Parody"; "Pun." In Encyclopedia of British Literature. Ed. David S. Kastan. Oxford: Oxford Univ.

Press, 2006.

"Linear Perspective and the Obliquities of Reception." In Visions and Voices: Essays on Medieval Culture and Literature in Honor of Robert W. Hanning. Ed. Sandra Pierson Prior and Robert M. Stein. Notre

Dame Univ. Press, 2005. Pp. 428-53.

"Parody, Irony, and the Search for Books of Mass Destruction." Texte: Revue de Critique de Théorie

Littéraire 35/36 (2004): 1009-17.

"'Wanting the First Blank': The Frontispiece to the Huntington Library Copy of Caxton's Recuyell of the

Historyes of Troye." In Manuscript, Print, and Early Tudor Literature, ed. Alexandra Gillespie. Special issue, Huntington Library Quarterly, 67 (2004): 315-25.

"In Search of Stow's Chaucer." In John Stow (1525-1605) and the Making of the English Past: Studies in

Early Modern Culture and the History of the Book. Ed. Ian Gadd and Alexandra Gillespie. London: British

Library, 2004. Pp. 145-55.

"The Wife of Bath's Shipman's Tale and the Invention of Chaucerian Fabliaux." Modern Language Review

99 (2004): 287-300.

"Note on Some Fifteenth-Century Types of Johannes Koelhoff." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of

America 97 (2003): 167-82.

"The Bibliographical Discontents of Dei Libri's 1492 Historie fiorentine." La Bibliofilia: Rivista di Storia del Libro e di Bibliografia, 104 (2002): 113-21.

"A Shadow Edition in Ratdolt's 1484 Ptolemaeus." Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2002. Pp. 90-93.

"The Huntington Blockbook Apocalypse (Schreiber, IV/V), with a Note on Terminology." Printing History

42 (2001): 3-15.

Ars moriendi [Netherlands, 1465]; Boccaccio, De la ruyne des nobles hommes et femmes (Bruges: Colard

Mansion, 1476); Chaucer, Canterbury Tales [Westminster: Caxton, 1477]. In The World from Here:

Treasures of the Great Libraries of Los Angeles, ed. Cynthia Burlingham and Bruce Whiteman. Los

Angeles: University of California, 2001. Entries #44, 47, 48, pp. 110-15.

"L'histoire de l'ironie comme problème de bibliographie descriptive." In Pierre Schoentjes. Poétique de l'ironie. Collection Points. Paris: Seuil, 2001. Pp. 309-17. ("The History of Irony as a Problem in

Descriptive Bibliography," tr. P. Schoentjes).

"Note on Two Presumed Editions of Bartholomaeus Metlinger, Regiment der Kindheit (Augsburg: Johann

Schaur, 1497 and 1500)." Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2001. Pp. 165-67.

"Additional Incunables of Johannes Protzer in the Huntington Library." Papers of the Bibliographical

Society of America 95 (2001): 349-53.

"'Si vis archetypas habere nugas': Authorial Subscriptions in Politian, Miscellanea (1489)." Harvard

Library Bulletin 10 (1999): 12-22.

"Note on the Huntington Library and Pierpont Morgan Library Fragments of Donatus, Ars minor

(Rudimenta grammatices) (GW 8995, GW 8996)." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 94

(2000): 275-82.

"An Example of Netherlands Prototypography at the Huntington." Huntington Library Quarterly 61 (1999):


"Tyl Mercurius house he flye: Early Printed Texts and Critical Readings of the Squire's Tale." Chaucer

Review 34 (2000): 309-16.

"On Metrical Confusion and Consensus in Early Editions of Terence." Humanistica Lovaniensia 48 (1999):


"A Tale of Two Title Pages: The 1542 Chaucer (STC 5069, STC 5070)." The Book Collector 48 (1999):


"Two-Color Printing in the Fifteenth Century as Evidenced by Incunables at the Huntington Library."

Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1999. Pp. 131-145.

"A Ghostly Twin Terence (Venice, 21 July 1475; IGI 9422, 9423)." The Library ser. 6, 21 (1999): 99-107.

"Page Layout and Textual Autonomy in Harley MS 2253: Lenten ys come with loue to toune." Medium

Aevum 68 (1999): 32-41.

"Fists and Filiations in Early Chaucer Folios (1532-1602)." Studies in Bibliography 51 (1998): 48-62.

"On the Instability of Vessels and Narratives: A Nautical Perspective on the Sinking of the Don Juan."

Keats-Shelley Journal 47 (1998): 63-86.

"The Chaucerian Reception of Henry Bradshaw." Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und

Literaturen 235 (1998): 68-84.

