To: From: Date: Re: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries Dale McCullough, Ph.D. Senior Fishery Scientist for CRITFC May 12, 2005 Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues. I, DALE A. McCULLOUGH, declare and state as follows: 1. My name is Dale A. McCullough. I have a B.S. in Zoology from Ohio University, an M.S. in Biology from Idaho State University, and a Ph.D. in Fisheries from Oregon State University. I am currently employed as a Senior Fishery Scientist for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC). In this capacity, I have studied, written, and presented on anadromous fish habitat throughout the Columbia River basin. In particular, I have focused much of my work on the harmful effects of temperature on Pacific Northwest salmon and steelhead and on the effects of land management activities on the habitat of salmon and other aquatic species. A true and correct copy of my curriculum vitae is attached as Exhibit A 2. I make the following statements based on my review of the Washington Draft Environmental Impact Statement For the Proposed Issuance of Multiple Species Incidental Take Permits or 4(d) Rules Covering the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan, Washington Forests and Fish Report (April 29, 1999), Society for Ecological Restoration, Northwest Chapter, Scientific Review of the Washington State Forests and Fish Plan (Jan. 31, 2000), National Marine Fisheries Service Memorandum Re: Statement of how the Forests and Fish Report likely meets Properly Functioning Condition (June 16, 2000), National Marine Fisheries Service Analysis of Riparian Conservation Measures (March 1999), Washington Forest Practice Association, Review of the Scientific Foundations of the Forests and Fish Report (April 20, 2000), EPA, NMFS, USFWS, Review of December 2001 Draft Sufficiency Analysis: Stream Temperature (Feb. 2001), EPA’s Response to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents (Feb. 23, 2001), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Management Recommendations for Washington Priority Habitats: Riparian (1997), EPA’s (2001) Region 10 Guidance for Pacific Northwest State and Tribal Temperature Water Quality Standards, USFWS bull trout conservation guidance, my own “Review and Synthesis of Effects of Alterations to the Water Temperature Regime on Freshwater Life Stages of Salmonids, with Special Reference to Chinook Salmon,” prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (Feb. 22, 1999), my knowledge of the scientific literature, and my own professional knowledge and experience. I previously critiqued the Washington Forests and Fish Report in comments sent to the Washington Department of Natural Resources—Forest Practices Division. 3. I submit the following comments to detail what I see as the considerable shortcomings of the Forests and Fish Report in properly addressing fish habitat protection and cumulative effects in Washington’s forests, especially as it pertains to protection and restoration of water quality and water temperature. These failures, if implemented over the course of the next 50 years, will present a significant threat to the viability and recovery of listed fish species in Washington. These failures will not permit water quality standards to be met. Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 1 4. I reviewed the Forests and Fish Report (FFR) in its recently released edition. This review was done with a fresh look at the documents without influence by re-reading comments submitted in April 2001. These new comments are presented below. After then re-reading previous comments I find that the FFR has the same flaws that it had 4 years ago. Consequently, my previous comments are still highly relevant and if duplicative in any way, merely re-emphasize some of the serious weaknesses. These previous comments are appended to my current comments. Application of the shade rule under FFR The shade rule is alluded to throughout the FFR DEIS. Given that the shade rule has such broad consequences, it is peculiar that the terms of this rule are not directly presented in the DEIS along with a full documentation of its effectiveness. Rather, one is asked to take this overriding methodology not even presented in the DEIS as an accurate means to meet water quality standards. Further, this methodology is expected to be so reliable that even a violation of water quality standards would probably not invalidate the model for the foreseeable future because of auxiliary assumptions that the FFR had simply not been applied long enough yet to see its benefits. Adoption of forest practices based on unvalidated methods that offer options to undertake actions known from the best available science not to be in the interest of meeting water quality standards or protecting fish and wildlife presents a high risk to near-term and long-term survival of these fish and wildlife. The shade rule (WDNR 2000) offers methods for measuring riparian shade using a densiometer combined with nomographs describing the required shading at elevation on westside and eastside forests to meet either 16°C or 18°C. This methodology is fraught with procedural ambiguity, statistical uncertainty, unknown overall accuracy, and numerous means of removing trees from the buffer that could either provide solar screening currently or in the future if allowed to grow. The FPA Board Manual for determination of “adequate shade requirements on streams” (WDNR 2000) specifies that in eastern Washington in the bull trout habitat overlay zone one would be required to retain “all available shade,” which “would be equivalent to the existing pre-harvest canopy closure, which is measured with the densiometer…” This requirement, which is supposed to be protective of bull trout habitat, has little connection to the requirement to provide adequate temperatures for bull trout rearing (i.e., 12°C) as recommended by EPA. The FPA Board Manual specifies only retaining shade from that which is currently available. If, by use of the densiometer, it can be argued that a tree present within 75 ft of the bankfull channel does not provide shade to the stream, that tree can be removed. If that tree were currently too short to provide shade, but had the potential to provide shade in the future, that would make no difference. If the tree is located behind another tree that obviously provides shade, it is questionable whether the densiometer method would identify that tree as providing additional light screening if it cannot be seen from the densiometer. In this way, it is very likely that Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 2 important canopy density is lost simply by use of the densiometer as a tool. The rule does not promote the recovery of shade needed to restore natural thermal characteristics of the stream. It does not even refer to a temperature standard for protection of bull trout. In eastern Washington, by using the nomograph for percentage canopy cover to retain, if one determines the shade requirement for 3000 ft elevation, for example, one finds that to maintain 16°C, a canopy cover of 60% is required, but for 18°C, a canopy cover of 40% is required. One would then determine the average pre-harvest canopy closure using a densiometer for the stream reach at 75-ft intervals, using a minimum of 5 sample plots. No discussion is given to the statistical accuracy of defining the canopy closure from 5 sampling points. To make matters even more tenuous, the post harvest canopy closure is estimated by trying to subtract the portion of the canopy to be removed from the total canopy intersection on the densiometer. The ability to do this with any degree of accuracy is not discussed. If one is trying to remove canopy down to the limit specified by the shade rule, but one wants to remove >25% of the canopy cover, it is also permissible to apply the model TFWTEMP (approved by the FPA Board) to determine if the maximum allowable temperature increase will be exceeded. No mention is made of the accuracy of this model. The model apparently does not attempt to predict the temperatures that would result, but only whether the allowable increase results. The manual does not reveal whether it takes the allowable increase to be 2.8°C or 0.3°C. In addition, no discussion is given to the cumulative effects resulting from increasing temperatures up to the limit (e.g., increasing by 2.8°C or up to the temperature criterion + 0.3°C, whichever is greater) on any managed reach, combined with all other impacts to the thermal regime that have occurred both upstream and downstream. Certainly, given the FFR there is no impediment to making further canopy removal along any stream that currently is on the 303-d list or is otherwise not meeting the temperature standard. If a stream already exceeds the standard due to upstream management activity, the BMPs for shade removal do not place any restriction on further removal of shade. In fact, there is every likelihood that the rules would permit each individual action to have a 2.8°C impact. The 2.8°C limit is mentioned, but there is no mechanism in place to monitor this cumulative impact or limit all combined actions to only 2.8ºC. It is not clear in FFR that the 2.8ºC increase it refers to is above any current baseline (no matter how much the current temperature has already increased) or whether it is above natural background. The “shade rule” (WDNR 2000) allows canopy cover to be measured either from the center of the stream, when flows are low, or from the bankfull edge. This ability to select the favorable location to measure canopy cover permits an observed to choose whichever location provides the highest measured canopy cover. This calls into question whether a specified level of stream shading would even be provided by application of the “shade rule” with its options to stand either in the channel or on the bank and the ability to select only 5 sampling points to represent the management area. Canopy cover measured in this manner would not correspond to the actual average degree of solar shading to the entire stream but could easily be biased toward values at the stream margin under short canopy or could be biased toward the portions of the managed reach that are most dense. Canopy provided by streambank young trees when measured on the streambank rather than in the Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 3 channel can give a false impression of cover that does not extend to the entire stream. Once the stream shading screen is passed, it is feasible to remove even more canopy from the inner zone. Shade rule methodology: use of the densitometer The use of a densiometer to estimate canopy cover is a crude method for estimating the ability of a riparian zone to protect the thermal characteristics of the stream. The method specifies measuring the crowns of individual trees from waist height. If only tree crowns are valued, there is no penalty applied for removal of all undergrowth that can provide additional stream shading and maintain the nearstream microclimate. Further, cover to a stream can be produced by the combination of canopy cover from tree, shrub, and forb layers, thereby a potential 300% canopy cover. To describe adequate cover as only that produced by a dominant tree layer (even discounting trees that do not currently shade the stream) does not provide the solar screening that is needed to maintain stream temperatures. Brazier and Brown (1973)(as cited by Bartholow 1989) noted that angular canopy density (ACD) measured visually does not adequately measure true shading due to the fact