curriculum for tourism and language − programme subject

Studiespesialiserende utdanningsprogram
Programområde for språkfag, samfunnsfag og økonomi
Laid down as a regulation by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training on 27 March 2008, as delegated in
a letter of 26 September 2005 from the Ministry of Education and Research pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1998 no. 61
relating to primary and secondary education (Education Act) Section 3-4 first paragraph.
Applicable from 1 August 2008
The objectives of the subject
Globalisation, increased interaction between human beings and moving within and among countries
creates the basis for development of travel products. The programme subject Tourism and language shall
promote communication and cultural understanding in the meeting between different cultures in the travel
and tourism trade, and with that contribute to development and value creation in international tourism
Tourism and language shall promote knowledge about the tourism industry in general, and for the overall
tourism product at a destination. The programme subject shall help develop language competence by
practicing different languages within tourism activities. The programme subject shall give knowledge about
different cultures and ways of living that can promote understanding and tolerance. The programme subject
shall also give insight into tourism as a phenomenon and the different motives for travel and tourism
activities. Furthermore, the programme subject shall contribute to knowledge about development of
tourism from a historical and geographical perspective.
Learning in the subject shall contribute by giving the pupil insight into Norwegian, Sami and international
history and culture within the context of travel and tourism. Learning in the subject shall arrange for the
practical use of English and other languages as a basis for dialogue in meetings between human beings.
Learning in the subject shall contribute to knowledge about sustainable product development and
marketing within the tourism trade. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall give insight into economic
conditions, trends and social conditions that can influence travel and tourism trades. Learning in the
subject shall also contribute to developing knowledge about rules and ethics related to the tourism
industry. The programme subject shall contribute to personal growth and learning, laying the foundation for
further studies in tourism and languages.
Language and tourism consists of two programme subjects: Tourism and language 1, and Tourism and
language 2.
Tourism and language 2 builds on Tourism and language 1.
This programme subject has been structured into main subject areas, for which competence aims have
been formulated.
The main subject areas complement each other, and should be viewed in relation to one another.
Overview of the main subject areas:
Main subject areas
Programme subject
Tourism and language 1
Language and culture
Tourism and language 2
Language and culture
Tourism product
Tourism development
Teaching hours
Teaching hours are given in 60-minute units.
Tourism and language 1:
Tourism and language 2:
140 teaching hours per year
140 teaching hours per year
Main subject areas
Tourism and language 1
Language and culture
This main subject area covers language use, cultural knowledge and intercultural competence within the
international tourism market. The main subject area covers communication strategies and communication
in the tourism industry between people in Norway and other countries. Handling situations that require
cultural understanding, intercultural insight and respect for other peoples' ways of thinking and living are
also included in the main subject area.
Tourism product
This main subject area covers tourism's place in society and travel business structures on a national and
international basis. Development of travel destinations and sustainable travel products and presentation of
these for guests is a part of the main subject area. Furthermore, this main subject area covers marketing
for tourism where models and theories of marketing activities are included in the international tourism
market. The use of need and motivational theories in analysing travel products and gathering information
about travel products from available sources is included in the main subject area. The main subject area
also covers central national and international organizations within tourism, and framework conditions that
can influence the tourism industry.
Tourism and language 2
Language and culture
This main subject area covers communicating in various languages about cultural and language-based
experiences related to different geographical areas, with a focus on intercultural understanding.
Furthermore, the main subject area covers travel literature and travel-related subjects. Norwegian and
Sami cultural history are included in the main subject area. Transmitting information and presenting
destinations and culture-historical themes is a part of the main subject area.
Tourism development
This main subject area deals with how nature, environment and historical pre-conditions have influenced
and will influence the tourism industry. Furthermore, this main subject area deals with how bids, demands
and trends in tourism may be related to social development. It also covers geographic conditions and local,
national and international natural assets as pre-conditions for travel patterns and development of
destinations. The main subject area also covers environmental considerations, sustainable use and
development of travel products and tourism's significance for value creation in society. Preservation of
national and international natural environments and cultural and natural heritages are included in the main
subject area.
Basic skills
Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the
development of and are a part of the basic subject competence. In Tourism and language, basic skills are
understood as follows:
Being able to express oneself orally in Tourism and language involves using Norwegian, Sami and other
languages in different contexts and across cultural borders. This also means listening, communicating
content and verbal interaction with guests, colleagues and collaborators.
Studiespesialiserende utdanningsprogram
Programområde for språkfag, samfunnsfag og økonomi
Being able to express oneself in writing in Tourism and language involves communicating with guests,
colleagues and collaborators. It also means adapting language use in Norwegian, Sami and other
languages to different target groups, situations and tasks.
Being able to read in Tourism and language involves gathering, selecting and using written information as a
basis for travel planning, and developing products and destinations.
