Colebrook Farms – MARE INFORMATION FORM PLEASE COMPLETE FULLY (TYPE OR PRINT). THANK YOU Nancy Wheatley: 1-866-425-7469 Fax: (905) 640-2137 Gayle Bosscher: (416) 881-8924 Fax: (905) 852-4537 John Burness: (416) 984-5200 2011 Breeding Season – Exhibit A Stallion: Mare Owner Information (Please list the name as you would like it reported to the Jockey Club) Name: Tel: Address: Fax: Cell: NOTE: If mare is owned by partners and billing is to be divided among them add ownership % and addresses to back of this form. Mare Information (If mare has lien or other encumbrance – write details on back of form) Mare's Name: Sire: Dam: Dam’s Sire: Date of Birth: Dkb/br Bay Ch Gray/Roan Mare Status Maiden In foal Barren Slipped Not Bred in 2010 Already foaled – 2011 foaling date ___/___/2011 Dkb/br Bay Ch Gray/Roan Filly Colt 2010 stallion bred to 2010 Last Date Bred: 2009 stallion bred to DOB ___/___/2010 Dkb/br Bay Ch Gray/Roan Filly Colt 2008 stallion bred to DOB ___/___/2009 Dkb/br Bay Ch Gray/Roan Filly Colt Is this mare an IMPORT for the 2011 breeding season? YES NO If yes, import date:_____________ Country of Origin:__________________ Mare’s Ontario Boarding Farm: Tel: Farm Manager: Cell: Boarding Farm Address: Mare’s Veterinarian: Signature: (of Owner or Authorized Agent) Tel: Date: THIS FORM MUST BE ON FILE PRIOR TO MARES BEING BOOKED