here - PRISM Climate Group

Christopher Daly
Director, PRISM Group
Oregon State University
326 Strand Ag Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
Voice: (541) 737-2531 Fax: (541) 737-5710
Current Professional Focus
My current research focus at Oregon State University is the development of practical and effective methods
for the spatial analysis of climate across many temporal and spatial scales. I am the developer of PRISM, a spatial
climate modeling system that is well-known and respected worldwide. I am founder and director of the PRISM
Group, formerly the Spatial Climate Analysis Service, a group dedicated to producing state-of-the-science spatial
climate analyses. The PRISM Group mission is threefold: (1) Products: develop useful and high-quality spatial
climate maps and digital products; (2) Research: establish and maintain an innovative research program for spatial
climate modeling and analysis; and (3) Education: establish and promote the emerging discipline of geospatial
climatology, a powerful combination of climatology and spatial analysis.
The PRISM Group has succeeded in its mission by producing consistently high-quality spatial climate
products in use in thousands of applications worldwide, becoming the de-facto official climate mapping agency for
the US government (e.g., official USDA climate products and official NOAA climate atlas); maintaining a
productive line of research that has lead to continuous improvements in PRISM and related PRISM Group
technologies; and delivering papers, seminars and workshops espousing a foundational approach to climate mapping
that is paving the way for the development of geospatial climatology as a legitimate discipline.
Academic Background
Ph.D. 1994, general science (climate and vegetation modeling), Oregon State University, Corvallis
1984, geography (forest geography and microclimatology), University of Colorado, Boulder
1978, atmospheric sciences, University of California, Davis
Professional Experience
2004Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR -- Associate Professor (Senior Research), Department of
Geosciences, College of Science
2002Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR – Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Oceanographic
and Atmospheric Sciences
1999Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR -- Director, PRISM Group (Spatial Climate Analysis
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR -- Assistant Professor (Senior Research), Department of
Geosciences, College of Science
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR -- Post-Doctoral Research Associate
PRISM Services, Corvallis, OR -- Owner
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR -- Graduate Research Assistant
Systems Applications International, San Rafael, CA -- Senior Research Scientist
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO -- Graduate Research Assistant
Oceanroutes, Inc. Palo Alto, CA, and Aberdeen, Scotland -- Marine Meteorologist
“Outstanding Contribution to the Advance of Applied Meteorology,” American
Meteorological Society annual award, presented at the AMS National Meeting, January 15,
Seattle, WA
Invited to accompany OSU President Ed Ray to China to visit and sign MOUs with several
universities with which OSU has forged new partnerships. Invitation was based on Daly’s
extensive collaborative work and relationships built with Chinese universities and scientific
institutions (August 20-September 3).
Daly Dossier
The Spatial Climate Analysis Service was awarded inclusion in OSU Intiatives 2000, a small
package of funding requests to Congress that is officially endorsed by OSU administration.
International Linkages
Scientific collaborations in the following countries: Canada, China, Cambodia, Japan, Mongolia, Sweden,
Switzerland, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Viet Nam
Committees and Service
51 invited domestic presentations, 29 invited international presentations, and 3 workshops
PROGRAM CHAIR, 16th Conference on Applied Climatology, American Meteorological Society, January, 2007,
San Antonio, TX
CO-PROGRAM CHAIR, 15th Conference on Applied Climatology, American Meteorological Society, June, 2005,
Savannah, GA
CO-PROGRAM CHAIR, 14th Conference on Applied Climatology, American Meteorological Society, January,
2004, Seattle, WA
CHAIR, Applied Climatology Committee, American Meteorological Society, 2005-present
MEMBER, Applied Climatology Committee, American Meteorological Society, 2002-2004
CO-AUTHOR, American Meteorological Society Statement on Drought, released 2003
COORDINATOR, Climate Data Collection Program, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological
Research Site, 2000 – present
MEMBER, Climate Committee, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research Site, 1992 –
MEMBER, Mesoscale Analysis Committee (Analysis of Record), NOAA National Weather Service, 2004 – present
MEMBER, Western Integrated Pest Management Weather Systems Working Group, 2004-present
MEMBER, SNOTEL Data Quality Workgroup, USDA-NRCS, 2003-present
MEMBER, Climate Working Group, FGDC (Federal Geospatial Data Committee), 1999-present
MEMBER, Database Working Group, LUTEA (Land Use in Temperate East Asia), 1999-2000
SESSION CHAIR, Downscaling Climate and Weather Variables, 86th Annual Meeting of the American
Meteorological Society, 28 January – 2 February, 2006, Atlanta, GA.
SESSION CHAIR, Data Quality and Metadata, 15th Conference on Applied Climatology, American Meteorological
Society, June, 2005, Savannah, GA
RAPPORTEUR, Mountain Climate Sciences Symposium, May 25-27, 2004, Kings Beach Lake Tahoe, CA.
SESSION CHAIR, PRISM: Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model,@ 10th AMS Conf. on
Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Reno, NV, Oct. 21, 1997.
MEMBER, American Meteorological Society, 1977-1985, 2003-present
MEMBER, Ecological Society of America, 1993-present
MEMBER, American Geophysical Union, 1991-present
MEMBER, International Association of Landscape Ecologists, 1991-1999
Selected Grants Received (several grants combined in some cases)
Listed below are grants and contracts awarded to and managed by Daly. When “C. Daly” is not listed as the P.I., the
dollar amounts shown are those actually awarded to and managed by him, not the total amount of the contract.
These are noted by “(Daly portion)” below the dollar amount. Also, before he became a faculty member in 1997,
Daly Dossier
Daly was not listed as the P.I. on grants. Those grants for which he managed or co-managed the project work but
was not named the P.I. are noted with “(C. Daly)” listed below the P.I.’s name.