"Note on American Fragments of Grammatical Texts from the Oxford Press of Theodoric Rood (STC 315 and 695)." The Library ser. 6, 20 (1998): 59-61.

"Chaucer at the Clark." Center & Clark Newsletter 29 (Spring 1997): 1-3.

"The Curse of the Mummy Paper." Printing History 34 (1995): 18-25.

"On the Shadowy Existence of the Medieval Pricking Wheel." Scriptorium 50 (1996): 13-21.

"Queynte: Some Rime and Some Reason on a Chaucer[ian] Pun." Journal of English and Germanic

Philology 95 (1996): 504-21.

"Perfect Order and Perfected Order: The Evidence from Press Variants of Early Seventeenth-Century

Quartos." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 90 (1996): 272-320.

"Bibliographical History versus Bibliographical Evidence: The Plowman's Tale and Early Chaucer

Editions." Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 78 (1996): 47-61.

"'Which is the Iustice, which is the theef': Variants of Transposition in the Text(s) of King Lear." Notes and Queries 42 (1995): 322-27.

"On 'Correctness': A Note on Some Press Variants in Thynne's 1532 Edition of Chaucer." The Library ser.

6, 17 (1995): 156-67.

"'Ideal Copy' versus 'Ideal Texts': The Application of Bibliographical Description to Facsimiles." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 33 (1995): 31-50.

"Who is Buried in Chaucer's Tomb?--Prolegomena." Huntington Library Quarterly 57 (1994): 98-123.

"The Syntaxis Recepta of Chaucer's Prologue to the Miller's Tale, lines 3159-61." English Language Notes

31 (1994): 10-19.

"The Lure of Oral Theory in Medieval Criticism: From Edited 'Text' to Critical 'Work'." TEXT 7 (1994):


"The Presumed Influence of Skeat's Student's Chaucer on Manly and Rickert's Text of the Canterbury

Tales." Analytical and Enumerative Bibliography 7 (1993): 18-27.

"The Notions of Text and Variant in the Prologue to Chaucer's Legend of Good Women." Papers of the

Bibliographical Society of America 84 (1993): 65-80.

"The Notion of Ring Composition in Classical and Medieval Studies: A Comment on Critical Method and

Illusion." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 94 (1993): 61-67.

"Mulier est hominis confusio: Note on Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale, line 3164." Notes and Queries 39

(1992): 276-78.

"Copy-Text and Its Variants in Some Recent Chaucer Editions." Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 163-83.

"Double Truth in Chaucer's Franklin's Tale." Studia Neophilologica (1990): 1-7.

"The Prioress and Her Romanzen." Chaucer Review 23 (1990): 219-22.

"The Reception of Chaucer's Eighteenth-Century Editors." TEXT 4 (1989): 217-36.

"Inquisitorial Hermeneutics: The Manual of Bernard Gui." Tenso 4 (1989): 59-76.

"The Myth of Chaucerian Irony." Papers on Language & Literature 24 (1988): 115-33.

"The Defense of the Incompetent Reader." Comparative Literature 38 (1986): 53-72.

"Genre and Authority: The Eighteenth-Century Creation of Chaucerian Burlesque." Huntington Library

Quarterly 48 (1985): 345-62.

"The Pardoner's 'Baskettes' (Canterbury Tales, lines 444-46)." Notes and Queries 32 (1985): 155-56.

"Parody and Satire in the Literature of Thirteenth-Century Arras." 2 parts. Studies in Philology 81 (1984):

1-27, 119-44.

"Aristophanic Parody: Thesmophoriazusae and the Three-Actor Rule." Theatre Journal 36 (1984): 75-84.

"On Folce Getheon: Note on the Old English Maxims II, lines 43-45." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 85

(1984): 61-64.

"Clerical Propaganda in the Anglo-Norman Representacio Ade (Mystère d'Adam)." Philological Quarterly

62 (1983): 241-51. Reprint: Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, ed. Jelena O. Krstovic. Vol. 4

(Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1991).

"Medieval Drama." In European Writers: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. W. T. H. Jackson, 2 vols. (New York: Scribners, 1983), vol. 1: Prudentius to Medieval Drama. Pp. 451-74.

"Finnsburh and Iliad IX: A Greek Survival of the Medieval Germanic Oral-Formulaic Theme, The Hero on the Beach." Neophilologus 66 (1982): 443-49.

"MS, Text, Allusion: The Critical Description of Medieval Drama with Particular Reference to the

Innsbruck Easterplay (1391)." Germanic Review 57 (1982): 157-62.

