Aim of dressage = quality of movement

Horse Muscle Management
We marvel at the speed, the athleticism and the grace of movement of our equine partners but
how often do we think about what makes that movement possible? In this article I have explored
the factors affecting the horse’s ability to move to its full potential; what we can do to help
and how to identify and take action early when things start to go awry.
I have owned horses for most of my life (I am now 49) and started riding at 11 years old. Whilst I
am not a professional horsewoman, I have studied horsemanship: both under the British Horse
Society (BHS) system to stage 4 horse care and through British Dressage judge training (assessing
quality of movement). I have also had several articles published in Horse & Rider magazine and a
book “Riding Dynamics”.
Whilst studying for BHS examinations I was taught to regularly check the horse's feet and tack
for my safety before mounting. However, I was never routinely taught to check the stuff that
actually holds the horse together between his feet and the tack: His musculature! I was taught the
signs of good health in the horse but not how to understand the way the horse communicates.
This summer I had a wake-up call. I saw a stunning horse warming up at a show jumping
competition at the National stud at Pompadour in France and was enchanted by this stallion’s
athleticism, power and lightness. I spoke to the rider and discovered that 3 years before this
beautiful animal was on the equine scrap heap. Unable to perform due to injury and declared
untreatable by vets, the stallion Vigo, was picked up for meat money by Willy Sidorak. Willy and
his apprentice, Stephen Goodridge, nursed Vigo back to health at Samsara Equitation their
rehabilitation centre in the Auvergne in France. Vigo is one of the lucky ones. Intrigued, I
decided I had to visit Samsara and understand more about what they do.
Vigo with Jean-Charles Pirot on board
The day before I was due to visit, my horse, a pure bred Lusitano called Eric, came in lame from
the paddock. Willy and Stephen decided that they would visit me instead. They showed me how
to examine my horse’s musculature: How to feel my horse’s muscles and to interpret his
response. Without seeing my horse move Willy told me how he would move and what I would
need to do to put it right. At the time Eric was living at the Gammas Stud in Champsac, France.
The yard owner Sam de Wykerslooth asked them to take a look at her stallion. The same thing
happened. Willy felt the horse’s muscles and then told Sam what she would feel when she rode
the horse. Again he was right.
I was fascinated to know more. Willy and Stephen came home with me and we talked horse for
many hours. Their goal is to establish a european centre of excellence for ethical
horsemanship. A key element of this is educating horse owners on how to care for their horse's
musculature. We watched videos of a variety of horse problems and they explained the
importance of healthy musculature to a horse’s performance, how to care for that musculature
and how to identify a small problem and address it. This is the key. Avoiding the problems in the
first place and noticing and addressing small problems. We tend to push our heads in the sand
and avoid confronting a subtle problem, meaning it becomes more pervasive. Like us the horse
will start to compensate and soon there are problems (and pain) throughout the horse's body.
Willy told me that in Holland he ran a rehabilitation centre treating upwards of 2000 horses per
year. This got me thinking. We are all well aware of the wastage rates in the horse racing
industry. What about the other competitive disciplines? How many young dressage horses do we
see making old bones? What about at riding club and leisure horse level?
I looked for information on the internet. I found a study published in the Equine Veterinary
Journal in November 2010 ( which followed a random sample of 520 horses registered with
the Dutch National Equestrian Federation. The average age of these horses was 7.1 ± 3.2 years.
A total of 334 horses (64.2%) ended their competition career with their initial rider during the 5
year study period. Orthopaedic problems accounted for the majority of the veterinary
career-ending decisions (63.7%). A total of 385 horses (74.0%) had one or more career breaks;
main reasons were rider-related issues (39.2%), others included temporary withdrawal from
competition (21.6%), veterinary problems (21.8%), breeding (9.1%) and miscellaneous (8.3%).
One vet has spoken out about the consequences of modern competition training methods. In his
open letter to the FEI dated December 18th, 2009, Dr Gerd Heuschmann (GH) differentiates
between back movers and leg movers. He accuses the FEI of paying lip service to its stated goal
of happy athletes and back movers whilst rewarding those training their horses to be showy leg
movers. GH states that the leg movers working with a tensed back will suffer in the long term.
In the letter he says “I cannot shake the impression that horses have become mere extras such as
bikes to the Tour de France and that the actual goals are fame and money.” Even THE world
centre of excellence for horsemanship, the Spanish Riding School, is now under threat if we are
to believe an article published recently in the “Horse & Hound”.
Vets fees have become accepted as a fact of horsey life. I wonder how much of what they look
at is preventable or treatable at home? No livery yard owner ever got sued for calling the vet! We
have also seen a growth in what I call preventable equine illness, the two most obvious
examples being laminitis and colic. Both are connected to lack of knowledge and poor care. In
the same way that we rely on doctors to look after our health are we subcontracting the job of
looking after our horse’s health to the vets?
Often the horse tries to tell us how he feels in his language. When we carry the saddle into his
stable he turns away. He swishes his tail (or even tries to bite us) when we do up the girth. He
stands in a certain way in the stable. He tries to avoid certain paces or transitions. If we choose to
ignore the signs and carry on pushing forward with our plans for competitive success the
problems will generally get worse until we can no longer ignore them. Interestingly enough it is
the horses who are the most valuable who tend to suffer most, often, stallions who have a
valuable future career in breeding. They cannot be seen to be under-performing or “off the
circuit” so the owners mask the symptoms with painkillers. This is the short term fix which will
fail in the long term unless we find and address the root cause.
Not so many years ago in the UK horsemen learnt their trade as apprentices to older more
experienced horsemen. There was not so much money about to pay vets, so they were not
generally the first port of call. Natural remedies were the norm and avoidance the priority.
Horsemen understood the role of cereals in the horse’s diet and how to use them. Horses
worked hard, often all day in the fields or on the roads with their owners. What has happened to
the old ways? Why have they disappeared? Even for those actively seeking knowledge it is
difficult to know who to trust. There are so many different ways of feeding and training our
horses. All beautifully packaged and tempting. Which one to choose?
Fascinated I decided to dig a little deeper and do some research. What affects the quality of the
horse’s musculature and how do we diagnose and treat performance problems?
What affects the quality of the horse’s musculature?
In his book, “The Way to Perfect Horsemanship”, Udo Berger states “the horse is an articulated
system that must function as one unit. Our final aim is to become united with that system. Fluidity is just one
element of this unity, made up of so many interrelated parts or elements that it requires deep study to comprehend it
Like us the horse is a system of interacting elements. To work to its full potential we need to
do our best to ensure that each and every element has what it needs to perform. To achieve peak
performance we have to get everything right. This is because through the interconnections one
thing not quite right will ultimately affect the whole system.
By profession I am a business consultant. Essentially I am a doctor for businesses. Like us and
our horses, businesses get ill or off colour and don’t quite achieve their full potential. My job is to
help an organisation diagnose the root cause of the problem and then to develop and implement
ways of fixing the problem in a way that lasts long term. To do this I use a technique called
systems thinking to map the cause and effect relationships driving the success of the
organisation. I create these maps by encouraging key people in the organisation to share their
knowledge of what affects what in the business. You can find out more about these simple
techniques in my book and on the internet.
I decided to do the same for the horse: To create a map of the factors affecting the quality of the
horse’s movement. To help me with this I decided to consult vets, physiotherapists, equine
osteopaths, equine nutritionists and a number of riders. I received contributions from Dr
Sue Dyson MA VetMB DEO PhD FRCVS of the AHT, Sue Devereux BA BVSc MRCVS,
Mr Johannes Hamminger of the Spanish Riding School, Louise Carson BSc MSc MCSP
SRP ACPAT (CAT A), William Micklem FBHS, Jo Bower MSc EqS an equine nutritionist
and owner of Horsesource Ltd and a number of trainers and riders both competitive (in a
variety of disciplines) and leisure. You can see some of their specific advice in the “I asked.
They said” boxes below.
The map I was able to develop with their input is shown in the appendix. Using computer
software it is possible to rearrange the map into a driver tree showing the hierarchy of
relationships driving quality of movement. Again you can view a copy of the tree in the
Many businesses make the mistake of focussing on the elements in the tree which are closer to
their goal. In actual fact the most important things to focus on are those at the base of the tree
for if these things aren’t right we have no chance of making the journey up the tree and achieving
our goal. Like a plant we nourish the tree through the very tips of roots.