2006 – 2009
L. Coop
C. Daly
Develop multi-scale pest and disease
model and decision supporting tools for
plant biosecurity
2006 – 2008
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Land information system precipitation
climatology improvements
2005 – 2006
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Develop soil climate data and soil
moisture temperature model
2004 – 2006
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Develop high resolution climate maps for
Pacific Islands
2005 – 2006
C. Daly
Develop official spatial climate data sets
for the USDA Data Gateway
2003 – 2005
NOAA NWS Hydrologic
Design Studies Center
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Develop extreme precipitation maps for
Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands
2003 – 2006
NOAA National Weather
Western Region
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Develop “Smart” PRISM climatologies
for use at River Forecast Centers
2003 – 2006
USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
C. Daly
G. Taylor
2003 – 2005
US Environmental
Protection Agency
C. Daly
Map daily climate elements for the Upper
South Santiam watershed, Oregon
2002 – 2008
National Science
M. Harmon
Long-Term Ecological Research Program,
climate coordinator, HJ Andrews
Experimental Watershed
2002 – 2006
USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Develop a Spatial Quality Control System
for the Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL)
System and Create Climate Maps for the
Western United States
2002 – 2004
USDA Forest Service
International Institute of
Tropical Forestry
C. Daly
Produce detailed climate maps of the US
Virgin Islands
Taiwan Ministry of
C. Daly
Development of spatial climate analyses
Develop methods for spatially distributing
input parameters for the GEM weather
generator model
Daly Dossier
Agriculture via Supergeo
Technologies, Taipei
for Taiwan Island
2001 – 2006
USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Region
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Provide spatial climate support for
wildfire risk assessment in the
conterminous US
2001 – 2003
NOAA National Weather
Service Office of
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Develop new methods for updating
precipitation frequency maps for the
Semi-arid SW US and Ohio River Basin
2002 – 2005
USDA Forest Service
International Institute of
Tropical Forestry
C. Daly
Caribbean island climate mapping
2002 – 2003
USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Mapping rainfall erosivity in the US
2001 – 2002
US Environmental
Protection Agency
C. Daly
G. Taylor
2000 – 2003
USDA Emerging
Markets Program
C. Daly
W. Gibson
Develop climate and soils GIS layers for
China; develop dynamic internet map
server for species suitability assessment in
US and China
2000 – 2004
Environmental Protection
B. Law
Provide daily, high-resolution climate
grids in support of ecosystem modeling in
western Oregon
2000 – 2001
Environment Canada
C. Daly
Detailed climate analysis of the Prairie
Provinces, Canada
2000 – 2002
USDA Forest Service
International Institute of
Tropical Forestry
C. Daly
Climate mapping for Puerto Rico
C. Daly
Temperature analysis for HJ Andrews
Experimental Forest
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Climate Mapping for the US
2000 – 2001
2000 – 2001
USDA Forest Service
USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
Mapping R-factor and EI10 for the
conterminous US
Daly Dossier
1999 – 2002
State of Oregon
C. Daly
Spatial climate and grass adaptation
mapping for China
1999 – 2001
USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Precipitation mapping for the Pacific
1999 – 2000
USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
C. Daly
G. Taylor
Geospatial climate analyses for the
VegSpec Project
Oregon State University
C. Daly
International Research and Development
Faculty Travel Award, travel to ETH
Zurich, Switzerland
1998 – 2001
Environment Canada and
Province of BC
C. Daly
Detailed spatial climate of British
Columbia and Yukon Territory
1998 – 2002
USDA Forest Service
C. Daly
Modeling the frequency and extent of fog
and marine stratus along the Oregon coast
1998 – 2002
NSF via University of
C. Daly
Climate support for glacier research in
1997 – 2002
C. Daly, T.
Kittel, A.
103-year high resolution climate data set
for the conterminous US
1996 – 2001
NOAA National Climatic
Data Center
C. Daly
G. Taylor
A new US climate atlas
1996 – 1998
USDA Forest Service
R. Neilson,
C. Daly
(Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and
Analysis Project) climate dataset
1995 – 1999
National Science
R. Neilson,
C. Daly
Vegetation response to mesoscale climate
variability in the mountainous West
1995 – 1997
USDA Agricultural
Research Service
G. Taylor
(C. Daly)
Spatially distribute weather simulation
model parameters for SW Idaho
1993 – 1998
USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service
G. Taylor
(C. Daly)
Production of official climate maps for the
United States
Papers in Refereed Journals and Books:
Lu, H.F., Shen, J., Xu, L., Hannaway, D., and C. Daly. 2006. Predicting and Mapping the Optimal Seeding Time
for Tall Fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.] in China and the USA. In preparation.
Daly Dossier
Daly, C., W.P. Gibson, G.H. Taylor, M.K. Doggett, and J.I. Smith. 2006. Observer bias in daily precipitation
measurements at United States Cooperative network stations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society, in review.
Daly, C., J.I. Smith, and R. McKane. 2006. High-resolution spatial modeling of daily weather elements in a
mountainous catchment. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, in review.
Simpson, J.J., M.C. Stuart, and C. Daly. 2006. Climatic and environmental differentiation of Alaskan ecosystems.
Arctic, In review.
DiLuzio, M., G.L. Johnson, C. Daly, J.K. Eischeid, and J.G. Arnold. 2006. Constructing retrospective gridded
daily precipitation and temperature datasets for the conterminous United States. Journal of Applied
Meteorology and Climatology, in review.
Baker, B., D. Bachelet, C. Daly, M. Jian, R. Moseley, S. Xuezheng, S. Jihua, and A. Shlisky. 2005. Effects of
climate change and land management practices in the Hengduan Mountains of northwestern Yunnan, PRC:
Options for alpine conservation. In: Open Science Conference: Global Change in Mountain Regions,
Perth, Scotland, UK, 2-6 October 2005. In Press.
