VITA Stephen W. Savage 401 N. Park Ave Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Home Phone 317-638-7759 Work/Cell 317-502-4766 E-mail INSACK@AOL.COM EDUCATION Master of Science Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Major: Special Education Area of Concentration: Severe Disabilities, Vocational Education Bachelor of Education Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Major: Elementary Education Area of Concentration: Early Childhood LICENSE/CERTIFICATIONS State of Indiana Teaching License Life License #536413 Endorsements: General Education K-6 and Severe Disabilities K-12 Indiana Teacher’s License Endorsements: General Education K-6 and Non-Departmentalized 7&8 Facilitator Certification Creative Problem Solving Indiana State University Trainer Certification Supported Employment Training Specialist Program Michigan State University Stephen W. Savage Vita Page 2 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2006-Present Transition Coordinator Indianapolis Public Schools Providing transition related consulting, training and organizational development with students, families, teachers, job coaches, school and community agency personnel. Includes team development, person centered planning, transition planning, and coordination of personnel in 4 IPS high schools. Project goals include increasing paid employment and improving transition processes. 1998-Present Co-Owner Sandy/Savage & Associates, Indianapolis, IN Consulting and training with organizations across Indiana and the US. Areas of concentration include organizational development, project management, team building, business leadership networks, customized employment, supported employment, self employment, transition from school to adult life, stress management, and leadership training. Training and consultation for individuals, families, not for profit and for profit businesses, schools and agencies. 10/01-3/07 Project Coordinator Indianapolis Private Industry Council, Indianapolis, IN Provided project coordination for Department of Labor funded projects to improve accessibility and employment of people with significant disabilities utilizing the Marion Co. One Stop system. Scope of work included management of staff, program development, implementation of strategic plans, training and coordination of partners. Project outcomes included improving/removing physical, technological and attitudinal barriers and the development of customized employment approaches including job creation, resource ownership and self- employment. 6/96-4/01 Employment Services Director Gateway Services, Inc., Franklin, IN Directed and managed the activities of 20 community support services staff. Provided mentoring, training and team development for all direct services staff. Implemented shared leadership in changing the organization from in-house, segregated services to community, integrated services. Accomplishments include organizational redesign, team development, assisting in placement of approximately 100 consumers, effectively eliminating the need for a sheltered workshop. Stephen W. Savage Vita Page 3 8/89-Present Co-Founder and Trainer Indiana Supported Employment Training Team One of 5 core/founding members of ISETT, providing Employment Specialist training and certification to adult services staff, school personnel, IMPACT staff and others. Training includes values and philosophy, job development, person centered planning, worksite analysis, task analysis, data collection, teaching and learning methodology, natural supports and follow along/long term supports. Trained over 1800 staff. 10/92-1/96 Supported Employment/Regional Transition Coordinator Institute for the Study of Developmental Disabilities Indiana University Bloomington Indiana Provided consultation and technical assistance to selected sites throughout the state of Indiana. Developed materials and conducted training regarding organization development and change, conversion from sheltered employment to integrated community employment, supported employment, and transition from school to adult life. Customers included schools, students, parents, educators, employers, state and local agency personnel. 1978-1991 Adult Services Director (& various teaching and management positions) Developmental Services, Inc. Columbus Indiana 13 years of experience in community rehabilitation. Held a variety of positions including teaching and management of programs for adults with disabilities. Work experience culminated in directing the activities of 45 staff in a variety of community based programs including supported employment, transition services and vocational skills training. Developed and implemented new programs. Assisted in the placement of over 300 individuals, reducing total workshop enrollment in five counties from 600 to 300. Developed a model programs for transition and services for individuals with mental illness labels. Assured quality throughout the division. Planned and monitored division budgets in excess of 2 M. Stephen W. Savage Vita Page 4 AFFILIATIONS 1991-Present National Association for Persons in Supported Employment, APSE Member, 1991-Present Regional Delegate, Midwest states, 1999-2001 Chair, Delegates Council, 2002-2005 Board Member, 2002-2005 Foundation Board Member 2004-2007 Foundation Board President 2005-2007 1992-Present Indiana Association for Persons in Supported Employment, IN-APSE Charter Member, 1992-Present Conference Committee 1992-2003 Board member, 1995-2001 President, 1999-2001 1999-2005 Indiana Governor’s Planning Council Employment Committee 1989-Present Indiana Supported Employment Training Team Trainer and Core Member 1999-2003 Indiana Medicaid Action Coalition Charter Member 1996-2004 Indiana Conversion Task Force Core Member