Mahmood Ahmad's Curriculum Vitae

26th September, 1957
Faculty of Pharmacy & Alternative
Medicine, Khawaja Fareed Campus
Telephone: Off. 011-92-062-9255565
Fax: 011-92-062-9255565
Res. 011-92-062-9255556
Mobile: 0300-9682258
Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Ph.D. in Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab,
Lahore-Pakistan (Awarded in September, 1991).
Dissertation topic: Bioavailability and disposition kinetics of erythromycin
in normal, febrile, metabolically altered and water deprived rabbits.
M.Sc. (Pharmacology), Department of Physiology & Pharmacology,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan (1981- 1983).
Thesis topic : Pharmacokinetics and dosage of chloramphenicol in dogs and
renal clearance & urinary excretion in goats.
Bachelor in Pharmacy (B. Pharmacy), Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan (1977-1981). Registration
No. 000469-A/82 (Punjab Pharmacy Council)
Diploma in Homoeopathic Medical System (D.H.M.S.), Punjab
Homoeopathic Medical College, Faisalabad-Pakistan (1982-1986)
Registration No. 31321 (National Council for Homoeopathy, Pakistan)
B.Sc. (Homoeopathic Medical System), Federal Urdu University of
Arts, Science and Technology, Pakistan (Awarded in June 2010).
Registration No. Eq/BHMS/000055/2010.
Worked for four years as In charge, Quality Control Department. and
as In charge Production Department, in a National Pharmaceutical
Organization, N.H. SHAHANI & CO., Faisalabad-Pakistan (April,
1982 to July, 1986).
Worked for nine years as Provincial Drugs Inspector, in the Health
Department, Government of the Punjab, Pakistan (July, 1986 to May,
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Worked as Associate Professor, in the Department of Pharmacy, The
Islamia University of Bahawalpur-Pakistan (May, 1995 to January
Working as Professor of Pharmacy, in the Department of Pharmacy,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur-Pakistan (January 2005 to date)
 Scholarship during Ph.D. from University Grants Commission,
 Merit Scholarship during M.Sc. (Pharmacology) from University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan.
 Secured 1st position in M.Sc.(Pharmacology) and awarded merit
certificate from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
 Board scholarship during B. Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore,
 Stood 4th in the final examination of B. Pharmacy and got the merit
certificate from University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
1. Expert, Board of Studies, of various Universities like University of the
Punjab, B. Z. University, Gomal University and University of
2. Expert, Selection Boards, B. Z. University, Multan, Government
College University, Faisalabad.
3. Expert, Selection Board, Punjab Public Service Commission, Lahore
and Expert, Federal Public Service Commission.
4. Ph. D., M. Phil. Theses Examiner of various Universities.
5. Referee for the Posts of Associate Professor & Assistant Professor of
various Universities
6. External Examiner for Practical and Theory papers of various
Courses Taught at B. Pharmacy/Pharm. D. Level
Forensic Pharmacy
Pharmacy Management & Marketing
Dispensing Pharmacy
Clinical Pharmacy
Community Pharmacy
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Courses Taught at M. Phil & Ph.D. Level
2. Biopharmaceutics
3. Formulation and Product development
4. Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management
Research Interests
Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailability of Drugs in Human and Animal
Bioequivalence Studies
Pharmaceutical Marketing
Attended a Workshop on the Bioavailability of Pharmaceuticals, held
in the Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan (April 21-24, 1984).
Attended a workshop on the Good Manufacturing Practices of
Pharmaceuticals, Held in the National Institute of Health, Islamabad Pakistan (December 30-31, 1991).
Attended a workshop on the Current Good Manufacturing Practices,
Held in the Holiday Inn Hotel, Islamabad-Pakistan (May 21-24, 1998).
Attended an International Training Course on Promoting Rational Use
of Drugs at Islamabad & Bhurban-Pakistan organized by The Network
for consumer Protection, College of Pharmacy, University of the
Punjab, INRUD and World Health Organization (18th April – 2nd May
Atended a two days training seminar (1st and 2nd August 2005) on:
GCP, GPP, ADRR, EDL & Rational use of drugs, organized by MOH,
Government of Pakistan in Collaboration with WHO at Baqai Medical
University Hospital, Karachi
Attended the 6th Pharmaceutical Conference and Exhibition of Pakistan
Pharmacists Association, Lahore - Pakistan (March, 1983)
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Attended 11th Annual Scientific Conference of Pakistan Medical
Association, Faisalabad -Pakistan (March 15-16, 1984)
Attended the 7th Pakistan Pharmaceutical conference of Pakistan
Pharmacists Association, Islamabad - Pakistan (November 28-30, 1986)
Attended the 3rd International Congress of Pakistan Veterinary Medical
Association in Holiday Inn, Islamabad - Pakistan (November 28-29,
Participated in the fourteenth Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical
Sciences at Lahore-Pakistan (November 5-9, 1992)
Participated in Golden Jubilee Celebrations (1944-1994) of the
Department of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan
(May 20th-25th, 1995)
Attended the International Pharmaceutical Congress and Exhibition in
Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore-Pakistan (March 20-23, 1998)
Attended the International Seminar on Total Quality Management of
Drugs in Holiday Inn Hotel, Islamabad-Pakistan (December 3-5, 1999)
Attended the National Conference on Tools for Assurance of drug
Quality at Baragali, Peshawar-Pakistan (July 23-27, 2000)
Attended the 2nd DIA International Cngress and 10th National Pharmacy
Conference in Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore-Pakistan (January 9-12,
Attended the 7th International Workshop on Management, Production
and Quality Assurance of Drugs in Sheraton Hotel, Karachi-Pakistan
(November 12-14, 2001)
Attended an International workshop on Health Challenges of 21 st
Century and Traditional Medicines in SAARC Region, organized by
National institute of Health in collaboration with Ministry of health,
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Government of Pakistan and SAARC Japan-Directorate (November 4-6,
Attended the National Seminar on Good Manufacturing, Storage &
Laboratory Practices, organized by Ministry of Health, Government of
Pakistan in Collaboration with the WHO at Al-Hamra Hall, LahorePakistan (December 23-24, 2002)
Attended the International Pharmacy Conference & Exhibition,
Organized by Pakistan Pharmacist Association at Pearl Continental
Hotel, Lahore-Pakistan (March 20-23, 2003)
Organized a National Symposium on “Unani Medicine and National
Health Care” arranged by College of Conventional Medicine, The Islmia
University of Bahawalpur in collaboration with Hamdard University,
Karachi at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur-Pakistan (March 26,
Attended the National Seminar and Workshop on Good Clinical
Practices, Good Prescribing Practices, Good Pharmacy Practices,
Rational Use of Drugs and Adverse Drugs Reaction Reporting
Organized by Ministry of Health in collaboration of WHO at Hayat
Zafar New Auditorium, Nishter Medical Institute & Allied Hospital,
Multan –Paksitan (December 22nd & 23rd 2003)
Attended the 12th International Pharmacy Conference and Exhibition
2004 on “Innovation in Pharmacy for Life” organized by Pakistan
Pharmacist Association at Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi – Pakistan
(18 – 20 February 2004)
Attended Second International Consultation on Undergraduate Medical
and Pharmacy Education at Browns Beach Hotel, Negombo, Sri Lanka
Convened by Health Action International Asia – Pacific 19th – 23rd
September 2005
Attended a Workshop for a core Curriculum Development for B.