Daly, C. 2006. Guidelines for assessing the suitability of spatial climate data sets. International Journal of
Climatology, 26: 707-721 (Invited paper).
Nolin, A.W., and C. Daly. 2006. Mapping “at-risk” snow in the Pacific Northwest, USA. 2006. Journal of
Hydrometeorology: xx, xxx-xxx.
Hannaway, D.B., C. Daly, CAO Wei-xing, LUO Weihong, WEI Yurong, ZHANG Weili, XU Aiguo, LU Changai, SHI Xuezheng, and LI Xianglin. 2005. Forage Species Suitability Mapping for China Using
Topographic, Climatic and Soils Spatial Data and Quantitative Plant Tolerances. Scientia Agricultura
Sinica. 4:660-667.
Daly, C., and D.B. Hannaway. 2005. Visualizing China’s Future Agriculture: Climate, Soils and Suitability Maps
for Improved Decision-Making. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, first edition, 296 pp.
Hannaway, D.B., C. Daly, D.F Chapman, B.B. Baker, and A.S. Cooper. 2005. Computer-based forage management
tools: historical, current, and future applications. p. 389-402 In: D.A. McGilloway (Ed.) Grassland: a
global resource. XX International Grassland Congress, Dublin. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The
Hannaway, D.B., C. Daly, L. Coop, D. Chapman, and Y. Wei. 2005. GIS-Based Forage Species Adaptation
Mapping. p. 305-329 In: Stephen Reynolds and John Frame (Eds.) Grasslands: Developments
Opportunities Perspectives. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Simpson, J.J., G.L. Hufford, C. Daly, J.S. Berg and M.D. Fleming. 2005. Comparing maps of mean monthly
surface temperature and precipitation for Alaska and adjacent areas of Canada produced by two different
methods. Arctic. 58(2): 137-161.
Hannaway, D.B., C. Daly, L. Coop, D. Chapman and Y. Wei. 2005. GIS-based forage species adaptation mapping.
In: S.G. Reynolds and J. Frame (eds) Grasslands: Developments Opportunities Perspectives. FAO and
Science Pub. Inc., 319-342.
Kitttel, T.G.F., N.A. Rosenbloom, J.A. Royle, C. Daly, W.P. Gibson, H.H. Fisher, P. Thornton, D.N. Yates, S.
Aulenbach, C. Kaufman, R. McKeown, D. Bachelet, D.S. Schimel, VEMAP2 Participants. 2004. VEMAP
Phase 2 bioclimatic database. I. Gridded historical (20th century) climate for modeling ecosystem
dynamics across the conterminous USA. Climate Research, 27(2): 151-170.
Daly Dossier
Johns, C.J., D. Nychka, T.G.F. Kittel, and C. Daly. 2003. Infilling sparse records of spatial fields. Journal of the
American Statistical Association 98(464):796-806.
Zhu, H., T. Luo, and C. Daly. 2003. Validation of simulated grid data sets of China’s temperature and precipitation
with high spatial resolution. Geographical Research 22: 349-259 (In Chinese with English abstract).
Turner, D.P., M. Guzy, M. Lefsky, S. Van Tuyl, O. Sun, C. Daly, B.E. Law. 2003. Effects of land use and fine
scale environmental heterogeneity on net ecosystem production over a temperate coniferous forest
landscape. Tellus 55B:657-668.
Daly, C., E.H. Helmer, and M. Quinones. 2003. Mapping the climate of Puerto Rico, Vieques, and Culebra.
International Journal of Climatology, 23: 1359-1381.
Daly, C., W. P. Gibson, G.H. Taylor, G. L. Johnson, P. Pasteris. 2002. A knowledge-based approach to the
statistical mapping of climate. Climate Research, 22: 99-113.
Daly, C., G.H. Taylor, W. P. Gibson, T.W. Parzybok, G. L. Johnson, P. Pasteris. 2001. High-quality spatial climate
data sets for the United States and beyond. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers
43: 1957-1962 (invited paper).
Johnson, G.L., C. Daly, C.L. Hanson, Y.Y. Lu and G.H. Taylor. 2000. Spatial variability and interpolation of
stochastic weather simulation model parameters. Journal of Applied Meteorology 39(6): 778-796.
Daly, C., D. Bachelet, J. M. Lenihan, R. P. Neilson, W. Parton, and D. Ojima. 2000. Dynamic simulation of treegrass interactions for global change studies. Ecological Applications 10: 449-469 (invited paper).
Bachelet, D., J.M. Lenihan, C. Daly, and R.P. Neilson. 2000. Interactions between fire, grazing and climate change
at Wind Cave National Park, SD. Ecological Modelling 134: 229-244.
Vogel, R.M., I. Wilson, and C. Daly. 1999. Regional regression models of annual streamflow for the United States.
ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 125: 148-157.
Lenihan, J.M., C. Daly, D. Bachelet, and R.P. Neilson. 1998. Simulating broad-scale fire severity in a dynamic
global vegetation model. Northwest Science 72(2): 91-103.
Bishop, G.D., M. R. Church, and C. Daly. 1998. Effects of improved precipitation estimates on automated runoff
mapping: eastern United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 34(1): 159-166.
Bishop, G.D., M. R. Church, J.D. Aber, R.P. Neilson, S. V. Ollinger, and C. Daly. 1998. A comparison of mapped
estimates of long-term runoff in the northeast United States. Journal of Hydrology, 206: 176-190.
Daly, C., R.P. Neilson, and D.L. Phillips. 1994. A statistical-topographic model for mapping climatological
precipitation over mountainous terrain. Journal of Applied Meteorology 33: 140-158.
Taylor, G.H., C. Daly and W.P. Gibson, 1993: Development of an Isohyetal Analysis for Oregon Using the PRISM
Model. The State Climatologist, National Climatic Data Center, NOAA, Asheville, NC.
