Women in European Civilization

HIST 3700:
Women in European Civilization
Dr. Nancy Turner
Office: 152 Gardner Hall
Office phone: 342-1789
Email: turnern@uwplatt.edu
Office hours:
W 3-4
TTh 1-4
F 1-2
and by appt.
The purpose of historical perspective courses is to challenge students to understand and assess
the human past in order to form a clearer perception of the present and to deal more effectively
with current public issues. This course will enable students to: demonstrate knowledge of the
past; explore the multitude of circumstances and events that have helped to shape historical
judgments, actions, and visions; and interpret the sources of historical change in a variety of
contexts. As an upper-level history class, the purpose of this course is to help form individuals
who are able to analyze and evaluate historical narratives and who understand the complexity of
the factors and forces that cause communities and nations to arise, decline, and change. Students
in upper-level history courses also learn to do research, to assess arguments, and to interpret
economic, social, political, cultural, and technological change in a variety of contexts.
The purpose of gender studies courses is to help students come to a better understanding of
themselves as responsible individuals operating within a gendered cultural context, paying
special attention to perspectives involving women. A course that meets liberal arts requirements
in gender studies will enable students to engage in personal reflection and explore the
implications of: 1) the cultural constructs that create and perpetuate gender-based stereotypes and
unequal power relationships; 2) the contributions of diverse populations of women and persons
of varied sexual orientations in transforming knowledge; 3) the influence that students’ own
gender and experiences have on their attitudes toward others.
TEXTS: There are five books which will be used for the course, all of which can be acquired at
the Textbook Center in Doudna Hall. The books are:
--Katherine L. French & Allyson M. Poska, Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 1
--Katherine L. French & Allyson M. Poska, Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 2
--Mary K. Lefkowitz & Maureen B. Fant, Women’s Life in Greece and Rome, 3rd Edition
--Judith M. Bennett and Elizabeth A. Clark, eds. Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages
--Christine de Pizan, The Treasure of the City of Ladies, Penguin Books, Revised edition
EXAMS: There will be two exams, one which will take place at approximately the middle of
the term, and one that will take place during finals week. Both will be essay exams that will
cover the material presented in lecture, discussion, and the textbooks. A portion of many class
periods will be devoted to a discussion of the assigned readings or issues raised by the instructor.
Each student is expected to participate actively in the discussions and to ask and answer
questions. As a result, over the course of the semester there will be 8 announced reading quizzes,
containing 3-4 questions each, covering the material contained in the assigned class readings.
PAPERS: Two papers are required. Each will take the form of a 4-6 page, typed and doublespaced paper. The first paper will require you to discuss issues presented in our readings on
ancient Greek and Roman women. The second paper will require you to analyze issues raised
primarily in the readings assigned in the second half of the course. You will be given the specific
topics for the papers 2-3 weeks before each paper is due.
Note: Any student who has a documented disability which interferes with his/her test-taking,
reading, or note-taking skills should make an appointment to see me during my office hours. A VISA
from Services for Students with Disabilities authorizing your course accommodations will be necessary.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance will not be officially taken, but attendance at all
scheduled class periods is necessary and expected. If you must miss a class, you are responsible
for finding out what material was covered and what assignments or handouts were distributed
during the missed class period.
GRADING: Reading Quizzes (8 @ 9 points each)
First Paper
First Exam
Second Paper
Second Exam
72 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
472 pts
Schedule of Assignments:
4 Introduction
6 Handout--“What is Women’s History?” History Today (June 1985)
9 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 1, chap. 1
11 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 1, chap. 2
13 Women's Life in Greece and Rome, pp. 10-54
16 Women’s Life in Greece and Rome, pp.55-93
18 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 1, chap. 3
20 Women's Life in Greece and Rome, pp. 94-128 RDG QUIZ
23 Women's Life in Greece and Rome, pp. 129-155; 208-224
25 Women's Life in Greece and Rome, pp. 163-189; 196-207
27 Women's Life in Greece and Rome, pp. 225-262 RDG QUIZ
30 Women’s Life in Greece and Rome, pp.288-334
2 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 1, chap. 4
7 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 1, chap. 5
9 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 1, chap. 6
11 Sisters and Workers, pp. 11-38; 100-127 RDG QUIZ
14 Christine de Pizan
16 Handout—Christine de Pizan, City of Ladies
21 Treasure of the City of Ladies, pp. 109-138 (Revised ed., pp. 87-121)
pp.145-171(Revised ed., pp. 127-157) RDG QUIZ
28 Handout- “Women, Marriage, & Family” during the Renaissance RDG QUIZ
30 Women during the Reformation
1 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 1, chap. 7
4 Queens in the 16th century
6 Handout—“Embryology” RDG QUIZ
8 Handout—Mary Astell
11 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 1, chap. 8
13 Handout— “Women’s Nature” in the 18th and 19th centuries
15 Handout—“Women’s Nature” in the 18th and 19th centuries RDG QUIZ
18 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 2, chap. 9
20 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 2, chap. 10
22 Handout—Louis Otto “Women’s Right to Work”
25 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 2, chap. 11
27 “
“ Vol. 2, chap. 12; Handout—E. Pankhurst “Why We Are Militant”
29 Thanksgiving Break
2 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 2, chap. 13
4 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 2, chap. 14
9 Women & Gender in the Western Past Vol. 2, chap. 15
11 Handouts-”The problem that has no name”;“Why I Want a Wife” RDG QUIZ
“ “ Vol. 2, chap. 16; “The Second Shift”
FINAL EXAM—Wednesday, December 18 1-3 PM