that various canopy types have different levels of solar screening. Identical ACD values could then have substantially different degrees of shading. Also, Bartholow (1989) recommended a solarimeter for making accurate assessments of actual light levels in riparian shade measurements. Beschta et al. (1987) expressed angular canopy density (%) (i.e., ACD %) in relation to buffer-strip width in western Oregon, using data from Brazier and Brown (1973) and Steinblums et al. (1984). They take ACD (%) as a direct estimate of shading. FFR shade rules call for the use of a densiometer to estimate shade. Allen and Dent (2001) studied the use of the densiometer compared with hemispherical photographs to estimate level of shading. They found that the densiometer overpredicted shade, especially at higher cover levels (>70%). Shade values, expressed by use of the hemispherical photographs averaged 69% for all sites, but using the densiometer, average “cover” estimated by the densiometer was 80%. Further, the hemispherical photographs and densiometer record only one layer of canopy. Old growth riparian vegetation typically has multiple layers, which can increase the filtering of incident solar radiation. Consequently, it is not necessarily accurate to use densiometer readings as a true measure of the ability to reduce solar radiation. A measure of canopy density along the path of incoming solar radiation requires data on crown morphology, height, relative dominance, species, density, and spatial arrangement. This can be modeled given the above data (Cross 2002) but the use of a densiometer to provide relevant data on this is unacceptable. Densiometers are subjective, imprecise, and inaccurate (Ganey and Block 1994, as reported by Cross 2002). Cross (2002) concludes that “managing buffers for maximum height yields managers the most control of shade production and recruitment potential.” Application of the shade rule and temperature screens in the bull trout zone Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 4 It is unclear how the bull trout overlay is actually specified. Map 1.2 is provided in the FPA Manual showing the eastern Washington bull trout overlay. This broadly covers Chelan, Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat, Walla Walla, Columbia, Garfield, Okanogan, Douglas, and Asotin counties plus the mainstem Columbia River within the anadromous zone of the Columbia River. It is unclear which streams are actually protected, whether this protection extends only to those reaches designated as critical habitat by the USFWS, whether it extends to all streams known to support bull trout and reported by WDFW, and whether it extends to all streams considered to provide potential bull trout habitat if restored and recolonized. What is clear is that there is no intent to fully protect either the bull trout stream directly or to fully protect the non-fish bearing streams that enter bull trout streams. If a stream is outside the bull trout zone, then a temperature screen is applied (WDNR 2000). It is not clear why no temperature criteria are given for protection of bull trout streams. The temperature screens for fish-bearing streams outside the bull trout zone are for either 16°C or 18°C waters. According to current Washington temperature standards, if the stream temperature is currently at the standard (i.e., 16 or 18°C), then “no management-related temperature increases over 0.3 degrees C will be allowed.” WDNR (2000). But “if water quality temperature standards are being met, then no management-related temperature increase can exceed 2.8°C; however, in no case, can the temperature go above either 16 or 18 degrees accordingly.” If the stream is designated as a salmon-bearing stream, but it has the potential to provide waters of 13°C, and it has a current temperature standard of 16°C, it seems clear from the Board Manual that the FPA Board would consider it acceptable for any single harvest operation to raise the temperature from 13°C to 15.8°C. In fact, it would probably be considered no problem if the single action also caused the temperature to be raised an additional 0.5°C to 16.3°C. FFR needs to be totally clear what temperature increase it intends to be acceptable from a single activity and multiple activities and at what spatial scale activities are evaluated. A stream with a temperature standard of 16°C does not imply that is acceptable to increase the temperature to 16°C. A temperature of 16°C is intended to apply to the downstream end of the zone to which the standard is applied. Also, a stream is expected to achieve the 16°C criterion at its downstream extent in all years. There is no assurance that by applying the Board rules that any given temperature will be met in any single year let alone in all years. FFR has not explained how it would be able to produce cumulative temperature increases of 2.8ºC throughout the core salmon zone and still meet 16ºC at its downstream end. Although the width of riparian zone considered to provide full shade protection based on FEMAT (1993) is 128 ft on the eastside, the FFR allows a Type F core zone at 2600 ft to have only 80% canopy cover. If 80% canopy cover in this example is not met, then “all available shade must be retained within 75 feet of the bankfull width” (WDNR 2000). All available shade does not mean that trees cannot be harvested in the inner zone. If trees are present that cannot be viewed by the densiometer (possibly they are screened by another tree or the intersection points on the densiometer do not happen to fall on the Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 5 image of tree, then the tree can be removed). The shade rule is not based on a percentage of potential shade for the site. Trees in the inner zone beyond 75 ft (i.e., between 75 and 100 ft from bankfull) could be removed whether or not they provide shade to the stream, provided that the trees/acre and basal area targets are met after harvest. Under the bull trout habitat overlay portion of the shade rule, “all available shade would be equivalent to the pre-harvest canopy closure, which is measured with the densiometer” at optional locations (i.e., center of channel, edge of channel). This means that pre-harvest shade is determined with a densiometer and then the post-harvest shade is estimated by subtracting the canopies of these trees not considered to provide shade. Again, even in the bull trout zone, harvest in the inner zone is not actually forbidden if it can be argued that removal of certain trees does not count toward removal of currently available shade. The fact that these trees could grow to heights capable of providing significant shade in coming years is irrelevant in this scheme. Maintenance of canopy cover in bull trout habitat is subject to the same potential abuse in use of the densiometer and an emphasis on only canopy cover rather than effective reduction in solar radiation and protection of microclimate. The FFR response to public comments (Appendix K) states that “As noted in FEMAT (1993) and Beschta (1987) [sic] buffers of 100 feet or more have been found to provide as much shade as an old growth stand (i.e., about 90 percent complete shade).” FEMAT (1993) makes this statement based on Brazier and Brown (1973) and Steinblums et al. (1984). This statement, however, does not mean that all streams with buffers of 100 ft of any quality (species, height, orientation, channel width) will provide this level of shade. FFR makes it unlikely that full shade would be found on any stream. Also, just because “some buffers of 100 ft” have been found to provide about 90% shade does not mean that 100 ft width of trees with an expectation of only 100-year old height is a good conservation measure. Spence et al. (1995) say that “similar assessments for eastside forests as well as arid and semi-arid shrublands have not been published; effective buffers [sic] widths in these systems may differ substantially.” Inability of BMPs to substitute for WQS or for TMDL analysis The failure of Oregon’s forest practices to prevent water quality impairment is a mirror of the same improbability of the BMPs under FFR in protecting water quality in Washington. In their review of forest practices’ effects on fish and water quality under Oregon’s Forest Practices Act, EPA, USFWS, and NMFS (2001) (i.e, EPA and the Services) concurred that “there are water quality impairments due to forest management activities even with FPA rules and BMPs.” “The evidence is, however, overwhelming that forest practices on private lands in Oregon contribute to widespread stream temperature problems and degraded salmonid habitat conditions. These effects do not meet the goals of the CWA or ESA. EPA and the Services are committed to working with ODF and DEQ to ensure that the best available science is used to support the changes to forest practices that are necessary to protect water quality and fisheries.” In Washington just as in Oregon, there is the presumption that forest practices rules will Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 6 meet water quality standards and that the best available science is always applied. This presumption is not warranted in either case. “Determining whether the Forest Practices Act (FPA) is sufficient to meet the Oregon WQS for temperature requires examination of the effects of forest practices on stream temperatures to determine if numeric and narrative criteria are being attained, designated beneficial uses (e.g., salmonid spawning and rearing, and public water supply) are being protected, and the antidegradation provisions are being met.” (EPA, NMFS, and USFWS 2001). The Washington FFR has done none of these steps. There is no demonstration that any of its proposed actions will be successful in meeting temperature criteria or protecting beneficial uses. Protection of spawning areas from effects of temperature or sediment increases is not evaluated. Ability to provide suitable spawning and incubation temperatures is not evaluated. The criteria for evaluating whether FFR is working are not given, nor is a comprehensive monitoring plan for making this evaluation. Headwater streams are clearly open for significant degradation, removing the source areas for creation of coldwater refuge habitat and increasing the downstream transport of sediment into spawning areas. FFR treats water temperature regulation as merely a site specific opportunity to remove excess riparian canopy where it does exist and ignore the predominance of cases where canopy is lacking. It does no cumulative analysis of temperature control based on the multiple linked processes in the watersheds. EPA and the Services (2001) noted the same deficiencies earlier in Oregon’s FPA. Cumulative effects of all factors controlling water temperature are not evaluated EPA and the Services (2001) have reviewed the suitability of forest practices to protect water quality standards already in Oregon. In their review of the ODF/DEQ Sufficiency Analysis, EPA and the Services (2001) concluded that “Throughout most of this analysis, shade appears to be generally assumed as the only important factor concerning stream temperatures and attaining WQS.” In Washington’s FFR, the same problem arises. There are numerous mechanisms that result in temperature increases in streams. Temperature increases result from the following types of alterations to a watershed: (1) reduction in total canopy cover (dominant and subdominant tree, shrub, forb), (2) increased coarse and fine sediment delivery to stream channels, which can lead to channel widening and loss of pools, (3) reduction in LWD, which