"Sappho Fr. 16: An Analysis." Eos 69 (1981): 185-92.

"Chaucer's Eagle's Ovid's Phäethon: A Study in Literary Reception." Journal of Medieval and Renaissance

Studies 11 (1981): 71-82.

"Mythic Parody in Jean Bodel's Jeu de Saint Nicolas." Romance Notes 22 (1981): 119-23.

"The Three Estates and Other Medieval Trinities." Florilegium 3 (1981): 283-309.

"If I (arma virumque) kan: Note on Chaucer's House of Fame, line 143." American Notes and Queries 19

(1981): 134-36.

"Linguistic Trumpery: Notes on a French Sottie (Recueil Trepperel, no. 10)." Romanic Review 71 (1980):


"The Mechanics of Comedy in Chaucer's Miller's Tale." Chaucer Review 14 (1980): 215-22.

"Chaucer's House of Fame and the Rota Virgilii." Classical and Modern Literature 1 (1980): 57-75.

"The Structure of the Old English Solomon and Saturn II." Neophilologus 65 (1980): 592-603.

"Parody and Satire: A Theoretical Model." Genre 13 (1980): 145-59.

"Potestas/potentia: Note on Boethius' De Consolatione Philosophiae." Vivarium 17 (1979): 81-89.

"The Ovids of Ben Jonson in Poetaster and in Epicoene." Comparative Drama 13 (1979): 222-34. Rpt.

Drama in the Renaissance: Comparative and Critical Essays, ed. Clifford Davidson, C. J. Gianakaris, and

John H. Stroupe (New York: AMS, 1986), pp. 103-15.

"The Aesthetics of Myth in the Redentin Easterplay." Germanic Review 53 (1978): 88-95.

"Integumentum as Interpretation: Note on William of Conches' Commentary on Macrobius (I, 2, 10-11)."

Classical Folia 32 (1978): 201-15.

"The Pictorial Syntax of the Millstatt Genesis." Studies in Iconography 4 (1978): 23-36.

Reviews and Review Articles:

Roger Chartier. The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind. Tr. Lydia D. Cochrane. Cambridge: Polity

Press, 2014.

American Historical Review (2014)

Arthur Bahr, Fragments and Assemblages: Forming Compilations of Medieval London (Chicago: Univ. of

Chicago Press, 2013).

Studies in the Age of Chaucer (2014).

Orietta Da Rold and Elaine Treharne, eds. Textual Cultures: Cultural Texts. English Association, Essays and Studies 2010. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2010.

Journal of English and Germanic Philology 112 (2013): 115-17.

Daniel Wakelin, Humanism, Reading, and English Literature 1430-1530 (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press,


Modern Philology (2009).

William Kuskin, ed., Caxton's Trace: Studies in the History of English Printing (Univ. of Notre Dame

Press, 2006).

Speculum 82 (2007): 204-6.

Charlotte Brewer, Editing Piers Plowman: The Evolution of the Text (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996)

Envoi 8 (1999): 30-35.

Adrian Johns, The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making (Univ. of Chicago, 1998)

TEXT 12 (1999): 244-49.

D. C. Greetham, ed., Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research (MLA, 1995)

The Library Quarterly 67 (1997): 206-8.

Janet Cowen and George Kane, editors, Geoffrey Chaucer: The Legend of Good Women (Colleagues

Press, 1995)

Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 18 (1996): 200-5.

M. B. Parkes, Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West (Univ. of

California, 1993)

Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism (1995): 115-21.

"The Importance of Importance"; rev. Elaine Tuttle Hansen, Chaucer and the Fictions of Gender (Univ. of

California, 1992); John H. Fisher, The Importance of Chaucer (Southern Illinois, 1992); "Chaucer

Cluster," PMLA 107 (1992): 1139-80.

Huntington Library Quarterly 56 (1993): 307-17.

"An Overview of Directions in Contemporary Criticism of Parody."

Quarterly Review of Film and Video 12 (1990): 125-29.

Baker, Donald C., ed., Chaucer: The Squire's Tale (Univ. of Oklahoma, 1990)

Envoi: A Review Journal of Medieval Literature 2 (1990): 292-99.

Betsy Bowden, Chaucer Aloud: The Varieties of Textual Interpretation (Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1987)

Sylvia Huot, From Song to Book: The Poetics of Writing in Old French Lyric and Lyrical Narrative Poetry

(Cornell, 1987)

A. J. Minnis, Medieval Theory of Authorship: Scholastic Literary Attitudes in the Later Middle Ages (2 ed., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1988).

