Japanese - University of Salford

Salford Languages
University Wide Language Programme
Stage 1
i. Module Content
The aims of the module are to:
• develop your listening, speaking and reading skills in Japanese
• develop your ability to use Japanese for practical everyday needs
• introduce basic writing skills
• introduce you to the culture of Japan
Intended Learning Outcomes
When you successfully complete the module, you will:
• be able to communicate at a basic level in some everyday situations
• be able to understand and write very simple messages
• have some understanding of the way of life in Japan
Transferable/Key Skills
On completion of this module students will have had the opportunity to develop:
16. Communication skills –receiving and giving information in oral and written form
17. Identifying and locating key resources and using basic search skills to retrieve
relevant information
18. Application of numbers – recognising and using numbers in the target language
19. Managing own learning – recognising own strengths and weaknesses and
checking own progress
20. Working with others – through pair work and group work and IT skills – word
processing and using the Internet and VLE for a variety of learning activities
Learning and teaching methods
Learning will be through class work, incorporating pair work and group work, and
through directed self-study. Assessment will include the requirement to demonstrate
some understanding of the culture of Japan. Use will be made of textbooks and inhouse written materials, and of audio, video and computer-assisted learning materials.
Teaching and learning is supported by the School’s Language Resource Centre. Your
progress will be monitored on the basis of assessment, marking and feedback.
Syllabus outline
The module will cover various survival and social communication skills and, to a
limited extent, the work situation. The following areas will be covered:
• understanding the spoken language
• speaking the language, principally to obtain information, goods or services, to
introduce oneself, to find out about other people
• reading the language: notices, signs, advertisements, simple messages
• writing the language: filling in forms, writing simple messages
Everyday situations will be covered, such as:
• introducing and presenting oneself and others, including in the work situation;
shopping; travel; hotels; plus alphabet, numbers, days, dates, telling the time
ii. Assessment
UWLP Stage 1 Basic Foreign Language Skills – comparable to A1 + A1+
Summative for SSA and Erasmus Semester 1 only Module
Assessment: Reading / Writing examination (Final Component of Assessment)
Oral test (both at the end of Semester 2)
(Directed self study is not assessed as a separate element but work set
(topics or particular exercises) is to be included in the content of the Reading /
Writing examination and the Oral test)
Skills weighting: Reading / Writing 70%; Oral 30%
Reading / Writing examination (70%)
Duration: 1 ½ hours
Reading (40%) – 45 minutes; 3 texts; total 300 – 400 words**; questions and
answers in English and in L2* depending on task and instructions given. Question
types selected from: true/false/not given, multiple choice, cloze test with choices
given, picture identification with options given, ordering of text, matching of heading
from given list, word substitution with options given, paraphrasing using cloze test
with options given
Writing (60%) – 45 minutes; rubric in English; number of words: 200** in total (+/10%); the focus is on quality rather than quantity.
To consist of either:
o One piece of free writing from a list of specified topics (+/- 200 words**) OR
o One piece of free writing from a selection of specified topics (+/- 100 words**)
PLUS one piece of guided writing (+/- 100 words; narrative based on pictures,
grammar exercises, providing specific information, e.g. giving directions) OR
o One piece of free writing from a selection of specified topics (+/- 100
words**) PLUS two shorter pieces of guided writing (+/- 50 words** each;
narrative based on pictures, grammar exercises, providing specific
information, e.g. giving directions)
The Reading / Writing examination will take place during the examination period at the end
of Semester 2
Oral test (30%)
Duration: 10 minutes
Oral – individual or in pairs; 10 minutes. It consists of 2 role plays (instructions in
English) as well as some general questions, the topic of which will be distributed in
advance in Week 24.
The Oral test will take place in the last two weeks of teaching in Semester 2
*L2 = The language being learned during this course, e.g. Chinese or Japanese
**(or equivalent number in characters as advised by language tutor)
All instructions will be in English
iii. Reading list
Updated reading lists will be published early September.
Stage 2
i. Module Content
Building on your previous studies in Japanese, you will:
• continue to develop your listening, speaking and reading skills in Japanese
• continue to develop your ability to use Japanese for practical everyday needs
• extend your basic writing skills
• continue to explore the culture of Japan
Intended Learning Outcomes
When you successfully complete the module, you will:
• be able to communicate at a basic level in a variety of everyday and workplace
situations in Japan and when dealing with Japanese visitors to this country
• be able to understand and write simple messages and business communications
• have a wider understanding of the way of life in Japan
Transferable/Key Skills
On completion of this module students will have had the opportunity to develop:
17. Communication skills –receiving and giving information in oral and written form
producing clear and logically organised written material and oral presentations
18. Consolidating and demonstrating independence in accessing and searching
information resources
19. Application of number – reading and commenting on graphs and statistics
20. Managing own learning – recognising own strengths and weaknesses and
checking own progress
Working with others – through pair work and group work and IT skills – word
processing and using the Internet and VLE for a variety of learning activities
Learning and teaching methods
Learning will be through class work, incorporating pair work and group work, and
through directed self-study. Assessment will include the requirement to demonstrate
some understanding of the culture of Japan. Use will be made of textbooks and inhouse written materials, and of audio, video and computer-assisted learning materials.
Teaching and learning is supported by the School’s Language Resource Centre. Your
progress will be monitored on the basis of assessment, marking and feedback.
Syllabus outline
The module will cover various survival and social communication skills and, to a
certain extent, the work situation. Practice will be given in:
• understanding the spoken language
• speaking the language in everyday situations and to find out about other people
• reading the language: simple texts on topics of familiar or personal interest
• writing the language: simple letters and texts on topics of familiar or personal
interest, including opinions and reasons.
