Review worksheet for final exam

Review worksheet for final exam
For questions 1 – 7, pick the correct phase from the ones listed below:
1) DNA replicates.
2) Chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell.
3) Sister chromatids separate.
4) Chromosomes continue to condense, centrosomes move to opposite poles of the cell.
5) Nuclear membranes reform completely around the chromosomes.
6) Sister chromatids form.
7) Cleavage furrow or the cell wall forms in the middle of the cell.
Do a punnett square for questions 8 – 16 on a separate sheet of paper to help you answer them:
8. In certain plants, purple flowers is dominant to white flowers. If a heterozygous plant with purple
flowers is crossed with a plant with white flowers, what percentage of the offspring will be white? _______
9. In rabbits, brown coat color is recessive, and black coat color is dominant. A heterozygous black
rabbit is crossed with a brown rabbit. What percentage of the offspring will be black? ________________
10. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive trait. A woman and her spouse do not have cystic fibrosis,
but are carriers for the recessive allele. What percentage of the offspring will have cystic fibrosis? ______
11. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive trait. A woman and her spouse do not have cystic fibrosis,
but are carriers for the recessive allele. What percentage of the offspring will be carriers for the cystic
fibrosis gene? ________________
12. Huntington’s disease is an autosomal dominant trait. A woman with Huntington’s disease marries a
man who is normal. What percentage of their children will have Huntington’s disease? _______________
13. A normal woman marries a normal man. What percentage of their children will have
Huntington’s disease?
14. Colorblindness is sexlinked, being on the X chromosome. A woman who is a carrier for
colorblindness marries a man who is colorblind.
What percentage of their daughters will be colorblind? _________________________
What percentage of their sons will be colorblind? ___________________________
15. Hairy ears (hair tufts on the ears) is a Y-linked trait (only on the Y chromosome). A man
with hairy ears marries a normal woman.
What percentage of their daughters will be colorblind? _________________________
What percentage of their sons will be colorblind? ___________________________
16. A woman has two autosomal recessive traits, blonde hair and blue eyes. She marries a
man who has dark hair and brown eyes, who had a mother who was blonde and blue-eyed.
What percentage of their children will have brown hair and blue eyes? ________________
What percentage of their children will have blonde hair and blue eyes? ________________
For questions 16-21, pick the correct phase from the ones listed below:
A. DNA replication only
B. Transcription
C. Translation
D. DNA replication and transcription
E. Transcription and translation
16. Takes place in the nucleus only.
17. involves mRNA (messenger RNA)
18. involves tRNA (transfer RNA)
19. involves RNA polymerase
20. involves DNA polymerase
21. requires binding nucleotides together.