Based on my research these things can be summarised as follows: Conformation, Nutrition;
Training; Stable Management; Injury avoidance (risk management); Hoof care and Muscle care.
Let’s take a look at each area in turn…
Conformation, conformation, conformation……If we want a horse to have the best chance of
staying sound we need him to have both good conformation and a conformation which suits the
requirements of his future career. Why? This is because conformation defects will predispose a
horse to muscular problems. Ultimately this is affected by breeding and the decisions we make
as horse breeders.
I spoke to Sam de Wykerslooth of the Gammas Stud. Her objective is to produce top quality
sports horses. She told me that the horse with perfect conformation does not exist. She aims to
compensate for a broodmare’s weaker points by putting her to a stallion that is strong in those
areas. Her choice will be guided by character, conformation and genetics.
Willy also breeds top class horses. He told me that he allows his mares to choose their stallion.
He believes the mare knows intuitively which stallions genes will be the best match for her own.
For this reason he doesn’t agree with artificial insemination. He also breeds from young mares
and the foals are raised in a herd as they would be naturally. To avoid the stress of weaning he
dem ands exc capability
(com panionship)
(m uscle tone)
m uscle inj uries
(com panionship)
play O
(freedom )
(q of surface)
com pensating
(m uscle inj uries)
hand m assage
oils/rubs/linim ents
q of m assage
pain/inflam m ation O
water m assage
use of painkillers
q f breeding
q of conform ation
(# m ovem ent)
(# m ovem ent)
(ad lib forage)
fibre in diet
effective excretion
(hy dration)
q of stable hy giene O Dirty stable O q of feet
confidence in feet
(hy dration)
freshness of food
q of food
q of paddock care
q of shoeing/trim m ing
q of surface
(m uscle inj uries) O am t of training
stable design
# m ovem ent
(m uscle inj uries)
tim e in stable
(ad lib forage) O
(calm confident m ind) O bolting feed
m eal size O
q of digestion
eating at ground level
q of dental care
q of m outh conform ation
(q of food)
(q of paddock care)
worm burden
q of worm ing program m e
(Dirty stable) O q of air
(stable design)
effective respiration
(q of breathing)
q of water
(# m ovem ent)
(# m ovem ent)
q of circulation
(# m ovem ent)
Cardio fitness
(# m ovem ent)
(m uscle inj uries)
(calm confident m ind)
(calm confident m ind)
feeling safe
ly ing down
m uscle relaxation
(com panionship)
(pain/inflam m ation)
m uscle tone
(q of m assage)
(q of digestion)
(q of food)
available protein
m uscle renewal
(worm burden)
(m uscle relaxation)
(q of m ovem ent)
q of warm -up/cool down
(# m ovem ent)
ad lib forage
(# m ovem ent)
(freshness of food)
sm ell of food
(freshness of food)
taste of food
appeal of food
texture of food
variety of food
(waste disposal)
clarity consistency of training/com m unication
calm confident m ind
(stable design)
com panionship
q of breathing
confronting fears
(dem ands exc capability )
(freedom )
(m uscle relaxation)
(q f breeding)
(clarity consistency of training/com m unication)
(effective excretion)
waste disposal
(# m ovem ent)
q of lungs
(com pensating)
(q of m ovem ent)
core m uscle strength
engagem ent of pelvis
q of posture
(q of riding/driving/lunging)
(calm confident m ind)
attention on rider
q of riding/driving/lunging
interesting work
(calm confident m ind)
q of m ovem ent
has a special barn stabling complex he designed where the foals can be together in one area and
their mothers opposite. Less stressful and better for all involved.
What does this mean for owner/riders? Well we need to be honest about our ambitions. We
need to buy a horse which suits the job we have in mind. What then if we have a horse that is not
well suited to our ambitions? A friend of mine was in this position with a young horse she
bought as a 2 year old to event. He didn’t have the aptitude for the jumping and so she changed
her ambitions to something that the horse could do. He now represents GB on our TREC team
in European competitions. So to sum up we must either find the horse for the job or do the
job that suits the horse. If we aren’t prepared to change our ambitions then to avoid a lot of
frustration we would be better to seek a new/owner rider for the horse and find another to be
our partner. As Louise Carson told me “We wouldn’t ask Sir Steve Redgrave to compete in the
100m or ask Linford Christie to wrestle!”
There has been a trend to breed taller sports horses. I personally don’t understand this. Tall
horses will always be more challenged to maintain their balance, especially tall horses without the
requisite bone. Any loss of balance can result in muscle tension and injury.
It is also important to consider the conformation matching of horse and rider. A cyclist is well
aware that the cycle’s frame must complement his own if he wants to be successful at his sport.
How many rider’s consider this when they are seeking a new equine partner?
80% of the battle is nutrition according to Samsara. Horse’s muscles need fuel: energy to work
and protein for development and renewal. Poor quality cheap food is false economy. We may
save money in the short term but in the long term we will more than make up the difference in
vets fees.
The fuel or energy supply for muscles is provided by ‘adenosine triphospate’ which is often
abbreviated as ATP. ATP is formed by the cooperation and absorption of oxygen (from
breathing) and sugar (glucose) from nutrition. Yvonne Sidorak told me that we often overlook
the importance of the horse’s respiratory system to correct muscle function.
For our horse to get the most out of top quality feed he needs a fully functioning digestive
system to extract the full nutritional content. We can help our horse’s digestive system by looking
after his teeth and ensuring we have a worming routine that works. Why waste money on feeding
I talked to Peter Smith EDT about the impact of the teeth on our horse’s musculature. He said
‘Good’ dentistry has a part to play in both efficient mastication and bit comfort. He told me that
“there are really only two muscle groups that regularly concern me as a dentist: The Masseter
Muscles which are the large round cheek muscles that provide the power for the grinding molars
and the Temporal Muscles that lie on either side of the forelock between the eyes and the ears.
These position the mandible prior to the power/grinding stroke of molars. These should be bilaterally even if good mastication is occurring and provide an early symptom of unilateral
When there are dental or bit comfort problems I am sure they cause tension in the poll and
upper spine areas and this is undoubtedly transferred to other muscle groups causing forelimb
‘Bridle Lameness’ on occasions but what the nerve and muscle mechanics of this are is way
beyond my field of expertise.”
Equally it is pointless paying good money for food the horse can’t utilise. Our horse’s digestive
system is designed to work on fibre so we must ensure that he has plenty of it in his diet. Ad lib
high quality organic hay and organic straw bedding address these needs well if our horse is
Also, we must not forget the micro-nutrients. The quantities required may be tiny but they are
essential to ensuring our horse gets the most out of his food. Obtaining these micro-nutrients
through natural dietary sources is always better than supplementation for us and our horses (see
Insert piece by Ellen Collinson on herbs etc Colic and obesity (laminitas)
Fresh clean water is a high priority. We and our horses can cope with toxins better if we keep
flushing them out! A non-horsey friend of mine, Brazilian swimmer and sports coach, Flavio
Lapis, told me that “water is like the air of our cells. Everything in our body works a lot slower
and not properly if we are not properly hydrated. If we are injured water helps us to heal much
faster than if we are not properly hydrated.”
Flavio in his natural element
I asked:
What factors affect the quality of a working horse’s musculature?
They said:
“Adequate nutrition and balanced feeding” Sue Dyson (AHT).