Pharmacy Degree Program being organized by The Faculty of Medicine,
University of Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka on 11th – 16th November,
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Organized a 1st National Pharmacy Conference PINE (Pharmacy In New
Era) entitled “Better Quality of Life through Pharmacy Profession” from
2-4 March, 2007 at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
Attended the 14th International Pharmacy Conference and Exhibition
2007 on “Pharmacy Education in Pakistan” organized by Pakistan
Pharmacist Association, Sind Branch at Bahria Auditorium, Karachi–
Pakistan (5-7 March 2007).
Attended training on WHO Transparency Assessment Instrument
organized by World Health Organization at Geneva, Switzerland on 2527 September 2007.
Attended a WIPO National Seminar on Legal Options and Flexibilities
under the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects on Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS Agreement) held at Islamabad-Pakistan on 27-28
November, 2007.
Attended a Workshop on Inter-regional Workshop on Good
Governance for Medicines Programme Assessments, Amman,
Jordan - 16-18 December 2007
Conducted a meeting with the Dean, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang-Malaysia from 14-21 July 2008 for
establishment of MOU between Universiti Sains Malaysia, International
Medical University Kulalumpur and IUB.
Attended a two day National Workshop on the Bioequivalence held at
the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore from 20-21
November 2008. A paper was also presented on “Biowaiver guidelines
and Pharmaceutical Classification System”.
Attended the Hamdard International Integrative Medicine Conference on
“Expanding the Horizon of Integrative Medicine” held from 24-26th
November, 2008, Karachi-Pakistan.
Attended the 15th International Pharmacy Conference & Exhibition,
Organized by Pakistan Pharmacist Association at Pearl Continental
Hotel, Lahore-Pakistan (April 5-7, 2009).
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Attended a workshop on “Quality Assurance and Program Accreditation:
Building a Framework for Quality Improvement and National
Development” organized by Higher Education Commission held at Best
Western Hotel, Islamabad (16 -17, June 2009).
Attended One day seminar on “Standardization of Homoeopathic
Education & Examination System” organized by National Council for
Homoeopathy held at Pak-Continental hotel, Islamabad-Pakistan (10th
January 2010).
Attended a 1st International Conference on “Multidisciplinary Approach
in Medicine Usage” organized by Jinnah Hospital Pharmacy Practices
held at Allama Iqbal Medical College/Jinnah Hospital, Lahore-Pakistan
(12th to 14th February 2010).
Attended 4th International Seerat Conference organized by Seerat Chair,
the Islamia University of Bahawalpur from 5th to 7th December, 2010.
Certificate of Appreciation and cash award by the Vice Chancellor,
for exceptional performance & results by the recipient in challenging
and difficult circumstances at the Islamia University of
Bahawalpur (March 2010).
"Best University Teacher Award" for the year 2009 by the Higher
Education Commission of Pakistan (Awarded in December 1st 2010).
Original Research Papers
Number of Research papers Published (85) in
Foreign Journals
Local Journals
Total Impact factor = 21.714
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
1. Javed, I., M. Nawaz, M. Ahmad, Z.U. Rehman and B.H. Shah, 1984.
Pharmacokinetics, Renal clearance and Urinary excretion of
chloramphenicol in goats. Pak. Vet. J. Pakistan, 4(3): 151-157.
2. Ahmad, M., Nawaz, I. Javed and Zia-ur-Rehman. 1987.
Pharmacokinetics and dosage of chloramphenicol in dogs. Pak. Vet. J.
Pakistan, 7(3): 95-97
3. Ahmad, M., M. Nawaz and Zia-ur-Rehman. 1990. Disposition kinetics
and dosage of Oxytetracycline in Sheep and Lamb. Vet. Archive. 60: 173179.
4. T. Khaliq, M. Ahmad, Q.M. Khan and I. Javed. 1991. Disposition
kinetics and urinary excretion of oxytetracycline in goats. Pak. J. Agri.,
Sci. Pakistan, 28(4): 323-327.
5. Ahmad, M., S. Niazi, T. Ahmad, N.A. Muzaffar and M. Nawaz. 1992.
Effect of dehydration on the disposition kinetics of erythromycin in
rabbits. Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition. USA, 13, 77-82.
6. Ahmad, M., N.A. Muzaffar and M. Nawaz. 1993. Bioavailability and
disposition kinetics of erythromycin following oral administration in
normal and febrile rabbits. Pakistan J. Pharmacol. Pakistan, 10(2): 1-4.
7. Javed, I., M.S. Akhtar, Z.U. Rehman, T. Khaliq and M. Ahmad. 1994.
Comparative anthelmintic efficacy and safety of caesalpinia seed and
piperazine adipate in chicken, with artificially included Ascaridia galli
infection. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica. Hungry, 42(1): 103 -109.
8. Ahmad, M., M. Nawaz, M. Jamshaid and M.T.J. Khan. 1995.
Bioavailability and disposition kinetics of erythromycin in normal and
metabolically altered rabbits following oral administration. Pak J. Pharm.,
Pb. Univ. Lahore. Pakistan, 8(2): 31- 35.
9. Ahmad, M. and M. Nawaz. 1995. Effect of E. coli endotoxin induced
fever on the pharmacokinetics of sulphadiazine in rabbits. Pakistan Vet.
J. Pakistan, 15(4): 187-191.
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
10.Ahmad, M., M. Jamshaid and A.M. Durrani. 1996. Effect of dehydration
on the bioavailability and disposition kinetics of Erythromycin following
oral administration in rabbits. Pak. J. Pharm., Pb. Univ. Lahore. Pakistan,
9(1): 69-73.
11.Ahmad, M., R. Nawaz & M. Nawaz. 1997. Disposition kinetics of
erythromycin after intravenous administration in normal and alloxan
diabetic rabbits. Pakistan Vet. J. Pakistan, 17(1): 35-39.
12.Javaid, I., M. Ahmad, M. Ahmad and M. Jamshaid. 1997. Bioavailability
and pharmacokinetics of two formulations of ampicillin in dogs. Pak. J.
Pharm. Pb. Univ. Lahore. Pakistan, 9(1): 1-5.
13.Qamar, S., N. Irfan, M. Ahmad, and N. A. Muzaffar. 1997. Effect of
endotoxin-induced pyrexia on the physiological, biochemical and
pharmacokinetic parameters of piroxicam. The Chinese Pharmaceutical
Journal, China, 49(3): 185-193.
14.Shadab Qamar, Nadeem Irfan, Mahmood Ahmad, Mohammad
Jamshaid, Naeem A. Muzaffar. 1997. The bioavailability and
Pharmacokinetics of mefenamic acid in alloxan diabetic rabbits. Tokai
Journal of experimental and clinical medicine, Japan. 22(4): 163-166.