results in reduction of primary pools, a reduced channel capacity, and loss of thermal buffering and coldwater refugia, (4) increased heating of riparian soils, (5) interception of shallow groundwater by road systems that route runoff to surface flows, which become heated, (6) increased air temperature over streams by loss of microclimate buffering, (7) riparian roads, which reduce the interaction of the floodplain with the channel and impose permanent losses in riparian cover while the road exists, (8) loss of off-channel wetlands due to reduction in shading and increased drying of these habitats, (9) loss of streambank stability due to streamside harvest, leading to Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 7 increased sediment delivery and channel widening, (10) increase in basin-wide sediment delivery due to forest-related road systems, leading to pool loss and channel widening, (11) reduction in streamflow via irrigation, resulting in stream heating. The combined effects of these types of ongoing actions relative to heating of stream water was not described, nor was it described in relation to the current level of habitat degradation. The extent of “analysis” was to attempt to provide a relative index to degree of support to a process, such as LWD recruitment as a function of an alternative that is highly nonprotective. By arguing that Alternative 2 (the HCP alternative) is better than the current system, there is no claim that practices under the HCP are sufficient to result in meeting or improving water temperatures. Improvements in practices themselves are not necessarily sufficient to result in improvement in conditions if the existing practices were overwhelming the ability of a stream to begin recovery. Even if WDNR wants to argue that it not within the responsibilities of the state forest practices to concern itself with instream flows, the reduction of water flows in streams will have a significant impact on maintenance of water temperatures. To the extent that flows are limited, there is increased emphasis placed on maintenance of all other processes that interact in determining water temperature. This would place greater importance in maintaining potential levels of riparian cover rather than trying to determine the limits to riparian thinning that result in maximum allowable levels of stream heating. While EPA and the Services (2001) criticize Oregon for relying exclusively on 28 monitoring sites along 7 streams in western Oregon to show that forestry activities increase stream temperatures and therefore are not sufficient to meet water quality standards, the FFR presents no evidence that its forestry practices are sufficient. Uncritical use of weak evidence/failure to apply best available science “Some of the SAST [Sufficiency Analysis: Stream Temperature] determinations are misleading, leaving the reviewer with the impression that there really is not “conclusive” evidence regarding whether the FPA rules and BMPs increase stream temperatures or fully protect designated beneficial uses at the statewide level.” (EPA, NMFS, and USFWS 2001). The same criticism can be made of the FFR. The report uncritically adopts the conclusions of the Caldwell et al. (1991) report that claims that after Type N streams are substantially heated via canopy removal to the stream edge in harvest operations, they cool down within a short buffer prior to entering a Type F stream and thereby cause no perceptible temperature increase in the Type F stream. This conclusion is based on a study of a very limited number of very small streams, and no examination of potential cumulative effects. The authors indicated that a 1-hour travel time through a 150-m buffered reach would result in the water reaching equilibrium with air temperature. EPA, NMFS, and USFWS (2001) state that “Even if their assumption were correct, further assumptions that there are sufficient groundwater inputs and substantial hyporrheic interactions would be necessary to bring down the water temperature.” FFR (p. 4-66) attempts to bolster the conclusions of Caldwell et al. (1991) with a more recent by Zwienecki and Newton (1999) that argues that the heating effects caused by single Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 8 riparian harvest activities are eliminated by flow through a 500-ft buffer, but this study has numerous design flaws that make its conclusions inappropriate (Poole et al. 2001). Among the flaws detailed, the Zwieniecki and Newton (1999) study applied a temperature nomograph that was designed only as a rough tool to indicate probable temperature changes (Sullivan et al. 1990, as cited by Poole et al. 2001). It was too inaccurate as a method to estimate what the pre-harvest temperatures were, given that no direct measures of pre-harvest temperatures were made. The study also attempted to claim that there were no cumulative effects, but the effects considered were only of an estimated rate (without even establishing pre-harvest conditions) of cooling of surface water from a single opening and did not consider impact of multiple harvests interspersed within riparian stream reaches. Even the Caldwell et al. (1991) report itself is more circumspect about the utility of its conclusions than the FFR is in extolling its universality. It states “This study was not geographically comprehensive and the number of streams is too small to fully characterize the range of temperature regimes within Washington’s Type 4 waters.” The study was confined to the Olympic Peninsula. This study attempted to make inferences about water temperature, but to its credit also mentioned that numerous other factors, such as downstream transport of fine sediment, must be evaluated too. Poole et al. (2001) detailed some of the cumulative effects that are discounted by studies such as that of Caldwell et al. (1991). They stated that if 10% of a stream’s length is affected by a given land use, that 10% of the stream can be affected by localized effects. If this percentage increases to 50%, the cumulative impact of localized effects is greater and 50% is then affected. This is an additive cumulative effect. Many studies of effects of timber harvest on streams have shown very substantial increases in stream temperatures (Beschta et al. 1987). For localized impacts alone on temperature sensitive species (e.g., bull trout, tailed frogs), the lethal limits can be easily exceeded. The FFR does not consider thermal impacts to any other aquatic species than fish. The cumulative effects of numerous small streams (Type N) being harvested and contributing water to downstream fish habitat is a second mechanism for cumulative effects (Poole et al. 2001). In addition, the combined impacts of harvest on the fish habitat system attributable to increased sedimentation, channel widening, bank destabilization, etc. also lead to degraded thermal regimes in streams. These are multiplicative cumulative effects to the thermal regime. Poole and Berman (2001) detail the synergistic cumulative effects on temperature caused from impacts of logging to the flow regime, groundwater temperature and flow, sediment load/channel morphology, and large wood dynamics. None of these cumulative effects are properly considered in the FFR. And despite the many years that have passed since the foundation of FFR was created, there has been no study done to evaluate the generality of the Caldwell et al. (1991) study upon which the riparian management of Type N streams largely rests. The critique by EPA and the Services (2001) goes on to say “Just as importantly, Caldwell et al. (1991) looked at water temperatures downstream of unshaded reaches which entered reaches whose riparian zones were already degraded. The downstream comparison to a mature forest that contained some conifers was only done in one case. Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 9 Measurements of re-equilibration were made along “control” reaches having artificially high stream and air temperatures. Heat energy that is quickly gained by a stream is retained and then gradually released back to the surrounding environment because water has a relatively high heat capacity. Given the forest conditions and flawed assumptions described above, Caldwell et al. (1991) provides little insight into the temperature regimes and dynamics provided by undisturbed forests.” It is not equilibration to air temperature that is necessarily desirable for fish protection, it is the maintenance of temperatures colder than air temperature for as long as possible in the downstream flow, aided by a dense riparian canopy. Also, management that results in increased air temperature above the stream via canopy removal, thinning, and alteration of microclimate should not be assumed to have no effect in setting a new, higher equilibration point. [see Brosofske et al. 1997, Chen et al. 1995, Dong et al. 1998)]. Ledwith (1996) showed that there was a 6.5°C increase in mean air temperature in a stream riparian zone as the buffer width decreased from 150 m to 0 m. In addition, the mean relative humidity increased from 26-36% to 47-51% for sites in which buffers ranged from 0m to 150 m, respectively. Despite the excessive extrapolation of the limited conclusions from the Caldwell et al. (1991) report, numerous other studies that are much more thoroughly substantiated are relegated to a status of being too preliminary and uncertain to use for even taking precautions with water quality and the fish resource. For instance, heating of shallow groundwater in logged riparian zones, transport of LWD from upslope and upstream to Type F streams, and the control of riparian cover on microclimate are all considered too speculative and will require more years of study (assuming any funds are ever provided), years of attempting to get a hearing on the evidence and arguing the evidence, and resistance to mounting evidence until the evidence is overwhelming. The need to manage water temperature holistically at a watershed scale In a study by Hatten and Conrad (1995) on the Olympic Peninsula, it was indicated that “the proportion of late-seral stage forest in a sub-basin could represent a surrogate for the cumulative effects of logging activities within a sub-basin. The study concludes that stream temperatures cannot be successfully managed at the reach level unless basin-wide harvest activities are carefully considered.” (EPA, NMFS, and USFWS 2001). Despite elevation or shade differences, the best indicator of stream temperatures was the proportion of the basin in late seral forest vegetation. In the FFR, every stream reach is proposed to be managed as an individual entity, regardless what the condition of the rest of the watershed is. EPA, NMFS, and USFWS (2001) highlighted statements made by Spence et al. (1995) about the linkage between upslope and upstream forestry actions on maintenance of habitat quality in fish-bearing (Type F) streams. Unfortunately, the FFR by its stream typing system has relegated Type N streams, which tend to be high gradient streams with high gradient side-slopes, to a much lower level of protection. This essentially makes the assumption that Type N streams are not part of the stream network and have no influence Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 10 on downstream conditions in terms of heat, sediment, or LWD transport. This perspective is not consistent with predominant views in watershed science about linkages within watersheds supported by the stream network. FFR, in this stance, ignores the recommendations made by WDFW in its “Management recommendations for Washington’s