“It starts right at the beginning! Feeding the mare correctly during gestation, supporting the foal
whilst it is growing and throughout its early life but once fully grown more specifically for the
intensity of training and the type of riding discipline intended” Jo Bower (Horsesource)
“As far as the horses’ feeding is concerned, each horse has its own dietary plan. In the winter, we
add sunflower oil and linseed to their diet. We especially recommend to use fodder of really high
quality and moreover to feed enough raw fibre (hay). Besides, regular inspections of the teeth are
very essential. If there are any muscular problems a horse owner should also fortify the fodder
with vitamins in order to encourage the metabolism of the musculature.” Mr Johannes
Hamminger, Stable manager, The Spanish Riding School at Vienna
Quality of training:
We can load up with great fuel but if the engine doesn’t work we will not get anywhere in either
our car or on our horse. The horse’s engine is his musculature. Whilst the quality of the
musculature depends on breeding and conformation (and we can’t change that in the short term),
it can be improved with correct training. The horse’s back is not designed to carry weight. To
enable him to do this without injury we must develop the horse’s musculature before he is
At Samsara the young horses start their training in the cart to build their strength. Out on the byways the young horse is exposed to varying terrain and gradients and various hazards, learning in
the process to find his balance and overcome his fears. Ridden work starts when the horse is
sufficiently strong physically and mentally. We wouldn’t go to the gym and try to lift huge
weights on our first visit. Samsara horses first experience being ridden with an experienced
balanced lightweight rider. Again his first experiences are outdoors along the byways and roads
he traversed in the cart.
A young horse ready to go carting
All work focuses on developing the horse’s core strength, tone & suppleness.
A strong back is essential for our young horse to cope with greater weights and more complex
movements. Like many riders, I have suffered with my back. I was diagnosed with a sacroiliac
joint strain and referred for physiotherapy and osteopathy both of which gave me some short
term relief. Finally, in 2005 I went to see an orthopaedic consultant and the MRI scan he
prescribed revealed a severely degenerate L5S1 disc. The rest of my discs were “pristine”. You
can see the scan below.
L5S1 disc
I was offered surgery but decided to opt for the less invasive option of intensive physiotherapy
and modified pilates exercises. The physiotherapy was painful but it helped to free up my lower
back muscles which had become contracted and tight. The Pilates exercises I learned taught me
how to protect and strengthen my back by engaging my core muscles, rotating my pelvis and
“giving” at the knees. It is the same with the horse. We must teach our horse to use his core and
push his back up in the same way to prevent injury.
Andrew Day of the TTTTrust told me that the horse’s natural way of going could be described
as “falling forward”. The horse economises on energy by using gravity to help him to move.
However, this is not the best way to carry the weight of a rider. Working in this way subjects the
horse’s muscular-skeletal system to repetitive strain (especially in the forehand) and the poorer
the conformation the greater the impact. Andrew told me that understanding this is the key to
improving our horse. The horse isn’t born knowing how to carry humans effectively. Our task as
a rider is to help our horse to learn how to do this.
In addition to the balance front to back we must also consider balance
side to side. I recently met Monique de Rijk of Atletischerijkunst in the
Netherlands. Monique specialises in training horses with physical and/or
psychological problems. Monique pointed out that many horses she sees
have developed their problems as a result of their natural asymmetry. She
told me “The natural asymmetry of a horse really affects the way he
moves and uses his body. Because of this asymmetry the horse has a
wrong vertical balance which means he cannot relax his back muscles.
This means that to develop a horse properly, the rider must work on
straightening the horse so that he can relax in his body and mind. An
asymmetric horse always has to compensate and that damages the musculature and the skeleton.”
Our ability to achieve this can be limited by unsuitable or uncomfortable tack and an
unbalanced rider. Equine masseur, Yvonne Sidorak, told me: “The fit of the saddle has far
reaching consequences for the entire musculature of the horse. A good saddle places no pressure
on the spinal column and an equal load on the muscles. The muscles under the saddle need space
to tighten and relax. The saddle must allow this process to happen. If some muscles are less used,
or don’t have the possibility to move freely, the muscles will degenerate. The muscle fibres
decrease in size and they lose their power and flexibility. The cumulative effect of this is called
‘atrophy’. When the horse is ridden in a badly fitting saddle his back muscles will be damaged”.
Trainer and author, Lynn Henry of “Think like a Pony”, told me that a poorly fitting saddle is, in
her opinion, the biggest cause of muscle problems in horses. She said “Most people do not
understand the basic design features that are required for a saddle to be comfortable. This is only
hampered by bad advice from saddle fitters. It is the single most important factor that I come
across whatever the calibre of rider. Horse owners are not aware that the wither pattern in
different horses should be more the same than different. Three out of 4 of my horses are the
same, the 4th is only 3 years old!”
Lynn recommends Lavinia Mitchell for saddle fitting. I contacted Lavinia to find out more about
what she does. She told me “Where muscle wastage and posture problems exist, it is sadly
common practise for a new saddle to be fitted to the contours of this incorrect shape. This only
compounds the problem and will not help the horse in the long term”.
What do Master Saddlers say to this? Local master saddler, Glenn Hasker, told me that many
saddle fitting problems are the result of unfit horses with poor conformation or musculature, or
both. A saddle for an unfit back will be more difficult to find and is often more expensive to fit.
He said "For a saddle to fit the back, the back must be fit."
Lavinia added “The large majority of horses with well developed back muscles and no atrophy
will be a very similar width when measured across the back where the saddle tree points lay. In
my experience there is an average width that the ‘majority’ of horses will be. Other than the
exception of certain broader breeds of horse, it is unrelated to breed, height, age and discipline.
This width is significantly wider than most wide saddles and is often a revelation to the
Is this really the case? I contacted the Society of Master Saddlers to see if they collated data on
saddle widths. Unfortunately they don’t. Local master saddler, Glenn Hasker, went back through
his records for me. Since 1986 he has fitted over 1000 new saddles. The breakdown by width is
captured in the pie chart below. As you can clearly see the majority (80%) of new saddles he has
fitted have been narrow or medium.
This is in complete contrast to the experience of Lesley Taylor of Balance International. She told
me that she and fellow trainer, Carol Brett, became interested in the question of why horses
moved better at liberty than when tacked up back in 1993. She said that the narrowest horse
template they measured back then was a Medium Wide.
I looked for information on the internet. I found and
contacted the owner, Colleen Meyer, one of only a few American saddle fitters qualified with the
UK Society of Master Saddlers. I asked her about average wither patterns and saddle fitting best
practice. She told me “I think it is fair to say that no one knows for certain what is "best practice"
in saddle fitting. My personal mantra is that there is only one rule that applies to every horse:
that horses' backs did not evolve over 30 million years to bear the weight of a rider in motion.
That is the one and only thing I feel confident that we know for sure. The corollary to that is
that it's not surprising that so many horses do poorly in their saddles; it is amazing that any of
them do well.”
And what about the average wither pattern? She continued “I personally think that average is a
marvellous thing in an equine back, but it's not that common. Every horse — even an average
one — is a unique three dimensional puzzle. Movement adds an even more complex fourth
“I am ready to be proven wrong by science-based research, but from practical experience, I don't
think I agree that the shape of most properly trained and unatrophied horses will necessarily
converge on wide and dome-like. Among elite human athletes, sprinters, middle distance
runners, and marathoners typically have very different body types. They have different mixes of
muscle fibres, for one thing. Why would this not be true of horses? In my experience, lean,
high-withered horses are not necessarily "atrophied" in the physiological sense, just because they
are not covered in bulging muscles (or bulging fat wedges disguised as muscles in some cases.)
My instinct is that there is at least as much normal, healthy variation in body type among elite
equine athletes as there is in human athletes — probably more, since the overall range of
variations in phenotype is greater in equines than in humans.”
In November last year I visited Your Horse Live. There were so many saddlers trying to sell their
wares. All claiming that their saddling system was the best. I saw trees in all shapes, sizes and
materials and saddles without trees. I saw panels in all shapes, sizes and materials and saddles
without panels. I saw saddle fitters recommending saddles be fitted very wide with lots of pads,
others slightly wider with a uniform pad and others exactly to the contours of the horse’s shape.
If professionals can’t agree where does this leave us and, more importantly, our horses? Colleen
told me “ultimately, the saddle is the interface between two separate bodies in motion. How can
that interaction of kinetic mass - facilitated by such a crude piece of technology as a saddle - be
simple? Unfortunately, our understanding of the forces at work between a horse's back and a
rider is vast terra incognita, which I find really frustrating in my job.” I personally would like to
see some scientific study of this topic.
