Accountability & Performance Standards

The UC Davis Payroll/Personnel System
Accountability and Performance Standards
The overall goal of this plan is to improve organizational performance associated
with Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) and Online Payroll Time Reporting System
(OPTRS) transactions. This plan clearly and concisely explains the roles and
responsibilities of PPS and OPTRS preparers and reviewers, department heads
and access officials in the deans/vice chancellors offices. The plan identifies the
training, resources and support that are available to PPS and OPTRS preparers
and reviewers who may need additional assistance in order to meet performance
Guiding Principles:
The UCD Accountability and Performance Standards are documented
for PPS and OPTRS preparers and reviewers, and departmental
Mandatory reviewers are required to use WebPAN.
Non-mandatory reviewers are required to use e-mail PAN.
Oversight responsibility for auditing performance and accountability is
assigned to the mandatory reviewers, the departmental officials, and
the central offices of Payroll Services, Human Resources and
Academic Personnel.
PAN review by PPS mandatory reviewers is monitored and results are
reported to PPS access officials by Payroll Services.
Training and support will be provided to PPS preparers to help
increase understanding of PPS and improve entry accuracy.
Results related to policy requirements and data entry accuracy are
monitored by Human Resources, Payroll Services and Academic
Personnel and reported to departmental officials. In partnership with
campus departments, Human Resources, Payroll Services and
Academic Personnel will work together to improve input accuracy.
Because of the importance of PPS accuracy, significant repetitive
errors may result in suspension of PPS access and notification of nonperformance to the appropriate managers for possible disciplinary
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Accountability Standards:
In accordance with UC Davis Principles of Accountability, PPS and OPTRS
initiators, reviewers, and the department official are accountable for the accurate
input and timely review of PPS and OPTRS transactions. Details on UCD’s
accountability principles can be found in the following resources:
UCD PPM 330-11
Departmental Financial Administrative Controls and Separation of Duties:
UCD Administrative Responsibilities Handbook:
See Chapters on Principles of Accountability, Financial Management, and
Regulatory Compliance.
UC Business and Finance Bulletin #IA-101, Internal Control Standards:
Departmental Payrolls:
General Expectations
All persons performing functions related to PPS/OPTRS are expected to:
 Accept accountability for all PPS and OPTRS transactions under your
 Safeguard all PPS/OPTRS information whether in electronic or paper
 Never share PPS/OPTRS userid and password.
 Understand and comply with all relevant UC policies, regulatory
requirements and any terms and conditions associated with the fund
Responsibilities and expectations related to specific roles are shown in the
following table:
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PPS/OPTRS Mandatory Reviewer
PPS/OPTRS Preparer
Ensure that persons assigned responsibility for PPS and OPTRS transactions have the appropriate skills and
knowledge, and have completed the required training. Monitor payroll and personnel activities to ensure
compliance with all UC policies, regulatory requirements, guidelines and laws.
Prepare the PPS Departmental Organizational Structure form recording all delegations, cancellations,
modifications and back-up assignments. Separate duties in accordance with accepted accountability principles.
Update the Structure form whenever there is a change in staff.
Review and approve or disagree with the PPS Departmental Organizational Structure, attesting appropriateness
of assignments and separation of duties.
Coordinate access requests with the PPS Security Committee.
Monitor the effectiveness of the preparers and reviewers to ensure that any significant errors or instances of noncompliance with policies are detected and corrected.
Understand the purpose of the transaction.
Ensure all actions received proper authorizations and approvals before entry in PPS (OPTRS).and verify that
supporting documentation is appropriate and complete.
Ensure arrangements are made for an assigned back-up preparer or mandatory reviewer during absences.
Reviewers: Activate Web PAN notifications for back-up mandatory reviewers and ensure the interim activation is
reversed upon return.
Enter appropriate information accurately into all PPS/OPTRS screens and paper forms. Ensure entry is timely to
effect the targeted payroll cycle. Record a thorough explanation of each transaction.
OPTRS: Ensure reports of time worked and/or leave taken have received proper approvals and authorizations
before initiating entry.