Numeracy in Tourism and language involves doing currency conversions and making recalculations related
to different systems of measurement.
Digital and computer literacy in Tourism and language involves gathering information, preparing
presentations and communicating digitally. It also involves using source criticism and evaluating ethical
questions related to copyright and personal data protection.
Competence aims
Tourism and language 1
Language and culture
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 converse about cultural and language-based experiences related to different geographical areas
 discuss and elaborate on aspects of tradition, lifestyles, values and norms in Norway and abroad
 give an account of the significance of cultural knowledge when transmitting experiences about
 find information, and present its contents in multifaceted travel texts in Norwegian, Sami and at
least one other language
 use written and oral English adapted to correct situations in social, travel-related and intercultural
 adapt language use to the extent necessary for different communications situations in Norwegian
and Sami, and at least one other language
 converse about topical and interdisciplinary themes related to tourism in Norwegian and Sami, and
at least one other language
 describe and evaluate how behaviour, clothing, language and body language can be adapted to
different situations in the role of host
 inform different target groups in Norwegian and Sami, and one other language, about national and
international tourist attractions
 use different international systems of measurement, and do currency conversions
 use digital tools and other tools to gather information and communicate
Tourism product
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 describe an overall tourism product at a destination and assess the destination's competitiveness
 discuss and elaborate on how different framework conditions can influence the tourism industry,
and how tourism can be included in various combinations of activities related to business
 give an account of central national and international organizations in the tourism trade
 prepare and present a simple marketing plan for a travel product
 evaluate different market segments with a thought to a specific travel product
 plan and practice giving advice about a destination in Norwegian and Sami, and at least one other
 evaluate the principles of sustainable use of nature at a destination in the context of travel
 give an account of public right of access, and evaluate conditions existent between the tourism
industry and considerations that should be taken for nature-based businesses
 use information about geography and cultural conditions in marketing work
 use need and motivational theories to analyse different travel products
 identify characteristics of local, national and international market segments in the tourism industry
 give an account of sustainable development at a destination
explain the service worker's role in service production
use communication, presentation techniques and digital tools to present travel themes in
Norwegian and Sami, and at least one other language
Tourism and language 2
Language and culture
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 converse about cultural and language-based experiences related to different geographical areas in
Norwegian and Sami, and at least one other language
 discuss and elaborate on the significance of intercultural understanding and respect when
communicating with others
 exchange information in prepared and spontaneous interaction with others in Norwegian and
Sami, and at least one other language
 read and make conclusions about the main content of travel literature in Norwegian and Sami, and
at least one other language
 communicate subjects from Norwegian and Sami cultural history and cultural life in Norwegian and
Sami, and at least one other language
 discuss topical travel subjects in Norwegian and Sami, and at least one other language
 present central national and international destinations in Norwegian and Sami, and at least one
other language
 discuss and elaborate on travelogues from earlier times, and evaluate the information and
attitudes from a historical perspective
Tourism development
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 give an account of historic preconditions for the development of tourism and the use historic
sources in transmission of information about travel products
 discuss and elaborate on travelogues from earlier times, and evaluate information and attitudes
from a historical perspective
 discuss and elaborate on how travel products are influenced by geography and climatic conditions
 evaluate how the development of offers, demand and trends in tourism are related to social
 discuss the relationship between trends and opportunities for innovative travel products in Norway
 map out and evaluate how the tourism industry is influenced by global environmental requirements
 discuss and elaborate on the effects travel products have on culture, science and the environment
from a local, national and international perspective
 recommend measures that can create sustainable development of travel products
 use UNESCO's database for world heritage and other overviews of cultural heritage and natural
attractions for planning trips
 give an account of tourism's significance in overall value creation in society
 present a destination with emphasis on historical and geographical conditions for tourism
 present a travel product by using digital tools in Norwegian and Sami, and at least one other
Studiespesialiserende utdanningsprogram
Programområde for språkfag, samfunnsfag og økonomi
Tourism and language
Provisions for final assessment:
Overall achievement grades
Programme subject
Tourism and language 1
Tourism and language 2
The pupils shall have an overall achievement grade.
Examination for pupils
Programme subject
Tourism and language 1
The pupils may be selected for an oral examination. The
examination is prepared and graded locally.
Tourism and language 2
The pupils may be selected for a written or oral examination.
The written examination is prepared and graded centrally.
The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.
Examination for external candidates
Programme subject
Tourism and language 1
Tourism and language 2
The external candidate shall sit for an oral examination. The
examination is prepared and graded locally.
The external candidate shall sit for a written and oral
The written examination is prepared and graded centrally.
The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.
The provisions for assessment are stipulated in the regulations of the Norwegian Education Act.