In the mean time we do have one opinion we can always rely on, that of our horse. For a number
of years I have used a Forestier general purpose saddle with no problems. My dressage trainer
recommended that I switch to a dressage saddle for my flatwork. The first lesson I had in my
dressage saddle revealed a very annoyed Eric. Ears flat back on canter transitions. Now this is a
horse that loves his work and often doesn’t want to leave the school when finished! The only
difference was the saddle. I called local master saddler, Glenn Hasker, to check my saddles. The
GP was a good fit…the dressage saddle was too wide. The morale of the story? Listen to your
horse. Unlike humans, horses don’t lie.
I contacted the Society of Master Saddlers to understand their point of view on this important
topic. Stewart Hastie MRCVS contacted me on their behalf. He explained the complexities of
saddle fitting and encouraged me to attend the SMS Introductory Saddle Fitting course to find
out more. He explained that even with a perfect fitting saddle the secret to avoiding muscle
damage under saddle is a balanced rider. If the rider is unable to maintain self carriage how can
the horse? I would go one step further and encourage riders to seek a horse with conformation
and movement that suits their conformation and ability to maintain their balance. You can find
out more about this in chapter 10 of my book “Riding Dynamics”.
The British Equestrian Federation and the SMS jointly own a Pliance system, which is operated
by master saddler and qualified fitter Mark Fisher from Woolcroft Equine Services,
Cambridgeshire. A mat with more than 250 sensors is placed under the saddle and transmits
pressure pictures to a computer, showing exactly what’s happening underneath the rider.
“It isn’t always the saddle that’s to blame with problems such as movement over to one side,”
says Mark. “For instance, even some of our best riders can tend to load their weight to one side,
which means the saddle follows.”
“We can compensate by adjusting the saddle, but it shows the importance of looking after
yourself as well as your horse. If you’re asymmetrical because of injury or wear and tear, get
yourself looked at by a good physio or other qualified person and if you’re not already doing so,
get help from a good trainer.”
Lesley Taylor, of Balance International, told me…data is all very fine but the key is in the
interpretation. What do the figures mean? We don’t know what pressure is ideal. We assume that
even pressure is what is required, but is it? Are all horses the same? Lesley believes in letting the
horse choose. However, in all instances, she recommends extra care over the sensitive “Junction
Box” area over the withers and behind the shoulder. Lesley recommends that saddles are fitted
slightly wider in this area and then a shock absorbing JB pad used under the saddle to protect this
area. The logic is that this will allow the muscles to expand and widen below the saddle.
I asked Sue Norton, a lecturer on the SMS’ April 2012 Introduction to Saddle Fitting course,
about Lesley and Lavinia’s philosophy of fitting a slightly wider saddle to allow for the dynamic
shape of the horse and this giving him the freedom to develop his musculature. She told me “the
subject of fitting a little wide to allow the horse to come up into his saddle as he works is
excellent but we must have seen both horse and rider show their skills. Our dressage customers
will back this theory up over and over, ridden out for warm up the rider can look out of balance
as the saddle, a little too wide, is low at the front. Within 15 minutes the horse is engaging and
balance is restored. Vet required here but I assume that the muscle being used has an excellent
blood flow and expands. A bad rider in the same fitting on the same horse would in a matter of
weeks create atrophy in the trapezius muscles where their weight has been forward continuously.
Note here the whole tree in the rails needs to be this slightly wider profile.”
Lesley would not compromise on this. She demands that since we wish to ride the horse we must
learn how to ride him so he can be as comfortable as possible. She despises the practice of fitting
a saddle on the horse like a clothes peg to support an unbalanced rider.
To feel the effect of a badly fitting saddle and/or rider for your self try on different knapsacks.
You’ll find that some fit and some don’t. Notice how they affect your ability to move. Try
packing the sacks in different ways. You will find that the easiest to carry has the weight balanced
evenly left to right and has the majority of the weight low-down and still.
When we think of tack we typically consider the saddle first but an uncomfortable bridle can also
“block” the horse. Again there is much controversy as to which is the best bridle and bit to use.
The answer is as for the saddle. Each horse’s head shape and mouth are unique and comfort/fit
is more important than brand or fashion.
Even if the saddle fits well we riders can cause problems when mounting. Martin Wilkinson
Saddlers has also been involved in SMS testing (using the Pliance System) and warns its clients
that the latest findings show that mounting from the ground is bad news for the horse’s back and
the saddle — some tests registered more than double the peak pressure recorded when jumping a
1.40m fence. To minimise the risk to our horse’s muscles try to use a mounting block, get a leg
up or learn to vault on. Don’t always mount/dismount on the nearside, alternate with the off side
to even out wear and tear.
One of the best ways to develop empathy with a horse in training and to become aware of the
challenges to muscles is to train your self. In this way we can feel the role of warming up,
stretching, work and cooling down in our training regime. Why not take up a physical activity
such as gymnastics, martial arts, dancing….and see how far you can go?
Mr Hamminger told me that the equine athlete’s needs are “similar to the needs of human
beings”. There is much to be learnt from human athletes. Recently I spoke to an Olympic
trained gymnast about his training regime.
Ultimate strength and poise in human form
I learnt that to work well training needs to become a habit. That is to say we do it regularly.
He told me that he has found that the maximum time he can take off training without significant
impact is 1 week. After 2 weeks he feels like he is starting from scratch. I learned that we must
warm-up before stretching and working to avoid muscle strain. He told me that he drinks lots of
water, doesn’t smoke (the horsey equivalent would be access to fresh air) and eats quality fresh
food, only consuming treats (like beer) in moderation.
In order to reach full potential he said that training must start early. In Russia the gymnasts
begin their training at 6 years old.
I guess some of you will be “Strictly Come Dancing” fans? I do modern line dancing and I love
it. I can’t help noticing that despite the fact that we’re all doing the same thing we all look
completely different. George Archer, our instructor, is truly through his back. He is what GH
would call a “back mover”. In contrast the majority of the other dancers (irrespective of age) are
“leg movers”. They look like the torso of their body is a fixed rigid box and the only parts that
move are their arms and legs. This leads me to ask are we naturally back movers? Are horses
naturally back movers? Is it a learned/trained activity? Do we all have the capacity to be back
movers? I leave these questions for you to ponder.
What if we don’t do any of this? I asked classical dressage trainer, Lynne Varley. She said
“If you leave the horse as he accepts you from the moment he is backed he will continue to
develop a way of coping with the interference that carrying the rider causes. It may take many
forms not all of them acceptable to the average rider. Hence why so many riders have problems
with their horses, the problems the horse experiences increases with the expectations of the rider.
So if you lived in the plains of the USA and could ride for miles without having to turn quickly or
stop for traffic or even keep the horse straight at the side of the road then schooling could be
simplified down to the horse accepting tack and the rider and going forward on command.
But if you lived in Germany where the weather in winter made riding impossible except in an
indoor school where you may have ten or more riders working at once schooling becomes a
necessity if you are to avoid an accident.
The horse is not designed by nature to be ridden and even the horse with the most perfect
conformation will not know how to carry the rider correctly if he is not shown how. So if you left
the horse to do his own thing you may manage depending on what you wanted to do, but the
horse would not develop in a physical way and any difficulties he experiences with carrying the
rider would continue unaddressed and lead to long term problems both physically and mentally.”
It is not just a lack of training that can cause problems. Practice makes permanent…only perfect
practice makes perfect. Yvonne Sidorak told me that she sees horses with muscular problems
who have been over-trained or who have been made to repeatedly execute training exercises
incorrectly. She emphasised the importance of warming up and cooling down to avoid muscle
injury. She told me “Proper warm-up increases body temperature and smoothes muscles. This
promotes flexibility and reduces the chance of injuries. In warm muscle the metabolism works
faster so it’s much easier for the horse to get the power which he needs. A good warm-up not
only has a positive influence on the force, but also on the speed, the agility and the endurance of
the horse. Insufficient warm-up causes poor blood circulation, elasticity decreases increasing the
likelihood of injuries.
We also need to remember that after exercise the muscles still need oxygen. Insufficient cooldown leads to a shortage of oxygen. The shortage creates damage in the muscle fibres. This
oxygen shortage is called ‘Anoxia’.”
I asked:
What factors affect the quality of a working horse’s musculature?