Dept Head or Dept Access Officer
Dean’s/VC’s Office Access Officer
Expectations By Role
Resolve accurately and timely any issues that are raised by on-line edits and error messages during the entry of
Forward supporting documents to the appropriate mandatory reviewer or central office authority.
Review WebPANs within two business days of receipt.
Review and verify online OPTRS rosters prior to the close of the payroll compute.
Inspect transactions for accuracy and compliance to ensure preparers have fulfilled their responsibilities. Take
action timely to correct errors.
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PPS/OPTRS Preparer
PPS/OPTRS Mandatory Reviewer
Dept Head or Dept Access Officer
Dean’s/VC’s Office Access Officer
Expectations By Role
Performance Monitoring:
PPS/OPTRS Entry and Update by Preparer:
A.1. Monitoring for Errors
The central offices of Payroll Services and Human Resources
monitor PPS and OPTRS entries for which they have oversight
Errors are documented in a report and the responsible
departmental PPS or OPTRS preparer is contacted and advised of
the error.
The central office tracking the error monitors and ensures a
correction is made by either the primary preparer or the backup
The consolidated error reports initiated by the central offices are
sent on a quarterly basis to the HRAC committee member
responsible for the unit.
If the error is not corrected and the error is of financial significance,
the central office reporting the error will initiate the correction and
inform the mandatory reviewer, as well as the department access
A.2. Follow-up and Possible Corrective Action
The central offices will review the consolidated error reports on a
quarterly basis and contact preparers that have made multiple
errors (e.g., errors having significant impact on pay or university
standing) in the reporting period. These preparers will be offered
counsel and/or specialized training by the appropriate central office.
If multiple significant errors are made by the preparer (e.g., errors
causing considerable negative impact on the hire, incomplete I-9
paperwork, or grossly overstated pay), the departmental official will
be notified. To assist the preparer in improving his/her
performance, he/she will complete appropriate PPS refresher
courses, as well as be provided with individual and/or specialized
training for the appropriate central office. NOTE: If the mandatory
reviewer fails to detect and/or correct multiple significant errors, the
PPS refresher course training will also be attended by the
mandatory reviewer.
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If the errors by the preparer are found to be severe and of a
fraudulent nature, immediate termination of PPS access will occur
and the proper authorities will be notified.
WebPAN Review by Mandatory Reviewer:
B.1. Monitoring for Plan Effectiveness
Accounting & Financial Services will monitor and audit WebPAN
activity each quarterly period to ensure that mandatory reviewers
have properly fulfilled their responsibility of opening and reviewing
their PAN notices within the two business day requirement.
If the mandatory reviewer fails to detect and correct multiple
significant errors, the PPS refresher course training will be required.
B.2. Follow-up and Possible Corrective Action
Mandatory reviewers will be determined to be overdue in their
reviews if they have not opened and reviewed their WebPAN
notices within the required timeframe.
Accounting & Financial Services will notify the PPS access officer
about mandatory reviewers who are not current in their reviews of
WebPAN. At the request of the administrative assistant deans,
Accounting & Financial Services will also inform the appropriate
assistant dean and MSO.
The PPS access officer is accountable for ensuring that mandatory
reviewers are in compliance with UC policies and that delayed PAN
reviews are completed promptly.
Repeated episodes of delayed WebPAN reviews by a mandatory
reviewer will result in the potential suspension of PPS access. A
back-up reviewer will be required to act as the mandatory reviewer
in the interim period. A report will be sent to the appropriate dean or
vice chancellor for possible disciplinary action.
The appropriate dean or vice chancellor will also be notified for
possible disciplinary action if their PPS access officer does not
ensure accountability for the actions of their mandatory reviewers.
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Payroll Services
PPS Help Desk
PPS Access Officers
Human Resources
Controls & Accountability
UCD PPM Departmental Financial Administrative Controls
and Separation of Duties:
UCD Administrative Responsibilities Handbook:
UC Business and Finance Bulletin #IA-101, Internal Control Standards:
Departmental Payrolls:
UCD PPS User’s Guide
UCD OPTRS User’s Guide
UCD PPM Records Management Program
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