Code of Conduct

Manvel High School
Code of Conduct
The philosophy of the Manvel Maverick Volleyball Program is to provide the best opportunity
for the student-athlete to excel in academics, team work, sportsmanship, self-discipline and
character. The program promotes challenge, leadership, initiative, integrity, respect, and
competition. These values will help ensure success on the court, in the classroom, and in life.
Participating in athletics is a privilege, not a right. The student-athlete will be held accountable
for their behavior on and off the court, as well as in the community.
In order to run effective practices and prepare for games, it is crucial that the coaching staff is
aware of all absences each day. Please contact Coach Paulk of all absences by 12:00 p.m. on the
day of the absence. Coach Paulk can be reached by phone at 281-245-2172 or by email at
Excused Absences
Excused Absence from Practice- An excused absence is one of which the coach has been
notified of and approved. Notification must be made in advance by the parent or absent student
via email or phone by 12:00 p.m. Do not send word with another student. An excused absence
may reflect in playing time. Make-up conditioning will take place at the following practice at
the coaches’ discretion.
Excused Absence from Game- An excused absence is one of which the coach has been notified
of and approved. Notification must be made in advance by the parent or absent student via
email or phone. Do not send word with another student. An excused absence may reflect in
playing time. Make-up conditioning will take place at the following practice at the coaches’
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused Absence from Practice & Game- An unexcused absence is any absence that has not
been approved by the coaching staff.
1st offense- The player will be suspended from the team until a meeting with the coach,
player, and parent/guardian is held to determine the consequence.
2nd offense- The player may be removed from the program.
Unsportsmanlike and/or Insubordinate Conduct
1st offense- The player will be suspended from the team until a meeting with the coach,
player, and parent/guardian is held to determine the consequence; consequences could
range from practice/game suspension to expulsion from the program.
2nd offense- The player may be removed from the program.
D-Hall or ISS related to tardiness and/or dress code
1st offense- Extra conditioning at practice determined by the coach
2nd offense- Suspension from a game and extra conditioning at practice determined by the
3rd offense- Suspension from the program until a meeting can be held by the coach,
player, and parent/guardian; consequence may be expulsion from the program.
D-Hall or ISS related to disciplinary actions
**The number of games of suspension will depend on the severity of the infraction**
1st offense- Suspension from a game and extra conditioning at practice determined by the
2nd offense- Suspension from the program until a meeting can be held by the coach,
player, and parent/guardian; consequence may be expulsion from the program.
Infractions causing police action unrelated to school activities
Suspension from the program until a meeting can be held by the coach, player, and
parent/guardian; consequence may be expulsion from the program.
If any situation arises that is not covered above, the coaches reserve the right to handle the
situation and enforce disciplinary action as they see fit. Follow all school and district rules.
*Please make note that disciplinary actions and consequences will be in effect for the entire
school year (both in-season and off-season). Athletes will he held accountable.
Playing Time
It is the responsibility of the coach to determine a player’s role, positions assigned, and the
amount of playing time in competition. Playing time can be determined by many factors: skill
level, game situations, safety precautions, disciplinary action, attendance, attitude, and work
ethic. Only the player may meet with coaches about playing time.
Academic Regulations
High academic standards are expected. There will be a mandatory study hall every game day.
The girls will only be allowed do homework, study, or attend tutorials. Progress reports and
report cards will be checked every grading period. The girls will be accountable for
maintaining a 70 or higher average both at progress report time and report card time. If
someone does not maintain this average, disciplinary action will be enforced to the coaches’
A player will be removed from the program if she is academically ineligible for more than one
six weeks. Academics will take priority. The coaching staff does reserve the right to waive
these standards one time if an extraordinary and/or emergency situation has directly impacted
the student-athlete’s ability to perform academically.
Alvin ISD will now be using a 9-week grading period. Every 9 weeks is when report cards will
be sent out. However UIL eligibility will be based on students’ grade every 6 weeks just as
before; which makes it now even more imperative that students stay on top of their grades at all
Student/Coach Communication
Players: when you first have a question or concern, contact your coach as a first step to problem
solving. If we cannot solve the problem, we will then consult with parents, administrators, etc.
as the situation demands.
Parent/Coach Communication
If a question or concern arises, please contact the coaching staff by email or phone 24 hours
after the situation occurred. Please do not approach us at or after a game. We ask that the
player be present for all meetings. Conferences will be held by appointment. We would also
appreciate that you go through the correct chain of command for any questions.
Player Practice and Game Expectations
 Be on time. All equipment and gear must be in place before the set practice/warm-up time.
Athletes will be held accountable for being late due to an unexcused tardy/absence;
consequences at the coaches’ discretion.
 Be dressed in full practice/game uniform. Everyone will look the same. Individual preferences
will not be permitted. No jewelry of any kind will be permitted.
 Be enthusiastic and energetic at all times
***Hustle at all times***Always encourage your teammates***Overcome fatigue
 Be respectful at all times. When a coach/referee speaks to you, make eye contact. Always
respond “yes ma’am/sir” or “no ma’am/sir”. Never address a referee about his or her
decision/call. Only the captain can address the referee.
 Speak positively of all fellow teammates and coaches at all times.
 Act with class and remember you are representing Manvel Volleyball and Alvin ISD. Athletes
are leaders of the school.