15.Naveed Akhtar, Mahmood Ahmad, Nadeem Irfan. 1997. Comparative
bioavailability of sulfamethoxazole in three formulations of
cotrimoxazole suspensions. Pak. Journal of Pharm. Sciences, Pakistan,
10(2): 29-33.
16.Shadab Qamar, Mahmood Ahmad, Nadeem Irfan, Naeem A. Muzaffar.
1998. Induction of various experimental conditions and their effect on the
physiological and biochemical parameters. Hamdard Medicus, Karachi.
XLI (1): 98-104.
17.Atif Raza, Nadeem Irfan, Mahmood Ahmad, Shadab Qamar. 1998.
Influence of raw materials of different origins on the bioavailability and
pharmacokinetic properties of ibuprofen in human volunteers”. Acta
Pharmaceutica Turcica, Turkey. XXXX (2): 63-65.
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
18.Nadeem Irfan Bukhari, Mahmood Ahmad, Shadab Qamar,
N.A.Muzaffar, Mohammad Jamshaid. 1998. Comparative bioavailability
and pharmacokinetics of mefenamic acid in normal and febrile rabbits.
Journal of Bioscience, Malaysia, 9(1): 1-6
19.Pervaiz A. Shah, Mohammad Ijaz, Mahmood Ahmad, Naveed Akhtar.
1998. Evaluation of antibacterial efficiency of commercialy available
disinfectants. Mother and Child, Pakistan, 36(1): 42-45.
20.Nadeem Irfan, Shadab Qamar, Mahmood Ahmad. 1998. Effect of
geonetics on the bioavailability and disposition kinetics of mefenamic
acid. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Turkey, 23, 95-98.
21.Nadeem Irfan, Shadab Qamar, Mahmood Ahmad, Muhammad
Jamshaid, Naeem A. Muzaffar. 1999. Changes in the pharmacokientics of
piroxicam in dehydrated rabbits. Acta Pharmaceutica, Turkey, XLI (2):
22.Mahmood Ahmad, Naveed Akhtar, Pervaiz A. Shah, Saeed Anjum.
1999. Stability of chlorpheniramine maleate in cough syrups. Acta
Pharmaceutica Turcica, Turkey, XLI (2): 66-70.
23.Shadab Qamar, Nadeem Irfan Bukhari, Mahmood Ahmad, Mohammad
Jamshaid, Naeem A. Muzaffar. 1999. Effect of dehydration on the
pharmacokinetics of mefenamic acid. Turkish Journal of Medical
Sciences, Turkey, 29(2): 101-104.
24.Mahmood Ahmad, Tasneem Ahmad and Nadeem Irfan. 1999.
Disposition kinetics of erythromycin in normal and experimentally
induced febrile rabbits. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and
Pharmacokinetics, Switzerland, 24(2): 127-132.
25.Mohammad Yar, Mahmood Ahmad, Nadeem Irfan Bukhari. 2000.
Pharmacokinetics of oxytetracycline in sheep after various intravenous
doses. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Turkey, 24:
26.M. Akhtar, N. Akhtar, M. Ahmad, A.S.Arif, Pervaiz A.Shah. 2000. Drug
release from PEG Suppository bases and from their combination with
polymers. J. Fac. Pharm. Istanbul, Turkey, 33: 7-16.
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
27.Mahmood Ahmad, Nadeem Akhtar and Nadeem Irfan Bukhari. 2000.
Disposition kinetics of amoxicillin in normal and fasted volunteers by
urine excretion data. Gazi Medical Journal, Turkey, 11(4): 159-163.
28.Mahmood Ahmad, Nadeem Irfan Bukhari, Naveed Akhtar. 2001.
Disposition kinetics of Amoxicillin from urinary excretion data in normal
human volunteers in Pakistan. Kuwait Medical Journal, Kuwait, 33(3):
29.Mahmood Ahmad and Khalid Pervaiz Akhtar. 2001. Comparative study
of two Amoxycillin brands in normal and fasting human volunteers.
Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Pakistan, 20(1): 51-62.
30.Khalid Pervaiz Akhter and Mahmood Ahmad. 2001. Computation of the
Steady State Drug Level Profile after Repeated Intravenous Bolus Dosage
Using Newton’s Method. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Pakistan,
20(2): 49-61.
31.Khalid Pervaiz Akhter and Mahmood Ahmad. 2002. Estimation of Area
under Plasma Concentration Time Curve Using a Combination of
Numerical Methods. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Pakistan,
21(1): 63-77.
32.Mahmood Ahmad and Nadeem Irfan Bukhari. 2002. Bioavailability and
pharmacokinetics of erythromycin in rabbits after intravenous and oral
administrations. Journal of Bioscience, Malaysia, 13(1): 39-42.
33.Abdul Rashid, Mahmood Ahmad and Nadeem Irfan Bukhari. (19982002). Biotransformation of Sulphadiazine in Fasting human volunteers.
Pak. J. Pharm., Pb. Univ. Lhr. 11-15 (1 & 2) 39-45.
34.Khalid Pervaiz Akhter and Mahmood Ahmad. 2003. Computation of
Area under Plasma Concentration Time Curve Using Repeated
Quadrature Rules When some of the Data Points are missing. Journal of
Pure and Applied Sciences, Pakistan, 22(1): 49-60.
35.Nisar-ur-Rehman, Mahmood Ahmad, Yuen, K. H. and Wong Jia Woei.
2003. Correlation of in-vitro and in-vivo results of Controlled Release
formulation of Diltiazem. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Pakistan,
22(2): 65-73.
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
36. Nadeem Irfan Bukhari, Shadab Qamar, Afsheen Arshad, Mahmood
Ahmad and Mohammad Jamshaid. 2003. Pharmacokinetics of Piroxicam
in rabbits in the local environment following a single oral dose. Journal of
Bioscience, Malaysia, 14(2): 79-87.
37. Nisar-ur-Rehman, Mahmood Ahmad and Naveed Akhtar. 2004.
Bioequivalenace of a generic Piroxicam capsule formulation. Journal of
Pure and Applied Sciences, Pakistan, 23(2): 52-61.
38. Naveed Akhtar, Mahmood Ahmad, Asadullah Madni and Malik Sattar
Bakhsh. 2006. Evaluation of basic properties of Macadamia Nut Oil.
Gomal University Journal of Research, Pakistan, 22(1): 21-27.
39. Naveed Akhtar, Mohammad Shoaib Khan, Mahmood Ahmad, Gulzeb
Aziz and Mohammad Aleem. 2006. The Effect of Binders on the
Bioavailability of Ofloxacin Tablets in Human volunteers. Bull. Pharm.
Sci., Assiut University, Egypt, 29(1): 95-109.