Daly, C., and D. Shankman. 1985. Seedling establishment of conifers above tree limit on Niwot Ridge, Colorado
Front Range USA. Arctic and Alpine Research, 17: 389-400.
Shankman, D, and C. Daly. 1988. Forest regeneration above tree limit depressed by fire in the Colorado Front
Range. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 115: 272-279.
Moore, G.E., C. Daly, M.K. Liu, and S.J. Huang. 1987. Modeling of mountain-valley wind fields in the southern
San Joaquin Valley, California. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 26: 1230-1242.
Daly Dossier
Daly, C. 1984. Snow distribution patterns in the alpine krummholz zone. Progress in Physical Geography, 8: 157175.
Refereed Spatial Climate Data Sets (at least 3 reviewers):
Daly, C., J. Smith, and M. Halbleib. 2006. 1971-2000 mean monthly and annual precipitation, temperature, and
dew point digital files for the Pacific Islands. Sponsor: USDOI National Park Service.
Daly, C., J. Smith, M. Halbleib, W.P. Gibson, and M.K. Doggett. 2006. PRISM Climate Mapping Project – 19712000 mean monthly and annual precipitation and temperature digital files for the continental U.S. Official
spatial climate data sets for the US Department of Agriculture. Sponsor: USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service.
Daly, C. and G.H. Taylor. 2006. Production of rainfall frequency grids for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
using an optimized PRISM system. NOAA Atlas 14, Vol 3. National Weather Service
Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center.
Daly, C., and J. Smith 2005. Digital climate data sets for agriculture in Taiwan – precipitation, temperature,
relative humidity, evaporation, solar radiation, and sunshine hours. Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture and
SuperGeo Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China.
Daly, C., J. Smith, and M. Halbleib. 2005. 1971-2000 mean monthly and annual precipitation and temperature
digital maps and data files for the Virgin Islands. USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical
Daly, C. and G.H. Taylor. 2004. Production of rainfall frequency grids for the Semiarid Southwest and Ohio River
Basin using an optimized PRISM system. NOAA Atlas 14, Vols 1 and 2. National Weather Service
Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center.
Daly, C., and G. Taylor. 2002. Spatial grids of R-factor and 10-yr EI30 for the conterminous United States. US
Environmental Protection Agency.
NOAA-NCDC (C. Daly, principal investigator). 2002. The Climate Atlas of the United States, version 2.0.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. CD-ROM.
Daly, C., and J. Smith. 2001. High -resolution monthly and annual precipitation maps for the Pacific Basin
Islands, 1961-90. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Schwarb, M, C. Daly, C. Frei, and C, Schar. 2001. Mean seasonal precipitation throughout the European Alps,
1971-1990. Hydrologic Atlas of Switzerland, National Hydrologic Service, Bern, Switzerland, hard copy.
Schwarb, M, C. Daly, C. Frei, and C, Schar. 2001. Mean annual precipitation throughout the European Alps, 19711990. Hydrologic Atlas of Switzerland, National Hydrologic Service, Bern, Switzerland, hard copy.
Daly, C. 2000. Climate maps for Alaska, 1961-1990. Temperature and precipitation data grids at 4-km resolution.
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
NOAA-NCDC (C. Daly, principal investigator). 2000. The Climate Atlas of the United States, version 1.0.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. CD-ROM.
USDA-NRCS (C. Daly, principal investigator). 1998. PRISM Climate Mapping Project--Precipitation. Mean
monthly and annual precipitation digital files for the continental U.S. USDA-NRCS National Cartography
and Geospatial Center, Ft. Worth TX. December, CD-ROM and online.
Daly Dossier
Kittel, T.G.F., N.A. Rosenbloom, T.H. Painter, D.S. Schimel, H.H. Fisher, A.W. Grimsdell, VEMAP Participants,
C. Daly, E.R. Hunt, Jr., and J.S. Kern. 1996. The VEMAP Phase 1 database: An integrated input dataset
for ecosystem and vegetation modeling for the Conterminous United States. CD-ROM.
Refereed Reports:
Daly, C. and G. Taylor. 2006. Developing “Smart” PRISM Climatologies for Improved Areal Precipitation
Analyses and Forecasts. National Weather Service Western Region, Scientific Services Division. 98 pp.
Daly, C. 2006. Production of Rainfall Frequency Grids for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Using a
Specifically Optimized PRISM System. National Weather Service, Hydrologic Design Service Center,
Silver Spring, Maryland. 22 pp.
Daly, C. 2002. Interpolating erosivity density with PRISM: Assessment and recommendations. USDA Natural
Resources Conservation Service. 20 pp.
Daly, C. and G.H. Taylor. 2002. Development of New Spatial Grids of R-factor and 10-yr EI30 for the
Conterminous United States. Final Report, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, NV. 38 pp.
Taylor, G.H., C. Daly and W.P. Gibson, 1995: A Study of Snowfall Distribution in Oregon. Oregon Water
Resources Research Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Daly, C., and R.P. Neilson. 1992. A digital topographic approach to modeling the distribution of precipitation in
mountainous terrain. In: Jones, M.E., and Laenen, A. (eds.) Interdisciplinary Approaches in Hydrology
and Hydrogeology. American Institute of Hydrology, pp. 437-454 (Invited paper).
Daly, C. 1989. Development of a model to estimate biogenic hydrocarbon emissions for air quality studies.
Systems Applications International Technical Report, SYSAPP-89/142, 40 pp.
b. Non-Refereed: Reviews, Reports, and Data Sets
Daly, C. In press. Review of the Thesis of Barbro Johansson: “Estimation of Areal Precipitation for Hydrological
Modeling in Sweden.” Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Daly, C., J. Smith, and W. Gibson. 2006. Spatial Extrapolation of Climate Station Data for the Upper South
Santiam Watershed, Part II. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, OR. 25 pp.
