ATTENTION VENDORS If you find that you are not interested in bidding/quoting this particular project, please fill in this sheet and return it to: Dutchess County Division of Central Services 27 High Street Poughkeepsie NY 12601 We are very interested in learning why you do not bid. BID #RFB-DCP-17-04 COMMODITY: ITEMS D-400 TO D-407, NATURAL PROCESSED SANDS AND GRAVEL; ITEMS D-410 TO D-425, CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE; ITEM D-1400, GRAVEL AND D-1400B GRAVEL VENDOR NAME ___________________________________________ CONTACT ____________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________ PHONE __________________________ FAX ______________ For purposes of facilitating your firm’s response to our invitation to bid the County of Dutchess is interested in hearing reasons for failure to respond. If your firm is not responding please indicate the reason by checking all appropriate items below and returning this form to the address above. WE ARE NOT RESPONDING BECAUSE: _____ Items and/or materials requested are not manufactured by us or are not available to our company. _____ Our items and/or materials do not meet your specifications _____ Specifications are not clearly understood or applicable _____ Quantities too small _____ Other _____ too vague _____ too rigid ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ BID #RFB-DCP-17-04 FOR ITEMS D-400 TO D-407, NATURAL PROCESSED SANDS AND GRAVEL ITEMS D-410 TO D-425, CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE ITEMS D-1400, GRAVEL AND D-1400B GRAVEL _____________________________________________ COUNTY OF DUTCHESS POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS Page 1 of 2 Read all documents contained in the bid specifications. Bidders are responsible for submitting their bids to the appropriate location at or prior to the time indicated in the specifications. No bids will be accepted after the designated time or date indicated in the bid specifications. It is suggested that registered mail be used to submit bids. Delay in mail delivery is not an exception to the receipt of a bid. Bidders are responsible for reporting, in writing, any errors in the bid specifications to the Purchasing Agent at 27 High Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. Questions or clarifications to the technical specifications must be made in writing to the Purchasing Agent prior to the bid opening. Such questions must be in the possession of the Purchasing Agent at least 72 hours prior to the bid opening. Verbal questions will not be entertained. Bidders shall indicate, on the outside of their sealed bid, the following information: 1. Title and Number of the Bid 2. Date and Time of Bid Opening Failure to do so may result in rejection of the bid as being unresponsive. The following forms are necessary to be submitted as a bid, as well as any additional forms requested in the detailed specifications: 1. CS-1 - Bid proposal form/price page(s) (except some bids, such as for the Department of Public Works, where a separate form may be required). Such exceptions will be noted in the bid specification. 2. CS-2 – Non-Collusion Affidavit, completed, signed and dated. It is not necessary to submit our technical specifications with the bid. They should be retained by the bidder for their records. Bidders requesting copies of bid proposals shall do so in writing and provide a stamped self addressed envelope. Bidders must submit one original and one copy of their bids, unless otherwise stated. The original must be clearly marked. All bids must be filled out in ink, or be typewritten. Bids submitted in pencil will be rejected as unresponsive. Bids which have been corrected by white out or cross out, and have not been initialed and/or dated will be rejected as unresponsive. The County of Dutchess is part of a group known as the "Interagency Purchasing Cooperative", which consists of the County of Dutchess, Dutchess Community College, and 82 different schools and fire districts, cities, towns, and villages located throughout Dutchess County. Dutchess County is also part of a group known as the “Hudson Valley Municipal Purchasing Group” (HVMPG), which consists of the Counties of Dutchess, Rockland and Ulster; the Town of Cortlandt; City of New Rochelle and the Pearl River School District. Other municipal purchasing agencies in the Hudson Valley will be joining this regional system. The prices submitted in this bid may be extended and offered to these various agencies for their consideration. If they choose to participate in the proposal they will be submitting their own purchase documents directly to the successful vendor(s). Samples may be requested by the County for the purpose of product evaluation. It is understood that samples will be provided at no charge to the County and will be returned, when requested, within 30 days after the evaluation is completed, at the expense of the vendor. All samples left longer than 30 days after the evaluation period will be