Everyday situations will be covered, such as: tourism; travel; weather; work;
describing people and places
ii. Assessment
UWLP Stage 2 Further Basic Foreign Language Skills – comparable to A2+
Summative for SSA and Erasmus Semester 1 only Module
Assessment: Reading / Writing examination (Final Component of Assessment)
Oral test (both at the end of Semester 2)
(Directed self study is not assessed as a separate element but work set
(topics or particular exercises) is to be included in the content of the Reading /
Writing examination and the Oral test)
Skills weighting: Reading / Writing 70%; Oral 30%
Reading / Writing examination (70%)
Duration: 1 ½ hours
Reading (40%) – 45 minutes; 3 texts; total 500 – 600 words**; questions and
answers in English and in the L2* depending on tasks and instructions given.
Question types selected from: true/false/not given, multiple choice, cloze test with
choices given, ordering of text, matching section headings, identifying odd-oneout, paraphrasing using cloze test with options given, word substitution with
options given
Writing (60%) – 45 minutes; rubric in target language; number of words: 250** in
total (+/- 10%); the focus is on quality rather than quantity.
To consist of either:
o One piece of free writing from a list of specified topics (+/- 250 words**) OR
One piece of free writing from a selection of specified topics (+/- 125 words**)
PLUS one piece of guided writing (+/- 125 words**; narrative based on
pictures, grammar exercises, providing specific information, e.g. giving
directions) OR
One piece of free writing from a selection of specified topics (+/- 125 words**)
PLUS two shorter pieces of guided writing (+/- 60 words** each; narrative based
on pictures, grammar exercises, providing specific information, e.g. giving
The Reading / Writing examination will take place during the examination period at the end
of Semester 2
Oral test (30%)
Duration: 10 minutes
Oral – individual; 10 minutes; general and topic-based conversation. A list of
potential topics will be distributed in advance in Week 24.
The Oral test will take place in the last two weeks of teaching in Semester 2
*L2 = The language being learned during this course, e.g. Chinese or Japanese
** (or equivalent number in characters as advised by language tutor)
All instructions in the L2.
iii. Reading List
Updated reading lists will be published early September.
Stage 3
i. Module Content
The Content for this Module is currently under review and will be published as soon as
possible before the commencement of the course.
viii. Assessment
UWLP Stage 3 Foreign Language Skills for Practical Purposes – comparable to B1
Summative for SSA and Erasmus Semester 1 only Module
Assessment: Reading / Writing examination (Final Component of Assessment)
Oral test (both at the end of Semester 2)
(Directed self study is not assessed as a separate element but work set
(topics or particular exercises) is to be included in the content of the Reading /
Writing examination and the Oral test)
Skills weighting: Reading / Writing 70%; Oral 30%
Reading / Writing examination (70%)
Duration: 1 ½ hours
Reading (40%) – 45 minutes; 3 texts; total 600 – 700 words**; questions and
answers in L2*. Question types selected from: true/false/not given, multiple
choice, cloze test with choices given, ordering of text, matching section headings,
identifying odd-one-out, paraphrasing using cloze test with options given, word
substitution with options given
Writing (60%) – 45 minutes; rubric in target language; number of characters:
250 – 300** (+/- 10%); the focus is on quality rather than quantity. To consist of
one piece of free writing from a selection of specified topics
The Reading / Writing examination will take place during the examination period at the end
of Semester 2
Oral test (30%)
Duration: 10 minutes
Oral - individual; 10 minutes; general and topic-based conversation. A list of
potential topics will be distributed in advance in Week 24
The Oral test will take place in the last two weeks of teaching in Semester 2
*L2 = The language being learned during this course, e.g. Chinese or Japanese
**(or equivalent number in characters as advised by language tutor)
ii. All instructions in the L2Reading list
Updated reading lists will be published early September.
Stage 4
i. Module Content
The Content for this Module is currently under review and will be published as soon as
possible before the commencement of the course.
viii. Assessment
UWLP Stage 4 Further Foreign Language Skills for Practical Purposes – comparable to B1+
Summative for SSA and Erasmus Semester 1 only Module
Assessment: Reading / Writing examination (Final Component of Assessment)
Oral test (both at the end of Semester 2)
(Directed self study is not assessed as a separate element but work set
(topics or particular exercises) is to be included in the content of the Reading /
Writing examination and the Oral test)
Skills weighting: Reading / Writing 70%; Oral 30%
Reading / Writing examination (70%)
Duration: 1 ½ hours
Reading (40%) – 45 minutes; 3 texts; total 600 – 700 words**; questions and
answers in L2*. Question types selected from: true/false/not given, multiple
choice, cloze test with choices given, ordering of text, matching section headings,
identifying odd-one-out, paraphrasing using cloze test with options given, word
substitution with options given, multiple choice to identify summary, written
answers in target language
Writing (60%) – 45 minutes; instructions in L2; number of words: 250 – 300**
(+/- 10%); the focus is on quality rather than quantity. To consist of one piece of
free writing from a selection of specified topics
The Reading / Writing examination will take place during the examination period at the end
of Semester 2
Oral test (30%)
Duration: 10 minutes
Oral - individual; 10 minutes; general and topic-based conversation /
presentation. A list of potential topics will be distributed in advance in Week 24.
The Oral test will take place in the last two weeks of teaching in Semester 2
*L2 = The language being learned during this course, e.g. Chinese or Japanese
**(or equivalent number in characters as advised by language tutor)
All instructions in L2.
iii. Reading list
Updated reading lists will be published early September.