Daly, C., and J. Smith. 2005. Development of high-quality spatial data sets for Taiwan. SuperGeo Technologies,
Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 40 pp.
Doggett, M, C. Daly, and D. Hannaway. 2002. A dynamic internet map server for agricultural decision support.
USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. Web application:
Daly, C., W.P. Gibson, T.G.F. Kittel, D. Nychka, C. Johns, N. Rosenbloom, A. McNab, and G.H. Taylor. 2002.
Development of a 103-Year High-Resolution Climate Data Set for the Conterminous United States.
Daly Dossier
Climate Change Data and Detection Program, Office of Global Programs, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC, 17 pp.
Daly, C., R.P. Neilson, J.M. Lenihan, D. Bachelet, D. Ojima, M. Hartman, R. Kelly, and W.J. Parton. 1998.
Modeling the Effects of Global Change on Grassland Distribution and Productivity at Landscape and
Regional Scales. In: 5th Annual Report, Great Plains Regional Center for Global Environmental Change,
National Institute for Global Environmental Change, U.S. Dept. of Energy.
Neilson, R.P., J.M. Lenihan, C. Daly, D. Bachelet, D. Ojima, M. Hartman, R. Kelly, and W.J. Parton. 1997.
Modeling the Effects of Global Change on Grassland Distribution and Productivity at Landscape and
Regional Scales. In: 4th Annual Report, Great Plains Regional Center for Global Environmental Change,
National Institute for Global Environmental Change, U.S. Dept. of Energy, 43-48.
Neilson, R.P., J.M. Lenihan, C. Daly, and D. Ojima. 1996. Modeling the Effects of Global Change on Grassland
Distribution and Productivity at Landscape and Regional Scales. In: 3th Annual Report, Great Plains
Regional Center for Global Environmental Change, National Institute for Global Environmental Change,
U.S. Dept. of Energy, 43-48.
Neilson, R.P., J.M. Lenihan, C. Daly, and D. Ojima. 1995. Modeling the Effects of Global Change on Grassland
Distribution and Productivity at Landscape and Regional Scales. In: 2th Annual Report, Great Plains
Regional Center for Global Environmental Change, National Institute for Global Environmental Change,
U.S. Dept. of Energy, 82-85.
Data Sets:
Daly, C., Gibson, W.P., T. Kittel, D. Nychka, C. Johns, N. Rosenbloom, A. McNab, and G. Taylor. 2002. A 103year high-resolution spatial climate data set for the conterminous United States, 1895-1997. Monthly
precipitation, minimum temperature, and maximum temperature. NOAA Office of Global Programs.
Daly, C., W. Gibson, M. Doggett, J. Smith. 2002. Spatial climate data for the conterminous United States, 19982001. Monthly precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature, and vapor pressure. USDA Forest
Daly, C., and J. Smith. 2002. Spatial climate maps for Taiwan Island, 1971-2000. Monthly precipitation, and
minimum and maximum temperature. SMEC Geotechnologies, Taipei.
Daly, C., M. Doggett, W. Gibson, and J. Smith. 2002. Daily, high-resolution climate grids for western Oregon, Oct
1998-Dec 2000. Daily precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature, vapor pressure, and solar
radiation. US Environmental Protection Agency.
Daly, C., and J. Smith. 2001. Current and future climate maps for western Canadian Provinces. British Columbia,
Yukon Territory, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Monthly precipitation and minimum and
maximum temperature. Environment Canada and Province of British Columbia.
Daly, C. and J. Smith. 2001. Climate maps for China and Mongolia, 1961-90, for use in an agricultural decision
support system. State of Oregon and U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Daly Dossier
2. Professional Presentations
a. Academic Presentations and Conference Proceedings
Invited Conference Presentations and Proceedings:
Daly, C. 2006. “The PRISM approach to climate mapping: Model overview and data sets available for Alaska.
Workshop on Predicting Salmon Habitat in Alaska.” The Nature Conservancy, Anchorage, AK, 16-19
May, 2006.
Daly, C., and L. Coop. 2006. “The PRISM-based weather/climate interpolation system.” Science and Technology
Expert Partnership, Infectious Disease Workshop, The MITRE Corporation, Mclean, Virginia, 2-3 March
Daly, C., W. Gibson, M. Doggett, J. Smith, and G. Taylor. 2006. “The PRISM approach to mapping climate in
complex regions.” Workshop on Management of Natural and Environmental Resources for Sustainable
Agricultural Development, World Meteorological Organization and US Department of Agriculture,
Portland, Oregon, 13-16 February 2006.
Daly, C., W. Gibson, M. Doggett, J. Smith, and G. Taylor. 2006. “A probablistic-spatial approach to the quality
control of SNOTEL observations.” Workshop on Management of Natural and Environmental Resources
for Sustainable Agricultural Development, World Meteorological Organization and US Department of
Agriculture, Portland, Oregon, 13-16 February 2006.
Daly, C., G. Taylor, W. Gibson, and J. Smith. Targeted climatologies for improved precipitation analysis and
forecasting. National Weather Service Western Region Science to Operations Workshop, Park City, UT, 36 October 2005.
Hannaway, D.B., C. Daly, D.F. Chapman, B.B. Baker, and A.S. Cooper. 2005. Computer-based Forage
Management Tools: Historical, Current, and Future Applications. In: Proceedings of the XXth International
Grassland Congress. June 26-July 1, Dublin, Ireland.
Daly, C. and D.B. Hannaway. 2004. Suitability zone mapping for forage species using GIS technologies.
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Lhasa, China, August 4-7, 2004, 187-188. Keynote address.
Gibson, W., C. Daly, and M. Doggett. 2004. Tools for online access and manipulation of spatial climate data. Fall
Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 13-17 December 2004.
Daly, C. and G. Taylor. 2004. PRISM: A knowledge-based approach to mapping precipitation in complex regions.
