PN syllabus-PN 113 8-1-2011

Syllabus– Practical Nursing Program
Course Code:
Course Title:
1. Length of Course:
2. Method of Teaching:
3. Faculty:
4. Office Locations:
5. Office Hours:
6. Phone Numbers:
7. Course Prerequisites:
8. Course Description:
9. Course Objectives:
10. Required Texts:
PN 113
Maternal & Child Health Nursing Care
Clock Hours: 156
Credit Hours: 5
Theory: 30 hours; Skills Lab: 30 hours; Clinical: 96 hours
Connie Morris, RN, BSN
Instructor Prep Area
7:30 AM to 4PM
(904) 807-5145
A&P 101
This course is a study of the childbearing process from pregnancy through
birth and the postpartum period. Content reviews the normal pregnancy,
and stresses the high-risk client within each phase of pregnancy.
The knowledge and skills needed in the nursing process in the care of the
ill child from infancy through adolescence are included. (Prerequisite:
A&P 101)
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the impact of cultural diversities in maternal and infant care
on current nursing practice.
2. Discuss the psychological and physiological changes that occur
during pregnancy.
3. Identify the diagnostic tests used to identify normal vs. high-risk
4. Describe practical nursing care of the pregnant client with chronic
medical disorders.
5. Discuss dietary consideration in the management of the prenatal and
postpartum patient.
6. Prepare a nursing care plan for a pregnant client.
7. Describe the most common complications of labor and delivery and
common medical surgical interventions for delivery.
8. Describe the medical and nursing interventions for the neonate at risk.
9. Utilize the nursing process in the management of the patient during
the prenatal, labor and delivery, and postnatal period.
10. Utilize the nursing process in the data gathering and management of
the neonate.
11. Provide the client and/or the family with pertinent information
regarding postpartum care and care of the neonate.
12. Identify common deficits of the pediatric client.
13. List the drugs used for common illnesses of the pediatric client.
14. Discuss dietary requirements for all stages of the pediatric client in
health and disease.
15. Describe common diagnostic tests used to identify deficits in the
pediatric patient.
16. Provide the client and/or family with pertinent information regarding
the pediatric client with a deficit.
17. Prepare a nursing care plan for a postpartum and pediatric client.
Castaldi, P. (2011). Study Guide for Christensen and Kockrow
Foundations of Nursing (6th ed. ). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
Christensen, B. & Kockrow, E. (2011). Foundations of Nursing (6th ed.).
Syllabus– Practical Nursing Program
Course Code:
Course Title:
PN 113
Maternal & Child Health Nursing Care
St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
Daniels, R. (2010). Delmar’s Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests.
(2nd ed.) Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Deglin, J. & Vallerand, A. (2010). Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses. (12th
ed.). Philadelphia: FA Davis Company.
Doenges, M. E., Moorehouse, M. F., & Geissler-Murr, A. C. (2010).
Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Rationales. (12th
ed.). Philadelphia: FA Davis Company.
Myers, E. & Hopkins, T. (2008). LPN Notes: Nurse’s Clinical Pocket
Guide.(2nd ed.) Philadelphia: FA Davis Company.
Reiss, B. S. & Evans, M. E. (2007). Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing
Care. (7th ed.). Albany, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing
(2008). (6th ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
11. Course Requirements:
12. Academic Integrity:
13. Evaluation Methods:
Students are expected to attend each class to maximize learning and to take
written examinations at scheduled times. Students will participate in class
through discussion and group projects.
Cheating, plagiarism, copying, and any other behavior that is contrary to
school standards of behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found
guilty of such offenses will be given an F as a final course grade.
Paper, pencil testing, and/or oral presentations.
Grading Scale:
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 77-79% (77% is passing grade for this course)
D 60-76%
F 59% or below
Course Grade Determination:
Unit Exams
Cultural Project
Comprehensive Final
Clinical Pass/ Fail and must be passed in order to pass this course.
14. Clinical Components:
Maternal –child facilities