ALLAHABAD BANK (A. Govt. of India Undertaking) ZONAL OFFICE 17, PARLIAMENT STREET, NEW DELHI-110001 Notice Inviting Tender for Sale/disposal of Old/Damaged Partitions Furniture/Fixture/AC ducting etc. lying in un-occupied areas of our 17, Parliament Street Building, New Delhi -110001 Sealed offers from interested parties are invited for Sale/disposal of Old/Damaged Partitions Furniture/Fixtures/AC ducting/False ceiling etc. for sale/disposal on “as is & where is basis”, lying in un-occupied areas (particularly earmarked for sale/disposal) of our 17, Parliament Street Building, New Delhi -110001. Interested parties may inspect the items and submit their offers as per following schedule:1 2 3 4 5 6. Site Inspection From 8/04/13 to 15/04/2013, between 3.00 PM to 4.00 PM in all working days except Saturday. Submission of offer On or before 15/04/2013 up to 15.00 hrs. in the Bank’s standard format enclosed as Annexure ‘A’. Bid Security / Earnest Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) in the form of DD / Money Deposit Bankers Cheque in favour of Allahabad Bank payable at New Delhi. The bid security money will be forfeited in case the successful bidder fails to deposit the remaining amount within 3 (three) days. Sale Value Deposit The successful offerer has to deposit the full amount in the form of DD / Bankers Cheque of any branch of scheduled Bank within 5 days after receiving the intimation. Care of Works The offerer shall take full responsibility in case of any damage, loss or injury to any person / building or to any part thereof, and shall repair / and make good the loss, at his own cost. The offerer will observe all necessary precautions at his own cost to safeguard his workers during execution of work. In case of any accident/mishappening, contractor will be responsible for the safety of his workers & Bank will not take any responsibility in this regard. The offerer will have to clear site to the satisfaction of Bank after completion of work, so that there is no hindrance to the retrofitting/re-strengthening work being carried out by Bank. Completion Time 10 days Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason whatsoever. Chief Manager Annexure ‘A’ Sale/disposal of Old/Damaged Partitions Furniture/Fixture/AC ducting etc. lying in un-occupied areas of our 17, Parliament Street Building, New Delhi -110001 Brief description of items on “ as is & where is basis” Dismantling, stacking, removing / disposal of scrap/items out of the Bank’s building to the place earmarked by the local authorities. Notes: A)The items includes: 1) Wooden partitions, false ceiling with frame work/its iron supports, A.C. ducting /its aluminum grills/supports, ( of earlier portion occupied by Recovery Branch (and Building Department at 4th floor) iron supports at various floors(to be removed after cutting by welding machine), Dead electrical wiring /data / fire cables /detectors, old / brokenmisc. Items e.g. chairs/tables/sofa/ tube lights fittings /tube rods etc. earmarked by the Bank for sale/disposal. 2) A.C. ducting / its aluminum grills/supports etc, fixed/lying at 3rd floor (unoccupied/vacant portion only) / ground floor(park hotel side portion) B) Exclusions/Items not included: Apart from other items, all the permanent type structure e.g. Doors, Windows, Grills, Glass, Sanitary items/pipes, etc. fixed with Building’s walls, Bank’s old record / almirahs / recks /other items lying at vacant portions but under use of bank, Main Electric panels / MCBs / DBs / switch boards, Live electric and telephone cables/wires running through vacant portions and under use/feeding to other portions of the building, Terms & Conditions:- Amount (Rs) 1) Rs.______________________ 2) Rs.______________________ 1. The tenderers are advised to inspect items earmarked by the Branch for sale /disposal before submitting their tender. The intending bidders may verify and satisfy themselves with the quantities as well as quality/condition of materials laying at the site and submit their tender accordingly. Bank will bear no responsibility in this regard. NO claim whatsoever w.r.t. the quantities / quality/condition of said materials or otherwise will be entertainable/payable after submission of bid by intending tenders. Cond…P/2 -22. Items offered are on “as is & where is basis”. 3. Taxes, or any other charges, if applicable, will be borne/paid by the offerer. 4. The work should be completed with in 5 days from date of work order or handing over of site, which ever is later. 5. The offerer shall take full responsibility in case of any damage, loss or injury to any person / building or to any part thereof, and shall repair/and make good the loss, at his own cost. 6. No other items except those mentioned above in (A), are to be removed. 7. EMD of unsuccessful tenders will be refunded after issue of sale order to successful bidder. 8. Conditional tenders/deviations from our NIT shall be liable for rejection. 9. The tenderers shall quote the rates clearly both in figures and words and should be prefixed by the word Rupees and avoid overwriting. Tenderers should sign all cutting / over writings. 10. The security/watch and ward of the materials will be the sole responsibility of the contractor. 11. Rates will be valid up to 45 days from the date of opening the tender. 12. It will be the sole responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure the safety of the structure and other materials to save them from damage etc. at the time of dismantling, removing, stacking, lifting carting and disposing the materials / malba etc. 13. The quoted amount will be firm and final till the sale deed is over. 14. All disputes will be subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only. 15. The quoted amount shall also include the cost of expenditures likely to be incurred in all activities like dismantling, removing, stacking and lifting /carting of all the materials / malba obtained from dismantling from work site to the place earmarked by the local authority in the quoted amount. 16. The offerer will observe all necessary precautions at his own cost to safeguard his workers during execution of work. In case of any accident/mis-happening, contractor will be responsible for the safety of his workers & Bank will not take any responsibility in this regard. 17. The offerer will have to clear site to the satisfaction of Bank after completion of work, so that there is no hindrance to the retrofitting/re-strengthening work being carried out by Bank. 18. The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations in part or full without assigning any reason whatsoever. I have inspected the site/above mentioned items and quoted the amount in tender (Annexure-‘A’) and all the terms/conditions mentioned above and in the notice inviting tender are acceptable to me. Name of Bidder : Address : Contact No. : EMD Payorder/Draft No. Dated Amount Signature/Seal of Bidder