AGREEMENT № _______ On the delivery of unexceptional rights « » ________________ 2006. Moscow, _____________________ Project «GEF-UNEP-WWF-ECONET Central Asia», further on called PROVIDER, represented by the head of WWF Central Asian Programme and regional manager of the project, Dr. Olga Pereladova, acting on the base of WWF – UNEP contract on ECONET Central Asia project implementation – on one side, and ________________________________________________________________________, further on named USER, represented by ________________________________________________, acting on the base of ___________________________________________________________________ on the other side, concluded the Agreement on the following: 1. Terminology. 1.1. «Numerical product» - a part of a special-purpose Geographical information system (GIS) «Geo-informational database for the territory of Central Asia, 1:1000000, 1:200000» (in the recent state, as it is delivered to the USER). 1.2. «Database» - objective form of presentation and systematization of a totality of data (for example, articles, calculations, etc.) organized in a way, that any data can be searched and analyzed with the help of computer program; 1.3. «Adaptation of Database and / or Numerical product – inserting changes aimed on functioning of the Database and / or Numerical product installed in the specific equipment of the USER or under management of specific programs of the USER. 1.4. «Modification (processing) of Database and / or Numerical product – any changes, which cant be qualified as adaptation; 1.5. «Reproduction of Database and / or Numerical product Цифрового Продукта» production of one or more copies of the numerical product, including the hard disk memory; 1.6. «Distribution of the Numerical product» - putting the numerical product in any reproduced form under access – including internet or any other way, as well as sail, rent, lending, including export for any of these purposes; 1.7. «Utilization Numerical product» - reproduction, distribution and other actions on putting the Numerical product into economic use (including modified form of the Numerical product). Information to mass media on the completed for use Numerical product is not considered as utilization. 1.8. «Corresponding materials» printed and other forms of materials, created under this agreement; 1.9. «Material copy of the Numerical product» - Numerical product recorded in the electronic form on a coinciding mediums. 2. Object of the Agreement 2.1. PROVIDER delivers to the USER Numerical product (Database /GIS of the project ECONET Central Asia) in the scope and composition, as it was created in the frame of the project by the moment of official end of the project and under conditions, included in this Agreement. 3. The price and order of payment PROVIDER delivers Numerical product to the USER free of charge. 4. Content of the database and GIS 1. Component «Topological background» includes catalogues: Geodetic base – 2 layers, Communications and buildings (including roads) – 9 layers, Politico-administrative subdivision of the region - 2 layers, Vegetation cover – 5 layers, Hydrography - 7 layers, 1 Towns and settlements - 4 layers, Industrial and agricultural zonation - 3 layers, Relief - 5 layers. 2. Component “POJECT DATA”: - «Biodiversity and socio-economic characteristics of the region» includes: Layers with the results of satellite images processing; Layers with the key species distribution – sites of recent registration and habitats – plants, reptiles, birds and mammals; Layers of ecosystems and ecoregions; Layers of the existing system of protected areas; Layers of socio-economic characteristics of the region. - Maps of integrated analysis - ECONET schemes 5. Scope and content of the delivered rights 5.1. Delivering a Material copy of the Numerical product PROVIDER hand over to the USER unexceptional rights, unlimited in time, to accomplish the following actions with the Database and GIS on the territory of Central Asia: 5.1.1. Execute Adaptation of Database and / or Numerical product 5.1.2. Execute modification (processing) of Database and / or Numerical product in the part, containing non-geographical information (Component “POJECT DATA”). It is obligatory to mark the original and modified numerical products by the following trade marks and copyright protection: © Data-plus ©GEF-UNEP-WWF- «ECONET Central Asia» 5.1.3. Different components of the Numerical product delivered by the PROVIDER fall under different levels of legal regulation. 5.1.4. Component «Topological background», which includes materials under license, purchased by WWF from “Data –plus” and falling under coinciding legal regulation – are delivered for internal use only, can’t be secondary delivered, presented in internet, published in any way in a form of separate layers. 