40. N. Akhtar, M. Ahmad, G. Aziz, M. Atif, Haji M.S.Khan, M. Aleem and
A. Mahmood. 2006. Pharmacokinetic Studies of Ranitidine Tablets on
Healthy Human Subjects using Two Binders. Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut
University, Egypt, 29(2): 416-431.
41. Naveed Akhtar, Mahmood Ahmad, Gulzeb Aziz, Malik Sattar Bakhsh.
2006. Rheological Studies of a Cosmetic Multiple Emulsions. Gomal
University Journal of Research, Pakistan, 22(2): 151-164.
42. Naveed AKHTAR, Gulzeb AZIZ, Mahmood AHMAD, Asad ULLAH,
Mohammad ALEEM, Ahmad MAHMOOD, Haji M. Shoib KHAN.
2007. Bioavaialbility of Famotidine tablets by using different coating
materials. Turk.J.Pharm.Sci. 4(3) 139-150.
43. Mahmood Ahmad, Shujaat Ali Khan, Asad Ullah Madni, Naveed Akhtar
and Wilayat Ahmad. 2007. High performance Liquid chromatographic
determination of Nimesulide in Human Plasma employing Liquid-Liquid
extraction procedure. Proceedings 7th Int. & 17th Nat. Chem. Conf.
44. Naveed Akhtar, Gulzeb Aziz, Mahmood Ahmad, Asad Ullah Madni,
Mohammad Ashraf and Ahmed Mahmood. 2008. HPLC Method for
Determination of Famotidine in Human Plasma and its Application in
Bioequivalence Studies J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 30 (4): 567-570.
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
45. Mahmood Ahmad, Muhammad Akhtar, Naveed Akhtar and Asad Ullah
Madni. 2008. HPLC Method for the Determination of Celecoxib in
Human Plasma and its Applications in Pharmacokinetics and
Bioequivalence Studies. J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 30 (2): 306.
46. Asad Ullah Madni, Mahmood Ahmad, Naveed Akhtar, Mohammad
Ashraf and Zeba Ahmad Shuja. 2008. An improved HPLC method for
the determination of Ethionamide in Serum. J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 30 (3):
47. Naveed Akhtar, Gulfishan, Mahmood Ahmad, Nazar M. Ranjha and
Ahmad Mahmood. 2008. Formulation and Characterization of a Cream
Containing 1% Concentrated Extract of Grapefruit. Cosmetics &
Toiletries Magazine (USA) 123 (1) 55-68.
48. Mohammad Mukhtar, Mohammad Arshad, Mahmood Ahmad, Roger J.
Pomerantz, Brain Wighahl and Zahida Perveen. 2008. Review: Antiviral
Potentials of Medicinal Plants. Virus Research, 131 : 111-120.
49. Naveed Akhtar, Mahmood Ahmad, Marina Akram and Ahmad
Mahmood Mumtaz. 2008. Short Communication: Formulation and in
vitro Evaluation of a Cosmetic Multiple Emulsion from Olive Oil. Pak. J.
Sci. Ind. Res. 51 (1): 42-44.
50. M. Ahmad, H. Raza, G.Murtaza and N. Akhtar. 2008. Pharmacokinetic
variations of Ofloxacin in Normal and Febrile Rabbits. Pakistan Vet. J.
28 (4): 181-185.
51. Ghulam Murtaza, Mahmood Ahmad, Muhammad Asadullah Madni and
Muhammad Waheed Asghar. 2009. A new reverse phase hplc method
with fluorescent detection for the determination of salbutamol sulfate in
human plasma. Accepted and in process for publication in Bull. Chem.
Soc. Ethop, 23(1): 1-8.
52. Ghulam Murtaza, Mahmood Ahmad. 2009. Microencapsulation of
tramadol hydrochloride and physicochemical evaluation of formulations.
J. Chem. Soc. Pak, 31(4): 511-518.
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
53. Ghulam Murtaza, Mahmood Ahmad, Muhammad Waheed Asghar,
Muhammad Naeem Aamir. 2009. Salbutamol sulphate-ethylcellulose
microparticles: formulation and in-vitro evaluation with emphasis on
mathematical approaches. Daru. 17(3): 209-216.
54. Mahmood Ahmad, Muhammad Iqbal, Ghulam Murtaza. 2009.
Comparison of Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics of Diclofenac
sodium and Diclofenac potassium in Normal and Dehydrated Rabbits.
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica (China). 44(1): 1-6.
55. Mahmood Ahmad, Hina Raza, Ghulam Murtaza, Naveed Akhtar. 2009.
Pharmacokinetic variations of ofloxacin in normal and febrile rabbits.
Pak. Vet. J. 28(4): 181-185.
56. Mahmood AHMAD, Khalid PERVAIZ, Ghulam MURTAZA, Munaza
RAMZAN. 2009. Pharmacokinetic modeling of microencapsulated
metronidazole. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica (China). 44(6): 674-679.
57. Naveed Akhtar, Qazi Adnan, Mahmood Ahmad, Ahmad Mahmood and
Kalsoom Farzana, 2009. Rheological Studies and Characterization of
Different Oils. J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 31 (2): 201-206.
58. Ghulam Murtaza, Mahmood Ahmad and Naveed Akhtar. 2009.
Biowaiver study of Oral Tabletted Ethylcellulose Microcapsule of a BCS
Class I Drug. Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 23(2): 1-16
59. Muhammad Usman*, Mahmood Ahmad, Asad Ullah Madni, Naveed
Akhtar, Waheed Asghar, Muhammad Akhtar, M Atif and M Qamar-uzZaman. 2009. In-vivo Kinetics of Silymarin (Milk Thistle) on Healthy
Male Volunteers. Trop J Pharm Res. (Univ. of Benin, Nigeria) 8 (4):
60.Ghulam Murtaza, Mahmood Ahmad, Naveed Akhtar and Fatima Rasool.
2009. A comparative study of various Microencapsulation Techniques:
Effect of Polymer Viscosity on Microcapsule Characteristics. Pak. J.
Pharm. Sci. 22(3): 291-300.
61. Murtaza G., Ahmad M., Waheed Asghar M., Naeem Aamir M. 2009.
Salbutamol sulphate-ethylcellulose microparticles: formulation and in-
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
vitro evaluation with emphasis on mathematical approaches. DARU
17(3): 209-216.
62. M Ahmad, T Ahmad, RA Sultan and G Murtaza. 2009. Pharmacokinetic
Study if Nifedipine in Healthy Adult Male Human Volunteers. Trop J
Pharm Res. Nigeria 8(5): 385-391.
63. Muhammad Naeem Aamir* and Mahmood Ahmad. 2009. Development
of Tramadol Microparticles by Non-solvent Addition Method and their
In Vitro Characterization. Iranian Polymer Journal. 18 (12): 937-946.
64. Mahmood Ahmad, Muhammad Usman, Asadullah Madni, Naveed
Akhtar, Nayab Khalid, Waheed Asghar and Sattar Bakhsh. 2010.
Development and Validation of Reversed-phase High Performance
Liquid Chromatographic Method for Analysis of Cephradine in Human
Plasma Samples. J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 32 (1): 58-63.