They said:
“The key is how you work your horse. He needs to be in a round outline. Cross training can be
used to help build different muscle groups. It’s important that rider rides adequately and in
balance and that they understand the importance of hindlimb impulsion.” Sue Dyson
“Of the many factors that govern the development and efficiency of the horse’s musculature the
engagement of his postural system is the most interesting for the rider to consider. Only when
the horse is exerting effort in a state of lateral and longitudinal balance will the family of postural
muscles engage thereby enabling him to work correctly on the bit. If the rider is able to achieve
this state the horse will be able to use his locomotor muscles with optimum efficiency and the
entire musculature will develop in a natural balance and harmony. A beautiful state to see!”
Andrew Day, Senior Lecturer at the Training the Teachers of Tomorrow Trust
“Avoid at all cost quick fixes and unproven ideas. Educating horses to advanced in a correct way
without gadgets or short cuts is time consuming and difficult. Many people give up and look for
an alternative. Sadly there isn’t one and although you may be able to ‘cobble’ things together for a
while eventually the problems re-emerge and the training stops. Training correctly has been done
for hundreds of years with time worn systems which work for all horses, the information is there
if you want to find it. Arthur Kottas is a great rider and teacher and his book is a must, combined
with correct practical teaching.” Lynne Varley Classical Dressage Trainer
“The key factors affecting the quality of a working horse’s musculature are on the one hand the
horse’s feeding and on the other hand its exercise.” Mr Johannes Hamminger, Stable manager,
The Spanish Riding School at Vienna
“When it comes to training you can really prevent a lot of problems if you learn how to make a
horse straight and help him find the right vertical balance.” Monique de Rijk of Atletischerijkunst
Ultimately there are only two factors affecting muscle injury: The strength and flexibility of the
muscle, (affected by the quality of the training), and the stress that we place on that muscle.
Lynne Varley told me “It should be noted that all disciplines with the exception of (correct*)
dressage cause damage to a greater or lesser degree. Training in dressage or flat work aims to
minimise the damage caused by building the horses musculature and enabling the horse to reach
a state of lateral and longitudinal balance, only then can the horse relax in it’s work.
The most destructive disciplines are Polo because of the rapid stops and turns and rider/horse
weight ratio: Racing, because of the youth of the horse and the lack of correct training and
unnaturally high grain content of their diets: Any jumping disciplines as the horse places
incredible strain on the forelegs on the descent and enormous strain on the hocks on the take off
coupled with the difficulty of keeping the horse relaxed through it’s back: Driving, as the horse
has to pull which encourages the horse to use it’s shoulders and drag the hind legs and it is very
difficult to straighten a horse when driving and of course straightness is an essential ingredient of
correct muscle development.”
Hoof care
It is impossible to train the horse and develop his musculature without good feet. The starting
point for good feet is of course nutrition which we have already discussed above. Unbalanced
feet will lead to compensation and ultimately muscular problems. Samsara shoe all their own
horses because depending on work load shoes wear out at differing rates and they believe in
shoeing when the horse is ready rather than when the farrier is able to come. One of my horses is
retired and barefoot and I trim his feet myself. I’m not advocating that all riders shoe or trim
their own horses feet, just that a rider needs to know how to care for the feet and ensure her
farrier is doing a good job.
I searched the net for answers to the question “how do I tell if my farrier is doing a good job”.
Top of the search list was Matt Taimuty of “The most basic
answer to the question comes in the form of another question. “Is your horse sound,
comfortable and happy with his work?” If the answer is yes, then you can bet that your farrier is
doing at least a fair job. The flip side of that answer is the lame horse. The problem here is that
many farriers get blamed for lameness that has nothing to do with their work. Others get blamed
for not fixing something that isn’t a farrier problem.” He goes on to list a detailed set of
inspections the owner can do to work out an answer for herself.
In the UK my horses were shod by Jay Tovey (see With
his help I managed to keep my part-bred arab gelding, Shantie, sound. This was no mean feat as
Shantie has many conformational defects including a club foot, a foot prone to collapsed heels
and shoulders of differing heights!
Shantie’s shod feet
I asked Jay for his thoughts on how the horse’s feet impact the musculature of the horse. He told
me “Incorrect foot balance has an impact on bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood
vessels and of course the musculature of the horse. The subject is vast and difficult to
summarise in a couple of paragraphs.
Recognising the basics of static conformation to the more advance understanding of dynamic
conformation and there after the subtle changes of foot balance comes with experience and is a
good skill to learn with the assistance of a reputable farrier/hoof care specialist. They will help
you recognise both good foot balance; immediately after shoeing or trimming and bad foot
balance which may result from growth and general working of the horse or caused by a
conformational defect or specific ailment. This enables the responsible horse owner to recognise
when their horse is ready for re-shoeing or trimming, before the horse becomes unbalanced,
rather than leaning towards the irresistible urge to ‘eek out’ weeks between visits and feel
confident in requesting that the feet are attended to before the next scheduled visit.
As we know, one horse differs from another, one breed from another and the four feet on one
solitary horse often all differ. It would therefore, be impossible to categorise, as few horses are
perfectly straight and fit into the guidelines of basic foot balance, this is where the skill of the job
lies, striving to obtain correct foot balance for each individual foot and horse.
A further responsibility of the horse owner is to appreciate the complexity of the numerous
different foot types and conformation defects a farrier is presented with daily. When trimming a
horse’s foot you are trying to achieve overall balance, within the whole horse as well as the feet.
With feet that are chronically out of balance, this may take a considerable amount of time to
achieve. Bearing in mind the growth rate of a hoof, and work undertaken on the bottom portion
of the foot ultimately influencing the growth at the top of the foot, from the coronary band
down, this could possibly take anywhere from nine to twelve months to correct.
Most horses do not need special trimming or shoeing, just a good professional adhering to basic
foot balance, ensuring a healthy strong balanced foot, which results in a well balanced horse.
Individual foot balance is SO IMPORTANT and whether to shoe, or not, or use hoof boots is
really secondary to good foot balance. The unshod foot is the ideal, but many horses need
protection when working in unnatural environments that horse owners frequently present them
with, such as concrete or deep abrasive sand. Performing unnatural movements such as dressage
or even consequence of mans intervention of cross-breeding, taking horses away from their
natural make-up. Sometimes these feet, although balanced correctly may need some protection
to compensate for the demands of wear on the foot, which is quicker in these instances, than the
natural growth rate of the foot.
Below are some pictures of Boomerang. I've known Boomerang for 19 years and he was without
shoes until he was 6/7 years old. He has a naturally occurring broken back hoof pastern axis
(HPA). When his trainer and rider started to work him more intensely at dressage he started to
go lame and trip. Once shod he then became sound as it was found he had been suffering from
bruised soles but the occasional tripping still occurred. His HPA was corrected using a graduated
frog support shoe, after which his tripping stopped.
Boomerang moved away for a time, again became lame and started tripping and reluctant to
move forward, due to being shod differently. When he returned, I corrected his HPA, which
made him more balanced and was sound again.
His heels finish far too far forward for him to generate enough heel growth himself, as they
collapse under his weight.
In contrast below are pictures of endurance horses that have been without shoes and competing
successfully for a number of years.
They have no problems at all hacking over 20 miles on any terrain. If they become sore on
particularly hard ground, or the feet become short due to a lot of work, then their owner
manages this by using a horse boot for protection when needed. Basic foot balance at regular
intervals and common
e is
horses sound.
Where I struggle as a farrier is understanding the ethos of ‘barefoot trimming’ when their sole
belief is to ‘only’ bare foot trim, which I believe in some instances can result in problems and
long term lameness issues.
There are many horses that I only trim because I believe this is best for the horse and I take pride
in not just ‘knocking on a pair of shoes’ for financial gains. Ultimately it is the welfare of the
horse and taking into consideration its individual requirements at that stage in the horses working
As you can see it’s no coincidence that Jay is an official farrier for the 2012 London Olympics.
Once we have correct foot balance we must consider the surfaces we ask our horse to work on.
If the horse becomes unsure of his feet he will cease to move freely forwards and tense muscles
in an attempt to protect himself from slipping. I am sure that you will all have felt this yourself
when walking on ice or descending a mountain trail of loose shale.