In: Proc., 2004 California Extreme Precipitation Symposium, Davis, CA 1 July 2004, pp. 111-134.
Taylor, G., and C. Daly. 2004. Using PRISM climate grids and GIS for extreme precipitation mapping. In: Proc.,
2004 California Extreme Precipitation Symposium, Davis, CA 1 July 2004, pp. 136-157.
Kittel, T.G.F., N.A. Rosenbloom, H.H. Fisher, D.S. Schimel, J.A. Royle, C. Daly, P.E. Thornton, and VEMAP2
participants. 1999. Historical and future scenario climate datasets for the conterminous United States and
Alaska: Model input data for VEMAP Phase 2. IAMAS Symposium on Improvements and
Intercomparisons of Climate System Models and Their Component Models. IUGG99 22nd General
Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 18-30 July 1999..
Daly, C., G.H. Taylor, and W.P. Gibson. 1998. The PRISM approach to mapping precipitation and temperature.
In: Proc., Modeling for Crop-Climate-Soil-Pest System and Its Applications in Sustainable Crop
Production, Jaingsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing, China, 22-26 June, 150-152.
Daly Dossier
Daly, C., G.H. Taylor, and W.P. Gibson. 1997. The PRISM approach to mapping precipitation and temperature. In:
Proc., 10th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Reno, NV, Oct. 20-23, 10-12.
Daly, C. and G.H. Taylor. 1996. Development of a new Oregon precipitation map using the PRISM model. In GIS
and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Methods, eds. Goodchild, M.F., Stayaert, L.T.,
Parks, B.O., Johnston, C., Maidment, D.R., Crane, M. and S. Glendenning, 91-92. Fort Collins, GIS
World, Inc. .
Conference Proceedings:
C. Daly, K. Redmond, W. Gibson, M. Doggett, J. Smith, and G. Taylor, P. Pasteris and G. Johnson 2005.
Opportunities for improvements in the quality control of climate observations. 15th AMS Conf. on Applied
Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Savannah, GA, June 20-23, 2005. Paper J3.9.
Daly, C., G. Taylor, M. Doggett, and W. Gibson. 2004. Climate mapping challenges in mountainous regions. Fall
Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 13-17 December 2004.
Johnson, G.L., C. Daly and G.H. Taylor, 2004. An examination of the characteristics and time series of temperature
and precipitation-related variables in western mountain systems. Mountain Climate Sciences Symposium,
May 25-27, Kings Beach Lake Tahoe, CA.
Schaefer, G., G. Johnson, R. Abramovich, G. Taylor , and C. Daly. USDA-NRCS snow course and SNOTEL data:
An overview from collection to archive. 2004. Mountain Climate Sciences Symposium, May 25-27, Kings
Beach Lake Tahoe, CA.
C. Daly, G.H. Taylor, M. Doggett, and W. Gibson. 2004. Climate mapping challenges in mountainous regions.
Mountain Climate Sciences Symposium, May 25-27, Kings Beach Lake Tahoe, CA.
Comrie, A., C. Daly, K. Redmond, and M. Gleuck. 2004. WestMap: The Western Climate Mapping Initiative.
Mountain Climate Sciences Symposium, May 25-27, Kings Beach Lake Tahoe, CA.
Taylor, G.H., C. Daly, G.L. Johnson and P. Pasteris, 2004. Trends in snowfall and snow water equivalent in the
Pacific Northwest, and their relation to temperature and precipitation variations. Mountain Climate
Sciences Symposium, May 25-27, Kings Beach Lake Tahoe, CA.
Daly, C., Gibson, W.P., M. Doggett, J. Smith, and G. Taylor. 2004. A Probabilistic-Spatial Approach To The
Quality Control Of Climate Observations. Proc., 14th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, 84th AMS
Annual Meeting Combined Preprints, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Seattle, WA, January 13-16, 2004, Paper
Daly, C., Gibson, W.P., M. Doggett, J. Smith, and G. Taylor. 2004. Up-to-date monthly climate maps for the
conterminous United States. Proc., 14th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, 84th AMS Annual Meeting
Combined Preprints, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Seattle, WA, January 13-16, 2004, Paper P5.1, CD-ROM.
Doggett, M., C. Daly, J. Smith, W. Gibson, G. Taylor, G. Johnson, and P. Pasteris. 2004. High-resolution 19712000 mean monthly temperature maps for the western United States. Proc., 14th AMS Conf. on Applied
Climatology, 84th AMS Annual Meeting Combined Preprints, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Seattle, WA,
January 13-16, 2004, Paper 4.3,
Daly Dossier
Gibson, W.P., C. Daly, M. Doggett, J. Smith, and G. Taylor. 2004. Application of a probabilistic spatial quality
control system to daily temperature observations in Oregon. Proc., 14th AMS Conf. on Applied
Climatology, 84th AMS Annual Meeting Combined Preprints, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Seattle, WA,
January 13-16, 2004, Paper 4.4,
Taylor, G.H., and C. Daly. 2004. Using PRISM climate grids and GIS for extreme precipitation mapping. Proc.,
14th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, 84th AMS Annual Meeting Combined Preprints, Amer.
Meteorological Soc., Seattle, WA, January 13-16, 2004, Paper 4.1, CD-ROM.
Hannaway, D.B., K.J. Hannaway, C. Daly, and D. Chapman. 2003. GIS-Based Forage Species Suitability
Mapping. In Proc. of Victoria and New South Wales Grasslands Conference,. June 11-13, Albury,
Hannaway, D.B., C. Daly, A. Cooper, and R. Kraynick. 2003. Developing an agricultural, environmental, and
natural resources mapping and decision support system (DSS) for Southeast Asia. In: Proceedings of the
Regional Conference on Digital GMS. Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network and
ASEAN Foundation, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 26-28 February 2003, 140-143.