65. Mohammad Naeem Aamir, Mahmood Ahmad, Naveed Akhtar,
Ghulam Murtaza and Mohamamd Asadullah. 2010. Drug Release
Kinetics and Stability Studies of Tablets of Tramadol HCl Microspheres.
J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 32 (2): 180-188.
66. Muhammad Khurram Waqas, Naveed Akhtar, Mahmood Ahmad,
Ghulam Murtaza, Haji Muhammad Shoaib, Muhammad Iqbal, Akhtar
Rasool, and Naveed Sarfraz Bhatti. 2010. Formulation and
charatecrization of a cream containing extract of fenugreek seeds. Acta
Poloniac Pharmaceutics- Drug Research. 67 (2): 173-178.
67. Naveed Akhtar, Barkat Ali Khan, Tariq Mahmood, Haji Muhammad
Shoaib Khan, Mahmood Ahmad and Tariq saeed. 2010. Effect of antioxidant and flavonoids of sea buckthorn on skin whitening and skin
erythma. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 23 (2): 903-906.
68. Muhammad Naeem Aamir, Mahmood Ahmad. 2010. Production and
Stability Evaluation of Modified-Release Microparticles for the Delivery
of Drug Combinations. AAPS PharmSciTech. 11 (1): 351-355.
69. M.A. Naeem, A. Mahmood, S. A. Khan, Z. Shahiq. 2010. Development
and Evaluation of Controlled-Release Bilayer Tablets Containing
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Microencapsulated Tramadol and Acetaminophen. Tropical Journal of
Pharmaceutical Research. 9(4): 347-354.
70. Shujaat Ali Khan, Mahmood Ahmad, Ghulam Murtaza, Mohamamd
Naeem Aamir, Rozina Kousar, Fatima Rasool, Shahiq-uz-Zaman. 2010.
In vitro-in vivo correlation study on nimsulide loaded
hydrxypropylmethylcellulose microparticles. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica.
45 (6): 772-777.
71. Shujaat Ali Khan, Mahmood Ahmad, Mohamamd Naeem Aamir,
Ghulam Murtaza, Fatima Rasool & Mohammad Akhtar. 2010. Study of
nimsulide release from ethycellulose micropaticles and drug-polymer
compatibility analysis. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 29 (4): 55461.
72. Mahmood Ahmad, Naveed Akhtar, Mohamamd Bin Ibrahim, Ghulam
Murtaza. 2010. Factors influencing job satisfaction of medical
representatives in Paksitan. Jouranl of Chinese Pahrmacetical Sciences.
19 (3): 235-238.
73. Tariq Mahmood, Naveed Akhtar, Mahmood Ahmad, Haji M Shoaib
Khan, Shahiq Uz Zaman. 2010. Applications of a stable green tea extract
cream on human cheeks. International Journal of Academic Research. 2
(2): 121-126.
74. Naveed Akhtar, Mahmood Ahmad, Haji M Shoaib Khan, Jawad
Akram, Gulfishan, Ahmad Mahmood and Mohamamd Uzair. 2010.
Formulation and characterization of a multiple emulsion containing 1%
L-Ascorbic acid. Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 24 (1): 1-10.
75. Mahmood Ahmad, Mohamamd Iqbal, Naveed Akhtar, Ghulam
Murtaza, Mohammad Asadullah Madni and Fatima Rasool. 2010.
Comparison of bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of diclofenac
sodium and diclofenac potassium in healthy and Escherichia coli
induced febrile rabbits. Pakistan J. Zool., 42 (4): 395-400.
76. Shujaat Ali Khan, Mahmood Ahmad, Ghulam Murtaza, Mohamamd
Naeem Aamir, Nisar-ur-Rehman, Rozina Kousar, Fatima Rasool and
Mohamamd Akhtar. 2010. Formulation of Nimsulide floating
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
microparticles using low-viscosity hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 9 (3): 293-299.
77. Ghulam Murtaza, Mahmood Ahmad, Gul Shahnaz. 2010.
Microencapsulation of diclofenac sodium by non-solvent addition
technique. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 9 (2): 187-195.
78. Naveed Akhtar, Haji Muhammad Shoaib Khan, Gulfishan, Fatima
Rasool, Mehmood Ahmad and Tariq Saeed. Formulation and in vitro
Evaluation of a Cosmetic Emulsion Containing Apple Juice Extract.
Asian Journal of Chemistry. 22(9): 7235-7242.
79. Mahmood Ahmad, Tasneem Ahamd, Rafi Akhtar Sultan, Jamal Khan,
Ghulam Murtaza. 2010. In vitro-in vivo correlation study on nimsulide
loaded hydrxypropylmethylcellulose microparticles. Acta Pharmaceutica
Sinica. 52 (1): 45-54.
80. Muhammad Naeem Aamir, Mahmood Ahmad, Ghulam Murtaza,
Naveed Akhtar, Shujaat Ali Khan and Muhammad Usman. 2010.
Synthesis of biodegradable microspheres of Tramadol by simple phase
separation technique and their In Vitro evaluation. Latin American
Journal of Pharmacy. 29(7): 1152-1158.
81. Shujaat Ali Khan, Mahmood Ahmad, Ghulam Murtaza, Muhammad
Naeem Aamir, Naveed Akhtar and Rozina Kousar. 2010. Formulation of
two-drug controlled release non-biodegradable microparticles for
potential treatment of muscles pain and spasm and their simultaneuos
spectrophotometric estimation. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica-Drug
Research, 67(3): 299-306.
82. Naveed Akhtar, Nosheen Zulfiqar, Gulfishan, Mahmood Ahmad, Haji
M. Shoaib Khan and Tariq Saeed. 2010. Effect of L-Ascorbic Acid on
the Formualtion and Characterization of a Multiple Emulsion from
Paraffin Oil. J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 32(6): 724-730.
83. Shujaat Ali KHAN, Mahmood AHMAD, Ghulam MURTAZA, Harris
M. SHOAIB, Mohammad N. AAMIR, Rozina KOUSAR, Fatima
RASOOL & Asadullah MADNI. 2010. Development of In Vitro-In Vivo
Correlation for Nimesulide Loaded Ethylcellulose Microparticles. Latin
American Journal of Pharmacy. 29 (6): 1029-34.
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
84. Fatima RASOOL, Mahmood AHMAD, Ghulam MURTAZA, Haji M.
S. KHAN & Shujaat A. KHAN. 2010. Metoprolol TartrateEthylcellulose Tabletted Microparticles: Formualtion and In Vitro
Evaluation. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 29 (6): 984-90.
85. Asadullah Madni, Mahmood Ahmad, Mohammad Usman, Qamar-uzZaman, Shujaat Ali Khan, Mohammad Naeem Aamir, Haji Mohammad
Shoaib Khan. 2010. New high performance liquid chromatographic
method for simultaneous determination of diclofenac and meloxicam in
oral formulation of Liposomes and human plasma. J. Chem. Soc. Pak.
32 (6): (Accepted for Publication).