 Stay focused on the game and practice. No horse play or outside conversation will be tolerated.
Do not respond to anyone in the stands. You may be asked to leave practice or the game.
 All girls will be expected to make smart food choices throughout the season. This is only for the
benefit of the girls so they will be able to perform at the maximum levels that we expect.
 All practices are closed.
 When not playing, each team is required to sit in the stands together and cheer the other teams
until the conclusion of the last match of the day at all games, tournaments, etc. Exceptions
must be approved in advance through the head coach and Principal.
 Immediately following home games, all JV and Freshmen girls will tear down and clean up the
main gym. Athletes are not to leave until dismissed by a coach.
 All players are required to put on their warm-up pants/tempo shorts and shirts at the conclusion
of their match and practices. No athlete will be allowed to walk around in their spandex.
 Any personal items that belong to the athlete or Manvel High School should be collected before
departing from school or the game sight. Any item that is left behind will result in a player or
team consequence.
 Cell phones must be turned off at all practices and games. Players may use the cell phone for
emergency situations and to call parents for pick-up time after a game. Social phone calls are
not permitted at any time.
Home Game Days: Phones will be left in their backpacks that will be locked up in their lockers.
Keep all of your belongings locked in your locker at all times.
Players may carry and use personal music during team travel ONLY. Headphones must be
used, and no one should be able to hear your music other than you. All music must be put away
before exiting the bus. Players may be able to listen to music during waiting time at
tournaments. The coach will let you know when you may have that privilege.
All student-athletes will ride on the bus to and from all contests. This is a district policy. If an
emergency arises, there is an alternative travel form that must be signed by the parent and given
to the coach.
Be on time to the bus. The bus will leave promptly.
Players will meet with the coaching staff directly following the game.
Concession stand is a money making project for the booster club. Please arrange to work your
scheduled times.
We will be setting up a hospitality room for the Alvin ISD sub varsity tournament. We will
need a couple of parents to volunteer to help organize these rooms with all the necessary food.
The tournament is September 12th.
Please wash all uniforms and warm-ups in cold water only and hang dry. Treat stains
separately – please do not use bleach. You are financially responsible for the uniforms if they
have any damage. Varsity and JV uniforms and warm-up tops are extremely sensitive to
washing machines, and anything that could possibly snag the material. Please aid in the
longevity of all uniforms. New uniforms and/or game day attire will NOT be purchased every
Please be available to pick up your daughters as soon as they call after away games; we will give
them our best “guesstimate” as to our arrival time. We will not leave your daughter
unsupervised. Please remember, that we do have families that we need to get home to as well.
Parents’ night will be Tuesday, October 20. We encourage parents of ALL players to attend and
be recognized.
There are no stars or heroes on this team. All decisions made on the court and off the court will be for
the betterment of the team. All disagreements on the court will be left on the court. If the issue is
carried off the court, this is a true sign of immaturity. Therefore, you are not capable of handling the
pressures of being a part of the MANVELVOLLEYBALL program. Selfishness and jealousy will not
be a part of our team.
Respect your teammates. We are a family and we will behave as a family. Being friends and
respecting each other as individuals and teammates will keep this team united as one.
This includes any online communication (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Any display of bullying and
inappropriate comments or photos will not be tolerated. Display of this behavior will be grounds for
removal from the program.
If you feel there is a problem that needs a coaches’ attention, bring that problem to the coach and it will
be dealt with privately. We do not want parent(s) to bring problems to us about what happened in
practices or games. With all due respect to parents, volleyball issues will be dealt with within the
program. If any further assistance is needed, we will contact you.
Game Day Attire
- Both jerseys: You need to bring all jerseys to EVERY game.
- Shoes: Varsity will wear shoes that they individually purchase
- Spandex: Navy Nike
- Socks: black crew
- Warm ups: including both jackets and pants/tempo shorts(must all look alike)
- Ankle braces: if applicable to athlete
**Failure to have all “Game Day Attire” may result in a reduction of court time**
Property Loss or Damage
Each player will receive volleyball apparel and equipment. Players may not wear volleyball issued
apparel to school unless permitted by Coach Paulk (UIL rule). Clothing may only be worn by the
person for whom it was issued. If issued clothing and/or gear is lost, stolen, or damaged, the following
are the replacement costs:
Practice Shirt: $10
V-Uniform Top: $50
V-Warm up Top: $25
JV-Jacket: $30
Fr-Uniform Top: $40
Fr Bag: $30
Sweat Top: $30
V-Jacket: $60
V-Shoes: $90
JV-Pants: $25
Fr-Pants: $25
Nike Tempo Shorts: $25
Game Spandex: $24
V-Pants: $40
JV-Uniform Top: $45
V/JV- Bag: $36
Contact Information:
Sarah Paulk (
281-245-2172 office
Susan Kennedy ( )
Meredith Powell (
Nicole Oliver ( )
Manvel High School: 281-245-2232
AISD website
Athletic Director’s Office: 281-245-2574
Manvel Volleyball Website
Manvel High School
2015 Maverick Volleyball
I have read and understand the information provided in this document. I agree to adhere to the
rules and expectations of the 2015 Manvel Volleyball Program. Failure to read and understand
this document does not excuse me from violation of district, school, team or athletic department
Print Student Name: ____________________________________________
Student Signature: _____________________________________________
Parent Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: __________