discarded. INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS Page 2 of 2 Sealed bids for Items D-400 to D-407, Natural Processed Sands and Gravel; Items D-410 to D-425, Crushed Stone Aggregate; Items D-1400 Gravel and D-1400B Gravel will be received in the Division of Central Services, 27 High Street, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601, on or before 11:00 a.m., May 12, 2004 and at that time and place bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Specifications and bid forms are attached hereto. All bids will be sealed and distinctly marked "PROPOSAL FOR BID #RFB-DCP-17-04”. Should the bidder find discrepancies or omissions in the specifications, he shall notify the Purchasing Agent, at once. The Purchasing Agent will not assume responsibility for any oral instructions, or interpretations of meaning of the specifications or other contract documents to any bidder by any person or persons. The County of Dutchess officially distributes bidding documents from the Purchasing Office, Department of Public Works or the Hudson Valley Municipal Purchasing Group’s Regional Bid Notification System. Copies of bidding documents obtained from any other source are not considered official copies. Only those vendors who obtain bidding documents from the Purchasing Office, Department of Public Works or the Regional Bid Notification System will be sent addendum information, if such information is issued. If you have obtained this document from a source other than the Dutchess County Purchasing Office, Department of Public Works or the HVMPG Regional Bid Notification System it is recommended that you obtain an official copy. You may obtain an official copy by registering on the HVMPG Regional Bid Notification System at The Purchasing Agent, and/or his designee, shall be the only one authorized to make changes or alterations to anything contained in these specifications. Such changes shall be in writing and posted on the Dutchess County web site. All bids shall be made out on the proposal forms attached hereto and all the attached certificates must be completed and signed in compliance with the provisions of the General Municipal Law. The Purchasing Agent reserves the right to reject all bids, parts of all bids, or all bids for any one or more supplies or contractual services included in the proposed contract, when such rejection is in the best interest of the County. The contract will be awarded to the RESPONSIBLE BIDDER offering the best price. A responsible bidder is a manufacturer, producer, dealer, vendor, or bona fide manufacturer's agent who has demonstrated judgment and integrity, is of good reputation, experienced in his work, whose record of past performance in the trade is established as satisfactory, and whose financial status is such to provide no risk to the County of Dutchess in its contractual relations. No bidder may withdraw a bid within forty-five (45) days after the actual date of the bid opening. Upon acceptance of any bid, the successful bidder shall execute a contract, in accordance with the specifications, with the County of Dutchess, State of New York. Any bidder, contractor, or manufacturer who, in the course of his work, uses or supplies products which may be toxic or harmful, shall provide an MSDS to the Division of Central Services and the Office of Risk Management prior to the use of those products by the County or the contractor. Bidders who are required to adhere to the prevailing wage schedule shall obtain and maintain a current schedule from the New York State Department of Labor for the entire term of the contract. The County may audit adherence to this schedule at any time during or after the contract period. Date: April 19, 2004 SPECIFICATIONS FOR DUTCHESS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ITEMS D-400 THRU D-407 (NATURAL & PROCESSED SANDS AND GRAVELS) ITEMS D-410 THRU D-425 (CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE) ITEMS D-1400 GRAVEL & D-1400B GRAVEL Bid #RFB-DCP-17-04 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The County of Dutchess, has a requirement for the variable and undetermined quantities of the materials listed herein. The materials furnished under the provisions of these specifications shall conform to all current New York State Department of Transportation Design and Construction Division Specifications for processed sands and gravel, crushed stone aggregate (fine & coarse). Material items included within these contract specifications, and any resulting bid award, will be required for projects associated with Highway Construction and Maintenance, and related Public Works projects and activities. 