86. Mahmood Ahmad, Ghulam Murtaza. 2011. Bioequivalence study of
two brands of Meloxicam tablets in healthy human subjects. Acta Pol.
Pharm. Drug Res. 68 (1): 115-119.
87. Mahmood Ahmad, Muhammad Qamar-uz-Zaman, Asadullah Madni,
Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Atif, Naveed Akhtar and Ghulam
Murtaza. 2011. Pharmacokinetic and Bioavailability Studies of
Commercially Available Simvastatin Tablets in Healthy and Moderately
Hyperlipidemic Human Subjects. J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 33 (1): 53-58.
88. Shujaat Ali Khan, Mahmood Ahmad, Ghulam Murtaza, Muhammad
Naeem Aamir, Nisar-ur-Rehman and Asadullah Madni. 2011. Sustained
Release Nimsulide Microparticles: Evaluation of Release Modifying
Property of Ethylcellulose. J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 33 (1): 79-85.
89. Shujaat Ali Khan, Mahmood Ahmad, Mohammad Naeem Aamir,
Ghulam Murtaza. 2011. Formulation and Invitro evaluation of sustained
release Nimsulide microparticles using ethylcellulose as release
modifier. J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 33 (1): Accepted for Publication.
1. Ahmad, M., M. Nawaz, I. Javed and Zia-ur-Rehman. 1983.
Pharmacokinetics and dosage of chloramphenicol in dogs. 6th Pharmaceutical
Conference and Exhibition, Pakistan Pharmacists Association, Lahore,
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
2. Nawaz, M., B. H. Shah, M. Ahmad, I. Hussain and F. H. Khan. 1984.
Pharmacokinetics and dosage of oxytetracycline in animals. 11th Annual
Scientific Conference, Pakistan Medical Association, Faisalabad, Pakistan,
March 15-16.
3. Zia-ur-Rehman, M. Ahmad, and Sajjad-ur-Rehman. 1985. The effect of
coccidiosis on hematology of Lohi sheep. American Zoologist, 25(4) : 29A,
no. 224.
4. Ahmad, M., M. Nawaz and N. A. Muzaffar. 1990. Bioavailability and
disposition kinetics of erythromycin in normal and metabolically altered
rabbits following intravenous and oral administration. 3rd International
Congress, Pakistan Veterinary Medical Association, Islamabad, Pakistan,
November 28-29, p:6 Abstract no. 14.
5. Ahmad, M., M. Nawaz and N. A. Muzaffar. 1990. Bioavailability and noncompartmental kinetics of intravenously and orally administered
erythromycin in normal & febrile rabbit. 3rd International Congress, Pakistan
Veterinary Medical Association, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 28-29, p: 6,
Abstract no. 15.
6. Khaliq, T., M. Ahmad and Q. M. Khan. 1990. Pharmacokinetics and urinary
excretion of oxytetracycline in goats. 3rd International Congress, Pakistan
Veterinary Medical Association, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 28-29, p: 7
Abstract no. 18.
7. Ahmad, M., S. Niazi, T. Ahmad, N. A. Muzaffar and M. Nawaz. 1990.
Bioavailability and disposition kinetics of erythromycin in normal and water
deprived rabbits. 3rd International Congress, Pakistan Veterinary Medical
Association, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 28-29, p: 8. Abstract no. 21.
8. Ahmad, M and M. Nawaz. 1990. The effect of Escherichia coli endotoxin
induced fever on the pharmacokinetics of sulphadiazine in rabbits. 3rd
International Congress, Pakistan Veterinary Medical Association, Islamabad,
Pakistan, November, 28-29, p : 9 Abstract no. 22.
9. Zia-ur-Rehman and M. Ahmad. 1992. Effect of thyrotropin releasing
hormone (TRH) on serum thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
concentration in apparently healthy mixed bred dogs. Asia -Pacific /
International Symposium on Laboratory Animal Science, Beijing, China.
October, 12-16.
10.Zia-ur-Rehman and M. Ahmad. 1992. Serum biochemical profile changes in
furazolidone treated cockerels . Asia -Pacific / International Symposium on
Laboratory Animal Science, Beijing, China. October, 12-16.
11.Ahmad, M., N. A. Muzaffar and M. Nawaz. 1992. Bioavailability and
disposition kinetics of erythromycin in normal and metabolically altered
rabbits following oral administration. 64th Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical
Science Nov. 5-9, 1992, Lahore - Pakistan.
12.Ahmad, M., N. A. Muzaffar and M. Nawaz. 1992. Bioavailability and
disposition kinetics of erythromycin following oral administration in normal
and febrile rabbits. (14th Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Science Nov. 59, 1992, Lahore - Pakistan).
13.Ahmad, M., T. Ahmad and R. A. Sultan. 2003. Pharmacokinetic Study of
Nifedipine in humans after single oral dose administration. (International
Pharmacy Conference & Exhibition, March 20-23, 2003, Lahore-Pakistan).
14.Ahmad, M., T. Ahmad and J. Khan. 2003. Bioavailability and
Pharamcotherapeutics of Nifedipine in humans after single oral dose
administration. (International Pharmacy Conference & Exhibition, March 2023, 2003, Lahore-Pakistan).
15.Mahmood Ahmad, Asad Ullah Madni, Muhammad Iqbal. 2007. Comparison
of Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics of Diclofenac sodium and Diclofenac
potassium in Diabetic rabbits. Presented at 1st National Conference (2-4
March, 2007), organized by Faculty of Pharmacy & Alternative Medicine, the
Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
16. Salman Riaz, Mahmood Ahmad, Asad Ullah Madni. 2007. Comparison of
Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of Diclofenac sodium and Diclofenac
potassium in febrile rabbits. Presented at 1st National Conference (2-4 March,
2007), organized by Faculty of Pharmacy & Alternative Medicine, the Islamia
University of Bahawalpur.
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
17. Abdul Latif, Mahmood Ahmad, Asad Ullah Madni. 2007. Formulation and
in-vitro Evaluation of Flurbiprofen Microencapsulated tablets prepared by
coacervation technique. Presented at 1st National Conference (2-4 March,
2007), organized by Faculty of Pharmacy & Alternative Medicine, the Islamia
University of Bahawalpur.
18. M. Arshad, S. Pirzada, K. Alam, M. Ahmad, Q.I.Sheikh and M. Mukhtar.
2008. Antipyretic effects of the Homoeopathic Mother Tinctures of Moringa
Oleifera stem bark in animal model. (International Conference of Plant
Scientists. April 21-24, Faisalabad-Pakistan).
19. M. Arshad, F. Ahmad, M. Ahmad and M. Mukhtar. 2008. Traditional
Medicinal Plants use in Cholistan Desert, Paksitan. (International Conference
of Plant Scientists. April 21-24, Faisalabad-Pakistan).
20. Mahmood Ahmad, Bushra Arif, Rabia Hassan, Madiha Mushtaq, Qamar uz
Zaman. Comparative study for Job opportunities between Pharm-D & B.
