THEMED SCIENTIFIC MEETING GRANT The Society wants to support the best new science by funding short, focussed, scientific meetings. Typically we would expect a 1-2 day format meeting, with a single theme, comprising presentations from established and emerging investigators. We would encourage representation of women and underrepresented minorities in the faculty. As an explicit aim is to encourage community building we would like to see free communications by poster, accompanied by a networking lunch. Poster prizes are often an effective way to encourage emerging investigators. We would envisage the meetings being hosted within the organiser’s host institution, and with every effort made to minimise overheads. We would require a registration fee to be levied, but SFE members can, of course, apply for a conference grant to cover this, and travel/accommodation. The application should focus on explaining the scientific topics to be addressed, an outline schedule with potential speakers, and likely venue. We would be happy to consider co-funding meetings with other academic societies but not supporting an existing meeting series. Such co-funded applications would require pro-rata contribution, and accreditation. Terms and conditions: One grant is available per calendar year The Society will fund one-off events only and not a regular series of events or repeat events The meeting is to be known as [Title of meeting] A Society for Endocrinology Themed Scientific Meeting The meeting must take place no more than 18 months after the application is accepted No funding will be provided to existing meetings The organiser is responsible for all aspects of the organisation and running of the event Applicants should be members of 1 year’s standing or more at the time of application. The Clinical and Science Committees, Endocrine Networks and Society journal editorial boards are encouraged to submit proposals All meetings materials will recognise Society support and endorsement. The applicant will provide a report in a standard format and suitable for publication in The Endocrinologist no later than one month after the meeting The Society expects to see accumulated invoices related to meeting expenditure within 2 months of the meeting close date. The Society undertakes to: - Publicise the event to Scientist-in-Training, Clinician-in-Training and Full Members - Send Society promotional literature normally a week in advance of the event. Occasionally we may send a staff member who may wish to address delegates - Provide the organiser with the Society logo. Further information: Applications for Travel Grants will be considered. These should be made at the appropriate Travel Grant deadlines of 15 March, 15 July and 15 December; the usual eligibility criteria for these grants apply. Details can be found at *Keynote speakers may be approached to submit a review to one of the Society’s journals. Consideration should be given as to the suitability of coupling the topic to a themed issue of one of the following journals: Journal of Endocrinology, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, Endocrine-Related Cancer, Clinical Endocrinology or Endocrine Connections. Organisers are encouraged to seek external sponsorship to reduce the registration fee to a minimum. Applications will be considered by the Society’s Officers on the basis of scientific excellence, balance of speakers, benefit to members and strategic priorities. The decision is final and not subject to appeal. Value: Up to £10,000 per grant Grant deadline: 31 May ___________________________________________________________ THEMED SCIENTIFIC MEETING GRANT - SECTION 1: Applicant details Name of applicant (block letters) ..................................................................................................................... Name of Department ........................................................................................................................................ Name and address of Institution ...................................................................................................................... Work email address ......................................................................................................................................... Work telephone number ................................................................................................................................... SECTION 2: Event details Event title .......................................................................................................................................................... Proposed timing of event + specific dates if known ......................................................................................... Suggested venue or venue specifics if known .................................................................................................. Number of expected delegates ......................................................................................................................... Details of application (max ¾ of a side of A4) Outline of proposed scientific programme (max ¾ of a side of A4) to include: Working title, and outline of theme. Potential speakers, and topics to be covered. Balance of invited speakers, and those selected from submitted abstracts Poster session/networking lunch provision Any co-funding or sponsorship opportunities Summary of costs (no more than 20% of total amount should be allocated to catering costs): Budget – approximate costs (if known): 1) Venue hire ....................................................................................................... 2) Speakers’ travel .............................................................................................. 3) Speakers’ accommodation ............................................................................. 4) Catering........................................................................................................... 5) Cost of social event ......................................................................................... TOTAL COSTS .................................................................................................................................................. Details of any other funding or local sponsorship relating to this meeting: Company/Institution: Amount of expected sponsorship/support £: ............................................................................. ............................................................................ ............................................................................. ............................................................................ ............................................................................. ............................................................................ Details of all Society and other grants awarded in the last 2 years ................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... Address to which Society promotional literature should be delivered .............................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................... Institutional account to which grant payment should be made ........................................................................ Applicant’s signature ......................................................................................................................................... Please submit your application electronically to Office use only: Date received: Form complete (yes/no) Institute of Higher Education HOD signature Yes/no Subs paid (year): Member from (mm/yy):