Daly, C. 2002. Climate division normals derived from topographically-sensitive climate grids. In: Proc., 13th
AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Portland, OR, May 13-16, 177-180.
Daly. C. 2002. A new effort to update precipitation frequency maps for the United States. In: Proc., 13th AMS
Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Portland, OR, May 13-16, 197-198.
Gibson, W.P., C. Daly, T. Kittel, D. Nychka, C. Johns, N. Rosenbloom, A. McNab, and G. Taylor. 2002.
Development of a 103-year high-resolution climate data set for the conterminous United States. In: Proc.,
13th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Portland, OR, May 13-16, 181-183.
Johnson, G., J.Marron, C. Daly, G. Taylor, S, Hollinger, and J. Angel. 2002. Mapping erosive potential across the
United States. In: Proc., 13th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Portland,
OR, May 13-16, 199-204.
Smith, J., and C. Daly. 2002. Mapping the thermal climate of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon. In:
Proc., 13th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Portland, OR, May 13-16,
Hannaway, D.B., C. Daly, W. Gibson, G. Taylor, J.P. Bolte, I. Sriprisan and T. Griggs. 2001. GIS-based Forage
Species Adaptation Mapping. In: Proceedings XIX International Grassland Congress, São Pedro, Brazil,
Hannaway, D.B., C. Daly, W. Gibson, G. Taylor, D. Johnson, H. Wan, W. Luo, L. Liu, X. Han, L. Feng, Y. Wei, Y.
Hu, L. Gao, X. Li, W. Zhang, X. Yang, Z. Xu, and A. Gu. 2000. GIS-based Forage Species Adaptation
Mapping for China. International Symposium on Intelligent Agricultural Information Technology.
December 1-4, Beijing, China.
Daly, C., W.P. Gibson, D. Hannaway, and G. Taylor. 2000. Development of new climate and plant adaptation maps
for China. In: Proc., 12th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Asheville, NC,
May 8-11, J62-65.
Daly, C., T.G.F. Kittel, A. McNab, W.P. Gibson, J.A. Royle, D. Nychka, T. Parzybok, N. Rosenbloom, and G.
Taylor. 2000. Development of a 103-year high-resolution climate data set for the conterminous United
States. In: Proc., 12th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Asheville, NC,
May 8-11, 249-252.
Plantico, M.S., L.A. Goss, C. Daly, and G. Taylor. 2000. A new U.S. climate atlas. In: Proc., 12th AMS Conf. on
Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Asheville, NC, May 8-11, 247-248.
Schwarb, M.; Daly, C. and Frei, C.: Precipitation climate maps for the Alpine region. Presented at Mesoscale
Alpine Program Meeting, Appenzell, Switzerland, June 1999.
Daly, C., T.G.F. Kittel, A. McNab, J.A. Royle, W.P. Gibson, T. Parzybok, N. Rosenbloom, G.H. Taylor, and H.
Fisher. 1999. Development of a 102-year high-resolution climate data set for the conterminous United
States. In: Proceedings, 10th Symposium on Global Change Studies, 79th Annual Meeting of the American
Meteorological Society, 10-15 January, Dallas, TX, 480-483.
Johnson, G.L., P.A. Pasteris, G.H. Taylor, and C. Daly. 1999. Spatial climate products: A new dimension for
climate applications. In: Proceedings, 11th Conference on Applied Climatology, 79th Annual Meeting of
the American Meteorological Society, 10-15 January, Dallas, TX, 107-114.
Johnson, G.L., C. Daly and C.L. Hanson. 1998. Weather generator parameter spatial variability and mapping.
Presented at ASAE Annual Intl. Meeting, Orlando, FL, July 11-16, 1998. ASAE Paper No. 982006, 5pp.
Daly, C., G.H. Taylor, W.P. Gibson, T. Parzybok, G.L. Johnson, and P.A. Pasteris. 1998. Development of highquality spatial climate datasets for the United States. In: Proc., 1st International Conference on Geospatial
Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Lake Buena Vista, FL, June 1-3, I-512 - I-519.
Johnson, G.L., P.A. Pasteris, C. Daly, and G.H. Taylor. 1998. Climate information for natural resource
management in a spatial world. In: Proc., 1st International Conference on Geospatial Information in
Agriculture and Forestry, Lake Buena Vista, FL, June 1-3, II-255 - II-257.
Lenihan, J.M., D. Bachelet, C. Daly, and R.P. Neilson. 1997. Fire disturbance in the MC1 dynamic vegetation
model. In: Proc., Symposium on Fire in California Ecosystems: Integrating Ecology, Prevention, and
Management, San Diego, CA, November 17-20.
Gibson, W.P., C. Daly, and G.H. Taylor, 1997. Derivation of facet grids for use with the PRISM model. In: Proc.,
10th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Reno, NV, Oct. 20-23, 208-209.
Johnson, G.L., C. Daly, G.H. Taylor, C.L. Hanson, and Y.Y. Lu, 1997. GEM model temperature and precipitation
parameter variability, and distribution using PRISM. In: Proc., 10th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology,
Amer. Meteorological Soc., Reno, NV, Oct. 20-23, 210-214.
Kittel, T.G.F., J.A. Royle, C. Daly, N.A. Rosenbloom, W.P. Gibson, H.H. Fisher, D.S. Schimel, L.M. Berliner, and
VEMAP2 Participants, 1997. A gridded historical (1895-1993) bioclimate dataset for the conterminous
United States. In: Proc., 10th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Reno, NV,
Oct. 20-23, 219-222.
Parzybok, T., W.P. Gibson, C. Daly, G.H. Taylor, 1997. Quality assurance of climatological data for the VEMAP
project. In: Proc., 10th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Reno, NV, Oct.
20-23. 215-216.
