Inge Lehmann Bibliography Lehmann 1 Inge Lehmann—Bibliography 1. 1926 2. 1929 3. 4. 5. 1930 6. 7. 8. 1931 9. 10. 1932 11. 1934 12. 1935 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 1936 1937 1940 1945 1946 20. 1947 21. 1948 22. 1949 23. 23 1950 24. 1952 25. 1953 26. 27. 28. 1954 29. 1955 30. 31. 1956 32. 33. 34. 1957 35. 36. 1958 37. 38. 1959 39. 40. 1960 41. On the accuracy of interpolation. Den sjette skandinaviske Matematikerkongress i Kobenhavn. Kongresberetningen, 375-381. Jordskawlvet i Jylland den 23. Maj 1929. Naturens Verden 307-322. Uber die Laufzeitkurve der Phase ScPcS. Z. Geophys. 5 259. ScPcS. Beitr. Geophys. 23 369-378. P' as read from the records of the earthquake of June 16th 1929. Beitr. Geophys. 26 402-412. Medd. Geod. Inst. Kobenhavn no. 1. A hammer for the Galitzen vertical component pendulum. Beitr. Geophys. 26 413-415. The earthquake of 22.III.1928. Beitr. Geophys. 28 151-164. Medd. Geod. Inst. Kobenhavn no. 2. Jordskaelvet den 1. November 1930. Naturens Verden 219-235, Kobenhavn. Die bedeutung der Europaischen stationsgruppe fur die bestimmung von seismischen Laufzeitkurven. Verhandl. Funften Tagung Balt. Geod. Combustion, 192-212, Helsinki. Untersuchung der Europaischen registrierungen der eerdbeben vom 18.VIII.1928, 24.X.1930 und 13.XI.1925 (with G. Plett). Beitr. Geophys. 36 38-77. Medd. Geod. Inst. Kobenhavn no. 4. Transmission time for seismic waves for epicentral distances around 20_. Medd. Geod. Inst. Kobenhavn no. 5, 45 pp. +31 Figs. Seismic time-curves for epicentral distances around 80_. The Aleutian earthquake of 1929, July 7th. Publ. Bur. cent. Seism. Int. A 12 109- 133 +3 plates. P', Publ. Bur. Cent. Seism. Int. A 14 87-115. Seismic time-curves and depth determination. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Geophys. Suppl. 4 250-271. Jordrystelsen i Kobenhavn den 27. September 1940. Naturens Verden 375-380. On SKS. Medd. Geod. Inst. Kobenhavn, no. 15, 14 pp. Seismolog. Geofysiken i Danmark 61-68. Kobenhavn. Praktisk Geofysik (with V. Laursen). Geofysiken i Danmark 69-71. Kobenhavn. De gronlandske jordskaelvsstationers paalidelighed. Matem. Tidsskr. 1946. Festskr. N.E. Norlund, 2 7076. Jordrystelsen i Nordsjaelland den 20. September 1946. Naturens Verden, 199-206. Kobenhavn. On two explosions in Danish waters in the autumn of 1946. Geofis. pur. Appl. 12 3-19. The reliability of the European seismological stations, Medd. Geod. Inst. Kobenhavn, no. 22, 66 pp. Den mikroseismiske uro og vejret. Naturens Verden 162-185. Kobenhavn. On the reading of earthquake diagrams and the interpretation of phases. Publ. Bur. Cent. Seism. Int. A. 17 193-204. On the microseismic movement recorded in Greenland and its relation to atmospheric disturbances. Ponteficiae Acad. Scient. Scripta Varia 23 73-109. On the short-period surface wave Lg and crustal structure. IUGG Newsletter 2 248-250. Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 73. P and S at distances smaller than 25_. Trans Amer. Geophys. Un. 34 477-483. On the shadow of the Earth's core. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 43 291-306. Characteristic earthquake records. Memoires Inst. Geod. Danemark, s.3, t.18, 33 pp. Naar jorden ryster. Vor Viden, hf. 143, 556-563. Kobenhavn. The times of P and S in northeastern America. Annali Geofis. VIII 351- 370. Nar marken skalver. Varld och Vetande, 6.arg., 80-88. Stockholm. Danske jordskaelv. Medd. Dansk Geolog. For. 13, 88-103. Kobehavn. The velocity of P and S waves in the upper part of the Earth's mantle. Publ. Bur. Cent. Seism. Int. A 19 115-123. En bolgebevaegelse i jorden fremkaldt af atmosfaerisk uro. Mikroseismisk uro. Salmonsens LeksikonTidsskrift 15 799-804. Kobenhavn. On Lg as read in North American records. Annali Geofis. X, 1-21, Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 222. On phases in earthquake records at epicentral distances of 105_-115_. Int. Series Monographs Earth Sciences 1. Contr. Geophys." In Honor of Beno Gutenberg, 121-134. On amplitudes of P near the shadow zone. Annali Geofis. XI 153-156. Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 319. Velocities of longitudinal waves in the upper part of the Earth's mantle. Annali Geofis. 15 93-118, Publ. Dom. Obs. Ottawa, XIX, 10. The interior of the Earth as revealed by earthquakes. Endeavour, XVIII, 99-105, London. Structure of the upper mantle as derived from the travel times of seismic P and S waves. Nature 186 956. London. On short-period surface waves as recorded in Copenhagen (with M. Ewing). Memoires Inst. Geod. Danemark, s.3, t.34, 19 pp + 32 figures, separately bound. Lehmann 2 42. 1961 43. 1962 44. 45. 1964 46. 47. 48. 1966 49. 1967 50. 51. 52. 53. 1968 54. 1969 55. 56. 57. 58. 1987 S and the structure of the upper mantle. Geophys. J.R. Astron. Soc. 4. The Earth Today, dedicated to Sir Harold Jeffreys, 124-138. Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 449. The travel times of the longitudinal waves of the Logan and Blanca atomic explosions and their velocities in the upper mantle. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 52 519-525. Recent studies of body waves in the mantle of the Earth. Quart. J.R. Astron. Soc. 3, 288-298. On the travel times of P as determined from nuclear explosions. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 54 123-139. Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 674. On the velocity of P in the upper mantle. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 54 1097-1103. Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 722. The Hindu Kush earthquake or March 4, 1949 as recorded in Europe. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 54 19151925. Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 761. On the structure of the upper mantle. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 56 1147- 1152. Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 955. Low velocity layers. The Earth's Mantle, Ch. 3, 41-61. Acad. Press, Inc., London. On the travel times of P as obtained from the nuclear explosions Bilby and Shoal. Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors 1 14-23. Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 1097. Seismological Tables. Intern. Dictionary Geophys. Pergamon Press. Core-mantle boundary. Intern. Dictionary Geophys. Pergamon Press. Discontinuous velocity changes in the mantle as derived from seismic travel times and amplitudes. Bur. Centr. Seism. Int. A, 24 167-174. Travel times and amplitudes of the Salmon nuclear explosion. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 59 959-966. Lamont Geolog. Obs. Contr. 1309. Discontinuous velocity changes in the mantle as derived from seismic travel times and amplitudes. Publ. Bur. Cent. Seism. Int. A 24 167- 174. The reading of earthquake diagrams. Geophys. J.R. Astron. Soc. 20 391-396. The 400 km discontinuity. Geophys. J.R. Astron. Soc. 21 359-372. Seismology in the days of old. EOS 68 33-35. Lehmann 3