priority habitats: riparian.” (see These recommendations call for Type 4 and 5 streams (i.e., both Type Np and Ns) to have 46 m buffers or 69 m buffers depending upon the risk of mass wasting. The importance of maintaining the high quality of headwater streams was recently noted by Fischer et al. (2000): Although buffer strips are important along all river and stream reaches, those in headwater streams (i.e., those adjacent to first, second, and third order systems) often have much greater influences on overall water quality within a watershed than those buffers occurring in downstream reaches. Downstream buffer strips have proportionally less impact on polluted water already in the stream. Even the best buffer strips along larger rivers and streams cannot significantly improve water that has been degraded by improper buffer practices higher in the watershed. However, buffer strips along larger systems tend to be longer and wider than those along smaller systems, thus potentially providing better wildlife habitat and movement corridors (Lock and Naiman 1998). Although riparian buffers are commonly assumed to be important only during summer to prevent temperature extremes, they also function during the winter to prevent streams from freezing During winter, temperature can be several degrees warmer under forest canopies at night (Reifsnyder and Lull 1965, Parker and Gillingham 1990) due to longwave radiation emitted from the forest canopy (Moen 1968, Beall 1974, Grace and Easterbee 1979). Cook et al. (2004) The thermal cover that forest canopies provide to streams during the summer likewise protects streams from freezing in the winter, incurring high fish mortalities. Small streams can be important overwinter habitat for fish. However, the overwinter survival of fish in small streams is dependent upon the ability of the stream to maintain an insulating canopy. Regulation of winter stream temperatures, especially in eastside streams, was not considered in FFR. Preponderance of scientific evidence argues for water temperature increases from riparian vegetation removal Oregon’s Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team, set up by the governor to review available science under Oregon’s salmon recovery planning extensively reviewed the available literature on management impacts to stream system water temperature and Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 11 found no doubt about the causes. They also recognized that temperature is perturbed by four major types of human impact. Of the 48 studies we found, 45 showed that when you removed riparian vegetation, stream temperatures increased. In these 44 studies, the stream temperatures increased from as little as 1.09 ºC [2 ºF] to as much as 12.7 ºC [22.9 ºF] after vegetation was removed. (IMST 2004). The IMST concludes that only four major factors that influence stream temperature–riparian shade, channel morphology, discharge, and subsurface exchange– are modified by human actions. IMST has found that the vast majority of published studies document that riparian shade has a significant effect on stream temperature. Additionally, riparian vegetation also plays a major role in influencing other factors that, in turn, affect stream temperature. For example, plant roots are important because they keep stream banks from eroding and channels from becoming wide and shallow. The scientific literature reviewed by the IMST indicates that removal of vegetation along small- to medium-sized streams usually results in increased surface water temperature. In addition, most scientists agree that riparian vegetation provides many benefits to stream and terrestrial ecosystems, in addition to shading streams (IMST 2000). Therefore, despite the level of public controversy, the IMST does not find substantial scientific disagreement on the topic of the importance of riparian vegetation to maintaining stream temperatures. (IMST 2004). Quigley and Arbelbide (1997) also recognized the multiple controls on water temperature. Again, FFR only recognizes the role of riparian cover, yet somehow discounts the importance of maintaining all potential shade. Stream temperature is affected by eliminating stream-side shading, disrupted subsurface flows, reduced stream flows, elevated sediments, and morphological shifts toward wider and shallower channels with fewer deep pools (Beschta and others 1987; Chamberlain and others 1991; Everest and others 1985; MacDonald and others 1991; Reid 1993; Rhodes and others 1994). Quigley and Arbelbide (1997). A TMDL analysis on Navarro Creek, California showed clearly the linkage between stream temperature and buffer width between 0 and 150 m width. For both 1995 and 1996, MWAT[i.e., maximum weekly average temperature) values show a good correlation with reach-averaged effective shade (r2 =0.762 and r2=0.707 for 1995 and 1996, respectively, where r2 is the proportion of variation explained by the model). These results appear to be consistent with observations made by Cafferata (1990) in a study conducted on the North Fork Caspar Creek. (CRWQCB 2000). Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 12 The regression noted in this TMDL for Navarro Creek indicated a decline in MWAT from 22.6 to 17.8°C as the reach average effective shade increased from 10 to 95%. Temperature reductions of this magnitude attributable to effective shade are highly significant biologically. The effective shade measurements in this TMDL work were made using the solar pathfinder to evaluate only that shade value that is responsible for eliminating direct solar radiation rather than a densiometer. Failure to use best available science In May 2000 Washington’s Independent Science Panel reviewed Washington’s “Statewide Strategy to Recovery Salmon.” (ISP 2000). This independent panel revealed many disturbing elements of the state plan for salmon and the relationship of FFR to this state plan. For instance, “The SSRS aims to use the “best available science ... to inform related public policy decisions” (III.42), but to our knowledge no independent scientific input or evaluation was solicited on the negotiation of the Forests and Fish Report, which by reference forms a major component of the proposed strategy.” Also, the FFR is merely “a series of prescriptive actions that are agreed upon up front as adequate not to recover salmonids, but to constitute an adequate attempt to do so.” These aspects to the plan highlight that it is simply a negotiated agreement with only a light basis in science that attempts only to be somewhat better than past management. It does not justify its effectiveness and proposes no substantial or sustainable monitoring program that would be the basis for adaptive management. An adaptive management module is offered, but it is “precluded from triggering more restrictive conditions than those in the HCP.” (ISP 2000). The FFR and Washington’s salmon plan propose to “avoid doing further harm to listed species” as a means to address the ESA, but still do not explicitly preclude further habitat degradation (ISP 2000). Under FFR, rather than apply buffer widths that the best available science would dictate to provide a high level of protection to the most sensitive riparian processes, buffers were derived by an overriding political sense of the limits to what is acceptable by the public, which led from 250-yr old buffers to 100-yr buffers as a means of rationalizing reduced site potential tree height, to percentages of full function of a few processes that should cause only moderate impairment. On the eastside of Washington, Site class II riparian areas are considered to be common. The FFR considers the merits of a 100-year vs. a 250-year site potential tree height (SPTH) as the standard against which to compare RMZ widths and percentage protection. FEMAT (1993) concluded that 0.75 x SPTH provided nearly full shading protection to streams. However, its conclusion was based on SPTH as a 250-yr riparian stand. FFR makes the assumption that a 100-yr stand could also provide near full protection and then multiplied this by 0.75 to derive a close approximation of full protection. It then argues that if the true Site Class II SPTH were 100-year vs. 250-year, then the full SPTH width would be 110 vs. 170 ft. Then the 75% width values would be either 83 ft vs. 128 ft. By an unsubstantiated assumption that a 100-year stand provides full protection equivalent to a 250-year stand, FFR exploits the uncertainty that it creates in deciding between the two Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 13 alternative widths (83 ft or 128 ft, respectively). Then it further weakens this protection by allowing impact in the inner zone. Creation of uncertainty typically becomes a rationale for not taking action until absolute proof of harm is established, at which point it may be impossible to reverse the damage. Any degree of uncertainty can be exploited to justify launching years of study before taking action to prevent avoidable damage. It is also common to avoid answering key uncertainties but to simply conduct seemingly quantitative risk assessments that permit minimal actions to appear reasonable (Tickner et al. 1994). FFR has created a framework of great uncertainty in the values of having significant buffers as a means to make lesser buffers seem sufficient. FFR (p. 4-94) states that a 250-year stand is just beginning to display old-growth characteristics (Franklin and Spies 1991). But it is clear that the selection of a 100-year stand is more based on silvicultural preference than it is in resource protection. “Forests and Fish Agreement stakeholders agreed to a site potential tree height projected at a stand age of 100 years to represent the site potential tree height for a mature riparian stand. However, old-growth stand characteristics may be a more appropriate baseline from which to define adequate riparian effectiveness.” (FFR, p. 4-94). The selection of a 100-year stand represents only the average height at a pre-selected age (i.e., 100 years) and reveals nothing about the ability to produce effective shade. “A site potential tree height is sometimes defined as the average maximum height of the tallest dominant trees that can grow on a certain site (FEMAT 1993). However, to maintain consistency with Washington Forest Practices Rules, site potential tree height in this DEIS is defined as the average height of a stand at a given age (more commonly referred to as site index).” (FFR, p. 4-93). If we restrict our discussion initially to the fate of streams from eastside Type Np, Type Ns, downstream to Type F in stream order 2 streams in the bull trout zone and outside the bull trout zone, one can see clearly a lack of stream protection that will lead to further decline in fish populations. In Type F streams in this region, no harvest would occur in the core zone (i.e., the first 30 ft). (FFR, p. 4-124, line 36). However, road crossings and harvest corridors would be allowed through all riparian areas, including core zones (FFR, p. 4-111, line 13). The equivalent buffer area index (EBAI), which is used as a measure of riparian effectiveness, does not account for losses in the yarding corridors (FFR, p.4-105, line 36). For streams <15 ft wide, the inner zone would be 45 ft wide. For streams >15 ft wide, the inner zone would be 70 ft wide. For core + inner zone widths, their widths vary from 45 to 100 ft wide for streams of <15 ft and >15 ft wide, respectively. (FFR, p. 4-124, line 42). Selective harvest is allowed within the inner zone. After harvest, there should be 21 trees/acre remaining that are selected from the largest trees available and 29 trees that are at least 10 in dbh. Basal area must also be ≥ 90 ft2/acre, made up by trees >10 in dbh. (FFR, p. 2-16). Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 14 Allen and Dent (2001, p. 42) found that in the Blue Mountains (eastside forest of Oregon, also representative of Washington Blue Mountains) that sites with low shade (20-40%) averaged 71 ft2/acre basal area out to 100 ft; sites with moderate shade (40-60%) averaged 120 ft2/acre; sites with high shade (80-100%) averaged 189 ft2/acre. Their study showed that a combination of increasing basal area and increasing trees/acre resulted in higher shade levels. Unfortunately, FFR requires much lower levels of basal area remaining after harvest (i.e., only 50% of the basal area shown to Allen and Dent 2001 to be needed on eastside forests to produce high shade). Failure to prevent cumulative temperature increases on the river continuum from headwater streams through the bull trout and salmon zones due to the failure to protect natural thermal potential of headwater streams The N.F. Teanaway River in the upper Yakima basin illustrates a case where a 303(d) listed stream for temperature supports chinook spawning and rearing but has inadequate protection of its tributaries and significant options for further reduction in cover even in the salmon zone. The shade rule for 2600 ft elevation within the North Fork Teanaway in the upper Yakima River system specifies approximately 80% canopy cover to result in 16°C. At 3000 ft, the required shade would be only 60%. For protection of spawning and incubation in the mainstem N.F. Teanaway from February 15 to June 15 (EPA 2005c), a temperature standard of 13°C must be met based solely on the designation as a chinook spawning zone. No mention is made of any data supporting the ability of a stream to provide these temperatures by maintaining various levels of shade. It is also not demonstrated empirically or by modeling that if all streams had these specified levels of shade at all elevations that temperature criteria for all seasons, life stages, and species (bull trout and salmon; spawning and incubation, rearing) would be met. It is not explained how a river not meeting temperature standards is going to achieve these standards by allowing further canopy reduction on any reach with high enough quality so that it has cover greater than the average specified in the nomograph. Reaches with cover less than the average target will not recover soon but those with cover exceeding the target can be rapidly opened to allow increased warming. Maps of bull trout habitat and the temperature criteria that apply to them were recently released by WDOE. The upper portion of the North Fork Teanaway River was indicated as 12°C (7DADM). The WDFW SASSI report for Mid-Columbia River bull trout indicates that the West and Middle Forks of the Teanaway River appear suitable for bull trout, even though surveys have not detected them. Only 54 bull trout were observed in the N.F. Teanaway in 1994 and a total of 10 bull trout in 1997 (SASSI 1998). Such low numbers indicate that the ability to detect fish even when they are present would be poor. This is a significant problem when assigning higher quality stream protection only to those stream reaches confirmed to support fish and relegating “nonfish” streams to a lower level care. It is far preferable to fully protect all headwater streams, whether or not fish are present. Also, if additional care is to be taken, streams Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 15 with potential for fish or wildlife habitat should be identified via extrapolation from characteristics of other inhabited streams (see Dunham et al. 2001). Many currently valid fish-bearing streams are never properly categorized because of issues in detectability of fish at low abundance, fish with crepuscular habits, fish in habitat with high complexity and hiding cover, fish with seasonal or periodic use of habitats (Dunham et al. 2001, Thurow et al. 2001, Bayley and Peterson 2001). Stream typing based on confirmed sightings of fish also lead to making irreversible management decisions, allowing excessive impact and habitat degradation, that terminate the potential of a stream as future habitat that can be colonized. Such actions lead to seriously weakening an already weak habitat system and threatening the future viability of listed fish and wildlife populations. Bull trout/Dolly Varden have been observed only in the North Fork Teanaway and small tributary streams (i.e., Jungle, Jack, and DeRoux creeks). SASSI (1998). Despite the SASSI report discussion of the presence of bull trout in Jungle, Jack, and DeRoux creeks, these streams were omitted from the mapping of bull trout core waters. In fact, Jungle, Jack, and DeRoux creeks were designated as non-core (i.e., 18°C), even though they are bull trout habitat. Mouths of these streams are at 2600 ft, as high or higher in elevation than other core bull trout streams in the upper Yakima. Ecology also designated the majority of West Fork Teanaway as non-core salmon rearing (i.e., 18°C) and the M.F. Teanaway as core salmon rearing, despite their potentials as bull trout habitat. In addition, Indian and Middle Creeks were mapped by WDFW in their SalmonScape interactive mapper1 as potential bull trout habitat but these were also omitted from WDOE’s map of core bull trout habitat. This mapper indicates DeRoux Creek as current spawning habitat. In this case, the fault of non-protection of thermal regimes on a basin-wide level is not solely attributable to FFR rules. Ecology is also to blame here for promoting rules that attempt to apply non-core salmon designations to everything outside national forests (i.e., to private land), ignoring the natural thermal potential of streams. WDOE recently recommended a temperature designation in the upper Yakima River as “non-Core for all waters outside of National Forest, including Yakima River from mouth to Cle Elum River (river mile 185.6).” (EPA 2005a). “In its 2003 WQS revisions, Ecology designated the waters that were designated ….“Class A” to the “salmon and trout spawning, noncore rearing, and migration” use.” (EPA 2005b). The noncore salmon rearing habitat then has a temperature standard of 18°C applied to it. Ecology also promoted rules that ignored known bull trout distribution in many instances, ignored recommendations of WDFW, and definitely ignored the potential distributions of bull trout. The net effect is, despite the N.F., W.F., and M.F. Teanaway being listed on Ecology’s 303(d) list for 1998 (see, Ecology has promoted unprotective temperature standards for this drainage. This is only a single example of the problems with temperature criteria. EPA’s Regional Temperature criteria 1 Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 16 development process (EPA 2003) thoroughly evaluated the biological requirements of salmonids for water temperature. Standards for bull trout were refined from 13°C to 12°C, recognizing their special requirements for cold waters. Ecology is able to negate much of this knowledge of bull trout requirements by simply assigning warm temperatures to streams when they have the natural potential of being significantly colder and not considering known or potential bull trout distribution. By allowing the headwaters to be heated from 12°C (the bull trout core designation) to either 16°C or 18°C (non-core salmon rearing) simply by labeling a potential bull trout stream as noncore salmon rearing, Ecology is insuring that all three forks of the Teanaway will remain on the 303(d) list. FFR is supposed to provide rules consistent with Ecology’s criteria. There has been no demonstration that the rules promoted under FFR are capable of achieving Ecology’s criteria. Also, the combination of Ecology criteria and FFR, as an inadequate management implementation response to even the most satisfactory parts of Ecology’s standards, will result in a continued warming of streams starting in the headwaters. Specifically, even where Ecology has properly designated 12°C to apply to a bull trout stream, FFR allows significant impacts to all tributaries to this stream. Irrigation withdrawals have dewatered bull trout habitat extensively in the N.F. Teanaway. In addition, timber harvests in riparian corridors and high road densities have contributed to excessive stream temperatures and sediment loads, increasing stressful conditions for bull trout. Similar land use effects have seriously limited the distribution of bull trout throughout the mid-Columbia basin. These streams need restoration in order to protect existing salmon/steelhead populations and also to restore and protect bull trout populations. High temperatures in many areas (e.g., Yakima mainstem and Naches, Teanaway Rivers) have contributed to limited spawning and rearing in the system (DEIS Appendix A). Consequently, improvements to the Washington Forest Practices Rules under No Action Alternative 1-Scenario 1 and Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 could have a moderate effect on the recovery of listed or potentially listed species. (FFR, p. 4-218). High temperatures are already a significant problem in the Teanaway River. Despite this, WDFW has not designated all potential bull trout streams in the Teanaway headwaters as needing protection to bull trout standards. This stream system might fall under the bull trout overlay in a general way, but if FFR rules are carried out with respect to the most recent DOE mapping, which is supposed to make use of WDFW information (see EPA 2005c), it appears likely that streams that have potential as bull trout habitat that have already been warmed or that still have cold waters but have lost bull trout due to declining populations, could be assigned 16ºC instead of 12ºC as the summer rearing temperature. This situation, where natural thermal potential temperatures recommended by EPA are ignored and cumulative temperature increases to naturally cold streams are permitted in potential bull trout waters that can be ≥ 4ºC, can easily cause a systemwide ratcheting upward of water temperatures that affect the combined bull trout/Chinook zone and the Chinook zone downstream. Although FFR claims only a moderate effect (see FFR, p. 4-218, cited above) in applying improved forest practices (i.e., the HCP instead Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 17 of old rules) in recovering listed species, this claim is very misleading. Resident bull trout are wholly dependent upon reconnection and recovery of habitat quality in their headwater streams. Migratory bull trout depend upon cold stream temperatures extending further downstream. It is a valid point that other land use practices also need to significantly improve before recovery of listed species can be a reality, but the potential for further damage and impairment to recovery due to application of FFR to headwater streams is also apparent. FFR has no linkage to natural thermal potential and is a BMP substituted for both water temperature standards and real TMDL analysis Allen and Dent (2002) state: “The DEQ is required to develop total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for streams that do not meet the WQS. A key component of DEQ's approach for meeting the temperature standard is developing TMDL allocations for non-point sources to reduce solar loading. Temperature TMDLs are often based on predicted levels of “effective shade” that, in turn, are derived from a prediction of “system potential” vegetation and channel morphology. The DEQ defines system potential