Diarrhoea and Vomiting

Dr MN Lewis Dr SC Smart Dr SDT Davies Dr JJ Gnana Pragasam Dr CL Thompson
Practice Manager: Mrs Janet Fry
Diarrhoea and Vomiting
Diarrhoea and vomiting often appear together but may appear separately. Most times,
although you feel terrible, there is little that a doctor can do for you, other than give advice
similar to that below.
Only drink clear fluids or flat lemonade
Start by just taking sips of fluid and when the sickness subsides, slowly build up the quantity
Take anti-diarrhoea medications which can help the symptoms but do not cure you any quicker
Eat until at least 24 hours after the last sickness or diarrhoea subsides
Drink milk or drinks containing particles as these take more digestion and irritate the bowel
Take any tablets for headache or fever until the vomiting subsides
Diarrhoea involves frequent and loose motions. It is usually caused by inflammation of the large
intestine which is where the body removes most of the fluid from digested food. The major cause, in
the context we are referring to, is infection but there are various other rarer causes which occasionally
occur. If diarrhoea persists and is not subsiding after a week, you should consult your doctor. If you
have just got back from abroad and have diarrhoea, it is wise to consult your doctor immediately.
In some cases bleeding occurs and this also should prompt a consultation with your doctor but as long
as the blood loss is not heavy, this can await a daytime consultation.
In some cases a fever (high temperature) occurs with the diarrhoea. Initial first aid approaches to this
involve fluid replacement with electrolyte solution or “pop” (e.g. lemonade or cola) and sponging
down with tepid water. Paracetamol may be tolerated bit might possibly irritate the bowel more. If
fever is excessive, or there are other causes for concern, consult with a doctor.
Vomiting, in this context, usually implies inflammation of the stomach associated with an infection.
Most commonly this is viral in origin and passed on like colds and influenza but occasionally it may be
due to contaminated food. Other causes of vomiting do exist and persistent vomiting, lasting more
than a few hours or associated with constipation, high fever, abdominal pain or blood (which may look
like coffee grounds) in the vomit should cause you to contact a doctor (even out of hours).
The main emphasis is on avoiding dehydration while avoiding gastric irritation. Thus you should take
clear fluids, preferably at a strength equivalent to body fluids (isotonic) and containing a similar
balance of electrolytes (e.g. sodium and potassium) as well as an energy source (e.g. glucose). One of
the most palatable options is simple lemonade but there are proprietary brands of electrolyte
solutions which come as sachets of powder or effervescent tablets which simply need to be added to
water. To begin with this solution should be taken as the occasional sip, slowly built up as the vomiting
subsides. (Usually after the stomach is empty, the stomach only attempts to vomit a further three or
four times).
Frequent vomiting may cause a strain inside the lining of the stomach or oesophagus, leading to
bleeding beginning after a few vomits. If this happens, you should call a doctor.