Integrating biological management practices into standard pome fruit production systems Louise van Schoor, ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, Stellenbosch. Introduction The increase in the implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) on South African fruit farms and the emphasis it places on sound environmental practices have stimulated an interest in the use of biological soil amendments in standard agricultural management systems over the past decade. The role of biodiversity in sustaining crop production and soil fertility and the associated role of soil microbial functions have become clear (Brussard and FerreraCerrato, 1997; Griffiths et al., 2001; Abbott and Murphy, 2003). Optimal fruit production and sustained yield are associated with minimising stress through maintaining high soil fertility and good root proliferation. Since microbial activity is generally carbon-limited in agricultural soil, management practices that provide a range of organic compounds on a regular basis will maintain an active and diverse microbial population (Magdoff and Weil, 2004). Mulching provides a favourable environment for microbial activity and fine feeder root development, especially in surface soil. Biostimulants, such as seaweed extracts and humic substances, as well as microbial inoculants in the form of compost extracts and effective microorganisms (EM), are widely used in South Africa although research information is limited. The wide scope of this field, the nature of amendments and variable orchard conditions make the subject extremely complex and clear guidelines are lacking. The effects of organic material and biological amendments also need to be investigated in optimally managed, modern orchards systems. In high density orchards the controlled application of fertiliser directly through the irrigation system (fertigation) is becoming increasingly popular. Fertigation leads to the development of a more restricted root zone, making it potentially easier to manage the soil-root interface (rhizosphere). Biological management of these restricted root volumes may lead to improved rhizosphere conditions and tree performance (Bowen and Rovira, 1999). The effect of continued applications of organic material, various microbial inoculants and biostimulants was investigated on tree performance in standard management systems. A field trial was conducted in the Vyeboom region, Western Cape, in an ‘Early Bon Chretien’ pear orchard on BP1 rootstock suffering from poor root development in the initial years after planting. In a high density ‘Brookfield Gala’ apple orchard on M793 in the Greyton region the application of biological amendments from second leaf was investigated in an optimally managed, fertigated orchard. Results and Discussion In a conventionally managed pear orchard on BP1 rootstock, regular application of compost extract in addition to annual compost applications over a period of five growing seasons improved cumulative yield from 29 ton.ha-1 (control) to 44 ton.ha-1. Shoot growth and trunk circumference were also significantly improved from the first season of application. After the third growing season the addition of compost extract resulted in a 46% increase in total growth compared to the control plots. The additional growth when using compost extract relative to untreated controls may have resulted in an increase in bearing positions and therewith an increase in yield and fruit number per tree. Biostart® (a Bacillus bacteria inoculant) applied in combination with a low dosage humate, showed a longer-term response on tree performance and only improved growth significantly after application over three growing seasons. Most of the biological amendments (including seaweed extracts and humates) showed a positive effect on cumulative yield over the two seasons, relative to the control. Application of manure, as well as EM in combination with molasses, showed the least effect on yield over the trial period. However, manure was only applied in the first two seasons. No significant effects were observed on tree performance when using a wheat straw mulch in the tree row possibly because irrigation was scheduled on un-mulched plots, obscuring positive soil moisture effects. No consistent effects on fruit quality were found with mulching or any of the biological amendments over two seasons. Humate treatment in combination with compost, application of compost extract on its own, as well as compost extract in combination with compost, resulted in significant positive effects on yield when integrated into a fertigation system over a three year trial period. These amendments improved yield from 46 ton.ha-1 in controls, to 55 ton.ha-1 and yield efficiency tended to increase with all compost treatment combinations. In this study trees were already in their second leaf when applications commenced. Biological management practices may be more effective when applied with orchard establishment due to the high fertility regime required at tree establishment. Pruning mass, as an indication of tree vigour, was highest for trees treated with both compost and humates, and least for a humate in combination with wood chips. Generally, treatments including wood chip application, as well as humates applied without the addition of compost showed no effect on tree performance. In treatments with a high C:N ratio, such as wood chips, N can be immobilised temporarily in microbial biomass which initially creates N-deficient conditions. It is possible that wood chip application may only show positive results over a longer period. Biological amendments affect plant growth either directly or indirectly via its influence on root development and soil microbial communities which may lead to improved plant nutrition, crop protection or changes in plant growth hormone balances. Microbial activity in the rhizosphere is a major factor determining plant health and productivity. Limited research has been conducted on the mechanisms by which compost extracts may improve plant performance. Most research has focused on the use of compost extracts in disease suppression and in biological control but improved synchronisation of nutrient release and plant uptake may also improve tree performance. However, more research is needed on the effects of compost extract quality and the mechanisms involved in a field environment before commercial application can be fully recommended. Acknowledgements The project is funded by the ARC and the DFPT under the Soil Health Programme. For further information contact Louise van Schoor: e-mail,; Tel., (021) 809 3367. References Abbott, L.K. and Murphy, D.V., 2003. What is soil biological fertility? In: Abbott, L.K., Murphy, D.V. (Eds.), Soil Biological Fertility - A key to sustainable land use in agriculture. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-16. Bowen, G.D. and Rovira, A.D., 1999. The rhizosphere and its management to improve plant growth. Advances in Agronomy 66, 1-102. Brussard, L. and Ferrera-Cerrato, R., 1997. Soil ecology in sustainable agricultural systems. CRC Press. Boca Raton, USA, 168 pp. Griffiths, B.S., Bonkowski, M., Roy, J. and Ritz, K., 2001. Functional stability, substrate utilisation and biological indicators of soils following environmental impacts. Applied Soil Ecology 16, 49-61. Magdoff, F. and Weil, R.R., 2004. Soil organic matter management strategies. In: Magdoff, F., Weil, R.R. (Eds.), Soil organic matter in sustainable agriculture. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, pp. 45-66. Compost application in a 3-year old apple orchard in the Greyton area.