2.0 MATERIALS CERTIFICATION Materials test and quality control methods for the material items furnished under the provisions of these specifications shall be in conformance with the NYS DOT specifications and procedures in effect at the time of award of this bid. The contractor shall provide with each shipment of materials, if requested by the County, a certified test report that the accompanying product complies with the related specifications herein, A certified test report is a document containing a list of the materials involved, and shall certify that the materials meet the requirements of all of the specifications. This test report shall certified as to the date of testing and the name of the organization performing the same, and shall be signed by an authorized agent or responsible agent for the agency, if necessary the document shall be notarized. 3.0 DELIVERY, PRODUCTION & PRICING REQUIREMENTS Prices quoted for the following listed material shall be NET PER U.S. TON, PER CUBLIC YARD or PER METRIC TON AND FOB Department of Public Works Equipment at the bidders plant. Bidders /suppliers shall bid according to the SUPPLY ZONE in which the source, plant and storage are located. All bids shall list and indicate the address at which the supplier has Main Offices\, and if different , state which address all billing, payments, order and vouchers shall be addressed. Also, it is required that the Bidder/Supplier list the geographic location at which Bidder/Supplier maintains a plant or supply point for the furnishing of materials covered by these specifications. The description and listing of source or materials location, shall constitute the basis for identification of Supply Zones. All information may be entered on sheet “SZ” of these specifications. Bid contract awards shall be made to the lowest qualified and responsible bidders who have demonstrated the capability of furnishing materials under the provisions of these specifications. Orders and purchases by Dutchess County Public Works under the provisions of these specifications, shall be in accordance with Sections 5.0 (Supply Zone) and Section 6.0 Source Selection. 3.0 CONTRACT PERIOD This bid contract award shall be made for the calendar year commencing June 1, 2004, and terminating May 31, 2005. If mutually agreed between the County of Dutchess and the Contractor, the contract or unit portion let and awarded by the County, may be extended unilaterally by the County for an additional two (2) - twelve (12) months terms, upon notice to the Contractor with the same terms and conditions as the original Agreement, but not limited to, quantities, prices and delivery requirements. 4.0 SUPPLY ZONES The general geographical area indicated for bidder supply, or Supply Zone have been developed and continue from past practice, past performance annual maintenance requirements which are reoccurring, and through an overview of estimated future requirements in respect to presently known local industrial production capability and availability. However, the County of Dutchess reserves the right to ultimately control source selection and accordingly exercise reasonable controls under the provisions of Section 6.0 Source Selection. 5.0 SOURCE SELECTION Under this section the County of Dutchess reserves the right to select the source of supply, or select an approved supplier for all materials covered under these specifications. The Commissioner of Public Works, his agents and representatives, shall retain control over the purchase and selection of all items whereas overall economy and efficiency in total project cost are the principal considerations and objectives. The Commissioner of Public Works, his agents or representative shall order the purchase of materials according to the requirements of D.P.W. programs and projects, which requirements shall also include consideration of DPW operations capabilities in terms of equipment and personnel availability. Generally, materials shall be purchased from the approved contractor or sources located nearest to the D.P.W. project or job site. The location of all D.P.W projects and activities shall be examined and correlated to the distance of haul, and the most efficient transport routing 6.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – REQUIRED ITEMS Gradation and Size Designation Requirements, Material Requirements ITEM D-400 PROCESSED GRAVEL Sub-base/Foundation COURSE 4 Graded course to fine gravel and sand; NYS DOT Standard Specifications Section 304 Sub-base Course shall apply, NYS DOT Materials Requirements 304-2.2 Source Preparation 304-2.03, Stockpiling 304-2.04 and test and Control Methods 304-2.01 shall apply. This item traditionally known in the trade as “ITEM 4” gradation. GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 2 Inch 100% 1/4 Inch 30-65% No. 40 5-40% No. 200 0-10% _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-401 PROCESSED SAND Mortar/Mason Sand Medium to fine graded sand, NYS DOT Standard Specifications Section 703-03 shall apply GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight No. 4 100% No. 8 95-100% No. 50 10-40% No. 100 0-15% _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-402 PROCESSED GRAVEL ¼ INCH SIZE RANGE Screened graded fine gravel. NYS DOT Standard Specifications Section 703 and Table 703-4 shall apply. Material Designations 703-0202 Crushed