Taylor, G.H., C. Daly, W.P. Gibson, and J. Sibul-Weisberg, 1997. Digital and map products produced using
PRISM. In: Proc., 10th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Amer. Meteorological Soc., Reno, NV, Oct.
20-23, 217-218.
Johnson, G.L., C.L. Hanson, C. Daly, G.H. Taylor, and C.W. Richardson. 1995. The development and testing of a
spatially-relevant stochastic weather simulation model. Proceedings of the USDA-ARS Workshop of
Weather and Climate Research, July, 1995, Denver, CO.
Cohen, W.B., D.O. Wallin, M.E. Harmon, P. Sollins, C. Daly, and W.K. Ferrell. 1992. Modeling the effect of land
use on carbon storage in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, International Geosciences and Remote
Sensing Symposium, 26-29 May, 1992, Houston, TX, Vol. 2, 1023-1026.
Daly, C. 1984. Influences of snow persistence on subalpine forest regeneration in small gaps, Colorado Front
Range. In: Proceedings, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Western Snow Conference, Sun Valley, ID, April 1719, 109-119.
Conference Presentations:
Daly, C. 2003. Climate mapping challenges in the western United States. Presented at the 2003 PACLIM Pacific
Climate Workshop, Asilomar, CA, 8 April 2003.
Johnson, G, and C. Daly. 2002. The PRISM climate mapping program at the USDA-NRCS. Presented at the 98th
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA. March, 2002.
Daly, C., and G. Taylor. 2001. Using PRISM to map extreme precipitation. Presented at the 81 st Annual Meeting
of the American Meteorological Society, January 14-18, 2001, Albuquerque, NM.
Schwarb, M., Daly, C., and Frei, C. 1999. Precipitation climate maps for the alpine region. Evaluation of a highresolution analysis scheme using comprehensive rain-gauge data. International Association of
Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) Symposium on Orographic Precipitation: Observations,
Processes and Modeling, with Future Plans. IUGG99 22nd General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 18-30
July 1999.
Schwarb, M.; Daly, C. and Frei, C. Precipitation climate maps for the Alpine region. Poster presented at Mesoscale
Alpine Program Meeting, Appenzell, Switzerland, June 1999.
Bachelet, D., J.M. Lenihan, and C. Daly. 1998. Impact of climate change on soil C and N in a dynamic vegetation
model. ASA, CSSA, SSSA 90th Annual Meetings, Baltimore, MD, October 17-21.
Cramer, W., A. Bondeau, F.I. Woodward, D. Bachelet, R. Betts, V. Brovkin, P. Cox, C. Daly, V. Fisher, J. Foley,
A. Friend, J.M. Lenihan, M. Lomas, C. Molling, R. P. Neilson, D.S. Ojima, W.J. Parton, I. C. Prentice, N.
Ramankutty, S. Sitch, A. White. 1998. Transient Responses of Global Vegetation to Changes in CO2 and
Climate: Results from the GCTE DGVM Intercomparison. GCTE-LUCC Open Science Conference,
Barcelona, March 14-18.
Lenihan, J.M., D. Bachelet, C. Daly, R.P. Neilson, D. Ojima, and H.W. Parton. 1998. Simulating broad-scale fire
severity in the MAPSS-CENTURY Dynamic Global Vegetation Model. GCTE-LUCC Open Science
Conference on Global Change, Barcelona, Spain, March 14-18.
Daly, C., J.M. Lenihan, D. Bachelet, R.P. Neilson, and D.S. Ojima. 1997. Modeling the effect of global change on
vegetation distribution, water balance, and productivity in the Great Plains region. Annual Meeting of the
Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, NM, August 10-14.
Daly, C., J. Lenihan, R. Neilson, and D. Ojima. 1997. Modeling the effect of global change on vegetation
distribution, water balance, and productivity in the Great Plains region. American Water Resources
Association Annual Meeting, Keystone, Colorado, June 29 – July 3.
Daly, C., J.M. Lenihan, R.P. Neilson, and D.S. Ojima. 1996. A linked biogeographical/biogeochemical model for
assessing the transient impacts of global change on ecosystem dynamics. Ecological Society of America
Annual Meeting, Providence, RI, August 11-15.
Daly, C. and R.P. Neilson. 1995. Performance comparison of watershed and global versions of the MAPSS
biogeographical model on a small, mountainous catchment. Ecological Society of America. Snowbird,
Utah. July 30-August 3.
Daly, C., and R.P. Neilson. 1995. Spatially-Explicit Simulation of Climate-Induced Leaf Area and Water Balance
in a Small, Mountainous Watershed. The Association of American Geographers 91 st Annual Meeting,
Chicago, IL, March 14-18.
Daly, C., and R.P. Neilson. 1994. An analysis of precipitation distribution in Oregon using the PRISM model.
American Geophysical Union Program and Abstracts, 1994 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California,
December 8-12.
Daly, C., and R.P. Neilson. 1994. Landscape-scale simulation of climate-induced water balance and vegetation
distribution in the Reynolds Creek watershed, Idaho. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Knoxville, TN, August 7-11.
Daly, C., and R.P. Neilson. 1994. Landscape-scale simulation of climate-induced water balance and vegetation
distribution in the Reynolds Creek watershed, Idaho. Ninth Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Oak
Ridge, TN, March 24-27.
Daly, C., and R.P. Neilson. 1993. Toward a landscape model for predicting vegetation distribution and water
balance. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, July 31 – August 4.
Daly, C., and R.P. Neilson. 1993. Toward a landscape model for predicting vegetation distribution and water
balance. Eighth Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Tucson, AZ, March 23-26.
Daly, C., and R.P. Neilson. 1992. A digital topographic model for distributing precipitation across mountainous
landscapes. Seventh Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Corvallis, OR, April 8-11.
Daly, C., and R.P. Neilson. 1991. An objective precipitation distribution model for complex terrain. American
Geophysical Union Program and Abstracts, 1991 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 9-13.