prof. Peter GABRIJELČIČ, asist. Alenka FIKFAK
year 2006/07, I. semester
oktober 2006
The object, research: URBAN LANDSCAPE - transformation of the rural landscape; changes
of agricultural function/production in traditional farms in family enterprises
Context: researching the princips of the built environment, the new way of life in the traditional
agricultural landscape – the case study (will be known later)). The point of the study is to create
an examples of architectural transformation - traditional farm. We will research the connections
bettwen the »rural« world and the new »urban« way of living and the architecture.
1st part of the exercise (teoretical and analitical): definiton of morfological patterns in the
landscape settlements; mean of the borders of settlement.
- landscape of topography, microclimate, density, facilities and form; the importance of the
country and its position (Slovenija – EU, Mediteran, Alps, the settlements, the chosen
place – object,...)
- a plan of allotment (the structure as a teoretical explanation), divisin of the land into lots,
the ownership structure, area of the village,… (recognition of evolution in landscape
settlements at the level of the village area; with accentuiation on a nucleated built
structure of the settlement);
- recognition of the morfological parts/forms (morfological analysis – objects and their
conecting land). From the whole settlement (which seams as a caotical, unknown
structure) we recognize the morfological mean - a morfological framework to create a
sistem (order, regulate, on layers,…) on the level of the object (farm).
- The mean of the borders on a level of the settlement and the chosen built structure
(spatial planning of each community in which you have chose the example, the definition
of regulation roles).
- students work to do: textual part; analizes: from the global level (scheces of the Europe,
country,...) to the level of 1:25.000, 1:5.000 and more detailed level (1:1000, 1:200,
lokation – scheces,...).
2nd part of the exercise (practical): At the other point of research (practise) you make an
examples of architectural transformation - traditional farms, as an evolution of the
- Searching of some patterns in the mean of: »Let everybody to live his ritem, his live in his
chose of dwelling culture.« There are no more farms and people who live just from the
agricultural production. The most part of the people in Slovenia countryside live from
work in urba-space and in the afternoon they also work as a »half-farmers« on their little
part of the land. The changes of living objects must turn into the combination of the
urban-rural way of live. But, the spatial quality of the settlements is also in the way of
changeing. We must think: how do we preserve the tradition and let to introduce the new
way of live into the old farming buildings.
The contemporary architectural intervention for the restore new functions in the
traditional farm.
- students work to do: textual part – the concept of the architectural transformation;
presentation of the concept: model, scheces, colages, 3D model, references,...
How we finish exercise of the object Rurizem in ruralna arhitektura:
- The presentation of the analitical part of the work (public presentation – 2 WEEKS
AFTER visiting the location)
- The presentation of the whole after the last lesson
The final report must be on A3 as exercise work (the date will be known later, after the
last lesson)
each student must prepare the presentation for the exibision of her/his work on exercise
on 2 x A3 (when the final report will be finished)
Ljubljana, 7.11.2007
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More references (not all available in our bibliotheque):
ČERPES, Ilka, 2002: Samoorganizacija in urejanje naselij. Doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: Univerza v
Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo.
DURJAVA, Matjaž, 1986: Načela oblikovanja slovenskih kmečkih naselij in ljudske arhitekture. Maribor: MK.
Hoggart K., Buller H., Black R., 1995.:Rural Europe. Identity and Change. London, Arnold.
ILEŠIČ, Svetozar, 1949: Kmečka naselja na Primorskem. Geografski vestnik XX – XXI. 217–247.
ILEŠIČ, Svetozar, 1950: Sistemi poljske razdelitve na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija
KOS, Drago, 1990: Združevanje dela in bivanja. Teorija in praksa 1/2. 68.
Mingay, G. E.(ur.), 1989: The rural idyll. London: Routledge.
OECD (Organisation for economic co-operation and development), 1998: Agricultural Policy Reform
and the Rural Economy in OECD Countries. Paris.
RIFKIN, Jeremy, 2001: Stoletje biotehnologije: kako bo trgovina z geni spremenila svet. Ljubljana: Založba
ROBERTS, Brian K., 1996: Landscapes of Settlement – Prehistory to the Present. London: Routledge.
SCHAUR, Eda, 1991: Ungeplante siedlungen – Non Planned Settlements. Stuttgart: Universität Stuttgart,
Institut für Leichte Flächentragwerke.
SELJAK, Igor (ur.), 2001: Housing in Constant Evolution. Book of Abstracts. XXIX IAHS World Congress on
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Steiner, F. R., 2000: The Living Landscape: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning.
Stiller, A., 1997: The House as an Article – on the Way to Production. A + T, 10.
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TRSTENJAK, Anton, 1992: Misli o slovenskem človeku. Ljubljana: Mihelač.
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