Pharmacy students based upon the job market surveillance after graduation.
(15th International Pharmacy Conference & Exhibition, April 5-7, 2009,
21.Mahmood Ahmad, Mulazim Hussain, Ghulam Murtaza, . Evaluation of
Ethical Practices in Pharmaceutical Marketing. (15th International Pharmacy
Conference & Exhibition, April, 5-7, 2009, Lahore-Pakistan).
22.Mahmood Ahmad, Mulazim Hussain, Ghulam Murtaza. Implementation of
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in improving quality of patient care in
developing countries. (15th International Pharmacy Conference & Exhibition,
April 5-7, 2009, Lahore-Pakistan).
23.Mahmood Ahmad, Waheed Asghar, Asad Ullah Madni, Muhammad Usman,
Nayab Khalid, Ghulam Murtaza, . Development & validation of a simple and
sensitive HPLC analysis method for determination of Metformin HCl in
Human Plasma. (15th International Pharmacy Conference & Exhibition, April
5-7, 2009, Lahore-Pakistan).
24.Mahmood Ahmad, Durre Shahwar, Waheed Asghar, Asad Ullah Madni,
Muhammad Usman, Economical & Clinical Impact of Pharmacist
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
participation in patient care. (15th International Pharmacy Conference &
Exhibition, April 5-7, 2009, Lahore-Pakistan).
25. N. Mahwish, A. Mehmood, A.T.Nauman. A study on the curative action of
Arsenic Album in Major Depression. European Journal of Integrative
Medicine 2(4) (2010), PP 022, Page 226.
26. Naveed Akhtar, Said Muhammad, Haji M. Shoaib Khan, Mahmood Ahmad,
Tariq Saeed. Natural Phenolic Cream of Terminalia Chebula for
Postgraduate Student Meeting on
Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPSMPS), Cesme, Izmir – Turkey (June 24-27,
27.Haji M. Shoaib Khan, Naveed Akhtar, Shaiq Uz-zaman,Mahmood Ahmad,
Fatima Rasool, Barkatt Ali Khan, Tariq Saeed. Calendula Officinalis Extract
Cream: Effects on Skin Pigment “Melanin”. Internation Postgraduate Student
Meeting on Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPSMPS), Cesme, Izmir – Turkey (June
24-27, 2010).
Dr. Mahmood Ahmad and Nadeem Irfan Bukhari “Pharmaceutical
Management and marketing” Published in June 2002.
Research/Development Grants
Total Grant obtained = 37.924 million
Development Grant
Research Grant
37.400 million
0.524 million
1. A research project approved and financed by the Islamia University,
Bahawalpur was completed successfully on “Influence of raw
materials of various origins on the pharmacokinetic properties of some
commonly prescribed drugs” amounting Rs. 1,00,000/=
2. A research project approved and financed by the Ministry of Health,
Government of Pakistan entitled “In-vitro evaluation of
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Curriculum Vitae
Microencapsulated Flurbiprofen
amounting Rs. 2,00,000/=
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
3. A research project approved and financed by the Islamia University,
Bahawalpur entitled “Formulation and Evaluation of Cosmetic
Multiple Emulsion System from Natural Ingredients” amounting Rs.
2, 24,000/=
4. A project entitled “Strengthening of Lab. Facilities at the College of
Conventional Medicine by setting up Herbal-Analytical and
Histopathology Laboratories” approved by Higher Education
Commission amounting Rs. 37.400 million.
 Member Pakistan Pharmacists Association, Pakistan (1990 to date)
 Member, the Pakistan Pharmacological Society (MPPS), Pakistan (1987
to date)
 Vice President, Pakistan Pharmacists Association in the year 2006-2010
Member, Board of Studies, Department of Pharmacy, The Islamia
University of Bahawalpur (from 30-05-1995 to date).
Member, Expert Committees on Drugs Evaluation, under section 10
of the Drugs Act:1976 (from 1988 to date)
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (from 15-01-1996 to date).
Member, Loan Committee, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur
(from 30-01-1996 to 30-09-1997).
Member, Drug Court for Multan, Bahawalpur & D. G. Khan Divisions
constituted by Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights, Government
of Pakistan (from 30-09-1998 to 29-01-2004)
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Member, Advanced Studies & Research Board, The Islamia
University of Bahawalpur (from 31-08-1996 to 31-08-1999) and (from
21-07-2001 to date)
Member, Board of Studies, Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan (from 07-03-1996 to
06-03-1999) and (from 07-03-2003 for a period of three years).
Member, C. I. M. (Committee on Indiscipline and Misconduct of
students), The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (06-01-2000 to 06-012001), (07-01-2001 to 07-01-2002), (20-11-2002 to 19-11-2003) and
(20-11-2003 to 19-11-2004).
Acting Principal, University College of Conventional Medicine, The
Islamia University of Bahawalpur (from 01-01-2001 to 16-10-2006)
10. Member, Science Material Purchase Committee, The Islamia
University of Bahawalpur (from 01-11-2001 to 31-12-2005)
11. Member, Academic Council, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
(from 01-01-2001 to date)
12. Member, Research Grant Committee, The Islamia University of
Bahawalpur (from June 2002 to date)
13. Member, Adhoc Committee, appointed to functions of the Board of
Studies in Herbal Medicine, University of the Punjab, Lahore (from
16-04-2003 to date)
14. Member, Working Group on Tibb, constituted by The Islamia
University of Bahawalpur (from 19-04-2003 to date)
15. Member, Advisory Committee on Eastern Medicine, College of
Conventional Medicine, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur (from 0101-2001 to date)
16. Member, Advisory Committee on Homoeopathic Medicine, College
of Conventional Medicine, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur (from
01-01-2001 to date)
17. Chairman, Department of Pharmacy, the Islamia University of
Bahawalpur (from 03-09-2003 to 06-09-2008).
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
18. Member, Sub-Committee on Curriculum, Central Pharmacy
Council, Pakistan (from 2002 to date)
19. Secretary, The National Curriculum Committee, Higher Education
Commission for curriculum of Pharmacy (2004)
20. Secretary, The National Curriculum Committee Higher Education
Commission, for curriculum of Eastern Medicine (2004)
21. Member, Drug Court for Bahawalpur Division constituted by Ministry
of Law, Justice and Human Rights, Government of Pakistan (from 3001-2004 to date)
22. Member, IUSTC (Islamia University Sports
Committee) (from August 01, 2004 to July 31, 2006)
23. Member, Board of Studies, Department of Pharmacy, Balochistan
University, Quetta (from May 2004 to May 2007)
24. Member, Punjab Pharmacy Council, Punjab (from October 2004 to
October 2007)
25. Member, Panel of Experts for Evaluation of Patent Applications
relevant to Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Industries, Production &
Special Initiatives, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad (April 2005 to
26. Member, Committee of Experts on Drug Research, Government of
Pakistan, Ministry of Health, Islamabad (April 2005 to April 2008).
27. Member, Faculty Board of Pharmacy, Gomal University, Dera Ismail
Khan (October 2005 to October 2008).