5.1.5. Component “POJECT DATA” can be used in any necessary combinations for: Accomplishment of measures / works on implementation of regional and national strategies / action plans on biodiversity conservation and sustainable development; For development and implementation of plans and projects on implementation of ECONET and its separate elements, on the development of the system of specially protected nature territories, sustainable development (land- and resource-use), combat desertification, protection of single species of special importance and ecosystems, etc. For preparation of national and regional reports, connected with obligations of the countries on different biodiversity conventions and agreements (CBD, CMS and MOUs under it, Ramsar, SITEC, etc.). Accomplishment of measures / development and implementation of projects, aimed on the execution of REAP goals, in particular – supporting decision-making system, preparation of Electronic Atlas of the Region of Central Asia, etc. 5.1.6. Supplement “POJECT DATA” with up-to date information (data of other projects), but without inserting changes in the existing layers, but creating new GIS layers on the same base, indicating authors of the new information layers. In case of future use of integrated information, compiled from the initial “POJECT DATA” and new layers, copyright protection should be placed together: the initial 2 background information ( © Data-Plus; © GEF-UNEP-WWF- «ECONET Central Asia»), and authors of the additional information. 5.2. USER has no right to: 5.2.1. Reproduce of Database and / or Numerical product for purposes other then described in 5.1.3 – 5.1.6. 5.2.2. Delete or mask copyright protection labels from the Numerical product. 5.3. USER has no right to execute the following activities over the Numerical product: 5.3.1. Use the Numerical product in a original or modified version for creation of its paper or electronic (CD-ROM) copy, assigned for replication or handing over to printing house for further publications for the purposes other then enumerated in the point 5.1.5; copyright protection labels ©GEF-UNEP-WWF«ECONET Central Asia» should be present on all layers in case of publication for the purposes named in the point 5.1.5; 5.3.2. Deliver the Numerical product or any part of it to the third parties with a purpose of distribution, as well as Corresponding materials; 5.3.3. Rent, loan or deliver the Numerical product or any part of it to the third parties without a written permission of the PROVIDER; 5.3.4. Render machinery time with the possibility of usage of the Numerical product and Corresponding materials for commercial purposes to outside persons and organizations. 6. Rights and obligations of the parties. 6.1. PROVIDER has a right to check execution of this Agreement by the USER. 6.2. The USER must ensure possibility check execution of this Agreement by giving free access of the representatives of the PROVIDER to the network working places in accordance to a timetable, agreed by both sides; 6.3. USER should obligatory use the Numerical Product in accordance to the legislation of the countries of Central Asia, Law on “Geodesy and Cartography of RF” and coinciding statutory acts of the Federal Agency of Geodesy and Cartography of RF and _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________. 6.4. In case of braking the above-named rules and conditions the USER needs to return the Numerical Product. 7. Conditions of confidentiality. 7.1. USER accepts liability to undertake takes rational measures on the protection of Numerical Product and Corresponding materials from unapproved use, replication, distribution and publication. 7.2. Delivery of the Numerical Product and Corresponding materials from the PROVIDER to the USER is not confidential, as the purpose of delivery is a real use of the “PROJECT DATA” for supporting regional decision-making system and civil society involvement (in condition of preservation of authorship of the project materials). 8. Responsibility of the parties 8.1. Parties are responsible for nonfulfillment or incorrect fulfillment of the conditions of this Agreement in accordance to the legislation of Russian Federation and countries of Central Asia (_______________). 8.2. All disputes which occur in connection with this Agreement should be solved by negotiations and discussions; in case that the negotiations don’t allow to arrive to positive results – in the arbitral court of Moscow. 9. Other conditions. 9.1.The Agreement comes into force when signed and is valid until all obligations of the parties under this Agreement are completed. 9.2. The agreement can be changed as result of signing motivated attachment with corrections. 9.3. In case that some particular definitions of the Agreement become invalid that is not extended on the other definitions and conditions of the Agreement. 9.4. Titles of the sections of the Agreement and its additions are meant for comfort of usage of their texts and won’t be taken into consideration as determinative in interpretation of any of the paragraphs, as well as reformative, or explanatory for the statements of the Agreement or its attachments. 3 9.5. The Agreement is submitted in two copies, both possess equal power and authority for each of the parties. 10. Legal addresses of the parties. PROVIDER: WWF Central Asian Programme с/о WWF Russia 19, bd. 3, Nikoloyamskaya, 109240, Moscow, Russia Tel.: +495 727 09 39 Fax: +495 727 09 39 e-mail: USER: Representing PROVIDER: Head of WWF Central Asian Programme and regional manager of the project GEF-UNEPWWF –ECONET Central Asia project USER representative Dr. Olga Pereladova "____"___________2006. "____"___________2006. Russian Programme Office WWF Head of WWF RO Olga Jouravleva "____"___________2006. "____"___________2006. 4