Gravel and 703-0203 Screened Gravel shall apply. Traditional trade terminology ¼ inch Size gravel or stone. _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-403 PROCESSED GRVEL 3/8 INCH SIZE RANGE Screened graded fine gravel. NYS DOT Standard Specifications Section 703 and Table 703-4 shall apply. Material Designations 703-0202 Crushed Gravel and 703-0203 Screened Gravel shall apply. Traditional trade terminology 3/8 Inch size gravel or stone. _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-404 PROCESSED GRAVEL ¾ INCH SIZE RANGE Screened graded gravel. NYS DOT Standard Specifications Section 703 and Table 703-4 shall apply. Material Designations 703-0202 Crushed Gravel and 703-0203 Screened Gravel shall apply. Traditional trade technology ¾ Inch size gravel or stone. ______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-405 PROCESSED GRAVEL 1 ½ INCH SIZE RANGE Screened graded gravel. NYS DOT Standard Specifications Section 703 and Table 703-4 shall apply. Material Designation 703-0202 Crushed Gravel and 703-0203 Screened Gravel shall apply. Traditional trade terminology 1 ½ inch size gravel or stone. _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-406 PROCESSED GRAVEL TAILINGS Coarse graded gravel. NYS DOT Standard Specifications Section 703 and Table 703-4 shall apply. Material Designation 703-0202 Crushed Gravel and 703-0203 Screened Gravel. Traditional trade terminology – gravel or stone tailings GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 4 Inch 100% 2 Inch 75-95% 1 ½ Inch 45-75% 1 Inch 10-20% _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-407 PROCESSED GRAVEL COBBLES/COBBLESTONE Coarse graded gravel. Material furnished under this item shall be natural rounded gravel particles NYS DOT Material Designation 703-0202. The Soundness requirement for stone accepted under this item shall be on the basis of a Magnesium Sulfate Soundness Loss after 4 cycles of 20% or less. GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 7 Inch 100% 6 Inch 90-100% +/5 Inch 0-5 % 2 Inch 0-1% _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-410X CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE ¼” Nominal Size Range NYS DOT Material Designation and Specification 703-0201, Table 703-4(1), Material Requirements Section 703 shall apply, Shall meet the current NYS DOT specifications for High Friction aggregate materials content and performance. _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-411X CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE 3/8” Nominal Size Range NYS DOT Material Designation and Specifications 703-0201, Table 703-4(1) Materials Requirements Section 703 shall apply. Shall meet the current NYS DOT specifications for High Friction aggregate material content and performance. _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-412 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE ½” Nominal Size Range NYS DOT Material Designation and Specification 703-0201, Table 703-4 (1), Material Requirements Section 703 shall apply. _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-413 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE 5/8” Nominal Size Range NYS DOT Material Designation and Specifications 703-0201, Table 703-4(1), Materials Requirements section shall apply. _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-414 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE ¾” Nominal Size Range NYS DOT Material Designation and Specifications 703-0201, Table 703-4(1) Materials Requirements Section 703 shall apply. _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-415 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE 1 ½” to 2 ½” Size Range NYS DOT Material Designation and Specification 703-0201, Table 703-4(1) Materials Requirement Section 703 shall apply. _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-416 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE DESIGNED MIX 45 Course Stone Aggregate designed blend or mix, Stone Aggregate Material Designation 703-0201 shall apply, Materials Requirements NYS DOT Section 703 shall apply. This item formerly NYS DOT, and traditionally known in the trade as “Item 45 SY” GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing By Weight 1- ½ Inch 100% 1 Inch 90-100% ½ Inch 0-15% _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-418 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE COMMON UTILTY MIX 5S Very Coarse stone Aggregate Mix. Stone Aggregate Material Designation 703-0201 shall apply. Materials Requirements NYS DOT Section 703 shall apply. This item formerly DC DPW - #5S Surge Stone (Primary Surge Crusher Run) GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 3 Inch 100% 1 Inch 50% Max ½ Inch 25% Max ¼ Inch 0-15% _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-419 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE ARTIFICAL SAND/CONCRETE Designed Mix or Blend with gradation requirements as specified. Material furnished under this item shall conform to the requirements