Avoiding Injury
Even with the best nutrition, training and foot care there will always be accidents. The trick is not
to go looking for them. To do this we must assess risks and make a balanced choice. This
involves understanding the effect of the things we can’t control and taking action to mitigate
future problems. Let’s look at a few examples. If it’s cold and frosty outside the paddocks could
be slippery early on. Maybe it would be better to delay turning out until later. Cold muscles are
tense and therefore more subject to strain. This means that I will need to use rugs and warm up
gently in trot if it is cold and ensure that the horse is truly warmed up before starting work in
earnest. Prevention is always better than cure and prevention means understanding the potential
causes of injury.
Yvonne Sidorak told me that all accidents result in muscle trauma. If our horse has been cast in
his box, had an accident in the trailer, pulled back and broken his head collar, taken a tumble in
the field, got caught up in fencing etc we see the blood and the broken bones but we don’t see
the muscle damage. Understanding that there will have been damage and managing the horse
accordingly can save a lot of problems later.
To avoid injury we need to understand the vulnerable parts of the system ie the areas of
weakness on a horse where muscles are most stressed. For jumpers this is what Stephen calls the
The Pectorals *Diagram reproduced courtesy of Pauli Groenberg from his “ABC of the Horse Atlas”
This is a vulnerable area for all horses as this is where the horse carries the majority of his (and
our) weight, on his forehand. We have pectoral muscles too but unlike the horse they don’t carry
our weight. What can we do to help our horse? As we have already seen, correct training can help
to transfer a little of the weight back. Massage of these muscles can also help and yet is often
ignored as we focus on more obvious larger muscle groups in the shoulder and quarters.
Another issue is ensuring that we work our horse within his capabilities. This means that if we
have a particular discipline in mind we must seek a horse with that in mind. Alternatively if we
already have a horse we must assess his capabilities dispassionately and either train him to his
strengths or seek another horse for the purpose we have in mind. Louise Carson told me another
cause of problems is “Horses being ask to do a job that they aren’t conformationally or mentally
capable of.” Another interesting point Louise raised is that of muscle memory. She told me that
“left to its own devices, (a horse that has been laid off and lost muscle bulk due to injury), will
use its muscles and its body in the way it was first trained as a result of muscle memory.” This
has major implications for the rehabilitation of a horse who has changed career eg the racehorse
turned showjumper or eventer. It also re-emphasises the point already made about the
importance of early training being correct.
Even within capability we must develop our awareness and understanding of fatigue to avoid
injury. As swimmer, Flavio Lapis, told me “don't force a hard training if you are tired and try not
to be tired for a competition or competitive activity.”
I asked:
What are the muscular problems you see most in working horses?
They said:
“Sore neck, shoulder, back, gluteal, hamstring and abdominal muscles. They all occur but are not
always recognised. Occur as a result of overuse, improper training, accidents, nutritional issues
leading to tying up, not cooling down properly, hereditary muscle issues, badly fitting saddles and
just general wear and tear on an animal that was not designed to perform in the ways we ask of
them.” Sue Devereux
“Muscular problems can vary significantly and not often discipline related.” Louise Carson
“Blocked muscles. Mainly the armpits, shoulders, hamstrings and around the hips. The problems
are remarkably consistent across all horses irrespective of the work they do. They just tend to be
more severe in sport horses” Stephen Goodridge
We also need to be able to identify injury in the early stages. We can see lameness but we can’t
see pain. Just like us a horse can be carrying pain and not be lame. Equally a horse can appear
lame and not be in pain, so-called mechanical lameness. My mother is a very good example of
this. She has arthritis in her right knee. She is lame but she feels no pain (and is not taking pain
I asked:
What are the warning signs?
They said:
“Mental stress or distress, way of going, paces” William Micklem
“Change of temperament, increased irritability, loss of enthusiasm for work. Sore to touch,
abnormal tension, heat, swelling, stiffness, change of posture, shortening of stride or reduced
range of movement may occur before the horse is obviously lame.” Sue Devereux
“Do not like to be brushed. Do not want to be saddled. Will not flex the neck. Do not have fun
while training. Nodding in the knees. The front legs are not positioned right. Irregular steps.
While transitioning to canter, don’t want to deconstruct. Headshaking. Overturning head and
neck. Do not want to collect. Having difficulty with length flexion. Crookedness. Resistance to
straightening. While jumping lifting one leg higher than the other. Refusing in front of an
obstacle (if it doesn’t fit with the character of the horse). Teeth grinding. Tail swishing while
driving. After a long time of riding, still functioning with problems. Underdevelopment of certain
muscle groups.” Yvonne Sidorak
A masseur friend of mine touched me in the pecs recently. I flinched. She said she had watched
me emptying barrows on the muckheap and that she knew I would have minor strain there.
Minor strain is not a problem. We just need to be aware of it. Training relies on us creating a
minor strain. We can treat minor soreness at home with ice, massage, hot and cold (water, infrared) and nutrition. Finally we need to know who can advise us. The first port of call may not
always be your vet! For more information see the appendix.
Injuries can also be caused by the tack we use to train our horses. Comfy tack that fits horse and
rider is the key – not colour, quality of materials or brand!
I asked:
How can we avoid muscular injuries?
They said:
“Get the right horse for the purpose you have in mind. Choose a horse with good conformation.
Maintain a regular routine of work. Remember that regular movement is essential for muscle
fitness. Do turn-out but ensure good ground and fencing” Sue Dyson
“Respect your horse that is totally dependent on you for its well being. Learn to trust your gut
instinct, and do not be afraid to question others. Do not always accept what you are told if it
does not sit well with your conscience. Give your horse the benefit of the doubt until you can
prove otherwise.” Lavinia Mitchell
Stable management:
Most of what we have examined so far is physical. Muscle problems can be caused by
mental, as well as physical, stress.
F. M. Alexander, founder of the Alexander Technique, said that we “translate everything whether
physical or mental or spiritual into muscular tension”. The physical element is obvious but how to avoid
mental tension (stress) in our horses? Essentially, we need to respect his basic needs as a
horse: friends of his own kind that he can touch, fresh air and water, freedom to move, roll and
express himself and forage to chew. Touch is so important to horses. Yet many competition
horses, especially stallions, are denied this need. Is it any wonder that locked up in solitary
confinement 23 hours out of 24 our horse turns to a life of “crime”? The equine athlete needs
rest and relaxation. Encourage your horse to lay down by giving him a good bed and helping him
to feel safe. Massage with hands, water or a machine designed for the purpose can all be
Mr Hamminger told me “we make sure that our Lipizzaners have enough exercise (in the fresh
air) and nutritional additives. In July, all of our stallions have a break of at least five weeks at
Heldenberg, but also during the year each stallion is taken there to enjoy the advantages. During
the time at Heldenberg the stallions are trained and enjoy paddock boxes, pastures and are ridden
in the woods.”
I asked:
How can we avoid muscle tension in our horses?
They said:
“Treat the horse as a horse....treat the horse as one the horse towards a quality way
of going with impulsion and straightness....if necessary without a rider.” William Micklem
“As we use Solarium and Magnetic Field Therapy we can avoid most of the muscular problems.
The Magnetic Field Therapy can be used for different purposes: the activation of the organism,
in order to encourage the metabolism of the musculature as well as for regeneration.” Mr
Johannes Hamminger, Stable manager, The Spanish Riding School at Vienna
Muscle care
Caring for muscles is a process of doing the best we can with each of the elements above then
monitoring (through observation and touch), diagnosing (where there is a problem) and
developing a treatment plan or developing the next stage of the training programme, then putting
the plan into action. Above all we need to be vigilant. We must know our horse and how he is
normally so that we can spot quickly when he is a little off colour and change his regime
accordingly. Samsara have taught me that by touching each of my horse's muscle groups I can
detect problems early and take appropriate action. Getting the right help early can make a huge
difference in the long run.
Yvonne Sidorak is an equine masseur. She told me that it is important for trainers to understand
what muscles are and how they work. She told me “A muscle is a tissue structure of cells which
has the property to tighten making movement possible. Skeletal muscle (attached to the body)
provides motion in the skeleton by contraction and relaxation. Muscles are always connected by
tendons to the skeleton because the tendons can absorb a much larger force than the muscles
can. The tendons absorb the blows but the muscles provide the movement of the skeleton
and are also the protector of the joints.”
