Page 1 of 8 Round: Reference: Innovation Fellowship IV Final Report Form This report will be treated ‘in confidence’ with the exception of Section 6 which is intended for use in the public domain and must be written with due care Applicant Name(s): Title of Fellowship: Department/University: Ref: ERDF Section 1 Summary of Outcomes: Please summarise (e.g. bullet points) the progress made against the key objectives of the fellowship, with outcomes, results, achievements and impact. Please include approximate dates where such outcomes were achieved or completed. Page 2 of 8 Section 2 Summary of the work pursued under the Fellowship. To include; activities undertaken, achievements, problems encountered; concluding position. A focus on how the Fellowship enabled the final outcome(s) would be helpful. There is no need to repeat the original objectives as stated in the initial application. Please do not exceed 2 pages Section 3 ERDF As sponsors of the Programme, ERDF is interested in the impact of Innovation Fellowships on economic development. Please provide brief details: The Fellowship has enabled the holder to engage/approach businesses as prospective technology transfer partners: The Fellowship has facilitated knowledge transfer to the equivalent of either £1,000 or 2 days advice/dissemination of research to known East Midlands based businesses: It will enable engagement with supply chain partners based in the East Midlands (e.g. to develop prototypes): The Fellowship enabled other activity which will make a positive impact on the region’s economy Page 3 of 8 Section 4 Did anything arise during the Fellowship that required a significant change or deviation from the original plan? Please state reasons, nature of changes and outcomes. Section 5 Future plans for the activity – what are the next steps for this activity. Please comment on - - Planned development of the outcomes beyond Innovation Fellowship funding (even if you are not leading them). The role of any external organisations or commercial partners. Has follow-on or continuation funding been secured for the project/activity? Please advise the source/ value/grant or investment? Section 6 Please provide a short summary of the Fellowship outcomes suitable for publicity / dissemination purposes which may be treated as non-confidential. Page 4 of 8 Section 7 Compared to your statements in the original application, please briefly identify any significant developments in the areas indicated below (for example has your initial assessment of the market for the technology held?) 7a: Market for the Technology 7b: Assessment of market competitors 7c: IPR and Technical Feasibility How has this developed as a result of the Fellowship? 7d: Barriers to market entry and acceptance What are the main hurdles still to be overcome before the idea or product is likely to reach the market place? Please consider issues such as end user acceptability and economics in addition to technical or scientific issues. 7e: As a result of the Fellowship, how do you now foresee the exploitation happening? Manufacture and sale of product? Licensing technology to others? Creation of a spin-out company? Joint venture with a corporate partner? University Commercial Service? Please tick to indicate if: A spin-out company has been formed during the Fellowship. technology has been licensed to a third The party. A spin-out company is likely to be formed. technology is likely to be licensed to a The third party (negotiations underway). technology is proposed to be licensed to The a third party. Page 5 of 8 ACTIVITIES Please tick to indicate the main areas of activity that were undertaken during the Award. Opportunity assessment – identifying application areas and end user demand Demonstrations to industry / potential customers / end users Market assessment – identifying market value and the route to market Commercial assessment – to identify the best exploitation route Technical development work (towards proof of concept) Business plan development Technical development work (for prototype development) Spin-out company formation IP – towards filing new patent(s) Identifying and engaging licensing partners IP – strengthening existing IP (patent(s)) Supply chain issues – sourcing components, identifying manufacturing partners etc. Section 9 Has the Fellowship activity directly led to spin-off benefits (i.e. positive outcomes that may not be directly commercial or within the original objectives for the Fellowship)? Please indicate if: A journal or conference paper has been submitted during the Fellowship work A journal or conference paper is expected to be submitted following the Fellowship work New research opportunities New potential collaborative partners Comment: Section 10 Please give details and dates of approved courses attended during the Fellowship. Page 6 of 8 COSTS INCURRED Cost area Cost sub-heading Anticipated Full Economic Cost Actual FEC Costs Incurred [from original application] Directly incurred costs Funds requested [from the Fellowship] Staff Travel & subsistence Consumables Essential equipment Market assessment Consultants / subcontracting Other Sub-total Directly allocated costs Investigators Estates costs Other directly allocated Indirect costs Indirect costs TOTAL £ £ £ The Fellowship will only fund direct costs associated with the project. Full Economic Costs must be included to demonstrate the University’s total financial commitment for matched funding purposes. Was there any additional / matched funding from other organisation(s)? YES / NO Give further details of such funding here: Justification of costs: provide a brief explanation of funding spend in each of the following categories Directly incurred costs Give details of name of person bought out, salary costs, days per week buy out, etc. (include N.I. and superannuation costs, but do not include Institutional overheads) Staff Travel & subsistence Consumables Essential equipment Market assessment Consultants / subcontracting Other Directly allocated costs Investigators Page 7 of 8 QUESTIONNAIRE: The following questions are intended to provide feedback and assist the development of the Programme and wider support for commercialisation within the Universities. Effectiveness of funding: How important do you feel the Fellowship was in achieving the results described? Please tick an appropriate box and comment where necessary. Critical – they could not or would not have been achieved without it. Of significance – the award helped to ensure the achievements, but some might have happened anyway. Low significance – the impact of the Fellowship hasn’t really affected outcomes or time-scales. Low significance Of significance Critical Comment: Fellowship progress: Compared to your thinking at the time of submission, has the Fellowship progressed and achieved results as you initially expected? Please tick an appropriate box and comment where necessary. No As expected Exceeded expectation Comment: University support for research commercialisation: One of the aims of the Programme is to assist the universities and academic community in terms of the systematic commercialisation of new ideas, products and processes and their transfer to business. Based on your experiences are there areas where you felt that additional support could have been usefully provided? Any additional feedback to the Programme managers for further improvements? Page 8 of 8 Signatures and institutional confirmation Fellowship holder(s): Signature(s) Name(s) Date Institutional authority: * Signature Name & Position Date Technology Transfer Office: Signature Name & Position Date Return completed forms to: David Southall, Fellowship Coordinator Technology Transfer Office The Sir Colin Campbell Building University of Nottingham Innovation Park Triumph Road, Nottingham NG7 2TU