SOLO TAXONOMY RUBRIC FOR STUDENTS Prestructural l Unistructural lll Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract Needs assistance Definition identifies one relevant idea Definition identifies several relevant ideas Definition identifies several relevant ideas and links these to the whole Definition identifies several relevant ideas and links these to the whole. Taken into another context. I, as a student know that: I, as a student know that: I, as a student know that: I, as a student know that: I, as a student know that: I have limited understanding of the SOLO Taxonomy. eg I have heard it and seen it but am not sure exactly what it means I am using the SOLO Taxonomy in my learning. eg I refer to the Solo Rubric to identify my present level… I am at uni-structural because… I am using the SOLO Taxonomy to talk about the level of my learning and to identify my “where to next?” eg I am now at multistructural and need to ….. to move to the relational stage. I am using the SOLO Taxonomy to identify the links for integrated learning. eg To improve my reading I need to focus on developing my understanding of vocabulary I don’t know what a SOLO Taxonomy is. I need help to use a SOLO Taxonomy. I need help to understand a SOLO Taxonomy I have limited understanding of the uses of the SOLO Taxonomy. eg I can only use a SOLO for my basic facts learning The SOLO Taxonomy is a tool for showing stages of learning. eg A SOLO Taxonomy told me where I was for learning my addition strategies. I am not using the SOLO Taxonomy regularly in my learning. eg I have used a SOLO only once or twice I can explain the terms used in a SOLO Taxonomy eg Unistructural means that….. I can use the SOLO Taxonomy to identify the next steps in my learning. eg now I need to do this to move to the next stage I can use a SOLO Taxonomy to assess where I am at the end of the learning session(s) (Summative assessment) eg at the end of this unit on Balloons I am at the ….stage I am using the SOLO Taxonomy as feedback to myself and my parents. eg Mum I have moved from prestructual to multistructual in using addition strategies I can use the SOLO Taxonomy to see the progressions/connections in my learning. eg Now that I can do this I need to do that to move to the next stage I am using the SOLO Taxonomy to create targets/expectations in a variety of my learning areas. eg Maths: I now need to increase the range of strategies I can use to solve division problems I am using the SOLO Taxonomies to communicate my achievement to others. eg I began on multistructual, now I am at extended abstract because I can now… C:\Documents and Settings\Educator\My Documents\School\ICT\SOLO TAXONOMY RUBRIC FOR STUDENTS.doc. Created By Kerry Adams ICT lead Teacher : Ohaupo School 2009