of NYS DOT Specifications 703-01 except as modified herein. GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 3/8 Inch 100% No. 4 90-100% No. 8 75-100% No. 16 50-85% No. 30 25-60% No. 50 10-30% No. 100 1-10% No. 200 (Wet) 0-3% _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-420 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE STONE FILLING The gradation of materials for use as a stone filling shall be specified NYS DOT Standard Specifications Section 620-1, as follows: FIGURE 620-1 SONE FILLING GRADATION REQUIREMENTS _____________________________________________________________________________________ Stone Filling See Notes Stone Sizes Percent of Total Item by Weight _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Fine 2,3,4 Smaller than 8” 90-100 Larger than 3 “ 50-100 Smaller than No. 10 Sieve 0-10 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Light 2,3,4 Lighter than 100 Lbs. 90-100 Larger than 6 “ 50-100 Smaller than ½” 0-10 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Medium 2,4 Heavier than 100 Lbs. 50-100 Smaller than 4” 0-10 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Heavy 2,4,5 Heavier than 600 Lbs 50-100 Smaller than 6” 0-10 _____________________________________________________________________________________ NOTES: 1. Stone sizes other than weights, refer to the average of the maximum and minimum dimensions of a stone particle as estimated by the Engineer. 2. Materials shall contain less than 20% of stones with a ratio of maximum to minimum dimension greater than three. 3. Air cooled blast furnace slag, cobbles of gravel having at least one fractured face per particle are acceptable substitutes for stone under these items, provided that soundness and grade requirements are met. 4. Materials shall contain a sufficient amount of stones smaller than the average stone size to fill the spaces between the larger stones. 5. Heavier gradings of this item may be required on some projects, in case the requirements will be stated on the plans or in the proposal. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-421 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE SUBBASE/FOUNDATION 4 Course and Fine Stone Aggregate Mix, uniform gradation specified for Type 2 and 4. NYS DOT Standard Specifications for Section 304-2.02 Crushed Stone shall apply. This item formerly NYS DOT, and traditionally known in the trade as “ITEM 4” gradation. GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing By Weight 2 Inch 100 % ¼ Inch Type 4 30-65% ¼ Inch Type 2 25-60% No. 40 5-40% No. 200 0-10% _______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-422 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE MORTAR SAND NYS DOT Standard Specification 703-03 Mortar Sand shall apply. Materials Specification 703-01 for fine aggregate shall apply except as modified herein. GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size No. 4 No. 8 No. 50 No. 100 Percent Passing By Weight 100% 95-100% 10-40% 0-15% NOTE: Concrete sand , material specification 703-07 will be permitted as an alternate to mortar sand. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-423 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE CUSHION SAND NYS DOT Standard Specification 703-06 Cushion Sand GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight ¼ Inch 100% No. 50 0-35% No. 100 0-10% ______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-424 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE STONE SCREENINGS Crushed Stone Aggregate – Common Stone Screenings. NYS DOT Standard Spec., Section 703, Table 703-4(1) shall apply. ______________________________________________________________________ ITEM D-425 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE MICRO PAVING DESIGN MIX Design Mix or blend with gradation requirements as specified. Material furnished under this item shall conform to the requirements of NYS DOT Specification 703-01 except as modified herein. Shall meet the current NYS DOT Region 8 Specifications for High Friction aggregate content and performance. GRADATION REQUIREMENTS U.S. Sieve Size 3/8 Inch No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 ½ Inch ¼ Inch Screenings shall include all material passing ¼ inch screen Percent Passing by Weight 100% 70-90% 45-65% 30-50% 19-34% 12-25% 7-18% 4-12% 100% 90-100% NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 703-4 SIZES OF STONE, GRAVEL AND SLAG _______________________________________________________________________ Screen Sizes ____________________________________________________________________________________ Size 4” 3” 2 ½” 2” 1 ½” 1” ½” ¼” 1/8” No. 80 No. 200 Desig._________________________________________________________________________________ Screening _ _ _ _ 100 90-100 0-1.0 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1B _ _ _ _ _ 100 90-100 0-15 0.10 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1A _ _ _ _ _ _ 100 90-100 0-15 _ 0-1.0 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1ST _ _ _ _ _ _ 100 0-15 _ _ 0-1.0 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 _ _ _ _ _ 100 90-100 0-15 _ _ 0-1.0 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 _ _ _ _ 100 90-100 0-15 _ _ _ 0.1.0 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3A _ _ _ 100 90-100 0-15 _ _ _ _ 0-0.7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 _ _ 100 90-100 35-70 0-15 _ _ _ _ 0.07 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4A _ 100 90-100 _ 0-20 _ _ _ _ _ 0.07 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 100 90-100 _ 0-15 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.07 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 90-100 0-15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.07 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) (2) (3) Percentage by weight passing the following square openings Screening shall include all of the fine material passing a ¼” screen The minus 200 material requirements applies only to aggregate for use in porttland cement concrete surface treatrments cold mix bituminous pavements and underdrain filter material. The test (NYSDOT 201) will be performed on the entire sample of the designated size aggregate. Primary size does not apply in the determination of the minus 200 material All crushing plants shall be fitted with trailing chutes so that no aggregate will reach the bins other than that which passes through the proper screens. ITEM D-1400 (VENDOR LOADED) D-1400B (D.P.W. LOADED) All rock and stone fragments shall be generally rounded. Materials consisting of flat, sharp or jagged stones will not be accepted. The desired material common term in the trade is called “Run of Bank Gravel” or “Bank Run Gravel”. The Run of the Bank, generally, shall be a natural glacial deposit material recovered from the Hudson Valley Lowland areas of the New England Upland areas within Dutchess County. For purposes of this part of the specification, Run of Bank Gravel classification shall apply to, or include any granular rock and soil mixture that consists of any suitable uniform gradation of rock, sand and silt size particles. D-1400 Vendor Loaded and D-1400B D.P.W. Loaded All rock ad stone fragments shall be generally rounded. Materials consisting of flat, sharp or jagged stones will not be accepted, the stone shall be durable, sound, and of good quality. The gravel mixture shall be clean, granular and of uniform consistency of gradation. Diligent care shall be exercised to exclude occasional oversize stones or boulders from the final product. The Commissioner of Public Works or his designated representative reserves the right to exercise the final determination as to the acceptability or suitability of materials which fall within the following general gradation range: SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING (wgt) 6” ¼” #200 100% 30-80% 0-15% The material shall be free of clay or silt lumps. Reasonable care shall be exercised to exclude silt or clay lumps from the final product. The contractor or supplier shall insure that all topsoil or overburden soil has been removed or isolated from the working face area or supply source. Materials with miscellaneous vegetation, unsuitable organic or overburdened soils, will not be accepted. The contractor or supplier shall be responsible for conforming to all Federal, State and Local Laws applicable to the mining operation and location, as well as transportation. The prices quoted for the listed materials shall be NET per U.S. Ton, U.S. Cubic Yard, or Metric Ton – and FOB Department of Public Works Equipment at the bidders plant. Item D-1400 bid price shall include all costs necessary to furnish material including loading into D.P.W. transport equipment. Item D-1400B shall include all cost necessary to furnish the basic material, this unit price shall be as if loaded by Dutchess County DPW Equipment. ITEM D-1400 ITEM D-1400B R.O.B. Gravel R.O.B. Gravel (Loaded by D.P.W. Equipment) SUPPLY ZONE IN WHICH PLANT/SOURCE IS LOCATED ____________TOWNSHIP SUPPLY ZONE IDENTIFICATION (SHEET “SZ”) KNOWN APPROVED SOURCES CONTRACT SUPPLY ZONES (* Indicate which) Use separate sheets if approved plants/sources are located at more than one location (only list Township where approved plant/source is located) Zone Area Location-Vicinity A BM CL DR EF FK HP L M NE Other (Towns) Amenia Beekman Clinton Dover East Fishkill Fishkill Hyde Park LaGrange Milan Northeast ___________________ Zone Area Location-Vicinity PP PV PK RH RB ST UV WP WS PA (Towns) Pine Plains Pleasant Valley Poughkeepsie, Red Hook Rhinebeck Stanford Union Vale Wappinger Falls Washington Pawling _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Supplier/Company Name: _______________________________________________________________ (Main Office) _______________________________________________________________ Billing/Orders Address: ________________________________________________________________ U.S.G.S – Grid Coordinates (i.e. correlation to NYSDOT and NYS Geological