Did you know that 60% of your horse’s mass is muscle? “The muscles of a horse need to relax
after contraction. The relaxation should be synchronized with the contraction. The contraction
process always works, but the relaxation process can fail. When this happens the horse is limited
in his freedom of movement. The relaxation process depends on the muscles being well supplied
with energy. The power or energy supply is provided by ‘adenosine triphosphate’ which is often
abbreviated as ATP. ATP is formed by the cooperation and absorption of oxygen (from
breathing) and sugar (glucose) from nutrition.”
“If the energy supply to the muscles is not sufficient for the movement demanded the fibres
become increasingly contracted. Working the muscles in this state can result in a blockage in the
muscle caused by the adhesion of damaged muscle fibres. As a result oxygen and glucose can’t
find their way through the entire muscle and waste can not be properly expelled. The muscle
loses its function as a protector and loses its flexibility. Muscle tensions are not confined to one
area because the adjacent muscle group has to take over the function, so the stress is also
distributed to the acquiring muscle group.”
“Each movement of the horse creates an enormous amount of tension at one point. A muscle
contains about a quarter of a million fibres. A minor muscle injury might damage only about ten
thousand of these fibres and because of this the problem can go unnoticed. The horse has
enough power to function normally but when these muscles are further stressed tension,
discomfort and pain will be the result.”
The sports massage that I use is the Jack Meagher therapy, also called stress point massage. Jack
Meagher developed the concept of sports massage in the fifties. Jack developed this therapy after
he had got injured and came in contact with a masseur who changed his life. Jack massaged
thousands of people and horses. He always says: ‘A problem in a particular muscle is always the
same problem’. This is the origin of his therapy. For many years he has been the mentor of the
U.S. Equestrian Team, he also worked for the NFL Athletes. His therapy is characterized by the
accuracy of the massage. It’s hard to localize the specific point because the muscle one inch
beside the specific point will probably be in an excellent condition. Each of these specific points
when overstressed will produce a specific problem. The stress points will be found in the same
places on every horse. The Jack Meagher approach goes far beyond any other massage therapy.
The accurate therapy is locating and releasing the exact stress point which is in spasm. Of the
influence create a direct relaxation of the muscle.
The Meagher treatment involves
- A Hyperaemia (increase of blood circulation / Direct Pressure)
- Therapeutic motion to the spastic fibres to restore normal motion of shortening and
lengthening. (Cross Fibre Friction)
- Treatment of the entire muscle (Compressions) *Compressions: Pushing in to the muscle so
that it will touch the bone.
Yvonne at work
Is there anything we can do at home to help our horse? Peter Gray MVB MRCVS, a UK vet
specialising in chronic lameness and performance problems, says on his website that “We need to
understand that routine muscle care is vital for all athletic animals. In the past, this was achieved
by daily strapping of all major muscle groups. It helped to disperse waste products of normal
contraction as well as effusions from damaged areas.
For those of us who treated muscular problems in the Sixties and Seventies, there seemed to be a
lower incidence to contend with. Now, perhaps because we are not encouraged to strap, or to
recognise problems in the muscular system, the incidence is far greater. This, too, may reflect
more intensive training regimes, the use of all-weather surfaces, the tendency to use steep
gradients as a means of extra work-loading.
Ideally, strapping will take five to ten minutes per day on each limb. The quarters and shoulders
are massaged, using a wisp or other suitable implement, like a pad. The movement can be an
extension of normal grooming, as when using a brush firmly; or firmer, bringing pressure down
on deeper areas by gentle pounding; or manual, using fingers and palms to encourage suppleness.
Many won't have time to strap, this being the reason the exercise became obsolete in the first
place. However, any effort to soften the heavier muscles of the shoulder and pelvic roof have to
be an advantage to the horse and reduce the incidence of lameness coming from this source.”
Samsara have taught me a simple thing we can all do. After we’ve tacked up, (for riding, lunging
or driving) and before we start work, we can stretch our horse’s shoulders. Many years ago I was
taught to pull the horses forelegs forward from the knee to smooth the skin and hair beneath the
girth. This is a development on this but instead we take the horse’s foreleg forwards supporting
the hoof and fetlock. To ensure we don’t strain our own muscles as we do this we must engage
our core, rotate our pelvis and flex our knees as shown in the previous photographs.
In Iberian equitation the horses are taught the Spanish walk. This is an expressive variant of the
walk where the horse really extends his forelegs forward. Again this form of walk will be a good
way of getting our horse to really work through and stretch the muscles in his shoulders.
I asked:
How do you know that a horse has good musculature? What things do you look at?
They said:
“The horse looks in proportion. He has a balanced physique. Depends on type a lean event horse
will look different to a showjumper. Depends on discipline.” Sue Dyson.
“Size and shape of muscle groups. Whole horse conformation. Cannot always tell by just
looking.” Sue Devereux
“Everything fits, balanced and natural....”William Micklem
“Generally speaking, the Lipizzaners have a very athletic muscularity, a strongly built back and
well trained joints. These physical conditions make it possible for our horses to easily perform
the classical School jumps. In order to correct any weaknesses we recommend specific training,
especially the work in hand.” Mr Johannes Hamminger, Stable manager, The Spanish Riding
School at Vienna
I asked:
How do you diagnose muscle problems in horses?
They said:
“Palpation (feeling the muscles) and gently testing the range of motion , looking for symmetry on
both sides of the horse, watching the horse work, blood tests for CK and AST, less commonly
muscle biopsy. Taking an accurate history is important” Sue Devereux
“By eye and touch” Lynn Henry
I asked:
What treatments do you recommend for muscular problems?
They said:
“It depends what the diagnosis is. It may include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication,
chiropractic, osteopathy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, rest, change of diet, controlled exercise,”
Sue Devereux
“First diagnose the root cause of the problem. Is the muscle painful because of a blockage in the
skeleton or in the muscle? If it's in the muscle then early intervention is essential. Massage and
rest can sometimes help for small initial problems. Otherwise for bigger problems our Samsara
Massage oil can work. For problems that have not been recognised early our strong massage oil is
the only solution we know. Massage can help, stretching can certainly help but if the muscle is
not fixed and comes under load again it will fail.” Stephen Goodridge
“It depends on how recent or longstanding the problem is. Acute-anti-inflammatory treatments
such as cold therapies & rest. Sub-acute to chronic: electrical stimulation & exercises to
encourage the correct pattern of muscle firing, this can be from as basic as the horse standing still
and being requested to shift its balance to more in depth pole work exercises in hand to specific
lateral work exercises under saddle. Manual techniques to release muscle spasm, increase range of
movement, reduce pain and return normal biomechanics. Muscle strengthening exercises.
Electrical stimulation to encourage chronic wasted muscle to start to receive an impulse and start
firing. Electrical & manual therapies to dampen down the effect of over active/tight muscle.
Stretching.” Louise Carson
I asked sports coach, FL, about how he deals with muscle injuries. He told me “First of all ice!
Second, lots of water and some extra protein. After 2 weeks some stretching. In the 3rd week
back to the normal bodybuilding training (the stretch is very, very light). After a month increase
the stretch, and after 5 weeks some balistic stretch to test in a "controlled" situation if the
muscles are really healed. If the injury is really bad some anti inflammatory is taken on the first 2
weeks beside the ice. I try to focus my mind on now and the next steps only.”
These days we are always in a rush. We want everything and we want it now. But there are no
quick fixes with living systems. The trick is not about being able to do something now…it is
whether we are still able to do it 5 or 10 years hence. We are impressed by speed but at what
sacrifice to sustainability? It is no coincidence that the SRS takes 7-8 years to train a horse and
that those horses will still be performing well into their twenties.
In conclusion…
Our horse’s musculature is our responsibility as horse owners. Not the trainers. Not the
dressage judges. Not the vets. Not the physios. Not the farriers. Ours.
I asked each of my correspondents what single thing a horse owner could do to prevent muscular
problems in her horse. Sue Devereux said “There is no single thing. Everything matters.
