April 2001 - Austin Community College

April 2001
Attendance at Meeting: Bernice Speer, Ursula Hauser, D’maris Allen, Jackie Jarzem, Steve Ziser, Hal
Alsup, Steve Bostic, Tom Stege, Sal Tavormina, Betsy Maxim, Suzy Mathis, Anne Keddy-Hector, Sarah
Strong, David Froehlich, Alice Sessions, Pam Brownlee, Yvonne Estes, A. L. Mackey, Steve Muzos, Terry
Shaw, John Norris, Ed Meyertholen, Dean Keddy-Hector
Presentation by Terry Stewart
Terry Stewart from Professional Development presented important information on writing common
course objectives. She distributed a copy of a Grand Rapids Community College syllabus that
included performance objectives, a copy of Burlington County College common course objectives
for an accounting course, and a handout on writing behavioral objectives. She suggested that we
develop common course objectives along with how students will be assessed concerning
objectives. The following website includes examples of behavioral verbs for student activities in
science: www.adprima.com/examples.htm/
Discussion of Common Course Objectives
Course Objectives (specific) vs. Course Topics (general)? A list of topics may not be sufficient for
the Program Review that will take place in Fall 2001. Bernice is under the impression that we
need more specific course objectives.
Mackey suggested that we use more general terms in developing common course objectives so as
not to address how the instructor will assess learning. In other words, be specific on content, but
vague on method. A motion was made that we proceed in this direction and it was passed.
It was suggested that the specifics on method be addressed in an instructor’s syllabus (ex.
diagram phases of mitosis, write an essay on mitosis, or identify mitotic phases under the
Objectives will be voted on in May so that can be implemented in Fall 2001. Suggestions for
revisions should be made to the BTF listserve. Objectives may be read online at the BTF web
page at http://ww2.austin.cc.tx.us/~biology/. Alice has gotten only one comment on 1406
Lab skill objectives should be included for majors courses and workforce courses (ex. 1714).
Results for the Fall 2000 Bio. 1406 assessment test were distributed. Specific problem areas were
identified in the report.
The database needs to be updated for the years 1999-2000 and 2000-2001.
Review Statement of Purpose:
1. Prepare biology majors with fundamental tool to successfully transfer and complete a
baccalaureate degree in biology. [Bio. 1406 and 1714 have been assessed. 1407
common course objectives will be developed next year.]
2. General education – prepare students to critically apply knowledge of biology to
problems and concerns of society. [Currently not being assessed. We may have
students write an essay for assessment.]
3. [Develop a third statement specifically for health science majors.]
The Capital Idea program is mandating that their students take Critical Thinking as a prerequisite
for 1714 starting Fall 2001. It was suggested that we track these students.
Jackie suggested that retention of students be added to goals. Sarah requested data on students’
reasons for dropping.
Program Review Scheduled for Fall 2001
Mackey and David volunteered for this committee.
New Task Force Chair Election Procedure
Bernice distributed a new administrative rule (AR# 4.06.011) on task force chair election
procedures. Anyone interested in running for task force chair should contact our dean David
Fonken as soon as possible. Jackie expressed interest in running.
Steve Ziser distributed a comprehensive, college-wide, biology microscope inventory. Orders for
new microscopes will be based on these numbers.
Collegial Teaching Teams
Bernice distributed a new administrative rule (AR# 4.06.012) concerning collegial teaching teams
for all faculty members. Campus-based collegial teaching teams will be composed of adjuncts
within their discipline and a full-time faculty member. The taskforce chair will establish these
teams. More to come later!
Developing In-House Produced Course Materials
Sal announced a web address to aid those faculty members developing in-house course materials.
The site includes procedure for assigning ISBN numbers and a standardized cover template to
make sure students get what they need from the bookstore. Check it out at
Marketing for Low Enrollment Courses
Yvonne Estes has lots of great marketing ideas for low enrollment courses and has offered to help
those in need. She has suggestions for making effective posters and flyers, as well as
suggestions on where to post them on and off campus. RVS has a poster machine!
Evaluation Criteria for Full-time Faculty
Evaluation criteria for full-time faculty were distributed.
Open Campus (OPC)
Mary Lou Cummings and her staff attended the meeting to address OPC-related questions from
biology faculty.
 Faculty do not have to use Blackboard to teach distance learning courses. Blackboard
can be linked to existing websites; it works well as a portal and an organizer. There are
5 black board courses: Blackboard Basics, Adding Content, Student Management &
Online Communication, Assessment, and Gradebook). For a schedule of workshops,
go to http://irt.austin.cc.tx.us/workshops/.
 A summer institute will be offered this summer (1/2-day sessions for 3 weeks). Faculty
will be paid to develop a common course site.
 A document for course proposals was distributed. This document may also be used to
make changes to existing OPC courses (i.e., changing to a new format).
 No TA’s will be funded for Fall 2001 if biology has not developed a departmental OPC
A committee was formed to address OPC issues: co-chairs Terry and Sal, Betsy, Sarah, Steve M.
Hiring Committee
The committee hopes to be finished with interview by mid-May. Sarah made a motion to move
one faculty member to Pinnacle. Jackie seconded the motion. This request will be forwarded to
David Fonken. He will ask for faculty members to submit their request along with reasons for why
they should be considered.
Purging of the Textbook Inventory
Please look over the textbook inventory list and submit requests for deletions to Bernice.
Send revisions for Bio. 1406 lab manual to David Froelich at NRG.
Send revisions for Living Planet to Bernice or Betsy ASAP.
Taskforce meetings are held on the first Friday of each month. Full-time faculty must attend.
Adjunct faculty are encouraged to attend.
Check out the BTF web page at http://ww2.austin.cc.tx.us/~biology/
Subscribe to the BTF listserve. All faculty and lab technicians must subscribe. Just send a
message to listserv@austin.cc.tx.us with the text "subscribe btf Your Name". No subject is
necessary. The listserve will take your address from the message, so send it from whichever
account you want btf mail to go to.
How to Contact our taskforce leader Bernice Speer:
e-mail: bspeer@austin.cc.tx.us
office phone: 223-6297
office location: RVS, Bldg. A, Rm. 2296
home phone: 255-6827