Ruggiers, Paul G., et al. A Variorum Edition of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. (Univ. of Oklahoma,


Envoi: A Review Journal of Medieval Literature 1 (1988): 289-95, 324-30, 439-41.

Susan Crane, Insular Romance: Politics, Faith, and Culture in Anglo-Norman and Middle English

Literature (Univ. of California, 1986).

Romance Philology 42 (1989): 381-84.

H. Braet, et al., ed., The Theatre in the Middle Ages (Leuven, 1985).

Romance Philology 42 (1988): 113-17.

Eugene Vance, Mervelous Signals: Poetics and Sign Theory in the Middle Ages (Univ. of Nebraska, 1986).

Huntington Library Quarterly 50 (1987): 162-64.

"The Fiction of the Idea"; rev. Jesse M. Gellrich, The Idea of the Book in the Middle Ages ... (Cornell,


University of Toronto Quarterly 56 (1986/87): 365-67.

"On Greatness in Editing"; rev. Paul G. Ruggiers, ed., Editing Chaucer: The Great Tradition (Univ. of

Oklahoma, 1984).

Huntington Library Quarterly 48 (1985): 172-79.


"Why Work? Bibliographers of the Mind." Invited speaker, School of Library and Information Studies.

Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. Nov. 2011

"Print Culture Mythology and Some Fifteenth-Century Printing Types."

Early Modern Studies Institute, Univ. of Southern California. April 2009.

"What is a Book?" Stanford Humanities Center. 7 Nov. 2003.

Conference Papers: MLA Convention (Houston, 1980; New York, 1981; 1983; Washington, 1984, New

York, 1986; San Francisco, 1987; New Orleans, 1988); International Congress on Medieval Studies,

Kalamazoo (1983-86, 1988); Medieval Association of the Pacific (Seattle, 1984; Stanford, 1986; Los

Angeles, 1989; Berkeley, 1995); South Central MLA Convention (New Orleans, 1986); Philological Assoc. of the Pacific Coast (Santa Barbara, 1983; Portland, 1988); Clark Library (1985); Symposium on Narrative,

Song, and Sage (Claremont Grad. School, 1992); Conf. on Orality and Literacy (New York, Barnard

College, 1988); New Chaucer Society (Canterbury, 1990; Los Angeles, 1996).


"Late June." Penumbra 1 (1979): 8.

"Railroad Ties." South Dakota Review 18 (1980): 23.

"Scholion: A Contemporary Epic." Kennebec: A Portfolio of

Maine Writing 6 (1982): [10].

"Prof. Greg, Father of Modern Bibliography, Prepares for Winter

Break"; "Secured for Evening." Pine Island Journal of New

England Poetry 3 (2001): 30-31, 36.

"Charles Vivian, Sailor, on the Last Words of Shelley."

Ciderpress Review (2002).

"On my Lover Asleep, Muttering his Name."

"Fog-Bound for Metinic."

Pegasus (2002).

"Book Signing." Callaloo 28 (2005): 375-6.

"At Home on a Secular Holiday." Prism Review (2011).

"The Instrument Maker." With The Industrial Jazz Group. Barnsdall Theatre. Hollywood, 21 April 2006.

HONORS THESES (undergrad): C. Coyne (2011); S. Cook (2009); S. Fusco (2008); J. Baxter, J.

Patterson, K. Eldredge, J. Herrick, N. Pace (reader); J. Herrick


English: T. de Vroom (1983--); Cl. Simmons (1985); J. Edlund (1987); D. Ramsey, L. Foster, G. Burton, J.

Lares, Szu Wei, D. Morse, K. Blanco (chair, 1994), J. Wheeler, K. Forni (chair, 1995); L. Sanders (chair

1998), V. Pearson (chair 1998), T. Rizkallah (chair, 1998), L. Scavuzzo Wheeler (co-chair 1998); J.

Gerzanics, O. Vaz, V. Aggarwal, C. Irwin (2002), J. Oguma (chair 2002), A. Durkin (chair 2004); S. Clark

(2010); J. Burcar, A. Srinivasan, T. Johnson (2011), G. Kaplan (2013); Linguistics: L. Thornberg (1985),

T. Schanklin. Comp.Lit.: D. Terkla (chair), D. Egan; Classics: W. Wehrle (1990); Computer Science: R.

Swanson (2010); Neurobiology: M. Chou, X. Xu (2010-12)

Current: English: M. Farley (chair); J. Smith (chair); T. Winningham

LEGAL CONSULTING: Flynt v. Falwell (1987); Lyons Partnership, L.P. v. Ted Giannoulas d/b/a/ The

Famous Chicken and TFC, Inc. (Barney vs. The Famous Chicken) (1998).