vegetation and effective shade in the following manner: System potential, as defined in the TMDL, is the combination of potential nearstream vegetation condition and potential channel morphology conditions. Potential near-stream vegetation is that which can grow and reproduce on a site, given: elevation, soil properties, plant biology and hydrologic processes. A maximum height is predicted for that vegetation type and used, in turn, to predict shade provided to the stream. This, combined with topographic shade, is used to predict the effective shade provided to the stream channel.” The FFR is not based on system potential. Rather it takes site potential, but instead of assessing the maximum tree height and shade potential, it limits shading to a maximum of that which can be provided by 100-year old trees. Washington DOE temperature standards state that by default, if a landowner is obeying FFR, it is in compliance with water temperature standards. This unnecessarily disconnects temperature standards from forest management impacts. Even if a stream is currently not meeting temperature standards and is on a 303(d) list, WDOE and FFR require nothing but compliance with its rules. TMDLs have recently been written for basins in Washington where the FFR has also been claimed to be sufficient to result in appropriate load allocations that will meet temperature standards. This is done without even applying a state-of-the-art temperature model or evaluating cumulative effects of all foreseeable levels of harvest on an annual basis. FFR never reveals the accuracy that its shade rule has in providing desired temperatures. By attempting to harvest all excess trees above the threshold values set up by the rules, FFR would seem to claim that it can precisely balance streams exactly at the state standards at all points on a downstream course. If the shade models underpredict the effects of riparian alteration (see Allen and Dent 2002) and ignore the combined actions of all activities that are know to lead to water temperature elevation, it is very likely that the impacts due to historic perturbations will be considered a baseline and Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 18 further impacts could easily overshoot stream temperatures by 2 to 4ºC. That is, because the shade model has no connection to natural thermal potential, it offers no means of ensuring that temperature increases cumulatively only by so much above a natural background level. Rather all increases will be allowed above an already elevated background. The biological effects to productivity and survival of listed fish populations could be very significant and seriously threaten the continued persistence of the species (McCullough 1999, McCullough et al. 2001). In light of uncertainty it is always far more prudent to err on the side of the resource needing protection than to take actions that are irreversible in the near term or long term. An example is the Wind River Temperature TMDL (WDOE 2002). Load allocations are included in this TMDL for forest lands in the Wind River Basin in accordance with the section of Forests and Fish entitled “TMDLs produced prior to 2009 in mixed use watersheds”. Also consistent with the Forests and Fish agreement, implementation of the load allocations established in this TMDL for private and state forestlands will be accomplished via implementation of the revised forest practice regulations. The effectiveness of the Forests and Fish rules will be measured through the adaptive management process and monitoring of streams in the watershed. If shade is not moving on a path toward the TMDL load allocation by 2009, Ecology will suggest changes to the Forest Practices Board. Rather than doing any analysis, the Wind River TMDL adopts the rules of the FFR as sufficient and relies on the adaptive management process to cover its mistakes in the future. There is no description of the evidence that would be required to demonstrate that ‘shade is moving on a path toward the TMDL load allocations’ desired. Consequently, there appears to be no method for escaping the circular thinking whereby it is assumed at the outset that FFR implementation produces the allocations desired, no matter what the future rate of timber harvest or the current exceedance of temperature standards. Holistic measures recommended for protection of bull trout habitat In the bull trout zone holistic habitat conservation guidance was prepared by the USFWS (2000) that highlight numerous interacting processes that any adequate forest management plan must address to protect the species. The USFWS (2000) guidance was blind peer reviewed by a nine reviewers. Their report adopts a caution zone equal to the 100-year floodplain plus one site-potential tree height distance (horizontal) on both sides of the stream. On the Westside 1 SPTH is 150 ft; on the eastside it is 90-150 ft depending upon potential vegetation. Reasons given for making this recommendation were to filter most sediment from non-channeled surface runoff, provide some microclimate and shallow groundwater thermal buffering, and to provide a margin of error for unanticipated channel movement, hillslope and soil stability, blowdown, wildfire, operator error, disease. An additional reason that should have been included is to have a margin of safety to allow for predictable global air temperature increases that have actually become increasingly apparent. According to USFWS (2000) bull trout have optimal rearing temperatures of 4-10°C and spawn at temperatures of <8-10°C. Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 19 Migratory bull trout prefer temperatures of 10-12°C. USFWS (2000) recommends many actions that are needed to protect temperature sensitive bull trout: (1) reduce actions that lead to increased sediment (2) maintain or restore optimal and preferred water temperatures by retaining adequate canopy and streamside vegetation through restricting harvest or management activities that reduce shade below 100% or below the level of shade necessary for maintaining cold water in both fish bearing and non-fish bearing streams, including headwaters (3) protect groundwater sources by limiting new withdrawals and maintaining or restoring historic groundwater flows in both the floodplain and deep aquifer. (4) avoid all management activities that may alter groundwater input to spawning and rearing streams, such as draining of filling wetlands, placing roads in sensitive sites such as seeps and springs. (5) discontinue or modify water diversions that result in thermal barriers to passage or increased water temperatures above optimal or preferred levels. (6) because air temperature and relative humidity can influence stream temperature, seek to maintain or restore riparian conditions at a level that approaches the natural microclimate of undisturbed systems. (7) maintain pool frequency and depth (8) avoid land management activities that do not promote the full array and expression of riparian functions over time (e.g., shade, LWD, litter inputs, root strength and bank stability, microclimate, etc.). (9) maintain or improve connectivity among The FFR fails to meet any of these recommendations. It opts for a low maximum riparian tree height rather than supporting restoration of potential vegetation; permits extensive warming of headwater streams by canopy removal; permits extensive removal of LWD potential; permits filling of small wetlands and timber harvest on wetlands connected hydraulically to streams; does not address water withdrawal; allows substantial soil displacement in riparian zones of Type N streams; does not address cumulative effects of impacts to all these factors. For example, the FFR does not provide buffers on significant portions of Type N streams, the buffers that will exist are too narrow to meet soil retention guidelines provided in key references such as Knutson and Naef (1997) or FEMAT (1993). Holistic measures recommended for protection of bull trout/salmon habitat through the salmon zone Protection of bull trout habitat, in terms of water temperature protection, is also well prescribed by EPA (2003). EPA recommends that the spatial extent of this use include: (1) waters with degraded habitat where high and low density juvenile bull trout rearing currently occurs or is suspected to currently occur during the period of maximum summer temperatures, except for isolated patches of a few fish that are spatially Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 20 disconnected from more continuous upstream low density use; (2) waters with minimally-degraded habitat where moderate to high density bull trout rearing currently occurs or is suspected to currently occur during the period of maximum summer temperatures; (3) waters where bull trout spawning currently occurs; (4) waters where juvenile rearing may occur and the current 7DADM temperature is 12°C or lower; and (5) waters where other information indicates the potential for moderate to high density bull trout rearing use during the period of maximum summer temperatures (e.g., recovery plans, bull trout spawning and rearing critical habitat designations, historical distributions, current distribution in reference streams, studies showing suitable rearing habitat that is currently blocked by barriers that can reasonably be modified to allow passage, or temperature modeling). EPA (2003) in this paragraph and elsewhere, recommends full protection of all current and potential bull trout habitat, maintaining waters that are currently colder than the recommended standard for protection of bull trout rearing (i.e., 12ºC), and reconnecting bull trout habitat by restoration of currently degraded stream linkages. That is, 12ºC is the standard that applies to the downstream extent of habitat that is designated as bull trout core rearing. It is not acceptable to increase temperatures of waters that are currently colder than this due to the downstream impacts on other bull trout habitat. Likewise, it is not acceptable to warm the headwaters of bull trout habitat—i.e., those waters contributing to bull trout habitat. Only by maintaining temperature in core bull trout habitat to ≤ 12°C at the downstream extent of its distribution will there also be a chance of meeting salmon habitat temperature criteria downstream. WDFW (1993) recognizes the intimate linkage between bull trout, having a 12ºC rearing criterion, and salmon/steelhead populations, which have a 16ºC core rearing temperature standard. Generally, in drainages colonized by wild anadromous salmon and steelhead, bull trout/Dolly Varden have successfully co-existed by occupying a slightly different ecological niche. However, in many areas where bull trout/Dolly Varden exist, habitat conditions have deteriorated, and natural predator/prey balances have been upset. Bull trout/Dolly Varden populations are at or near critically low levels in many areas of the basin. Bull trout and salmon populations overlap extensively, especially in the temperature ranges where temperatures are between 12 and 16ºC (7DADM). This alone emphasizes the need for protection of both bull trout and salmon/steelhead that the streams of the salmon/steelhead core zone cannot be heated to 16ºC, especially when their natural thermal potential is 12ºC, for example. If a stream is not designated for bull trout protection, but has a natural thermal potential for 11ºC (7DADM), allowing this stream to then take on the full temperature of the next applicable standard downstream weakens the viability of the salmon/steelhead populations downstream from this location and also reduces the suitability of this stream to ever support a recolonization by bull trout. Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 21 EPA (2003) is clear on the need to protect temperatures throughout a drainage on a holistic basis: Because the temperatures of many waters in the Pacific Northwest are currently higher than the summer maximum criteria recommended in this guidance, the high quality, thermally optimal waters that do exist are likely vital for the survival of ESA-listed salmonids. Additional warming of these waters will likely cause harm by further limiting the availability of thermally optimal waters. Further, protection of these cold water segments in the upper part of a river basin likely plays a critical role in maintaining temperatures downstream. Thus, in situations where downstream temperatures currently exceed numeric criteria, upstream temperature increases to waters currently colder than the criteria may further contribute to the non-attainment downstream, especially where there are insufficient fully functioning river miles to allow the river to return to equilibrium temperatures (Issue Paper 3). In a similar manner, EPA (2003) emphasizes restoration and recovery of populations based on a holistic view of habitat from headwater stream protection to the downstream reaches: The following are three important ways that temperature WQS, and measures to meet WQS, can protect salmonid populations and thereby aid in the recovery of these species. The first is to protect existing high quality waters (i.e., waters that currently are colder than the numeric criteria) and prevent any further thermal degradation in these areas. The second is to reduce maximum temperatures in thermally degraded stream and river reaches immediately downstream of the existing high quality habitat (e.g., downstream of wilderness areas and unimpaired forest lands), thereby expanding the habitat that is suitable for coldwater salmonid rearing and spawning. The third is to lower maximum temperatures and protect and restore the natural thermal regime in lower river reaches in order to improve thermal conditions for migration. Best available science on buffer widths for protection of all riparian functions In addition to the excellent guidance provided by EPA, NMFS, and USFWS in various documents reviewed here concerning protection of water quality on a systemic basis, there are many good reviews available on the riparian buffer widths needed to provide high levels of function of the numerous processes that riparian zones control. Among the best are USFS, NMFS, USBLM, USFWS, USNPS, USEPA (1993) (i.e., FEMAT 1993), Spence et al. (1995), and Rhodes et al. (1994). More recent reviews have encompassed these reviews and other sources (e.g., Kindig and Cedarock Consultants 2003). Appendix A of Kindig and Cedarock Consultants (2003) provides tables of citations for riparian widths that provide the following functions: LWD recruitment, bank stability/erosion control, organic litter, water quality, nutrient removal, sediment filtration, microclimate, and temperature control. Probably the most extensive review available on buffer widths needed to provide for these various functions was compiled by Knutson and Naef (1997). Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 22 Appendix B and C of Knutson and Naef (1997) provide extensive detail on required buffers for various percentages of function (perpendicular distance from the stream in meters). Although this reference was available to FFR, it was cited only for the most general information about the ecological values of riparian zones in the DEIS. Full consideration of providing a high level of protection that encompasses all these functions would require at a bare minimum meeting the buffer widths suggested by FEMAT (1993). Adding in the wildlife protection values of riparian buffers, a buffer of 100 m can be expected to offer 80% sediment retention while providing “good” protection of wildlife; excellent wildlife values are protected by buffers of 200 m (Pentec 2001). Open and hidden risks of FFR “There is a moderate to high likelihood of elevated water temperatures in Type S and F streams. There is a moderate to high likelihood of elevated water temperatures in Type N streams. The effect of temperature increases in non-fishbearing streams on downstream fish-bearing streams is uncertain, and could be important in watersheds with a high degree of past harvest or already elevated stream temperature.” (FFR, p. 4-65). That there is a high likelihood of temperature increases in Type N streams, as expressed in FFR, is a major understatement. That it is uncertain that increases will occur in Type F streams downstream of them is merely wishful thinking based on a single TFW study that is very limited in its applicability to all Type N streams across the state. Rather than take precautions against irreversible impact, FFR intends to place all streams at risk while debating the suitability of this study for at least 10 to 20 years. In this time period there is ample time for all irreversible impacts that could occur to actually take place. The preceding paragraph also forewarns that current habitat degradation and exceedance of temperature standards, though highly risky situations, will not actually have any bearing on intent to simply proceed with standard rules for all streams. This process is reckless. The 20-acre exemption rule provides a potentially high impact to various watersheds. It is claimed that on a regional basis that 0.5 to 5% of forestlands would be subject to the exemptions provided in the 20-acre exemption. (FFR, p. 4-118). However, the variation among individual watersheds supporting various listed species could be much greater. In addition, this percentage could easily increase in various basins over the course of the HCP as forestland is developed. The 1999 shade rules instead of the 2000 shade rules are permitted. Although this is revealed, the exact changes are not specified. This then becomes an investigational challenge to determine what this really allows. This information and its consequences should be revealed in the DEIS. It is also feasible for all landowners qualifying under this exception to harvest their properties simultaneously. The importance of the full package of exemptions is downplayed based on a sampling of 37 parcels (representativeness uncertain) for which it was concluded that RMZ harvest had not occurred. (FFR, p. 4-118). It is inconclusive whether this is supposed to mean that these RMZs were still mature second growth or old growth or whether the stands Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 23 were not harvested within some specified preceding time period (e.g., whether they were uniform 20-year old stands). Harvest timing likely varies by region and by economic conditions. If economic conditions change and make harvest desirable, the exemptions permitted on these 20-acre parcels occurring simultaneously under the FFR could be very significant as a mortality factor for localized populations due to significant increases in sediment, temperature, and peak flow. Even worse, the 20-acre exemption has no restrictions placed on harvest on any Type N stream, perennial or seasonal. Consequently, there would appear to be no restriction placed on the amount by which state temperature standards could be exceeded due to impact of Type N heated waters on Type F. It cannot be claimed that state temperature standards would be met on Type F streams when there is no restriction to elevating temperatures on tributary streams. The potential for significant problems is even acknowledged in the FFR: In watersheds with high proportions of exempt 20-acre parcels, the lack of RMZs on all Type 4 and 5 streams required under No Action Alternative 1-Scenario 1 and Alternatives 2 and 3, would increase the likelihood of adverse temperature effects. These effects on Type N streams could also be transferred to downstream fish-bearing streams until stream temperatures equilibrated with local environmental conditions. (FFR, p. 4-137). Even on Type F streams within exempt 20-acre parcels, riparian buffers on gravel-bed streams need only be 35 ft width and of the leave trees required, they need be only 4 inch dbh at 155 TPA (FFR, p. 2-21). If even 10% of the harvest unit is located in the RMZ, then only 50% of this number of trees per acre (TPA) need be left. A harvest unit can always be selected so that at least 10% of the area is comprised of RMZ, making it easy to get by with a minimum leave tree requirement. Temperature criteria are defined for stream classes in WAC 173-201A (FFR, p. 2-22). Despite the fact that Washington’s temperature criteria will soon be changed to be in compliance with EPA’s new guidelines and will include temperature criteria for bull trout rearing and spawning, the FFR will guarantee landowners that it will be protected from any new temperature criteria for the next 50 years. While exempt 20-acre parcels would have less protective RMZ requirements, they would be required to follow the shade rule. [even though this rule is downgraded to the 1999 rule]. Therefore, RMZs on exempt parcels would be required to include enough trees to meet the minimum shade requirements for achieving State water temperature standards. (FFR 4-135). From the above paragraph, it is obvious that no matter how restricted the RMZ width is in the 20-acre parcels, no matter how many more trees can be harvested than under standard rules, though leave tree requirements can be 50% of standard rules if 10% or more of the harvest unit is in an RMZ, and even though all Type N streams can be Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 24 harvested down to the stream edge, there is still the pretense that near full function of LWD recruitment can be had and also that state temperature standards will be met. As with all forestry BMPs, they are by default considered to meet standards, despite the successive diminishment in protection, stepping down from 250-year old, full riparian stands of 1 SPTH, to 100-year mature, full stands, to FFR stands where the inner zone is partially harvested, the core zone can have yarding corridors and removal of trees not believed to provide shade currently, plus the non-fish tributaries can be heavily logged, to 20-acre exempt parcels, where there are no restrictions on logging of Type N streams. All these variants are argued in the DEIS to meet state temperature standards. FFR/TFW science does not support the assumption that WQS can be met In tests of the shade screening tool, Rashin and Graber (1992) found that the screening tool was effective at seven of the nine sites examined (excluding those with flow loss within the reach). These results suggest that some streams may not be fully protected from increases in temperature even with implementation of the shade rule guidelines. The results from Rashin and Graber (1992) also suggested that prior to implementation of the shade rule, low elevation streams less than 1,640 feet were at higher risk of exceeding water quality standards than higher elevation streams. It is not known to what degree the shade rule has been effective at protecting these low elevation streams. FFR (p. 4-132 to 4-133). Rashin and Graber (1992) was used by FFR as a significant justification for the BMPs being effective in meeting temperature standards. However, a closer look at this report shows far different conclusions than are reported in FFR. First, the accuracy of TFWTEMP was reported as 2ºC for 62% of the cases. For an additional 15% of the cases the error was 2 to 3ºC. For the remaining 23% of the cases the error of this model was > 3ºC. Error of this magnitude is highly significant in terms of the biological impact (McCullough 1999). There were 13 sites monitored by Rashin and Graber (1992). The BMPs were considered effective only at 5 of these sites; 2 were considered unknown, and the remaining 6 were considered ineffective. At 3 of the 5 sites where BMPs were considered to be effective, the monitoring was done entirely in the September to October period. Of the 5 sites where BMPs were considered effective, the maximum temperature differential was >0.3ºC. One site had a differential of 2.4ºC. The site with a 2.4ºC differential was considered to be a BMP success because the buffer width was >26 m, even though there was riparian harvest allowed. Even though the monitoring timing was August 19 to September 5, considered by the authors not to be representative of the air temperatures normally experienced at the site, this site exceeded 18.3ºC eight times during the sampling period. If the problem is due to poor canopy upstream, one would have to wonder how TFW rules can allow further timber harvest downstream. Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 25 On North Fork Rabbit Creek the daily temperature differential due to riparian harvest under TFW rules was as high as 5.2ºC and was consistently >3ºC. This site had streamflow loss through the harvest area and due to this the authors concluded that the only way to prevent this temperature increase would have been to retain full shade instead of applying TFW harvest rules. FFR (p. 4-132 to 4-133) thought it proper to exclude sites that would have streamflow loss. On South Fork Ohop Creek monitoring was done between August 24 and September 12, also not likely to be the most extreme climatic conditions to express the effectiveness of BMPs. The maximum daily temperature differential due to harvest was 1.9ºC over only 315 m of stream reach. It was stated by Rashin and Graber (1992) that “The observed average hourly temperature increase between upstream and downstream monitoring sites was within lºC of the 2.8ºC criterion on four of 19 days.” In what way would a temperature increase of anything approaching 2.8ºC be considered a criterion for a single harvest activity under TFW rules? This stream was a Type AA stream with a standard of 16ºC. Its average shade level measured by approved TFW densiometer methods was 82%. Elevation at the downstream end was 1362 ft. Given that South Fork Ohop Creek is a Westside creek with a 16ºC standard, it is supposed to have only about 63% cover based on the shade rule at 1361 ft. because Westside streams are supposed to be more resistant to temperature increases than eastside streams. If 82% average cover was not sufficient to maintain this stream’s temperature below the standard, how would a reduction to the TFW approved cover of 63% result in achieving the standard, even if it is late August to mid-September? The daily maximum temperature was 16.9ºC during this time period and the authors considered it only a “possibility” that temperature standards were not met. Such a temperature tool gives no consideration to the effects of upstream activities, current or future. It gives no consideration to protection against known annual and seasonal extremes in air temperature and solar radiation. It does not allow a margin of safety for what are highly probable climatic warming trends. It represents a blind, rote application of a tool (BMP) that would simply continue to aggravate already unacceptable temperatures. For the factors that climate models can simulate with some confidence, however, the prospects for many PNW salmon stocks look bleak. The general picture of increased winter flooding and decreased summer and fall streamflows, along with elevated stream and estuary temperatures, would be especially problematic for in-stream and estuarine salmon habitat in the PNW. For salmon runs that are already under stress from degraded freshwater and estuarine habitat, these changes may cause more severe problems than for more robust salmon runs that utilize healthy streams and estuaries (some of which still exist in the PNW, and many of which still exist in Alaska). Mote et al. (2002). Failure to consider current condition and rate of recovery while allowing further degradation Although there is a professed intent to avoid harm to listed species, this does not take a holistic view. There is no effort to provide protection to the most sensitive species (fish Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 26 or wildlife). There is little concern for the upstream-downstream connectivity to streams and the influence of headwater streams on downstream habitats. The precautionary principle is not in place to prevent avoidable harm (Tickner et al. 1994). Rather, relevant science that calls for caution or would suggest cautionary action is discounted and weak science is put in place to supercede it. The ISP (2000) recommends a recovery strategy that is based on recognizing watershed condition and trend as well as its potential. The FFR ignores current watershed condition and assumes that untested BMPs (not linked to meeting natural thermal potential of streams and not proven to meet even temperature criteria at face value-- i.e., without regard to the natural downstream heating trends and the applicability of the standard to only the downstream of the designated reach), if applied for a long enough period of time will eventually succeed in bringing about adequate conditions. Near-term (years to decades) habitat degradation is basically ignored in favor of what is assumed to be a long-term, unspecified level of improvement. The near-term degradation will be widespread given the reach of the FFR. The longterm, anticipated improvement is only a refinement in management practices relative to previous practice but does not necessarily translate to an improvement in habitat condition and does not significantly increase the probability of survival and recovery of listed populations. Recovery times and irreversibility of actions relative to rate of response to problems via adaptive management Table 4.7-2 (FFR, p. 4-104) shows recovery times for various functions of riparian zones. “Although current Washington Forest Practices Rules require large trees within riparian areas to be retained, the majority of forested riparian areas in western Washington are in an early seral stage with only 2 percent estimated in late seral stage.” (FFR, p. 3-128). “[S]ubject to Washington Forest Practices Rules up to 2001, approximately 78 percent of western Washington stream miles and 61 percent of eastern Washington stream miles flow through early seral stage riparian areas.” (FFR, p. 3-70). Given that so little riparian vegetation is late seral, the impact of requiring maintenance of a certain number of trees/acre among the tallest trees in riparian zones over time will mean that riparian forests will trend toward 100-year old at best. The FFR acknowledges that functional LWD on large Type F streams can only be provided by the largest trees, but even under the most conservative part of FFR, which addresses Type F streams, the long-term view of riparian function is one of impoverishment. The FFR admits much greater rates of blowdown on the narrow buffers provided, which will have the effect of significantly reducing the future incidence of the current 2% late seral vegetation. Recovery times are summarized in Table 4.7-2. Given that current riparian vegetation is predominantly early seral, the table predicts 5 to 40+ years for shade recovery. The FFR also claims that logging slash is likely to provide shade to logged streams. For larger Type F streams, 40 years of riparian tree growth is unlikely to provide the shade that would be typical of late seral vegetation, especially on the eastside streams. “Water temperature total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) developed for streams and rivers in Washington have predicted that it will take between 50 and 80 years, depending on location and type of riparian vegetation, to achieve natural temperature conditions that Failure of the FPHCP to adequately address shade and temperature issues 27 existed prior to timber harvest (Personal Communication, Laurie Mann, Environmental Protection Agency, September 13, 2004).” (FFR, p. 4-61). Recovery in 5 years to 80 years or more depending upon where in the DEIS one looks appears to vary depending upon what one terms recovery. When trees older than 100 years are not required in riparian buffers, large Type F streams will not achieve temperature recovery; when significant additional harvest to the stream edge is allowed in headwater Type N streams, temperature recovery will not occur in the Type F streams they flow into. Starting from the early seral stage, it is claimed that LWD function will be restored in 100+ years, but this conveniently matches the 100-year target set for maximum desired site condition. There is no indication that the desire future condition of the riparian buffer would be a 250-year old stand in any portion of the buffer on any stream type. Starting from early seral condition, microclimate is claimed to be recovered in 10-40+ years. Based on Brosofske et al. (1997), Chen et al. (1995), Ledwith (1996) and others, narrow buffers of early mid-seral as a maximum tree size would not likely yield microclimate recovery. “Due to the time required for streamside trees to grow and mature to potential LWD, there may be a considerable lag period (e.g., greater than about 50 years and up to 300 years) before additional LWD is contributed to a cleared stream (Gregory and Bisson 1997).” (FFR, p. 3-97). “The recovery of instream LWD loads will take decades to centuries (Bilby and Ward 1989)”. (FFR, p. 4-183). “However, some streams may require many years to recover from historical management-related inputs of coarse sediment (20 to 100 years or more). Similarly, the recovery of LWD recruitment is a long-term process. Moderate levels of recovery may require 80 years or more in riparian areas dominated by early-seral stage stands.” (FFR, p. 4-206). Even though LWD recruitment from an early seral stage is portrayed as approximately 100 years, other evidence even scattered through the DEIS indicates multiple centuries. Moderate recovery to full functioning is blurred so that it appears there is no significant difference. Broad-brush allusions to cumulative effects compliance Among the cumulative effects discussed was the impact of FFR on the goals of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (FFR, p. 5-10). It is claimed that “implementation of the proposed action would be consistent with these objectives by furthering protections of salmon habitat on forestlands regulated by the Washington Forest Practices Act.” Despite the attempt to convince the reader of the consistency of FFR with Magnuson-Stevens Act, the characteristics of habitat condition associated with risk to fish populations include: (1) 80-90% of streambanks in a noneroding state, (2) reduced linkage of wetland areas to the main channel, (3) road density of 2-3 mi/mi2, (4) <15% equivalent clearcut, (5) moderate loss of shade or LWD recruitment, (6) some evidence of alteration of peak flow, base flow, or flow timing relative to undisturbed watersheds of similar size, geology, and geography. PFMC (1999). FFR either meets, exceeds, or totally ignores the conditions that PFMC itemized as freshwater habitat issues leading to a “risk” rating for Pacific salmon. 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