Survey) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Item’s Unit Price Bid – Net Per Measure – U.S. Cubic Yard, or U.S. Ton, or Metric Ton should be entered on the following page(s). BID PROPOSAL SHEETS Page CS-1 Section(s) D-400 through D-407 Bid # RFB-DCP-17-04 Name of Bidder: ________________________________________________________ (Please Print) Address: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________Phone: ( ) ____________________________ Name of Contract Person: ________________________________________________ In conformance with the attached specifications, please answer all questions. The undersigned, having carefully examined the appropriate Specification Number ____________________ dated ____________________,does hereby agree to furnish to the County of Dutchess, F.O.B., at the bidders source supply location, the following items at the price(s) indicated: _____ ________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE OF ITEMS D-400 THRU D-407 UNIT___________ _Item D-400 Processed Gravel Course 4 ____ Item D-401 Processed Sand Mortar/Mason Sand______________________________ Item D-402 Processed Gravel ¼” Range____________________________________ Item D-403 Processed Gravel 3/8” Range____________________________________ Item D-404 Processed Gravel ¾” Range____________________________________ Item D-405 Processed Gravel 1 ½” Range___________________________________ Item D-406 Processed Gravel Talings ______________________________________ Item D-407 Processed Gravel Cobbles/Cobblestone____________________________ Supply Zone in which the SOURCE, PLANT and STORAGE are LOCATED: _______ ______________________________________________________________________ Signature of bidder: ______________________________________________________ BID PROPOSAL SHEETS Section(s) D-410X through D-425 BID # RFB-DCP-17-04 CS-1 ______________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE OF ITEMS D-410 THRU D-424 UNIT __________ Item D-410X – 1/4inch size range__________________________________________ Item D-411X – 3/8 inch size range_________________________________________ Item D-412 _ ½ inch size range__________________________________________ Item D-413 5/8 inch size range_________________________________________ Item D-414 ¾ inch size range__________________________________________ Item D-415 1 ½ inch – 2 ½ inch size range_______________________________ Item D-416 Designed Mix 45_________________________________________ Item D-418 Common Utility Mix 5S____________________________________ Item D-419 Artificial Sand/Concrete Sand_______________________________ Item D-420 Stone Filling Fine_________________________________________ Item D-420 Stone Filling Light________________________________________ Item D-420 Stone Filling Medium______________________________________ Item D-420 Stone Filling Heavy_______________________________________ Item D-421 Subbase/Foundation Course 4_______________________________ Item D-422 Mortar Sand_____________________________________________ Item D-423 Cushion Sand____________________________________________ Item D-424 Stone Screenings_________________________________________ Item D-425 Micro Paving Design Mix__________________________________ Supply Zone: In which the SOURCE, PLANT and STORAGE are LOCATED: ______ ______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Bidder: _____________________________________________________________ BID PROPOSAL SHEETS Page CS-1 Section(s) D-1400 through D-1400B BID # RFB-DCP-17-04 ________________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE OF ITEMS D-1400 & D-1400B UNIT Item D-1400 Run of the Bank Gravel________________________________________ Item D-1400B Run of the Bank (D.P.W. Loaded) ________________________ Supply Zone: In which the SOURCE, PLANT and STORAGE are LOCATED: _______ _______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Bidder:_______________________________________________________________ Non-Collusion Affidavit Bid #RFB-DCP-17-04 Items D-400 to D-407, Natural Processed Sands and Gravel Items D-410 to D-425, Crushed Stone Aggregate Item D-1400, Gravel and D-1400B Gravel As required by Section 139-d of the New York State Finance Law, the bidder certifies that: (a) the bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies, or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and (b) the contents of the bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. The signature of the Contractor to this contract shall be deemed a specific subscription to the certificate required pursuant to Section 139-d of the State Finance Law and the Contractor affirms that the statements therein contained are true under the penalties of perjury." (c) no attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. Signed ____________________________ By ____________________________ (President) Dated ___________________ Bid submitted by: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________ Phone # CS-2 __________________ Fax #