28. Chairman, Committee to deal with the cases of Indiscipline and
Misconduct of students (C.I.M.), The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
(September 2005 to December 2005).
29. Chairman Medical Committee, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur
(August 2005 to 31-12-2005 & May 2010 to date).
30. Member, Board of Studies in Pharmacy, University College of
Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore (November 2005 to
November 2008 & November 2008 to date)
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
31. Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy & Alternative Medicine, the Islamia
University of Bahawalpur-Pakistan (December 2005 to date)
32. Chairman Hall Council, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur (01-012006 to 15-05-2007)
33. Chairman, Affiliation Committee, the Islamia University of
Bahawalpur (01-01-2006 to 31-12-2007).
34. Member, Pharmacy Council of Pakistan, Government of Pakistan
(16-06-2006 to 15-06-2009 & from 16-06-2009 15-06-2012).
35. Member, National Council for Homoeopathy, Government of
Pakistan (08-12-2006 to 07-12-2011).
36. Member, Examining Body, National Council for Homoeopathy,
Government of Pakistan (January 2007 to date)
37. Member, Library Committee, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur
(July 2008 to date)
38. Chairman, Examining body, National Council for Homoeopathy,
Government of Pakistan (July 2008 to date)
39. Member on the Drugs Appellate Board, Government of Pakistan,
Ministry of Health, Islamabad (27th March 2009 to 26th March 2012)
40. Chairman Prospectus Committee, the Islamia University of
Bahawalpur (June 2009 to date).
Director Students Affairs, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur (26th
June 2009 to date).
Academic Referees
Prof. Dr. Naeem Anwar Muzaffar,
Dean, Lahore College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Raiwind Road, Lahore
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nawaz,
Vice Chancellor, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences,
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Jamshaid
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Ex-Dean & Principal, University College of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Ph.D. Research Theses Supervised
Influence of Various Disease conditions
Pharmacokinetics of diclofenac in Rabbits.
Mohammad Iqbal (completed 2004).
Formulation development of Salbutamol by Microencapsulation: Its in-vitro
and in-vivo studies
Ghulam Murtaza (Dissertation Completed, evaluated and waiting for
notification 2009)
M. Phil. Research Theses Supervised
Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetic Studies of Ethionamide Tablets in Human
Volunteers. Asad Ullah Madni (completed 2004)
Motivational Problems of Medical Representatives working in Bahawalpur
District. Mohammad Bin Ibrahim (completed 2004)
Effect of Binders on the Bio-availability of Ofloxacin Tablets using an animal
model. Fatima Rasool (completed 2004)
Comparative Bioavailability of Diclofenac Sodium and Diclofenac Potassium
in Normal and Febrile rabbits. Mr. Salman Riaz (completed 2004)
Bioaequivalence evaluation of two brands of Famotidine Tablets in healthy
human volunteers. Mohammad Shirazi (completed 2005)
In-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of Flurbiprofen tablets prepared by Microencapsulation technique. Abdul Latif (completed 2005)
Comparative Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetic studies of Glipizide in
healthy human volunteers. Mohammad Atif (completed 2006)
Bioequivalence evaluation of two oral formulations of Meloxicam in healthy
volunteers. Miss Faryal Siddique (completed 2006)
Pharmacokinetics and Bioequivalence studies of two brands of Celecoxib
Capsules in healthy male volunteers. Mohammad Akhtar (completed 2006)
Pharmacokinetic and Bioavailability studies of commercially available
Simvastatin tablets in normal and clinical situation. Mohammad Qamar-uzZaman (completed 2006)
Bioequivalence Studies of Silymarin brands in Healthy Male Volunteers.
Usman Minhas (completed 2007)
Bioequivalence studies of two brands of flurbiprofen tablets in Normal Human
Plasma. Gul Shahnaz Bano (completed 2007)
Bioequivalence studies of two different brands available of Norfloxacin in the
Market. Sonia Khiljee (completed 2007)
Pharmacokinetic variations of Ofloxacin in Normal & Febrile Rabbits. Hina
Raza (completed 2007)
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
Comparative Bioavailability of Film-coated & Enteric-coated Metformin
Hydrochloride tablets in healthy volunteers. Mohammad Waheed Asghar
(completed 2007)
Bioequivalence studies of two commercial brands of Cefuroxime. Tauqeer
Ahmad Khan (completed 2007)
Bioequivalence studies of Nimuslide in Normal human Volunteers. Shujat Ali
Khan (completed 2007)
A Bioequivalence study of Two Commercial Brands of Cephradine. Nayab
Khalid (completed 2007)
Formulation & Development of Theophylline & its In-Vitro Evaluation. Syed
Wajid Hashmi (completed 2008)
Microencapsualtion of Diclofenac Sodium by Phase Separation Technique and
its In-Vitro and In-vivo Evaluation. Abubakar Munir (completed 2008)
Evaluation of Ethical Practices in Pharmaceutical Marketing. Mulazim Hussain
Asim (completed 2008).
Microencapsulation of Tramadol Hydrochloride and its In-Vitro Evaluation.
Mohammad Naeem Aamir (completed 2008).
23. Development and Standardization of Analytical methods of Anti-cancer drugs in the
plasma of Lymphoma patients and their Pharmacokinetics evaluation, Mr.
Mohammad Zubair Malik (Completed 2009).
Development and Standardization of Analytical methods of Anti-cancer drugs
in the plasma of Breast Cancer patients and their Pharmacokinetics evaluation.
Mohammad Saleem Qureshi (Completed 2009).
Development and IVIVC evaluation of Aquous based film coated Ketoprofen matrix
tablets. Mohammad Sarfraz. (Completed 2009).
IVIVC modeling for formulated Diclofenac Potassium matrix tablets. Miss Attiya
Afzal. (Completed 2009).
In-vivo evaluation of two marketed brands of Nefopam tablets in healthy human
volunteers. Mohammad Yaqoob. (Completed 2009).
Comparative bioavailability studies of Film coated & Enteric coated Flurbiprofen in
healthy human volunteers. Mohammad Fahad. (Completed 2009).
Hepatoprotective activity of some selected plants from Cholistan Desert. Sofia Erum.
(Completed 2009).
Development and standardization of analytical methods of anticancer drugs and their
pharmacokinetic evaluation in lymphoma patients. Mohammad Zubair Malik.
(Completed 2009).
In-Vivo Evaluation of Two Marketed Brands of Nefopam Tablets in Healthy Human
Volunteers. Muhammad Yaqoob. (Completed 2010).
In-Vitro In-Vivo Evaluation of Sustained Release Pellets of Flurbiprofen. Rizwan
Ahmad. (Completed in 2010)
A New Combined Antihypertensive with Microencapsulated Statins & β-Bloker: InVivo Charaterization. Rehmana Rasheed. (Completed in 2010).
A New Combined Antihypertensive with Microencapsulated Statins & β-Bloker:
Formulation Development & In-Vitro Charaterization. Fatima Naseem. (Completed in
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Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad
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