Stable management, amount of turnout, feeding, worming, foot balance, shoeing, saddle fit,
training regime, skill of rider and trainer, the surface it trains on, to mention but a few. Regular
checks by a good chiropractor/osteopath, acupuncturist, massage therapist, physiotherapist are
invaluable in the performance horse or indeed any horse. These practitioners will detect and
treat problems before they become apparent to the owner in many cases ie prevent them from
developing into more serious injuries limiting the performance of the horse. Some horses and
some conditions respond better to one type of therapy compared to another. It is really
important to know your horse and take action at the first sign of anything being wrong. It is also
important to make sure the practitioner is properly qualified and to have confidence in them.
Everyone involved in caring for the horse should work as a team”
I will leave the last word to Lavina Mitchell who pointed out that the key is education. We riders
owe it to our horses to learn to recognise what a healthy horse looks like, feels like and behaves
like…..and to know what we can do to help him stay that way. I hope reading this article has
inspired you to do just that.
About the author: Kerry Turner is a management consultant, author, freelance journalist and
dedicated lover of horses. In 2011 she met Stephen Goodridge of Samsara Equitation which
engaged her interest in researching this important topic. To find out more about Samsara see To find out more about Kerry and her book see and
Kerry is planning to organise Horse Muscle Management seminars in France and the UK. To
register an interest and to find out more send Kerry an email at
About Stephen Goodridge: Stephen is in the process of planning his return to the UK from an
intensive 3 year, 7 day-a-week, 12 hours-a-day training with one of the world’s top horsemen,
Willy Sidorak. Willy cuts a controversial figure in the horse world with his uncompromising
approach to sport horse development but no-one can question his knowledge of horses or the
quality of the horses he produces both physically and mentally. Stephen is the first person to
have completed the course and now wants to bring the message he learned with Willy back to the
UK, that we who love horses must all unite for the good of the horse. Our horses are constantly
‘talking’ to us and it is up to us to learn to understand their language.
The author would like to thank:
Dr Sue Dyson MA VetMB DEO PhD FRCVS (; Sue Devereux BA BVSc MRCVS
(; William Micklem FBHS
(; Jo Bower MSc Eq S
(; Yvonne Sidorak of;
Monique de Rijk of Atletischerijkunst in the Netherlands; Peter Smith EDT; Mr. Johannes
Hamminger (; Lynne Varley; Lavinia Mitchell
(; Lesley Taylor
(; Sue Norton; Louise Carson
(; Glenn Hasker;
Colleen Meyer (; Andrew Day
(; Lynn Henry
(; George Archer
(; Jay Tovey DWCF
(; Stewart Hastie MRCVS
(; Peter Gray MVB MRCVS
( and, of course, Willy Sidorak and Stephen Goodridge,
without whose inspiration this article would never have been written.
demands exc capability
(muscle tone)
muscle injuries
play O
(q of surface)
(muscle injuries)
hand massage
q of massage
pain/inflammation O
water massage
use of painkillers
q f breeding
q of conformation
(# movement)
(ad lib forage)
(# movement)
fibre in diet
(hy dration)
effective excretion
q of stable hy giene O
(hy dration)
freshness of food
q of paddock care
Dirty stable O
q of feet
confidence in feet
q of food
q of shoeing/trimming
q of surface
(muscle injuries) O amt of training
stable design
(muscle injuries)
time in stable
(ad lib forage) O
(calm confident mind) O
eating at ground level
q of dental care
q of mouth conformation
bolting feed
meal size O
# movement
q of digestion
q of teeth
available carbs
(q of food)
(q of paddock care)
muscle fuel
worm burden
q of worming programme
(Dirty stable) O
q of air
(stable design)
effective respiration
(q of breathing)
q of water
hy dration
(# movement)
(# movement)
q of circulation
(# movement)
Cardio fitness
(# movement)
(muscle injuries)
(calm confident mind)
(calm confident mind)
feeling safe
ly ing down
muscle relaxation
available protein
q of movement
muscle tone
(q of massage)
(q of digestion)
(q of food)
(worm burden)
muscle renewal
(muscle relaxation)
(q of movement)
q of warm-up/cool down
(# movement)
ad lib forage
(# movement)
(freshness of food)
(freshness of food)
smell of food
taste of food
texture of food
variety of food
appeal of food
(waste disposal)
clarity consistency of training/communication
calm confident mind
(stable design)
q of breathing
confronting fears
(demands exc capability )
(muscle relaxation)
(q f breeding)
(clarity consistency of training/communication)
(effective excretion)
(# movement)
q of lungs
(q of movement)
core muscle strength
engagement of pelvis
q of posture
(q of riding/driving/lunging)
(calm confident mind)
attention on rider
q of riding/driving/lunging
interesting work
(calm confident mind)
smell of food
texture of food
q of dental care
taste of food
freshness of food
eating at ground
appeal of food
variety of food
q of mouth
q of teeth
meal size
bolting feed
ad lib forage
<# movement>
q of digestion
q of food
<q f breeding>
available carbs
confronting fears
q of paddock care
calm confident
clarity consistency of
q of worming
<Dirty stable>
worm burden
q of air
<stable design>
available protein
muscle fuel
stable design
q of water
q of breathing
q of circulation
demands exc
Cardio fitness
q of lungs
core muscle
# movement
engagement of
q of movement
<calm confident
amt of training
q of posture
q of
waste disposal
time in stable
muscle renewal
muscle tone
muscle injuries
q of warm-up/cool
q of surface
attention on rider
interesting work
muscle relaxation
confidence in feet
<Dirty stable>
q of conformation
q of feet
q of massage
<calm confident
<q of food>
q f breeding
q of stable hygiene
water massage
<# movement>
<q of surface>
q of
effective excretion
hand massage
Dirty stable
lying down
feeling safe
fibre in diet
use of painkillers
<# movement>
<ad lib forage>
Every two years until 1960 the Ministry of Agriculture carried out a census of horses in the UK.
In June 1922 there were 1,340,000 domesticated horses and ponies. Of which 805,000 were for
agricultural purposes.
In June 1953 there were 282,000 domesticated horses and ponies. Of which 180,000 were for
agricultural purposes.
In June 1960 there were 138,000 domesticated horses and ponies. Of which 46,000 were for
agricultural purposes.
In 2006 the ILPH carried out its own survey and assessed the current equine population of the
UK as 1,350,000. I very much doubt that there are more than the 1960 contingent of 46,000
working farm horses. So that leaves at least 1,300,000 horses in the care of whom???????
A friend who wishes to remain anonymous told me: “I was working with horses in Newmarket in
the late fifties, at the low tide of the equine population and can remember the old men and
women that were still possessors of horse knowledge that had been handed down to them by
their ancestors for centuries.
Certainly some of their methods were rough and ready, often bordering on the cruel and would
never be tolerated today but their overall husbandry kept the equine population in a far better
physical state than they appear to be today. The instances of poor management were very soon
pointed out and severely criticised by a large body of knowledgeable onlookers not least by
‘Horse Vets’ whose word was law. Nowadays Obesity, Laminitis, Colic, Chronic lameness, lack
of condition and plain dangerous, bad manners are not just widespread but apparently endemic.
The explosion in books, magazines, web sites, forums, demonstrations and experts showing the
new batch of horse owners and trainers how to ‘school’ horses is mind boggling. These new age
experts offer the complete novice to horse ownership the delusion that with the purchase of a
special head collar and long lead rope; the art of ‘Join Up’; the Myler Combination Bit and bridle;
the ‘Be Good’ knotted head collar; the ‘Moody Mare’ calming paste; the patented ‘Balancing
Reins’ as used by international show jumper Fred Bloggs. With these they can overnight turn
their unwilling, often dangerously cantankerous mount into a certain winner. The option of long
term training with a strict routine of steady progressive steps along a well planned and monitored
path never enters their heads.
The fad for treating horses in the same way as the family pet dog is completely wrong. All a dog
wants to do is please and get praise from its handler and good dog training emphasises this trait.
A horse just wants to stay in his field and eat grass. Certainly there are horses that are more
willing to work than others but they would all still prefer to stay in the field given the choice.
Ask any professional that has to work on a daily basis with horses and ponies Farriers, Dentists,
Physios, Vets and you will hear the same sad tales of owners making excuses for equines that are
downright rude and a danger to themselves and others around them saying that they are
boisterous, nervous or worst of all ‘a bit of a character’.”
How do we know the difference between a naughty horse and one that is in pain?